The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, May 14, 1864, Image 1
BY FRED'K L. BAKER 00FLA ND'S If GERMA N BITTERS, • k Prepared by Dr. C'. 21: Jackson, Philadelphia, Pa. IS NOT A BAR-ROOM DRINK, OR A SUBSTITUTE FOR RUM, Or an Intoxicating Beverage, but , a highly con centrated Ve., table Extract, a Pure Tonic, free from ap. m stimulant or injurious drugs, and ' d ally cure • plaint, ''Dyspepsia, and Jaundice. HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE EVERY CASE OP Chionic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and Disease, arising from a Disordered Stomach. onszavE THE FOLI,OWTSIG SYMPTOMS resulting from disorders bf the digestive organs: Constipation, In ward Piles, Fuiness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, sour eructations, sink- I I gag or fluttering of t a Pit of the Stomach, iwimming of the flea , hurried and difficult sreathing, fluttering a the heart, choking or suffocating sensations hen in a lying posture, dimness of vission, d i s or webs before the sight, fever and dull in in the head, defici ency of perspiration, llowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the a e, back , , chest, limbs,, &c., sudden flushed of h at, binning in the flesh, constant imroaginings of evil, and great de pression of 'spirits. NOONAN'S GE MAN BITTERS YOU WILL Good Appetite, Strtny; Aerves, Healthy Pkrves, Steady. Nen • Brisk Fe• merge c Feelings, lthy Feelings, A Good Constitution, A Strong Constitution, A Healthy Conatitutto A Sound Constitution STRONG, WILL MAIZE Ti Will catlike the Delicate Heftily, NV,II make the Thin Stout, Depressed Lively, Will make Um Will make the ,omplexion 'Clear, e Clear and Bright. <, sing in everylamily. i perfect safety by male ) ng... A R NOTICE. stations void under the p in quart bottles, cam , st Whiskey; or common to 40 cents per gallon, Anise or Coriander seed. has caused and will con ag as they can be sold, eatb of a. drunkard. By a keptcontinually under Mugu: stimuiaats of the 'e for liquor rs created and iult is all the horrors at kard's lite and death. Be- Seliew MR Make the Dull e L 3 'Will prove a hie ,L'irCitri be used wi or Female, Old or, Yu 1- I AI LTI Cu There aro ninny pr mime of Bitters, put puunded of the chea , Item, costing from • he taste disguised b This class of Hitt.. ,inue , to cause, as 1 Jundreds to die tte their use the system the influence of a worst kind, the de kept up, and the r readmit upon it& ware of them.. For those who d bitters, we pubiis Get one bottle ll mix with three j Brandy, and the r that will far exce me excellence hitters in the plat* You will have all 0 ters in connection and at a much le,l preparations will DELIC 'Those sufferi away, with scar are cured in a ye such cases, will ' sire and will have a liquor he following receipt: F, Rand's German Bitters and I arts of good Whiskey or ! WE will be a preparation inmedicinal virtues and y of the numerous liquor .t, and will east much less. e virtues of Ilvolland'sllit ith a good article of liquor price then these inferior .st you. TE CHILDREN. from maraenites waiting .ly any flesh on their bones. short time; one. bottlii in ye most surprising effect. h.:81 Ll'IY, vers'of any kind—those bit ur strength in a short time. • u E.—Ttit chills will not iv are used. Nu meek 111 riot should be without them Resulting from tore will renew FtWilt MIA turn if these Bit fever and ague d wton Brown, D. D.. Editor dia of Religious Knowledge. From Rev. J. of the Encyd .A.lthongh not Patent Ifedicinr their ingredi: of no mita nit tify to the benef received from a hope that ma fit of others. sposod to favor or recommend in general, through dirtiest is and effects; I yet know .ason why a man may not tes . he believes himself to have y simple preparation, in the thus contribute to the bene- eadily in regard to Hoodoo d's •repared by Dr. C. M. Jackson ejudieed against them for a , under the impression that, an alcoholic mixture. lam ieud Rob't Shoemaker, esq., of this prejudice by proper .uragentent to try them, when eat and long debility. The es of these bitters, at the 'be esent year, was followed by d restoration to a degree of 1 vigor which I had not felt fore, and had almost dispair- I therefore thank God and cting me to the use of them. J. NEWTON Baowtr. une 23, 1562. I do this mor , German Bitters, because I was number of yea thty were chic indebted to my for the remov tests, and for en buffering from use of three bo , ginning of the evident relief, bodily and me for six months ed of regaining lay friend for d Philadelphia, ON, SOLDIERS. ATTEN FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS ITEIMI tention of all having relations army to the fact that " Hoof + irters ' , will cure. nine-tenths duced •by privation and ex to camp life. In the lists daily in the newspapers' on .Isick, it will be noticed that .ortion are suffering from de ae ot that kind can be readi- And , s German Bitters. We fk . v in Math . " if these bit- I.d among l 'ere, hand ht be save : otherwise We call the or friends in th land'e German of the diseases ponies incide ' published alums the arrival of tl a very large pr bility. Every . ly cured by. N. 0. have no hesitat ters are freely reds of lives would be lost. s are daily.reelteing thankful t' erers in the army and hospi- Len testored tb health by the use sent to them by their friends. r ountorfeits !' See that the sig . Jackson," is on the wrapper The propriet , lettere from e tale,who have of these Bitter_ Beware a nature of "C. of each bottle. I CUS. X/ per bottle, or dozen for $5. k per bottle, or i dozen for . .$4 ;e, on account of the quantity are much the cheaper. nearest druggist not have the Ut put off by any of the intoxi ions that may be offered in its to us, and we will` 'forward, 4; by eltoress. Oft& and . Manufactory, ext ARCH STREET. 3111 4 TES & EVANS, s tO.C. NY. Jaokson & Co . 3 ) ; Proprsitors. , Drugists and i Dealers in every litedStates [may 30-ly Large Size, $1 Medium size, The larger the bottles ho Should yOu article, do no . 1 rating preimr place, but se securely peck , (emcee litale b Iwo in tha ..4 . .it. . )1-1...-ali,t-.4.i.a.n. 'iiheptiittnitlernisgibattla gonna': githatar to vomits, yituature, agricalturt, Seta of ittt glag, yotallnitiligna, it. tht,blbybeb,tbtrii Zattirbq utniu OFFlC.ECatu.r.'s Row; Front Street, fiv e deoreibelow Shay's Hotel. TERMS, One Dollar a year, payable in ad vance, and if subscriptions be not, paid within six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged. ADVERTISING RATES One square (12 lines, or less) 50 cents for the firstinsertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Pro fessional and Business cards, of six Jibes or less at It 3 per annum. Notices in the reading col umns, five cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE ; but for aby additional lines, five cents& line. A liberal deduction made to yearly and half yearly advertisers. Having recentled added a large lot'of new Job'and Card type, Cuts, Borders, &C., to the Job Office of “The Mariettian," which wil insure the fine execution •of all kireie of JOH& CARD PRINTING, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, at prices to suit the War times. FADELESS IS A LOVING HEART. Sunny eyes may lose their brightness ; Nimble feet forget their lightness; Pearly teeth may know decay ; Raven tresses turn to gray ; Cheeks be pale and ayes be dim, Faint the voice and weak the limb"; But though youth and strength depart, Fadeless is a loving heart. Like the little mountain (lower, Peeping forth in wintry hour, When the summer's breath is fled, And the gaudier flowrets dead; So when outward charms are gone, Brighter still , doth blossom on, Despite of Time's destroying dart, The gentle, kindly, loving heart. Wealth and talents will avail When on Life's rough sea we sail, Vet the wealth may °melt like snow, And the wit no longer glow ; But more smooth we find the sea, And our eourse the fairer be, 'Cour pilot, when we start, Be a kindly, loving heart.' Ye in worldly wisdom old— Ye who bow the knee to gold— Does ibis earth as lovely seem As it did in Life's young dream, Ere the world had crusted o'er Feelings good and pure before— Ere you soldin Mammon's mart The best yearnings of the heart Grant me, Heaven, my earnest pray er— Whether life of ease or care Be the one to me assigned— That each coming year may find Loving thoughts and. gentle words Twined within my bosom's chords, And that age may but impart Riper freshness to My heart. SONG OF THE JOURNALIST. Scratch, scratch, scratch, Paragraph, Items and News, Essays, Tales and Resiiews. With the blackest kind of blues. Scratch, scratch, Scratch, Marriages, Debts and Duns, Euln,.„ay, Gossip and Puns, Accident Panic and Pain. . Scratch, scratch, scratch, Battle, Riot and Raid, Music and Cash and Trade, Who is, and who isn't afraid Scratch, scratch, scratch, Apology, Challenge and Slur, Of it, of Him, and 'of' Her ' Invention, Humbug, and Truth, Folly, Fashion and Youth. Suicide, Sermon and Joke, • Metaphysics and Smoke, With'upwaid and downward's smoke, Ruin,nnd Vice and Shame, • Virtue, Hoi.or and Fame. Scratch, scratch, scratch, "It's easy as nothing to do." "I could do it better than you." To be considered a Queeti. And nothing tit'the end of the year- Scratch, scratch, scratch. "You're everybody's tool," The reader calls you "The editor is an ass," So says the critical mass, L! If the paper stops they howl, - • If it's a minute toolate they growl. Scratch, scratch, scratch, • Oh 1 Slave of the mighty Press, The "Devil" demands "Mess," For subscriber's that never pity, Oh! isn't it jolly, say'? 111 Comes there a time when wealth shall fail, And life seems reft of every, joy ; Comes there a time when sorrow's load Thy brightest, - happiest hours destroy; , Comes there a time when friends prove false, Accusing thee of much that's wrong— Still work away, still work away, Fear not, but let your , faith be strong ! Comes there a time when file shall rage, Cousnming all thou hast in store • Comes there a time when death shall take Thy loved from earth forevermore; Comes there a time when'llope's bright star Has faded from thy wig ondong— Be hopeful still, long as you live, Fear not, but let your faith be strong! ar Among the extraordinary adver tisement in the London papers is the following : " This is leap year. wait no longer. So here I am, twenty one years old, prepossessing, medium size, ftill cheeit, prudent, sparkling eyes, long, flowing hair, and as full of fun as a chestut is full of meet, - born to make some man happy, and want a home. Does anybody want'me ?" "Pd, is Pennsylvania the father of all•the Other States 7" "Certainly irk my child ; why do you ask thanini3stion ?" "Caulk I eee that all the. newspapers call it Pa." FEAR NOT. MARIETTA, PA., SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1864. Professional Slaughter. The only Safety for the Sisk :—When an Emperor of China issues, an import ant decree, he usually appends .to it these words—" Respect this. A ver million edict." The style in which the great guns of the medical profession de liver their opinions islittle less author itative and dictatorial. -Itisof no use to remonstrate' with them. Byron, in his last sickness, told his medical advis er (medical• dictator is the more appro priate term) that he was bleeding him to death, lAA the remark was unheeded; and the lancet was used again and again until the prefessional homicide was completed. We verily believe that thousands of sick persons' are killed ev ery year by the various modes of violent depletion in vogue among "regular" practitioners. This murderous work cannot, we would fain hope, last much longer. A salutary, revolution is in progress. Since the introduction of HOLLOWAY'S celebrated Pills and Oint ment into this country, a'-new light-has broken in upon us. We have begun to discover that the disordered action of the great internal organs can be regu lated and health restored, without re sort to mineral poisons. That instead of mercury, - which in the end withers "marrow, bones and all,'i HolloWlty's Pills, whidh are 'exclusively vegetable, are all-safficent for the cure of liver complaint, disorders of the bowels, and all diseases arising from indigestion. We have also found out that scrofula, , cutaneous eruptions, and cancers, ab scesses and all kinds of ulcers, heal and are radically cured by Holloway's Oint ment. The reign of 'calomel, caustic and other medical destructives, draws to a close, and we may possibly live to see the day when Holloway's life-sue taining remedies will be the a/p7ta and omega of the people's materia medico.. —Boston Journal. LIQUOR IN THE . ARMY.—Gen. Howard made the following sensible remarks as to liquors in the army, in a late speech : I did not drink at college, I did not drink at West Point; but when I got into the army I found it was all the fashion. If you went into an officer's quarters the hist thing was to offer you something to drink. It was thoughtyou did not treat him with proper respect if you did not. I fell into the habit. I drank whisky and offered it to others. When I was stationed at. Florida, I once offered whisky to an officer, and he declined. I urged him to drink, and he drank. A short time. after I attended bile in the horrors of delirium tremens, and I made up my mind that it was wicked, and that I never would do it again; and I have not. I do, not keep it in my quarters or my tent. Ido not offer it -to any officer or to any man, and I will not. I know it is a_hixrd stand to take, especially for a young officer ; but I can say from my-own experience that ft will pay. OPINION OF ATTORNEY-GEN. BATES.- - - Gov. Andrew some time since addressed a letter to the President, remonstrating against the refusal of the United States paymasters to . pay Chaplain Harrison, of the 54th Massachusetts (colored) regiment, his legitiruate pay and allow ances, they tendering him $lO a month, which it is claimed that colored troops are only to receive. The President re ferred the matter to Attorney General Bates, asking his opinion. The Attor ney General has decided that Chaplain Harrison is a chaplain in 'the service, and that as such he is entitled to full pay—paymasters having no discretiona ay power to withhold pay from officers in the service on account of •their color. He also gives it as his . opinion that the law fixing a low rate of pay, for •colored persons in the army, was intended to apply to 'those who' are laborers, and not to tiegio soldiers in the field, and while performing the Same duties 'as other soldiers of fairer complexion. sr Punctuation, that is, the putting the stops in the right places, cannot be too sedulously studied. We lately read, in a country paper, the following startling account of Lord Palmerston's appearance in the House of Commons : ""fiord Palmerston then entered on his head, a white hat upon his feet, large but well poliahed boots upon his brow, a darkcloud in his hand, his faithfnl walkinglstick in his eye, a menacing glare saying nothing. He sat down." ar If the color of Jeff. Davis' skin, says Prentice, -were tp. strike in, his tfodl WOOld'be white. I' the color of hie soul were to' strike, out, his skint would be black. Parscavc YOUR FURS—Fars should never be put away for the summer and forgotten, as they so frequently are; and, next to being shut up from the air, their greatest enemy is dampness. If from the wearer being exposed to rain they become wet, they should always be dried, at a moderate distance from the fire immediately ; and in warm weather when not required for wear, they should never be shut in a box or drawer for more than a few days at a time, and ev ery few weeks they should be shaken and beaten. The more delicate skins require some what more delicate treatment. The best plan is, probably, not to pack furs away, but to let them lie away in a drawer or wardrobe thatis constantly being opened, so that they meet the eye fre quently, and thus at convenient oppor tunities they may be taken out and beat en, or at any rate shaken and tossed, and exposed to the air. It is a common remark that moths get into furs, as if the insect migrated from place to place. Furs and wollens anoanimal•stibstances, which develope living organism through the decay of its material shape. Clean liness and airing are absolutely necessa ry HARD TO SETTLE.--Congress has passed a bill assigning the old House of Repre sentatives Chamber as a gallery for , the reception of two marble or bronze stat ues of the two most illustrious civic or military men of each State of the Union. This will be a more difficult and exciting question than a Presidential question in peace times. Men may agree to elect persons to the Presidency whom they believe inferior to themselves : but in a question of superiority, every man is a great man, and,will deem the be stowal of such honor upon another as a direct robbing of himself. The millions of illustrious men, in their own estima tion, which this fortunate or unfortunate country possesses, will occasion such a competition for this honor ambng them, that the gallery at Washington is likely to remain empty, because, of inability to make a satisfactory selection. THE FORUM; OF THE ARMY;-The Washington Chronicle of the Ist inst. says that its private advices from the army indicate that the troops were never in better spirits, or in more effi cient condition then they are to—day. They are eager for the, fray, and confi dent of success. They look to this cam paign as the of the war, and while duly estimating the gallantry and steady endurance of the foe, they patient ly await the signal which is to hurl the reinvigorated legions of the Republic against the choicest troops of the Re. hellion-- Grant is regarded •as doing his work thoroughly, and, when the strife begins they expect it to be vigorously and successfully followed up. sir On Friday of last week the good people of Jersey City were thrown into a ferment by-the escape of a man in the worst stage of small-pox, and iu a de ranged state of mind, from his boarding house, and perambulating the streets, to the terror of the passers by. Making his way to the police station, he soon caused an evadnation of the premises by the valorous officials, with one exception and that one turned the poor creature into the street; Fin'al4, after having wandered about, inoculating no one knowshow many with the loathsome dis ease, the patient was'overhauled by offi cer Valade, whiz althottgh feeling no special immunity from the disease, seized him, and after a sharp tassel, - conveyed him to the hospital. illar A little girl had a beautiful head of hair, which hung in clustering curls down on her neck. One hot summer day she went up stairs and cut all the curls of Coming down she met her mother, who exclaimed, with surprise: "Why, Mary, what have you been doing to your hair ?" To which she replied that she had cut it off, and laid it away in her box, but that she intended to put it on again to-morrow, as, aunt Nancy did: ler In °hinge, a few days ago, a man caught a rat ,that three years before he caught and branded, in Albany, N. Y. There was no mistaking the Obit; it was tile same old rat whose tail had been Itbbraviated and side burnt • three years agq, seven.bundred miles from Chicago. tom' A dispatch from St. Louis says , that Capt.,Todd, cousin of Mrs. Lincoln and formerly Confederate ProVost shall at Alexandria, has, arrived the Federal lines s wirl his . family and glven himself u . - THE PENNSYLVANIA MnurrA.--It is not probible that there'will be a call made on Governor Curtin for the militia of the state, at this time. We un.derstand, how ever, that the militia of the Western states were tendered, and accepted by the President to protect Cincinnatti, Cairo, Paducah, Columbus, and exposed points on the Mississippi river. The militia of New York are to garrison the fortifications in New York harbor, and the New England militia are to perform the same service in the fortifications of Boston harbor, and along the Eastern coast. Governor Curtin tendered militia, be fore the battle of Chancelloraville, to garrison the fortifications around Wash ington city, and he has ever since been in readiness to furaisbtroops )vhen need ; ed by the national authorities. If the militia were taken from the state now, to be of service to the Government, it would be necessary for such forces to go to Virginia; and the points there are too important, and too much tisposed to be garrissornid . by green troops ; and in case of an invasion, the military force of the state would be thus exhausted. and our border left at the mercy of the invader. We are happy to have it in our power to announce that the most cordial and'recipiocal feelings exists be . tween the national and state authorities, and that, in any emergency which may • occur, there is a perfect understanding to control and give force to their com bined action.----Harrisburg Telegraph.: AN It:omm. OF Snitoll.—,During the battle of Shiloh, an officer huriiedly rode up to an aid and inquired for Grant. " That's him with the- field, glass," replied the aid. Wheeling his -horse about, the officer furiously rode up to the General, and, touching hie cap, thus addressed him : qSlieherale I vante to make one report; Schwartz's Battery is took." "Ha!" says the Gen eral, "how was that ?" "Vell, you , - see, Sheneral, de t--d shesheshnists come up in front of us, de' t—d shesheahnists flanked us, and de t—d sheabeshnists came in de rear of us, and Schwartz's Battery vas took." "Well, sir," said the General, "you.of course spiked- the guns." "Vat !" exclaimed the Dutch man in -astonishment, "schpike dem guns, schpike dem new guns! No, it would schpoil dem !" "Well," said the General, sharply,. "what did you do ?" "Do ! vy, we took dem ha& again !" WHAT SITE WANTED.-A. good story is told of a -young woman who-had re cently been converted at a, 'camp meet ing:• The minister had told her that if she had faith the Lord would give her whatever she would ask in prayer.. Be lieving implicitly iii his words, she one evening retired to a grove-and fervently prayed the LOrd to give her a rnan. It so happened-that hn owl sat up in ono of the trees, and being disturbed, gaVe out a hoo-o-o I She thought the Lord had heard her prayer and only wished to know her choice. She was overjoyed, and with the greatest thankfulness of spirit answered back, "Anybody, Lord, if it's only a man." Goon RULES sort Aw..—Profane swear ing is'abominable. Vulgar language is disgusting. Loud laughing is impolite. Inquisitiveness is offensive. Tattling is mean. Telling lies is contemptible.:— Slandering is devilish. Ignorance is dis graceful, and laziness is shameful. Avoid all the above vices and aim at usefulness.' This is the road in which to become respectable. Walk in it. Never be ashamed of honest labor. Pride is a curse—a hateful vice. Never act the hypocrite. lieep good company. Speak the truth at all times. Never be discouraged but persevere, and moun tains will become mole hills. A ''NovEE NoilcE.-A landlord of some premises in West Ham parish, having a tenant about to quit possession at Michaelmas, exhibited a notice in the usual way— "Thislouse to be let." The tenant, by way of preventing the letting, has exhibited a placard in the window, with the following notice: "Leaving in con- sequence of bad smells arising from the drains." WORTH TRynrc.—The Ohio Farmer says, that coal oil has been found, by ac cident, to be a most effective means of protecting fruit trees against the ravages of the cnrculio, by pleceing saw-dust, saturated with the oil, at the foot of the tree. Themomen of:Utah have recently altered the orthography-of their :creed, They now spell 'it Moreman. VOL. 10.-NO. 41. Odds and Ends. The following is a very significant epistle to the present degenerate age, which if answered correctly would be found to contain more truth than poetry : Is there a heart that never sighed? Is there a tongue that never lied ? Is 'there an eye that he ver blinked ? Ii there a man that never drinked ? Is there a'woman that never fainted? ithere a woman that never painted? If so, then heart, and tongue, and eye Must, tell a most confounded lie. "Sambo, does yer know why dem noisy birds is called carrion crows for f" "Gosh, Jerry, I got him ? Case dey carry on so over a dead hose." Jerry Diggs remembered his miserly uncle in his will, for he bequeathed "to my mother's brother a gun-flint, and a kW° to•skin. it with."' Girls sometimes put their lips out poutingly bebause they'are `angry, and sometimes because tbeir lips are dis posed to meet yours half way. The announcement of the marriage, at Auburn, of Mr. Edward Straw to Miss Eva Smiley, suggests the probability that he ticketed her wit i h a proposal and that she smiled a consent. "Sir," said a lady. to a would-be wag, "your jokes always put me in mind of a ball." "Of a ball, madam) why so, pray ?" "Because they never have any point." A boarding-house keeper, advertises to "furnish gentlemen with pleasant and comfortable rooms, also' one or two gen tlemen with wives." • "Sweethearts at a distance will please accept this intimation'," was appended to 'a reciank marriage annountement in England, instead of the conventional "no cards." "You have not one drop of the great Napoleon's blood in your veins," said testy old Jerome one day in a pet to:his nephew the Emperor. "Well" replied Louis Napoleon", "at all events I have his whole family on my shoulders." An able physiologist has written that one-fifth of the human body is composed of phosphorus. Punch remarks that this most likely accounts for the number of matches made. A 'victim of sea-sickness described the sensation thus : The first hour I was afrain should die ; and the second hour I was afraid I shouldn't." "Sam what mechanical work did you first do?' "cut teeth," replied the wag, "of course." A Ca!pepper-farmer, on whose farm the opposing pickets are stationed, re cently remarked to a Union officer :—"I hain't took no aides, in this yer rebellion; but I'll be dog gorned if both sides hain't took me." Jekyll was told that one of his friends, a brewer, had been drowned in one of his own vats. "Ah, he exclaimed, "float ing-on his • watery bier." Profound silence in a public assem blage has been thus neatly described:— "One might have heard the stealing of a pocket handkerceief." An "irregular" doctor in New Orleans, who is not recognized by the "regulars, , asked a friend what would make the most attractive sign for his establish ment. "A coffin With a duck rampart," was the reply. Where is the sugar the most profita ble to grocers?'At the . bottom of their molasses measures.' "' To convert an artless maiden into a heartless one, there only wants a "he." "Those dear eyes of thine!" as the old gentleman said when he bought hie wife a handsome pair of gold spectacles. "A lass! a lass!" exclaimed an old bachelor who wanted to marry. "Alas! alas!" he cried, after he had been mar ried awhile. A gentleman having occasion to call on a certain writer, found him at home in his writing chamber. He remarked the great heat of the apartment, and said it was "as hot as an oven." "So it ought to be," replied the author "for 'tie here that I make my bread." "Captain," said a son of Erin as a ship was coming on the coast in hide ment winter weather, "have ye a alma. nick on board 2" "No, I haven't." "Thin be jaber,?' replied Pat, "we shall have to take the weather as it comes." It would be a bad thing for a child to get a wasp in his mouth, but be can't even say his Alphabet without getting A B in it Why are good . resolutions like faint, log ladies Because they want carry ing out.