The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 13, 1864, Image 2

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F. L. ffa,ker, Editor.
thtfait'E,littiatal ffittfttt
btorkrort McMrcirazi.,
1. Robert P. Ritig,
2. Oeks M. ,Coates,
3. Henry Bum%
4. We. H.' Kira,
5...R011in H. ,Jenks,
6. Chas. M. Runk,
6. Robert Parks.
7. Wm. Taylor,
8. Jno. A. Hiestaad,
9. R. R. Coriell,
11. Edam'. Halliday,
12. Mao. P. Reed,
13. Elias W. Hall,
4. Chas. H. Shriner,
6. John Wister.
6." Carianthy,
7. Dauid. W. Woods,
8. Isaac Benson,
9. John Patton,
20. Sainne/ :B.:Dick,
21 :Everhart! Bierer,
22. John P. Penney,
,23. Ebe'zer M,'Junkin,
'24. J. W. .B/ancharzl..
well Icutiwn that the rebel agents who
lately presumed to talk peace at Niaga
ra are all notorious thieves and default
ers to the. Government they are endeav
oring to destroy. Sanders stole some
$30,000, Vhile acting as Buchanan's
Navy Agent at. New York. Tucker,
while Buchanan's Consul at Liverpool,
pocketed about $BO,OOO belonging to
the Government; and Thompson, Bu
chanan's Secretary of the Interior, en
gineered the great Indian Bond fraud of
$700,000; one fourth of which be kept
for his own
,perscoal use, dividing the
remainder among his fellow thieves in
the transaction. A choice and eminent
ly proper set of fellows to represent the
chivalrous Confederate States govern.
ment I
A. &on Rurour.—The New York
Journal of. Commerce, quoting the oft
repeated commonplace that "the rebel
lion is on its last lege," asks peevishly
hoW many legs the rebellion has got.
The Chicago Tribune answers :
"There is a leg Ohio called 'Yellen
digkam, one in Chicago called the 7'imes.
two-in NeWitork, the Journal of Com
merce and World, and one in Cincinnati,
the - Enquifer, besides two very lame legs
at Richmond and Atlanta. The North
ern legs are the most serviceable."
er The citizens of Chicago are now
engaged in raising contribution@ for the
purpose of pnrchasiag a home for Mrs.
Mulligan, the wife of Col, Mulligan, Who
commanded the Irish regiment in Hun
ter's army,rind was killed in the late
fight beyond Winchester. Col. Mulli
gan was highly respected in Chicago,
and his death is deeply lamented. The
conduct of Mrs. Mulligan who travelled
more than a hundred miles in an ambu
lance, driven by herself, in search,of her
hueband'e body, recovered it and brought
it back with her, has received the plau
dits of all as a devoted wife and heroine
worthy of any age of the world.
Mrs. Wm. Evans, of Mercer, 0.
W., aged 35, has had a stomach trouble
for several years. Late physicians have
attributed it to a snake in the stomach,
which has now grown so as to produce a
bunch on the outside of the stomach as
large as a quart bowl. When the bunch
was pressed , the snake recoiled into the
stomach. When fish or meat is being
cooked the serpent rises to the throat
4lnd almost produces strangulation.
Plundoians think that the death of the
eneke - \ will produce the death of the
Aff The legislature convened in-spe
cial session ou Tuesday last. The Gov
ernor ii his message nays very plainly
that the convening was for the purpose
of taking some action for the defence of
the state. It is important that the
members should beer this in mind in en
tering upon their duties, and not allow
other subjects of an entirely irrelevant
nature to creed n and occupy the time
!bids shouid.4 spent in deliberating
over the 804 business of the session.
Hon. tdward Everett, who sent
a repteserAtiye recruit to the field two
. . .
years ago,'ltui - l'oitiitrited :a check to
Governor Andrew,.orMasiachusetts, -to
• provide another. Though our_ laws
:otrake one man as good as another and
intiiiitimee better, here is an unobjection
-.2:44 method by 'arbieh , ' one man may
piove himself equal to several.
The Ohambersburg Repository,
ring of the return of the rebels to
Virile, says : "General Couch has the
ler well picheted and the fords all
-rded, so that a surprise is hardly
'Bible, General Couch will give time
notice should any threatening move-
Sent be made in this ,direction.
sr A son of Governor,. Bradford, of
Maryland, was thrown• from a - Carriage
in Baltimore oa Friday, 40 . was.:ifiti
pronely injured.
weeks ago, a lad in his fourteenth year,
Johnny Rives, son of the late John C.
Rives, Esq., arose from his bed in the
still hours of the night, and, passing
out of his cham . ber windoW, fell thirty
feet to the ground, without sustaining
serious injury. In his descent, he in
some manner struck and broke a window
of the chamber below his own. The
family were thus alarmed, and when
some of them descended to him, he' was
upon his hands and knees, endeaioring
to rise, which he immediately did with
slight assistance, and then walked up to
his chamber again. Di. Weller; of (BIa:
deusburg, near which place the family
resides, arid. Dr. Lincoln, of Washington,
were promptly summoned, and as promp
tly.congratulated in anxious family on
the providential 'escape of the lad from
all injury, except some slight scratches
and bruises.— Washington Chronicle.
Nashville Union says The colored reg
iments'reviewed last Wednesday were
compOsed of stoat, able-bodied, athletic
MOD, in the prime, and vigor of - life.
There was not one among them who, in
11160,Worild`not &Lye brought, as a slave,
one thousand dollars on the block. No
Wonder the RebelEf who saw them grated
their teeth and muttered curses. They
kW - million of oilers worth - tiftruman
chattels,' redeemed 'and disenthralled,
enlisted in a patriotic service, in striking
contrast with their cold- blooded treason."
eaf A successful experiment has , re
cently been made in blowing up a bar
in„the Mississippi river by means of tor
pedoes, The report that followed each
discharge was not very • loud but the
water waitlirown to a -height oT about.
seventy.flve feet in immense volumes,
and tone of black mud surged tip and'
was carried away by the current. Large
numbers of fish were killed by the con
cussion, and floated to the surface . of
the water, where they become the spoils
of the eager boatmen who were floating
around for the purpose of gathering up
"unconsidered trifles."
lar People who have fallen into the
not uncommon error of supposing Sum
ter to be a "heap of ruins" will learn
with surprise that, in the opinion of most
of our best army and naval commanders,
it is stronger now defensively than ever,
being in fact as perfect an earthwork as
military skill ever devised. The knock
ing down of a portion of the wall now
and then does not weaken it materially.,
sr Major General Doubleday is try
ing a contractor at Washington, chargeu
with agreeing to furnish the rebel'
ernment with forty millions of dollars
worth of goods, the contracts for which,
signed ,by rebel authorities, were found
upon his person. The goods were to,
have been purchased in the north and
run through Nassau.
or Army pies are so' terribly tough
that the soldiers call them leather pies
A. poor fellow of Grints army, 'whose
arm bad just been amputated, was be
ing carried past a stand the other day
where an old lady was selling pies,`when
he raised himself up in the ambulance
and cried out, "say, old litdy,• are thoil
pies sewed or pegged."
oar Thursday, July 28th was the 86th
birth-day of Commodore CharlesMtow
art, who has been in the service ,:of•-his
country - sixty-seven years. a
Philadelphian by birth, having .been
born on the 28th day of ;July, ITIB.
Daring his military career he has. been
in over forty engagements. Among
others was that of , the bombardment of
Tripoli, August 31, 1804. He <is still
bale—takes a deep interest in the pres
ent crisis of the conntry,has,never for
a moment despaired of the restoration
of the Ih:don—and is ail :loyal as Abra
ham Lincoln.
er him Caroline M. Nixon, died in
Bangor, Me., on the 20th instant. She
was the divorc'd wife of Jaime M. Nix
on, the theatrical manager; was herself
some years ago a dashing
performer, and was,travelling profession
ally at the time of her death.
or Twelve thousand 'Kentucky ne.
groes havi enlisted in the army who are
credited to'other States. Eight or nine
thousand are credited to that State, and
fourteen'to fifteen thousand able bodied
negroea remain nnenliated.
sr Ross Winans, ,the well-known lo
comotive builder of Baltimore, was gored
by a.tonll on Wednesday.. The horny of
the animal entered the abdomen, inflict
ing injuries from which Mr. W. is not
expected to recover.
lir Thomas P. Anderson, who has
held a responsible position in the Tress
nrY DePartlient` for nearly forty yeara,
died soddenly on Tharaday, while in the
discharge of his duties. He was 72
years of age.
W The . father ot Senator Sherman,
or , Ohio; ind • Gederal.Shorman,. before
Atlanta; and the 11o:tsars.' Sherman,
bankers-at Des "Moines 'lowa, died, in
that city on Wednesday , week.
ROBeitli has jnet,finiehed nom
position in memoriaju of ,hleyerbeer. , said,to.have been de
rived from the manrarilismeotaole of the
General News Items.
A Reporter in Columbus Iris recent
ly cowhided by a woman. His wife
paid back the debt by whipping t the
woman within an inch of her life ( A
jolly party, truly. '
A window falling on the neck of a
daughter of Mrs. Maxwell, at Cape
Elizabeth, Mass., last Sunday, guillo
tined her—nearly severing the head•
from the shoulders, killing her instantly.
Judge Stephen Vail, of Morris, N. J:,
died on the 26th ult. aged eighty-four.
He built the engines of the Savannah,
the first steamship that ever crossed the
Atlantic, and assisted Prof.' Weise' in
perfecting the telegraph. -
The man who enlists in The Uniciii
'army for three years gets in pay, and
bounty $1,326 or $442 per leaf in addi-
Lien to "board' and clothes," and ihe
glory which will ever remain to himself
and fatally while lining, and his memory
when dead: .
- By a recent discovery at the BOW'
State paper office it appears that Daniel
Defoe, the author Robinson'Prusee
and many other still popular:works,
was a hired epy and venal writer, for the
British Government in the time of
George 1..
At Craigin's 111118, near ,Mer,hnnics'
Falls, in Maine, last week, a limn took
a mischievous boy , and held over a
boiling vat with_a-threat to throw him
in. In struggling the boy did' fall in,
and was so severely brume& thatllfe died
on Thursday. The affair is said "to have
been accidental.
A London servant girl lay 1 down DM
hei bed, add her cluthes, beitig'distend
ed by two crinolines, were set: on fire
by e n candle which she bad placeii 'on a
chair. ghe—waa.,fate,l4...burned. The
young woman had borrowed one or the
crinolines put it on; in addition to
her own, to make her dress stand Out
more effectually. •
John Warner, of Cambridge,
who died last - year, -gave away over
$ll,OOO during the last five years of his
life; mostly in small s ums, to ' poor
people. A few years ago he burned up
notes and mortgages,_ the collection of
which would distress the ,men against
whom they were drawn, to-the amount
of about $20,000. -
The emmigration from Europe, which
has arrived at Now,York since the first
of the year, Is at the rate of 220,000 for
the year. But a very small part of this
emigration goes into the army, which is
a disproof orell ihe carges made in the
British. Parliament of American agents
enlisting recruits in Ireland. The great
balk of the emigration goes into the ag
ricultural districts.
Gen. Dix is the oldest employed Gen
eral now prominently before the public.
Be was eon) in New Hampshire in 1798.
Hunter was born in Washingtiin in 1802.
McCleinarcl in 'Kentucky in 1812.
Meade in Spain of American parents in
1819. Canby ib Kentucky in 1817
Hooker in Massachusetts in 1819.
Sherman in Obio in 1820. Graia in
Ohio in 1822. ‘ PennsylvAnia
in 1823. Hancock in the same State in
1824. Sigel in Germany in 1824, and
Slocum in New)toit in 1827.
William H..oarter, a citizen of Mary
land, who was found guilty by a milittirY
cObarpission in Washington, of, being a
spy, and violating the laws of war, .arld
Was 'sentenced , t)). beAhanged hist
Friday, , at thelold Capitol Prison; his'
been reprieved by. the Presidentrmntil
thrther orders: '
The rebel Jones having sent stag of
truce to Admiral Vahlgren, the'otcere'
on both sides at UhttifeSton placed nn '
der fire,lbad been exChanged, and the'
Union officers had sailed North: SO'
(lit& thelarbarous experiment of the
Charles G. Gorden, 3d Zdaryland vol
unteers; was. killed . front of Peters
burg, .on the 30th ult. Though_ not
twenty-one years °Una, he - -had partAci
pated in no.less than twenty-eight differ :
ent battles. .
• The-quota of Pennsylvania under the
five hundred thonsand• call is' 61,700.
The quota of New York is 89, 360. - -•
Lieut..T. C. Grant, nephew "of Gen.
Grant, was killed in the late assault be
fore Petersburg. •
John Connolly, of the 13th Pennsyl
vania cavalry, a deserter, was shot by a
guard, in Baltimore, on Thursday morn
ing last,
J. P. Colby, of Montpelier, Veripont,
takes the place'of Registrar of the Thu
nr,y, vice L. E. Chittenden, resigned-.
Chas. P. Cockey of Baltimore county'
was arrested on Friday, charged with
guiding the , rebels during the late raid
in Baltimore county. He was held 'for
- ! Joseph E. , McDonald, now copper
heed!-Sibernatorial -candidate. in -Indi
angt,,was an abolitionist a few years ago,
and--advocated removing! the national
Capital to free soil.
A. party visiting the White Mountains
ascended Mount Washington on Friday
and encountered a severe snow
BIM° of *e9 44r4ion. Thoia 7
dies suitere'd
John 'H. Johnston, portrait painter, (ar
rested dnrigg'the week of excitement in
this city at4nding, the late rebel raid,
charged with disloyalty,) was released
'from' ForttMc Beni,' on Wednesday eve.
niug. The following were the obligations
of his release. "He took the oath of al
legiance, gave ten thousand dollars bond
to be a loyal citizen and observe the
oath, and to have his hair cut to the
proper length." The latter part of the
order was issued becaniis it was alleged
that some time since Mr. Johnson an
nounced that he would not cutAis hair
`until theln dependence. of the South
-was recognized, and -in consequence his
hair, bad .bocome.very lengtby,and luxu
riant. Thp entire obligations were com
plied withiby Mr. ' Johnson preyious to
bis release.-,Ba/iiniore - Sun.
BRUTAL 0)b - rnAGE.—'-On Monday after
noon, Mrs..lEltnryifaff, residing in Cum
ru, came to town to get her - „husband's
bounty, who is in Captain Ketrr,r's Co.
F., 46th Begin:tent. She applied to M.,
B. Boyer, Mgr, and received thebounty;
littLon her, way hbroe, the Morgan
town road, between the Lancaster bridge
„It ,
and ost's Istarid,'she was waylaid , by
two' human fora?, who - dragged
her into'an adjoining,' , field, where 'they
ravished her. . The partiesare known to
the woman. Ou Tuesday the police at
4empied'to arrest them, but could not
End them: So - 'brutal, an occurrence
' harbnot-disgraced our county for itlong
aeries . ot years.—Reading Times.
Rnaarraz §uratn.-- on' T um) d arlast
a reipeetable farmOr , named R. J. Car
penter, living, near Frederica, Kent
county, Del., took ids tun, heavily load
ed-With large shot_and placing it to his
bead, ordered a small-boy, to tell bis wife
that be was going to kill himself. Mrs,
C. immediately ,ran .to where he was,-
and casting herself on her knees, begging
him to desist. To her „frantic inquiry,
'•What will I and the children do 2" be
replied :'"Do the best you can," and im
mediately, pulled the trigger, the load
tearing off the entire skull and scatter
ing the blood and brains over his poor
wife, who bad fallen with him.
illar The Washington Star tells why'
Gov. Letcher's house was burned : "On
the arrival of Gen. Bootees troops at
Lexington, the residence of Governor
Letcher was cared for and protected by
his order, as was all other private pro
pertyin that t town,—Altor being there
two days there was discovered in a de
serted printing office is .manuscript pro
clamation, written, and signed ,by. John.
Letcher, which had been set up, exhort--
iog the citizens of the town and county
to assassinate our troops from - behind
trees, bushed, &c., This diSeovery so
incensed Gen. Hunter and his army
that he ordered the destruction of Let
cher's house:"
1 . 11 a• A convict' in' the *Thomaston,
Maine, State prison, Who had cut up a
blankei and, from it made a suit of
clothes of one color, and had disguised
himselrwith a false moustache, boldly
marched through the gnard room of the
prise:in, a few dais ago, 'the, gyard not
detecting thefraid, and was jEst leay.
ing the prison, when - the warden, who
happened to meet him, stopped bin.
He said he had beeaa year preparing
to escape.
ar On ! Saturday, July 23, Mr. Reedy,
father-in-law of John Morgan, and for
merly a representative in COngrese from
Tennessee, took the amnesty oath. He
`has been the(head of all the rebels in
Murfreesborougb who 'seemed to move
Hider his guidance. ' il s e said h'e'"regar
ded the &ahem Confederacy a failure
and though•once honest in its support,
Would now gladly return to the pld
fir Surgeon General King,' of Penn
sy)vania, has resigned, iind-is succeeded
by the former Assistant Surgeon Gener
al, Dr. Joseph A. phillipe,of Pittsburg.
Dr.'Sitig retiree with the ftifl confidence
and esteem of every member of the
State GoVernMent. He will at once
resume the practice of his profession at
eir Dr. J. C. Miekenzie, of Balti
more, has been arrested for disloyalty,
and aiding and abetting the rebels.. In
his boned were found two rebel flags
and a number or.photographe of •rebels
offidials, Civil and military .
tEr. , l3ett.Roussean has ordered an as
segment of Bye thousand dollars on the
rebel citizens residing in the neighbor
hood of the'plaee !here Dr. Huett, of
the 15th U. S. colored troops, was bru
tally.murdered on 'the 24th ult. The
assessment ieziade for the benefit of the
murdered officer's family.,
R . The murder,
took place abont • fitieen miles ftom
lir The febel'Oeneral Forrest
i!:; reported by_a Memphis dispatch to
have died on the 22d 'ult. at Columba's,
Miss., probalgy. from wounds received
at Tupelo, as his deatkia said to have
been occasioned by loclijaw, ,
sr A false. Bloodin_ is in .Paris, who,
on °a rope. at the height of the column
of:;the Place Vendome,, - cooks:an omelet
on kt re lighted his 'own: hands; and
lets it,dows bra cord to the: peOple be
low: • -
ing of Mr. J. Eyerson, of Bradford town
ship, Clearfield county, caught fire on
Friday, the 15th inst., and was burned
to the ground. A small child of Mr. E.
was burned to dedth in the house—the
body, however, was taken from the build
ing before it was consumed. The fire
occured during short absence of Mrs.
Eyerson. Mr. E. was from home at the
The man who enlists in the Union ar
my for three years gets in pay and boun
ties $1326, or $442 per year in addition
"hourd and clothes."
Ste' A number of year's have elapsed since
the intsoduction - of liostetter's Celebrated alit
ters to the public. The prejudice exiatiug in
the Minds'.of many persons• against what are
denominated patent medicines at first greatly
retarded its mile ;- but as its virtues and mer
its became khqtyri, thisbarler of prejudice was
ovetthrown, and, the demand increased'surap
idly that lb a fbit. 'years scarcely it village ex
histed in lhe Statei in which theaffiic--
ted had not experienced the benefits•arising
from the use of the "Sitterai , "and at the ptes
ent.daytthete are to belound,in4allparts of
the worid.voucheislor:the great merits of the•
article No iteater cure for Dyspepsia can be .
found. Ira — . See- advertisement For sale by.
Druggists and Dealers generally. .
A CAF . r . DID ST4TEASENT. You can procure
of any Druggist in this city and vicinity, .Dr.
Tobias' Venetian Liniment. It is a sure and
speedy cure for sorethroat, toothache, chronic
rheumatism, colic,., croups and pains in the
limbs iNe advise every one to give it a trial.
The expense is a mere cents—and
we are confident no parson will ever , be with
out it. Every family should have a bottle in
the house in case of sudden accidents, such as
Cuts, .burns, scalds, &C. Its pain relieving
qualities are miraculous.' As.for croup,it has
saved kundreds;.:weahaye , Abe,certificates to
prove it. Office, No 86 Cortland StreetPNew -
York. Sold byall Druggists.,
beware, - -of Palse -Profits, who promise
to restore gray hair to its natural color, with
poisonous and imperfect dyes of salpher and
Cristadoro's is the only dye
nat is tier ectlY clean,
Perfectly imitates Nature,
Perfectly Reliable and Sure,
Perfectly Harmless and Simple,.
Perfectly Poisonless and Pure,
and combines in itself all the perfections of a
perfect dye.
Cristadores Hair Preservative, is invaluable
with his Dye, as it imparts the u:most softness
and the most beautiful gloss and great vitality
to the hair. Manufactured by J. CirsTA DORO,
No, 6 Astor House, New-York. Sold every
where,. and applied by all Mar Dressers.
Price - $l, $1:50, and $3 per box, according
o [lm
The Mitisnia aiiB foul .vapore generated
by the hot sun will be far more deadly to our
Volunteers than the enemy , s bayonets. lii
the Indian and - Ciiinean- campaigns,
wa}'s Pills ire used in enormous quantities:
They - kept the troops in pertect health
-If the reader of this "notice" cannot get a
box of Pills or Ointment from the drug store
in his place, let him write to me, SO
Lane, enclosing the amofint, sad I will mail a
box free of expense. Many dealers will not
keep my medicine!: on hand because they can
notanake as much profit as on other person , s
make. 35 cents, 'BB cents, and $1.90 per box
or put.
313- , A Card to 'the Suffering. Swallow two
or three hogsheads of " Buchu,'" "Tonic Bit
ters," "Sarsaparilla," " Nervous Antidotes,"
&c., and after you, are satisfied, ith the
result, then try one box of Old -Dr. Bochan's
English Specific Pilfs—zaud' be restored to good
health and vigor in less than 30 days. They
are purelY vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt
and salutary in their effects on the broken
down and shattered constitution. Old and
young ca n take themwith advantage. Impor
ted and sold in the-United States only by
J. S. 8nittn..4.27 Broadway, N. Y.
It3•Agent for the Alnited
P. S.—A _l3ox of the Pills, securely packed,
will be mailed-to any adiress on receipt of
which - is . ONE DorLAn.,postpaidl—mo
ney refunded ,by the agent it entire satisfac--
tion is not given. Only-30-3m
. .
KT Do you want to be Cured? Dr. Buch
an's English Specific VMS cures, in less than
'3O dais, the worst cases.of Nervousness, Im
potency,: Prematire Decay , Seminal I.V.:eak-
Insanity, and. all Urinary, Sexual and
Nervous Affections, no matter frOp
cause produced:. Pride $1 per pox. sent:' by
mail, postpaid, on . receipt- of an alder. , One
box will perfect the cure in most cases.
Ai:litreis'. J'AIEES 81 IV;
General Agent, 'No, 42.7 Stoaclwtay,;.N.:."l".
, .
, ;13- Editfrpt-TO pisriettian. Dear Sir:
i With your permission I wish to say to the rea.
1 ders of yOur piper that I will send, by return
mail, to all who wish it (free), a Recipe, with
full directions for making and using a:simple
' Vegetable Dalrin;that will effectually remove,
in tens 4aYs;' Pimples, Blotch es, Tan, Freckles,
and all, imPuilties Of, 'the skill,' leaving the
1 same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful.
? I will also mail free to those having bald
heads, or bare',.faces, simple directions and in
forination that will enable them to start a full
growth of. liviuriaitt "Hair,' Whiskers, 'or a
Moustache, in.less than 30 days. il
Respectfully yours,
' THOS-'F. CU AM A IC, CheltbiSt,
SUIYANCIIi ' 831 Broadway, N. Y.
lilir Vgentleinan, cured of Nervous' Debili- ~
ty, Incompeiency, Premature 'Decay 'and
Youthful Error, ctuated• by a desire to bene
iiihe'ts,Will be ditippy•to furbish to all who
; need it, (free of charge), the recipe and di- I
ections for making the "sititile remedy. used, i
in his case.. Those
,wish,ing to' profit .by• his
experience, and possess iti c Valuable <Reniedv, '
: will receive'the:same, by return mail (care
' fully sealed), by addressing ,
, . .
,Josh B. OGDEN,
:May 14-3 ml No.Bo Nassau street, N. Y
'11•=1131-7 , Eve. and EAR:--Prof. J. Isaacs, M. D.
Oculist and Aiirilf,' formerly of Leyden, HoV. '
land;is located at Ro. 511 Pine-st., Philadel
phia, where persons, aftlited with diseases ,
the ' Eye` or 'Ear will be ' scieptirmally
and cured, if Curable.' 4rlificlal Eyes i
edMiit4 ol3 t Raja.' i No Charq, made for eireif
illation. The *Opal 1:011,ty is invited, es;
he has no secrete his iriedi of trestiOnt.
Q 7-30 LoA N_
U. O.
The Secretary of the Tieasury gives notice
that subseriptions mill be received for Coupon
Treasury Notes, payable three years from
August lOth, 1864 with serni.ssnusi interest
at the rate of seven and three-tenths per-cent.
per annum,—principal and interest both to Ns
paid in lawful mcney.
These notes will be convertible at the option
of the holder at maturity, into six per cent.
gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five
nor more than twenty yearn from . Asir date,
as the Government may elect. They will be
issued'in denomniatioits $159,41*, falkl;,
#l.OOO and 41510 N, il,ti4aa mlas
be for fifty dollars or some•lnnitiplo,--offir
dollars. , .
The notes will be transmitted to volv 01V11:011
free of transporia ttori ciia;*ltitr
the receipt of the certificates or De
posit as they 'Ceti
' As'the notes
,draw:intereWtrOns 9 iiiigual 5,
persons making' deposits subsequent =to that
date mile t partheiaterest .acerlued-Troiti'
otno l is to date ordepottit.
Parties depositing twenty-fivothonlide Mil
lers and upwards fortbsie notes ally one
time will ,be allowed .a .00miniasion of one
dueller 'of one perceilt. yvbiEli - 414 be poitil
by the Treasury Depaitment upon Abetteoeipr
of a bill for the amount, certified 'tsi bT
officer with whom the deposit Inis No
dCdnctions ,for commissiOns , MnstAbit
from the deposits
Special Advantages of this,. Loan
It is a 'N'istionitl, qsvings,,if, ,Offering a
higher rate of interest thatiany'sotiteri andllte
best security.
,Aiti.tavings . :batik „which pays
its depositors in U. S. Notes, conol4ers s tKat it
is paying in the beat CiiOhlatingnieditirn'Uf the
country, endit cannot pay In anythirii beret,
for its own assets are either in government so-
eurities or in' ttotss or Onds payable in goirtina-
It is equally convenient as s, temporary or
permanent investment. The notes can Weikel'
be sold for withiri a fraction n ot tbeir face and
necumulateti interest, end are thebestieenrity
with banks as cpiatelais for oscounta.
Convertable into a Simper cent, 5.20 Gotif
In addition to the very liberal interest on the
notes for three years, this,privilege of el:layer.-
int is now worth about '.3 per sent. per-an-
num, for the current rate‘fur (1 . -20 Bondi is not
less than 9 per cent. prerhiutn, and *fore the
. .
war the premium on 6 per, gent.. U.,S. Stacks
*as over 20 per cent. It *4l be .3., , en ttat,ih•
actual profit on this loaqtatithe present sm.
ket rate, Is notlejs thar-teriper ceat;jp er an'-
nuni. Its exemption
F : oni. State or 21h4niapat Taxation
But aside from all. the aciVantages walave
enumerated, a special AcitA Congress ear.empta
all Bonds and Treasury Notes from local. tax-
stion- Oa the average,this exemption is
worth about •twb per cent.itier4anur aC'Cord-
in; to the rate of tasatioti, iii . vorlopo porta of
the country.
St is believed that no seOrkties Offer entreat
inducements to lenders ustinose.issued by the
government. In alt other forine of indebted-
tress... the - faith Or ; ability- of private paities,,or
stock companies, oz seperte communities, on-
ly„ l ! ,,s.pledged for payment; while the whole
prwrltA;o9.he country il3 held to secure' the
chscharge of all theoblintioa; of the Uuiicd
St:ma: .
Whila the government offers the most liber
al terms for its lops, it be)ieves that tiie vprry
- •
strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and
patriotism of the people.. !'
Duplicate certificates will be issued far •n
deposits. The party depositing must endorse
upon the original certificate the deuominaticus
of notes required, andviier gtobe :i
issued in blank or. paysble'io -.7 arder.. When,
so endorsed ityonst,be iefty4th the oflizer re
ceiving the depoilt, to he'foroestrdt'd to `tho
Treasury Department.
Supszn.ptions will be reciived by the Trews
[trek of tlic United States, at Washington, the.
several Asetstant Treasurera Aud designated
pepositaties; and by the
FirstlVational Bank af Marietta,
and by all National> Iloaks`whie.h are depodt-
_• „ .
taries of pub* money, and 4.ll.reartectablik
throughout.t4e,couptry will give further infor-
[nation and afford.every factlity, tp,anbspribera.
August ]3; 1864;' , 4 ' , ; 4 , 3.. 1,,/ ',"[3Min
. . , . .„. , ; ,
y ETTEILS‘ REMAIIIIN4 Miele:tined in the
1:j Post OffMe at aliDiettaPPailTituasnaY,
AUGUST 11 ,1864. • ,--_ -
I, Adams, Mary U
. - • '11.4'.11;J,4?ht,
ißartlett,ileuitimiii 2 Quigley, Tames • ,
Barlow, Lizzie' - - •-
Bhyd r , Williams 'S. ~' ./taugti,. litonaso, W. 7
1 Cinse,_Ditohian '
~ - RiictuieiPatripk
1 Crufr, Sluali 2 - .
i;' „"SuMMY;ersinei
Caine, William
.Sayior, Sahadel
Darr, Geo.,, _ ' Vilharlilm , za , -
Jones, Gebrge W. ' Wititaxl" . = • -
11;;.7 VP obtain any. of theaele es,,,thq lip
plica4t must call for igatteertial, gyp give
the date of this li - st,'and f .pay. on 9 . 0 t for for &i
I "''' , ..
FRANKLysT . 13 0 7 *LE;'41 JD- .--
After an absence in nearly hrgnYeara in
the Navy and ArmFlif the Uni d States has
returned to the ilorealih of Ma Jetta and ra
suroed.the praeliee of NiediciPp t
Es?ecial ation paid4iirgicakeisea
in which brApiCiif his prof heAu had
very considle ex,periec.ic •
OFFIcz iabis private seal f—intranee
at the
Ptat t le NOTICE. Whf
Betsy Il u rtuaa, ihas,
cause, Aft "cny. bed and , board.
all - persons agailisrrhaituriug o
as I willtiiay no debts'of-hdr "cO
Marietta; August 6, 1664:-31
1 - 30RINIF; G 01DE it I E
Laguira Coffee; Crashed;
rowu - StiKar . ; S uperior prep
AticeiCifeese - prid'Spicee r
kingMMtofae ' e " Pp;:&CeliCiiit
J. It . .DIFF
!WI my wife,
out `any just
,hereby warn trutitiug - her
1 2:daeras::