A Lecture for - Young Men. Just Published, a new edition of Dr. Culvertoeid'a Celebrated Essay On the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhcsa, or Seminal Weakness, Invol untary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental nd Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to _.carriage, etc. ; also Consumption, Epilepsy, id Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexu cirfravagance. / - ..ii-Priee in a Sealed Envelope, Six Cents. `..'l , e celebrated author in this admirable es . e, , rly demonstrates, from a thirty years ui practice, that the alarming cense ,: • r If-abuse may be radically cured .LI,, A rb.a dangerous use of internal medi - ..r tue application of the knife—pointing I a mode of cure, at once simple, certain dfectual, by means of which every ea : !rer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. I(3'. This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents, or two post age atatnps,.by addressing the publishers, CHAS. T. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New-York, P 0. Box, 4586. JACOB A. WISNER'S TOBACCO, CIGAR & SNUFF STORB, Opposite the Ci•oss Keys Hotel, MARIETTA, PA. ff iE undersigned would rospectfully inform the public that he still continues, at the al stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets, dirietly opposite the Crose Keys Hotel, to keep on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from Half Spanish up, in prices from $6, $7 $2O to ftlo per thousand. TOBACCO.—Natural Leaf, Excelsior Cavendish, , Oranoko Virginia, Con gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, • Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci- TEmanufactured of imported stock. Sixes HALF Sraxiskr. Rappee Snuff and all kinds Fa 44 P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs, Fnie•cutipes, Cigar Tubes, te. ' [jail. 30,158 PORTABLE PRINTING OFFICES. n. the use of Mer tants; Druggists id all business and nrofessionable men ho wish to do their )wn printing, neat , and cheaply. A ipted to the print ig o f Handbills, JilTheads, Circulars, Labels, Cards and Small Newspapers. Full instructions accompany each office enabling a boy ten years old to west *env successfully. Circulars sent free. Specimen , sheets of Type, Cuts, &c., 6 cents. Address, ' • ADAMS' PRESS CO. 31 Park Row, N.-Y., and 35 Lincoln-st., Boston, 26-1 Y JACOB HARLEY, SUCCESSOR TO STAUFFER & HARLEY, No. 622 Market-Street, PHILADELPHIA. Dealer in . Fine Gold and Silver FATC4ES, SOLID SILV4R-WARE, Pine Gold Jewelry, and the best make of Silver-Plated Ware. Constsatly onband s large ssortment of the above ~gotidevr LOW PILICE B . WOtobes and fine Clocks repaired by skill ful workmen; also, JeWelry repairing; En graving and all kinds of Hair-Work to order, at short notice. its' Don't fork -.lltarketrarett, t the old stand, Number 622 hiladel his. D R. WHITTIER, • 65 S. CHARLES-ST., NETWEEN • SIXTH AND SEVENTH STREETS, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. ' ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHRONIC DISEASES, Dyspepsia,. Consumption l Liver Complaint, Diarrhea, Piles, 13tc., and all Female Complaints. Da. W. will send his Theory of Chronic Dise eases, for 6 cents, tolpre-pay postage. Symptom lists for'any disease, forwarded. Er Medicine' forwarded to any post office fn *or Vatted States. Post Office Box, 3092. St. Louie, August 1, 1863.-ly. MARIETTA MARBLE YARD. Michael Gable, Agt., MARBLE MASON AND STONE CUTTER, Opposite the Town Hall Park, Marietta, Pa. — o — Marble business in all its branches; will be contained at the old place, near , t e i Town Hall and opposite Funk's Crow Keys Tayern, where every description of marble work will be kept on band or made to order at emit notice and at very reasonable prices. Marietta, June 29, 1861. 49-1 y r •v d• 4 .49 Jam= j `inlamvx zaluays nuPPV •11119 Tzs Supuotps cirea 's Js Namur • o; pus I'll;spsik loom/Ina 112000 Jo , saaAlk sealer To of , tioisspuiad £q qopi nsa ag Tan -wsusta aumosin otn Jo 21114/01i alp pin 4 aan -oq ;sow, oit; ;13 parpsp atossiLug dn ;nd pus painpvJnavat souplaspi -.Toagato gonna pas '.Sep led ezo nos! mots pimpotto gram sicteNuloq Jo ammo Rae; moo pas quo ;sd pia aqn o; suomarqo MUM paeotuat esq on 'loges& No soil 'fawn Vglil Poluut • Kos eq;Jo ampslnustu mu nualvd - 1 - can pemdineo ;slur swisatiq potapilapun rgynij '.10R1113,61 0/0 110.11 *MIN *Mg JOHN BELL. Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-at., and Elbow Lane, Marietta GRATEFUL for past favors I would rebut. M , thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and inform them that I still continue the old business at the old stand, where I will be pleasedlo . see them at all times, and having a full and splendid assortment of CLOVIS, CASSInfERES VESTIVGS, widish will be made up to order at the shortest noticeby the best of workmen, and on reasona ble terms, I would be, pleased, therefore, to wait upon my old customers and all who see proper o patronize me hereafter. FOct.29-156. & STRAW 111„ GOODS IN every VARIETY. gap, . The latest importations of the newest and most fashionable styles. OUR STRAW DRPARTMENT will comprise.every variety of Bonnets, Ha te and Triwmings to be found in that line; of the latest and mod approved shapes and styles. 1:2 - I solicit an early call. R. WARD, ' • No& 103, 105 and 107 N. 2d at., PHILADELPHIA. S. st AND LIQUORS. r%trazi Ud Brandy, Old Rye %%Lacey, and Gin, Old Manila, Lisbon, Sherry and tort . r. Pittibisik Whiskey always en hand at the lowdifinarket prices. Very Fine Brandy at ft•iiirY IoW figure. • - , 1 ,A ` - ' AIL DIFF,RIWCILMarket-st. 1? -1 tATACtiegBD 7e1144 titOL LED IRON. Attiiiietid'asiortin'ent co ttaminered and Relied Iren,, A. , p: Bats; NorwaY; Nail 9 ti AnC. o l4llisn PPring. _ and 'Cast Steels WatiO, n• lUilio, iror l 4S:xltiersPtingilor Staithailk. jr cir sac.aeI!.ATTERII6N le CO? . azA pa 001 AsiortiOnt : ef all linda,pf piritinwitt HAirmoisz, Locis - Mgolafklifige: - rf,- - Bolis; 'Cellar Orates, ,_. altelhAtyotery cbeip. ipto ".; - , ' '..- ATTE A RSON ik CO. CR 'RADS& and- other - .Totde, Win es - tepdeouiseubktulatmetas gu man be bogghto, laltikeeraork II; D: Pr. I - NW P...fretsg. tkibetv4l Clothes Illtingeh. No. I.—Large Family Wringer, $10:00 No. 2.—Medium, 7:00 No. 21. " cc 6:00 No. 3.—Small 4f . 5:50 No. B . — Large Hotel Wringer, • 14:00 No.lB.—Medium Laundry, /to run by 18:00 steam or No. 22. — Large Laundry, hand, 30:00 Nos. 2 and 3 have no Coga—all others are warranted. *No. 2 is the size generally used in private families. Orange Judd, of the American Agriculturist, says of (gig Miasmal erotbur Effringer: c‘A child can readily wring out a tubfull of clothes in a few minutes. It is really a clothes saver! A Time Slaver! The saving of gar ments will alone pay a large per centage on its cost. We think the machine much more than pays for itself every year in the saving of garments! There are several kinds, nearly islike-in general construction, but we consider it important that the Wringer be fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog the roller', and the rollers upon the crank 'shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft. Our own is one of the first make, and it is as good as new after nearly four years constant. use: • Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is war ranted in every particular, No Wringer can be durable without Cog-wheels. A good Canvasser wanted in every town. 113-On receipt of the price from places where no one is selling, we will send the Wringer free of e:epense. For particulars and circulars, address R. C. BROWNING, 347 Broadway, New-York. G-latz "E'erry. Formerly Keesey's, OPPOSITE MARIETTA. THIS old Ferry—one of the oldest and most safe crossings on the Susquehanna River-- is now In charge of the undersigned, who pas refitted the old and built new boats, which will enable him to do ferrying with safety and die. patch. No unnecessary delay need be endured. Sober and expenenced Ferrymen always en gaged. No imposition in charges as the fol lowing list will show : Farm Wagons each Horses, per head :25 Single horse and rider, :26 Two-hoise Carriage and two persons, 1:00 Buggy, horse and two persons, :50 Foot Passengers, each, :12 Stock ‘of all kinds at the old charges. All Luggage over fitly pounds, 25 cents per 100 pounds extra. JOHN ECKERT. July 15, 1863. CIRO: W. WORRALL,_ Ulr SURGEON DP.NTIST, Haying removed to the Rooms formerly occupier by Dr. &oentad, adjoining Spangler 4 Pat terson's Store, Market Street, where he is now prepared to wait on all who may feel Ise disposed to putronize him. Dentistry in all its branches car ried. on. Tzszn inserted on the most approved principles of Dental science. All operations on the mouth performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and ON :VERY REASONABLE TERNS. Having determined upon a permanent loca tion at this outs, would aka continuation of the lit sonage heretofore extended to him, for which he will reader every posed ble satisfaction. it* Ether administered to proper persons. A 2 1 E2IANDER. LYNDSAY, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respecttully inform the Citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of City made work in his line of business in this Borough, and be ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER himself,is enabled to select with more judgment than those who are not. He continues to man nfactifre in the very beat manner everything in the DOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he wilt warrant for neatness and good lit. ri-Call and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. DAVID COCHRAN, Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger. . Fy OULD most respectfully inform the cit izens of Marietta and the public gener al that he is prepared to do House Painting, China Glossing, Paper Hanging, to., At,very short notice and at prices to suit the times. He can be found at his mother's resi dence on the corner of Chesnut and . Second streets, a few doors below the M. E. Church, and immediately opposite the old Oberlin Coach Works. (Aug. 3-Iy. i T g . HE Co-Partnership heretofore exist ing between the undersigned, trading under the firm of DR. BEANE & CO., has been dissolved by mutual consent. The Books of the late firm are in the hands of T. HOFFMAN BEANE, who ,can be found at the old Store stand,(now Dr. Lindisl during the month of April, where all indebted are requested to call immediately and settle their respective ac- W. H. BEANE. GEORGE BEAN counts. C HEAP LAMPS. A Pamir SUPPLY or Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns of every patern ' suitable for the Parlor, the laitchen and the Chamber; Hanging and Side Lamps for Halls, Churches,Stores and Offices, Having purchased them fr om the manufactu rem in large quantities at the lowest cash rates we can 'sell them much under the usual retail prices, although every other description of goods are advancing. PATTERSON CO. Estate of George W. Terry. ESTATE OP GEORGE W. TERRY, late of Maytown, Lancaster county, Deceased. Letters Testamentary on said Estate having been ,granted to ,the undersigned, residing in East Donegal township, all persons indebted thereto are requested to wake immediate set tlement, and those having claims or demands against the same, to present them without de lay for settlement to JOHN MUSSER, April 16-6t.j EXECUTOR. The American Watches. THE American Watches are among the beet timekeepays now in nee, and for durability strength and simplicity far surpass any other watch made in the world. H. L. S E. J. A. HAL Corner Of North Queen-st., and Centre Square. Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the ter& lowett rates—every watch accoMpanied with the manifacturers guarrantee to ensure its gen uineness. A CARD. The undersigned having removed , to Bain bridge for the purpose of practisinghis pro fession, would take this method of thanking the public for the , patronage bestowed upon him, and would 'wait cheerfully recommend Dr. ,Henry Landis es his successor in theprac lice of medicine as weU as the drug business. W. H. BEANE, M. D. PR. J. Z. HOFFER, DENTIST, -or THE BALTIMORE COLLEGE --- OF DENTAL`SURGETtY;' zderEcOF HARRISBURG-. d'N FFICE .I—FrontAtree Alert dior to 11). Willistool Drug Side;Lomat and Walnut streets, Cotionbii. I 11 . 1 WOWNWTIFITIUNUOP r A W E , DR. JOBE L. LYON'S FRENCH titriebiti props THE GREAT FERMI REGULATOR) IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY THAT WILL SUCCESSFULLY AND qnvari p ly restore and regulate the female aye- tem, removing all irregularities, and producing health, vigor and strength. *1:00 PERIODICAL DROPS Area fluid preparation, the only one of the kind ever discovered in this country, and acts directly on the parts affected, whilst pills and powders can only reach them as they work through sympathy, but not at all direct and positive Are you suffering from a constant anxiety for the regular return of nature's prescribed 11:711 Give yourself no uneasiness, for Lyon's Perbidical Drops, if taken a day or two be fore the expected period, will positively awl invariably regulate its coming, as sure as ef- fect follows cause, as sure as daylight follows darkness. Ate you sick. enfe, ble to bear the labor sur PERIODICAL DROPS Come to you as a blessing, for , is not preven tion better then cure ?j If regularly taken, it is a certain prevent- lye, and will save you much peril and many hours of suffering Have you been afflicted for many years with complaints incident to the sex, that have baffled the skill of physicians, and are hurry- ing you on to an early grave? LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Are the most reliable regulator ever known, and cure, like magic, all those irregUlarities that have defied the doctor's skill Will you waste away with suffering tram Leucorthcea, Pro'spew', Dvemenorrhcea, and a thousand other difficulties, all summed up under the name of suppressed and obstructed nature, when an investment of one dollar in LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS will surely save you Do not use the Drops when forbidden in the directions, for although a positive cure, and harmless at all other times, they are so powerful and finely ca.culated to adjust and govern the functions of the_ sexual organism, that, if taken at improper times, they would produce results contra* , to nature, against which all, particularly those who would re produce, should carefully guard. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Cannot harm the moat delicate constitution a any time ; yet the proprietors wish to guard against its misuse, hoping that a thousand bottles will be used for a good purpose where one is used for an illegitimate one. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS the never-failing Female Regulator, is for sale by every Druggist. in both city and coun try, and do not, if you value your health and wish for a reliable medicine, buy any other. Take no other; but if the Druggist to whom you apply has not got it, make him send and get it for you. C. G. CLARK & CO., PaoParzToßs, For sale at 'Ohtiojoiale by JOHNSTON, HOLLOW/ eV & COWDEN, . , • eow-ly] 23 N. Bth et, -Philadelphia BPANME4.4tiifnalHplaersated lobe gerolinc '-` H. Ds Benjamin. LYON'S diaease, or una- IT E an'On'T %c*-stsTa-7. LYON'S New , Hams, Conn SPLENDID NEW BOOKS JUST ISSUED BY CARLETON, PUB LISlikR, NEW-YORK PECULIAR. Epes Sargent's great novel, concerning which there has been more talk and speculation, per haps, than about any other book issued for years. The thrilling and extraordinary facts with which the author has become acquainted have ban thrown into a plot and story so start %ugly hold, and yet so, truthful, so tender and so gentle that every reader who begins it must be facing:tell with its unflagging interest. It is selling like wild-fire. Price ¢ 1:50. KIMBALL .9 1470.12K5. -.- Embracing his capital new no " Was he mactesaful," one of the best fictions of the season. 'Price $1:50. Was he Succealful. Saint Leger, Undercurrents, In the Tropics. Student Life Abroad. lIL EENAN'S LIFE OF JESUS. • A translation of M. Ernest Renan's remark able work just issued in- Paris, where the ex citement and sensation are so great concern ing its subject and author, that already thous ands of copies of the costly French edition have been sold. It has been extravagantly praised, and extravagently censured; but its most se vere critics do not deny the wonderful power, brilliancy and ability displayed upon every page of the book. Price 41 i;5O. IV. DR. CUMMING'S WORKS. Embracing his new work " The - Great Con summation which is attracting so much at tention in Con summation," Price $1:00. The Great Tribulation, The• Great Preparation, • The Great Consummation. V. LIGHT ON SHADOWED .PATHS. By T. S. Arthur. The popularity and int erest about this delightful new work, by Mr. Arthur, are steadily increasing. It is one of the'illeasantest - of recent publications, atd will find its way into thousands and thousands of families, where domestic stories of a pure and unexceptionable influence are welcomed. Price $1:25: NOVELS BY AUTHOR 6 ‘ RUDLEDGE." Embracing the splendid new novel " Frank Warrington," which is selling so rapidly. Price 1111 Rutledge, Freak Warrington, 'Louie, The Sutherlands. VII. • VICTOR HUGO—A LIFE. One of the most charming and entrancing volumes that has ever issued from the French press. French, dramatic, graphic and lively, RI abounds with the same delightful interest that made "Les Miserables" so wonderfully attractive. No reader of that marvelous ro mance Can remain satisfied without its com panion. " The Story of Victor Hugd's Life." One handsome Svo. cloth bound. Price fil:2s. 4111. MRS. HOLME, I%,ISVELS Embracing her charming new novel "Ma rian Grey," which is so popular throughout Marian Gray, Lena Rivera, Meadow Brook, THE MERCHANTS OF NEW YORK. A Second Series of a very interesting and curious book, by Walter Barrett, Clerk. Re miniscences, annecdotes, wit, humor, lively personal sketches, private and public gossip about the old and great merchants of New York City—a little bit of everything and not too much of anything. The first volume had an immense sale last year, and the Second Series is now ready. One elegant cloth bound volume. Price 1111.50. X. A. S. ROE'S EXCELLENT NOVELS. Embracing his last capital work "Like and Unlike." Price 0.25. A long look Ahead, How could he help it, I've been Thinking, Like and Unlike, True to the Last, To Love and to be loved, The Star & the Cloud, Time and Tide. XL THE ART OF CONVERSATION. _ - With directions for Self-Culture• *,,,* A book of information, amusement, and instruc tion: Teaching the art of conversing with ease and propriety, and setting forth the liter ary knowledge requisite to appear to advan tage in gond society. Price $1.25. XII. TALES FROM THE OPERAS A fascinating little volume of Novelettes based upon the most celebrated and familiar Operas—giving the plot or each opera in the agreeable form or an interesting and attractive story. Price $1 00. XIII. THE HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. A Hand-Book for ladies and gentlemen ; with hints and anecdotes concerning nice points of taste, good manners, and the art of making oneself agreeable. Reprinted from the London edition, which is the best and most entertaining book on the subject ever pub lished. 12m0., cloth bound. Price $1:50. XIV. BEULAH. By Miss Agnes Evans. One of the very beSt American novels ever published. Its sale increases day by day, and already 30,000 copier have been sold Price 01:50. _. xv. VERDANT GREEN. -The - popular, rollicking, humorous story of. College Life in Oxford University, England, with nearly 200 comic illustrations. Reprint ed from the London edition. A book overflow ing with wit,anecdote and ludicrous adventure. Price $1.25. *** These books are sold by all Brat class booksellers and will be carefully sent by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of price, by • • GPO. W. CARLETON, PIIDLISHER, No. 413 Broadway, New-York. CHEAP READY-MADE CLOTHING!, Having just ieturned from the city with a nicely selected lot of Ready-made Clothing, which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at reduced prices; hayinglaid in a general assort ment of men and boys' clothing, which he is detertz ined to sell LOW, FOR CASH. His stock consists of OVER-COATS, DRESS, FROLIC AND SACK COATS, PANTS, VESTS, PEAJACKETS, ROUNDBOUTS, (knit) OVERHAULS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, HOISERY, UNDERSHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &C. Everythin& in the Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at prices to suit the times. JOHN BELL. corner of Elbow Lane and Market 81 next door to Cassel's Store I k 4. REMADE LPHIA S " a „ PAPER HANGINGS. HOWELL & BOURICE, MANUTACTOURS OP WALL PAPERS AND WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, cdrner of Fourth and Market streets, 4 P 1111.44PRLP HU. N. 8.--A fine stock of Lirrkw SUEDES con. stoutly on hand. (3m RIME GROCERI P. St—Rio, Java and X - Legnica Coffee; Crashed, Pulverized and Browu Sugar; Superior Green and Sleek Tea, Rice, Cheese and Spices.; Syrup and lane ba.. king tdolanee; Excellent Pearl*ley. at DIFFENBA AnCICICORY Bc, Oak Wood, 50 Cords each. Ja Hickory and . Oak k ~Wood. Orders, must be accompanied le * cash when , they will bit prethatirdlledi aver Patterson. 11:(*Izil 1 / 2 k:i 1 4 11 0 2-1 ;IM STOMACH BITTERS. A PURE AND POWERFUL TONIC, Corrective and alternative of wonderful effica cy in disease of the Stomach, Liver and Bow els; cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Head ache, General Debility, Nervousness, Depiest Ilion of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, Intermitten- Fevers, Cramps and Spasms, and all complaints of either sex, arising from bodily weakness whether inherent in the system or produced by special causes. . Nothing that is not wholesome, genial and restorative in its nature enters into tae compo sition of Hostetter's Stomach 'Bitters. This popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical element ; no fi ery excitant, but it is a combination of the ex tracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants with the purest and mildest of all diffusive stimu lants. It is well to be forearmed against diem*, and so far as the human system can be protec ted, brehuman means against maladies en gendered by - an unwholesome atmosphere, im pure water and other external causes, may be relied on as a safeguaid. In districts infested with Fever and Ague, it has been found infallible as a preventative and irresistible as a remedy, and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of an attaek, escape the scourge; and thousands who ne glect ro avail themselves of its protective qual ities in advance, are cured by a very tuba eourse of this marvelous medicine. Fever and Ague patients, after being plied with quinine for months in vain, until Unly--saln rated with that dangerous alkaloid, are not tin frequently - estored to health within a few daySby the use of Hostetter's Bitters. The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appetite restored by this agreeable to nic, and hence it works wonders in cases of Dyspepsia and in less confirmed forms of Indi gestion. Acting as a gentle and painless appe rient, as well as upon the liver, it also invari ably relieves the Constipation superinduced by irregular action of the digestive and secretive organs. Persona of feeble habit, liable to ner vous attacks, lowness of spirits and fits of lan gour, find prompt and permanent relief from the Bitters. The testiniony on this point is most conclusive. and from both sexes. The agony of Bilious Colic is, immediately assuaged by a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally resorting to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented. Last, but not least, it is The Only Safe Stien- Want, being manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely flee from the acid elements present more or less in all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day. ..140 Loedieltm /IRS been so universally, and, it may be frilly added; deservedly popular with the intelligent portion of the community, as HOSTETTER S BITTERS. Hoineilead, Dora Deane, Cousin Maude. Prepared by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Store keepers everywhere. irig3.lloD'S Genuine D'efAl'atiOßS. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A POSITIVE AND amine it.EMEDY For diseases of the Bladdnr,Kidneys, Gravel, and Dropsical Sellings. This Medicine increases the power of Diges tion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery. or Colcareous de positions, and all unnatural enlargements are reduced, as well as pain and intiamation. HELMBOLD''S EXTRACT BUCHU. For weakness arising from excesses, habits of dissipation, early indiscretion of abuse, at tended with the following symptoms : Indisposition ti exertion, Loss of Power, Difficulty of breating, Loss of Memory, g, Weak Nerves, Tremblin Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Mission, Pain in the Back, Universal lassitude of the muscular system, Flushing of the body, Hot Hands, Eruptions on the Face, Dryness of the skin, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently fol lowed by those " Direful Diseases,” "Insanity and Consumption." Many are aware of the cause of their suffer ing, but none will confesq the records of the Insane Asylunis. Melancholy deaths by Consumption bear am ple witness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution once effected With Organic weakness requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which HELMBOLD'B'EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. Atrial will convince the most skeptical. . FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES. In many affections peculiar to females the Extract Buchii is uneequaled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu larity, Painfulness or suppression of customa ry evacuations,Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, euchorrhoea or Whites, Ster nifty, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion, habits of dissipation, or in the decline or change of life. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to urinate, thereby removing obstructions, pre venting and curing Strictures of Abe Urethra, allaying pain and inflamation, so frequent in the class of diseases, and expelling all poison ous, diseased and wornout matter. Thousands upon thousands who have been the victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the "Poison" has, by the use of "powerful astringents ? " been dried up in the system, to break out in atage.n aggravated form, and' perhaps after Mar , r Use Hembold's Extract Bitchti for all affec tions and diseases of the Urinary °Tana, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs requires the a id ef a Diuretic, Ildtnbokl's Extrad Ituchu is ,the great Diuretic, and is certain to have the .do sired effect in all Diseasea for which it is Rea, °amended. Evideuce of the most reliable and respond= ble character will accompany the medicine, PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE, or SIX for $5.00 Delivered to any Address, securely packe. from observation: Descrgie Symptoms fa all'CornmunicatiOns. Cures Guaranteed ! Advice Gratis Address letters for information to H. T: HELMBOLD, Chemist. 104 South Tenth -et., Del. Chestnut Phila. ldra.msorm's Alledicai Depot, , Prog and Chemical Warehouse. Brow, New, York. Beware of Cou nte rfeits , sod UnprinciPled Dealers who endeavor to dispose “o their own'land c'other " articles on the re putation tation attained by HelmbobPs Genuine Preperatione• " Extract Beau. " Sarsaparilla. - Improved Base Wash. Sold by Druggistaeverywhere. Aslrfor Hembold's. Take Do other Cut out'tlie idiektieemird Miriam] foi and WV4l:Titipbsition sild'ettlmotte. CELEBRATED HOSTE'TTER'S BITTERS Palid COuntenaace. The New York Herald The cheapest paper in the UWE extensive and comprehensive fac4itiei I in its possession enables the prqprietoetrf THE WEEKLY HERALD to guarrantee the latest and most reliableizir formation possibly to be obtained, not only from all parts of the United States, but from all parts of the world. Its home correspondents, engaged at Les Vy cost, and connected with each new naval am) military expedition of the government, prove that it is determined to leave no spot W/cO - by Its operations and no event can occur that shall not find immediate report in its col umns. It costs the proprietor over one hun dred thousand dellart) per year to maintain its corps of correspondents in the field. - In its collation of Foreign News the Herald has for years held a high position, and it wilf endeavor in. the future to Maintain the stand it has assumed. It has spatial correspondents stationed in all the principfil cities of the world. Its telegraphic - artangedierite eittinit td wherever the electric wires are stretched.— When the Atlantic cable is laid, which feat will soon be accomplished, telegrams will be received from Europe and Alga, ate well sta from the United States... Then our reader. will have the events of the week in all parts of the civilized world regularly and clearly laid before them. The yroprietor devotes a portion of the pa per to Literature,Fashion, Agrietutbie, the Mechanic Arts,r:lrting Matters, Ribber* Theatrical and nancial - Reports, Cattielefai kets, General News, and reports of all•evaula calculated to form an excellent metropolitan newspaper—a weekly photographic view of the events of She world—and all at a very low price. The Weekly Heraldic issued every Saturday morning, and furnished at the billowing rates ; One copy, $2 Three copies, Five cop i es, Ten copies, 0 Any larger number, addressed to names of subscribers, $1 50 each. An extra copy will be sent to every club of ten. Twenty copies, to one address. one year, $25, and any larger number at Santa price. An extra copy will be sent to clubs of twenty. Advertisement to a limited number Will be inserted in the Weekly Herald. The Daily Herald, three cents per copy.—, Ten dollars per year for three hundred and sixty-three issues. Five dollars for six months. Two dollars and fifty cents for three months. JAMES GORDEN BENNETT, Editor and Proprietor. N. West corner of Fulton and Nassau sta., New Xor't city, N. F. There are no traveling ag&ets for the Herat& 11GRIGULTifilfil. CHEMICAL CO.'S coal? FaIiLiZE3IS. TIABULETTE. This Fertilizer is composed of night soil and the fertilizing elegiente of urine combined, chemically and mechanically with other valuable fertilizing agents and'ab aorbents. It is reduced to a pulverized condition, rea dy for immediate use, and without loss of .its highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties. Its universal application to all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities. are well known to be all that agriculturists can disire. PRICE $25 PER TON. CHEMICAL COMPOST. This Fertilizer is largely composed of animal matter, such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and wool, together with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, , and re tain the nitrogenous elements. It is thorough. lyimpregnated with urine, and the thinner poitions of night soil. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especially for potatoes, and garden purposes. Its excellent qualities, strength and cheap ness, have made it very popular with all who have used it. Price, $25 PER Tau. ors TREE & FRUIT FERTILIZER. It is a highly phosphatic fertilizer, and is par ticuluily adapted for the cultivation of trees, fruits, lawns and flowers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruit, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot house and household plants and flowers, it will be found an indispensable article to se— cure their greatest perfection. It vi ill prevent and cure diseased conditions of the peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. The formula or method of combining its constituent fertilizing ingredients have re ceived the highest approval of eminent chem ists and scientific agriculturist ' s. Price, $5O PER Tots. • PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The Agricultu rat Chemical Company manufacture a Phosphate of Limc in accordance with a new and valuable formula, by which a very supe rior article is produced, so far as to be afforded at a less price than other.manufacturers charge. Practical tests have proved . that its value, as a fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in the market. Price *45 Pen lON. Ea- TERNS CASH.—Cartage and Freight to be paid by the Purchaser. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL Co.'s WORKR, At Canal• Wharf, on the Delaware. Office, 4132 Arch St. Phikede phia, Pa. R.B. FITTS, General Agent.. The Company's Phamphlet Circular, em bracing full directions for using the above Fertilizers, sent by mail free, when requested. FOR RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS. BED-BUGS, MOTHS IN FURS,WooLcits, USECTS ON PLA xTs, Fowis,4lnimate, Put up in 25c., 50c. and $1 Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks. Three and Five dollars sizes for Hotels. Public Institutions, &o. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." . . "Rats come out of their holes to la• Sold wholisale in all large` cities. 113" Sold by all druggists and retailers eve rywhere. BEWARE of all - worthless imitations; ItitrSee that " COSTAR'S" name is oaeach Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. Address HENRY R. COSTAR, .. .re Principal Depot, 482 Broadway, N. Y. sSold by all wholesale and retail Drug gists in Marietta, Pa. 00-30 IMPORTANT TO MARRIED LADIES ! TRULY A BLESSING 1/ I will send, free of ckarge,to any lady who will send in - her name ani addrehs, direction a how to prevent the extreme pain of child-bitih; also how to have perfectty healthy and beau tiful children ; also one other new awl import ant secret, the only sure and safe remedies ever discovered. Mysobject in making the above-offer•iaato induce every lady to test my remedies. - - Address MADAstr. DIILENTAOO4. D. 3m.1 767 Droadway, N. y. AMERICAN HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. Located on Chestnut street, ,opposite the OLD STATE HOUSE. and in close proximity to the principal Jobbing and Importing Rouses, Banks, Custom House, and places of amusements. The City Cars can be taken at the door (or within a square) for any depot in the City. The House has been renovated and.refitten. iri'TERDIS $1:75 PER DAY...1:11 WYATT & HEULINGS, PROPRIETORS. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA, Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systems—new and reliable treat ment—in Reports of the Howard Association. Sent' by mail in sealed letter enielopes, free of charge. Address, Ds...T. SicrLurt Hotraill Yore, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. TO LANDLORDS! Just receiVed, Scotch and Irish w.mrsielEse, warn"' ted pure, at H. D. Bvijamain's. ITY one of those beautiful SOFT P ju fun. at CstuteriatiOrketret.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers