BY FREIYK L. BAKER. ,11/1/ MANHOOD: .riZria. How Lon,—How REBTORSD Just Pulda:lied, a new edition of Dr. Oulverwell's Celebrated .Essay On the radical cure cwithout medicine) of Spermatorrhcea, or Seminal Weakness', Invol untary Seminal Losing, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to marriage,. etc. •, also Coneumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence creek-te al extravagance. Price en a Sealed Envelope only Six Cents. The celebrated authorin this admirable es say clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming conse qences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medi cine or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, ceriam and effectual, by means of which every suf ferer, no matter what hie condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radicaily. Dom' This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth.and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addrese, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or twq,postage stamps, by addressing the publish ers, (WAS. J. C. KUNZ 4 CO., 127 flowery, New-York, P 0. Box, 9586. FISH'S LAMP HEATING APPARATUS. Boiling—Prying—Steuring--Steepitag— WITH THE PLANE THAT LIGHTS THE ROOK. • • • By the flame of a common lamp, at the cost of a cent's worth of oil, a very comfortable breakfast can be cooked. • • —N. Y. Tribune. • • • Simple in construction, easily kept in order, ready for use iwa moment • • • convenient to have on hand. • • Drug gist's Circular. • * • Fish's Lamp is one of the most popular novelties of the day, .* • • the utility of it is unquestionable, a great saving is made in beating and cooking small articles, and can be made to cook meals for a great many persons, which is actually done on the ambulance Cats which carry the sick soldiery. • • Stientsfic American. • • • For family use, hospital tent, bar rack, picnics, fishing, nursery, or sick room, it is an article of comfort beyond all propor tion to its cost. * • Han's. Journal of Health. • • • I have tried the L apparatus, and my wife and I proclaim the same a Jnost valu able and indispensable article, and we now wonder how we could have so long done with out it. • • Ed. Coal Oil Circular. • b An economical contrivance for getting up heat at short notice for nursery and general household purposes, • • • one impoitnnt point is the saving in cost over email dres. • • • N. r. Evertineßitt Prices from Two to ‘S'is Dollars. l'apeetty from One to Four Quarts Three Articles Cooked at one time with one Burner. Arranged for Kerosene or Coal'Oil, or Gas. A Descriptive Pamphlet of thirty pages fur nistmd gratis. I=l THE UNION ATTACHMENT, Price 50 Cerlte,,. To be attached to a Common Kerosene Lamp or Gas Burner, by which water may be boiled, and food cooked ; also arranged to support a shade. Etter!! Family nerds one. WM. D. RUSSELL Agent. No. 206, Pearl St., New York. EP Agents Wanted. k.r Two of these Heating Lamps can be sees at John Spangler's Hardware. SUPPLEB & BRO., IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS And General ilackinists, Second street, Below Union, Columbia, Pa. They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces, Pipes, for Steam, Water and, Gas; Columns, Fronts, Cellar Boots, Weights, &c., for Buil dings, and castings of every description ; STEAM' .ENGINES, AND BOILERS, THEIN se Der MODERN AND. IMPROVED Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and Pulleys, 111111 Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining 'and Tatinipg ; Brass Bearings, Steam& Blast ,Loinricatore, Oil Gecko, Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit tings in all their variety; Boilers Tanks, Flues, iipatertt, Stacks, Boats, Nuts,, Vault Doors, Winners, inc. BLACKSMITHING in GENERA L. From long experience in building machinery we flatter ourselves that we can give general satis faction to those who may favor us with their orders. ltrßepairing promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet with prompt attention. Pries* to suitthetimen. Z. SUPPLEE, T. R. SUPPLEE. Columbia, October 20, 1860. 14 tf A , OWARD 4.8000411'10N. .., PHIL4PWW••.4 I 4, . messes of tht Nervous, •Seinituil, litinaty and Sexes] Sya ems--new god jpliable, treat meet—in q.epotte ofjhe Howard Xsiociation. Sent by mull in aseledietter envelopes,fr,re o f Charge. Adoress, Da. J. SKILLIN HOUGH ?ON, Howard Assoeiseitin i Ho. 2 . south Ninth l Street, Philadel his, Pa • '' 7 . , ... CHOICE; H beseCtativi sEGA apd IV" anll:.VokinfvoTrpotag .14 t Cm . _.•. EAGLE GAS STOVE WORKS, 11. D. BLAKE,. 474 BROADWAY, N. Y COOKING Sr HEATING BY GAS. No Dirt, No Smoke. No &nett. THE ,"EAGLE" GAS STOVES Will BoU, Broil,: Roaat Bake, Toast, Steui, and Heat Irons, cheaper-than Coal or Wood! I have on hand, and mike to .order :Stoves and Furnaces • for Chemists, Tinners, Book binders, Dentists, Tea Stores, Vulcanizing Stoves, Photographer's Ovens, &c., and Laun dry Irons. Send for a Descriptive •atalogue. I also manufacture Coal Oil Stoves, for Cooking & Beating. Burns the common Ke rosene Oil, and does the cooking for a family for one cent per hour. H. D. BLAKE, bole Manufacturer, 474 Broadway, N. V. The American Advertising and Purchasing Agency receive orders for the shove-named Merchandize. Bus. Dep., E. ALVORD. Cor resp. Dep. Fowler & Wells, 389 Broadway, N. Y. \ WIRES & LIQUORS. EI. D. BENJAMIN, DE.AI ER IN WINES & LIQUORS, Picot Building, Marietta, Pa. BEGS leave to inform the public that he will continue the WIN E & LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. U t will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins. Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials. Bitters, ic., BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON HAND, A very surevior OLD RYE 'WHISKEY nst received, which is warranted pure. ]rte All H. D. B. now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he•is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad. vantage to make their puichases from / im• Tha Grlato Ferry_ Foimerly Keesey's, OPPOSITE MARIETTA. THIS old Ferry—one of the oldest and most safe crossings on the Susquehanna River— is now in charge of the undersigned, who >has refitted the old and built new boats, which,will enable him to do ferrying with safety and dis. patch. No unnecessary delay need be endured. Sober and experienced Ferrymen always en gaged. No imposition in charges as the-fol lowing list will show Farm Wagons, each $1:00 Horses, per head :25 Single horse and .rider, :25 Two-horse Carriage and two persons,. 1:00 Buggy, hOrse and two persons, :50 Foot Passengers, each, :12 Stock of till kinds at the old charges. Alt Luggage over fifty pounds, 25 cents per 100 pounds extra. JOHN ECKERT July 15, 1863 atatees, .stribitter ant, Coitinanur. Wontn most respectfully take this means of informing his friends and the public generally that he has,commenced the drawing of , • DEEDS, MORTGAGES, JUDGMENTS, lnd in fact everything in the CONVEYANCING line. Having gratuitous intercourse . wxth .a member of the Lancaster lkir, will enable him execute instruments of writing with accuracy. pzi.. He can be found at the office of ...THE Atet.RIETTIAN," on Front atreet, or at Ma Tea idekce on Market street, Z a square west of the " Donegal House," Marietta. 41 It j- Blank Deeds, Mortgages, .J'udgments and Leases always on hand and for sale. • lARIETTA MARBLE YARD. Michael Gable, Agt., MARBLE MASON AND STONE CUTTER. .Opposite the Town Hall. Park, Marietta ; Pa. --o Marble business is all its briqiches, 1. will be cOntaued at the old place, 'near the Town /gall and opposite Funk's Cross Keys Tavern, where every description of marble work will be kept on:band or made to order at short notice and at very reasonable prices. Mertens, June 29,1861. 494 y • The American Watches, ' han.a.h."0,, , ,,,,, , TIIE American Vyatcnes are among the beet timekeipers now in use, and for durability strength and simplicity far surpass any other watch made in the world. -. • . • H. L. Ii E. .1. ZAHM Corner of North Queeo 7 st,and Centre, Svare Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the`eery lowest rates—every watch accompanied 'with the rnanufacturera guarrantee to ensure its gen uineness. , • . The Patent Conlin Reflector Lantern, frHIS is the most desirable . Lantern in the I market. It burris 'Coal Oil without a Chimney. emitting neither smoke nor smell. It gives a pure white light. , It stands quick motons in any direction. The flame is regulated from the outside. It is neat and compact in, form and'size. It is free from solder in the upper part . s, and is otherwise very substantial in its structure. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. For sale at JOHN SFANGL.EWS Hardware Store. on Market street. Holland AND LIQUORS. Superior OW Brandy', Old Be y Whiskey. Gin, Old Maderia, Lisbon, Sherry and Part WiAes. Pittsburg. Whiskey always. on hand at the. 10040 market prices. Very Fine Brandy at a very low figure •• • • • . . J. R. DIFFENBACH. Market-et. A LARGE LOT OF BUMF WINDOW SHADES a remarkably low ,ptit4. to closeout JOHN SeAgraiFo ): -.• liaurket Street, Mkr.lettei. LF7,,, 0 LANDLOR P , uot,receive. x • p L , ''' ft Irish FY I ,ff ,S KIEB , . , vcartAtt, , . ^_; ,atH. D. Benjasiain's. , - • ME Nev Crep New-Orleeneableiee° +tire...very best-fer (Nook. du received by SPANGLEE TATTERSON. rU ItVtptublitt Vennsglintia Iguruat for ttt ffigme girth. MA ETTA, SATURDAY 1864. SPRING!, 1864. J. R.• DLPFE:NBACH Invites attention to a large awl handectme , • t assortment of New Spiing and Suininei Geode, Pfircliageff in Philadelphia and' Niw-York, part of LADIES DRESS GOODS, ' Silks, ' Prints, ' LaWns, • Ginghams, ' Chintzes; , ' ^^i SHAWLS, B‘C., Together with' all kiuda of•Doinestm goods, such as bleached: ands unbleached 'Muslins, Ticking, Checks, Denims, Furniture Checkn, &c., One case of Prints at In cents, a yard. Case of Bleached Muslins at 121 cents. Latent style' goods for Gentlemen and s Boys wear, Fancy and Bieck Cabetnieres, Tweeds, Jeans, Cloths, Vestings,Ste., Large lot of fresh roderies of all kinds Rio and Java Coffee, Teas, White & Brown Sugar,Fresh Spices, New Mackerel, kxtra Syrims, Salt. Sugar-Cured Harlin, &c. 20 barrels of sugar fit 12i cents per pound. 5 Hogsheads Syrup at 60 cents per Gallon. Miscelraiieous. French:Corsets; Tr( veling Over-Shirts, Neck-ties„ Under-Olivia, - Handkerciefs, Drawers,, Shirt Fronts, Bainthral Skirts, .tc.' Large lot of Pure Liquors He also continues to keep on hand a large. Ripply of impeller Brandies, Wines," Gins, Schnidant's Schnaps, DI akes, Piantation Bit ters, and that superior 0/d Rye. Persons pur chasing Liquors can rely upon gettin'g the' best article at the lowest price the market will afford 9:3 - Highest prices given for country produce. New York and Philadelphia ORWARIENTAL IRON THE Subscribers having formed a' connec 'section with Messrs. Woon & PERpT, of Philddelphia under the above title, ate'pre pared .to furnish every description of ORNAMENTAL. IRON WORT 4 Cast, 'Wrought and Wire Railings, TOR ENCLOSING Cemetery Lois, . Dwellings, Public Squares, is -c. Verandahs, Circular and Straight Stairs, Doors, Window Guards, .Qtatile Fixtures, Fountains, Vases, 40., also, having purchasedd — cif the late fain of Hutchinson & Wickershain, Canal "Street, their entire-Stock of Bedsteads, Cradles, Furniture. ke., they now offer to the public, at their New Warehouse, THE HOST EXTENSIVE. STOCK Or ORNAMENTAL IRAN GOODS to be found in the United States. They have also purchased of the New York Wire Railing Co. the patent right and machinery for making WIRE RAILING. FARM FENCE, WINDOW MAROS, GRATING, CO AL SC.&B•IINS &c. and will continue the exclusive Manufacture of the same at their Works.. , CHASE Se CO., - 524 iiroadway, ' New York. Orders may be sent -through the American Advertising Agency, 389 Broadway, N. Y. JACOB HARLEY SUCCESSOR TO STAO'FF,R & HARLEY No. 622 Markei-Strei, PHILADELPHIA. Dealer in Fine Geld and Silver WATCHES, SOLID SILVER-WARE, Fine Gold Jewelry, • - and the best make. of Silyer-Plated Ware. Conatintly onhand a large- ssortinetit titihe aboye goods AT LO.W PRICES. Watches and fine Clocks repaired by Man ful workmen; also s Veiielrj , repairing grving And all kintia of Jdair-Work to prder, at short notice. IT" Ddn't fotget the old stand, lehihhht 622 Market greet, ptiladelptup. • April 9,1864.-3 m S and F] Black Hawk Iron Ore Washer. Tr HE undersigned having jug completed new paterns for the manufacture of the, eele brated Black Hawk Iron Ore Washer: He has removed several objections to the old pat , ern, and now feels certain of being able to wash one-third more iron ore, per day, and much Cleaner. Machines manufactured and put up anywhere desireckat theishortest no tice, tpd the working , of the machine giugran teed. He can refer, by permission, to Col. James•• Myers, of-1-. -egal Furnace, Marietta, and to James L. Stu. - Esq., adjoining Mari etta. Address • • SAMUEL ,HOBIEINS, •• Marietta, Lancaster Co, Pa., OSBOILN'S• - Celebrated Prepared Java Coffee. Wrfrrapted superior to the Market. , TT is used by first-class families everywhere, and highly recommended 'for nervous and ayspeptic. persons ) being very nutritious and free from, all deleterious substances, in testi rniiny'of Which t have 'certificates from the most eminent Physicians and Chemists in this country. Try it and you will be sure to con tinue its use in preference toady other. Sold at retail for Twenty Five cents a-pound, by first-class Grocers throughthit ether United States, A'liberal discount allowed to the trade. ,Put up only by ;4 • Laws A. Neoax Whelesale Depot, 69 Warren N. Y DR. J. Z. HOFFER, DENT-IST, F TFF E BA , LTI*ORE COLLEGE 4...... OF DENTAL SURbERY, IjATEOF ETARIITSBURG. - - FFICE:—Front street, next do'or tolt. - beliOen Locust end 'Walnut' streets, Columbia. ' A CHOICE .. Lot of Bockke for chilArea called irediatructable 'Pleasure Backe ; School 'and aper Booko, Statioaary r , Pena; ~Pead h ol4ere. Sm., at LA.NDIS di 141t0U,T. TCE COLD 94EAM• MEAD inade,cif Lebanap,....Cow4 Itoikik:at WOLFE'S , (lEMPTYzMolaiseer: Barrels, 1%1. FOr 5p,1e,04. 4 .3.,pIF ; Pp I pIpAgIPS, , 1 7 )TTY. iinellifthosellestiitifiii #4TPat 11..A1vprES=s11 brandoir-gdatmoted to be Di it ginnune. H. D. Newfaretin., .119.0iNkAtTot.s. 13,..1864:' ,113ttbIlebttr, Aug 4aturiap • fficanin • 1-4. • • , • o ti Firo: CauLL's• Row„ , Vront Street, five S doote below .Flery , e Hotel. TERMS, One Dollar a year, ,ppyable in ad vane, and if subseriptions be not paid six months $1.25 charged, 'but ,if,de layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50 be'Cligrged. " ' ' ADVERTISING RATES : One square (12. lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25 cents t for each subsequent insertion. Pro lea:gime) inailsitrels'etudit; of Atli lfifesOrleas atls3 per annum..., liottces iu the reading col umns,ftve cents a-line." Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement. FAGG' 'btit for any additional linen; five cents a line., , A : liberal deductiOn made:to yearly and, half yearlSr advertisers. Having,receritled;added alarge lot of new Job and Card type, Cuts, Borders, &c., to, the Job Office of "The Mariettian," which will insure the fine execution of.all kiiids of Jos & C JCR n P N TT.N.II frOlil the maid' Cord to the.lcirgest Poster, at prices ;to snit, the War times. TOM EMMMWMI • Mt eoUutz2 3Ranee• stood. amid the glittering - throng, I heard a voice-,- F lts tones were sweet! I turned to see from whence they came. And gazed. on all I longed to,meet ! She was a fair ithd;gentle, girl-, Her brigbt smile greeted me by chance ; whipered low--; took her hand--: f led heifertb 'dtinde." There Was but little t apace to move, So cloaely- adt-orane•drauin ; • Yet she ivaslight:of hatittand stew And graceful atia t:aYtn• ,* A virgin Sower gernmad her hair, tier beauty to enhance ; She urpa t tba• atat,of all; WOO stood In that close cottage dance. . I've Rived since then in princely, halls— Iftread them even now; 1 hold in mine the hand of one With coronetted brow ; ' And I may seem to court her mire; And•seetd to heed her glance`; But my heart and thoughts still wander. on To that sweet country dance. Oft Nihon I sleep, a melody • •Comes rushing 'o'er my brain.; • -And the fight music of that night Is greeting me again. , , X take her still small hand in mine, . Amid my blissful trance ; , And once more—vision worth a world - I led her forth to dance. To the People of the United Stotts. By an act of Congress, appiovedjune 30, 1864, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to issue an athonii not ex ceeding two hundred millions OI dollars in TreasUry notes, bearing interest at a rate note xceeding eie'ven and three-tenths Ver ientum, redeemable afte three yearEl from date, and to exchange the same for lacifel money. The Secretary is fur ther authorized to convert the same lied bonds, bearibg interest - at a rate not' e.t ceeding six per cent*, 'payable in coin: In pursuance of the authority this Con- - ferred, I now offer to the people of the United States ,Treasury notes as, dosed-, 'bed:in my advertisement dated July 25, 1864.. Tha , circumstances under which this 'loan ithasked for, and your,al&lnvoked; thought differing widely, from.the existing state of affairs three years ago, are-such as to afford equal encouragement and security Time, while proving that , the _ struggle for national nifty was to , exceed in duration and severity our worsCanti cipatione, has tested the national strength, and , deyalpped the iatiCial,re sources, to an extent unexpected and remarkable, exciting equal asieniSh ment-at homeand abroad. Three years of war have lentdenedyon with a -debt which,-bat ` three years sins,would.have seadedibeyond your 'abilityto meet. Yet the-accumulated wealth and prolific-. Live energies of the nation have proved lc be so,-vast that it bag_ been borne with comparative ease, and a peaceful future would hardly feel its-weight. As a price paidfor national existence, and the pros ovation of free institutions, it dpett''iot deserve a moment's consideration,. , Thus WA° war has bean supported and carried on, as it only oontelave been, br a liebple resolved, at. whateven cost tiCblood , and treasure, to transmit; unimpaired, to posterity, the spitetn I ,of free government bequeathed to them,by the vest, men, who framed it. This de, liberate and patriotic reso!ve has devel 7 o_pe.d a power surprising even to them_ selves, It pAs shown that in less than a centniy ngtion has arisen, uasurphssed in. vig o r, Eafit ,giiinettless in 'resources, able`to conduct, through a - series of years', war on its most gigantic , scale, and-find ing:itself,:wheu near its closet` &liffkatynn impaired in all the-material , elenkentn, pf power: :kt:has, at the presenti nioniftnt, gre stamp iesin*.thft field, facing. an ARM Y apparently approaching ta.peripd,goflit,- ter QxhatiPtiftn, but Oil' struggling with a fOieithe greater and more, VC:/ 4' l l ') Tr a as it sees, and oecause sees, the near r JAI,I EZ , Eir l Sch of A final and fatal 9 0111811Mak• Such; my ~el berate jadge " mor~t; Ary T, t 4 0; ;41, le the preseut condition of the great contest for civil litierty in which you are now engaged. Up to the present moment' you "have reedit§ atid cheerfully afftrdedthe means necessary to support ,your government in this protracted struggle. It is yo,F. war. You proclaimed it, and you have sustained it _against ,tyaiters,eyerywhere, with a patriotic devotion unsurpassed ih,the world's history. The,securities offered ,are ,such as shoold command your ready confidence. Much, effort has been made to shake, public faith in our national credit, both at borne and abroad. As yet we . have asked ,no foreign aid. Calm and self-re Rant, our own means have thug far proved adequate, to our wants. ,They are yet ample to meat those of the pres ent and the .future., It, still. retpainkfor a imtriotic people to furnish the needful supply. The brave, men who are fight ing oor battles by land and sea must ,be fed and• clothed, munitions of war .of all kinds, must be firnished„ or the war must end iadefeat and disgrace, This is not.the,time for any ; loyer of.his coun try. to to the • state, of thp money. s market, or ask whether he,can vest his earplug capital as to yield ,hito : a larger,retorry, ..No return, and no, profit, can be desirahle, if followed by nitional dissolution or national disgrace Pres eat profit, this acquirid, is, but the pre cursor of future and speedy destruction. No investment can be so Burbly !neuter• ble as that which tends to inspire the national existence. lam encouraged inthe belief that by the recent legislation. of Congress, our finances - ,May soon be placed upon a soundec,and more etable foottng. The present' deranged condition of the cur, rency is imputable, in e, great degree, to, disturbances arising from the withdraw, al of necessary cheeks, often inevitable in time of war, when expenditures mifst largely exceed any pessible supply of coin; The oPilbitunities thus presented to aequire sudden wealth hays led to vicious speculation, a consequent in crease in prices, and violent fluctuation'. The `remedy is to be found only in con trailing the necessity' which begets the evil. Hitherto we have felt the need of more, extensive and vigorons,taxation. Severe comment_ has been made upon, what seemed to many an undue timidity, and tardiness of action, on the part, -of, Congress, in this regard ; .1 deem it but just to say that very great misapprehen-, sion has eiisted, and perhaps stkilexists, upon this point. Legislators, like, all ' - others, have much to, leern in new. condition -of Pffairs. , An entirely new system was•, and that - sys tem must necessarily be the.growth . of time and experience. It is not Strange that first efforts should have proved im perfect-and-inadequate. ' To lay heavy burdens. on: a'great and - patriotic people irikneh manneras toibe equal, endtai to•occasion the'least amount of suffering or annoyance, requires tiMe:andpautiore and vast labor ; and, with all these, es periencels needfultto - teat. theiyalue of the , system; and: - correct - 'its- errore:, Stich has been - the- workv,hich Congress was caltectupon to perform. .1 am hap py to say that daily resnits.ara_proving the Internal - 4evenne - Act toTaxteed in efficiency the most singhine expecta tions of its autberk. iteth' month of =EMU Jnne,lB63,iCyleedeaabimit four aid one half mihiond tirdttitiie; while tilt cor responding act.ith , ;;ethisi , eah• about fifteen tniiiions; 'under 114 'Same law. UnddrlkM 'Went into operation on ,t ! be first day-of ~the Present month, the Treasury lintitlnire quently:receives,mlip 'million in a, day. As time and eAPeritiPee te•ni4l. l ltoe . o f - cars employelkin i mollectinß the revenue to enforce the cltringprit, proyisions. the new law, I trustAhat- a-- million per day will be foanditlie raliVatiloboti*he exception. Still, - ifiticti - 4pade is-Ittf doubtedly left for imttrovenient.iliathe 14w, and in irs•a'dmiiiiettaiirmittaowgretit er 'amount of necessary iiiformatitiaVis acquired. The proper •sofiroes of,rete nue, and the most effective mmlesob tainiag it, are best develOped the ex ecution of, existing laws. And I •have caused measures to .be initiated which will, it Is tielioved,eriable. qongrqstrs, so to improve and enlarge'the system as, when takwa_in conpeAti_on.. ier equelfrop ,pustopu, and other, " prunes, ttiksifor.di alhag. l 9 l 9, and ileePN 4EkE4 fqr Oke natic>ulthcregit. ,Qply, oq sn,F.ll ; ba sis, And in ii,fitemly,, , ..„suti rsiii"re straitit upoA elikseKke.Li",can s'XemP 2 .7 found for-existing-e74ls,- Such restraint ment furuished with meansto~j3 ' r'ov de fai 'Sat iiiilloiietbe'aid people. any goilrauient VOL. XI.---NO. 2. is powerless, for this or any other desi rable end: The denominations of the notes pro posed to be issued, ranging from fifty to five thousand dollars, place these secu rities within the reach of all who are dis posed to aid their country. For their redemption the faith and honor and property of that country are solemnly pledged. A successful issue to this con test, now believed to he near at hand, will largely enhance their value to the bolder; and peace once restored, all burdens can be lightly borne. He who selfishly witholds his aid in the hope of turning his available means to greater imthediate profit, is speculating upon his country's misfortunes, and may End that what seems to be present gain leads only to future loss. I appeal, therefore, With conu „ cience to a loyal and patriotic people and invoke the efforts of all who love their country, and desW for it a glori ous future, to their government in sustaining its credit, and placing that credit upon' a stable - foundation. W. P. PESSENDEN, Secretary of the Theasury. Blucher and his Pipe, Here is arkincident or 1815, which the F o nglish journals are relating : , On the morning of the memorablebat tle of Waterloo, flenneman had just handed his maker (Blucher) a lighted pipe, when a cannon ball struck the ground close by, scattering earth and gravel in all directions, and causing the white charger on which Blucher was mounted. to spring aside—a mammisre that broke,the pipe in a thousand pieces before. the owner had time even to lift it to his,lips. "Just keep a lighted pipe ready for ;;I shall be back again in a few mo ments, after I have driven away the ras cally,Zrencti churls." With- these words Blucher gave the command., "Forward, boys!" and off he galloped with his cavalry. Instead, .Itowever,:of a .chase of a few minutes, it, was :a iipith march of nearly a whole hot summer day, as we all know from history.. After the battle was over, Blucher rode Keck with Wellington to the place where he first got, a glimpse of the cotn bating armies; and nearing the spot where Blucher bad halted in the morn ing,, they saw to their surprise a solitary than, his !leis& tied with a handkerchief, &warm in a sling, and calmly smoking a pipe ! ' "Donner and blitz l" cried Blucher, "Why that' is 'my Banneman. How you look, bciy . ; what are you doing alono ?" "Waiting for your speedy return." was the gruinging answer. "You have come at last! I have whited for you here, bpit'fi Month; Tor the whole long day. This is the fait `pipe in the box. The carsefl,g*Ch ;l:itjireshot away every pipe from my mouth:, ~have ripped the flesh from my head,- and shattered my arm with their cursed bullets. It is well an, end to the battle, or you would have been too late even for the • Saying which he handed to Blucher the pipe to enjoy the remaining fumes of the, weed. , Wellington, who bad lis tened attentively to the conversation, here :remarked to l3lueller, "You 11_414 just admired the unflinching loyt.; and bravery of my Highlanders, whop shall say to this true and devoted sdul "But your Highlanders - had o pipe to regale themselves with." TraxAi4 '" , OF .U .. .NSTROKE.— -tvga%her, and hot suns are now upon us, and we j rney expect mote or less of cook de soliel, or sunstroke, to follow. pers,on whose uncovered head is ex posed to , the rays of a vertical sun is not nafrequently , attacked with a sort of fit, sometimes soettmes bears a semblance to apoplexy, tmt at other times is more an ordinary_ swoon. The proper remedy far an attack of, this kiudi dueixg , the primary'fit, is to pour, cold water over the head, ;This is the plaa pursued by the , nativis of India, who are partictu larly exposed to the affection in que4toi l ` . It-is said that sun-stroke may be avogoi by - wearing. a handkerchief or 4* soaked,in cold water in one's hat v 5 ,1410, exposed to the direct EV? of ttiltptikAr , :-eir A tapeworm ninety feet lon .• taken from a patient in York, ) 11 ' ' . 4 ii` last—week. The, physicians occap ~ three!honrs in removing it.— -01 There 43 manyy - functionary who has much more tape' a' him-r-red• tape at that. And it will to iiik. the people till next March to remove it LovisvOle•vrearnal. ---- - ---- , orb Baitirnore watermelons sell at fi t traistieldpeo at 25c, pee . ehes tr}, WI