The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 13, 1864, Image 3

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    tote Ygral Marititian.
MARIETTA CAR. HOURS. The several pas
senger trains will leave the "Upper-Station
Depot" as follows: Mornin* train, East, at
tea minutes before 8; Mail train West, 11:56 ;
Way train East, 1:45; Harrisburg Accommo
dation train, East, 6:39 and the evening train
Welt, at 7:02.
Marietta, Saturday, August 13, 1864
Gr In consequence of the illness of
the publisher for the past week, our
nsual.ri ]..v is very much curtailed this
week; we will try.tJ make it up.
gir We received, a few days since, a
copy of a Cuba newspaper from Dr. John
J. Sowerby, who is surgeon on board
the U. S. steamer "Merrimac," which
was in front of Havana on the 25th n 1;.
timo. The Dr. in a short note, says
"We leave this evening in chase of
the blockade ranter "Matagorda," bound
f or Galveston, Texas: The "Harriet'
Lane," formerly 11. S. Gunboat. is at
this portstad wilt soon leave as acoofed„
firtfolan . Mitchell, an industrious: re:
spectable colored man, who .lived . in.
M tient Joy for many years, died oh the
31st. nit, at the advanced 'age of one
hundred and two years.,
'lir Wm. Aug. Atlee, Esq., hat' been
elected Chairman of the Executive Com
mittee of the Union League, of Lances
'der, in place of Pr. Cassidy, dec'd;
Gr. Matthew McGrano, of Lancaster
city, a Sergeant of Company A. 99th
Penoeylvania volunteers, was killed in
battle at Deep Bottom, Virginia, July
27, 1864.
sir Lieut. Col. David Niles, of 'the
79th Penn'a. Regiment, lately a prisOn"-:
er at Charleston, has been exchanged,
and may be expected home in a 'few days.
The County Commissioners have
ionatedlen thousand dollars for the re
lief of the suffering people of Chambers.
burg. This proMpt act of mercy on the
part of the Commissioners will meet the
approbation of the whole people of the
V. B. Paltudr, of "Advertising Agen
cy" fame, died at his residence in Phila
delphia last week.
gr Lancaster township, the home of
the great Buchanan gave a unanimous
vote for the soldiers amendment at • the
recent election. In a canvass of the
township immediately preeneding the
election, it was ascertained that two
votes were against giving the soldier
the right to vote. These were. Buchan
an and his ) Irish coachman. 'The for
mer being unexpectedly called to a cop
perhead conclave at Bedford Springs
was unable to attend the polls, which
the Irish coachman did, bet 'could not
inuater courage to Tot in tsia vote. Ile
left the polls swearing that "Ameriky
would bean illigunt countbry when the
sieges would have the right to vote."
We hope that the bogtrotter's disobe
dience of his master's order will not lose
him his situation `Lancaster Examiner.
tom' The majority for the soldiers
amendment to the Constitution in this
county runs up to 8,933, and is the State
to ninety thutmaed I
Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post
thus describes a cooking wages present.
ed by a Philadelphian to the United
States Christian Commission. ft is
(frown by,,, two, horses. The cooking
Wagon eOnsia's of three boilers for
making tea, coffee and soup. From the
furnace of each of these boilers a smoke
pipe rises, giving the machine' the re
semblance of a steam Bra engine. Each.
boiler holds foarteen gallons, and is cad
pable, while on the march, with good
feel, of boiling ten gallons each in
twenty minutes, and when stationary,
they will boil twelve . allons each in the
same time, which would be from ninety
to one hundred and 'eight gallons r per
hour. The machine is coupled together
like a piece of artillery, and can be no
limbered and part of it, stint after more
provieiope or ?wood, if necessary.
The provision cheat, which is on- the
front part of ite wagon; is fitted with
japanned 13414 for holding respectively
one hundred' pounds of sugar, thirty
pounds of ground coffee, twelve pounds
of tea, twenty pounds of corn starch, and ,
thirty ,ponude of hoof.
Two* buckets accompany the ma
obiee,-,(01; the purpose of carrying water,
SOUP, or clothe, to any dietnnt portion of
the field ; also two gridirons, for toasting
bread or broiling meats ; and an axe with
which to cut wood for the furnaces. Un
der thewoa is a box, in which the fe
el is ca rd.
The lijoilere haivhich the tee and cof
fee are e made contain a perforated strain
er, o I top, into liana the tea or coffee
[ate.. and and which p revents the leaves
, ediment yrom.beinrm
uwo off from
41, eet ' •
s .aid enough PDT' can be cooked
ste w wagon to feed,f , ur backfired me n
e,titem It will prve of great use
:u 4 k a cow w i es t on le ego sive operations
1 46 ' Army of the Polo , ac.
PI: Acted Mr. Oegretar
esitAito the. Peoples of
es t " on put flr4 page.';
DE-. GU:DI lode.
Bitter 'Wiese ox
PURE and powerful TONIC, Corrective
and Alterative, of wonderful efficacy in
iseasea of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
Liver Com plaints
Headache, General
Debility, Nervousness, De
pression of Spirits,XonstipatiOn,
Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the
Stomach, !Valise's ' Heartburn, Disgust for
Fool, 'Fullness or Weight in the Stomach,
Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the
Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Dtf
cult Breathing, Yellowness of the
Skin and Ries, 'Fever and
Doll pains in the 'Head;
Pain ,in the . ' Side,
Back; Chest add
It will cure every case of Cttio.nic,or piervpus
,Dieeapek,of the : ,Kidneye, and.
Dieeaaes arising, frijol a disordered
Stomach Good for Male or Fe. .
'mate, Old of Young:
The ntost beneficial medicine known ; gives
better satbfaction, and cures !more diseasei
than another preparation- offered 1 o L 'th pub
iic. Prepared "solely 'by S. A. KUNKEL' &'
BRO.,!1.18 Market greet, Harrisburg.
For sale by Aruggists mid dealers everywhere..
As Kunkel's Bitter Wiue v of Iron is the only
sure and effectual remedy in tlie'knewn world
for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and 'Efe:-
batty, and as there'ara a number - of imitations
offered to the public, we would caution- the
coosirrunit) to purchase none but the genuine
article, manufactured by S. A Rerun. E Sc
Han., and has their stamp on the top of the
cork of every bottle. The very fact that others
are attempting to imitate this valuable reme
dy, proves tte worth and speaks .volumes in
its favor.
The flitter Wine - ef Iron is putuptin 75 cent
and $1 90 bottles, ind - sold brig iespectable
druggists throughout the cdonntry. Be partic-'
ular that-every' bottle bears the fec simile of
the proprietor's Signature.
This Wine includes the most agreeable and
efficient Salt of Iron we possess'Citrate' of
Magnetic Oxide combined, with the most en
ergetic -of vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvitm:
bark. The effect in many cases of-debility',
loss of appetite, and general prostration, of
an eitiment Salt of Iron, combined , with tour
valuable Nerve Tonic, is most 'happy.
augments the appetite, raises the wage, takes
off muscular flabbiness, removes , the pallor of
debility, and gives a florid vigor to :the coun
113 Market Street, '
For sale:by all reapoctable dealers :through
out the country. [Ja 25.6ut
Ftta iwA R
cc Oci;
D EALERS Z.N . ' •
jit.u , dtaate, " , ,
Keep,constantly on hand a full stock of. Buil
ding Material. - Wails, . ' , • " - ,'•
SUP Eittb R agircLE or CarEsr; Jcc., -
C.') .1 R 0 N: Rolled alit Hammered
• Iron, Steel, Horse-Shoe Bars,
Norway Nail Rods, Hoop and Band Irol,,
Horse-Shoe Nails, Bolts, Filen, Rasps, etc. '
Tubs, Churns, Cedar Stands,
Wash Baacds, Buckets,
Knives and Yorks,
OLated tV "51i"1.5.r?
Sad Irons, Kraut Cutters, Waiters, Brass and
Copper Kettles Clothes Wringers, Pans, -
/run Ladles Meat , Stands, Coal: Oil
Lamps, Shades sad Lanterns, Tea
Scales, Coffee Mills, Painted ,
Chamber Setts, Bsc., Brushes,
Wheel Shovels, Hoes, Spades, Horse Brushes,
Wheel Grease, Etsh, Sperm and Lnbric
Cistern Pumps ' Long .and Short - Traces,
Breast Chains, &c., &c.
T 0 0 LS: Hand and Wood Saws, Hatchets,
Chopping and Hand Axes ' .Planes, Chlssels,
Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, Prunning
Hooka and Shears, &c., &c.
Thankful for past patronage, we hope to merit
and receive a continuance of the same.
Marietta, July 30, 1864. tf
11,_ • -
The above. Company are kno vn all. over the
world as the owners cif the Coffee Plantations
of Java and Batavia in the Dutch East Indies,
and are the largest monopolizers of :Coffee, on
the , Globe. • s
.The undersigned- (wbo is appointed their
sole Agent in the United States and in the
British Colonies) 'will have for sale three dif
ferent kinds of COFFEE, which, for regular
ity of grade and cheapness of price, will defy
competition. • _
Our 46 BATAVIA COFFEE" never before
introduced in this country, but extensively
used In the ' Armies and Navies of Europe and
richly valued, will be put up at prices te come
within the reach of all consumers; and pur
EXTRA JAVAnvill 'be the Magnam
Coffee of the age.
We will hare,for accommodation of Gro
cers, 'Families' an Government Cohtriefbrs,
samples (dry, and• drawn) for .testing. . ...
Orders solicited. On receipt of cash, Coffee
promptly forwarded as directed.
A. LIPPMAN, 168 Reade-st.,.N. 7 : -
Sole Agent, D. E. I. C. Company.
Of Columbia, Lancaster Orunty, , Psaria.
Whole iimoniit insured, •• $2,604,435 68
Whole amount of Premium Notes, 255,931 46
Bal. Cash Premiums, ' '
January 1, 1863, $2,12031
Rec'pte for premiums,
less •Ait's commies
lOUsIS63, 9,382 45
in r
less Att's commissions
in 1863, - -2,385 02 •
.$13,887 79
Losses and expenses paid , ,
in 1863, $10,13332
Bal. of Premiums, .Tan. 1,
1864, 3,754 47 • '
• -.•-• 419,887:79
GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., • Secretary.
MICHAEL'SIdIJII#AN, Treasurer. ,
Driicronn • ,
Robert T. Ryon, " 'John W
~ Staley
i•lohn Pendrich, H. G. Minich, '
• &WWI F. Zs e Wti sV tilikklteAS 'Skurruirs 4
,al,seissel iShumon,, 8.. q. Skyrniker, •
! WHIP 4 . 4 1 4 1 5 i . iftcholoi At.a.:,* 1 1441Z - !'
Edmund )BPednerpa Amos U. i• preen.
the <United
Lt, should'be
BEwnas or
Who woublit be out of the Draft'?
PUT that which effects us in connection
with the Army, is not th , only one—the
raft upon Itie .e,nca„ . o.-itttsq.times is equally
severe—coniequently we ptuctiasqltlpds where
we get them cheapest. ... - -.
Would take this metliod of itiforming.theailib
lic that be 13 now . ,iriparei. to form 11111p:its
in bialide of business, such as
Maas, Oils, Viinlishift'
Stoves, Iron, •Curpenter's
Bolts, Locks, Nails, all kinds of
Building material, Coackmaker's
"Goods,' Cediiivatic
Fancy Articles in huge variety, with atulll.B-`
aortment of shelf godds generally.Whietr'he'
will sell at the lowest gifiees; virholosaleur re ,
Call and,thinstock..
Itla.iet.a, , March 5, 1864.
"- 'NEW ` StrliSEit::4o'oilo.;;.",3!.
THE initheng heiriand fOilhe 'Noducts. of
thelo9mtoclellie and.sheyer our.rapid ;
ly'inCfeasinz army, 'fias'eroat'ed ,
ty of many fablig.e. We.a,rpfease4, hpweyni . ,
to antiolftfee to our customers '
and the public
generally that by. • . •
• . NARLY rintcuicEs
iv*** antidinited
4aye tOiettutifin stoat' ' I . ' ' '
us =Jar
at lower prices than they now citn purchased
. in the Biistern Mieeket.e.
, . .
Our Stock' einbraces 'elierything new dida
ble- and 'cleavable in
Driss MateriFti, .•',
Spring Cloaks. 4" Cloaking,
- --Colored and Black.
1 Balmtnals, Shawls,' Shire; ' Misery,
Belts„ Ernprp4Aeries. ,
~ •
For Dress and . Business Suils, made tip to, nr
der "%Who def . :died. "A'fine-Abiortineitt Of
Woolen Cdtto'n - icid
• ' • /or Itieriqtrid YOuths.
Sheeting,.Counterpapes, , Blankets, Linen . ; Or;
naburgs,Diaper, Crush, Feathers, Ingrain,
Stair' and. Rag.. Carpets, -Table and
Floor Oi Cloths, Window Blinds 3
• Glass &c.
d an Queenaware,
Groceries. • . • '
Syrups, Sl?Sarsi Salt,
Tess, 'Fish; ' &c.
n N C tJ.E ,•
NO 92 'l4 A int*T . ' STRNET, ATARIV:#I).
Takes this means informing,lus old
ut curt-
toers and the public generally„ that he has
re-taken tlie old stand (recently occupied, by.
George L. Mackley,) and is now-permanently
fixed to prosecute
Raving just returned from the city where
he seleCted a large, varied aud fashionable
assortment of everything iu the
and now only asks an examination of his
stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere.
Having also laid. in a stock of Hutting mate
rial, he will be enabled, at short notice, to
manufacture all qualities—from the common
Soft:to the most FeAionable Silk Bat
employing none but the . best workmen,
and manufacturing good goods , atiowprices,
he hopes to merit and receive a liberal. share
atrikublic patronage The highest price
paid-lot - Furs—in trade or cash. -
Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, `
At F .1: Kramph.'s Old Stand, on the Cor -
ner of North (2iteen aril 'Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a.
GRATE'? UL to, the Citizens of Marietta
and vicinity, fur, the liberal patronage
heretoforeextended, te undersigned renpeqtr
fully solicits a continuance of the stun**, as
suring them, that under all circumstaric,es,
etrop,will be sparedin reederkng.a.satitifsctory
equivalent for every act of confidence reprised:
such,other seasonable material as fashion and
the makket furnishes, constantly kept on'hand
and manufactured'to orderoromptlyi and ren- ,
mulishly', as taste'or style may suggest. - • •
• Gentlemen'eFurnishing"Gooods. •
and such articles 'as usually belong to a• Met- ,
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment.
ir theme of Afer
mute ¶ D, g gistfir
alf,bminess and
rofessionable men
oho wish to, do their
wa printing, neat
, and eboafay. A
i.pted to' the print
ig 'o ' f. Handbills;
Lab.els, Cards and. Small,. ,iCewspapers.
instructions accornpany, each,office ensibling,e
boy,ten years old to wor k: them .eucessalfil!,y, •
Circulars sent free. . 4pecime.n sheets of Type,,
Cuts, &c., 6 cents. ,Addieke, ; , .
_ _ A IjAMS PRSS E Co:
31 Park Row, N. 1.100lf.;
Bootop, M. ?,,b7 ,
Painter, Glazier Paper Hanger. '
VOULD, most'respectftilli inform the cit
`izens of Marietta and the gener
ally that he is prepared to do"
House Painting, , • 4, • .
China Glossing,
- • Paper Hatiging;43^e.,
At Very short notice end at'prices to suittbe
Hines: lie ean be found at his rnother'slesi
dercei etc:the corner of Chesnut and Second
streets, a' few doors below the.. M. E. ' Church',
and kilinediatelY 'opposite the old Oberlin
Coach Works. [Aug. 3-Iy.
, • .
SPECTACLES to edit an who .M.040+11.
can be aided with glasses,
call' be bOught at H. L. t i . :10: J.' 2 ABM' S, cor
ner of North Queen-at., add Center Square,
.Lanrainer.. New glasses refitted iii oldfratixes,
atab 'notice. ' [.v6-I'p 6 [.v6-I'p
TIT L C'o X S Celebrated• Imperial
VV tension Steel Spring Skeleton Skirt, with
self-adjustible Bustle. The - latest - arrd best in
use, just receiyettikt -
, very best thing out for wet weitheranot
04-ClOth--Ibut sofuething :far Ape:tor : war
ranted'not to shrink. Cell 'and'ekamine them
R. Eehternach's ArrnylLotionoan-infalli.:
j r remedy. for Saddl&Galis i Open Sores,
and diiteitses of the skin, .
Prepared froth ..IVraize;in Indian Corn; for
uneasy purposes. Fot sale at
• ACM , §.
110 1 1 1 .Y4!g celebrited
TXOIVS 11510 D A' 0 108 V)
A-Amale Pdbf • The q —,.
AGRlGlll3l3ftkii, ERRIE4Vitirl, Cli.ll Friends and Relatives of the brave
IinfAIItTLETTE.i. This' Pertilikoirie composed 1 11 OLLevi.A.WS pILL: 8, . -
. i -
of night soil and the fertilizing elements of 4 - . ~, . „,,
urine combined, chemically. and mechanically ,
with dther - valutible fertilizing semis an d eh-% A LL LIAVe: P. ft lEN D '3 AND
sorbents ‘o '-
. -•• JAL ' 1 -I r'" • 44. ' 4 -' RifatiVes'id.the 'ArihNiOr Navy, should
Iris reduced to a pulverized condition,thatV b •
dy for immediate use, acid withou,t, loss of its- with these Pills and' Ointment ; and where the
rea- take special came, the. e amp].)• supplied
highlyi 'nitrogenous fertilizing properties. .breve Soldiers and Sailors have negiected. A to
Its universal application 4to MI .Crops and.. Provide themselves with them, nobetter pres-
Soils, and its dunibility4a44,Agige quainies, ent can be sent them by their friends: . They
are well knosy.p,,lo As all that agriculturists havelmen‘Proved to be the_ Soldier's neyer
can disire. I Paten 4126 - iiik WV. failing r friend in the hour of need. -f1.??..
_,_„ b •
1 - 'IHF:MIUAL 'COMPOST. This Fertilizer Cotgits antl . ooldii4ffeCting Thiqpit ,
k_f 111 InlgelY CPrflpoiAir - rifa,iiikinkal mxtter, , • ,• , ..,,, ~•••
„ e h .7,i ß ,lpthdi t 4 lie n y e ll #,Q
. 14, a ihg r 4; lath, ,[. k i d Will `be-i.k.hei these admirable mediciees, and speedily relieved `
ll i g-
Wool, togethenewithectiemicalsiand, inorganic cured by
by paying proper attention to the Direction,
fertilizers, which decompose the mass,
ffand re
whisl4 are-attached to each Pot 0r,tf0x:...„ .
ban 11,e ) nitibledmis (del - hints'. Ins ti:laugh
ly imptegnater With'tiiiiiCancrstha. - liiinher Sic4ol:eickche einci!tth . fir Of dpetilergegt is.
portions of nidi" §6if: - ••• i 1 ' lo So l diers f 4 ' .
It i? . s • vel) 'Xilliiillle•'re'rtilizir`Or field Crops I Those feeling which so.jatlen,rts, usually
g en4 al i t "0 1 "eifii`crlAl-..f.f6l'..PiPat(ieif , • add ...• arise from trouble "or'annofingic obstructed
gattlenplirgoilii.: • -'" ''''''' '''' • ''''' ' ' pre itationcor eating and • ikinc What
11S t qcelledt"ii,tiiiiiiieS. etrehgth! and • chrrlP- is u wibleinin4. tfihe dietu if thOthAth 1
nate, ifilfe` Ade' it ponilCt With , till Who ac - fithnliVeriscuesto`fritt WTheseffirg.' - ' - Ffia; S2triiiieTrin.' • - 1 must be re - eyed, if„) . Ali.defge qo i
iri - IiRH "' ,..iSzF.F4IITFF.IT - I1.101: - It' is a" ' The Pills s klieficq.pedi - o - g t t i ti — d
i c .hizi:ii PtiOSPES, ` t 4 ,lc l ; reitifitzer' , and IA par instruction Willqiulilie,,pri`idusiS, s e c_
ticulii.ily.e4apted:for s 'llic,cntiiiifinn o 1 trees tion in both liver ami l st,oniacb, and aq, -
a niktu
frults,,,lawne ind g floyers„ 401111, promote a ral cauSenuence a cleat hescland gdolf aipeiite'.
fr vieri t ,; a ig i;k lr l .o.O la s.. rt g a c t il fl i e ixt UFfAl Le r e o * Fv ss il g, o lw rit P i,i ld . j a n 6d it ...' :Ureakites; :ignii. ~:ib e bil:typinduCed.., by.
Pericet.the =maturity, oflftei:fr9ir .r e tlf 11 9 1 7
_ho,utle.ralid h ( nlfile4• 3l4l. tßliSils, , and ;tl/409,.. if , Will soon Av. the use 6f.. these in' 4 ,
acquire additional strin;fll;..N.;ver-, let .tlie
will , hev , fßillt. 4 4.o,iiiitliSPertsl9 3l O_ortiele'O,°,o7, valuable Pills;aud,:,the SOlifiey Will.quickiy
mire their greatest perfection. .1L.Y 6 , - . 1 . 4 Prevent
and cure dip 4 easod,cqpilitio a na qt, 4- q cac b and . b ssrfi l s
,b s s itssr, nol ,4 lo o,,ni,' s ti d s ly a pis
%grape, andfli-eletallehlqffilratsirn'dliewins. , upon. It may seem' strange that Hollowayjs
The formula ittO•mathed icifi combining its . Pills„,stionid be-recommauded for , Dysentery ,
'constituent fertilizing ingrediendoilbeve- re- t and.F.ltVta'tgoar..Pers99.l , s,uPPPsOgttbafifte,y,,
"cerved the highest approval of eminent. diem- : would increase,. the, relaxation.. This, ,is,ea .
lids and scientific agriculturists:, ..„;,Pricei.:sso great inrstak e,forth eiie.,Pilla.wil, I..tcoireCt s th,_ e',.. r
PER Ton. I liver . and • stomach and thus treMOY 4 '4ll floc
TIOSPHATE,9O:IO4v....I Tlie - Agricultu- ' 0cT4 1 .3 1 9. 19 9 9 r9 fr9Affiu-sX 9 tf9l. ~'4 his meth i
r'; ' hotimphlateehcieflntileA4ini:"p in t ii ?" o l4, on in c li e n i e vi f t a h ct a ur n e w a
o c r in g e t,l4 , - -c ; if. , l - s Z yk i t ;9 lll .l l, l - o h 9 , p 9i r -5 e .ri x, 4i i v,..r .: 41f g e ?. 4. 13 4. , C ,, 1r vv 44 3 4e5; e,,
'grti pd- )health
and valuablg.,formula, by *bleb 'afrierY
"I,itir article is proiliiced;so,fa,ros to be afforded colirse-4 , Nttflllillfgs slit4 l, l l 49P,ltte F9 l 9ltatiolt ( . 9f
reenlitligfilieraCtia*. f`rtie-Boweis so;l 3 9rA OA this Aittoi ll so,OrtOkkoftt ' :
aft a less Rtjfetpanpther
,PiaCtiel3.l.l . iiii,..;4, ppliked that its value, ,as a -• • V OLUNTERIL.4..ATTENTOINM ;.% ' - i.
fertilizer, is equal io the lieti A ?tit s - 4 . 114 , of. , goien'itii4fl7fCeis' i 'Rldte.lies ink Stvelliiiii
can with ceifititily'fie'relicallY ' eured"%if 'the
Lime in th,eßiatket r . l ,-;Price $45 - Ain Vik
lE3=- TERMS asn. - --LTartageHe y. Freight to...;.% Pills are taken. nigAlt/41d Morm - iig, - land the
be paitb,Mheißtirchaser. Ointment be freely inied - eif stated in;the printed,.
—,,, ni , , i , nstrumions....,lf treated in may • other manner
At Canal Wherl,ett the Delaware . - .1.
tney,,drm another.,:,one , partto,break.autir
' Offiee; , llai Arch[ - St., 'Philadephr, Pa. Irv , at . 0 • - in
.",,,,, ~ -.-, Whereas
_1)/r ,_ aa tm ent,,w„ remove,the..
11, .11. FITTS,, Geier 1 - Agent. • h ,,,, r a r , m tt isesas. t.em „,,, i. o o e. p a t‘ nt :
. The ' Company's Pham.plhet, tireular, opt-vi gorous "
tiracing, Dili dixectiene't'air "ifklnVtire 44 ilmv.V ? a a "--1 JOT. inofi• ~ ./t_ Will . 4 4 104-
.-., .i . ;w . a . li the . , perseyetance 0 n,.bad-cases %insure a, at) .free, ychen requested. , , , , -
0%. - . 4t i , , v.' • ~• r IiASTIING'• CURE -", • - • ,
For'' Voiduki. iltitewoitAieta i iYae• Ike' ion - l'
-...7.;...,: , , „•,.., :,,,,.., , ,:.,, ~.,1; e .. ,
,• , sat:reon the,Bulleti;Sores„ord3nuisee,, ~ „
TrirwbichlreVery - -Soldier and Sdilorvarediable.
there , are riwineilicines So lisafeesere'. avid' con-'-
,venient as Holloway's Pillicarid , Ointmeneo-- - .
1, TlieniotirrWolitidettrand! almost dyinglinifeitir
might have his wOunds dressed' immediately,
if - he - would' oar provide - - hireself . with :this.
matehleas% %Ointment, 'which' should. belthrust.
-into the wound antPsmeared , all. around it, then •
.; cover it with ii piece of linen from 'his' Kmati T %
;sack and contipressed - witlr. a% handkerchief.
, Taking night 'and morning 6 - orlBfiPilliii to'cool'
the , sysh.M. and prevent ithiamation. , . , &L.":
. - FiVekY SOldiees• Knipssekt 'told 'Seatitan's.
, Chest should bit-provided with =these',irtveluttlz
hie-Remedies. • . . . .. , .4
1. , Ineoersrer 'Cairrion I—None are 'genuine.
uttielisitbewords gi -Ho r.LOW'AY, 'NEW.rYbiti
carid' , l..ormoon," . er - e discernible as a Water ,
mark in-every leaf or the book of directions •
around each pot or box rthe-satne% Marla:.
. plainly - seen bilioldilig. the leafto the 'tight
A litindsonie reward will'he- given to any one
rendering such information as , may lead - t 6 the •
detection of any party or partieseounn rfeiting
the medicines dr vending the same, knowing.
them to be spurious.- = - . i, ~„
*,,•SO111 iit - 'tile'Waniffactory: of Professor
HatiLowe , y, 410 !Maiden Lane, New York,
and by all respectable'Druggiets and % Dealers ,
in, MediCinestifielikliout c. hid eit'ilized , wcirld,
in pots or boxes, at 30c.70c. and $l - .l4leacht. -
NTB.z-birectibha for slieguiddhce or-patients
in every disorder are affixed ~ t o each . pot.” , +', - ,-.
11:3 - Dealers in my well known medicines can
have Si-row Cirnyis, , Ciacui9oss: Stc'•.; sent theSi,,
FREEor EXPENSE , by addressing '' ' ' .--
, , SO Maiden Lane, New-York.
lat- There ii eon/Ude - table saving by taking
the - larger eizes.- • - ; --- f Dec 2641. y :. ... '
STRA wg.E4Alt pLl.Div§ • FRP.I7.I I !'
• I want 400,00(Kpiricaurttolapprffrime for
satriplbs.of , nty:valuableagricultural.and-fruit
growitirpaper, 'The Rur,al;ATnerican,
N.; , Y, Vol; Vlll;'("ri?betiutifulisemiznionthly)
which' will'be sent4) - tim , ',Nly,ylB64 - ,,to4anua-..
ryy 1865, , for ONLY. , F.IFIPY .CENTS;.-and:
every' subscribei Will receive in. September,
FREE;• and post paitt,. the fall smount of his
subscription in • Russel's Great. Prolific Straw-
Plante,' which is the :*- - .largestiand most pro/ inc.
iderristence, bearing frsin-29thr0 , 1300 berries to
a Single plant, some of which- , are as largess .
Hen's= eggs. Or , subscritteeremay have, riAfinei
Delaware • Concord, Diana, , Reberica, or Hart
ford Prolific Grape Vine, free, if:preferred:
ivey speciaren • paperir are , aerft Efree, postpaid,
which give the full .details of roll.rnyliberal.of-•
fers,ia to subsc:ribeia, and to•club
agents. ' There is no humbuglit. all in this mat-.
ter: a's 4-have an immense supply of plants and:
vines, crowing on my farm; ins Clinton, Oneida:.
N:. Y., where - all letterarnustte addressed'.
MJney , sent at my risk,•aud - not. one Jetter in
a thausand fails to• reach mmi &Twenty:thous- .
and vines and plants wereaentfree to subscri
herd lastASprifig„ all'of which' are growing fine- ,
I can furnish . all the.. best 0-varieties,.pf •
grape vines by the dozen,. hundrbd; or thous
add, 'alai the . Russell.Stratvberry plants r all at
low prices: , • ' MINER.
I new .tiysteni PhYsiognorny, Eye;,
Ears, nisi, tott,,Nfouth, Hair, Hands,
Eyebirais; Feet;. with all
"signi,of Cliaittater, 4 tind howto Rtikdrthem,”
in' The' Phrenological Joe nal, and -Life-Blustra
reit 5.41: WELL4__Eirioa '-
ETHNOLOGY,, the - Natural History of Man,
Nis:tons, llama arid Tribes'of Men"; deadribed
with illustrations. - -
Paysior.ocv, functions of the . Body, Heart,
Lungs,.Btomach, , Bones, Muscles , and Nervous
RENOLOGY,the Tempemrnents,,Man's
tellectual, :Social, and Moral:Nature, How to.
Improve, . • .
RHY.SIOGN Nvith. the. a. Signs of Charac-.
ter, and How to Read Them,' on scientific
principles.' - • I
-4'sycnotocy, or the ."Science, of the SO:ul,":
Man?ii relations- to this life and to the' life to
A new voluine,.the 40th, commences ,
the: Julyunumber. -Now: ready.. Publishedl.l
monthly, ii. quarto ' orm, at s 2:a year. , .naln-...1
pies,-by tint posts 20 , cents. , Address • •
Jg1y.30.3q . 389 ,Broadway t N. .;
- .
big.NIT oUlt 'OWNI , DOCTOIIn"t Thermew
cumplere'-oyetem of -Hydropathy - ind
Hygiene, Anatomy and,PhjsioLogy orzthe Hu
,man'tiOdy, Illuatill - rear.PreservationAGHealth;
'Dietetreg-raid ( Conlieryl 'Theoly and Practice
of Medicine, with-Home Treitiment p'Speciel
Patholog. land ,4ydro Tilerape !it les Nature,
Cauhe,'9 , 3lthßoins Arid tieltiriefit;alt i lflino
diseasesi:Application' to Snrgeryi Midwifery,
and:arse , 300 Engriwing@,- and, uerw
ly I,ooo.pagee .Gto Boa ry-,an Index,
plete. , .. R.T. , T.13.A.1:.4-.M., D..,
prepaid, by , first ,Addresa
, , ,
389: Broads alrio
• e , Augu:r.a WApi, TED.
"Of all the.putilicatiorta which,baye,attain-. 4
ed aucitat wide 'pppularltyota :APatiCd by F° . %! - `
ler Wells, Ilona. are Imare ndaptad tai ganuTr.
al .utility than a oomprenenaiyu, a. 0 ,;
welbaranged ncyclopedia °;—N. ; Y Tribune
eiocip Apa
H. "L& ZAHM •
ERPECTFULLY inform their
41.441111 11,fetendi, and,. the public' that they'
, still ceditinuellia WATCH, CLOCK
A ND JEWELRY businea at therOldi
stand, ,North-west r eorner: of North ,
Queen,stmet ambEeriter'Squltre s iLaneaster, .
A _full istiortmeni of 'goods in Our line of busi- ,
mpi,s a
liT hys en hind and fdr sale at /Ow*
Milt rides. 4epairing attended - 'to 'per
dona4yrby the , proprietors.
Laneatiter, :January 1, 1859.
AItICA.N D ER , LYN D'S:A!Y, • _Aka ,
PaihicpidUe , ' . 111 MW"
Boat;and Shoe Mclitiffaptuier,
Would moit"reapeittully inform -the citizens
of this `Borough and neighborhood that he has
the latgest assortment of City made•kworkiin
his'-line of - Inisineas in thialßorough, and-be=
ing a-practical- BOOT- AND SHOE MAKER
hirnself,isenablea to select:with morejudgmett
thanittinselwharii - ncitt He continues to daft
.uf„accusc ln the,-vqry..b.est,manner avery;Misi
kt,he - 1 199 T AND SHOE 'EINE, whichlie
will, ibsi:rniut for,nelitness and good fit.
ri-CalLaile e! Mock hie! ;before pur
e4111L011; `t eii4 t'
. .
-r EWELRY.—A large and-aelected stock o
0 fine, jewelryloPthelateat , patterna from the
beet foetal:ea in the country carr be found at
41: L. fir • ZAHN'S%
Caiii‘r. of !Center Square andtWorth.Queen
Sbjeet,`LanEaster; ' , •
nHAMPAGNE•and - other Table
luarranteed to be pure, and Bold as low se
can be bought in PAiladetPhiti or Verir=York d
- I B7EriJA.siur ;IPteot:Builditi.;
re tr , eerve for all the. lead
5:154/riPCdtiaoi d P l T era i le ° ' N o;theldaye?:
:ti stit 'Rio/Goblets ./Ifortar:o.
sac JßlDESWilitleit
i 4 r4 t v ro ( *JI:.RIDEFFENBACIVS,
-;r0 ,11 1 •.*.„ -5P , ; Jae .10'{4
17 . 10,U.11T, P,IYOCLA*ATAON Where ‘ ris
id9P; A. L Hev,Esandi .VElliaEt., 11 4::„!
TON. ESCI., ,Al3SOCiate J.Ul:lr, 8 of, the Court .of
Como:io t a . Pleas ip and fur the, county ,ef
caster c ancL ARistant Jusicees h of the Courts,of
Oyer and[gerrniner- arkil;4erieral, gait 4elixery t ,
and 04,uarters lie Peace, in.and for,
the county , of, Laileastlrylla ytk is,sued their Pre, `
cept tsimieldirected, requiring, ge, etopuglither
things, to e fes,ksuiuhlic Proelamation i tigoiglo„
out rny bollistielti,that a Court of !Oyer. end..
Tnrinine; and is,,general Jolt delivery ) also, a .
durAlnf4V4e.lAle9.4 B4 tAPPPikeP s
andJailidf4lPfern.Will commence
House in the. city , of Laoca:stcr, , hl iS4,e,..Comz
nionwealin of PnAnnYisvitnin !
_tßuithe ,
340371•PA1Y, in 41./.W1,81%.,1014
of W,44 itrecAPt . Rmbilt gAVe.l . O'
to the Alo,lolj. l and t 41.4444411,y ofile o
71.alleaStoti in She . 1 41. 1 . 1 -CaUntiris.--aild all itte, Ags
tiqes, nfthe,Peace,,thq,Corcknerkand, .Constablesi
of the 'Said , eity,„andiconntsr, of ..Lancaster,:thatc
they be thekadt•ittere,Au thcigown proper
peßiktk.l witi tliesk•rolls o recorils.and t ex,ao4oev;
gicit,P4le4 SegtßirOranqe) 3 ,l
,those things which to their olfinennppextainAngi
intheic,bellalf to ; be done ;:444:ainn su.ll those
who will, pxotleoliteiregoliAt, i thef prisenern-who.
area... o .Athea „ shallibeita th.e.:Joilo.fyiEogd comity'
of ,Lancsieter, are to ,tie tkesi Atudi-theyeto,-wps-,,,
ecutglagAtrimtiliern.AßAlian heiudt,t
4 tittrickow tjm
Dated JULY
, 18§4..1 a= ;F. ,#); ~
rif.X -01 ; I •V‘' , ' SYDTPRA4 I -g
.:" • qtIB.G.EOII
=4: 14 - .4
Havific . rephobad !MI the 4 /06-insrfoinierN oteaptisil
'Dr . Xiberitie4 l cidfcatri* 'B , lktrigidr. - 01tatz!
terseitin'StofekantaetiStilief; Where &Vie how
iiteAtirea to Wairon 6 all-whimmity feel
dark edtb patronikelhimt •• - •
1 " , 111e - G ritlerSm- all
tied on. • TZETEl•iniferteepirthefinda apirrioved
principles "lif Dental' ecimMe. operations
on the •mOtititelietforinedn if =+'-a Skillfal- , and
workmanlike' Manner—en fair I principle VaMP
I - p'ermanentloca
tion' at • tilietilare, would aSk al bontinnatioi
of the lit • -ramie heretofore. "extended
to him, foi l which`he will:render
saubfactioil:' 4 .:, 't
WEthei sktUti - inioered to prorrek perilous..
Firstßatlike: . of Marietta'
. ,
is now prepared to tran ' sact all kinds of
The ..Board of , Directors meet - weekly, on
Wednesday, for disConnt arid,other„bai
gOUTP: • FTOM pr, to 3t. 41,
, JOHN' OL LI - RizEarDram
AMOS BOWMAN, Osmhier.,
Marietta, July 25,1863.:
LATED: WARE A Large and nne „stock
r. Of, Plated,'
Corner of North QUVen.strBet. eg• , Cel}tltAilbje
Lancaster,..l..a. Tee, ,ftta,--ip , vartety,Cogee
Urns. 'Pitchers, - Goblets, .SAjt,t, l sl4nde,'"9 9 4 cs
Baskokts,' Card-Baskets, Spoorts,...FOra t ignty,es,
Casters, fir.c.,&e., at znanufacturetg A m*.„
H. L. & E. J. ZAHAVS. ;.
Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lau
easter,•Pa. --Our-prices ate mdderife'filfd , all
goods warranted to be as repreeented.: , ,zzt
11 , ,Ey'n ;XXV: r
NvrOLFEM IGEgeltilillaket.SAllßßlON , opee
every Day and
. veiiing : 4lttfltiDAY l
excepted,-tetfere;erinThe:hedt*eibf the.rrtest
finely fie:voted 4(1g. , CREAM in the' State—
Philidelphie:not eteepted.' ”L6e-6m
0 4 for oniinify pu.**%aes,.wiirritated . gmutle
.: t . A 1 , 1" u r.f , :tll.- D. Derilansin.. :
D . f
It is the only' reliable self-Adjusting V4riuE•-
er. No wood-work to swell of split. No
thumb-screws to get out of order.
Warranted with or wttb-out Cog. Wheels.
It took the First Premium at Fifty-seven
State and County Fairs in 1863, and is, with
out an exception, the be•t Wringer ever made.
Patented in the United States, England,
Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted in
every town.
Energetic agents can make from 3 to In
Dollars per day. gg
No. 2. $6.50 N'0.1. - $7.50. No. `F. $8.50.
No. A. $9.50.
Sample Wringer sent and express paid on
ocelot of pike. i
Manufactured and so2d, wholesale and re
sit, by the
No. 13 Plai.Vgatidt;' No work, and Cleve-
Amid, Ohio. 1-
That a simple machine is better than a com
plicated one;
, That a Wringer should be self-adjusting . ,
( ,durable, and 40%4 . .
That Thufitte-'retes, `and ranenivei - tause
-4/ay and 1 , ouble to regulate and keep in order ;
That wood soaked in hot water will swell,
,:shrink and split ;
1 ' That woodi?€arinsirtirrthe Frafcto,' rim in
:wilt wear out;
That the Putnam Wringer, with or without
KOg-wheds, will not tear the clothes; •
That cog ; wheel regulators are not essenttal ;
Ttfigthe m 4•W ridge .'at the ad
vantages, and not one of the disadvantages
alitwoinamecti r
That all urn° have tested it, pronounce it
the,Pgaf Winger 9y,IF •
• 'hid it vdill wring anything from a thread
to a b.d quilt without alteration.;
We might till the galier with testimonials,
but insert only a few , to convince the skepti
,dal. if such there Gel and'we ..ay to all, test
Teat it thoroughly w,th any and ALL others,
`and if no . LehtirkilYisataifitetary, 'return it.
Putnam Manufacturing Co:
GENTLEMEN; I IC7IOII. fro 7 / 1 practical experi
'ence that iron well galvanized with zinc u it/ not
,Midize-•• ort , rust , cote :particle_ The Ptitnam
Wringer is as near perfect as possible, and I
lean'it 561114 t4eoininend it tO'be Me best in use.
Respectfully yours.
[ efiveliad`,Titio.;
41.,sny . ,vgars',.eitperiense in the. galvanizing
business enable me to indorse the above state
ments in all particulars.
1' No. 100 Ileekmahn Street.
New Yorlc, January, 1i164.:: . :
1 We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer
'by practical waking, and know that it will
do k %„ r itas epeap,.; t is.,simplei it, requires no
"room, whether at work or at rest; a child can
' Clpaate it 'doeS , itii-4uty • thoroughly ; it
savp,a, j tinie., paid it aavesiwear and tear. We
earnestly advise all who have much washing
'to ilo,'"'Unthall' intelligent persons who have
• an*,,t(lelfaY.t4ia Wriaggr... It will pay for it
self in a year at most.
Landis & Trout
Landis 4 , ,Trout
At the "Golden Mortar,"
2 f'l:•le.St r e c 4., • Marietta,
Market Street, Marietta,
Keep constantly on hand
''R . e'eple6o'zsta'ntly , on hued
Fancy Articles,
Pit Cit MY dicunei,
; co*. gik,Lairkpa.and Shade;
lio,we & 4teven , s Family Dye Colors,
Shoulder Braces and Trusses,
Papers and Periodicals,
Books & Stationer} ,
fs A
'.l?reSeriptions carefully corn e:aided
carefully eeinpounded
.%. •
RernerAber the place,
• 'lrerniaab'er tke
• Gtove's• old' Stand.
121i 4 : Grote's Old Sfatid.
:16,r.i.`ve tit te re . cc ;11 .
Give us a call.
; .%z,rib,pttz
T .
......—....---- v it‘l
HE subscriber offers his ser
citizens of Allarietti ail .vitro
He has ktit s ilritic`ea lieirolttecrin ref 'co
James Daffy, esq., S. S. Nagle, esq..
• James Mehatfey, esq., S; rF. • Er'rgle.& Go,,
G. W. Mehaffey, esti., S. & ,11., Hiestacid.
Ctinlienund at altiifn6 at this dwelling op
•pc#te .tolin • W. c4oo4,repi t le,nce,-on Mar
ket street,,dr at George W. Mehattcy's Saw
' Mill, tit'the.Upper•Station% •
• .
. ` M arietta ,•: ,
Bb -l 3 II O ,19
-ly* c. BULAKART.
1 ' .
' - ' ' ,-,4 Billilerei & 3 Pfineriori's Store.
.r: ; ':; -"
' vi ' PRO -- ii 7ToBA. m.
OFFICE Ho - ,,, -...3 4 Ti) 2.
' i
'-'" 6TO 7 .i. N .
Anothertail ibis6oo Ken,
Who oiariSUKeir Eartollaved!ctecx, tikeir
Hair Cut and ideada - Shanwooneld in the mo:4
seientinA manner, cap ,do so. by ca,n4ig ki, at
tte ItkriaEltre4e Sdloon, oppoilte
Liblukrea DOlg &Inez .k`
' " ce - r'ea'm at-the`lrenratage. •
INELY Otav'Ordil Ice tVeam can td had
every ilfrw roactijeminirig at Cutarainge,
Hermitage Rotel, at the Lower Station, Ma
, '',AXTORNP. Y AD hog,
~9wwx,..:-orck s 24 NOliltTil 1:V gpt
'erpposite the Court House, ithere
tend tel the ;practice of his proressimi ';
yo.rivo branches.
.140 W E Sr. STEVEN'S Celebrated
j Dye Colors, warranted to be fs
it le - at T7IE-GOLDEN'III6R7t.
3000 C
e.P.,? .E.Trrptrl SLTc
G EA'S Celibritie Pe ail Cement and'
Oil,paste Blswicing Ft
A LAIR' 4toolelof Paper and Envelop.
.A . ,sjfaiAbest quality just received and f.
sateen"' • The adldeu Mortar.