The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, June 18, 1864, Image 1

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    BY FREDI L. Bi
MHE only reliable self: Adjusting Wringer,
L The frame bein g of lroo, thoroughly
galvatthed, ail daitger from Yost reaoted,
and theilMbility to shrinp„ split,
xo unavoidabie in wooden machines, is pre
No thumb-screws or complicated fastenings
fo wear out or' get out of order; it can be
fastened firmly to the tub in a single second.
Warranted with, or without Cog-Wheels.
It took the Fiasv F'sixisrUDl at Fifty-Seven
State and County Fairs in 1863, ana is, unth
out an exception, the best Wringer ever- made.
Instead of believing the statements of pm
ties interiisteli hi the sale of Other.W4figers,
Try it, and Judge for Yourself.
Test it thoroughly with any and ALL others,
and if not ertirelystitisfaCtory, return it:
It will wring anything from a thread to a
bed quilt without alteration,
Patented in the United States; P.iigland,
Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted , in
every town. _
Pueriiim*Afanufactiiring Co :. <• .
ti lowa:sten : I lenou. from
.practical txperi
nice that trim wellgalvanized with zinc 'wilt not
orldize or rust ons,particle... I caLeafely say,
after several . years ' experience in the manu
facture of chain Mr chain-pumps and water
drawers, in which I have tested the affinity
of iron and zinc, that it the process be con
ducted properly, it is a perfect weld of the
Nearly"one year ago my family commenced
using one of your Wringers: It now performs
all of its functions as well as it dui the first
time it was used, and has become an in- .
dispensible article with. us. I have close
ly observed several other kinds of clothes
wringers, ilia ismdtid'operandi being different,
trying to produce the same ,results as the
Putnam Wringer, but in my judgment they
have failed. The Putnam Wringer is as near
perfect as possible, and I can cheerfully recom
',tend it to tie the best in use.
Respectfully yours.
Cleveland, Ohio.
.Ikl ny year& experience in the galvanizing
hosinesv enable me to indorse the above state
ments in all pa decal yrs.
J N O. C RTS,.,
No. 100 Beckmann Street.
New Vork,„Tatioary,
No. I, $6:60; Nu. A, $18:511.
Nlatinfactured and sold, wholesale and re
tail, by the
No. 13 Platt Street, New York; toil Cleve-
Lind, Ohio
S. c. Npivrif !toP, A.4ent
Who would not be out of the Draft?
I ) that which ettects lis in connection
1) with the Army, is nu/ tie. only one—the
Drat upon the poes - cr these times is
r vere—cntiseiiiimitly we pitichasegOeas where
e get them ehenpest.
J(Diaxi .c-31D'a,t) 1 c 3 r,
succgssmt TO DAVID ROTH
W, , 111 , 1 take this method of informing the pub
-1 it that he is now prepared to tarnish anything
in his line of business, 'such as
•Glass, Oils, Varnishes,-
•S'luees, Iron, Carpenter's Tools, Bingos,
Bolls, Locks, A'jzils, all kinds of
Building nialeri,al, C'oachmaker's
Goods, C'edericare, Clocks, . -
Fancy Articles in large, variety, with a full as
sortment '-of shelf goods generally, Which he
will 5e1,141411e lowest prices, wholesale_ or t he
it. Call and examine the stock.
MinieV.a, March 5, 1864. '
The Patent C01,11e1., Arflectariptern.
IlpHtil is the most desirable.. Lantern. in the
market. It burns Coal Oil without s
chinmOr'einitting neither inholie , nor smell.
It givits ii,puro,white light.
It stands quick motions in any direction.
'Dm flame is regulated from the outside.t
It is neat and compact in form arid size.
It is free from solder in the upper parts, and
13 otherwise very,sobstaittitti 41.14/structure.
It has the glass aides so arranged that break
nge is MSS likely to occur than in other Lan
terns, and th :event of breakage can be ea
repltic.d. ]chap : Rigs krejlectors which
increase greatly flame,, serving
at theiasraeltiake by 41,Shegterotp the
(1 es, which is very desirable.
It lasold lowervivith. MI these advantaos,
i boo cry Lantern in #l9
~ market which admi
or the hare bring regulated from the outsid
vticEnw,E .1)Q4,4412.
Fur sale at a ,T r O d li wae s
N r ,„ P tret erA i P on l , Kr m ll a 'S
li rfeer,s,i,r4o.
atcilre;"; •
`cttribintr anbQ ontitrOttr7
Wout:n 'dog reopectfullftake this means of
donning, hui friends and the public generally
that he has enrnMeneed the drswing of
lad itifset etrerythisf in t Cori V avast:
line HatiriUg gratuitoug iqtareourse Nit
• " Kill' nag him
memtkey,so 1 1-,0 41 1 • •s ,
l'A.ODute b ents misfrtf of Nee
it:r.„l4e, can e fsimd at the offiee.eT ~. lA§
N 1 A tart 1.441,0 Ott ...front,,efreet, ol hieres
idelite OD MilitOt street, 1, a 'goitre west of the
Donegal House," Marietta.
'Manly Deadsoldortgages,.Tudgments and
Leases always onthsod.end for :sale . • •
L vm . p . s•
1. FM.IOII Stirmx .of ,
Coal Oil 101 ' 24 4114 4 riktfOli 'll
of eve* paters,trustable for a the Pailor the
'kitchen Angjtbeisamber 1 .Eftwngtsple
Lamps for Halls, Chinche stoteannulplldc s,
Harintruellased theta fm
the manufa -
rem in large quantities at the lowest cash rates
we can aqi them ..ntuch under,tha ussll retail
i l l
Prices :aii, ugh every other Oseriptionk it
goodsj'aie's varlcieg- . - • ' I
' 'PATtERWN 4 1, CO.
11B.SeittPreng received WO the lead
• At' TIM • Gtilden Moitst.'
Olek 1-1 AY AN A S A.To , and
at the
) held Chewing and Smoking tnwen I
WO.L; FE's.
-, • -
, 41 1
, .
,R 4ubtPtalttlit cnnsgli uz untaJ thotell toyVolitics, giteraturtliricAltut,i tt.ehis of AV, Pug ; ltatal littiligtut,
fubligber zbtlt),.,sitturbita
" ' , B4l6tei.
OF FIVE ; doors below
Tr.ams, One „Ocilla r,e, : ear, t.pas*-04P ^4 as l '
Vance, and` if subscriPtior , t be not vuld
six months $1.25 Will be` ;chfirged, folltl 4 41
layed 1 ; 1441 the..ixpirayon,,, , A the
wHilte ehUrgell.
ADvlcwrisitto BzierEsxr...tme: - siputre (.10i
lines, or less) 50 cents for the first inse;tion, knd
215 ienti"foi r etich' Mfbbetitittit'iriseitied:
fessional and .Busincss cai.rls, of sjudines or less
at $3 per annum. Holmes in the feuding . col
urnns,,Ave acids MitHitiesaiidlletitlis,
the simple announcement, r RED . .; but for any.
additinnul lines, five cents& line.
A. libernr didlietio'n glade to `yearlyand ° half
yearly advertisers.
Having recentled added a large lot of new
Job and Card type,.Cut9, , Border.4;.Biatiftrthe
Job .Office of "The, Mariettian," tiv,hich. will
insure the fine execution of all kinds of AR Re
CARD.PRINTIIVG", .from the — smailest
Card to the largest Poster, at prices to unit
.. tll ,
War times.
I thank you for that oowneaqt , look, • • ,
And fot that blushing cheek,
woulacnot ye/Cruise , your - '
would not bay, ;
Though mute, I deem yo'ueloquent,
/ ask no'othbr dign, , -
While thus your llttle /y 24 remains
ConfidinglY in' Intim. ' '
I know you fain_would hide from me . .
Those tell-tale tears, that 'steal
Unbidden forth, and half betrayli •
The anxious fears youleel
From friends long triedluedearry Mired,
The plighted bride must part: • -
Then freely,wecp,--,l,could trot love
A cold unfeeling heart.
hoc)* you love youpeortage home,. ,
Where in the summer , tune,
Your 'hand Kati taught
.the clerhatis, •
AroUnd• the 'porcti to , dlitnb
Yen casementt,with the wild,rose seree.n,•l
You little garden too,
How many tend tementbrances . •
Endear them all to you.
You sigh to leave nur mother•'a'roof,
Though on try eutt she smiled, '•
And spurning every selfish thought,
Gave up her darling enild ;
Sigh not for her--ahe uow may claim,
hind deeds frour - more . tiin one;
She'll gaze upon her daughter's sautes,
Supported uy her son I
I thank you for that loolt—it speaks
Reliance on my truth;: ' '
A,11.1 never shall unkindness *MO'
. ...
YOU{ IlllSll6pettinVqtAtil ;
Ir . fare shoo d frolini, arid aO)rions ilniughtS
tThpreSs your husband'a mind, '
Oh I never cliligto me— •
1 could not be unkind. ' .
Come, look upon this golden riug
You have no eausp to shrink,
Though oft 'Lis gailing,as the chive's, ,
111(113601111de link !
And look, upon yon.elturch„ the
Qf blissings and or,
Before the alter hear my voiva,-:
Who could nibeemble. there •
. •
COW to my home;. your bird shall have
As tranquil a retreat.;, _ '
Your dOV Atilt find reo.gCplirce,'
slumber at your feet.;
Ana jou turn your spinning Wheel;
Oh ! let me heat yotrihig; —
Or 1 shall thin 4 yo&couse ui love
Your little gel ten riot. "
An 'only boy, whose mother had died in in
fancy, was brought home; to , his.father's , house
to die from the effects of exposure in Muhl).—
On his death-bed biS constant petition was;
whenever his: father approached him, , o.iriss
me,.father, ere .1 die," and down to the very
last moment he clung te request, and fi
nally died in his father's arms, .W 1 .i.v*di f :ry
Maid . . .
Dearest father;lAin gothg
To .a brightor t 4 , better clime; .". --•
Soon my,eyes.williclose forever, - '•
,Shutting.out theAlings ofetime
Raise, my head upon mrpiHow, *. • •
let;meofee.l4that Ton are nigh , ; , -•
Press bosom—
Kiss me, father, ere 1 dic.
Fat tuer have,dope. ! e r,
' In the eatrip' and 9 inid the Strife,
Soon I , lleeal - my deep deirtition
To my country witn my We;
litit it soothes my dying , moment
When I know-that you are by ;
Put your loving arms about me—
Kiss me, lather, 'ete aie.
Kiss me,--fattier, as i'on Used to,
In my<ebildhootPs happy 4 11 Y,
When " I nestled In your posom,,
Ere' Y end locks bad turned to gt4y,
Cast a loving glaiiCe"'apon
Ai within your irint4 I ;
lam goinfg,Go e Inh you— „
Kisa nie,'fatber e're I die. '
Vearrasi:n'Evrtita„-:4os n, , ,vnty sin
gular and , patentfact;,,and one that seems.
never to aye beenikoticed, that through
out the whnlehßii*,9 . 3Atigni in every
country and clime on the earth, the most
useful initials that eat vegetable A l
Work.. The , all,powerfult elephant, and;
the patient, lantitinge.einel;
z opp,;,t,he horse, Ile ax,„.or•the donkeyo
in , the temperate, 'and' the reindeer
the fi jj4 t , zace,. obtain , all• their muscu
lar power from nature's simpleit"pro
ductions—the ng9t.ablejfirigdom. But
all flesh eating animals keep the rest, of
the animated' creation in,,constant,dre l 4:l
of them. ;They seldom 'eat vegetable
Egad UPtil49ol.o 4as, eaten.
firet,!attr into 'flesh."
fle4 unfit,' for. ether animals to eat,
having itself beeromadelucifef flesh;' And
is most kftaa4 IF fn iti - s°P•rfP reat
strength, fleetness of foot, usefulness
ways.eliaracteristie of vegetable eaters:
The retreat of Lee is an important
occurrence, and ,our army is "whiC fpg
r. A r 1
.v. 11„
Q A ,
NAN :Vb tdiell u 10 0.
, .
How Men act in „Battle.
lotter t frpiXa solijieximak es tligfoi•
lowing . interestiog comments on ...062
roariair:izilwhicibilbixiitio ors, fou4ilit, wadi
w is that uftEr a terrillitle
t , d , tht,(pr‘that:e.. utit t iOl5l, there,
shouid2bF so. sump a prciputtion Of pilled
and 6vounilexi.
Af, you were never in battle, you would?
uot,*gueSs..there, , were, : hal& the
shots fired that there are. Why, kir ; T.
have seen whole regiments-and brigades
d4Wer ihe'iVfire'4heii vair"eufeiblit
tley net even twound
Such firing, besides WaSting 'the ' arbOi
dens net, intimidate the'eneniy at
all' ; ;` l oo thedlier hand; "Maifie4heili .)
feel that Were Ifttle
sequently he is mere bold , and delivers'
his;,ftre „more accurately, Beside if
men are allowed . to peke these ran,dotu.,
discharges it seems to bedome a , habip
'and pug, I)epo,me so excited
1v99 1 4 11 4 1 €1# dAftkiJk-trIP.
p a ces than they
that way . battles., aro ,often,,Aost„
tbe.mgnm,pAny,.c.o.maimilgir,,af •4 3 . 61 .4L 0 44,.
only stepat,..and ,shoir, them ' that they`
were doing no good, they would soon
bet onie''eollected, and after they once
knew their folly, would, of' their own
accord, fire' deliberately, a'n'd ,
envd tbeday, aft4r it had been compara
.tively lost.
Why, sir, in battleyou- Often- seefcorn-'
panibernmandere charging around with
their 'swords flourishing' about" the - ir 4
heads, crying "piye boys,
give them l" manifesting, in:Altetw-,
selves, and: in , others? tent-Abe,
excitement possible. -Nciw, a' sezond•
tht4ght Would - Whew their ` ; better:
judgment that they Were:iloing more
titian good, for men become en RA,
cited.' under such circumstances-VW,
they would miss, an elephant at ten'
steps. Oftecvsee.the above blusteig
ing arbund-Whed the enemy are at leapt' .
off at 'a distance of one thousand Yards,.
and, to hear' -the roar of . rnusketrYlina'
the eicited'crimmanderS, ' you r would
think they . wetild : sno come _ n coe tna hnd
tp-liand contest. What is it that ex--
cites battle-7 Why, it, is, the
danger. If you,shoot at a man once he
is,%very much excitect; shoot;tit him
a°hiind*d tinies, and 'rniii"him 'every
time, and al his fear an excitement is
gone; but reserve your fire ti s ntilyon,
can ,
do some,executionand,„,whan they
come, , fire into them,,cut,,, his .clothes,
wound his neighbor, kill the secorid , rhait
from him, arkd let
_him see „It, twaktbe
day will, be wen. :
About .Xoths:
'Many a
lady, on 0 1 1 i3O,i,p,g„,?nt' ,ker i 'fors
the Bast:, noticed L the hairs foilipg"
out,,ansj, on examining the, skins l'hem-.
solves, found them Terforatedvith small'
holes. TifeSn'tiOlits tirn-eut the:moll,'
shdUld know all about. Naturalisti, tell
us tlintAe'inntlf'iii"tho'latiril of a; family.
of insects , called Timea. Ite winged life'
begins“-in 'the spring; and lnets` - biill"
few iniiikhs: It
krown color.- After fitittefing,arwinAn,
short time, it Pnlls mate, when the,
happy„ housekeeping, t andr to,
building bra family. The female Creeps
into cracks and. creVides,-tinto'Closcits
arid clotiiii'tiresses,,iindertlie edges `Of
carpets, wheiever WoolenS" ae
sto re d Atwny, d he roo tie ; I ays her.sggs.
parents poen • die. ,14, a fortnight,
the eggs hatch out into 'light colored
caterpillars, about n quarter, or Intif
inch Jong% They; begin ;Ao•-gnaw) :141).911
whatever they :can -nild -to make:nests:of:l
It is in doing this , thatlio thany-carpets,
so much niiholiteting,
are punctnied. In winter they
piff To §vring.the ,chrysalis gives, birth
tpithe winged insoot,,whickaguin,begins
the circle,of pairing and 'egg-laying:as'
its' parents had done before: -Now, as
ninths lay
, their meetly ;: ffiine;
that evidentlyfi'' `ifi4
ma4ingan onslaught among them. 'Take
out eveiy,articie of:fur evi
thorongh snaking and :Whipping,„li long
exposure:to-hot:sun, ifTracticable; and
auotherdressing with - Ake INvitdh; beikire
snuff 'under' the _edges of the carpets.
FuWigate;olo, 4Tn7fcorli,
tobacco. On re,tutoing,ths , articlQs; . to;
their places; put striall'bra,nches of cedar
or•dbitiii4iffe , lft4l3 'tfitektigni ornamphor
gum, aingug tbegiet-A.merican, 4goio{l.
"Then Came a.; Little EetteriP
''A elergYina'n 'who 'has lately visited
one oroti'cltiValeiceiit catopfi,' Where
stifdie're'wlib are eco'vering from e►ck=~
cirliaz.f6i,V,Viib &•iii6'6oi o r la'saidreif
who said to him : :•,=;•••.
"Maplelo,aFe you a gckingito:lthil)Ndahor
.1" .. 7 1ett" arifovpreo..:.; .0 , ti
! ‘ APII do :you over-tell ,wliatxoo4. jaw
done for us poorieoldietslqit-ern , , :=l ,
"I: 4 3.s,w r y-Arroc'!-
ff, Pa etivv-gri i ieuk dia.thith
" 'yeti tell llieirn' file Lorj ,
oh% ti;
u what Vartike
,ittHe,hits+plade.mii a: .better 1 n146; • sitid
one-who- hopes; Aiiirdierdy,a: said „ the.;
so idi en . l . • „ r,4EI t . r..,fhtr.'L'a ,
kiilitl!'•saidalii ' 5 fll 1 3 91/
"Well ; I came to the war, •IdaVingA
home #it'AOSs ' sl6,iiiiii - 09e
girl ~I n: 1 ), ( 11 1 ° 1 11 1 9 fileo fetteke ifreto
wife—in which f,l)p;Rpicl„.lgood i deal.ahput^..
religion. I didn:t want such, ; letters,
. , t /•,7 • 3,
and sodietitnes'l would Curse , thein
skin She iildq'vtita Alfa
"One day .J got,ldetier arid it had in
it44,little letter ; lolpadered ,Wbo that
could he4co,tek foxinds
n was,t,he, firgt.,,letter she ,Avex:-yerote,
and as she loved her father so much sbe,
Bald hs•rfirst lettermnst be "tohim.—
to + ` I El*
3 5 4: ; ~, • =
yob will 'never eee A.unt Mary any Moro
'kn IS' dead '
now: 13efaieille '43'6,1411e t r oleMe ilia
was dying, audbegged,rue, • to pray,' and'
read the,#ible; and beta t,..)hristian, L a.nd
set r out,atAtice r and meet hepin,hetweri. ;
0 ,0,149.F,fathf 2 T, Won't 3:" 1 4 -Puff,
l Vit' e . 1 44r4Y.glikt 691 1 , 'W. !let 139:
when weAlL,die jo. beg
`Chaplain,] yQn dont know how tha t
letter a skot
tomil L egii; and I had ne2peace Of Mina
tad i n
e'tg w a id ).1e align
:311' i 64 'Mar I:die t the i \ T t ortii
latas from them feWe us feel
find fill nh' with " s
Story with a Mora
' 1 fr e..- r " frir Y t . ' —" " .. .." l .•r... 'l4
A young man who was,paying special
• "Iv
attention to a'younglady, met with the
v.l 3
following incident during one ofhis vis
its: •"ic Alit : • 1 W. , t , R.
Being iiivited=;intu the.parlOr =to await=
the' ladyls (appearance, - .he` adtertdindd:
hihaselfois beist.he might , fOrr soineAirnii;.;
arid Wdsfibedoming. Verpmeary;'=•wheti`ns
little girl iabciat Stefearriloldelipped=in
and began 'atconviirtatiort-with (him
"I can always tell," said'. `she, n'wh'eti;
y , 0,0, are, coming , to oar house."
'Can ' ?" fie repl'e'd • " and do.
you tell it ?"
E t ; r. Ann .4EO r
" W Ey," when you, are going to be 'Sere,
.= I===u... ,===u, „ ;Le
sister begins t,ro,sing and to get" good
and she =Ar t to •••; cJa••„
WT3 B -UlP , *?iiql l ??)..a u l
fw t she Bißallt BO ,
••. T:;= want •1.• • " a
—when I speak to her slip
j ileso9 :7
pleasantly, = I wish you would stay here
all flinwliirelthilii'lcaibulb 06'6 ii`gObd
Bat *fie'll yon go 'oft Etigeeeistot
good. lib Pge mtid;' ail
for zany ` flit ' ;isl e ` slaps ' add L baligic me,
quothed he ; hit lie: left
drid4.elstimedtto ;gores= . 'I
331 , 0RAx44-Bateintsmiishingttheirilruw,
tined Cdattgliferi." maitie'd; dhonld Jkeep
th`eir`.temall chit ' rev idatt of)thre;:pirlor
when strangers are there,
city hasiust.seutterild,ayerdiet.of f thres ;
thousund t , dpllark„in ,111,yor
lady, who was ,ruh,oor and severely,
jured by a butcher's cart 9l'his7erdj,ct
Was given under intititletidris of t = 4%0 SUP ti
preme Court, and is .% wh ol es omee
4 og tothose . dr 1
verswh ose 3 m
to itnaprke
that the public highways, were
peeidllp foritikeiri ilea:land {belong eoslu-
Sively,tp; thamati ?hol streetsl".ofi.arteity,
are the property equallytkit ltheowhoto
peoplh„ahhal c ii 4 Ciiti;zOlmust iikeit } re
to use ihein - ,80 'Co .injur e his
nelibbOic f `Sit, those f4toi4 l
fela inoit r,to . ;IA
of all kinds appear to o limithe uleathat
pedestrians, when. ;'th.sstie'et:
are intruders; what haieP ikon/140V Willa
sthhy.'mayt run:
theifilliowat wiiitiimpanktrt lane law anik.
this 'sulijhot, lastjusti 6vifionudedut4Filtiti
highest tribintal4ins Maw lithrlikislithir
law here ; and the heavy damage's
awarded ia that - 6ii.§e7Otiglit, to make
Ih a t
ev : aryoe ca v e R . A fle a
hes re k
tesay Tomo' through t
CtiDNVtit , a
thtlr6iigbtare, •
~! ~.r .. ~:1
.0 p ';+., .41`
Sayings, py,
'That, trawn — a a 'e '
(Ws for' refreshment
at, mote men tad ruttier
smart thing then. tew 4dw'a:gOod one
'backsliding I)i a g thing, es _
ie s hil a
on ICE%
.460 ,
there iz *- 2 things in this life for
wwa we are never fully t prepared; ' ' and
that izAWins
"That; ton'k - • ,
ant judge a'man hi s
anymore th' an re
sliiirtiry the' can judg e
size ov,,hiz collar and" rist-
baPOP- - -
Tha.t, the. s devill ; iz..always,pre,pared
telv k! ) ! IIPADY. , • „
it, ix t trpoting,a pap a dog
to Ift,out 4 ,lll,ifi : oph-§hort in 'biz narrative:
bliss," igopra,nce
ofk3w , Lagrw: 3 94l49r instanter
`Chat,menpy _will_ : faie Pacybe paved
pippliklim,listise , thaltiitiot got eany i tking
, , IS r4s.. • e 4
thei.ygrtges . .stfi vvotnan:aro,,awl
shave-. : bin.
ta9R l 4/ 1 :41!..a.; , -
T4.l , t,,,sir.Y...Batarsi Pxo .Pe l3 . AFT)
fluplo t : pocks t off shuep,i„meap , . ,
,T44,:merk.of., genius Aro,
talent 4 are c•rFTP.,I4I% live. 0 )4, wlltlt.
haz bin killed for them. ~,
That, some peoples-are fond ov brag
gitig-;about their ancestors,. and tkefr
grate 'deseeint; When in f ack, thair - grate
desceht jist" Whitt's the rinittei Of them,"
n.litiman kant keep a "Sekret
tier let'dnriyiiody els l e liee l p one: "1
lainindiz a -dangerous ,
thing•;"'lthatlii a"z - trio, az' iE
.:That;:it , betterf in `a •htble'
enterpriser than' to' I+ tickseed tqn .az.ineart
Tha:ty irate rtfetiny men , Rave - Li:gin
eddikatad oph' from tfheir feet'
That NiroulanNi tharto
good deat , liktVariiirti OPerLthe
dedr4iind=theibird , will flyrottl arid.boiver'
wants te , lvi ann . baciragie.
That, Sekretary Chase is evidently
failing, the 1.1ny3 09 11(z lasts heal,hAiag
'l6 "
cbr i respoildent; of' the' Cincinnati' Com.
Idnne'or the hospitals
yesterday, wtiil`e tfie chnPlirib was pray
a unto 'Lhe'
&tinfoil dr 'the
wiinacliialiordier rolled ov'er . :fri bed,''
clasped his hainia, inisnd his'eYee tic;ward
the ceiling; and exclaimed; h trrgesiworks:'
Lord—breastworks!" -1 'nl
Commission, brother-swns
faci.,!hat. he owed the a ,salyationri of, his„
life to fi ,, Fl opl i et,Tet*pe A t which hap,pi ; -
I. 9,4OIIIr'tYAPP-0 tl . ll 4 lPglel.ret!96b4) l „etClCl?
liis„sherh ribs:, A eiprornieed give the,
8 1 3 . eV:EAtlig doped,
it, z w,ntuldpe,,iugrnment,al,,,,le t ,taving: net,
only, hi5jit.‘144, 1 4,3 1 emit. klls, remarks
here omrhea,rdAy,',Yorker, who
wa.s r etklligrpg,f,rgm,,,a gligh,ti tg. smarting,
wound in the side, ansl,,,-eFesoasod,Allai,,,,
self as follows: "Look here ,-partner, if
it -bleetn'tii tiff cifrW-deakq All b t
kilo been.
ka'dked 4 the,
thlti 'elate'!" eaii't yolitee . NI 1055,'
riew p CIC I
t•-A and
Viniag Veda, t llail l a good-hiimaed• verb.
al tilt, as follows :
,Plai• 0 1- where from?
S.ecesb. sJ:l'grP. l l l . Yilginsie, the, PPst•-
Mtft.ill,49eFic%l ,
.134 Bat's Ailtlere °hit 4, o Yd,Plktne . „
t, , .1 • .1 1 4
reAr,gt,3:92.l , fr9lll,,•YaglE?::
f 1 3.2 rFfifkge a !AY 1 kill i Eb•
ejA,iy9ll,ne,e,dn', 1,14,0300
old Floyd coming from Virginia as long
a's old i-13tiehanan:6ainiel from:Tannery:a
-; nutty yoti %Fish' you • hadn't •salch
. yi A.. - -sytt . + 4
; •A r %Y. C T! I M
- 1 0 5 r, L,hnpe t ,;lteec.marragd_ ,more,
4 3 1Sliti• 440 :,f
I meal], do you belong to the order, or,
Odd Fellows
lo the kprileF onmat*d
A cc. directs
44 ,1 4M 1 / 4 8. fPktrRtirq:: .4.1,W 1 4 tit hVe
'shoot 4/1.4)r. h e ,never 00 , 1•AithiP
qjlot °Atha „trixtl), -40
outbs. PIC I t i pA lt 40
. 111 d he roses'
W 412
VOL. 10.--NO. 46.
Ages of American Generals
- The following list goes to prove that
the best of our military leaders are by
no means young men, but:mostly men
in middle life : "General Rosecrans is
44, and General Grant 42 ; Stonewall
Jackson died at 37. General Banks is.
48 ; General Hooker 45; General Beau
regard 46 ; General Bragg:4.9 ; General
Burnside 40 ; General Gilmore 39 ; Gen
eral Franklin 41 ; General Magruder
53 ;= General Meade.4B ; General Schuy
ler Hamilton 42 ; General Charles S.
Hamilton, 40, and General Foster 40.
General Lander--a man bf great promise
=died in his 40th year. General Kear
ney' was killed at 47, and fieneral Ste
vens at 45 ; General Sickles was in his
410 year when he was, Wouccied at Get- •
tysburg, and Geneial Reno was 37 when
he died so bravely at South • Mountain'.
General ; Pemberton lost Vicksburg at
45., General T. W. Sherman is 49, and
Gerieral W. T. Sherman is 44. 'General
McClellan was in his-35th year when he '
assumed command. at. Washington, in
1861. General Lyon had not.completed
0004 popth4of his 43d'year when he
failed at .Bull Run, in consequence of
the ceming,up of GeneraLJoe Johnston,
who was -51_, General Keyes is 55 ;
General K.ekly, 57, General King 40,
and: General tPope. 41. General A. t...;
J9.4 1 V0n w.P- B ,49 , When be • was killed at.
Shill:lb.., General Ihileck is 48, Gener
al .Hapc,o4 is 4.8 i, General Longstreet is
40. . The best of Ate. Sotithern - cavalry
leaders was General Ashby, who was
killed_at 38...= General-Stuart is 29. On
our side,_ General. Stanley is'3o ; Gener
al Pleasanton.4o, and General Averill
abeut 40 .i,,,General Phelps is 51; Gen
eral Polk 58 ; General S. Cooper 68 ; -
General .J. Cooper 54, and General
Blunt 38."
Lyman 13eecher's „first pastoral charge
Waiat:E,mthanipton, L. then au out
of:the-way, isolated place, far behind the
age. There was no carpet in the town ;
all the 'floors were sanded, and some of
them worn through. The. doctor, in Con
vqrtstatio9 family,paid :
Your mother introduced the, first car
pet. Uncle Lot gaye ale some money,
and 7. had an itch to spend it. Wept to
vepdue. and..bought a bale of cotton.
She spun it and had it woven then she
laid it down sized it, and painted it in
oils, with a border all around it, and
tiuncheti of roses and other flowers over
the Rentre., , Stie went4o New York. for
colors, and ground and mixed them her
,self. The carpet was nailed down on
the garret floor, and she used to go there
and paint. She also took some common
wooden chaim and 'painted them, and
cut out figures of gilt paper and glued
them on and varnished them. They
were really: quite. pretty. Old Deacon
Tallmadge.cainelo see me, stopped at
the-..parlor door and Seeded afraid to
come. in.
"Walk*incdeaton," said I. -
.!'VV-hy, Lcan't," said 'he, " , 'ithout step
pinkon't.i' "Phan, after surveying itawhile
iu-Adtniration, exclaimed "D'ye think ye
can have all that and hedven leo?"
THE MfNi rriE.'S MrsieKs.—As a min
ister' and'A iawjer were riding together,
says'the minister to tihe.4tr.yer
ye, eves"
pi f adiner''
"I'do," says 4. lawyer.
"And what do you do with your mis
takes?' inquired the minister.
"WILY, air, if large ones, I mend them;
if smal One's, I let them go," said the
pray, sir, do you ever make mis
idieS in preaching ?:',
sir ,I
"And what do you 4o with your mis
takes 'l," said, the lawyer.
"Why, sir, ; T. dispose of them in the
same manner as you do. .Not long since,"
continued he,. "as I was preaching I
,to observe that the devil was the
father ofliara,.but made a mistake s and
said the,lather of lawyers. The mistake
was so small that cleft -it go."
- -
~Sulithers, how.eau you sleep eo ?
1A 1 ' 3 . 511 4, has beep up these two hours."
"Well what if it , has ?" said Smithers.
goes to bed ,at dark, while up
till after midnight." •
ton o'clock, and I
think it is time honest men were at
la_ontel3l.`Well,;; yes," was the answer,
“Irmust be' off; but you needn't be in a
hunry, on.that account."
' S I say, 'Squire, have you any sons
that would like to enlist in the cavalry?"
"No . : blivuTo got some clanghters that
,might splint in the infantry service,"