The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 20, 1864, Image 2

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V- 'VI. tire*
.Z.7..ker, Editor.
anicr. Eltttoral, titttft
S?r , l RiAt:
Moitrort , ficilAiL, r Philadelphia,
THOieAS H. CvNivrNonarc, Beaver co
13. Elias: W. Hall,
14: Chas; - 11. Shrtner,
15. John Wistei%;
1. Robert P. King,
2. 'Geo. M. Coates,
3. 41enry Bumm,
16. D. Ilpeonaughy,
17. Da'vid W. Woods,
18. Isaac Beam,
19. John Patton,
4. Wm. R. Kern,.
5. t ßartin H.'Jenks,'
6. , Chas: X. , Runk,
6. Robert Parke.
7. Wm. Taylor, '
8. Jno. A. Hiestand,
9. R.. 11 Coryell,
20.' &slue/ B. Dick,
21 Everhard Bizrer,
,22. Jahn P. Penney, •
,23: zer M'Junkin,
24. Blanchard.
11. Ethwd.'
12. Chas. F. Reed,
ilk The new enrollmont act does not
affect the rights of persons conscien
tiously opposed - to bearing arms, in re
spect s tb ctiminatation or the procure:
' ment of substitutes.• They .can still pay
$300; to' be applied to hospital uses, or
go into the hospitals , as attendants for
the term for which they were drafted.
They thust, , hOweoer, show that by, pre
vious religious profession, they are, and
have' been; gentine non-resistants on
4onscientions grounds. Practically,
this exemptionis restricted to the So
ciety of Friends, and his no application
to Copperheads who of course are: con
scientious as to this war.'
ear The Washington Star states that
the Union prisoners pliiced by the reb
els under fire lit Charleston, have all
been,exchanged. The rebels, finding
'that, an equal number of their own of -
cars had been placed in a hot place in
Chetleston harbor, concluded that their
amicable little piece of strategy wouldn't
work, and the result was that they
"caved," as above stated. The fleet sa
luted. the exchanged officers, and Admi
ral Dahlgren entertained them aboard
hie ship.
ogar The new State Military bill pro.
pates to raise thirteen regiments of in
fantry, two of cavalry and one of artillery,
for State defence ; also, directing the
immediate enrollment of the militia,
providing for a loan of three millions .of
dollars," and empowering the Governor
to seize:railroads and telegraph lines,
take cavalry and artillery horses, and all
other property necessary for public ser
vice.: He has. the power to appoint one
major general and two brigadiers.
fir Deep Bottom, the place secured
by the recent advance on the James
river, is four miles nearer to Richmond
than Malvern Bill. It is only twelve
miles from that city by' the New Mar
-I[kt road. It is the key to the high and
healthful piece of country immediately
south and east of Richmond, and be
tween that city and White . Oak Swamp,
ar The Democrats of the copperhead
persimeion seem to have a regard for
the fitness of things. They have illus
trated this in a striking manner, by
changing t.heiime for holding their Na
tional Convention from the 4th of July,
ths,birthday of .timeriean Independence,
to, the 29th of August, the birthday of
oia- The new stamp duties took effect
vane first of this month, and it concerns
everybody to know that itll 'receipts for
amounts over twenty dollars. and all
checks or drifts - at sight, whatever the
amount,' Must have a two•cent stamp.
Several changed' are . also made
other stamp duties.
The ,German Catholic Church at
Joliet, Illinois, was struck - by lightning
on the 31st ultimo,. during the service.
Five persons were instantly killed and
fourteen severely injured, three of whom
have since died.
ear The , Clifton House, on the Cana
da sido at`Niagara.Falls, has been pur.
chased brJohnT.:Huah, late proprietnr
of the International;.: for 450,000 in
Canada funds.; - •
Gir The Washington h otels
, are going
to charge four dollarti per day this ala
i.: i,:gappy are the men who don't
4 ttlpend the , ainter in the city of
dent distances and unequalled
e..number of rebel priboners in
:possession exceed 62,000, of whom
100 are officers. It is stated that the
bels bitv'e less then 30,000 of ours,
lir The Emperor of Brazil patronizes
in person an American circus company,
now performing in his capital city.
sar Flour is selliug at s3o,a barrel in
Utah ; Pork 50c; Sugar Slr
ter a lapse of three and a half years
. we
Rave at last been officially notified of
the causes which led to the death of Mr.
James H. Jackson, the former proprie
tor of the Marsiall House in this city.
In the inquisition paper returned to the
County Court on Thursday last it is re.
corded that "at an inquest held at the
Marshall House, in the county of Alex
andria, on the 24th day of May, 1861,
before James A. English, Justice of the
Peace and acting Coroner, upon a view
or the body of James H. Jackson, then
lying dead," The jury rendered their ver
dict' in these words ; "'Chat the said
James El. Jackson was killed by an
armed force of Federal. troops while he
vas in the defence of his house and of
his private' rights."—Alexandria Journ
Mary E. Wise, a female private
of the 34th Indiana Volunteers, present
ed herself at ' the Paymaster General's
officeice moiningcl drew ,13e; Pay for
two years' military service. She was in
numerous engagement's in the west, and
wonnded .. three times, the last at the
battle of Lookout mountain., The ball
took effect in the shotilder.' She was
dressed 'in male attire, and was conveyed
from the battlefield to the hospital.
On,the surgeon coming round to dress
her wound her sex was discovered, and
she was mustered out of service.
cer The rebel Admiral Bachanao,
whose'criptu're with the' rebel ram Ten
nesse'e, liagbeen annOunced, was among
the older ocer's in'the active seivine in
the navy when the war broke Ont. He
was in grave doubt whether to cast in
his lot with the traitors or not. After
his resignation had been accepted he
sought to withdraw it, but was not allow
ed to do so. It will be remembered
that he commanded the Merrimac in her
famous encounter with the Monitor, and
was then wounded.
Same time ago there was an agi
tation in , the lower part •of the city,
caused by the birth of a'child, which ut
tered the word "war," and then died.
The same circle in which this mybteri
ous stranger made such a sensation
now agitated by another phenomenon.
A day or two ago, an infant came into
the world in South Troy, which had dogs
paws instead of feet. fore is a theme
for local gossip.
The slur upon the people of Penn
sylvania-that "whe ‘ n the foe is upon
them In arms; they call to the rest of
the world to come and fight for them,"
comes with a very bad grace from a city
like New York, which required the gov
ernment at Washington to, take from
the field the troops which were defend
ing the Union, to prevent its own me
tropolitan mob from destroying it.
Miss Ann Wade died in Orange,
New Jersey, last week, after so extraor
dinary sickness of twenty seven years,
during twenty-five years of which she
has not left her bed. She was first af
fected with an aneurism just above the
heart, which led to a combination of
diseases has attracted the attendance of
over forty physicians.
Q®' It is understood on goad authori
ty that Secretary Fessenden will remain
in office only a short time—the delfcate
state of his health rendering him quite
unequal to the heavy duties required.
On this . accotint he hesitated long about
accepting the post for even a limited
period ;!but the emergency allowed him
no choice.
fir The Riehmond Examiner makes
mention of a barrel of flour hauled
through the streets of that city in a
hearse, to which the Peoria Transcript
adds '!Ave apprehend that a'great'deal of
the flower of Richmond has Veen hauled
in the same kind.of vehicle since the re
bellion commenced,
lir The new stamp duties went into
operation on the first instant. It con
cerns everybody to kn - ow 'that all re- .
ceipta for amounts over twenty dollars,
and all checks or drafts at sight, what
over the amount, mast have a two-cent
isiir A story is told of a deserter, who
has a glass eye, which he used to take
out when he wanted to get dischtirged,
or when, after running away, he wished
to avoid detection, He entered and
left the service twelve times, and will
'now leave it for the last time, as he is
to be shot. understood that the sentence
of this dourt-martial in the case of Sur
geon General Hammond is,' that he be
suspended froin his rank and pay for
Ahree years: Major-General Wallace
has been ordered to resume command of
the Eighth Army Corps.
The New Yerk Herald, hereto:
fore a strong advocate of Gen. WOW.
lan for the. Presid.e.ncy. has turned the
cold Shoulder to the "young Napoleon,"
and concluded that he is not "available."
\ .
. er General Scott refers to qt as "a
striking. fact, that , three•eit-Vice Presi
dentai'Aarpn Barr, 'John C.: •Cilhoun,
and John 0; Breckiuridge; became, each
,gethia day, a leader in treason,"
• , a. , W4 ' ' ----" '
lir „Incredible it may seem, in, ny,
of the-richest planters in Jamaica I've
on coffee grounds, • - ,
General News Items.
An attempt to rob the Pa s saic Cdunty
Bank, at Patterson, N. .71 Thursday
night, was th‘irted by a drunken fellow
who. about midnight, threW himself . on
the steps to sleep. His foot struck the
door, and the robbers leaped from the
window, leaving behind their tools and
A handsome national Nag was present
ed to Ishmael Day, the old loyalist who
shot a rebel at Baltlinore, a short time
Since. A "presentation address was
made, and Mr. Day was so overcome by
emotion as to be unable to respond.
The Chicago Jhurnat says ihare is a
movement making in that city to employ
women as conductors on street railways,
and that all the companies are in favor
of it.
Wherever any conversation was had
with` the rebelein the course - of 'their
recent riid into Maryland,therexpre's
rid 'the'
.opitiion that (len. - IWcolellain .
should be at the head of the Unio - n
mies. Their sympatidzers at the North
bold the same *opinion.
The York ( '!'rue Democrat under
stands that quite a. number of recruits
for, the one year's, service, who, previous
to the late election, had intended to
credit themselves to the townships,in
which they reside, now positively refuse
to do so : because,those townships, .by
majority, declared that the soldier had
uo right to vote. ;
Mrs. Ex-President Tyler pre ,, ents her
compliments to•the editor of tbe - INew
York Herald, and states that she h'ae. no
marriageable daughter, and the story of
the romantic marriage of a member of
her family to 'a soldier on the James
river is "pure fiction;
The Alochester Democrat- speaks of
Senator McDougall, of, California, as
buFing, in one Obis brawls, hired a dirty
prostitute to play the tamborine while
be danced,to the music, in b•road day. :
light, on , the sidewalk of Penugylvania
Amongst the prisoners captured in
one of the recent fights near Atlanta
was a ragged dirty fellow, who had
buckled around,him the belt of, the late
Peace bas been concluder! between
Denmark and the allies . , The mere (kid
is announced, not the conditions.
ax .-- Pope Pius has occupied the pon
ti6cial chair since 1846, and is advanced
in years and , decrepit in health. The
question of •his . aticcessor is more discus
sed of late than any act of his. The
Catholic Hierarchy is a venerable order
of men.' The College of Cardinals con
sists of 60; viz: 6 bishops, 50 priests.
and 14 deacons - . A new Pope has to he
elected-from that body.. The population
of the'wbrld in 1863 was estimated at
1,284,738 ; 000. The estimated total
Christian :population was 361,718,000.
The Protestant population was 95,715,
000; the Roritan Catholic population
was 185,041,000. IF these estimates are
correct, the Catholic population is near
ly double the Protestant.
tur A private letter says Hooker is
Aim looking man dress him in a citizen's
suit and you would pick him out for a
General. Sherman (great as he is) you
would not select fora good second lieu
tenant. General. Thomas you would
think a well-to-do farmer, were he not
in uniform.
ilgir "The Lsidy's Friend," for Septeth
ber is out. The steel engraving, "Blind
Piper," is fine, but the double fashiOn
plate is superb ; by the way, we observe
one of the ladies on the plate wears the
nob-talked of high-haaled Russian boot.
Who would not be out of the Draft?
,BUT Atha which effects us in connection
n wtih flip Amin, is nor tiV , " only one—the
.braft upon -the roeuwi - :these'timeaii.equally
a evere-,consequehtly wepi„trehasegoodswhere
we' get them cheapest. '
Jolaaa .SlDangler,
Would take this method of informin, the pub
lic that he is now brepared to furnish anything
in his line of business,' such as
Glass, Oils, -Varnishes,
Stoves, Iron, Carpenter's Tools, Hinges,
Bolts, Locks, Nails . , all kinds of
BUilding matSrial; ConchmokePs
• GoOds, - . C'ederware, -Clocks,
Fancy Atticlea in large variety, with a full as
sortment of shelf, goods generally, which he
will 'sell at the ldwest • inices,'-vholesale cirre Call and examir.e the stock.
Ma.ict:a, March 5).1864.
Merchant Tailor, and Clothier,
•At F. Kramph's Old Stand. ontherCor
ner of North Queen and Orange'
' Streets, Lancaster,' Penn'a.
QR ATE"? U L to the Citizens of Marietta
and vicinity, for ibe ..liberal. patronage
theretofeire•eitetidee the undersigned respect
filly solicits a continuance of the same; as
suring them, that under all mrcumstances;'ile
efforts will be spared ip renOring a siwisilictdry
equivalent for every actof con fidente reposed.
Cz,opss, t;pssrsiaaEs q „ar D, V ksztimA, and
such' other seasonible Material as fashion and
the.inarketiurnishes, constantly •kupt , oh hand
= and manufactured to ordeE, pron4p43',,and rea
sonably, iiitasie or 'style may suggest
. V•KA DE. C.I.:OT.HINCi, • '
ccagenico;!s Purnishing,Gooodi
and such articles as usually belong . to Mer
chant Tailoring and Clothing.establishment."
LY°ll l SlPefiddicalTropa, and Cleft's Fe
male Pills, at 2 . 6,4 coiken.Morkr.
i f - A R D ca ,r-__
:F. 'a,t - tr,c)2.2. cc C."O-,
Keep constantly on hand a full stock of Buil
ding Material, Nails,
IR 0N : Rolled and Hammered
Iron, Steel, Horse-Shoe Bars,
Norway Naal Rods, Hoop and Band Iron,
tiorse-Slote Nails, Belts; Files, Rasps, etc:
Tubs,'Churns, Cedar Stands,
Wain Boards, Buckets,
'Knives and •For‘s,
Sad Irons, Kraut Cutters, Waiters, Brass and
I Copper Kettles, Clothes, Wringers, Pans,
Iron Ladle's, Meat Stands, Coal Oil
'Lamps, Shades and Lanterns, Tea
Scales, Coffee Mills, Painted
Chamber Setts, &c., &c.
Forks,; Shovels, Hoes, Spades, Horse Brushes,
Wheel Grease, Fish, Sperm and Lubric Oils,
Cistern Pumps,
Long and Short . Traces,
Breast Chains, 81. c„ &c.
T 0 O. L.S Hand and Wood Saws, Hatchets,
Chopping and. Iland Axes,
Planes, Chid:eta,
Augers and .Auger Bits, Braces, Prunning
Hooks and Shears, &c., &c. •
Thankful. forpast patronage, we hope to merit
and receive.a continuance of the same..
Marietta, July 30, 1864. tf
rpt-TE immense demand for the products of
loom, to - clothe an d'shelter.o'nr rapid
ly increasing army, has created a great scarci
ty of many fabrics. We'are pleased, however,
to announce to our customers and the public
generally that by
we have anticipated their wiinta, .and now
have a beautiful stock of
A t lower prices than they now can be purchased
in the Eastern Markets.
Cur Stock embiaces everything new, dura
ble and desirable in
Ladies Dress Material,
Spring Cloaks ,S^• Cloaking,
Colored and Black Silks.
Balmoials, Shawls, Skirts.. linisery,
Gloves, Belts.. Embroideries. ' .
For Dress and Business Suits, made up to or
der wh•:n desired. A tine Assortment of
Woolen, Cotton and Linvi Publics
fur Men and Youths.
'Sheeting; Counterpanes, Blankets, Linen oE
naburgs, Diaper, Crash, Feathers, Ingrain,
Stair and .Rag Carpets, Table and
Floor Oil Cloths, Window
Globs and Queensware. &c.
Syrups, Sugars, Salt,
Teas, Fish, , Sc.
Oi=actica.L Ofaiteic,
Takes this means of informing his old cus
tomers and the public generally, that he has
retaken the old stand (recently occupied by
George L. Nlackley,) and is now permanently
fixed to prosecute
Having just returned from the city where
he selected a large, varied and fashionable
assortment ofererythiag in the
and now' only asks an examination of his
stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere - .
raving also laid in a stock of Hutting mate
rial, he will be enabled, at short notice, to
manufactnre all qualities—from the common
Soft to the most Fa:hionable Silk Hat.
Employing none but the best of workmen,
and monuNoturing good goods,ot low prices,
he hopes to merit and - receive a liberal share
of public patronage 1 - ' ; 'The highest price
paid for Fure—in trade or cash.
OLi R oWN DOCTOR." The new
Illustraied Elydropathic Encyclope
dia : A complete system of Hydropathy and
Hygiene, Anatomy and Physiology of the Hu
man trodKollustrated; Preservation of Health;
Dietetics and Cookery ; Theoty and Practice
of iViedicine, with •Home Treatments Special
Pathology .and Byclro•Therapeulics, Nature,
Causes, Symptoms and Treatment ofall known
diseases , Application to Surgery, Midwifery,
and the Nursery. 300 Engravings, and near
ly 1,000 pages with Glossary and Index, com
plete. BY 'P. TRALL, M. D. Price,
prepaid by first emil, $4. ~;Address
• 389 Broadway, New-York.
"Of all the publications which have attain
ed auen a wide Popularltl - ; as issued'hy Few
ler.& , Wells, none are more adapted -to'ecuer
al utility than this rich comprehensive and
well•aranged Encyclopedia."—N. Y. Tribune
auech 4 s elock ape iebiettli
•,, : H. L. &E. J. ZARM
. ,^ .D.ESPECTFULLY inform then
.p. 11, frietids and the public that they
i 0 • atill:continUe the WATCH, CLOCK
r .t.--, n ?JD JEWELRY huainemat the old
stand, North - West - Corner"of North'
- Queen stieei and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa.
A full assortmeAt of goods in our line of bust
•nese alvtraye'en hand and.for sale at the totvoit
cash rated' ' lla• Repairing attended to per-
tonally,by ,the proprietors. . . :.
Lancakter, January 1 1859.
, ,
Pointer, Glazier and. Paper Hanger. •
I[l] CIULD' most iespeetfuHF inform the ot
-111 izens t of Marietta apdt the public gener
ally that lie, is prepared, to do
House `Painting; •
Paper Hanging.,
At, very short notice., ~ertliat prices to quit the
times. He can be foubd at his inotneils redi
dance on the corner of Chesnut and Secon..l
streets, a few doors below the M. E. Church,
and 'i nthediately oppbsite the old Oberlin
Coach Winks. [Aug. 3-Iy.
Tile Patent Conlin. Reflectorlantern.
rri HIS is the most. desirable Lantern in the
1 market.- It burns Coal Oil - without a
Chimw. emit ting,neither smoke nor
Tt gties'a.litire white: light: ' • ' •
It stands. t
quick moons in any ,direction.
The flame is regulated frotn the outside.
It:is neat and compact in foint and size.
It. is free from.sokier in the
.parta, and
is otherwise very substantial in its structure.
Por-sale at JOHN SgAliVLNIt'S_ • • t
Hardware Store.: on Market street.
v,V, Superior. Old Brarrdylphijtya,Whiskey,
Holland Gin; Old . .MEVRriai , Liipen,Bherry and
Pert Wines. - •
Pittsburg4Wkiskey allvOsonihand at the
lowent 'market prices. Very gine, Brandy at
a' very leikr- fikure. i •
J. R. DIFFEND ACM Ilferket-st.
Friends and Relatives of the brave
Relative.; m toe Army or Navy, t•Moihi
lake special care. that they be amply supplied
with these Oil:, And Ointment; and where the
brave Soldiets and Sailors have neglected to
provide themselves with them, no better pres
ent can be scot them by their friends. They
have been proved to be the Soldier's never
failing-ftieri in the hour of.need.
Coughs and Colds affecting Tioops
Will be speedily relieved and effectually
cured by using these admirable medicines, amid
by paying proper attention to the Directions
Which are attached to each Pot or Box•
Sick. headache and want of Appetite Incident,
Those feelings which so sadden Ms, usually
arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed
prespiration, or'eating•and thinking tvhatever
is unwholesome, thus disturbing the healthful
action of-the liver and stomach:.. These organs
must be relieved, if you,desire to do well.—
The Pills, taking according to the printed
instructions, will quicklyproduce a healthy ac
tion in both liver and stomach, and as a natu
ral consequence a clear head and good s.ppelite.
TVeak;tess and„ D"ebility',induced by
Will soon disappear by the use of these in.
valuable Pills, and the Soldier will quickly
acquire additional strength. Never let the
bowels be either confined or unduly acted
upon. It may seem strange that Holloway's
Pills should be recommended for Dysentery
and Flux, many persons supposing that they
would increase the relaxation. This is a
great mistake, for these Pills will correct the
liver and stomach and thus remove all the
acrid burnouts from the system. This medi
Line will give tone and vigor to the whuit
organic system however deranged, while
health and strength follow as a matter of
course. Nothing will stop the relaxation of
the Bowels so sure as this famous medicine.
Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings
can with certainty be radically cured if the
Pills are taken night and morning - 4. and the
Ointment be freely used as stated in the printed
nstructions. If treated in any tither manner
they ery up in one part to break out in another.
Where is this Ointment will remove the
liumurs - fr9m the system and leave the patient
a vigorous tind - healthy man. It will require
a little perseverance in bad 'cases to insure a
For Wounds either occasioned by the Bayonet
Sabre or the Bullet, Sores or Bruises,
Tn which every Soldier and Sailor are liable
there are no' medicines so safe, sure and con
venient as Holloway's Pills and Ointment.—
The poor wounded and almost' dying sufferer
might have his wounds dressed immediately,'
if he would only provide himself with this
matchless Ointment, which should be thrust
into the wound and smeared all around it.'then
cover it with a piece of linen frilly his .I.;"map
seek and compressed with a handkerchief.—
Taking night and mornium ' 6 or S Pills, to coot
the sysKni and prevent itiflamation.
Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's
Chest should be provided with these invalua
ble Remedies.
IMPORTATZT CA VI-lON !—Norie are genuine
unless the words 44 HOLLOWA Nrw
and Lotions . ," are discernible as; a Water
mark in every leatoi the book of directions,
around each pot or box; the same may be
plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light.
A handsome reward will be given 4ni any one
rendering such information as.may . lead to the
detection of any parry or parties counterfeiting
the medicines or vending the same, knowing
then . ) to be spurion4 ;
•."Sold at the Manufactory of Professor
HOLLOWAY, SO Maiden Lane, New York 7
and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers
in Medicine thiongboot the civilized world,
in pots of boxes, ar3oc.loc. and $l.lO each,
N.l3.—Directions fo'r the guidance of patients
in every disorder arc affixed to each pot.
Deniers in my welt known medicines can
have Snow CA ens, CI ECU LA aS, &i.e., sent them,
FREE OF JEXPENSE, by addressing
SO Maiden Line, New-York.
Itk- There is :con ti4;erabie saving by taking
the laiger f Dec 20- ly
. .
I want 100.000 persoris to apply to rue for
samples of my valuable agricultural and fruit
growing paper, 'The Rural American,' UticA,
N. V., WI. VIII, (a beautiful semi-monthly)
which will be sent from July. 1564, to Janua
ry, 1,565, for ONLY FIT CY cENTs, and
every subscriber will receive in Septerriber,
and pad paid, Ihb full amount of his
abbscription in Mussel's Great Pi-Artie Straw-
Plants, which is the largest and most prolific
in existence, bearing frim 200 to 300 berries to
a single plant, some of which are as large as
Hen's eggC. Or subscri'im's may have'a fine
Delaware Concorrl, Diana, Rebecca, or Hart
ford Prolific Grape Vine, free, if preferred:
My specimen papers are sent free, postpaid,
which give the full details of all my liberal of
fers, in vines, &c., to subscribers and to club
agents. Therels no humbug at all in this mat
ter, as I have an immense supply of plants and
vines, growing' on my faro, la Clinton Oneida
Co., N. V., where all letters Must be addressed.
M.ney sent at my risk, and net one letter in
a thousand fails to reach me. Twerity thous
and vines and plants were sentfree to subscri
bers last Spring, all of which are growing fine
ly. I can furnish all the best varieties of
grape vineelby the dozen, hundred, or thous
and, also the Russell Strawberry plants, all at
low prices.' - T. 13. MINER:-'
11. D. BLAKE,.
• 474 BROADWAY; N• 12".
No Dirt. ...2\o Smoke. No' - Smell
Will Boil, Broil, RoaJ Bake, Toast, Stew,
and Heat lions, cheaper.than •
• • Coal or Wood!.
I have ti} and make to order Syrees
and Furnaces for Chemists, Timers, Book
binders, Dentists, Tea Stores, Vulcanizing
Stoves,Thotographer's Ovens, &c., and
dry Irons. Send for a Desmptive :atalog . ue.
I' also manufacture Cosi Oil Stroies, 'for
Cooking. &Heating. Burns the comilion Ke
rosene •Oil, and does the cooking. for a family
for one cent per hour.
H. D. BLAKE, •
• Sole MantifaCturer,
474 Broadway, N. V. .
The American Advertising .and Purchasing
Agency receive orders for the above-named
Merchandize. 'Bus . ..Dep., E. ALVORD. ' Cor
rebp. Dep. 'Fowler &
389 Broadimy, N. Y.
A - Pashionabk •
- '
Boot and! Shoe Manufacturer, •
Would most reSpectititly inform the citizens
of this .Ikrqw4h and net'ghborhood thathe has
the largest assortment r
,of City , made work in'
his line of budiness in this Bbrough, and be
'. mg a practical 1300 T .AND SHOE MAKER
ellablen to select with more judgment
than those who are not. He_continues to man
, ufacture in the .very , best manner, everything.
in theBOOT 'AND .S'HO I E EINE, which he
'aria warrant, fourieapiess and"knod fit. '
!'Call and examine stock before pur
chasing .elsewhere...
SHADES at remarkably low pri , •
'to closeout • JOHN.RANCLER
• Market Sfreat, garie.
1)1.1 Y one of those beautiful. S ; (1; F
ink HATS at Car I.V9 i 92
to Soldier* !
U . 5 . 7-30 LOAN_
The Secretary of the Meanly gives notice
that subseriptions will be received far Coupon
Treasury Notes, pay - able three years from
August lath, 18C4 with aemi.aanual interest
at the rate of seven and three-tentbs per-eent..
per annum,—principal and interest both to b
paid in lawful mcney
These notes will be convertible at the option
of the holder at matunty, into six per cent
gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five
nor more than twenty years from their date,
as the Government may elect. They will be
issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $3OO,
$l.OOO and $3,000, and ell subscriptions must
be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty
The notca will be transmitted to the owners
free of transportation charges as anon alter
the receipt of thr original Certificates. of Dr
posit to they can beprepared
As the notes drnw_ interest from . August Li,
persons roaring deposit's subsequent to' that
date must pay the interest accrued , from date
of note to date of deposit
Phrtien depositing twenty-five thowand dot-
lars and upwards for these notes at any one
time will be alloiced a commission of one
quarter of one per cent. which will be paid
by the Treasury Deps.rtment upon. the receipt
Of a bill for the amount, certified to by the
officer with whom the deposit A - as made. No
deductions for commissions must be made
from the deposits
Spepial Advantages of this Loan
It is a National Savings Bank, offering a
higher rate Ofintereat than auy, miser, and the
best security. Any savings bank which pays
its depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it
is payin 2112 ' best circulating medium of the
country, and it•cannot pay in anything better,
.for its own assets are either in government se-.
tu'ritioa or in notes or bonds payableln govern•
It is equally converient as a ternporary. or
permunent investment. 714'notedniui'aliays
be sold for within a fraction of their face and
accumulated interest, and are the best security
with banks as colateials for discounts
Convert able into a Six per cent, 5-20 Gk,i,l
i addition to the very liberal interest oz the
notes for three sears, this privilege of conver”
ion is now worth about 3 per cent, per an-
num, for the current rate for 540 Bonds Is not
less than 9 per wit. premium, and before the
war the premium on G per cent. U. 6
was 3Ver 20 per cent. It will 1.1.. k Aqini that the
actual profit MI this khan, at the I.icestat mar-
Let rate, is not less titan ten per etrit. p 0.1.4
Ita examptia.
orn State ur MU.7iCip-11 T. 22.260.21
But aside from ail the aovuntuses we have
enumerated, a spceini Act of Congreir, ecetu pt•
all Bonds and Treasury No! es from loesl tas.-
ation. On the average, ilia exemption is
worth abutit two per cent. pv twirium, Acc,)rd
ing to the cute •Jf tax.0::oo vaLiuus pstt3 of.
the country
It is believed that no see Iraies tili:er so gr.!at
irolueeinoots to tenders ti. 3 those isseed by the
governnceni In all other forma of intidhted
-1/033. the fuTtli or ability of privlte pr.rtie3, or
stock. companies, of seperate communities,
jj - , is pledged for payment, trt.,:iti VI; .vt!.ple
propert) of the country tv ate - art the
discharge of all the obligAti JOS of the WiLtcl
Whi2.! the government offers the niJit
al terms fur its luaus, it believes that the very
strongest appeal will tie to the loe-alty and
patriotism of the people
Duplicate certificates will be issued .f,ir alt
deposits. The party depositing mast endoii.
upon the original certificate: the delloininatliSn
of notes required, and`whether they are to be
issued in b.unirotijOsyub.le to order., ' When
so endorsed it nitti'it be left ct.:th the offiser re-
eeiving.the deposit, to be forwarded to the
Tiettsurk Department.
Sups2riptioes will be received by the Treas
urer the United States, at Wasbington, the
several Assistant Treasurers and designated
Depositaries, and bt• the
First National Bank of Marietta,
and by all National. BAnka which.are deposi
taries of publie money, and, all respectable
through*. thd country will give further infot•
[nation and atronievery facility to.subscribers.
August 13, 1864. [3min
/IL. • ' • •
DEPOT :-168, REiDE4T., N. Y.
The above Company are knovn all over:lhp
world as the owners of the Coffee Plaiatationsi
of Java and Batavia in'the Dutch Wit ladled,
and are the largest monopolizers - of Cotrei on
the Globe.
The undersigned (who is appointed !heir
sole Agent in the United States and in the
British Colonies) will have for sale three dif
ferent kinds of COFFEE, tvhiel, for regular.
ity of grade and cheapness of Price, will defy
, Our " BATATITA COFFEE)) never, before
i trodueed in this country, but extensively
used in the Armies and Navies of Europe raid
richly valued, will be 'par up at prices to come
within the 'reach_ of all consumers, .and our
EXTRA JAVA will be>the Magnum Bernina
Coffee of the age.
We will Vitye,:for accommodation of Gra
certzi, .ratnilie§' and Government • Contractors,
samples (dry, add drawn) (nr testing. (In receipt of cash, Coffee
promptly forwarded as directed.
A. LIPPMAN, 168 Reade.-st., N. Y.
Sole agent, D. E. I. C. Coinpany.
After an absence of nearly three years in
the .Navy ann••Army of the United States has
returned to the Borough of Marietta and re
sumed the practice of Medicine.
E? Es iecial attention paid to.Sergical easel
in which branch of his .profession he has bad
OFFICE in his privetervAidenee r—entranc%
at the Hall dtrr.