The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 06, 1864, Image 1

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T is the only reliable self-Adjirsting Wring
er. No wood-work to swell ,or split. No
thumb-screws to get out of order. .
Warranted with or'tattitinit dog-Wheetit '
It took the Franc PRIM MK at Fifty-Seven
State and County, nutria :1863r and Ass with
out an exception, the twat Wringer ever made.
Patented' in the United States, England,
Canada, and Australia: Agenta ivitfted iu
every town. •
Energetic agents can make him 3 to 10
No. 2, $6.50. No 1, $7.50. No. F, $8.50.
No. A, $6.30.
Sample Wringer sent and express paid on
receipt of price.
ManufactuAd and sold, wholesale and re
tail, by the
No. 13 Platt Street, New York, and Cleve
lund, Ohio
8. C. NORTHROP, Agent.
That Iron well galvanized will not rust;
That a simple machine is better than a com
plicated one ;
That Vs
ringer should be self-adjusting,
durable, and efficient;
That Thumb-Screws, and Fastenings cause
delay and ts Oubie to regulate and keep in order ;
That wood soaked in hot water will swell,
'Mr:ink and split ;
That wood bearings for the shaft to run in
will wear out;
That the Putnam Wringer, with or without
•eng-wheels, will not tear the clothes;
That eug-wheel regulators are not essential ;
'That the Putnam Wringer has all the ad
vantages, and not one of the disadvantages
above named;
That all wi.o have tested it, pronounce it
the best Wringer ever 'nude;
That it will wring anything from a thread
to a bed quilt without alteration;
We might fill the paper with testimonials,
tilt insert only a few to convince the skepti
cal, ilsoch there be; and we .ay to all, test
Putnam's Wringer.
Test it thoroughly with any and ALL others,
!init if nor entirely satisfactory, return it.
Putnam Manufacturing Co:
• t; LF: Men : know fro:a practical experi
ence that iron well galvanized with zinc will not
oxidize or rust one particle.. The Putnam
Wringer is as near perfect as possible, and I
ran cheerfully recommeud it to be the best in use.
Respectfully yours.
Cleveland, Ohio.
Many venal' experience in the galvanizing
sine ss enable me tOilidolee the above state
iiicnts in all particular'e.
No. 100 ißeekmann' Street.
New York, January, 1864.
We have tested Putnarri's Clothes. Wringer
I,y practical wuting, and know that it will
do. It is cheap ; it is simple ; it requires no
imun, whether at work or at rest; a child can
operate it; it does its duty thoroughly; it
siives time and it saves wear and tear. We
earnestly advise all who have much washing
io do, with allintelligent persons who. have
,IrLy, to buy this Wringer. It will pa; 'or it 7
&cif in a year at moat. - ,' ' ' ''. si, :. 1'
Hoe. 110 LUCE "Glfl l l h'..VP''
May 2S, NIA.. Oui.]
~N , ~~~.
--(AqiclizaL :Mattes,
Takes this means of Informing hts old cus
tomers and the public, generally, that he has
IT •taken the old stand (recently occupied by
ceorgc L. 141aeltley 3 ) mid is now permanently
fixed to prosecute
flayingjust returned from the'city+ where
he selected a large, varied and fashionable:
assortment of everything in thee:_;
and now only asks an examination 'of his
stock and prices, beforepurchasingelsewhere.
Having also laid in ebto44,of Hotting mate
rial, he will be enabled, at, eLiort notice, to
manufacture 4) qualities—from
soft to the most Fa.hiontible SYIk Vat: t
kmploying none but the best'oi Workmen,
and manufacturing good goods low- pikes;
be hopes to merit Mid' receive 4 Liberia 'allies
ni public patrcibege 'll:9•The highist pride`
l aid for Fursin '
•- • •
Fat/amiable 4 / 1 111W1
• /3oot and Shoe Mantifaet*cr,
Would most respectfully laform the .citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood thati -has
largest assortnient of , a work-in
`4 of , business in".thief Bore kt;.arkilibe
aetieal BOOT AND SRO fiItAKER;
isrenabled to select with more judgment
w who are not. Ile renfihtleitb Mao
in the very best manner everything
100 T AND 8110Alaillas whit
wrant fer.neatneas arbidmed:fitA!. 'ft
U 1 and exankinglialitocht 'before simr-:
elsewhere. •
lititioul.atialk :of
x. 1.1
BAN'IiNG *Assocm.e.runst!
ON prepared to , tranfiaptatll :I#l4s A t .
Board' of Directors meet weikEt,
ulayf iliscount and other business.
ink Fro m 9 A. 'M P.
BOWMAN, Cashier.
AM, July 26, 1863.
4... ED WARE: A rge and hoe stock
Plated ware at If. .& E. T. Zanst%
it North Queen at Center Squar4
Ater, Pa. Tea Seiety, Coffati:
a. Pashas, Goblets, - Stands, Cake
diets, Card Baskets, ,pctops,,F9tics, Knivaai
liters, be., &e., at. manufacturerspnces.
North Queen at. awl Cent* Square ; Lan-
A, Pa. Ohl laden ifs 4thodirani and ;all
rid warrantodto bWitillegesented. •
iFsLATING aq . qll4* , lo , - attAilder#tp Fates
EL .
BAKEIt, I *• -A
-•itTTORATRY-21.7` LA'W,
- LAtfdAST.P.g, 'PA.
kivICE:--LIW. 24 Noiiitliltrxi Sia
Ifoutie, whim- he, will a,
o the pra4ice of hie profession ip all tel
' - "'::':L.'..': - ' IRE aillig,,lpmet.l:.'..-....::".!,
76itter Wire of
liato ;, , ' fts
i-t. 4 4 ALJEIL e bit -,
a Oft
trkt titi f 4 , 1
.0 • 4.r; 0 4_ 44.4 .4-0V41.. .fare.l3.
A 7 PlTSVisfidlioiliefitiPTONlC; l C ditectiVe
, 1444.04AJtqTatiMAkol. , u9:00erfitl,t,
cluteasee or* Sipmach, Liver etrid 13oweis.
, I 2 . ! t' , , , ,„ „ - oft
", Cure s
..Fonyk apt i lsfa;
, 4 HeAktincAe,, ~ General
' TieL
pression otSpiritel .Conatipation, '
Intermittent Fever, Acidity , pt, thet
Stomach, Nausea, Heiriburii,' Ma'agn for' '
Food. Fullness or Weight in - the Stomach,
Sinking' or Fluttering .at the. Pit ofatte
Stomach, Swimming of the friend,
Breifbing, Yellowness othe
Skin and 41yes,. Frier
Didkp . the Head,
Ps re•ilie l Side;
It will cure, every. nage of Cluonic oc Ncctunis
Debility, Dilemma of the Kidneys, and
1 1
' Diseases arising 6 ,4om a disordered
Sitmisch, Good scer . Male dr Fe- - ^
male, Old or Young.
The most beneficial medicine known ;gives
better satiefaction and cures more '.diseases
than any other preparation offered to the pub
lic. Prepared solely try S. A. KUNKEL &
13R0., 118 Market street, .11arrisburg.
For sale by druggists and d,ettlels gveryThorc,
As KunkePs litter Wine of Iron is,tho only
sure and effectual remedy in the
for the permanent eure of Piiirr) •i CI rk!'!.
Wily, and as thereat.) a nuts
offerer' to the public, we •. ti N
community •to purchase none but the genuine
article, manufactured, by •S. A KurricLE &
Hno., and has their stamp on the top of the
cork of every bottle. The very fact that others
are attempting to imitate this valuable reme
dy, 'proves its worth and speaks .volunlea , in
its favor.
- -
The Hitter Wine of Iron is Mit up in 75 cent
and $1 00 bottles, and sold by all ies,lectable
druggists throughout the country,. Be panic-,
ular that every bottle hears the Jac 'simile 'of
the proprietor's signature. . .
This Wine includes the most agreeable and
efficient Salt of Irori'vlre `possess`;' Citrate of
Magnetic Oxide combined, wiih• the' Most "en
ergetic of vegeable tonic ~Yellow Peruvian,
hark. ' 'The effect in' - ntithy eases of dalilitY;
loss of appetite ) and general prostration,' of
an efficient Salt of Iron, combined with our
Valuable ri,erve Tonic, isonost :
augments the appetite, raises the pulse, takes,
off iriuseular.flabbineas, refill-0/es the 'pallor of
debility a florid vigor to the coun--
• ! •! 118 :Market 'Street, •
r HA AR/ /111 RG
For male:by all respectple,,drf/lers through
out the country. Ju 25-6 m
"It's against my principles," „said,'
Parker Pelham, buttoning his pocket,
add in'clining hitichair "at'' an angli"Of
roily-five degrees' . - against' the 'Plaiii
riililig: '"Tacos;'taxes—nothiti 'bat`
titles 1 Goveretnent must "suppose — a
maxi ii made di Mondy;' and thdn, right'
on' top of that, livery woman - of your 'aCt
qualli tan c a "expects you to "ply 'fun d s liti-'
.... -
tor Private: NlrarAregifJP l 7. ~TVE4 -, .141
nonsense—and Ia for opeo!dn' xic,t,
tireizeil ' l BeAlittl ; ;!., likenit fonsid,er, 4t,,,
faicfor, us 14# to 1 ?e,b1e,0. 0 -S every pore,
while the woraen,keep their,,,ov,in„pnrses
intact. If yorbfernalakind are, so, vital-: . j
ly interested in the hospitals, and all.
that sort of thing, Why don't you lend a
harping hand Stourier?" . '''''' la)
Mr. Pelham screwed ' up liiiiliPs,taii:s
pad his fingere on the railing; itod' nod:
dedybis hriad;lti'dne who iiiiinilifiai4
rather'guess You'll' fiitd that arguMent
anari'slierable.l i -• ' '.
kitty Brace', ' 'binding' ' anion` 'ilia"
roses that shut' but' the t June'siinaliiiiii;
turned rou i tidao suddefil*,9iftpp tinti4d
petals abdßelid dusl 92 PgrtlY a r9-Pt d 48F
like a pink snowstorm.. Parker instinct,
• •
ively moved his
, baph t as < l?acanght,,
the dangerous heFikafe,l'_eyes ,
and, saw 4
, crimson , RP rf t 9a 9,fAufkliq , ue„
fluttering across her chee!F,. „ <,,,„ „, ~
"Please to explain,„yourself, Mr. Pel
htimi"reaid Kitty; crasping: a siray4,7ef
roseet.feey tightly in her two little
hands, 1114V:they should d es c e n d wrath=
... c
futly'con Pkiker's ears, in spite "df her
dsiteritiiiittori td - ins
, iery- very -proper"
~ arid'
dignified Have s""' Wis hot speti ti
't the'
and nioniy
, tioth . in thie'Cinse? 'Save
We liOt: dialed' duraelvler every manages
vary luxury ? Nay, have we 'net - even
parted ykth t oar jewels„and p4uk,ets,,„,te
send aid . t 9, those Whp suffer,;in•—our
country's • behalf?"
'ailifOljes tleilti ilia lebvilli "That ' s
,all very Illie,'' said 'Parker, ,
~ . . t
turniug uvhisnosa,imlofty clieragar4 of,
ks Hikt iagir l it i ltil e r enn ' the i r ferninine login. "Sm. oo kh, sailbilberrickatk ,
•.V. ) , friendB apd,#te Puli.lic that they sailing I You may talk as much , as .you.
Il i
~, qi ii iontinue She 'WATCH, CLOCK like, Miss Kitty ; but you will never
€4 rim trE triliißT business at the old •
, , stand, North f weat, Corner of , ' i psrmadb-ma' ydu're - incearnest datilA
Queen streetand,CenterSquars.„Lnlca,,-- ~, -: make ' sortie sacrifice schti-iiii
Altill adeortnieut of ginksin (nil liLec, ti e- Yc s a s
O s
nese always en hand arid foi:fiale'al the t boasting of." ' ' ' '
cash rates. ,Iriln.itepairishe attendial " - "l'dciiist want to 'boast " Said Kitty
Lancaster, Janlyisrl, 4c09- i < ~ ~
sonaik by rite,yro.knidsr.s . %,,, ~,, .- - :(,
. 1 . , , , ...- ' , . , - '
indignantly "bat ohtil i ii, , were only' a
' --I-- miinl—if I - could onliiiaiiiiLlnhilsirl"*" .
r -Yoti'd do•unheailisoMingilAve nd,"said Mr yfirfc'Cully.
"But: you can earfilmaney,lf moo, choose
to try."
. . 4 . ,
A.BIT,LETTE. This Fertilisetis comppired
of - night soil and the fittilizing elements of
urine combined, cheminally and mechanidally
with other valuable fertilizing agents and ab
sorbents. ' • •
It, is reduced to a pulverized condition, rea r _
dl for immediate use, and' 'without lbstiof its
highly nitregetions fertilizing properties,' " •
- Its universal application to all cropcand
soils, and, its •,(1. 4 r444ty and active qualities,
are well knOwn to .be all that agriculturists
can' disire. Nice 125 pert:Torr. *
CIEMICAL" compost: This""teitilizei
is largely composed of animal matter,
such as - meat,*boner fish.. leather, hair rand
wool, together witli . chemicals and inorganic,
fertilizers which decompose the mass, and re
tain the nitrogenous elements. It is thorough
ly impregnated with urine, and the ~ thinner
portions of night soil.
'lt is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops
generally,-:and especially for potatoes, And
garden purposes. ,
Its excellent finalities. strength and cheep
nesx,haVimide it vary pbpiillir with all who
hate used it. Price, s3b PIM Torr.
. , highly,phosphatic fertilizer, and is parri
ncultulyadapted for the cultivation of trees,,
fidits; lawni said flowers: It will promoti,a
verriigirthuiinid-hdrdthyjgrowth of wood rind
fruit,'fandolargely , increase,..the-quantit) and
perfect the , raatu,ritY 0,4 the fruit, For het-:
house, and liOusehis d . pfaiira and „flowers,. t
will'be Intuid e n indispensabtaNiiticfe to se
cure, thetritest perteetion: prevent •
and ,on re ,oirSeasedg.onditions,ol the peach and;,
grape, and is excelyint for grass and , lawns,
The formula or ,method of clinifdidne its
OgrediePta,s4all, ~IN
calved the biggest approval l of emi nent them
isti at n scientific agriculturists
PEAL Toff:. '
ral lChemical Company manufacture a
Phosphate of 'Lime in accordance with a new
and valuable formula, by which' a Very
tier article is prodUced; so far Sato be , afforded
at a less price thia other;manufactirers;cliarge.
Practical tests daVe proved thafits Value, ass
fertiiiiei; ie equal 'to the' best' Phdephate of
Limeanttlic tharketi". Price *45 rxx Tuts.
Twists Casrr.—Cartage and Freight, to
be paid. by the Parehaser. • ,
gaiffilmiVbsit kin , tbe Delaware. ' •
.9"fficrfai4l3-Ars4, St.isPhilade plat'. Pa.
xi ,ll- .I.,TTS, General Agent.
Thet'onitutuY, , a'Pliiimphiet "Cirmilar, em
braking, full . ' direethimi 'for -thing'"above
Fertilizers,,sent by maillfreeiwhen.requested.'
g A ME Glt CV Eti-- 7 1tio;Javit
ira Coffee.; Greislie'd; - Ptfterlied" . and
Sugar'; Superior Green and Slackaet,
game and Spices; Syrupisial:prime.iia
ag Mollisses; Excellent Pearl Barley eta
; 3 • Fl ;z:
afuliefeltheld Ven1ER1 : 64i4,44104 for *me ',firth'
• 6 TURIna
r• .1 •T tidT
CE CauLL's Row, Front Street, five
AP:W(4AF mv ori v e rbri-0 pf u •l3. I lea t
IT •
1., Time; 'Dna bbllixr: payakil
e van• b n '
ggt a llVlßt il93P r Le ' 9" **s m .
.. w il l e charg e , bu e-,
ttbe bf ydisiTt "1160
will be c } '~~~ 7 ,. Q ~ ed~ 9 . i
' t i ne '
RTESnixvERT/S/NO: tine square (12
flifiesi: or hiss) ottceriteldrtlfecilretlilbettibliidild
"cents- each each subtes„nent.initertios.
ds, shilined of less
latis3,for ANoilOcs`iii'tlierciMihOtbl
urnna, five cents a-une..,,mir,xilwAspithileb
the simple_annolincf42o; Tans-;tiU 0 r ny
aildttional SOsrfive,cerilsa,line.
'''''&lll3lfiii'dettuEltilihvmtioi&tc"3seiiil);and half
!.YearlYi iedveWeer.S.x if Y t
lidding ecentled added a large lot o',,,new
Cant • lipe t ;Cufi; 4 lroliriiiVir).,' to Vie!
s.tob Price off,' The . Mariettifin,"erwhidltiirill'
insure the fine execution of,all kinds of; JOB air.`
D Rl* T j liolll 'kthiatat
.Carglto the laigeet Tosterod prices too sultpthe
Wei times.,
„. : t ; . •
.o,'l 7-. e, ik,;l;
F: i~ ~F'.
44 1 3c.a, fPr , BA; gaitliXTA.! •
By the blue POtomac , wateros
rE BytAkie RaPpahanocklitzlidei t, '•- •••
.144 • t 4,„ e B 4 ll nT• 1 30 PAikerP 47ist o - r
iyeath Ake, and the pine, ,.
Falling in the shock of battle`, -
• • Pinitlrwitlilhk'dilk •
• So our yoilthfutVat - rtots dieV '•
In,rhe city, in the village,
In the hantlei farsiviiaji;
'Sitftthe mothers, watching , t waifi~ng,
For their Soldierttojts toeflay.
They are coming, lltlilY coming,
' One: ta'iolle, and aceO.P.X gßiges .
In theirieaden casings folded,
Underneath the flag thexbore.
Thinks the mother;weepidgOtettilibei't ;
And expectant alrthe day—
\\ hen his regiment wea'sitmnionee,
"How her soldier went away • •
With his bayonet a-gleaming,
With hie knapsack on his back,
With hisblanket wrapped, and folded, ,
And his home-filled haversack - . . ,
Thinking of the courage:swelling- ,•
In , his eyes and in his, heart; i•
.Though a manly tear ;‘ , aft piling ,
When he kisse,d , her to depart.;
Thinking of his iirecious letters,.
'Writ ten bp 'the
Rich in bove , of home and' Colintari.
•And , of hers who bade hh:la
Counting now the legging moments
For. •the kneeltinglat the 490 r, 4,v
For the shofilinglurkd the „tramping , , :I
Feet of strangers on the floor;
Bringing in their precious hurlen,
'Leaving her to grief all/ tears.''
To the sorrow and the rnourriing •
:Darkening all the coining years.
rxrtyi.i *Olt
- . .1
r< 7 ;.,~~Y
. . s•,aa -,:: ,A,1;. -- : t i•.), , ,,i) 1 , ,',!;- ; z.
0 0 0 - i1d.,r;,,,,05e
, f; , ;; tc•-,~
G AHGVIST• .- 6 - .:186t
L Bwi B§ Sre2l2 tot i
ORTlAlSlALATili l 347l'btd.t.. ,o 4 , :thp:hill-
Olg—PaPlTani4,4l.q4 them into Money
en2PO3 , -,11 1 49
tkt l3 #l 2 kVigltl sionit
„choose to-take the trouble—it's ea6,4r
hil l ikt ig tml„
;4 KIN 'Or
1016:0Mit , efietr," , "bet' lidiabilic"iviihis
st t ti ,l32 l::ii .1 1
Ellen is in ;sapposp. „Al,l
, .ofeu
yea, that's right, mies, Ff .a_kti w enrl.y,oAr
T °ur - .4 7 1-)-417.4Y 1 9 % t --
,„ I
here's an expraiditipation of my asset--
14m tbp.,t r y oF f shrin , fromi the - iligfiest
effort in thiuekusal, ilr.daulzpect no lo
do everything, while youare willing to
idot nothing:l Nbisrl,‘ NO to
dollars' worth of strawberriak t d .
.I,; ( lßfploldiP_Ftlicir.ftee•-fromi want !I-
(1....44755Vi1i1f4143.4tra0meat., illiernshe
drew out her little moroceotpockettbdok
with solemn-emphasis
'aPfe the wager
sidtlltberifiktfitifeal; ,
Parker Pelham eyed the little beauty
ss ii.l l P-Esql_treoY..timierstocid +her.
.. , ort, are, tot Bel I , thew ty.ourself,
14ifte,F40 3 1, no; nmstcenvaring:l' -
your-AqtrA,at-fzes to M. r:-.-Pe I ham
All the conditions of your..bargairvehall
be complied wittr.".,•; • . " r
,-I mitlil;Migsititity, have : yo,kreficOteg
• ` v.) ~* ,C
I see . nothingupl44,4%inskpAeoyor
ing to serve my conntrT's , defender,"
said Kitty;` q quietly, itient `smile
sparkling ,
her 'eyes l ei`
ehe'iiolad Par
dollars= >very. neat little . 811t1Zi''Aitoittbw
mast , go to Tee .abolitlse Me , fri l asketi fotj
my ibe rrie s ; as ere "BD !"
"Fifty dollarsT,' feebly matte
ker o F!,elhpala,,, as , j.4;hi.,,4 l rpvlitittspd
the garilep arakl;.
, 1 1.'„What , l ege-,
fododed tool wai t 3), NKl?ys9uldr!,'t.,l,l
have said five initead Ih4, cOt;r . se;
amthinfir=andveirr ,, -~ 1 G,. rthid
4 '."Stiait4lerris - ! ! mbar
berries ?'' •
liacierttewas , teading in -her - elk',
quiet parlor as ,the silv.ery..voice echoed'
through the, .street.
;use and pushed aside the auitellier.ii
A slender firira in a br?.7lr!' 01 0 1 P°
driiss,lker thee s?aded, e,,blue-ribb i z l n,e l 4 4
Shaker boneet, was leaning, over t the.,
;area railings, on which she dexterous*
balanced a basket of ripe strai,beiries,
gloVinrietiVlet• '
thrbilgfi t,helr 'Covering
of 'fiesti , Viiii3=biai es. ' -"
liiferihatted-'hee"eyei' With ` 1
her'^Band, arid` looked again. •
"Why; Kitt,* tirtioal can t 14 ;
ble , Alakthaide smell ; „ 7,!=tl - .
"If myself;,; sok no.:`other," -'tugboat
"I'm Balling etrawberriei ou Ali
wagey., , =.Willt:yan t buy some ?"
ig - 4113 , amp . .? of e.ouTee. Give me a
dozen basket!, ; and then came in, yoa:„1
little Witch, -
me about
'Not fast. ✓ now • iime i " an, ,
Kitty, deinuroly. "But you shall_
hear of it by-and-by 1"
lire. Le thought 'Kitty had never
lathed sitsriretty, In' tulle end' pearls; se,
she diit'hnd‘ithe'ltiaint shidoW otthat
Shalreebilniiet - -/her'eyee datlcieg :With
tucked behildlter Ors *old'
DlBlid behind. the window blinds' off- the
koPltositelhonee ,thodght it , _very kine'erto
e 40, Byre. Letlerelesn.froniih'ercasemenV•
to.kies the straWberrylirl:
Alt one louse; the door xwall slammed
in Kitty!s face J with.. More emphasis: than
politeness.l. Strawberry vending- had ita
unpleasant aspect as-well se , most other
oogppatione i in tliis,world.;, but our little
I** was quO t ismAY94 PI takes= a
go4fflael to daunt as.onragepus woman.
44E01► the qt*Poon, ~Q3r. Park9F
Pelham'a clerk came eoftly, in to the back
a ** 09 . 04 1 4°A0eX bußßY.„en.
gaged in writing . , • •
"I beg your pardon, air; but do you
wish to' buy any - strawberries"?” ,
'"Strawberrieeil No, "` ' said Mr. Pel
ham; abstractedly ``
I told the YonUg : ptirson so, sir, but—
Dear Me, here she now 1"
The Was' a defiant; little tap on the
door, and Miss Kitty Brace walked in;
her shazel eyeia sparkling , like stirs
undetthe Shaker, bonnet.
Ma r owdon?t, I visit to: ..purohaoo,..)l4.
PiAitonitu.-. f t
aThat i li fortunate, for .Pfme sold;everY
berry. Pleasoitonconottmy obaoge: 1/
believe it amounts to „nine mina Inter
stalabove,,the specified. be' dollars i"
earker Pelham-ste.redfi , the !dciuble
ftendful otpostage.CulTelfo3Cin.blank
topisbineut,and,.,dismay4 —l , ;
"You;don'tutean tasay, Miss Kitty;
111 M
"I do-mean to say that 1 have won
the wager-;' bir
,flow,pratty„shellookedin.that inoment
.of / bright, Animation.l, - , Ordinarily, ,Ear
tkeitElelharn vottldabrige , hesitated, long
; ore parting, Tith-rit single. Nickel: I.of his
hoctrrled , uto nay,. hut:beauty:is al.wo n der
ful, subduer. Allt the , treasured .hopes,
, tor months leaped•up in that one moment
AD,PbsOituktioai ,! • , .
. 'alma my,aelf vaequialiadJkliesKitty;"
haodiag,,over ,a, neatly folded
~..kfty.Alotlat "Xibir
it,.paßsodoi, momvit, in..awkward• rin
fcortainty. -
7Kitty ; willgkott., lead, with
it?" • ,rs •It • ,
~"Thankyun,, s ir,". said Kitty, demure
ly, "bat I ehpuld seareulytknow what ;to
do with the article.... My-promised hus-
Amodio Eglitinir,under tke:Staretaind
,Stripee, aud .one :heart - is-all:I can take
oare•uf at=-one time.t 'Good .evening,
mfr." • • • ,
~; Alas forlthe humiliated' and disebin
.fited Parker kfrelham)!l AN es it mot . hard
enough to lose fiftpdollanybuthe must
lose wavieet-heart,' top. ;the
Bothechilde never feltieo rich as Kitty
Brace did when An •nneloged that gilt
dollar bill to parch - ate comforts for the
soldier'ssoldier'sl ' ' ' '
the workmen engaged.jmthe,renclvation
of Bt. Patrick's OathedialiDublin-:-tbe
oldest church in Ireland - were digging
poitiomor. Abe. AI °eying in one vet'
the aisles, tbey(discevereikik.large
coffin of curionS;wiirkmarialiipl , ..bufiecTitt
few feet below the eiirface. The coffin,
whifn oti'en bo`u`thiu he
skeleton ;Of an t ecClesiSiti . C,ilittlfp`Osed
ha:WI • been belied flidfdieci
I , earstli Vice elfilltweaSitgiffietT , an'd the'
bl 4
Oil firthe - bdffili there
Was la 'it'll !length figure o'f
: 14strobeim .1 1 kIweiv insne r ceed , -Vltioirie
!antiquarians, (11f - tictiitte-Dr,Votictg*lftis
espressed it as his belief that FaL.,,the
°lt ie‘iii r O'odlieseiYisltbh
iii in
Aire. *hen tliiii• l 64l - I;Ch fiaisheeit
will be plabed ins most7prinineiiipii*
beciavie - ttieie4i s no
ably antiquity in
A . :RArtwXY 'Atir s uriiiiiif-zAotlitir
glish Ipiepel% `MaPof thirtial'J
oft.t'Stbk:ei.":. ll A 49 diteq4IREISI
orl ll 4looabutlitire'steilaliailiii4
sktilteddiyzkniblablielleid tritilw4
carriage. To escape his i;:;milts,'Vklie z
op€ , ned t/ d
6 0 - or of tiZiairiage, gotQat, '
, m 4, [l7 A. •• typ
and remalned standing on .the i stegAnd, ,
• row, 111* • St4ii
clingißg to the theicarris.go
Ae.frai! jge iuLutl i the o r ate ( of, I
fcTity 4 ..Fortnnate iv Ur
IL'i 1 . . ' atte VA.• •• • • 1 • .
Stokes Aiscoverkl her i% her perilous
positton, and managed to draw hero
the door of the compartment.he was in.
Re there- held Atifermtigbtly l ii:Mildlifie
waistreind.she`faintii'doiiii 61'3 1 E644:
this - fay/Jr - ward' didigeteni pdsi
Lion, elr: SU:lkea - Waif
burden aborit five' iniles."• -lait,lhow.
ever, the guard, signalled by persohf-iii'
the nel , g , kberipg MA 11;0
00 ,the trai o n
ant ksciitd tote joting
&*1 0 13.&105; 4 101tEIA:" . at:l6lly seT
geant-of•oneiOr , the' hi - aiSWOhtnsetts
Meats beingubbliged' to , Sanaa tlie(
amputation of his hand, the iiti-riede
offered to ,i 40,4040
usual; but Pe' i lceteratkrecupel i gaxiut.-., 1
If the cutting was to be done , to him t he ,
wanted arm Ott,
the table„ subinittOti. to: the operatjoo
without a Sign ot pain except a firmer
setting of the. teeth. iite , the ' saw 'Eitel&
the marro The:operatoi he finish
ed looked at his vibtirti with admiration,
and remarked-1 , •
'Yon' taVeabeen aqlnikeon,
my man. , , .
Was thing 4n;a l forbthe
enlieted! said the hero.
'What was that?' ankedia u
'A...butcher P responded view.
with a gaol 0 2 , w h i c h, .llidesp'itle the
surroundings ;communicated itself to the
bystanders.. , 5_ •
Affected - young lade sea in a
rocking chair reading the,
claims—" Mother, here is a grammatioal
eratiP4•4ha- Mothe4--Lower
bag he; specks and, approaching , ,tbsu
11 01Tc9). a very_ liqr3l4DiA/g- ottitode,
B [ 4o ,
thing that has bees eating the boo
marks!" -4
PalgoFFict Nutty PO and 75
wpmen. , -
thinki!9)##A'a Fe
I,pensuft would -A"7:‘
VOL. XI.--NO. 1.
Old, Humphrey's short way with
In moving among . mankind I have
now and then fallen among infidels, who
have not only declared their disbelief
iu the Bible, but endeavored also to de
stroy the faith of others in that blessed
book, The way they have always begun
their attacks is, to Niggle and wrangle
about some disputed points of little im
portance, with as much confidence, as if
they were on the point of overturning
the whole truth of Scripture by their
silly rattle. Just as soon would a poor,
blind mule tear up from the ground an
oak of , a hundred years' growth, burrow
ing under one of the least of its roots.
If ever you fall in with one of these
unhappy beincs, don't be drawn_ into a
cavil with them about trifles, but boldly
declare your opinion, leaving them to
"Wrangle," if-they like, by themselves.
Tell them that if there be anything
good, and pure, and holy, and heavenly
in the world, the Bible exhorts to prac
tice it; and if anything that is evil, and
base, and vile in the world, the Bible
commands us to avoid it. That,will be
therri that the Bible cootai
more knowledge and wisdom than
tba booki that ever were printed r.
gether; and that those who balit
tifeniisee and Obey its comma•
hat-e peace, and hope, and jo3
bares drlifc't and the trying hour u"
AVitl be 'a poser' too.
''`ltill‘thetu that the Bible has been
Ileved `in lip" the wisest and best of meu,
from e6itiaiion to" generation, as the
woild - ofiheAiving: God, and that it
inalins. ( knoWn to. a..sioner the only way
of salvation through Bail?, merits and
death of a crucified' Redeemer, That
Willr'be Unothilr. Piloser.
'And their' 'ask tlietn, before they pull
the haoli-to 'piecee - iny 'more, to pr•
one'llitit 11E0'1361,11e u thimeandth p.
ninnh'' 'good — in imitating , tnen ha pi•
Thein in the wed
icilegyen and'illt will be the greenest
plielfr'ilf tat fti' then!'
I.IIpAATEI & BEALTTY.-=-How to secure them.
~The tenderest care, the utmost sent&
tilde, which we can:bestow upon woman
ityinapona of sickness, are but a light
payme.nt.ef. the" debt wet owe her—a debt
cgntructcd : in. our cradles and constantly
acqumnlating until we die. No man has
In erg-faith fully , discharged that debt than
tkig great t'English physician, Professor
EigioNV.. His remedies have probably
dcll 2 tVinre fe roliave the, various diffuses
'especially incident-to-the sex, thag.,el!'""
this, t pottona.l and•,external appliktiAs
wibttywhich mediCal practitioners 4lttiVe
afflietefil, them since the _nommen - 04E0mA
of t the,qhristian Era.. Drastic aperients,
pernicious stimnlants, and poisonous
tie nelnd emulsions, have ruined the eon
stitelions.and blighted the loveliness of
thousands:oLthe gentler sex ;' but we
trnitt khatthe daymben.tbe lives of those
Ws)Ac xre , ,deisrest to•conlinhus be tri
fledzwithis past. At length; wives and
mothers begin to understand the danger
of:being• subjected 'to such treatment.
The, milksoothing and: risstorative in
fluence of:Holtoway'e great,linternal and
external' remedies, in all the complaints
to which woman is subject, are now gen
orally admitted. They have been ad
ministered with.. marked and unvarying
SACCOEtS in' those disturbancen of the sys
temovhiob'occur in the various stages
of adolnecence, during the season of ma
ternity., and at a later period of lift-.
Every•disorder, bodily and mental, inci- ,
dent.tolhiti,sequence, seems to be re
lieved,.and modigesd , by the gentle ana
purifying effeetlditHolloway's Piils.
•We shottld - ncOenture, in fa ma'
of such vast importance, to huzard4-
opinion on questionable gronndsfu/krf.
we cannot hesitate to believe thewhel(t;
mony which has been *placed h j et i r r u ' s
Ladies rof the highest respi j inces, in testis
rightirthinking that 43ivie it h ca e t tn etae i m n the
out of place where bealth4ll be.eurete e.
concerned, have certifiey
;Iv a :Cen t :l
of tile remedies hr nee iroughout the •.;
'plaints to !which the f.' . .
owed to the-to r =
have reccomnelmitey .
i '
est lm Osesein;
Apot, 69 Warcsq
nal; beauty whick
as well as nflie' c ) rearyrY)
OS to every Dayaan be
opted,had nd Ev some o — Pth e
Nely flavored ICE CREAM in the
' Philadelphia not excepted. Pa* '
0 - for - culinary purposes, warranted genus
11. D. Benjamin. "it,
4e:I,ARGE stock of Paper and Envelopes
, oldie best quality just received and for
si. at ' The Goldeu , Mortai.
rIHOTCE HAVANA 5EGA11.4,7,: d theaii n -P.
I,l' T&• • Ch.f.. wing arA Taiiezo at
f. Srr LT.l7 S:,