The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 20, 1864, Image 1

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y3itter 'VCTina of
A PURE and powerful TONIC, Corrective
1-1 and Alterative, of wonderful efficacy in
diseases of the storitack, Liver and Bowels.
r e•s
Liver Complaints
• Headache, General
Debility, Nervousness, De
pression of Spirits, Constipation,
Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the
Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for
Fool, Fullness or 'Weight in the Stomach,
Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the
Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Dif
cult Breathing, Yellowness of the
Skin and Kyes, Fever and
Dull pains in the Head,
Pain in the Side,
Back, Chest and
It will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous
Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and
Diseases arising, from a disordered
Stomach, Good for Male or Fe
male, Old of Young.
The most beneficial medicine known ; gives
better satiVaction and cures more diseases
than any other preparation offered to the pub
lic. Prepared, solely by S. A. KUNKEIL &
BItO., 1.8 Market street, Harrisburg.
For sale by druggists and dealers everywhere.
-- ~ --~
As UunirePs Bitter Wine of Iron is the only
sure and effectual remedy in the known world
for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and De
bility, and as there ara a number of imitations
°floret' to the public, we would cautiOn the
cornmunit) to purchase none but the genuine
article, manufactured by S. A KUNKLE &
Rao., and has their stamp on the top of the
cork of every bottle. The very fact that others
arc attempting to imitate this valuable reme
dy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in
its favor. . _
The Rater Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent
and $1 ittl bottles, and sold by all tespectable
druggists throughout the country. lie partic
ular that every bottle bears the fac simile of
the proprietor's signature.
This Wine includes the most agreeable and
efficient Solt of Iron we possess ; Citrate of
Magnetic Uxide combined, with the most en
ergetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvian
bark. The effect in many cases of debility,
loss of appetite, amt general prostration, of
an efficient Salt of Iron, combined with our
volatile Nerve Tonic, is most happy. it
suemenls the appetite, raises the pulse, takes
Mt muscular flabbiness, removes the pallor of
debility, and gives ti florid vigor to the coun
118 /Market Street,
ror sale:by all respectable dealers through
out the country. [Ju
ed - '4W
TIAMILETTE. This Fertilizer is composed
of night soil and the fertilizing elements of
(nuke combined, chemically and mechanically
with other valuable fertilizing agents and ab
It is reduced to a pulverized condition, rea
dy for immediate use, and without lost of its
highly nitrogeuous fertilizing properties.
lts universal application to all crops and
soils, and its durability and active qualities,
are well known to be all that agriculturists
can disire. PRICI: $25 PKR Toy.
etHEMICA E. COMPOST. This Fertilizer
is largely, composed of animal matter,
such as meat, bone, Oh...leather, hair and
wool, together with chemicals and inorganic
fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and re
tain the nitrogenous elements. It is thorough
ly impregnated With urine, and the thinner
poi dons of night soil.
t is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops
generally, and especially for potatoes, and
garden purposes.
its excellent qualities, strength and cheap
ness, !NM made it very popular with'all who
have used it. price, 0 - 45 PER. TON.
9111 EN & FRUIT FERTILIZER. if is a
highly phosphatic 'fertilizer, and is par
ticolurly addpted for the cultivatiOn of trees,
fruits, lawns and dowers. It will promotea
very vigorous and healthy growth of woodand
fruit, and largely increase the quantity and
perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot
house and household plants and dowers, it
will be found an indispensable article to se
cure their greatest perfection. It will prevent
and cure diseased conditions of the peach and
grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns.
The formula or method of combining, its
constituent fertilizing- ingredients have re
ceived the highest approval of eminent chem
ists and scientific agriculturists. Price,:sso
ran Tort.
ral Chemical Company manufacture a
sphete,of Lime an accordance with a new
and valuaMe formula, by which a very supe
rior article is produced, so far as to be afforded
at a lessprice than other.manufacturers charge.
Practicarteato have proved that its value, as a
fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of
Lime in the market. Price $95 PER 1 Utt.
la- Trams CASlL.—Cartage and Freight to
be paid by the Purchaser.
At Copal Wharf, on the Delaware.
Office, 4131 Arch St., PhiLudephia, Pa.
R. S. FITTS, General Agent.
The CoMpany's Pl.smphlet Circular, em
bracing full directions fur using the above
Fertilizers, sent by mailtfree, when requested.
EWELRY.—A large and selected stock a
atf fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the
best factories in the country can be found at
H. L. 4. 2. J. ZAHN'S,
• Corner of Center Square and North Queen
Street, Lancaster, Pa.
CHAMPAGNE and other Table Wines
guarranteed to be pure, and sold as low as
can be boughtin Philadelphia or New-York
H. D. BENJAMIN Picot Building.
Q ÜBSC RI PTI ON 9 received for all the lead
-1:3 in Periodicals of the day
At The Golden Mortal'.
SIDES for sale at
0 for culinary purposes, warranted genuine
IL D. Benjamin. •
(14:2 Vi.arif;i*
Dr. Brunon's Celebtated Rcmedses
for delicate diseases.
NO. 1. THE GREAT REvivaa.—Speedily
eradicates all the evil eifects of self a use,
as loss of memory, shortness of breath, giddi
ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of via.
ion, or any constitutional derangement of the
system brought on by the unrestrained indul,
gen ce of the passions. Acts alike on either sex.
Price one dollar.
No. 2. Tors BALM.—WiII cure in' rom two
to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoea,(clap)is
without taste or smell and requires no restric
flan of action or diet; for either sex; price $l.
NO. 3. THE TEREB will cure Gleet in the
stiortest possible time, and I can show certifi
cotes of cures effected by this remedy, wher
all others have failed. No taste or smell.—
Price one dollar.
NO. 4. T,HE PI:XITEIL is the only known
remedy that will positively cure strictures of
the urethra, no matter of how longstanding or
neglected the case may be. Price one dollar.
NO. 5. THE SOLUTOR will cure any case
of Gravel permanently and speedily remov
all diseases from the bladder and kidneys.—
Price one dollar.
No. 6. THE PREVENTOR is a SUM preven
lion against the contraction of any disease, is
less expensive and far preferable to anything
in use. Adapted to either sex. Price 91.
NO 7. THE Amania will cure the whites
radically and in less time than they can,beef
fectually removed by an: other treatment ; in,
fact this is the ,only remedy , that will really
cure this disease•; pleasant to take. Price $l.
tain, safe and speedy in producing menstrua
tion or ;tweeting any irregularities of the
monthly periods. Price two dollars.
spring Regulator will last a lifetime. Price 415.
Either of the Remedies will be sentlree by
mail on receipt of the price annexed. Circu
lars containing valueile information with full
description of each Remedy, may be obtained
by enclosing one post stamp. Address
BRUNON, Box 99,
Philadelphia, Pa.
These Remedies are sold in Marietta only by
J CM-UV JAY LilitiAßT, where circulars con
Wining a full description of each case can be
obtained gratis, on application.
General Depot, North East Corner of York
Avenue and Caßowhill street,Philadelphia,Pa.
lC In complicated cases I can be consulted
by letter, or peisonally at my office ; entrance,
401 Yokk A venuee.
Of Colu,,but, Lancaster Cowity, Penna.
Whole amount insured, $2,604,436 63
Whole amount of Premium Notes, 255,931 46
lia 1 . Cash Premiums, •
January 1, 1563, $2,120 31
Iteepts for premiums,
less Agt'S - commiss.
ions in 1563, 9,352 45
Receipts for Assessments •
less Agt's commissions
2,335 Ot2
-- $13,887 79
Losses and expenses paid
in 1863, $10,13332
13u1. of Premiums, Jan. I,
1864, - 3,754 47
-- $13,887 79
GEORGE.YOUNG, Jr., .tecretury.
Robert 'T. Ryon, John FIP. Steacy,
John Fendrich, 11. 0.
Same/ F. .Ruellein, Michael S. Shuman,
Michael Shuman, S. C. lilayntaker,
George Young, Jr. , Nich7las Mc Donald and Spering, Amos N. Green.
-I EU: 011.11.A.LL,
Having removed to the Rooms formerly occupich
by Dr. aoentzet, adjoining Spangler Pat
terson's &ore, Market Street, where he is now
:1..- L..- prepared to wait on all who may feel
disposed to patronize him.
Dentistry in all Its branches car
dad on. TEETH inserted on the most approved
principles of Dental science. All operations
on the mouth performed in a skillful and
workmanlike manner—on fair principles and
Having determined upon a permanent loca
tion at this nts,p, would ask a continuation
of the lit rnnage heretofore extended
to him, for which he will render every possi
ble satisfaction.
iCr Ether atitniniatered to proper peraons
First National Bank of Marietta
is now prepared to transact all kinds of
The Board of Directors, meet weekly, on
Wednesday, for discount and other business.
113 — Bank Rotas : From 9A.into3 P. M.
Marietta, July 25, 1863.
PLATED WAKE: A Large and line stock
I - of Plated ware at H. L. &E. J. ZAHN'S-
Corner of North Queen street & Center Square
Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee
Urns. Pitchers, Goblets, Salt Stands, Cake
Baskets,Card Baskets , Spoons, Forks, Knives,
Casters, Sze, at manufacturers prices.
H. L. & E. J. ZAMA'S.
Cor. North Queen at. and Centre Square, Lan:-
caster, Pa. Our prices are moderate and all
goods warranted to be as represented.
REPLATIVG attended to at moderate rates
SPECTACLES to suit all who
can be aided with glasses,
can be bought at H. L. 4 Tc. J. ZAHM'S, Cor
ner Of North Queen-at., and Center Square,
Lancaster. New glasses refitted in old frames,
at short notice. [v6-ly
VVI Le OX , S Celebrated Imperial Ex
tension Steel Spring Skeleton Skirt, with
self-adjustible Bustle. The latest and best in
use, just received at
very best thing out for wet weather—not
Oil-Cloth—but something far super ior : war
ranted not to shrink. Call and examine them
R. Echternach% Army Lotion, an
ble remedy for Saddle Galls, Open Sores,
and diseases of the skin,
Prepared from Maize, or Indian Corn, for
Culinary purposes. Fot sale at
ALARGE stock of Paper and Envelopes
of the best quality just received and for
sale at The Goldeu Mortar.
D6EILEN'S' long celebrated GIN,
L f }.. • S. D. BENJAMIN
i lr m
j ON'S l Fetiodieal Die and Ciark's Fe
_La ale Pills, at The Golden Mortar'
1t . *ttptithat Venusglimitia *anal far le Nona girth.
publisbrtr Erttll2
g r .g- S. -4ak'o.
env - Lt.'s Row, Front Street, five
OFFICE : doors below -Flury , s Hotel.
ADVERTISING RATES : one • square (10
lines, or fess) 50 cents for the first insertion and
25 cents for each subsequent insertion. • Pro
fessional and Business cal ds, of six Hoes or less
at SSE, per annum. Noticve in the reading col
umns, fire cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,
the simple announcemeni • FREE; but for any
additional lines, five cents a line.
A liberal deduction made to yearly and half
yearly advertisers.
Having recentled added a large lot of new
Job and Card type, Cuts, Borders, &c., to the
Job Office of " The Mariettian," which mill
insure the fine execution of all-kinds of JOB 8:
CARD PRINTING, front the smallest
Card to the largest Poster, at prices to suit the
War times.
PgrribtlY anti Ontzaken.
Mother, oh ! how sad and lonely
Is my aching heart to-night;-
Not a star of hope or gladness
Casts upon my ) path its light.
I am weary and forsaken,
Yet, dear mother, you will be
Ever. kind, and true, and loving,
Though they have deserted me
Mother. oh ! how pure and guileless
Was your child one year ago ;
Now look at me see how deeply
I•im laden down with woe.
I was rich with holy virtue
Just one year ago to-day,
But I trusted in Orlando, _
And he led me thus astray.
Friends now turn their faces from me,
They all pass me quickly by;
Friends that once did love me dearly,
All do shun me now, and why?
Is it that he has deceived me,
And betrayed my heart within .
Would that 1 had died in childhood
Than t' have lived in shame and sin
Father, he, ton, doth forsake me,
So doth brother William, too ;
And my darling sister Mary,
Who did love me once so true,
Turns away her head, and slums me,
Mlle will try my heart to cheer ;
Mother, they all wound me deeply,
They will kill me yet, I fear.
Mother, you will not desert me,
Well I know you never will !
Though Orlando has beguiled me
And has gone, yet, mother, still
You will love your erring daughter,
Though her virtue blasted be ;
Yet, through all my hours of sorrow,
Kind and true you've been to me.
Mother, where the willow branches,
Laden with the morning dew,
Lofty sparkles droops and tr , obles,
Lay your daughter, mother true .
Where the summer winds do softly
Make its pearly branches wave,
Let the lost and broken-hearted
Have a deep and silent grave.
tar To litmovz PAIN.—Dr. Hall says
neuralgia of the severest character is
sometimes removed by painting the
parts affected two or three times a day
with a mixture composed of half an
ounce of the tincture of iodine and half
a drachm of the sulphate of morphine.—
One of the most powerful liniments for
the relief of severe pain is made of equal
quantity of spirits of hartshorn, sweet
oil and chloroform ; dip into this a
piece of cotton cloth doubled, about the
size of a silver dollar, lay it on the spot.
hold a handkerchief over the place, so as
to confine the fumes, and the pain im
mediately disappears. Do not let it re
main on over a minute. Shake it well
just before using, and keep the bottle
very closely stopped.
Tama EcoNomy.—At a late Assize in
Ireland two men were condemned to he
hanged. On receiving 'their sentence
one of them addressed the Judge, and
said he had two'favors to ask him.
"What are they?" said his lordship.'
"Plass+ your honor." said Pat, "will
you let me bang this man before I am
hung myself?"
"What is the other request?" said the
"Why, plase your honor," continued'
Pat, "will you let my wife hang me, for
she will do it more tinderly than the
hangman, and then what she will re
ceive for the job will help the poor era.
tur to pay her rint."
CURIOUS PACTS. —ln Australia it is
summer in January and winter in July.
It is noon there when it is midnight in
Europe. The longest day is in Decem
ber. The heat comes from the south,
and it is hottest on the mountain tops.
The swans are black, the eagles are
white, the bees do not sting, and the
birds do not sing. The cherries have
no stones, the trees give no shadow,for
their leaVes tern edgewhie to the sun ;
and some of the quadrupeds baye.a beak•
and lay eggs.
Artificial Fish-Breeding
Stephen A. Ainsworth, President of
the Western New York Fruit- Growers'
Society, gives the following account of
his experiments in fish-breeding :
"I have taken a very great interest in
the growing of brook trout artificially in
ponds on my place. I have tried from
seven years' old down to last spring's
hatching, in three different ponds, keep
ing the young fry until two „years ; old
before I put them into the large pond
with the older ones, at which time they
are able to take care of themselves.
The original stock was put in my larger
pond, containing sixty-one square rods
of ground, fourteen feet deep, supplied
from springs three years ago last spring,
1,400 in number, age then from one to
Mir years' old. They weigh now from
one to three pounds each. They have
been fed daily with liver, andrare about
as tame as kittens—come at call, and
•take their food like pigs, throwing
themselves, plear out of the water in
their haste for the food, by the five hun
dred at a time, and even take it out of a
spoon six inches above the water,
Think of seeing five hundred trout, all
at the same instant, weighing from one
to three pounds, and from twelve to
. inches long 1 . The like 'has
never been seen in this country to my
knowledge before. It will well pay the
disciple of Sir Izaak Walton a • long
journey to see ; visitors from hundreds
of miles come to see them—ponds and
fixtures for breeding and growing.
f "The trout spawns in November, De
cember, and January. When on their
spawning beds,l take them and exude
their ova artificially, and impregnate
them with milt from the males, and then
place the spawn in troughs; on gravel
with pure spring water running over
them. They hatch in seventy-eight
days, and commence feeding from forty
to fifty days after, during which time
they live on the egg attached to them.
",Last fall 1 took in • this way about
60,000 eggs, and hatched say 40,000 of
them, which are now from two to, four
inches long. With all things right,
nearly all will hatch in this way. These
will grow to a pound weight in, four
years, with good water and plenty of
"A. two pound trout will furnish
about 8,000 spawn; smaller ones less in
proportion. They commence spawning
when one year old,
"In this way they can be increased
and grown to any extent, and all the
ponds and streams in the country stock
ed to overflowing.
"They can be raised in this way with
great profit for market. Price from four
to six shillings per pound."
OW Some statistics of the Morgue,
the Parisian dead-house, in which all
bodies of unknown persona are exposed
for three days for recognition, have just
been published. They embrace a period
of ten years, during which time 3,334
persons (of whom 2,331 were males)
have been brougbt in; 493 of these were
newly-born infants ; seven-eighths of the
whole identified"; 1,244 were
tween twenty and ferty years of age.
The total number of suicides was 1,766,
of which 1,414 were by drowning, 115 by
hanging, 95 by firearms, 56 with the
fumes of charcoal, 46 by leaping from
high buildings; 16 by sharp instruments,
11 by poison. 7by turning themselves
under wheels, .4 by brandy and other
spirits. The causes of tb . ese suicides
are given as follows : insanity, 233;
drunk'eness, 84 ; want, .75 ; pecuniary
embarrassment, 64 ; disapointed love,
62 ; domestic troubles, 59 ; delirium tre
mens, 23.
dr Wheeling, Virginia, is one of the
oddest of all'places. •The Intelligencer
of that city, gives the following sketch
vouching for its accuracy : "We saw
yesterday, going up towards the ..upper
ferry, a team of four animals—a horse,
a pony, a mule, and a Bull. The horse
had the heaves, the pony was blind, the
mule was , lame, and the bull bad no pro
vision for fly,time. In the wagon which,
was an ordinal. , one, sat a white man, a
crippled negro, and a tame skunk. The .
skunk was firmly bound with a whisp of
straw. The white man held the lines,
the team held its own, and 'the nigger
held the skunk."
gar "Isaac," said Mrs. Pa.rtin,gton to
her•nephew,"When yon enter the state
of aliinony, choose a voracious and well
informed yonng woman. 'Phan, my dear,
your love be infernal, and your pos
terity-uncertain."- Ike, looked accord
ingly plop% and continued to put WO
lasses - on the door knob.
Why the dying never Weep.
The reason the dying never- weep is
because the manufactures of life have
stopped for ever; every gland of the
system has ceased its functions. In al
moat all diseases the liver is the first
manufactory that stops work; oue by
one the others follow, and all the fount
ains of life are at length dried up";
there is no secretion anywhere. So the
eye, in death, weeps not—not that all
affection is dead to the heart, but be
cause there is not a tear drop in it, any
more than there is moisture on the lip.
It is a striking characteristic of that
terrible disease'—the cholera—that the
patient, hoWever suddenly siezed, never
sheds a-tear, even though surrounded by
weeping friends. The great feature of
the disease is the suspension oE the se
cretions of the system, and the, most
,active excretory work, by which the
body is drained of its fluids.
DON'T DANCE,-A plain, unlettered
man, from the back country in the State
of Alabama, came up to Tuscalooia,
and on the Sabbath went to church.
He selected a seat in a convenient slip,
and awaited patiently the commence
ment of the services. Presently the
music of a full.toned organ burst upon
his astonished ear; he bad neverheard
one before.. At the same time, the
gentleman who owned the slip came np
the aisle, with his wife hanging on his
arm. As he approached the door of
-the slip, he motioned the stranger to
give place to the lady. The movement
he did not comprehend, and from the
situation of the lady and gentleman, as
sociated as it was in his mind with the
music, be immediately concluded that a
cotillion or French contra dance, or
some other dance was intended. Rising
partly from his seat, be said to bim :
"Excuse me, sir-excuse me, if you
please I don't dance."
A CINDID URCHIN.—'What did your
mother say, my little man? Did you
give her my card,' asked an inexperi
enced gentleman of a little boy whose
mother had given him an invitation to
call upon her, and whose street door
was accordingly opened to his untimely
summons by the urchin.
"Yes sir,' tooth the urchin innocent
ly, 'and mother said, if you . were not a
natural fool, you wouldn't. come on Mon
day morning when every body was wash
At this jcncture, mamma with a sweet
smile of welcome, made her appearance
at the end of the ball, when to her sur
prise' Verysopht, the visitor bolted
'What in the world does the man
mean V inquire.d ma. , .
'I danno,' replied the nrchirr; 'guess
.he's forgot -suthin.'
SEVERE ON THE G'rai.s.—An exchange
says:—The number of idle, useless girls
in all our large cities seems to be steadi6
ly increasing. They lounge or, sleep
through their mornings, parade the
streets during,the afternoon, and assem
ble in, frivolous .companies of their own
and other sex to, pass away their even
i n gs. W het ?tore p ap p n9ss for
themselves and others are they laying up
for the coming time, when real duties
and high responsibilities shall be thought
lessly assumed I They are skilled in no
domestiO duties—nay; they despise
them.; have no habits of industry nor
taste for the useful. What will they be
as wives - snit Mothers'? Alas for ' the
husbands and children, and alas for
themselves. Who can wonder if domes
tic unhappiness and domestic ruin fol
t ir Fun should,be cultivated as a fine
art, for it is altogether a very fine thing.
Whoever knew a'funny man to be U. bad
one ? On the centrary, is be not, nine
times out of ten, generous, humane„sO
cial and good ? To be sure he is! Fun
—it is a rare thing. It smoothes the
rough places of life--scatterk.sunabine
and flowers goV--gives the
world a round jolly coOtenance and
makes the girls as pret4 As. t rane roses.
ifir "John," said' i) doting parent to
her. gormandized ;eon, "do ton really
think you can ~ aat the whole ot that
pudding with . impunitp?" "I don't
knoi,v ma,"
,r plied the -young glutton,
"bikt, I can w, th a spoon."
tfir Sots ,wag ,says ,that the, essentials
to a fume !a happiness tare bett,thue, ie.
number, iz :•a little beauty; " plenty of
good of thee,-and lots of, male illaeirttieL,
stir Say.. whit is right, and let-others
say. NI at they please. , iYond:aiteii r ti,
spun ible for more .tiaao one tOngueL
even if you are married.,
VOL. M.--NO. 3.
Wouldn't own Up:
Joe Stetson was a wild (rollicking fel
low, who spent most of his time in drink
ing and spreeing, while his wife Polly
was left at home to do chores. Upon a
certain occasion Joe left home to be
back, as he said, that night, Night
came, but Joe did not. The next slay
passed, but, about sunset, Joe camo up,
in the worst candition imaginable—his
clothes dirty and torn, one eye in mourn
ing, and his face presenting more the
appearance of a piece of raw beef than
anything else, Polly met him at the
door, and noticing his appearance, ex
claimed :
"Why, Joe, what in the world is the
matter with you ?"
"Polly," said Joe, "do ye know long
Jim Andrews ? Well, him an' me had a
"Who whipped, Joe ?" asked Polly.
"!Polly, we had the hardest fight, ye
ever did see. I hit him and he hit me,
an' then we clinched.—Polly, ain't sup
per most ready? I ain't had nothin
aeace yes'day mornin'."
"But, tell me who whipped, Joe," in
terrupted Polly.
"Polly," returned Joe, "I tell ye, ye
never did see such a fight as me and him
had. When he clinched me I jerked
loose from him, an' I hit him three or
four o' the most sufficientest licks ye
iver beam on. Polly, ain't supper most
ready ? I'm most starved."
"Do tell me who whipped, will you?"
continued Polly.
"Polly," said ,Toe, "ye don't know
nothin"bout fightin.' I tell yer we
fought like tigers ; we rolled an' we
tumbled—first him on top an' then me
on top—then the boys would pat me on
the shoulder, an' holler, "Oh, my! Stet.
son !" We gouged an' bit, an' tore up
the dirt in Seth Runnell's grocery yard
worse'n two wild bulls. Polly, ain't sup
pet' niost ready ?—monstrous hangry."
"Joe Stetson," said Polly, in angry
tones, "will ye tell me who whipped?"
"Polly," said Joe, drawing a long sigh,
"I hollered ! "
ifitir Every woman should be married
to an excellent man. Marriage, it is
true, brings care and wear ; but it is the
ring that is worn that keeps bright, and
the watch that lies unwound that gets
out of order. The sweet sympathies in
volved in the family relation ; the new
energies developed by new responsibili
ties ; the new compensation for all out
lays of strength, bring about a delight
ful play upon the heart and intellect,
which, in their reaction upon the body,
produces an effect that is nothing less
than preservation. Then there is a
higher power than this—one which we
speak of soberly and reverently.
one is completely armed against the en
croaching ills of life who has in his heart
no place for religion. The calmness,
the patience, and the joy and hope that
are in possession of that woman whose
heart is right in its highest relation, can
,fail to preserve and heighten
every personal power and charm that
she possesses.
igir No one having made a just obser
vation can deny that the Gospel elevates
all who are anyways obedient to its facts,
principles, or spirit. While all other
religions debase, Christianity alone has
proveditself able to exalt and ennoble
its disciples. It has raised entire na
tions out of the horrible darkness of bar
barism. It has aroused the dullest
minds to . the putting forth of marvelous
powers, and it has quickened souls dead
in trespasses and in sin with the flame
of 'a; new life„—These are facts incontro
vertible, They contain the arguments
'and demonstration of the Divine origin
and power of our religion which no so
phistry can refute.
Cr It is customary in some churches
for the men to be placed on one side,
and the , women on the other. A clergy
man, in the midst of his sermon, found
himself interrupted by the talking of
Borne of the congregation of which,. lie%
was obliged to take notice. A we ' 7
immediately rose and wishing to.'
her own sex from -the aspersi9,...
"Observe, at least, your rever4i:e z i- - : e
not . olk Ot'ir . side." "So m)141 thu l 'be Ir,
c r„,
good toeman, so math tfie better;'.
eweriA the clergyman : "it will be'
sooner over."
GrA dull day, au empty pocket sitrit
feeling in love, affects a man's spits
most seriously.
illa"General Grant, it is said, never
asks a man to drink a second time, for
he never re-treats.
le* %V hen-is a. bed not a bed? When
it is &little buggy,