The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, May 07, 1864, Image 3
qt . Ica! ntariettilm. MARIETTA CAR Roues. The several pas senger trains will leave the "Upper-station Depot" as tollows : Morning train, East, at ten minutes before 8; Mail train West, 12: 1 1 ; Harrisburg Accommodation train, East, at 6:39 and the evening train West, at '2:02. Marietta, Saturday, May 7, 1864. ler We will send a collector amongst our borough subscribers and those in our immediate vicinity during the corn ing week. We are now much in want of money—paper has again taken a Tile 'and we must collect closely . to Meet our engagements. We hope all will be-in readiness for him. tar L. K. Brown, Jr., a son ,of Levi Brown, in the eighteenth year. of hie age, of Goshen, this comity, after gear ing a horse for use, stepped back from the stall, when the animal liieked him in the breast, killing him almost instant- He waa an intelligent and promie bbv ' =I liar•One:of Fish's celebrated "Lamp Heating Apparatus" can be seen at John Spangier's Hardware store. They amp.° excellent "institution"—we know this ourselves to be so, having one in use in our own family. See advertise ment in another column. or By referring to our advertising columns it will be seen that Mr. Black, of Black's Hotel, Columbia, has leased the ferry at that point. Every possible accommodation may be looked for from Mr. B. plr The collector of State nod County taxes &mini us to say thar he will start ont on. Monday next and hopes all tax payere will be in readiness for him. lir The-Morita Joy Herald has pass ed fatet#aband" of Mr. J. R.. Hoffer. We wish him success in Ens new under taking. • ~... sfirA few days more and the river busi ness will be "wound-up." The spring bas been along and busy one. FATAL itarutown ACCIDENT. —On WeIIIIBSOY morniog last, the Lancaster .Accommodation train ran off the track one mile west of Parkeshurg. It ran about, fifty yards to the crossing, or switch, where the baggage car crossed to the North track, rtinaing into a freight train which had previously cros sed over to allow the passenger train to pass. The flagonin on the trait,- Free land, residing near Bird-imhand, Lan easter county, was so severely injured Mal he died in about half an hour after this accident. No one else was Injured. The baggage and front passenger cars were badly injured, and about fifty bar rels of coal oil lost. The oil ran upon the ground freely, and in a short time many persons were on hand with pots, pans, buckets, crocks and vessels innumerable, dipping it up. They would dig holes to let the oil run in, from alhieh they dipped. One man had an ex team and a half hogshead, his family assisted him, and he is reported to have gathered about nine barrels. The Lancaster train -was detained about roar hours, and the mail train west about two hours. Coatesville Union of thi 30th Wt. Cr We 'tee it stetted that Mr. J. R. Sypher, long an army correspondent of the New York Tribane, and for several yisarirconnected with the press of Lan. , caster city, has now completed his ar 4angetrientl for the publication of a "Histoey *of the Pennsylvania Reserve Mies Barr & Co., of Lancasttsi eitjroo•berthe'publishers. A truthful ly Aiitteyt,,history of the Pennsylvisnia Reserves caunot fail to fill the brightest pap; In annals Of the struggle to put down the rebellion. IfikliftiEn. Oa tbe'llit ibstant, by the Rea. B. F. Apple, Samuel Fl:noier, of 'olk county, Pa., and 31ise Annie Maze, of Maytowa, Pa. BIRD. At Bainbridge, March 23d, Mrs. Esther Fil , . bert,gged ps years, 2 months, and 9 days. On' tba"slll"4Bitim, Sarah Jane,, daughter of Mrs. Philip Gorner, of this boro ugh, aged 6 jOlithesn'd 7 days. Droleikild in a tanner's Tat at Bainbridge, on the •113 d Milton Fremont, sou of Abraham Squid', aged 1 year, 5 months and 4 days. ` -44ePLIST OF LETTERS Remaining n - me Post Office, at Marietta, Pa., for the week ending May 5, 1864. Bowers, Barbara Rigby, Hose Bear, Isaac Ross Divson Beaker, Henry Recli in arte, Margaret Elink t ,Vrederick Shields, Annie Bair .Rifin' Sammere, Flora Fitter, Sohn. Singer, Kdward tfi,ShePPomal Sneeney, A Ksq • Gilligen, Patrick Spangler, Sophie Haifinen, Catherine Stein, & Swartean Hammer, Elizabeth Snider, John S Johnson, Ann Todd, Mary KeelSr,, n Gitikge ' Witheron; John Merimane; -WM Wolgermute, Abm Mudagrair, 'Geo Waters, Esq Morgan, Mary Wilson, John N Morgan, James ' Werger, Peter • Mlle, Andrew J; • Wherly, Elizabeth Mills, A 3. Wilson, Win Otto, Elizabeth 2 Er Persona calling for letters in the above liirtionipleise.say they are,•advertised..: One cent will be:charged en each letter, to pay, for adtertising.. ' A. CASSEL, , P.M. FOR SALE ;MBA P. A good , as new. OOYRRID GERMANTOWN' ~ . sibs; ltas'lng een , need, l but a: short taw— , will be sold cheap if aPplicatlon be made soon. 4 ' ', '"ltt V 5" - C:kLY" / P i .: 4,... A • ?U/444:# 6 / ' p),,' ' .5 18 *-4/0 1, 4 451 1! 5- `,. •' ', ' " , LANDIS & TROUT, Landis 6- Trout Landis 6- Trout • At the "Golden Mortar," At the "Golden Mortar," Market Street, Marietta, Market Street, Marietta, Keep constantly on hand Keep constantly on hand 4 44 iT 4 4 4 o • 14 E •••• • R, Gg •—• t*- B 71, E. ; *ls.' 6 , y. r , rf 2 4AV f„4:1, ti c -Is .l, o m. 61 . V . 1 7 21 , ' a 4 4 • Prescriptions ,carefully compoisnde. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Remember thepltice, Remember the place,, Dr. Grove's old Stand. Dr. Grove's old Stand. Give us' a call. - Give us a call. TIIE DRAFT! 4- 83 THE DRAF,P. Who would not be out of. the Draft? BUT that which .effects us in connection with the - A Troy; is not th? only" one—the Draft upon the POCK - these times is equally a every—consequently we purchase goods where we get them cheapest. • .Tco .SIDa - ragler, succEsson, TO DAVID ROTH /N THR HARDWARR BUSINESS, Would take this methud of iaforming the pub He that he is now prepared t 6 furnish anything in, his line of btisiness,, such as , • Glass, Oils, Varnishes, Stoves, Iron, Carpenter's lhols, Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Nails,' alt kinds of - Building Building inaterial,.Coachrhuker's •'Goods, Cederware, Clocks ( Fancy ArtiCles in large 'variety, with it full is sorttnent of shelf goods generally; whirh.he will sell at theloWest priCes, wholesale or re il. Call and examine the stock. Madet.ti, March 5,,1564; THE SPRING. C4INPAIGN IiAS OPENED. rrlik: immense 'demand for the .products of 1. the loom, to *lie and shelter our rapid ly increasing army, has, created a great scarci ty of many fabrics. 'We are pleased; however, to announce to our customers and the public gederally . th4t by rTv'r4l ' we have anticipated their wants, and now have a beautiful stock of. rila.o at lower prices than they now can be purchased in the Eastern. Markets Our Stock embraces everything new, dura ble and desirable in, Ladiis Dress Material, Spring Cloaks 4 Cloaking, Colored and Black Silks, Halrnopils, Shawls, Skirts, Hoisery, Bolts, Embroideries Gloves, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTING, For Dress and Ruminess Suits, made up. to or der when desired. A fide Assortment of Woolen, Cotton and Linen Fab, tee for Men and Youths. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Sheeting, Counterpanes, 131ankets, Linen 0..- nabUrgs, Diaper, Crash, Feathers, Ingrain, Stair and Rag Carpets, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Blinds, Glass and Queensware, &c. Groceries. Syrups, Sugars, Salt, Teas, Fish, &c. sPANGLER ¢ PATT.ERSON. Marietta, April, 1564. The Patent. Confl4. Reflector Lantern, TIES. is the most desirable Lantern in the market. It Mims Cont. Oil. without a Chimney. emitting neither smoke nor smell. It gives a pure white light. It stands quick mot.nos /many direction. The flame is regulated from the outside. It is neat and compact in form and size. It is free from solder in the upper parts, and is otherwise very substantial in its structure. It has the glass sides:so arranged that break age is less likely to occur. than in other Lan terns,, and in the event of breakage can be ea oily replaced.. It has comes reflectors which increase greatly the force of the flame, serving at the same time the purpose, of shades to the eyes, which is very desirable. It is sold lower, with all these advantsges, than any Lantern in the market which , admits of the flame bring regulated from trip outside. PRICE, niVE DOLLAR. ',Fol.- sale at JOHN. S.P.A.NGLER'S Hardware Store, on Market street. Stribttter 'VHF, subscriber offers his services to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity, in CONVEYANCING, ENGROSSING AND COPYING. He has kindly been perrnitted to refer to James Duffy, esq., g. S. Nagle, esq., James Mehatrey, esq., S. F. Eagle Co., G. W. Mehaffey,esq . ., S. & ,B. Hiestai.d. Can be found at all times at as dwelling op ' 'potato John W. Clark's residence, on Mar ket street, or at George %V. MehalTey's Mill, at the Upper Station. JACOB C. BURKART. Marietta, Oct. 31, 1543-Iyo' • DIR YEA'S REFINED MAIZENA, Preyared from : Maze, or Indian Corn, for Culintiry.purpoaes. Fot sale at J. R. DIFFENBACI.Ps. PRIME Ne!v CropNew•OrleansMolaßes —the very best for,cakes. Just received by SPANGLER ?U. PATIEItSON. OT. CROIX AND NEW FNGLAND RUM for culinary purposes, warranted genuine - , : D. .33eniamin. . HOWE & STEVEN'S Celebrated Family . Dye Colors, ;warranted to be fast, for sale at THE GOLDEN MORTAR. nIIOIOE HAVANA SEGARS, arid the ij best Chewiniiial Smoking Tobacco at WOLFE'S: TCE 'COLD CREAM '.MEAD' inside of 1. Lebanon County Honey. at WOLFE'S HEET MUSIC and Books prdered.:weekly '• THWGOLDEN 111PRTAN. L YONS Pericidic* I Drl . gs, aL : kd , Clark s B Fe e GoidereMortar. 011jitN . long celebrated GIN, 14 ;D. 111EXT411,11N. Yes .* lags l es = Pao .:Xt.AiJFE*JI,BAC/PS c' THE MARIETTIA.N. 1864. SPRING! 1864. J. B. DIFFENB.RCH Invites attention to a•large and handsome assortment of New Spring and Summer Goods, Purchased in Philadelphia and New-York, consisting in part of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Silks, Prints, Lawns, Gingharasi, "Chintzes, - Challies, sHA - TVLS, Together with all kinds of Domestic goods, such as bleached and unbleached Mustins, Ticking, Checks. Denims, Furniture Checks, Drilling, &c. , &c. One case of Prints at 121 cents a yard. Case of Bleached,bluslimLat 121 cents. Latest style goods for Caintlemen and Boys wear. Fancy and Black Ca:simeres, Tweeds, Jeans, Cloths, Vesiings,&c., Large lot of fresh Groceries of alt kinds Rio and Java Coffee; Teas, Kill to & aro.chi SuAlki l ßastilSgicekt; New Mackerel,' Pfxtra yriipN Salt ' ".Su.arT aced litchis; Sec. 20 barrels Of sugar at 2 2 1 cei is per pound., 5 yogalleadi Syruji,:at 60 cents'iny pallota: French &reels Trfateling Oitir-Shirte, . . . IYeck-ties,.,,-.shirts, Handk,rchWi ___, Drawers, Shirt Fronts, 1 alrnorat Skirts, ts. Large lot of. Pure Liquors Be- also continues, to keep on,ihand a , large supp!i of supelior Brartlies, Wines , Schnidara's Schnaps; Di tares, Plantation Bit ters, and, that superior Old Bye. . Persoes.pur- Chasing Liquors can rely u2on , gettitig the best articlest the lowest price the.usarket will afford lC Highest prices giye:n for country produce. Sws LAMP H ATiI~~S f PPARaITUs. .•-- • . . - Boiling—Frying—Stewing—Steeping— ,WITH THE !LAME THAT LIGHTii THE R 9934. • • By thp flame of a corrimon lamp, at the cost of a geni's worth or oil; a very comfortable breal:fast can 'be cooked. -• Y. Tribune. • • • • Simple in construction, easily kept tit order ready,lor use fir u Moment -* * * conve•nient to cave oil liitud. • • Drug giAt''b Cur.:liar. • - - • ' * Fish's Lamp is on,e of The. 'nue. popular noveltieS 'of the day; • • * the utiThy of it Is unquestionable, a great is ma.te iii healin A ,aod'eo3..,ing, amail articics, and • can- be Made *fa rooti oiriila tira gr, at many'per w . ,ons, nich' actually , doit..,con.l6.: ambulance Ctlrt which' carry tbe..eicw.soidie yr. • '" t'ci'entific A/rani/Im.- • ' . * * *. lor tivntly use,,doipital tedti tar= rack, picnics, fishing, tturser, , or • room; it is am' srlicle -etimfuit..:e.v4Nikrail tion it; its cost •—* f.olirretilof 116114: • * * I have 1.41,4, 11.5 appatur , ::st and my wile :Ind 1, pi oci trini the tuusi %Ball ade and indlipensatie and we •iiow wondei e-en 4 +it `have so I a rie dobe Ut it. • • •-• .E. 1.• Cold Oit etriula? * • * ecimaq,i,td. contrivance for sport iiodce for tiurso,y ena general ‘purpyses, I n pp: taut ib the savi , g in cost over fires. • • • F. Avehah Poit Prices front Twk. to '.!l:ix 136;1ar5.: ei4eirity froin '(::lie to Rue- Quarts Three Artieles.Cooktd at.aize tints with 'one Burnei-; Arrarigol for Ner-,s , ue or Ccml• Oil, or Ga 3. A Deseriptivz PampLet of LAI* pages fur 'itist,ed gratis.' ' • ' ALSO THE UNION' ArCACkINIENTi iPitee at Cents, To be attached to a Cuthmori Keri*rie Lamp or CBS Burner; by which wafer maybe boiled, ranged to support bbada_ - • WM. U. P.USStIL." Agent. 'No. 206, Pearl M.; New-York. 11:7' Agenta Waiited, Prot National Bank'ffilarteita, Vit Designdted Depository: and Fiiiancia/ Agent of the United .States.. , . • 10-40 ,ban_ By instructions .from the Secretary' of the Treasury, dated Marco 26th, 1364, tie Bank is authorized to receive subscriptions for the National 10 40 Five per cent—Loen,'in,cqupoo or Registered Bonds. , Tfiis Loan, principal and interest, is payti ble in gold, Oa Bowie of $5OO and upwards, semi-annually. (Ist of March and September) and on those of less denominations annualiy, (Ist of March.) Subscribers can receive Brin , is with - Coupons from Marco let, by paying the accrued inter est in coin, or in lawful money by adding 50 per'cent for premium. Oc,i,f preferred; ,may deposit the principal only, Wand receive _Bonds with Coupons front date of subscription. Registered Bonds will be' issued of the de nominations of $5O, $100; $500, - $ t;doo; $5;000 and $lO.OOO, nod Coupon Bonds of $5O, $lOO, $5OO and sl,oooi , For the giester convenience of subscribers, the different 'Banks and BanlterS throughout the country , are authorized to act as agent for the Loan. As only $200,000,000 of this Loan "cen - :be issued, we would urge upon persOns having surplus money,.to subscribe. promptly. and se cure the iliespcient at par. The Secretary in presenting;this new Loan to the public throng." the INatio,:l4 Banks, 'm iles upon the liberality and puttithism of our people to use ull honorable meats,and - to make every. exertion FM its sale. It is hopeil that ..Laticuster county, having done so well in ..the past in futnishing the Go vernment means, Will ba equally prompt at this time. AMOS goNvgAN,-, Cashier • S.S.' RATLIVON; • Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At F. J. 11..ainph's,Old Stdnd.on.t4e Cor' , ner of North: Queen and Orange • Sb'eets, - lanGaster,'Pennta.. ATEY II L. to the Citizeinfor Marietti, and vieiuiiy, far the itheral patronage betetbfore extentlee.„ the undersigned restwet fully' solicits a continuance of the same; as suring them, that wider till eircuntatances. no efforts will be spared in renclerie4 a sati;Letory equivalent for every act of CO:Htd. , H3Ce reposed. CLOTHS, CASS/MT:DES A D and such other Sensoosbie ma ,, Heal as HlSOiiin and the taarket forntshee, conF,twit;y crpe otil - -td ant mono fgeturP...l to girder, creiltAitt, s t -et , • sonably, ae tgste -tyie gath. A LSO, -- AI) e-m A TJE "4LAYI7I-!. s P'.l) and such UStl: )y :-..-tont: Nict chant italortrig. and of 1.111.“.-zec.t First i'lteL.w ai fiiLliS RANK HIN Ck/LIPLEI,EII.IIS 1. LIOW a / 1 .ez of ANli N , ex tit 3. ThF: Bid of Virf. , ct , ir., -mJet for und hours. : From A. )o tirY-'3 SOIL N 1-1 OWN.; ?Row; EI , T. ABIOS BOWWAN, aiShier. ' • Manelta, July 2.5:1863: • - • ry3;,11.1, 3.ll{ER,` ATTORNEEAT LAW, OFFICE 24 Nhxrn E . :4TR'. ET opposite the Ctiurt House, where he . Will at tend to the, practice of his profession in all its various breaches. • DR. WM. B. FAHNESTOCK, • OFFICE TLEAILLY•OPPOqTE Spengler &- rattersee's•Store. • rOFFICAIIOUR§ 'Rgid ITO 713'2 - • f! To 1 ' ''• P. it ICROILT. Let' of 13,qolcs Ipr:children vltHed ...- . 4ndstructablbaPleasureßoolFsboyl ind apeiddooks, Statio4rhijPepe,, , kligt,:lioldg o rs. Awl sale by .' ' 1 "'. .4, AttRIV I 4%.O TT: READY ROOFING Ready to nail down. READY. ROOFING' At leststhan half the cost of tin roofs. %READY ROOFING More durable than tin READY ROOFING Suitable for steep or fiat roofs. READY ROOFING For all kinds of buildings, in all climates. READY ROOFING Easily, cheaply, and quickly put on. Needs no coating over unih cement otter it is nastad down. READY ROOFING Made of a strong woven fabric, thoroughly saturated and, coyered, open both aurftces, with a perfeCtlY Water-proof coinposition and put up in rolls ready for use.-40 /nth: wide, and 75 feet long. We also manufacture LIQU I I? ,CEMENT, For 'Leaky Tiir Roofs, Much cheaper and more durable than oil paint. ALSO pomppu ND CEMENT,.. For Leaky Shingle Roots, which will often save the cost of a new roof, Sample 01-Reudy, Roofing and Circulars sent by Mail'whentdesired.. "•'. - • Favorable terms made with responsible par ties who buy to sell again. READY ROOFING CO., , , 73 Maiden Lane N. Y. SUPPLEE & BROt, IRON AND BRASS FOUND. ,RS , And Genet cil Ilfachinists;: - Se * eimd street Below Union, Columbia, Pa. They are prepared to make all limb Of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces, Pipe,, • for Stefan .Water and-,Gas ; CoMmus, Frdnts, .Cellar Doors,. Weights, tc.; ler Buil !lugs, and caSting , s of every descriptien ; < .;TEAM .E.:.)GCNES,,,AND BOILERS, Ti 711 E X LIST MODERN AND IMPROVED \Tanner ; Pumps,. Brick •Vrtsses, Shafting and Pui ieyL Gearlitg, s, tips, Dies, Machinery '"u• ..riining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings, , sten . ,n tz.,l3,last'cleuge,s e Luhricalors,,Oil Cocks, VOh fo"r Stdatn, fah; tellif Watelk;•llliass Fit tings to ail Weir variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, dealers. Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors, Wailiersi, Lack- ;,, • • .134AC.IC.VAILKIII,NG,irl, 0.04.N.E4.A.L. Frxi, long 11 , xperience id buinliiig - machinerywi fiiitterou rani yes that We call giveleleraltsatis those, who mar favor us with their' . tritelvairintr ii;Ompt4 /Wended to, ' , Orler.s . by, mall athiresse4 a}tabove,will,meet with prompt attention. Prices to siatthi Z. SUPPLLE, . . T.. 14 SUPPLEE., Columbia,,Octoher 20, • 14 tf CO.,HE COLUMBIA INSURANCE - . Of rett bui., Lancaster Can sty, Penna. ' - .VOIIRTH ANNUAL .RE , I 3 .OAT. • -Whole:amount insured, .. -$2,6u4,435 68 Wtmle. amount of Premium Noted, 255,931'46 2. . . January I, , 1663,! $ 2 ; 12 31 3 : 1 Iteu'prs for premiums, less Agt's .'• • ions in 1663, 9,382 45 Cleee4sts .or Assessments - . 2485 1 2 -- '513,887-79 Loases and expenses paid in 180, $10,133 32 Bal. of Premium:l,4llu: 1, ' 1664, 3,754 47 -- $13,387 79 A... 5. GREEN, PREszDEND, GEORGE YOUNG, .Vecihtury. MIC li AE L. S. Sli 1J MAN, Treasurer. . DIRECTORS : Robert T. Avon, - ' John .11r. Stea4, John Fendrich, H. G. Minich, Samuel F. .E.milein, Michael S. Shuinan, Michati S. Shuman, S. C. Slitymaken, 9e.orge Yaang, Jr., Nicholas Mc Donald Edmund '..9perivg; Arnos S. Greoi..., IRES 81 LIQUORS. \ • , , . FL D. , BE,NJAMIN, DEA% ER /N . - WINES & LIQUORS, Picot Building, Marietta, Pa. BEGS leave to inform The public that he will continue the WIN K & LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. Hs will constantly keep on'hand'all kinds of , • , • Brandies, Wines, Gins. Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials. Bitters4c., -.BEN/ AMIN'S Justly „Celebrated Rose Whisky, AILBATS ON ,HAND._ A very Stirertor OLD RYE WHISKEY hat fedeived, Which is warranted pure., ~,5Zr..,11133, now asks of the public is a careful e'SMmihation ofhis stdek and ees, which will, be is confident r result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad. vantage to make"their purchases from 1 im Ice Creß,.-a._ I,l7" . °eLN F e every D : S ICE and Evening—SUNDAY SALOON IN open excepted, where can be had-, route of the most finely flavored ICE : CREAM in the State-- Philadelphia not excepted. L36-6m _ EQUAL or REGUL ITINIEKEEPERS 4 can be had of H. L. & E. J. ZAHN, COI. 'North Queen- I St., and tenter .Square, Lancas ter, -Pa., in the sh4peof.Eruilihrium, Levers— the best article 'Of, Swiss levers nom in the mar krt. They aro lower in pace than any watch of equal Quality, and ust as true for timekeeping SPitICT.A.CII.F.i..; to al2 who,,Epteg t. ran be raided with glassei,- can be bottht at H. L. 8f R. HMS : Cor ner of North ,Q,ueen-st., and Center Square . , Lane:l4ler. 'New glasses refitted in old franies, t 5.11Q1.1 natide.. br6-3v A SUPLIIIOI2 COOK STOVE, ..0 .. T - 1.,/ ',bur, style, each , oile-Awarranted •:. ~erfu• nto live er,; cm , atisfetctioli el (L i•FIiu,SP T, : ' ' ' ! !. PTE Nt; oN . ZiL CO. LC.` , 2 ._Ol-eirre.tee, imperial z-Lut, w,th MI Y, r , •,1 C 1 C,I u i.a. c 0 AT id the t .111"! - to * wet we'atlier-Lri;it 0,1421..tii : war net to V. de.:fialtd rxaminethem iT 1)1`..f EN BA CH'N. I Ifirge h.riJ selected stock o b.) , . tQ o; t , IQ 14 , :•st putterns from the t.qt e.,etorAm , , foamt at H. J. ZAHN'S. Cannar, r.squoreqznct ulo>th Queen Pa. . . ce.iebrAted Pearlf'cenuent -;knd OilAsle ing • '—"THE'GOLIDENIVIORTAR," ',,. LARGE I.,trnoF. BUFF"WINDOW .- SHADES at reinarkahly low;prices ; to close out. Jbnrr SPANGLER, , ..,.,,, , „ .i:CIRFike; *Pel l Marietta. . . . 300 n POUNDS EXTRA SUGAR- V epre4 same and Dried Beef for grale at J. R. DIFFP.:NBACLPS. )11E1RM TIERCKST , SfiCKULDERS AND Zx VIM v4PleiN,i)FFEvisnrAcii;g.-- itt c 2 ' -I -1 Z BSC RI kV QNS4egagradokr.all the lead b: e AP,.4 0 4914e 14 .41 #4 41446V.0414 '=• • " • SANITARY CONDEISSION. Office of the Committee on Labor, Incomes an d Revenue, No. I IS South 7th St. PHILADELPHIA. April 4, 1864. The Committee on " Labor, Incomes and Revenues," invite co-operation with them in the particular work for which they have been appointed. As no portion of the people are more patriotic than the working men and wo men of the country, it is but just and proper that they should alike have an opportunity to contribute to the objects of the Fair.• The most equable plan for accomplishing this, and, at the same time the easiest one, is to ask- for the contribution of. a -single day's labor from all classes of toe community. Many will con tribute. a day• of, their labor willingly, who would not subscribe their money. .To reach every department of industry and art will be n work 'of great labor, but, if attained, will be productive of immense results. The success of the plan will depend upon the, heartY co-operation of every element of influence within our limits, and we invite all , the guardians Mf the industrial interests, and• all. others, to take .hold with us in furthering this greatwfork of patriotism and humanity. 4 The Committee is charged with the follow ing duty; to wit .t Fraar.—To obtain the.contribution of "one day's labor," or earnings, from every artisan, and laborer, foreman, operative and employee; president, cashier, teller and clerk of every in-' corporated or unincorporated company, rail road or express company, employing firm, bank, m i anufactory, ron works, oil works,• mill, mine and public office; from, every pri vate banker and broker, importer _auctioneer and merchant ; clerk, agent and "salesman .•, designer, finisher and artist publisher, print; er and, inechaniet from every government officer,. contractor. and employee ; grocer, butcher, baker and dealer; farmer, horticul turist and pro lacer; from every mantua ma ker, milliner and female operative ;- every. in dividual engaged in turning the soil, tending the loom, orin.any. Wxy earning a livelihood, or building a fortune within the States of Penn sylvania, New Jersey lind Delaware. SECODI D.—To obtain the contribution of:one dives Revenue," from all the great emplot ing.establiihments, firms, corporations..compa- Dies; railroads and works. : ' Tritan.—To obtain the contribution of:one daps income from, everyretired poson, and person of, fortune—mo;le and female—living upon their :means, and from .clergymen, lawyers, physicians, dentists, editors; authors and professors ; all other .personc.erigagedAn thelearnel or other professions:: 7. , Much of this work must be-perlorm,ed by the 'personal miluence ancletforts of ladies and gentlemen associated. or to be associated with ilia 'Committee in earzying out this,plitn. The Committee feel:the responsibility.of the wprk;they havemndertaken, which,to beige cessful, will require a very _perfect ramifica tion:Of their pla4and they therefore call upon ail earnest people, to assemble themselves ,to gether in every town, township, and county, end form organizations Of' ladies and , gentle men to co:Operate. with ,them in this great wont and labor of love. In-the manufactu ring counties, , the coaland oil regions, and in the apieultural districia,—especially, let there be'organizations' in the' large towns,' so that young people may have an opportunity, thus to render - assistance to their relatives and friendi hefting-the battles' of =their country in the armies of the nation-. ' 'The-work of thistbMiditteernay be plisse cuted where 'no otherA etfdrCcari'be trie& for the Fair,'es in the Mines of the coal regions. l .4. A daps earnings of the miners; - and a day's prodect afthe.mines, can-be obtained, w'here no portable 'ankle could be - proeured for...traria. pertation:- Indeed there is no part'or section of these States'-where the ,day's labor may not be obtained, if organizntiona can be formed to reach them. • - • 'the Committee cannot close without urging Akllkitte r pttlidli t Atte e agtete l secure the benefit of THE DAT or taxon from , all within twit. ; contrpl- • The Cothtnittee 'deem it unnecessary to *do' more, than ttilis to' Presentthe subject to the people of ,the three States named; In thei coining campaigns of our armies, tgelabors of the "Sanitary ,Comanssioh" `will' be greatly augmentd. Ity,the first of Sufic 700,000 men —one 'of the lagest armies el modern times- 'will be operating in the field. ,So large a force, scattered over regions',to Which the men are IHlRCCliniated, must , necessarily carry alon g with it a arge amount of sicknees, suffering , and death, to, say nothing ofthe gathered tior, 'rors of the battle-field. ' ' These sufferings, it is our bounden dirty, as men and. Christians, to, relieve., A great and enlightened people, enjoying the blessings of a government of their. own Imaking,:canred re fuse assistance to men suffering to maintain its autliority, and -we will not: believe that the "GREAT.PENTRAL FAIR,P drawing itifoo - from the •three States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware,.-so atlineii:t in all mineral, agricultural and industrial wealth, shall fall behind.any'similar effort which has yet been -made for the rend of the Nation's ' "`As it is desirable not to multiply . 'circulars - ) no further authority than this circular will be necessary for any emplo4ing, jinn or company, or anyrespeCtable-Committee of ladies:and een, ttemen, to proceed at once, in the work of this 'Committee; - and it is hoped that under it, or. , gartizatiorie Will *spring lib in - all the tovtus and-the busy regions-of the States of ,Penissyl vania New Jersey and Delaware. • Subscriptions: will be' thankfully acknowl edged in the newspapers,of , Philadelphia'A and it is very desirable that they commence soon, `as each fresh ticknoivledgment wsll stimulate effort in other . 'subscriptions should be address 4 ., to Jox'ts W,CCAGHORN.• Treasurer, office "coMmittee- on Labor, Incomes and ,Reve nue,'S No. d 18 !South Seventh Street, Phi Pa.. .113—All:needful helps in Circulars and Post ers will be forwarded to parties applying foi them. Direct to the Chairmarrof the Commit 7 tee as above. - • , L. MONTGOMERY BOND,. Cashier. Jouu„ W. CLAGtor k s ; Treasurer. , E: . HIITTF.R, Corresponding Sec'y MCGREGOR J. MITCHESON, Secretary.: A.OPiOrtARY MEMBERS. His EXcellciicy, A. G. Ctrxxxx, Gov. of Pa: His Excellency, JOEL PARKER, Gov. of-11.1.. His Excellency;Wat. Ca't , i'ivorr,.Gov. of Del. Hon. ALEXANDER HEPOLY, Mayor of Phi Pa. Hon. JOSEPH R. INGEasor.r.,,Tennsyliania. Hoy. Jiinoz CaaFErvria, Netli Jersey'. Hoo. JUDGE HA ' RRtIiGTOII, Delaware. .. Gen;pxii.'G...,MEan.E."Arro„f,of..Potomac. COMMITTEE. • Right Rev. Ilp. POtter.Mrs Rev E=W Hotter, Most Rev. Bp. Wood. 'Chairman., Rev. Inshop Simpson. Mrs. Geo. M. 'Dallas. Rev:' Dr: Brainard. Mks. John Sergeant. ' }lei , : W. P. Breed: Mrs. John Scott.' flev;E: W. Huller. Mrs. General Meade.' Rev. Isaac Leeier. ' Mrs. J.' E.:Thomson.' Se.mnel Feltort. ' Mrs: Jos. Harrison, Jr. J.' F.;ilgar l'hornsOir. 114rd.-'R. W Learning. rpm. R. F. Stocron. Mrs. L. Moritioillond. Frederick Fraley,. Mrs ; Geo.y. Weaver. Join linfghaiiu ' Geci. , W. Harris. Geoi - se - Mrs. - F. A. Drexel. - ReulW.Stidotirdsi'D I/Mrs.-111:W. Kelley: Henty (.:(sppee. Mrs: John W. Forney. Dr. C'' Pendleton A: trozer. Dr. W. Williamscini • .114 rd. Enoth'Turlay. Hon. 0. - Thompson. ,Jilies 4.,Sager. Hon. J..R.- Ludlow._ „Miss Susan O'Neill. . N. B. Browi.M. NESS n tiallie Scott. Daniel ~P 6h.ghprty. F,.,Cloghorn. 5414.09, 9 therti,, , „ EMS .LL"z: Estate of Catharine Billet, late Of East Donegal, Township, Deceased. Letter's of administration on 'said' estate having heed granted to' the undersigned, all person &indebted -thereto are reqUesteßo,matie immediate settlement,"andthose having claims derininds against the same will present theth without &alai for settlement to the dersigriedy 'residing at' Maytown, in said town ship. - GEORGE BILLET, April SO, 186 f . - f .zy 1411qE stook 'of-P aper and Rhixtrintea 9fitfie, best qualityjpst Teceivfdtandlar Bale, flt The ,qakionC.Afprtgr. ik4, - TEM.risacy for both' at =,39,700k, Great Central Fair Fort TIIX Administrator's Notice Aflani4tsitator. Committee for a Day's Labor. GREAT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIL Committee on "Labor Incomes & Revenues." Office No. 118 S. Seventh Street. JOHN W. CLAOHORN, Tweak. This Committee has a special work, to wit to obtain a day'S"labor," . 6 day's "income," and a' day's "revenue," from every citizen of the three States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Dela Ware, for the benefit of our ruck and wounded soldiers. The Committee is now fully organized at the above address, and for the co-operation of all classes in the community. We want to show what the industrial clar ses can do for their soldiers ! What the' people can do in their seperato trades! What Pennsylvania can do ! - What New Jersey can do! • What Delaware can do! What each county can do 1 What each city and town can do t What each profession can do I What each trade can do ! What each occupation can do ! What each manufactory can do What each bank, insurance company and railroad can do ! What each mine can do ! What each workshop can do 1 What each family can do 1 What each man can do! What each woman can do! What each boy and girl can do ! We want to show to the world what Ameri- Man' freemen are ready to, do for their soldiers! This is a great work add the time short. The way to do so is to ORGANIZE. Organize in your workshops—in your fami lies. Let the men organize. Let the women organize. Let the trades organize. Organize everywhere. Ler the workmen give with their employers, the employers with their workmen. it is easily dope. It the workmen will au thorigertheir employers to deduct one day from their week's or ; month's earnings, and the em ployerawill add to it a day of their profits, the whole sum will be acknowledged together to the credit of -the' establishment. We say to all, go to work at once with us in this great work. Hurry forward your contributions.— Every acknowledgment will stimulate others to follow your example. Circularswitit full instructions will be sent upon application, by mail or otherwise, to the undersigned. To work! to work ! L. MONTGOMERY BOND, Chairman. .IHas.,E, Hurrza, . 'Chairwoman of Ladies' Committee. • P&L. fitircuzsort Secretary. Friends and Itelatived of the brave SOLDIERS & SAILORS. H OLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT ALL WHO HAVE •PRIRNDS AND Relatives in the Army or Navy, should take epecial care; that they be amply supplied with these Pills and Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to provide themselves with them, no better pres ent can be sent them by their, friends. They have been proved to be the Soldier's never failing-friend in the hour of need. Coughs and.Volds affecting Troops Will be speedily relieved and effectually cured by timing these admirable medicines, and "by paying proper attention to the Direction, which are attached to each Pot or Box. qick_Headache tin& want of Appetite incident to -Soldiers I Those feelings which so sadden us, usually arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed action of the liver and stomach. These organs must k be relieved, if you desire to do well.— The' 1 5 111 i, tilting according to the printed _instructions, will quickly produce a healthy ac tion in,both lly,er and, stomach, and as a natu ral consequence a clear head and good appeiite. Weakness and Debility induced by OVER PATraug Will Soon disappear by the use of these in. valuable Pills, and the Soldier will quickly acquire additional strength. Never let the bowels be either confined, or unduly acted upon. It may seem strange that Holloway's Pills should be, recommended for Dysentery and Flux, many' persons supposing that they would increase the relaxation. This is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct the liver and stomach and thus remove all the acrid humours from the system. This medi cine will give tone and vigor to the whole orgahic system however deranged, while health and strength follow as a matter of course. Nothicv, will stop the relaxation of the Bowels so sure as this famous medicine. VOLUNTEERS A.T'TENTOIN! Soreahnd Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings can with certainty be radically cured if the Pills. ate taken night and morning, and the .omtment be freely used as stated in the printed nstructions. If treated in any other manner they'dry up in one part to break out in another. Whereas this Ointment will remove the humors from the system and leave the patient a vigorous and healthy man. It will require a little perseverance in bad cases to insuro a LASTING CURE For Wounds either occasioned by the Bayonet Sabre or the Bullet, Sores or Bruises, To which every Soldier. and Sailor are liable there are no medicines so Safe, sure and con . : Veriient as Holloway's Pills and Ointment.— The poor' 'wounded and almost dying sufferer Might' have his wounds dressed immediately, if he would only provide himself with this matchless Oirittnent,,wnich should be thrust into the wound and smeared all around it, then cover it with a piece of linen_ from his Knap -sack and compressed With a handkerchief,— Taking night and morning 6 or S Pills, to cool the syst,.in and prevent indamation. Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Chest should be provided with these invalua ble Remedies. CALITIONINoIIe are genuine unless the words . "l - 10zt.,034x NEW YORK and LoNnox,". • are diiiceirrablei as a Waft; - mark in every leaf of' thelook, of directions, around each pot or box; tie Samemay be plain& seen by holding: the leitrto the light.— A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the .detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them tube 'spurious. * * *Sold at the Manufactory of Professor HOLLOWAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and'-by-all respictable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the civilized world, in pots'or boxes, at 30c. 70c. and $l.lO each. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed- to each pot. D 46 Dealers iii trig well known medicines can Taos Suorr Catena,' CIRCULARS, &c., sent them, .'FREE UP EXPENSE, by addressing THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New-York. 13- There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. (Dec 26-1 y al4teiN3, eiozlis an 3 letueilli • •• • H. L. & E. J. ZAH.III R ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the public that they still continue the WATCH, CLOCK r aND JEWEL f RY business at the old stand, North-west Corner of North Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa- A full assortment of goods in our line of busi ness always en hand and for sale at the low, cash rates. 113" Rpairing otteaded to per sonally by the proprietors. lAncaster,, January 1, 1859. PLATED Large and,hne stock .of Plated. ware ' at 41:L. St F. Unit% Corner of North Queen street ar. - Certterlars LascasteT l ,P4. ,Tea i Setta, variOfx,o i free Gobief; Siaad4,:Qiket Balk:ol,:cag gPOP. 3, r q . 1 . 4 , 1 4 P 6 * tiatztrspftos.atmAtritartgai•tUrialkPF4`'s'' . . . .' af.1 1 ,144_,A j• ZAHAPS. Cor: Nartketeen pt. and Centre-Sgps* Low. caiiti4;tli,e Obvpnces 'lntodltatipt and lbodrweititettalbe strEptesented. RVILLTXI93 stfeadedie atmentlsfeeittee.