The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 23, 1864, Image 1

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atn/vtAY DiTTERS,
Prep . cavil by Dr. C. ;I Jankeon;
PhUade/phia, Pa.
SUBSTITUTE FOR :ittflti; , '
Or till Beverage; but it'liighti• eon
ceptrated :Vegetable Extptet, a Pure. Teak . ,
free 'from alcoholic itiptilefit or injurious drugs,
and ii - tll effectually titre
Liver Complaint,.
Dopepsia, and
• Jaundice.
Clhicinic or Nettotto Debility, Disease of the
Xidneys • and.-I.bseases arising •from:a
,:0 i o e d Stomach.. •
reburting — froinidliorders of the 'digestive organs:
ecinstipation,lnWard Fifes, Fu.neas or Blood
to the Head, Acidity of the 'Stomach, blaused,
lidartbbrn ' 'Disgust for Food, Fullness or
weight in the Stomach, sour eructations, sink
qh_A' of ,fluttering or tne Pit of the Stomach,
iwimming of the head, hurried' and difficult
sreltlting, lintleting at Bit' heart, choking or
sl.frOCaripg Sehsurions when in a lying; poSture,'
thing* of vission, dots or webs, before 'the
sigtft; fork and dull pain in The head, della
catty of *per.vpinition, yellowness of the skin
11.1411 eyes, puinin the side, back, chest, limbs,
suilden flushes of heat, burning in the 'flesh ,
atm:aunt imineginings of evil, and great de
pfekSion of spirits.* '
.1 zGood. -Appetite,
~ t 'Ut'ang.: 'Lepers,
Maltby - -Neves,
• ,Ntedily • Nerves,
• ' .874.4 Fedi/Igs;
- • - • Energetic Feelingn'
Healthy Feeeings,
A. Food eintbatutiuk, •
• .A Strong Constitution,
1 treiiitliyw ConStitUtion, .
A Sound Constitution
—Wall. MAKE 911 E WEAK
Will slake. llre - • - -
I.7elicaie 11e81 ty,
Nnul:1• the
Depressed lively,
IViIF ,rauk*4lle
salloW Cutuplexio9
1\ ill aal.•e the bull eye ,
.! Clear awl Might.
11.5 - -Wilpprove ii blegsin i c . "itt-..ev'ely
1.‘ , 11.11 perfect salety by bade
.1r reiiraw, I3IU ov Voting:
lb t.
Mete aru , st.tialy pteparations 'soid under the
oaine orlitters, put tip"tiTqllitrt "thittleg,,con toe, citeupyst
. or cow iiitn
it .V.O to 40 cants per gulltin,
ta.ile t;•il
ys has ea used atut will coo
,:nue to utile:, tis long Zia , the x" gold,
.1. nth fill ? to tied' e &kith Of It Trutt ard.
t*.ir tine-the systetn is kept continually and T
I. he influence- aleblionc , atintu.aotti sot the
%% °rat kind, the desifeolor liquor to create 1 uutl
l.upt , npostal the•result is all du! horrors at
tendant upon a drunkardAs hie and death.
ql IkOkii' -
For thosettlid:ltesire4nd toil/ have a liquor
t.iitera,4o4puinish thillifoltavaing rettaipt
(;et one balk itaafiaq(Cs Ge rman Bitten: and
tta ,witt .(hT (11;1111.1" gigki Whixkcy
will be a preparation
that Win far.. - excel, in inedicitial Ames and
title excellence tiny 'of the titni4roits
buter.s in the Inarket, and will c,sentuch teas:
You will have ail the virtues of Hoofiand's But
tire in 'ant tieetieit with 'a gaud 'article of liqunr
and at a witch fesS price then'tlese 'lnferior
preparations will cost yap.
f: cif •
Those slat:l.:lnm. tam vi abinus,. wasting
away, with scuicely attj.: flesh on their bone,
um cured inp rely slturt tune ;,,ptus Limb , in
such cases,_iti 114 ve .most-satrnrisin g effect.
Ite . stilting"ft'arn Fevers ul:apy:ikiniti—these bit-.
tors will renew your a,tretigttifn a short time.
F V Zit AKU GIJE.—The chills , will, not re
turn ii Bittprs are used. No . person in .a
lever ague „district, Amu dbe without them
F r OIL Revos7.!..Are Won _Monk, D. D., Editor
of tile ~ Encyr opedta of Religious Knowledge.
" 11 "g1tt6.6009.4 0 .d fp fAVor.4k,t4ecrriiiriend
Patent plediFjnes in general, tbrouglislistidst
t , f their , ihgrediefifiiiind , eltitets ;
of no . sun...i nit reasan.v;by a man may nottes
t ify to the benefits he believetihin/self to have
received fiat% any 'simifle•nrefitlritiorq in the
hope that lie spay thus contribute-to the bene
fit of ethers. ~ " •
I da h 4. mow reedily in kegartl to ,ficio fland'i
tierman Bitteakprepared by Dr, C. M.Jackson
because I .44 , 04 p 1'04004. against, them ,for sa
ituipber, of yeArs,.. unds , ;:the,impreseiati that,
tilt.) , were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. 1
indebted to iny„,frlend §hoemaircr, esq.,
for the. reniqxal ; ibis prejudice proper
tests, and for encouragement-to try them, when
sulferingfixtm great ; and long debility. : TO,
use al three bottles of ,these-bitters, the be-,,
thiptsou‘year, was ; followed by
evident telief, and restoration to a degrep , of
bodily and mental yignr, not felt
for six months before x tind,hailalmest dispgir
ed of regaining. I there ore thank .God end,'
my friend for directing , tnejto, , the use arthemt:
, ~,Jaelff,
Philadelphia, June ; 1 - '
A 71.'EN TIM )isr
ANn THE #sl N.D
We call the-attentionofall,having relatiMief
or friends in the army to the fact that 4 Moof .
land's German Birtergwwza:enremine , teettlis ir
of the diseases iiidifeenttbxotistitation....and
posues incident to catirrolife;:tact .the Its&
published almost daily intthir4newspapets;' on=
the arrival of the siel4 , it swill the •notieed 11)0
a very large prbpartion:ake tittiferhignifsaniare - '.
hilif)ram.Every , case of thatlt iiTdttatithexeadi. -:
ly &treaty. Hoolland , a• Getinan "Utters: •• 'We'
have nothesitattnt in gating - that; ifttliese
ters are fretilj: Vied ambrietsue
reds.ofalittavirright..)seistsied tisktotherwiffle
would be lost. •
The proprietors are daildsweeeivisirthstaltfis
letters from sufferers Anqirepriny.and .
tals,who have been testi:avid themsei
of these Bitters, sent to themAsytheir frienttp" ,
Beivate eatinteffeite:Seiatthat the' , sir ,
nature of "C. hivilacksotteiris bn .the-wrapper
of each .w sat t t • *
' o.p 11240,E6q,,t-
Larte size; iltimpisikeTidtt*,l4l l lclieh
Nleffilltir sled/I . :1N fettOttlet 01'1 floie 6 'for"r 4
The .lattOrAisteixidoltdddittiltd IMF quadtiff
the botthls htrld, iiiiiiittiltfte* cheipl.t.
Should VOrlinielreatollltittat:' , dol/lialti
article, 'TddellsftlgiAttAllf tellitlf4TlWititoxP
rßthik OteitiatTh% Awe ihietAKlFtfriintiltA
place, buS aeod to us andetiVel‘allPfdrWlfit
beetlftwtnaalft 44.0 .t:.t.5e0;;..4
• lksit ' egte*lnce , •_. 4, 4,H
. • telt* zor - . 1,11117*..1
lig IC, :titappso,4tor.v
For sale by INAVIVAIl fi di:Mala r irever.f
11113 . 1 Li the UoileilState:r. [may 30-ly
• \*. vC,tl4, .
d 5:l tit
N st \
_ • r
. • - 4! , • 1 14'
. Y •,,. • ".
.;. - I , l#>`•l k .! •
Ifnllryfithtnt pitnnlbattia -`l . ournal ptbeto to Volitics itittraturt ai7ititittitt: IV' of, lbe •pni 'Korai 3ittiliocut kr
taublisbell tbcc,p i 4140ap x ioAni ng,
CujL's kfp Set47lopplez:_SA40 cl,heldw . F.
TERMS, One Dollar a , Veir, ad
vintryinl'if int betriflibi ti it' ¢aid siviiblit;
six months $1.25 will be cliargell, , but' Tiff de , -;1
'Vett Until- till s .impAratiprr of Abe l , year., - .5.4..50
ilatuhirixofi 014.196 8 , 11 , 6(N
lines, or tetieyab'eerits for 'the firtkifibbitibu itta ,
25 centsifpvcacb auhtterfoon.lasotion 4 , ;Prot!
feortiopal.aud BusineopstoB 2 ,2frli f 11.uc i sltiesq t
at $3 per ittnAtil; '„Ngtiecs the reitaing col-'
umns, jittoritits KrarlifigeriltritliDeittlis, r
the dimple annOunidbleritix4EAtbpttfor , asy
additional lines, five cents a line.
X liberal deduction made to yearly and half
Ye 9 4 l 3' 7, 7
J - lavinkr,eceritled utfilsd. a large lot of new„l
Jab and Card .type, tuts, llorders to the
Job Office of "The M
insure, the fine execution.,o all binds of JOl3
frolll,lh2 Amql(es,t,
Card to Ihg largest Poster,,,sa,p,Figps, tq,putt tha
They're stepßinLoti, the friend4,ikno,„ :s
They'regoing otte,hy,,one.;
They're, taking mives, .tatne
Their jovial., days-are-11one r-
I get one•ohier.iny R&M'
To join me in a'aprbe '." . 4
They've all groWnl:tnve ; dOtileAle=ineti,-'
They look tiskittieetit hie! * 3ll `'
1- Itate,,to ee,„,titetn sober'd dobvin--;
khe merry, ttoys,ancl, true-,
1 hate to - hear:them - sneering now
At pietuyes jitney drcw
I care not for their married cheer
ttik;iipariifihira7aVii- soups,
And snidille,aged:ribBtihns!robildt s. - it l l
In formidables•roiiii.;.','
Ahd though ! thelOili perchancepay
A eunielrapft face,
And at the table's tipper end V
toridtid'hefself with grace—;
1 hate the prim te(lo,ye that reigns,
The (within - and;the atateA
I hate to see my frielid grow vain , f== ,
Ut turnithre.i,ti'afilite.
Thin Stout,
0! "give ' ine back . tfie 'days
4Vhen we have.-wander'd free,
And stole .the dew•friiip ever). flouer,
Tire frui t
The i;iieuan T loved,7-they;wili.uot.come.--: ,
Theylvo all deperted me ;
They it at liome 'and
Look stupid; and sip4ea.
1J Joye ! they go , to ltedAitteti,
And lase aptialfr.pastniin;
A nd.seldom do they: now
:+1 pint or so of
They play at whist for sixpences, / 1 --
They ray iaiely dance,
They never read a Word!of thyme? ,
Nor opcit a tolifitnee':'
They toligiitid L'Oiart 2 jOrfaiiifEi;77 :
gf taxes, and of 'crops,;
And very. quietly, with their - wives, '"'
They go ahout to shdps
They get quite •sicitPd an Igrocertes; ,
And leard'd INbutelier L:
And "Itnow'exactly what they]puy
. Fur every thing they ,
Alas! alas! for years gone by,
And forthe . frienda I've 14;4, ,
When no ‘i - artii feeling 9f theAeart
Arai ChilPd by eitily. froth.
If these be - tl
I'd have him shun my, door, _ '
quench his.iorch,and live
Ca, - ,
bachelor. - -
i 73
fleet" Deeply---rudge Wisely.—War,Tes
thence and Famine are looked 'Upon* 'as
the moat 'dire calamitie& to which ho
inanity is subject ; yet there,is „a.
agent "'at work among us,
night and by day, whose *.til7lB
-scarcely less numerous. The
which we.infer is' the "iiicdtreittinnt"oj
disease. That thousands orhuman heings-,
. annually drug tpi95:e ., 57 , 8'191 - i3,410,4,9,r!Ke
drugged to death by
that no one will -have the-tergerity .-to
deny. The queation'ia;tabini ti,his evil
be obviated? Are.tVeLi c e'riolt„ T rireed i iis,in
existence 'hothVe;tent r n ibti'sidre
3 ~I;tit,l
nearly ,e. loteroak .anA,Aaporiiclat
maladies• 'which ofir , tVedieii
amost,:phys thane of our age: Umr s"to'',
have':.orikinkte4o,9..,preparatiertaiio.4liji " ...
at the gerins'Of.(liisiase ilie . ,bloOd
-how stoiCwe .test,. the, ,trutii. ; et this t
elaini?' If we Call for . evideri'Ve; Wei -fi'd; ( l,
the:witikeises. In favor, .of ; iemed tee
that, no man Aim' ni;' I
ber." They areLotall cormtriewand.rates. ,
The the Aitllo4l,ieve
,kniericart:lntnatrai t tlow.lecl4ipen, of our
.6 ‘.ii1 1 .411 1 .1 11 0
64. the 'othze
m 0
or ,; ia t itrom — canting . do.othefte Ariedlanesi
%pir aaib'iAgrfr'ettititV:Vkg'iferne'J.!
4iv e (seebsitthewsuch Hteatialtalrea6lb(f4
1 9 P -6 11 1 10 e ,t1:!!_if al l
,loglca( ! prinlopte::.ll3xetiormeneeizonsues- ,,
aitioiroir rtatititr 000413 a Id 'ear
r".:• 4; 4Y 1 - ) CA
pactitaf 'liktv - wOil(ltetinnat beagltesticrnedtc
.yr „la:i :IA:: .7
-solda,thoparitseltbe%tedi . w reverrthey:,
lculighti) twos.
a staple; Cheseinrwiraihs; wkelldieve the'
reader to 'make his own comments.
. L.
Witt 01111,DRE,,qDTM':01113 reaeon'wly-
thq to-=1
'ken:care xi finF tir the day'of bitth Oar I
areJstat ffedtwittr lad an (I - 6MA adt ,
,physic sioshedc.v ith watetvauffoctilted ih
thot , mouths, steaineatin ~ , bedirticithtia.m Sod
much .fort for tin-doter. fkrinitted to -1
breathe a breath of pure air dares week
in."soottuaitgatalattike,ott,twica. ditiingthe
to; er i nit daylight yAr ElitttPe.:rlate r-
they, are sent otie.withrun elothiug4atFald
on Abe pattCogthe : body, twhiehv niost
:n eedspgoteetionts•Bwrelege, cbares,:airds)
bare necks, girt middle, with an invert-
ecltamttrdllagtthool Feet `the ,- airNah d chill
the4.othiEpttrts.cifi Iyheqfdldy:l4Ailitaid
strong. taw gods out.inia.cold` , 4ayj
glovesriand AVereoatr Wbelett isto6kinks;
l and )th ie d 6,11 b s old d ,bootif. with
between and rubbers over. Thd ,13atile
i d ay a lab oWth rb I dcaril 4 daft t
flesh; Woad, tedhe,ittak , Constitaitibiegos
but with shoes as thin as paper, cottoll ,
MO) unobvdred'tO , !thdPilitietk;
'neck 'bare ' pOstire wiii`oLt
lisn`btd. 6e oursol, lh- - th~tFinothor: out=
iight4i - n& make ;the ;lb valid) foi
iveeloilv :Auld h{trdbo 3 the Mut°. ti(
pH:M(Oot dressi4 h'ith itifay (lira n eq6 n , 'l3l
- to practice. To accustom +law'
tufexpos`urtpir.h ( ithi ii•dozEin'yeitrolttfe'i,
d hal tousidered iiio - mciitghtofoolary
Iro rear childre&thilvfor'hChisi - qlatight#r'
p Pi*apd ehintlay-itgonu7AleLordvistiBb
bad. We dot:dr:thing, thi..Alidiiht3iiiidl
from the presumption that he-littad.:aa:
gen"cyrfti tta.ldelitiriof-4140achildi is` is
< 114 - 'Aicilirippond?t ,.. ortttaScientiAc'
k ; nitirfcaii serf: . '`'ll any
,has n.
tcu tiny" torsi, anii.'wEshes hEm c uie'd
hie)) ,titukt . les tie A ;io9, per n 1 ru,f; •
Irkthat ilaa dd t , %erl,l s P.l'T 41?e , T
eut to tho quantity of his food—suppoy.
lug it topbe,gctod food, sucli.,,ael, oats or
:dora, corn-meal, bay &c 6e MII !II 9st
probably correqt. the evil. Tbis is vary
r; el ~: , .. .I. al , • • . - ,
simple ; it may be.partli,vt . , 1:A41.M ,
, t, „ ,
ip q l : 9,9 paid: cal. .. §iti Rt. pug of facie ip
lether man or beast, are nearly al, l. w.ays,
r e st , liii t t f klii3 ip. t. 11? raising_9( . tb? fee.t. l ;
find iliorse of a certain formation about,
) i ...,..-.. ,1 , , , ...
itpe sboul(l 4 ers&ind ..baunelies Avill fist.
. - , 1.1 4 ......... WIC ~ I
dxfiitiT7tfiia wialiti" strikin g iiik the, in
- a; . 7 I
, der forward per,tipri , cli the. 4201 .
,t , ignttp i t
,t i iiWn'olg'lll;pritii jil tfoeil- joint, Iv' i'c -
,h Etc-,
10 is ?niled'enplti9g" pr '2l.eAritit, , , l 7„
1.: hu;u' tried thecorreciiiin trecoehty
, _. . .
and it has..never failed ;, but the
4wner must not b e content with the
s , rt.
theory ; he must see that his horse ac
; 4 :• A • , 1 ',•`•.• .1,4 9., .44 9914 ,
tnitily gets the f • 1
eed. .4. "cutting'', horse
lis frea ueft,,ri4, tIY cured by ttikink, him
,away 9
, .. 5
from a hvery stable, and feeding hint at
; • 4 • ~1.; 01 1
.hoose. Tots experiment la easily tried.,
4 , 9ct',0...•';" „..11
srgrf Anitltaltacillitly , rdf-title,d au -am
Jiro, 'would Bin edimet,‘ ' , add •brehle.
dpivir, , the , !easy!adilfeffactave , way' On t. o f
-the' diftiuuityt ears - Wig ireg
airlitlnOsoireelenihighl , i fly? isibi4h—Blibr ,
broke,doWn Mad—le arittbacl in 6e '
A crowd gatherfidtitiindflie'r tinildstlitydd
o dotistile 'hire wh tj tin eliaz-'
claim ed:4ii` I till iarilAffit6 legit point() is
'too beautiful; 1t takes away my eidlied9 ' 4
• ,
ft erinji , tbuif drin'Or srtitfiled ,
farther...o 19: 4 • .• 104 '... e
imp - An, lirshilau, , i,u,,d j e.liribAgg4n4ufr
: )!Aa y.,op ghR
,MC gland thra it, aß,.,,itotogAu
141 , giT l i . ! 11 1 ihir. 11 P) B ,r. r . e VA I I
w'aier oceans insiue thal, ye ,droun
,rtfq•—• :1
Ould in ; and,as for §cotlend, ye ‘ ,
ingfi i ,t l s t tic)ki t # ofger,,Nl4l
be able to fidame except it inigfit,
be lx! by Adievn„ell,4;,: a phisk el t ~,,,, •
V lv,s tab rs
.4 ,
'l'he Louisville JouYtial delis ." : If
a rai'ee dB rage - 'aPniitistirtite:"tll4
Ali's substitute is shot whAilattiqinspti'lig'
to treee l rtPWitittliiißthelefearetififs'of - tlie l
prosy,lithig l
,gut letters testamentary." .1,!1,I50
, /14,02 1,- •
LK", V 4F t 3
YfregThi 3 -_R 4 . 0 9-sv.9( 'l4
Russia until Peter thu , ureafoFtopeg r
,with some of the—ilanOverian-ladies on
, hisj6ultdi fO'F'dMOtinya'!' 46 At imo
.44 . 4 id; tthe m einiailriecilb i litg i sUitl'
s.fte'rc ‘ 6 Virluit'tafolia '44 bad
;,bones thVie - GrerVoub' 'Anion
:31:oe J/19s-jJ4kl ) 9,
:iterni both in the spriAgg,tbe,yegrac..ll ;.
in; the maillOd bawl - MT/ter aft the
%tailt l itliteqloAirletiii ' liiite l LID
eV 010 eft! ile ,, f , P"ri 164 t It;,i taw
ciiearter. „ . •
neewseke boa
earl limarkbgettresinpoiSq 80 - cuuogireb
410 ;lamb to saspabhib smilirsiaQatateirmaildet
qs the almost certain way tovibetcmrei
-useless. -----
1 4VherittloaffiesiMiimeatistith4ttr,
torn the hardest beitt,Orika diiveraistez
from the rock.
fit;; a;7
THE GRAYE,—It buries (Neff serkirP
ecivors_ever_y — d;lUT Wlizg7iF hos- e ery
ka/ CAW. I 41411 ft, .-
ithker4 ll l9, l2 tg..TOm 414 dleolGlrat,bck/3 0 m
uPite,) 441 t, le.POPFlOTA9, l l9aticloli
Who can,look,downmPon
4,49..t..49 1 , ski:4lld hilyg ,Nyttrsejl-, ; Nigt,
the o handful of eastli tkat,liesioould
ering,b9tore „hill? ; T i lin i „ fipiktfiAlLing.;a,
man can take - with - 131intoqtro-gruye is,
, 510+11.,, 021
11J 7414 V`.4Ou: Milt: s. 11&
dijoafter , • the fd'aiith fkif
tirnitalais yOufigeion4i)ganiXerfiate-thilled
"atanel bite Ifettile to tOninahislelitittn"•
. 4)r , arposivirat that htni' brie wip`iaiaiineii to
i nt. (Ph rini de it , hetird , ltitit hitt% •
iu 1.5 1 a1 . 4 i 14 -I'6 :Nkrtfi,4ll4 l l 3 aRgAr
"pe,all4,ur ci. x i d thipjt,, zou,ejgh,t,
441 1 PurYrpY.A , .?yt",..
c 144 c' t 9,Y,e ( A ) tittAlkilisc91 1 14491, 1 t. RAO':
ce ! .4l P l Yz 14 , rrd Lin 91
fu"fl;afNkeT/ovla 4 ARO uye ,P
tite ,fellow,calted , tha day after the 317
"e V
. 1 J
ei-j - A lazy boy makes a ilitY
1 . .40.41, i
Jul.A§:al , VI tTlik°,4 i s.9sP iPS #9, PIE rs
i fi%raCkil , 94.,,!.FJes..9. • . •tIY h,9., OPE] DI tcßalk, At,
tir.q, grow ,p,p,,io:. itllsaekp,, tplo, a d,itlimpAt
' ' 4 3 aVi it; 6 P ilfLl9 9 .1.117 1 gq.PRP At Rult)q Ci AP: cke‘: . '
dame a inan,4ltriess4te-heits , fortene left 1
""ivii? a4i i j'irnto Vefr 4ieitdis'Ffie 1
„r . eat m es_ f e p l it , n t eve , Pp aup erpTn.a •
eru ..f.
n T •
ktealii iki , l t d eat? 't l 6 l iilhteili4 l ere 13i - Rd.:
! itriliti% dig' t Sip l i ti 4 ineWe Pti! ' Vika 3 ' who,
t bas-,
ionstitute theilleSd Etatt,of th6tt!dom
. itionit.f.,4..thosbistho..., niali , e oar egreatiati'd
q l sefal me. W—were tauditt,i to' 'bre: itid,tistri.4
, 'Ottet::,..J! . lia ~, i 4..11 izi 7!:••,- ., ;..1 , : , " 4 , 3 .I
11 , .* SNP 1 .'r s .r.t lt-7•;—•,:
sir,3P ...'
i ligr • . come stir tile avi, ,. sale
'atildraiiii!" *l .' : ''' ''''' l ''''''' .1'•1":' 3 i‘' ' l
"Wiftlt saucer?' '" ' .
alVit3 l ', ilia' hew,' ''err l'iliii "o,"ti'boi:
,ri d. w .ii, d. ;, .--..i , .3. i......1*]
Y "1 berrolki'VO. l " 4 ° Wl. 2 ' , f :4111 - C -, i'
.r."..Y.W.. 1. 0U.e.X. , ...... , ...... •
'' t'Sdriityontditittsiti-üb:OrrdiVelL'Eur gdiO,
. , .
l ei.r.?!,:. :.•.:3 i:E.q.: Z. i :, •ilf, lint , r, ti 1 `-' 11. -, - )ilr;'l ,, ,q.
t 43 0 , 4)13 1 ,4 Dever saw iyout litt‘reett" v ;41'
4Buttlou.ediditthrt 3 -tifekb•- , th'e4itM - 1
sip,uniivi.,osittil.:;l: , ,'_ , ~,,- '...Y V.' iii'2 , ,l lz.:
10hi! y otia Want the , stitv !"%.
far Au appruniice one-day—after din-
li f et itertifdlyfit iip sis ' ak ,
ttira - d toked'ifillOwati frii
s.}mWit!'invitt`Odr dd.*: About sixpence,
said's - his ingstis'i! "-Vre'lfftliefi';"‘ l skid
.and drawing out some co eiii., 2 •Ztifei.e's'
three ork adeln'ee' 7
ei 164 . fei, in •crokiAsixathininn' a,
.. 4 'f 4 i4l 4 . ;
imr among other quest
' 44,, a
ionsf'Wh'el.'ci he 'was on'a' particular, dg.,
ittri4l3 l
• ft , z ,
to friends." '• 4 egik the
dowreF;' , "o"vot , tbieves;=3llyetiliplioSe ty81?
!! '''ENhvy
the ci , ittnes; h t foiltfley " a' e'bothF lawyers'
, its 41,4
'Fr+ Ir iiaya 1 140 Le l l 4 , . 0 1 1 ,1 A scout,
gr: nl i'lutOlik ( ! s tt c .l f ) ( 7:e2rKilarle,i3itEhlAP4At ,
aihouse occupied only by an old wopan,
old lady-A-said-bite-leader, ':what
t •
are ".14;','''s'a i rd "44 4 '6: Arlikt
tbet?" "Biptist, said sna, promptiy, f.
„ i,trid
,izat.. „ •
I V. 1 .4 At 4 **,
, t 1 .112 jiir7 agreed ?" asked'
e a
judge — of a court Fitt 3*A
e r w t ,4 11 ,', 1 51he,
:upon the wit 4 bueliet in" his*
liand„...:Vtir--"`“ '44 ;x
is, . Patrick "they
ttl• -zp,e,-)
v .,, e ... air?e ,, d,t? send replied 44 ut fdreh il d
olir Water that flows from tt-Ispringt
does no,tfrc.ezerin"tte — toldOSt - winter,
.17 44
And those sentiments of true friOdshin
pr INt
W4ich flow frog' the heart cannot, :be
4 " ,
.iy- t.
igirMWthat has C Open' Vidshieb ?"
said-a Jadge ,, to thprison-ervatfitheobirr.ii
"Wthyo yotchon'orc Limadotoi be a-doh
. I
A.lst—now lam az linegilis 3than 11 - I part
''AirLl'fre betrtib4d , FOß , efTliglOgt"‘ttre'
''"ly' ilatstAllarii i Nflis'inittiiiiiW'tfie 'd6 t»
i l
' 4 6 s tfilitgliegiVag ea h (Alf , *hi% %e l
,E 1 rgiitid bbiladltbfaValiad liiTfesiCti:
v . . ~=: _ lt -: ... - ,:tiwe- -1 :' -:-..'''. ~ . :, k ..
"See here, mister,"
la of seven strarrnersrwtro-was-treed by
a dCig, cfcieltista3 ,
.Werii!" . 14 41
3 /P i g r k r 9 lt '' '3 f .4 h r: R I P ac i tla ,4
j k l ePliN° OfttaPpi,tjakerfiVi?Fi,
'lt lisot# ,13,94 0 •Vil ,Fp49.0,9.p .- %Rh o'FRIPAPrs,
' 6 oviti-Mi41814 sti raw ; "PA 11
“, r , •t,
E l t • nu
There are lcii , irs 4 ,4sf on,
shanOltidesinitall .Itegaoidans
04) MA3 men* -anyi.onevagreaslAvithlotienr. ,l
Ito :
1 , 6
1.04,?-•Vi i ii l AVait ia ttl't lY inr ll si
a nal: on,t r h t p,pitagni s ahk
'a eke
to leave his "oelLitother-aa,orphan.”
aiff Wf.9 I
IlkiteXteXlM 008400)4ff 074444.11,
Alin en absent 'ininded!tam,ltuttag roftl
his hat while it is on his head.
3 A. .!44 '
El a
4 4 .. 1 .; ,Itti
aaia: 9F VV OAKS.— W ititarn M.
1.4.; Ift to trti .
wiiit.4 l ,pkic i . j " -a Yet bays aOl3, &Biased
° -
of 'the - Prti4grole . 'lgri"
:SPt. t ,V T. Y 1:91143 AO ..‘1! 1
purchasqrs, we utioecatand, compose Et ,
ediriplitif; the
pfcrmitieri't' sntin%eis'O r t 411 c are . ,J:ay
(.I:ObEec'Thiiiiiiig" 4 2o'.efeitt",, and hTartiu
two'huridred aid tweottfiyo thousand
aoua4 s *helnp.w company,!in.additiion
impDvipg a thq ppisosa,worits,•iu ten di
to, j:3ild a j iayipmclauplao,tory l ot, , 7
I ri?9,Lau 41g,1 ; riki 'ter-the ,
4k l P...l lB otssifqle*Mic.§l§t7l;incl.grev.erby:,
udi'11F94..449P . Alen
1 i ste„ soß,Lqg 14,y0 o,y f of, fkap4. 4 .11 IJ
; 7 tcra
1 ,4 410 k co?nls
that Ge b Val b dee% Biith 4
ae r tA Clef hiEdi6bili;l3lli
ruiltWit"iBi, whiehAlisles
he . reafi'er . isbb:"'Elitivd to the '.state
• I ffip othr c oif
tiiair'v , iktFl2Bl, t s t 4,;e:if iice‘q7iiii' of
27/,`6ols"ell'ea' "
• u,a rT c s ß .Y
brßUlfi the' Yeber Pit
routes, will insure the capture 'of that
tii \,9 A "t'v,
itia-,ll`te rstaue dath Ttife: 116 n 11 1 6
row Ikta to 11,41 , 6' 1 linti .6'ean i ted
by-Mtisd Stebbini;
i ktel Tan d
C &slim ati7A correeriohdent sityr"i trin
aye arti c (TWO ti , 'aitil w 5 i d'd
14 oil or' tot 'anYt stiilptbrr: Tile Lenient ` sta
is jdift[4l4 o 64 it& intb Mime'
Agn'eT i nAp ap 4 rsil th ti t ttli i eta tub
offMiavll'oinneiVin an efair."
, 1 .1,4 f astA • e, e ‘
; Ri g e i • WFT•PF9 , it'59q r °g t° , 4 " / J C VLI
°DIY' 1 8°11 , , Igt• iad v ° 14?A b( N ,t !s•
.and r t uk away. Since she pas
ti r ,..SA .J 0
:been engaged in piirellinglof,likrj„
44. 65hi0 -
renrcriiiis;.l atetit pieringto'ittixiotisl9
/A het , vteet; itft.f 1 19114f4 anal mislay'
ee. faietytruiii oiref'4l, ALIO; I Whllh`l
upon Obe'lnatki, 6d 4Eww/
tat 10;44
sir C. Wer.rell okhat.j.ll r started-3
;from, R l loms t MIN 4.. Y: - ,6ttb of ' . 1 ;4 b 'slay!,
tqlP glqatii l 4l42.4agmalls6'
ti Jo , 1b9,14.54 1
,While eproute for Ciocinnb.tti a fellow
pass e n ger.0a414341.4148*-at-teation.-to the
fact ; Wit he i was :to - Sing. bauk.noteefffedi
tbealegswftlristparr# leans,lat d:h )iuvds=t
'tigatd tot. kitemiLed lloss Of* 11011 1 41ille
Itoneytbatts3l39,4ltepliotifoxmcif Mel tAbar
i tiattio'gogivent ;mfg. nedtith Rctehu
l'ef ter, !hut conid,doti fi Intuit* o AMP
w4l osvi,t hits stiw!blow..t
ing,a.b t o itt•A dap o fo re - 4 he.tsti rtatii. .01
The Husband of a buxeui wife
ja“ ar i ixelVrf hok w hle d t :tad:ll;se 4 y .
and at len th ' t_beolelgymen of
I t fie tpe dab? rn ak el °Via, daily.ifiettpit
found: XII* disco nsolateiwi4
gi lag ben aecorrn t ,o ‘,llLea- ( httsr,
'bpi/11180 as tem aro zh her qteort
tear.iroan.l,kepti:gerizep ingrtinckgroAtningi
t- cou 14 no .p "A ti last, l 3rsit isai4l;; ,l
~mcotiectosi abut.. I a:ma:cot:ma dav
~ple.ceot te;pe,iin, :Ith,11; drayeer i t band4iosilti
itooki vela - tigitt4 all J. could
TropAti, ;big rannk,:alll , thintalstoPP.o4 Ihi.B . 1
; pose with. 419 .5r 4,4 al t o ! and ug t erd and:
i,por dear, be-wen4.effolike-e-tambry
'gir 4 , -;% 9Plll4 , ll44PcPllll.t:9reciteid P:.
the:Reln 3 PT9C Re9ll.l`i IJl . *.idatiNgiik
4 4'1 1 RoalqA ?4,1,iN t 1 01 4 .9f9 , .4,9, 0 1t.! in) ::0 94
' ad, t Lckfi ki iCii. 1 2 igli# Ale ikkg9is..ll4l l 4.
.fol9)„in,g l is it.tle r igs eripAon . ,:n 7 ,i 4 Swe q ;
'o; VAPTYfimqtrlteng,4, l 4tvitEine—PßAnt
4.TivIAXIO!I§3II, of akialV kak-F4 and
:-..4:6ll,P4iA ! l, , ,ice,,,„J)j,Tl` L oibtit,4th t of t ,kkay,„
11437 )+Mr•tinc4i* P I.'s-) ,ELtel94! j% 4, 3 / 49 c
eIS, peaeeable.and-quietpra-Fpienii-to his
fa ttiVi 'add II Oft 6 ili - in "s IletiPeeekrl4 alik
sv . ; ha - 7 1i he Pi liiti ' OM' ;•*€;. nli: id 'Tha' iriyild'
idieiiilliCYriss Vari4, 114reir',':4r134ilf goillOw'
an'dbiideptrieis rtil'inor - 0' '4 4 "'.
'-' 4 itif,L,4fi ioAeLl§rg# ,, ivfirY* , flPo3;o tsltur;
i fidlteft, B4 .4 43B lllYhiPA/Poti.ignlYEfattf lliitig,nl.7.
vei . Yr.fthii;klYtkAtf TE*954.44 ifi 9,64tIFeTY,
lender, iuicosan'tl.ftneflavar24.64lerefose•
it dill be well for you to plant sun flow-,
1.4r4 in some-eartgrouilik for
!,thils , p l .l l,-.l p d s e r ,:) f') iiel.l 1 , 4•1 1 '.- 1, .".
' C.'
til' l 3 . ~ 4-44 44, , It
1, :' '. lir 3 A. Atia t t l LIN 1p g; 1401SNI rt. 1141.3144 °ltl
~ . T11.:. Atr i r i alipllgimA i b7,..sityLuqe ' 4 :441
l ' he en i tY iiflev,o:s v °PWr t ?flA t ?k4R°6
- sense, ;' tiezoVATereqo i 9;qt , ik °, l l PliNil
it, is nnt kiei i r RrivilegoOtht s , qig,,inqr,,,,
21... k 0 , •10 t ii •
.' i . . i 3 , /
' °l . ," :, Y rs A INcts,s9.c*:YfA k 9lo4sizqcp:l l l , l2-
ii)Att nature suffers tricp a ßeb o t h iye i #l o ,, ~
Is 1 711 --,,---- , rit. Wtg- gi Ash e
~ - (4-, % Yr:4W , t! , ?...1). ~,... o it , .
hall ..4%4PikreilAgyori;SiNedVAttif
l' I •Am, - to t iorjr .
,: ' p 1
OM! IV in %is b liiitiaiii
410," replied S al ly, you are too,it i ßp e .!
to burn."
+ r..
Mi 3
QL. ..10.-A0 . ..: 38.
... .
f':,•You.,Foitoor,/ktn."—kA good joke is
t01d,41 t,tiq expenee ofione of our church
;going citizenS,•say.s . tha Indiana Jour
nal,•;who is.therfatler an • interesting '
„family-of thildren;arbong them a bright
eyed boy numbering four - orr five sum
iners, -the of the household, -and
unanimously voted the drollest little mis
'chief-alive. On Saturday night ha had
been 'bribed to keep peace and retire to
lbe.d,atramhour eaidier•than usual, with.
,tho sprocsitfe .on„ • the, morrow he •
Insightgoovithdhafatoily to church; On •
iSenday m,arning.dt, -Was .found inconve- •
!nieutto-pat thalyoungster•throngh the
iwashingAnd dressing necessary <to -,hia
'appearance at.sthe4 sanctuaryff and the',
)family• alipped .bitn.%,'ilhey ,svere n0t,,.,
• howeyer, eomfortably. , seated -in their
I:pew whenlin walked:the'—youngster with.-
-aothiag,oulut • ainight,wrapper and a
tdloth cape.. -‘:Yot forgot me," he said, .•
•in - ,a,,torke laudi3endugh to be heard albd
lover:the chnrctr.i The "feelings" of the
:parents4 can) befi,more 'easily imagined
that described. ;*4. , .• • •
far; IVer otdegiapii i ht
I W. a ßeybei s .r,bo l teltites b ip ~ C4RI- j ovs,
renentiy o lifto,
Dtw6i4tEa neigh t t efinpriSed,
' sbeft t .aroi .beljougepabee.l,ett.alhed“of
I,B2ll : :pouedet. This is 240,pouuds more
celebrated Dr., Wiedwhip ,
liftod o o,nti j, 4C OP ftlikh.ed'ritit9Pltiut,
usopiehpplAr 7 otrow3frpthekgpiptrAtoo,
I-tor distributing the weight.—.F redopias
Censor. -
„ 4 .
A StPii° l. six Ten ,
r e ss. , :riVci . hi.,
atrested ,in
.4Foyire ,
Merritoyy,, locbangi N g Te .,,n w r i/ ai ipnst to
'''dbUh! 14 )3 #A E ,l l l 4 fitß se, i;-
(6re j . ftg,A to dlsPFM4cirtie / 4 3 ?-iw.Y.thal
)11'w hadu t t stoleq t p,f;HpAspoiwepted,
N.'4 lo l'.&` l , 4 .° ;40
him up, he would soy "IT'ood bye, boy.s.
lout I dontt—k.noss-nuthing..,abbut—y our
'Ap t ' on'ecy!'t frhel finally-be'danilsoobnuinied•
ihavhe sPtilio:tbeAruth, imittieb him go,
u m heli el In adoac oh) i nttoribil , ho , party
finds iii 4 t- plane:2 •
aal - •
stoty 4,1,t914Lqf ftn enterprising
u lillbSiPX-titwP , ;7l9 fin
sOlie body of a man hanging to . a lamp
post one night,...flca• hiu4imu:44 lBr ,jii t d
zone .-db*.ft4nd:earried
tbe,x-to pildAterthihiiistiviiilkona publish
ing flMtPa t s, l ibrit t eifals ), lsiihilsillf-iisidicteds.
for murder.
• Cr A. letter ficim Matamoras says
tkat the planters' 'exas,,. hive lately,
had the half of 'their wagons and teams
seized by the order of.Magiudsr. They ,
were paid for ip Confederate paper at
such p. rate as would got supply even the
iron used in their construction., They ,
have kpen 'drsTitiraketl. this and
other matters;_ and in CAmseqnsuice have
Platqed no cotteuuncliin)yCprs,inookh ,
to'pteduce bread tor r titeruselveS, 'their
faMiliei, an d' lives: .Co - nfedera,te Poier -a
When passikat in TeXaS, and it
bas lOng ceased . to be current in the
valferof tVe`Rio'CriCode, goes
~ot Orse_
cents per liollar
A mp adiat iiir-i.ttyvvitpotionyttosmzs
)01?, Mercer; isas perhaps , been 'more ten: •
ldralbrcuitiVated , for iseveral- years past - '
thitm; any Orlie,rltind. the year 1792
a *family i.byf the. name 'of tilillry 'citrrye •
,:fronythelcbunty*Derny,,,in• Ireland, and
,settled in•••YiTestmbro3ono•courity, Penn= •
I s'ylvania.• •: - I - mNiovarcrtanTl49)7, tw&mam-
. n erd :of • this. !tannin! reTnavestl to= Id Otter' •
, s coanty,Renn4•lvania. *•Tti 1801 or:1802
e Johnler Hkrplatite a a ipmatity potatoL l •l
t(or seeds;) ^froth red; bitte,w
white;ttilnil other* Wit t itqi• :Fr - omit:llo.n
.potattobsTrod dee& froiti 4hise` balls, Mr. '
,fiill!rselOctedttlia Variety alcaire naiad& ''
ga - Artemus 13 4tril,steppeqAtI-43N,n- . • f
worth and.aL
t.,ouisi,„aroLlectured-on his
Arverz - "apthiliitigshis
in tthw farmer place, the printers •gave
higewstiPpei; w,heteat Were:late a speech , '
in I%6th:tilt aslrielitheodaeasiem-worth'Bul
at,in says - - ss"ln - 4',t&Arierhus' blues
W,ith !the , -Bed.Arani - • air& Alfa liable - de-
Taunt of-hiinself with-a sasrving) ifer
beeohandeanll aidemijahn-in lithe , other,
1 16 wastrunaninioutly certecteit ra 'Rinses*
in $
artyri with = all] the= iightar peivileg4s,
ae t
d , emaluafentsitlieretintwbelotiging or
anymishotpliestaitsiagoL *, • •
John.. P -wellAnoan
`' t h Ntp,spllndAclaini agontop4l
AlTaphington,:fonncl guilq af t the offence
/ tf tp34l,lg4,l6Ploty,g l a ,p.g or ,sol d le; fer
eqiifigtiliVir;k,back ;pay line him, _has ,
eeII, is ciWifie4 3)Y s B ?cretkrYnatik4PQß
`frog' agtigg,,,,tiAtil , tgrnguycir.-Agqcrt. 0,41 1 5 r;
l'.buaia,ass,,ip ,, 4 l kelkW!lr , DeVe!PnWitt4;Ana'^
forhAdigi,o,ven ,t,o.,eutar „the
4.hepkin I ipiparifit s tlw.ReprApp,nt. has
LIJP9n -1- 1 41P'1' tP„ %Om , him
Aurge and pay the soldier back,