--- gpt focal J, ariellian. MARIETTA CAR Hourts. The several pas senger trains will leave the “Upper-Station Depot" as. follows: Morning train,, Eaat, at ten minutes before 8 ; Mail train Weal? 11:56 ; Way train East, 1:45; Harrisburg Accommb dation train, East, 6;39 and this evenhig train Weal, at 7:02. - -- - Marietta, Saturday, Atigust 6,1864: TOWN BOUNTY MEETING.-A citizens meeting was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening bat, to 'adopt • meesures to fill the quota of Marietta borough . (38) by obtaining fokMateers: hart, Esq., was called to the ~c hair an 4 Col. W. H, Eagle, appCiatet!, secretary. After the object of the c r etin ,wee stated' by the chair and the subject - die• cussed, the following preamble and res olutions were 'adapted.' ' ' Whereas; at a Mo s eting •of they citizens Cithis boroukh,hteltr 25111, alt, it was resolved lb t, , the county con I oils sioners be re q tiestetfAo .offer a.`baunty, for the purpose ,o(, ; •filling the County( quota under the present call of the PresJ t • Went, and that the,Bottough eathbritiee, be authorized* the'•niesting to add a local bounty to secure the--number recluits required of this ~borough. •. • And whereas, Th%county ~ commission- ere have been wolfed upon and have re fused to offer any bounty, leaving• the subject entirely to the districts and boroughs to act in the premises as they deem best. Therefore be it Resolved; That the Burgess and Town Council be and are hereby earnestly re (pasted to pay a bounty not exceeding $3OO to all persolis who are mustered into the service, to the credit of this borough, ander the present call, provi ding the number does not exceed thirty eight. heso/aed, That all persons who shall put in a substitute to the credit of this borough on the present call, shall re ceive the like sum, not to exceed $3OO. Resolved, That in raising the money to pay the bounties contemplated in the foregoing- resolutions, we deem it just that the corporate authorities should is sue bonds payabio some years hence, so tl6t they may not interfere with any subsequent demands for immediate cash that may be required to meet emergen cies that may arise hereafter. The meeting also appointed a com mittee to petition the legislaluere at its special session,* to pass a Militia law that will qualifyevery ' , man subject to militia duty to respondto a call "to arms" at the shorten notice. folloWiugleihe hat of newly elect , d offleers 01%140, Geed. Templar's lodge of this place John Peck, W. C. T. A nia.nda Carroll, W. V. 'T.. . Theodore Clirod; Lewis Leader, W , Mary Carroll, W. I. • .1, ClaYton Steacy, W.A.)! G. Fanny Fitield, W. A.,S. Almira Carroll, W. V. * - Win, Beatty, .W. • M.' .• . . Emma Wisile'r, W. M. , Amelia Rainier, W.. IL 11. S. •, Mary Wormloy, W.. 11. S. Sallie B. Walter, W. C. C. W. Girod, W. P. C. T. V. Grosh, L. D. ofir The County Uointnisiiionars their tneeting7on Mbuday last; resolved that it was inexpedient at the present time to offer a county boauty far volun teers. In view of the feet that many of the districts throughout the'county,have already taken the initiatory steps' to. ward raising their quotas. Under these circumstances the , Commissioners thought it advisable not: taillike any action in the matter for thepresent. By reference,to our columneoit . will the bee(' that our citizens have gait(*) work to raise our quota and. we think4tnd hope they will succeed. . • ... . .... Sr A mos,Gottaball, a son of Peter Gottshall, of , tl4s place . , aged about ten years and small for his age, but, exceed ing pert and!knollieg for his age4hhbfp features, black'eyes and left his home on Monday alteration last, for the circus at Colipitibie,' sbice „which, ,tbue his parents base iheaid:nothing of him. Tile father followed the circus to Stras burg bat could learn nothlilt:or. Mtn.. Any information touching hie'- whe re - shoats will he nyiet. by hie distreeted parents Tayeriy:ty.? requested to noticeAbeiosii the;001: " We Hod our friend. W. W..Reit zel has taken the Weeliingeoci'agency of "The Philadhlphia Preee",-, Hie lieod quarters are - 504- 9tli•st, whero ell the leading Mart of the country cad tie bad. Mr. Mr. B. je an accontmodatingt • yonni• gentleman; and will, beyond &hike, make the agency bneineas pay. • The PosthWter Gederal has or dareda 'contract with a }leading and Oolnrobilelljt: Cost ,to carry the mails froin Columbia ;t lag. This is important, to those its ag along the line of the road, as it gip; them a daily mail from all parts at the Connery. sie There ie quitß s mninklirtif ' reports regarding the killed, yie.cailled, agidsll3lBB - 4ariettiansin the'Figty-Fifth Reg i meat, bat until Sergiilitilhia:,Or Kh writes as we will desiat prbltshing a knoWing.tbat yr l / 1 00i-:he ,wotee m;y rplied, Ildrahe election in • this borough on Tuesday last was very quietly conducted, and strange to say not a singlk vote was cast . againit the soldier amendm'ent. Severatidading copperheads made great threats before the election, what was to 'be dolie, but the Union men determined ,on votjt(g,tickete with the one end dip ped in red—the other in blue. Land thus know Who'were the friends of the sold ieis—this was a poser for the cops— they dare not face the music. and we legit' they seriously coutemPlite a pros ecniiou for "defacing tickets," as if a .vbeer - dare not vote a "red, White and blue ticket." Ab! they die .hard. lir We call the attention of. , our 'Anders to the, advertieemect 'of 8.. Miner, editor of the Rural American, headed "Chace Grape - Vines and straW berry Plants Free," The offer is cer tainly a very liberal one, in these times of high prices, and we have no doubt of its =being:fulfilled to the, letter, as Mr, Miner is' ver3r extensivety engaged in the cultiVatiehof grape vines and straw ' • betryplants,'learn. Mir The briak layers are at, work at bithpa: - Fra‘sukhroe:tits liaise.. When com pleted, that corner, near the Town Hall, will present quite adifferent appearance. The housewill be one' of the most beauti fain the borough: • ......... ..... On Sunday evening last, by R ev. G. M. Claw gus, Mr. George Horning, to Miss Mary lie wire, all of Marietta. DIED. On Tuesday. moriiing last, Miss Ann Boggs, of this borough, aged 74 years. On Thursday right, Sidney K., son of Fred'k' L., and Jeannie Baker, aged 8 months and 19 .days. The funeral will take place this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. The friends of the family are requested to attend without fur ther notice. LE ETTERS REMAINING unclaimed in the Post Office at Matietta, Pa., TH URSDA AUGUST 4, 1864. Baugh, Devan Price, Elizabeth Consylman. Annie Rush, George Olepper, Mary Rainbow, Annie Garver, Sarah Swhwatzkop, Adam Jenny, Jacob Shireman, Jacob Jones, 'John B. Smith, Mary J. Koller,. Elizabeth Smith, Alexandcr Peer Walter; Samuel Litzenbeiger, Adam Wieser, Jacob Miller, Mrs. Rosanna Walter,.Abra.hain Nixon, Silas n'm To obtain any of these letters, the ap plicant moat cull for "advertised leitery " give the date of this list, and pay one cent for ad- ABRAHAM CASSEL, P. M. "DUBUC NOTICE. Whereas my wife, Betsy Harman, has, witkout any just cause, left my bed and board. I hereby warn all persons against harboring or trusting her avirwillinsy no debts of .lierebntritellil GEORGE HARMAN. Marietta, August 6 ; 1564.-30 6 6 TOUR OWN DOCTOR." The new 1 Illustrated Hydropathic Encyclope dia r A complete system of Hydropathy'and Hygiene,,Anatorny and Physiology of the, Hu man body, Illustrated; Preservation of Heftlth; Dieteticsand Cookery ; Theory and Practice of Medicine, with Home Treatment; Spatial PatholOgvand Hydro-Therapeutics, Nature, Cauiel Symptoms and TreatmentUf all knciwn diseases ,_ Application to Surgery, Midwifery, and the Nursery. 300 Engravings, and near; ly 1,000 pages with Glossary and 'Zom pieta:. BY R. T--TRALL;t: M. D. , Price, prepaid by first mail,.s4. 'Address - FOWLER [YELLS, 389 'Broadway, New-York. `; • "Of all the publications'*hich have attain ed such a wide popularity, as issued by Fow ler Si. %Vella, none are , more adapted to gener al utility' than this rich comprehensive and well-aranged Encycidpedia."—N. T. Tribune ITIHE HUMAN FAO. PI*INE."=A j new, System of Physiognomy, Eyes, Ears; Nose, Lips, Mouth; Head, Hair, Hands, Eyebrows, Feet, Skin,'Complexion, nith all "signs of Character; and how , to Read them," in The Phrenologial ..rou nal, and Life lihisira led. S. R.. WELLS, Ea:irreg. ETH NOLeGY; the Natural History of Man, Nations, Races and Tribes of Men, described with illustrations. PHYSIOLOGY, turietions a the Body,Seart, Lungs, Stomach, Bones, Muscles and Nervous System. ' PHRENOLOGY, the Temperaments, Man's In tellectual, Social, and Moral Nature, How to Improve.. PHYSIOGNOMY, with the''' Signs of Chara,c. , ter,'ann How to Read TIWEI, I " on .scientific ,principles. . PSYCHOLOGY, or the “sOelice of;tho 14Lan'aialations to this life and to:ilietri klk-to come. 1 • 1 ' " A new VOUVIe,A1110:40till, commences with the, Jbly number- .•NOW - leady. Published monthlyilu quarto forms at 4.2. a year. sam ples, by &at posy2o.eaufs. Address ."FOWLER & WELLSO July 30-311 389 Broadway N. Y. ~ CHOICE -:GRAPE VINES AND STVAWBEEEY PLANTS 'FREE I I want fIOO.OOO personal to apply to. me for tioutpiefr of my yeAuable agricultural and fruit growing, paper. sThs, Rum; ,Arnericaa,', Utica, N. Y l .V t ol. VIII; - . (a:1)ettiitiful setf-mo4thly) Which wqr bic'idnt fiqm July. 1864; tolursaa ry, 1860,1`. for ONLY kIFTY'CENTS; 4 ..and every, subscriber will receive in Septeniber, FREE, 'and p!ist paid, the'full: amount of his subscription in EuisePs'Great Prolific 'fitisiw- Plaiite, which is the . largest and iiiSst'prolille in eiziateuce, bearing from 400 to 306 berrieito . a - single' plant, acme' of Wiiicii Isle ii,Viarge as ;Hen's eggs. Or 'subscriber's may have a fine -Delaware.Concora; Thintri t Rebecca, or Hart ford` Proli fic Grape Vine, free, if preferred: My specimen, papers, are sent free, postpaid; which'ihre the full details'of all my'liberarbf fats, irr sinceisc., to Subscribers and to:club 'agents. There is no humbug at all in this mat :ter. as •I hovean immense su pply of Plants and m :vines, growing on my far, in Clinton Oneida iCo.;_ritt.Y:','w ere all letterefrifuat be addressed. Nosey, sent at , iny risk, : witt-noi : one letter in a thousand " fails to Mick Me. Twentrthons and vines and plinta wereaentfree to subscri berrlist,ipring, all of which are growing fine )37: l,,call furnish all the ,beat varieties of g . , Re vines by the dozen?Juindred;of.thtilif -14 ~,, ii;iolie Atitihdr,Stravitiirry plants; all at 7 94 i ,:11fiee‘ , - T. B. MINER. Eitiontokie * Mace. • :Estate of ficory,Sitltzhach; late of t Borough of Martetta, Decease‘i'' Letter Veetamentary 'on said eats ing beep grauted)fol. the undersigned, mono 140100 fhefeto are •xequested to ma e immediate settlement, and- those ihaving claims 4 emande against thelsamemill present .teem. t delay fot aelginment tni.the undersign-. 0 4 5 7 " -- 'ding in•the ilatanghia Maisel*: ‘. A ARtIit , ,GABLE, , , •.1. •• CHRISTIAN ~E lTlSiittfi tT b. I a Executors. Marietta, April 26, 1864-6 t. 1.7)a - tterc - c)D: ec Co., NO. 661 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. DEALERS IN . FOREIGN Sr. DOMESTIC r giaidutatie, Keep constantly on.hand a full stock of Buil ding Material, 'Nails, LOCKS, HINGES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, WHITE LEAD, A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF CEMENT, &C., R 0 N: Rolled and Hammered Iron, Steel, Horse-Shoe Bars, Norway Nail Rods, Hoop and Band Inn, Horse-Sha Nails, Bolts, Files, Rasps, etc. hi:ME-KEEPING 'GOODS. ' FIRST-CLASS COOKING AND' P ARLOR STOVES, RANGES, Tubs, Churns Cedar Stands • . Wash Boards, Buckets, Knives and Forks, Olated cfl Sad'lro'ns; Kraut Cutters, Waiters, Brass and Copper Kettles Clothes , Wringers, Pans, Iron Ladles, Meat Stands, Coal Oil • Lamps, Shades and Lanterns, Tea - Scales', Coffee Painted Chamber Setts, Mi 115 ,4., &c. Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, Horse Brushes, Wheel Grease, Fisb, Sperm and Lubric Oils, - astern Pumps, Long and Short Traces, Breast Chains, &c., &c. TOOLS; Hand and Wood Saws, Hatchets, Chopping and Hand Axes, Planes, Chissels, Augers, and, Auger Bits, Braces, Frunning Hooks and Shears, &c., &c. Thankful for past patronage, we hdpe to merit add receive a continuance, of the same. PATTERSON CO. Marietta, July 30, 1864. , tf AGENCY OF THE • DUTCH ,E AST INDIA COFFEE COMPANY_ **** ....... DEPOT READE-ST., N. Y The above Company are kno vn all over the world as the owners of the Coffee PlintatiOns of Java, and Batavia in the,,Dutch East Indies, and are the largest monopolizers of Coffee on the Globe. • The undersigned (who ,is, appointed ikeir sole Agent in' the-United Stites and in the British ColohieS) havetfor sale three dif ferent kinds — of COFFEE; which, for regular ity,of grade and cheapness of price, will defy competition. ' Our. "riIATAVIA COFFEE" never before introduced in this country, but extensively used iii the Armies and'Navies of Europe and richly valued, will be'pu t'up atprices to come within the reach of all consumers, and our 'EXTRA JAVA will be the Magnum Bonwit Cotreo 'of the age. We will have, for accommodatiorrof Gro cers, Families and Governlnent Contractors, samples (dry, and drawn) for testing. OrdPrs solicited. tin receipt of cash, Coffee promptly forwarded as directed. A. LIPPMAN, 168 Reade-st., N. Y. Sole Agent, D. E. I. C. Company. HE: immense demand for the products of T the loom, to clothe and shelter our rapid ly increasing army, has created a great scarci ty of many fabiics. We,arepleased, however, to announce to our customers and the public generally. that by EARLY PURCHACES we have anticipated their wants, and now have a beautiful stock of sum mar Gr-c)c:x3_ iinOtitican be purchased in the Eastern. Markets. Our Stock embraces everything new, dura ble and desirable in , Ladies Dress Material, Spring Cloaks 6.. Cleaking, •Colored'.arid I , Black.Silks, Balmot als, Shawls, Skirts, goisery, Gloves,. Belts, Embroideries.:. CLOTHS, CLOTHS, CASSINIERES AND VESTING, For• Dress and Business ' Suits, made up to, or der when desired. A fine Assortment of Woolen,"Cotto n and Linen Potpies for Men and Youths. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS,. Sheeting, Counterpanes, Blankets, Linen , oE naburgs, Diaper, Crash, Feathers, Ingrain, 'Stair and Rag Carpets, - Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Blinds, Glass and Queensware; Ai; AGENTS 'WANTED Syrups ) , - Sugars, : Salt, I --. Teas, . Fish, . • '. -- SPANGLER - if PATVERS'ON. THE, COLUMBIA 111,0U,RiA.NCE CO., Of Columbia, Lancyster• County, Penna., FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT. <I Whole Urrionnt $2,604,435.„.68 IWhole t tinunint of Premium plotes, 255,931 46 ißal. Cash Premiuins, ' January 1,,1 . 863 $2 1 12.0 31 'Reepts for pr#miums, • ' - less Ait't commies- ' ' ions in 1863, • 9,382 45 Receipts for Assesiments' - . • less Agt's COMMiSSiOLISI in 1863, . 2,385 02- • • ' '413,887'79 . Losses and expensespaid in 1863, e• 910;499 99 • Bal. of Premiums, Jan. -. • .t.. 1864, =r 3,15447 4 $l3, 7 .79 A. S. GREEN, /PREsibErrri' GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Secretary. MICHAEL S. SHUMAN,;Treasurer. DIRECTORS : • ' Robert'T: Ryon, John W. Stoacy, j o hn.fendrich, • A"itrefeiT. Boer tein; IltrkhciaVadnuoi, Meatier& Shuman; *S.' C r Staymd ' ' George Young, Jr,, Nicholas !4c Donis: Edmund' Symring.,. Amos S.` Green.' Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, - At 0.1? gramph's Old Stand, ors the Cdr . ner of , North Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaiter, Perin:a. Glt 1. TEr UL to the dtizene of 14iFietta and vicinity, for the liberal patronage beretoilde eictended, the undersigned reepect fully solicits' a continuance of the same; as suring, thein,that under all ,circtunatances t no effortiivriltbe spared'iniehdering& satisfactory equivalent fecevery act ok confidence reposed. CLOTI3B; M cASSIERE f iI 4 D ' VESTINGS, and such other seasonable material as failiidir and the market furnishes, constantly keptWhand and maoufeetured to order, promptly, find'res.-! sonably, taste or style may suggest. ' A ALSOi-READY-MADE CLOTHING, kmen'g Purnishing•Goooda, and such' Wicks aaotanally,belopg to a Mer chant Tailoring and Clothing etdablitihmeilt. `:DA' m pooHA4N, Painter, Glazier : and Paper Sanger. IX) OULD• most respectfully inform'The cit izens of Marietta' and thePublie,gener ally that he is prepared'to do ' Housel Pciinting .• China Glossing, Paper Hanging,,§T., At very short' notice and st prices to suit the times. sap he found at,hisgnotheecreell denee oa the corner of , Chesnut and, Second etreeti, t ale* A doois below the Church, and ircifOdUlte4Y coP.Rcialt• Ae•i 014. Oberlin ,Coach „Works. . , • , • (Aug. 3 ; ly. • jirrnll2l,EnAcrfsm cuikparyf PrPosea:„, B AR 5 NEW SIMMER GOODS S. S. :RA'rEkVON, 1'864. • S'PRINGI,. . 1864 • J. R. ..15IFFE-.IV,B)ICH Invites attention to a large and handsome assortment of Now Spring and Summer Goods, Pifichased in Philadelphia and New-York, colasisting in part of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Silks, Prints, Lawns, Ginghams Chintzes, Challies, • SHAWLS, Together with all kinds of Domestic goods, such as bleached and unbleeched Muslins, Ticking, Checks, Denims, Furniture Checks, Drilling, &c., &c. ane case of Prints at l2t cents a yard. '' 'Case of Bleached Muslins at 124 cents. Direst style goods .for Gentlemen and Boys wear, Fancy and Black Caseinieres, Tweeds, Signs, Cloths, Vestings, &c., Large lot of fresh Groceries of all kinds Rio and Java Coffee, Teas, White & Brown Sugar,Fresh Spices, Hew Mackerel, Extra Sy rups, . Salt. ' Sugat- Cured &c. 20 barrels of sugar at 12 1 i cents per ponnd. b Hogsheads Syrup at 60 cents per Gallon. Prinwh. Corsets,., ;Traveling, Over-. Shirts, Under-shirts, .11mdkerchiefs,-, Drawers, Fronts,.; .Balmoral,Skirts, ttc.: Large lot of Pure Liquors. dna also continues to keep on/hand a large supply of. initialer -Brandies, Wines, Gins, qchnidanas Schnaps, Drakes, P/antatiori Bit ters, and that superior Old Rye. -Perions pur chasing Liquors can rely upon getting the•best article at tkejpateat , plice the resoket will %Laird 111Z,'Highest prices given for country produce. -N,,A7 5 — :..1,. ( 2,,5 1 '; , " THE DRAFT! TILE DRAFT! Who would not be out of the Draft 13 UT tAht which effects us in connection with The Army, is not the only oner-the raft upon the POCKET these times is equally 'severe—corisequthitly we purchase goods where we.get them cheapest. j'cp., ,==!, SUrESSOR TO' DANID ROTH . 11 THE HARDWARE BUSINESS, „Would taike this method of informing the pub lic:that hSe.is now prepared to furnish anything Pas:Hoe of business, such as `4+iEtl3lf, Oi l e, Varnishei,' gloves, trrn,n, Carpentees ,T.bols, Hinges, Beds, Locks, Nails,, all, kinds ,of, Building material, Coachmaker's 4 Goods, G y ederware, docks, .F - liney Articles in large.variety, with a full as sortinent..o4. shelf :goods:.generally, which:he _wjll sell atithe lowesuprices,4wholesale or ra t. Caltancl examine - ttie 4 stock. Marchs, 1864. EAGLE GAS STOVE WORKS, H. D. BLAKE, - • 474 BROADWAY, N. Y I . . COOKING & HEATING , BY GAS. /4 - Dirt. No, Smoke. No Smell THE "EAGLE" GAS :STOVES' Boil, Broii, Roast Bake, Toast, Stew, and Heat Irons, cheaper than t. Coat or Wood ! ' , I have on hand, and make to order Stoves and Furnaces for Cheniists; Tlnner:s, Book: binders, Dentists, Tea Stores, Vulcanizing Stoves, Photographer's- Ovens, &c, and Laun dry Irons. Send fora Datcriptivii;4atalarue. I ales manufacture.' Coal Oil' Stoves, for Cookintk-HeitinC Burns the common rosene d'des the cooking for forme xelet per hour. , H. D. BLARE, Sole Manufacturer s 474 Broadway, N.,V. . The 4merican Advertising and Purchasing Agency:'recede orders for thd:above-naine4 Meichandize. Bus 'Dep., E. ALVORD: - tor-' resp. Dep..Fowler & Wells, • 389 Broadwiw, N. Y. .%tributex liE Abscriber offers lag services' to the citkena of Marietta and vicinity, in .CONVEYANCING, ENGROSSING AND COPYING. He has indl.y been permitted to refer tq James Duffy, esq., S. S. Nagle, esq., .T.atneadgehatrey, esti., S. ,F. VArle Bz-Co., 0.. W ,11, ehaffeheaq., S. „4....8,,,Hie0tan0.,, Can be bbnd at all Hines at his' . dwelling op 7 posit Wolin, W. Clark's residence,•oirtMata sqeqt; or at Ocorge ,W. Mehaffe* Saw Mill, at the Viper Station. • Oct.JACQ.B... AIIKKART.;, Marietta, O 31, 1863-1 y MARIETTA MARBLE YARD. - Agt., MARIE MASON AND STONE COWED. Otesite the Park, Marietta, Pa • T" 'mitten brarghea, -!'";,. will be continued at the. old One% near ttietowrOlall and opposite-Punk% Cross Keys Ame every description- of 4parble Work will liedrept (inland or made to order at abort noilge arid at very reasonable prices. `l‘.4larte,..Jonn g9,j861. . - The Anierieen Wanes. hw-,,eam,%.01.0- • TI 4ik iinitricatt Watches ate hmong the best tinu , keel , „ , now in vie, and for durability strangth and simplicity far.,aurpass any other wittcl made in .the world. H. L ' `& Z A HM • Corner of North.Queen-st.iand Centre. Square.. Laifcaster, Pa., have them for sale at.the very lowest •rites--e,very watch' accompanied with the m apufacturers warrantee to ensure its gen uinelieSS. RANKLIN; .11.INKLE, M.- D. • After an- abiena of rearly'three Yearim the Navy, and Army of the United States has returned to the- Borough of Marietta and re sumed the practiCe 'Of 'Medicine. irr.,Bspecial l a_trentlanpaittto,Surgical cases in which branch of ,his profession he has had virrcOnsidemble experience : • • OFFICE iti his private, residence :--entrance at- the' }fall door., • FortQUAL or- REGULAR' TIMEKEEPERS . canoe had of H. L. & E.-J. Util, Cot. h Queenl'st., and Center Square, Lanese ter, TA. i in the shape of .EquEibrium Levers= the,bestarticle. of Swims levers now in the mai ket. They are lower injwice , thatratiy watch: Of equal quality and , uet se true for - timekeeping , . , AECTACLES to Ault all who jalkiteggia 13, can, be aided-. With glaseee, can be bought-at H. L. It, E. J. ZAHMS, Cor ner of North Queen-et., and Center Square, LencasterL Newilaeses: refitted in old ftames, eltert. notice. , [v6-ly , Xyr / L C,O X l. B Cdebrateillreperial Tat- V V tenehin Steel gpring Bkeleten - Skiit, with self-adjustible Bustle. The latest and hest in use, just teeeived,at , , DIFFENBACWS. • T*l- . . .„ RE - GUM CLOTH OYER COAT.la,the very thing'. out former weather—not . pioth,—but -something' . far superior : War; Janted.not to ‘ shrink. , . Call and examine them , , AT DIEFENBACIPS. lr'Wt.„EchternacWs_Anxif Lption, aminiflli 11 8 ,,,Aletrentedy for i Fagidle• GaU Open Seqaa; ndrdieeasea t `ta..P.,;l 11. 1 , AT T E GOLDEN iM9ETAR. New York and Philadelphia 01114ARIENTAL IRON WGRKS. THE Subscribers having formed a connec netion with Messrs. WOOD & PEROT, of PhiladelPhia. under the above title, are pre pared% furnish every description of ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK, Cast, Wrought and Wire Railings, FOR ENCLOSING Cemetery Lots, Dwellings, Public Squares, ,kc. Verandahs, Circular and Straight Stairs, Doors, Window Guards, noble Fixtures, Fountains, Vases, 4c., also, having purchased of the late firm of Hutchinson & Wickersham, Canal Street, their entire Stock of Bedsteads, Cradles, Furniture tc, they now offer to 'the public, at their New Warehouse, THE MOST EXTENSIVE;STOCK OF ORNAMENTAL IRON GOODS to be found in the United States. They have also purchased of the New York Wire Railing Co. the patent right amfmaehinery for making WIRE RAILING. FARM FENCE, WINDOW GUARDS, GRATING, GOAL SCREENS Sec. and will continue the exclusive Manufacture of the same aftheir - Works. CHASE & CO., 524 Broadway, - -tew York. Orders may be sent through the American Advertising Agency, 389 Broadway, N. Y. LAN pis & TRO Landis 4. Trout Landis 6- Trout At the "Golden Mortar," At the "Golden Mortar," Market Street, Marietta, Market :5 tr ee t, Marietta,. Keep constantly on hand Keep iorestithtly on hand Drugs, ; - Perfuinerieg, Fancy Articles, Patent Medictfies; `• Coat Oil Liiiiipa land Shades, notie & Steven's Family , Bye COhirs,' Shoulder Braces and Trusses Papers and Periodicals, - • Books &Stationaly, t Portmonnsie's, Segars, Prescriptions carefully compounded. Prescriptions carefully compounded, Remember theplafe, Remember the place, Dr. Grove's old Stand. Dr. Grove's old Stand. Give us a call. Give us a call. :lAGOB HARLE Y, • succEsspii,to STAUFFER & HARLEY, No. 622 Mitrket-StreepPanAmELPai.C4,; Dealer in Fine Gold snot 4ilver,, WATCHES, SOLID SILVER-WARE, Fine Gold• Jewelry, and the best make of SilYer-Plated Ware. Corfstantly onhanf a large seortment of Abe above goods AT LOW PRICES. Watches and fine Clocks repaitedby ful , workmen; also, Jewelry repairing; En graying and- all kinds of Hair-Work• to order at short notice. iG Doter forget the„,rild stancl,, i N r umper 622 Miiikeetitreet, Ptfil delphia. ' April 9 0 1864.-3 m S and F] Black. Hawk Iron Ore Washer. . r IRE undersigned having just completed new paterns for the manuacture of the eme brated Black Ilawkqiiin Ore Washer. lie has removed several objections to the old pat em, and now feels certain of being able to wash ono-third, more iron , ore per day, 9, n d much cleaner. Machines manufactured and put up• anywhere desired at the shortest no tice, and the working of the machine guiffraN teed. -ilVean'iefer, by permission, to Col. .T.arnee Mem, of 1,0-egai Furnace, Marietta, and to James L. Si u_ z Esq.; adjoining Mari etta. Address . , SAMUEL HO.P.KINS, Ilforfetta,'Lancaster Co., Pa. . .DR. J. Z. H.,_OV.FER. DENTIST,' ' Or TAP. COLL EG E: tild= OF DENTAL SURGERY, LATE OF HARRISBURG. OF F I CE:—Fronv'streei, - next door to Williams> Drug store, between Locust end Walnut streets,"Dolurnbia: Another : ,,4ll, f0r.5000 Who want their Faces Shaved clean, their Hair Cut and Heads Shampoonedeim the most scientific manner, can do t e° ley,collipgja.at the Market Street ' Hefter 'Saloh, - opposite LibbarVa Drug Store. - , ' Ice Cream at the "Hermitage." FFlavored Tee dreani can .bo had Jr every day and •evening at Cunimbige' Hermitage Hotel, at the Lower Station Ma rietta. - DR. WM. B. FAH}~tETOCB~ OFFICE : 1 -111Airt irEAR okrdairE SpanglerATlOtellionN‘ Store. , r o. ITOB A. OFFICE HOURS. • - " I'To 2. 9. 6TO 7 P. M. , , EWELAY:A i s t, e"and and stook o fine jewelry of the Igestyetteree,,,frorn the., beet feetoriee in the cOuniry can belbund - it — H. L.-4. E.. J . of Center Square and Sara Queen Streeti Laneaiter, • CHAMPAGNE and oilier Table Wines guarrantepd to be pureyand sold_asJaw as can be boughtin Philadebhin or New-York H. D. BErrrAin.ro, Picot Building. SUBSCRIPTIONS received for all the lead in Petiodicalk a the 11ayl At The Golden Mortar. . P.V . - _ DRKE TrDNCSNOUIDRS . - AND T SIDES for, eale:Bt J. R NBACH HOWE & _STEVEN'S . Celebrated Family Dye tOiiirs,' 'To' tie fist; for sate r • 1 - • THE GOLDEN MORTAR. • 'EXTRA ° SUGAR 3000 Y HamsS a and rorAttd: tlfor' J. R. DIFFENBACU'S. sale at . ROGERVA Celetaded — Pearl Calmed t and Oil Paste Blackmag at WHOGOLJAENPIORTAR. BOllLENtlonc,cel*,!brptplAilly, H. D. . •• . BENJAMIN . YONlVeticidieal Dropekrand, Clark!e, Fs T jou& at Theeign./terofor. Friends and Relatives of the brave SOLDIERS & SAILORS, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT LL WHO HAVE FRIENDS AND Relativei in the Army or Navy, should take special care. that they be amply supplied with these Pills and Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to provide themselves with them, no better pres ent can be sent them by their friends. They have been proved to be the Soldier's never failing-friend in the hour of need. Coughs and Colds affecting Troops Will be speedily relieved and effectually cured by using these admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention to the Directions which are attached to each Pot or Box. Sick Headache and want of Appetite Incident to Soldiers ! Those feelings which so sadden us, usually arise from trouble or annoyances, obetructe'd prespiration, or eating and drinking whatever is unwholesome, thus disturbing the healthful action or the liver and stomach. These organs Joust be relieved, if you desire to do well.— The Pills, taking according to the printed instructions, will quickly produce a healthy at - tion in both liver and stomach, and as a natu ral consequence a clear head and good appeiitr. Weakness and Debility induced by OVER FATIGUE. Will soon disappear by the use of these in. valuable Pills, and the Soldier will quickly acquire additional strength.' Never let the bowels be either confined or unduly acted upon. It may seem strange that Holloway's Pills should be recommended for Dysentery and Flux, many persons supposing that they would increase the relaxation. This is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct the liver and stomach and thus remove all the acrid humours from the system. This medi dne will give tone and vigor to the who'se organic system however deranged, while health and strength follow as a matter of course. 'Nothing will stop the relaxation of the• Bowels so sure as this famous medicine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTOIN! Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings can with certainty be radically cured if the Pills are 'taken night and morning, and the Ointment be freely used as stated in the printed natructions. If treated in any other manner they dry up in one panto break out in another. Whereas this Ointment will remove the ,humors from the system and leave the patient a vigorous and healthy man. It will require a little' perseverance in• bad cases to insure a LASTING CURE. • For Wounds either occasioned by the Bayonet Sabre or. thel:Bullet, Sores or Bruises, To which every-Soldier and Sailor are liable there are no medicines so safe, sure and con venient as Holloway's Pills and Ointment.— The poor wounded and almost dying sufferer might have his Wounds dressed immediately, if .he.would only' provide 'himself with this •matchless Ointment, which should be thrust into-the wound and smeared all around it, then cover it with apiece of linen from his Knap sack and compressed with a handkerchief.— Takingnight and morning 6 or 8 Pills, to cool theisystem and prevent inflamation. Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seamans.. Chest should be provided with these invalua ble Remedies. • IMPORTANT CAUTION !—None are germ'', unless the words " HOLLOWAY, NEW Yoxi. arid LONDON," are discernible as a Watt'? - mark in every leaf of the book of directions, around each pot or box ; the same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light.- - A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. *,„*Sold at the Manufactory of Professor HoLtowa v, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in , kladicin . e throughout the civilized world, in pots or boxes, at 30c. 70c. and $l.lO each. Ni•B. l ---Directionri for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each pot. Xi= Dealers in my well known medicines can WOOPIOW CARDS, CIRCTJLARS, gr.c., sent them, EXPENSE, by addressing : ~ T HOMAS HOLLOWAY, SO Maiden Lane, New-York. azr There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. (Dec 26-ly c e ' OURT PROCLAMATION Whereas . Abe Honorable HENRY G. LONG, Pres i st; 'Hon. A. L. HAYES and FERREE BR/ ri- Tow: "Bair.; Associate Judge a of the Court of Common Pleas In and for the county of Lan caster;and `Arisistant Justices of the Courts of Oyer and'Terminer and General 'Jail Delivery and: Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the county of Lane:sister, have issued their Pre ceprtcome directed, requiring me, among other things, to make public Proclamation through out my: baliwiCk, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer and a general Jail delivery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the peace and 4 intil delivery, will commence in the Court House, in the city of Lancaster, in the Corn- Moriwealth of Pennsylvania, on the THIRD , MONDA Yin AUGUST, 1864, in pursuance of• Which precept Public Notice is hereby given, to tie Mayor, and Alderman of the city of Lancaster, in the said county, and all the Jos tices'cif the Peace; the Coroner and Constables of theoiaid'city and county of Lancaster, that they be then' and there in their own proper persons with their• rolls, records and examina tions, and their other remembrances, to all thoSe thingh which to their offices appertainiiw in their behalf to be done ; and also all those whti will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or Dieu shall be in the jail of said county of ancaster; are to be then and there to pros ecute against them as shall be just; Dated at Lancaster, the 18th dad of JULY 1864: F. SMITH, Sheriff. GEO : W. r.VORRALL, SURGEON • DENTIST, .... , " airing roloved to the Rooms Jbrmerty iicrupirri by Pf• Ewtntzel adiaining Spangler k Pat . teivon'i arorsosarket Street, where he lb now - prepared'to wait on all who may fee t feaa - z - - 0 .- disposed to patronize him. Dentistry in all its branches car ried on. TEETH' inserted on the most approved principles of Dental science. All operations on the mouth performed ir. rt, skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and ON ,NESS 11EASONAPLE TERNS. Having determined upon a permanent loca tion at this Mara, would ask a continuation of the lit :`P mime heretofore extended toliim, fuf which he will render every poesi ,tiatinfnalon. ',II* Ether administered to proper persons OSBORN'S Celebrated' Prepared Java Coffee. - Warranted superior to any in the lifyktl. TT . is used by first-class families eveiwriniali 1, ..and. highly recommended for nerves' ayspeptic• persons, being very nutritious and free from all deleterious substances, in testy - mony of which, I have certificates from the most eminent Physicians and Chemists in this, country.. Try it and you will be aure„te. co ~ tiaue ite.use in preference to tiny other. . • SOld at retail for Twenty Five cents , by, fuat 7 class Grocers throughout the . States.., A liberal discount allowed to the tra' . .. Put up only, by Lr.wis A. Ossotilhi .1" Wholesale Depot, 69 Warr- Cre,R,ry - )_ WOLFE'S ICE CREAM SALOON: n every Day and Evening—STN„ excepted, where can be: had some of the , bnely flavored ICE CREAM in the ti Philadelphia not excepted. L t ci T. CROIX AND NEW ENGLAND .1( ..', .aforeulinary purposes, warranted gent 11. D. Benjamin. "‘ LARG .. 4 ... E stock of Paper and Envelopes , - - of the best quality just received and for eak e ht The. Golden Mortar. ti -ONE HAVANA SEGA 10;:aio, tf, e dri ..tt fed ar..3 Frocking Ttitaca at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers