thearitttian. F. L. ffa,ker, Editor. MARIETTA. PA : SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1864. FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINC9LN, OF ILLINOIS. FOR VICE PR ESID4NT, ANDREW JOHNSON, OF TENNESSEE thtfait'E,littiatal ffittfttt SENATC,RIAL btorkrort McMrcirazi., TROXAII H. CUTINII4GBAX, Beaver co. MEM NTATIVS 1. Robert P. Ritig, 2. Oeks M. ,Coates, 3. Henry Bum% 4. We. H.' Kira, 5...R011in H. ,Jenks, 6. Chas. M. Runk, 6. Robert Parks. 7. Wm. Taylor, 8. Jno. A. Hiestaad, 9. R. R. Coriell, 11. Edam'. Halliday, 12. Mao. P. Reed, 13. Elias W. Hall, 4. Chas. H. Shriner, 6. John Wister. 6." Carianthy, 7. Dauid. W. Woods, 8. Isaac Benson, 9. John Patton, 20. Sainne/ :B.:Dick, ' 21 :Everhart! Bierer, 22. John P. Penney, ,23. Ebe'zer M,'Junkin, '24. J. W. .B/ancharzl.. , CERTIFICATES OF CEARACTER..—It is well Icutiwn that the rebel agents who lately presumed to talk peace at Niaga ra are all notorious thieves and default ers to the. Government they are endeav oring to destroy. Sanders stole some $30,000, Vhile acting as Buchanan's Navy Agent at. New York. Tucker, while Buchanan's Consul at Liverpool, pocketed about $BO,OOO belonging to the Government; and Thompson, Bu chanan's Secretary of the Interior, en gineered the great Indian Bond fraud of $700,000; one fourth of which be kept for his own ,perscoal use, dividing the remainder among his fellow thieves in the transaction. A choice and eminent ly proper set of fellows to represent the chivalrous Confederate States govern. ment I A. &on Rurour.—The New York Journal of. Commerce, quoting the oft repeated commonplace that "the rebel lion is on its last lege," asks peevishly hoW many legs the rebellion has got. The Chicago Tribune answers : "There is a leg Ohio called 'Yellen digkam, one in Chicago called the 7'imes. two-in NeWitork, the Journal of Com merce and World, and one in Cincinnati, the - Enquifer, besides two very lame legs at Richmond and Atlanta. The North ern legs are the most serviceable." er The citizens of Chicago are now engaged in raising contribution@ for the purpose of pnrchasiag a home for Mrs. Mulligan, the wife of Col, Mulligan, Who commanded the Irish regiment in Hun ter's army,rind was killed in the late fight beyond Winchester. Col. Mulli gan was highly respected in Chicago, and his death is deeply lamented. The conduct of Mrs. Mulligan who travelled more than a hundred miles in an ambu lance, driven by herself, in search,of her hueband'e body, recovered it and brought it back with her, has received the plau dits of all as a devoted wife and heroine worthy of any age of the world. Mrs. Wm. Evans, of Mercer, 0. W., aged 35, has had a stomach trouble for several years. Late physicians have attributed it to a snake in the stomach, which has now grown so as to produce a bunch on the outside of the stomach as large as a quart bowl. When the bunch was pressed , the snake recoiled into the stomach. When fish or meat is being cooked the serpent rises to the throat 4lnd almost produces strangulation. Plundoians think that the death of the eneke - \ will produce the death of the womati, Aff The legislature convened in-spe cial session ou Tuesday last. The Gov ernor ii his message nays very plainly that the convening was for the purpose of taking some action for the defence of the state. It is important that the members should beer this in mind in en tering upon their duties, and not allow other subjects of an entirely irrelevant nature to creed n and occupy the time !bids shouid.4 spent in deliberating over the 804 business of the session. . Hon. tdward Everett, who sent a repteserAtiye recruit to the field two . . . years ago,'ltui - l'oitiitrited :a check to Governor Andrew,.orMasiachusetts, -to • provide another. Though our_ laws :otrake one man as good as another and intiiiitimee better, here is an unobjection -.2:44 method by 'arbieh , ' one man may piove himself equal to several. The Ohambersburg Repository, ring of the return of the rebels to Virile, says : "General Couch has the ler well picheted and the fords all -rded, so that a surprise is hardly 'Bible, General Couch will give time notice should any threatening move- Sent be made in this ,direction. sr A son of Governor,. Bradford, of Maryland, was thrown• from a - Carriage in Baltimore oa Friday, 40 . was.:ifiti pronely injured. FALL OF A SOMNAMBULIST.-4. few weeks ago, a lad in his fourteenth year, Johnny Rives, son of the late John C. Rives, Esq., arose from his bed in the still hours of the night, and, passing out of his cham . ber windoW, fell thirty feet to the ground, without sustaining serious injury. In his descent, he in some manner struck and broke a window of the chamber below his own. The family were thus alarmed, and when some of them descended to him, he' was upon his hands and knees, endeaioring to rise, which he immediately did with slight assistance, and then walked up to his chamber again. Di. Weller; of (BIa: deusburg, near which place the family resides, arid. Dr. Lincoln, of Washington, were promptly summoned, and as promp tly.congratulated in anxious family on the providential 'escape of the lad from all injury, except some slight scratches and bruises.— Washington Chronicle. WHAT REBELLION 18 Doiire.—The Nashville Union says The colored reg iments'reviewed last Wednesday were compOsed of stoat, able-bodied, athletic MOD, in the prime, and vigor of - life. There was not one among them who, in 11160,Worild`not &Lye brought, as a slave, one thousand dollars on the block. No Wonder the RebelEf who saw them grated their teeth and muttered curses. They kW - million of oilers worth - tiftruman chattels,' redeemed 'and disenthralled, enlisted in a patriotic service, in striking contrast with their cold- blooded treason." eaf A successful experiment has , re cently been made in blowing up a bar in„the Mississippi river by means of tor pedoes, The report that followed each discharge was not very • loud but the water waitlirown to a -height oT about. seventy.flve feet in immense volumes, and tone of black mud surged tip and' was carried away by the current. Large numbers of fish were killed by the con cussion, and floated to the surface . of the water, where they become the spoils of the eager boatmen who were floating around for the purpose of gathering up "unconsidered trifles." lar People who have fallen into the not uncommon error of supposing Sum ter to be a "heap of ruins" will learn with surprise that, in the opinion of most of our best army and naval commanders, it is stronger now defensively than ever, being in fact as perfect an earthwork as military skill ever devised. The knock ing down of a portion of the wall now and then does not weaken it materially., sr Major General Doubleday is try ing a contractor at Washington, chargeu with agreeing to furnish the rebel' _gov ernment with forty millions of dollars worth of goods, the contracts for which, signed ,by rebel authorities, were found upon his person. The goods were to, have been purchased in the north and run through Nassau. or Army pies are so' terribly tough that the soldiers call them leather pies A. poor fellow of Grints army, 'whose arm bad just been amputated, was be ing carried past a stand the other day where an old lady was selling pies,`when he raised himself up in the ambulance and cried out, "say, old litdy,• are thoil pies sewed or pegged." oar Thursday, July 28th was the 86th birth-day of Commodore CharlesMtow art, who has been in the service ,:of•-his country - sixty-seven years. a Philadelphian by birth, having .been born on the 28th day of ;July, ITIB. Daring his military career he has. been in over forty engagements. Among others was that of , the bombardment of Tripoli, August 31, 1804. He Iloaks`whie.h are depodt- _• „ . taries of pub* money, and 4.ll.reartectablik k BANKS , RALAKEAS throughout.t4e,couptry will give further infor- [nation and afford.every factlity, tp,anbspribera. August ]3; 1864;' , 4 ' , ; 4 , 3.. 1,,/ ',"[3Min . . , . .„. , ; , y ETTEILS‘ REMAIIIIN4 Miele:tined in the 1:j Post OffMe at aliDiettaPPailTituasnaY, AUGUST 11 ,1864. • ,--_ - I, Adams, Mary U . - • '11.4'.11;J,4?ht, ißartlett,ileuitimiii 2 Quigley, Tames • , Barlow, Lizzie' - - •- Bhyd r , Williams 'S. ~' ./taugti,. litonaso, W. 7 1 Cinse,_Ditohian ' ~ - RiictuieiPatripk 1 Crufr, Sluali 2 - . i;' „"SuMMY;ersinei Caine, William .Sayior, Sahadel Darr, Geo.,, _ ' Vilharlilm , za , - Jones, Gebrge W. ' Wititaxl" . = • - 11;;.7 VP obtain any. of theaele es,,,thq lip plica4t must call for igatteertial, gyp give the date of this li - st,'and f .pay. on 9 . 0 t for for &i -f vertismg. I "''' , .. ABRAHAMC.4I.B EL, P. M. ,' FRANKLysT . 13 0 7 *LE;'41 JD- .-- 4.. After an absence in nearly hrgnYeara in the Navy and ArmFlif the Uni d States has returned to the ilorealih of Ma Jetta and ra suroed.the praeliee of NiediciPp t *t Es?ecial ation paid4iirgicakeisea in which brApiCiif his prof heAu had ffrib very considle ex,periec.ic • OFFIcz iabis private seal f—intranee at the Ptat t le NOTICE. Whf Betsy Il u rtuaa, ihas, cause, Aft "cny. bed and , board. all - persons agailisrrhaituriug o as I willtiiay no debts'of-hdr "cO • • GEORG-NI Marietta; August 6, 1664:-31 1 - 30RINIF; G 01DE it I E Laguira Coffee; Crashed; rowu - StiKar . ; S uperior prep AticeiCifeese - prid'Spicee r kingMMtofae ' e " Pp;:&CeliCiiit J. It . .DIFF OM !WI my wife, out `any just ,hereby warn trutitiug - her et4eting. 1 2:daeras:: Black