The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 16, 1864, Image 1

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Bitter Wine of Iron.
Bitter Wine of lion.
Bitter Wine of Iron.
The Great Tonic
The Great Tonic
The Great Tonic
The Great Tonic
For. Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
For Dyspepsia and indigestion.
Fur weak Stomachs and General Debility.
Fur weak stomachs and General Dsbility.
Fur weak stomachs and General
For weak stomachs and General Debility.
Reliable and sure to do good,
Reliable and sure to do good,
Reliable and sure to du good,
sumto do good,
And cannot do Harm.
And cannot do Harm.
And cannot do Harm.
And cannot do Harm.
It costs but little and purifies the blood,
it costs but hale and purities the blood,
It costs but little and purifies the blood,
It costs but little and purities the blood,
e now only ask a Trial
We now only ask a Trial
We now only ask a Trial
We now only ask a Trial
or this valuable Tonic.
01 this valuable Tome.
01 this valuable Tonic.
Of this valuable Tonic.
Only e and One Dollar per Bottle.
• Only 7i . ic sind $1 per Bottle.
, Only 75e and $1 per bottle
Only 7."ic and $1 per lioqle.
kantofachi td Aide,ly by Si. A.IiL • XJ:EL lit o
No. 118 Mailict-st.,
gone genuine without their signature.
Fui rule I > !: i. I EAN NI CO., Markt:l.-st.,
Nlaricitu, :12,1AL:table' Druggists
thloiighout iiit euti Il'y ( .v
mi ,„ ; • SUPPLEE & BRO.,
1 0 N » E it S
And General Machini4s, Second street
Below Unign, Columbia, ('a.
They are prepared to make all kinds . of Iron
Cablisigs for 'dm anti blast Furnaces,
l'wes, tor .;:teuni, Water and Gas ; C,iluton6,
Frunti , , Celiac riuurs, Weights, Sc., tor Buil
dings, and cai tit gm oi every description ;
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shutting . tind
p.utie..., min Tupb, Dies, Ainentnery
in; Alining Lind ; lieultligis,
:7,lesta t bucatl4uuhr', I.tiblicillors, Oil PpCks,
Nitl‘es fur Stettin., and Vintei ;
Lj,gb WEI uric!) ; Flues,
Stackb, Ntiti,, V milt JJuors,
rrint, tong experience in huilding machinery w,
Motes oursek twat at , can give geleral
faction to those w ho shay favor us with the ii
urdrt's. i ttepau am promptly attended to.
Ordt•rs maul above,wii I meet
with prudiplo , u:,ei,t Prices to suit the timcs.
ColumLin, Octobt r 20, iSt,II.
.14 IT
Of Colwana, Lancaster Cou , o,,Penna.
NVliole amount insured, 82,604,43;3 68
umonnt ui Premium Notes, :2,5:3,931 46
111. Cush Premiums..
Juntittry I.
Itee'tits tit premiums,
less Agt's Cotnuai6s•
',nib in 1863,
Leceipl6, fur Assess:nchis
less Ats
iu 1863,
,2,12') 31
9;2.'32 33
liis,ses and expeabespaid
Nil. of Pre:mi.:oi, Jan. 1,
3,744 17
A. S. GItEF.N, PIIE,II/kril ;
KO a b: YOUNG, J r., err etury.
/Wert T. Ryon, John V. Steamy,.
John Fenclrich, 11.
Some. E. Rom kin, Michael S. Shuman,
Michael S. .Nh ninon, S. C. Sloyntaker,
Gemnge Young, Jr., Nicledas Mc Donald
Ddmund :Tem g, Antos S. Green.
or the use of Mee
milts, Druggists
lid all business and
rofessionable men
ho wish to do their
wn printing, neat
/ and cheaply. A
lapted to the print
ig f
1111eatia, Circulars,
Labels, Cards and Small Newspapers. Full
instructions accompany each office enabling a
boy ten years old to we] k them
Circulars sent free. Specimen sheets of Type,
Cuts, Stc., 6 cents. Address,
31 Park Row, N. Y., and 55 Linceln-st.,
Boston, Mass. 26 1r
Dyspepsia Consumption, Liver Complaint,
Diarrhea, Piles, &c., and all
Female Oomplaints.
Da. W. will send his Theory of Chronic Dis
eases, for 6 cents, to pre-pay postage.
Symptom lists for any disease, forwarded.
iCt" Medicines forwarded to any post office
in the United States Post Office Box, 3092.
St Louis, Ai4 dst 1, 1863.-Iy.
Opposite the Cross Keys Hotel,
11111 E undersigned would rospectfully inform
the.,public that ho still continues, at the
of stadd, corner of Second and Walnut streets,
directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep
on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from
Half Spanish up, in prie.e3 from 96, $7 $2O to
$BO per thousand. TaaACCO.—Natural Leaf,
Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con
gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun
Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An
derson's tiest Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci
gars manpfactured of imported stock. SiXES
HALF li r trirsit. Rappee Snuff and all kinds
Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs,
Fnie-ou!tes 3 Cigar Tubes, 4.e. [ jan. 30,'58
DU Y one of those beautiful S 0 F Tit
11 HATS at Car 1 L'S, 92 Market-at.
()I - Ijt l o ll: aTitt-'-ian
jn ( jubtiftithent`,Vettitqlbauia !, I s,ourital : ptinit6 toValitics, Yittratttrt, "Agriculture, Balls of fly pall, oca( 4ntelligtrat,
Prepdred by Dr. a M Jackson,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Or an Intoxicating Beverage, but a highly con
centrated Vegetable Extract, a ruse Tonic,
fiee from alcoholic stimulent or injurious drugs,
and will effectually cure
Liner Complaint,
Dyspepsia ; and
Jaundice. '
Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the
Kidneys, and Disease' arising from a
Disordeied Stomach..
resulting from disolders of the digestive organs:
Constipation, Inward Piles, FuMess or Blood
to the Heed, Acidity of the Stoniach, Nausea,
Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or
weight in the Stomach, sour eructations, sink
(pig or fluttering of the Pit of the Stomach,
itvimming of the Bead, hurried and difficult
breathing, fluttering at tht heart, choking or
solideating sensations when in a lying posture,
dimness of vission, dots or webs before the
sight, lever and dull pain in the head, defici of perspiration, yellowness of the skin
and eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, limbs,
&c., sudden flushes of heal, burning in the flesh,
constant immsginings of evil, and great de
pression of spirits.
A Good Appetite,
ei es,r
Jteudy er yes, . .
ilr tak Feelings,
bneigetic Feelings,
heuithy Feoutgs,
A Good Constitution,
A Strong -Constitution,
A Healthy Constitution,
A Sound Contitution
WILL 111116 e the
make the
Will make the
niche the
Sallow Complexion Clear,
Will make the Dull eye
Clear and Blight.
Kill prove a blessing in eNely
Can ,be used }with peacct stale
or Feitude, Ulu ur Yuung.
I t'l: CI ; 1,,+ It NOTICE.
'liiete arc :1 any:preparations soid under the
nathe of hilti is, put up in quart bottles, coins
pouhded it the cheapest Vs hiskey or common
Ruin, costing, flout :M to 90 cents:.per gallon,
he taste disguised by Anise or Coriander seed.
This Mae, of huscausrd and will coo
.inue to cause, as :tor.g 113 they can lie sOld,
.tandreds id die tie death ut a drunkard. liy
their use the system is kept continually and r
the influence of alcoholic at the
worst kind, the desire tor liquor is created and
kept tip, and the result is all the . horrors ~ .tr
tendant upon a drtinkard's hie and death. Be
ware of Mem.
For those who-desire and , tvill have a -liquor
bitters, we publish the following - receipt :
Get one bottle Gogflund's German Bitters and
mix with three quarts', of good PVhiskey. or
Brandy, and the lesult will be a preparation
that wiil far excel in medicinal virtues and
true excellence: any of the numerous ligtior
bitters in the market; and mil/ c , st much te a s•.
You will have all the virtues of lloofiand's
tors in connection with. a good articio of liquor
and at a much less price . Well these inferior
preparations will cost you.
DELicATE culuntEs.
SI3,SS7 73
Those suffering (thin marezzl73US,' wasting
away, with scarcely aid" flemli'on their boneii
are cured in a very sl,uit Writ.; one bott . in
such eases, will most zurptisini: effect.
1.1141L1 rY,
Resulting from Fevers of any 'iiind-tliese
lets kill renew'your strengta M a short time.
$13 0 ,857 79
FEVER AND Anne.--The ceilia will nut re
turn if these Bitters ure used. No person in a
fever and ague district should be wiihUut them
From Rev. J. Newton lirown, 1). D., Editor
of the EncyclopediaOf Religious Knowledge.
Although not Ciaposed to favor or recommend
Patent Medicines in gennral, through diAlubt
f their ingtedientS and effects; 1 yet know
of no suttici •ut reason why a man may not tes
tify to the benefits he hefieves himaeit to have
received from any simple preparation, in the,
hope that he may thus cOuilitnite to the bene,-
fit of others.
I do this more readily in regard to Hoofland'S
German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. I, Jackson
because I was prejudiced 'agiiinat them fair
number of years, under the Impression that
they were chiefly au alcoholic: mixture. lam
indebted to my friend itob't Shoemaker, esq.,
for the removal of this prejudice by proper
tests, and for encouragement to try them, when
suffering from great and long debility. The
use of three bottles of these bitters, at the be
ginning of the present year, was followed by
evident relief, and restoration 'to a degree - of
bodily and mental vigor which 1 had not felt
for six months before, and had altboat dispair
ed of regaining:. I therefore thank God and
my friend for directing me to the use of them.
J. NEwrorr BROWN.
Philadelphia, June 23, 1512..
We call the attention of all having relations
or friends in the army to the fact that'"
land's German Bitters" will cure nine-tenths
of the diseases induced by privation and ex ,
posues incident to camp life. In the lists
published almost daily in the newspapers, on
the_arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that
a very large proportion are suffering front de
bility. Every case of that kind cau be readi
ly cured by Iloofland's German Bitters. Me
hate no hesitation in stating that, if these bit
ters are freely used among our soldiers, triml
reds of lives might be saved that otherwise
would be lost.
The proprietors are daily receiving thankful
letters from sufferers in the army and hospi
tals,who have been restored to health by the use
of these Bitters, sent to them by their friends:
Beware of counterfeits 1 . the that the sig
nature of "C. M. Jackson," is,on the wrapper
of each bottle.
Large Size, $1:00 per bottle, or 1 . 1 dozen for $5.
Medium size, 75c per bottle, or dozen for $4
The larger size, on account of the quantity
the bottles hold, are much the cheaper.
Should your nearest druggist not have the
article, do not be put oil by any of the intoxi
cating preparations that may be offered in its
place, but send to us, and we will forward,
securely packed, by express.
Principal Office and Manufactory,
(Successors to C. M. Jackson - Br. C 0.,) .
For sale by Druggists and,Dealers in every
)wn in the United states. [may 30..1y
VWI I ist btu Safari) ap San rn lug
OFFICE: ?. City LL's Row, Front Street, five
doors below Flery's Hotel.
TERMS, One Dollar a year, payable in ad
vance, and if subscriptior a be hot paid within
six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de
layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50
will be charged.
lines, or less) 50 cents for the first amertion and
25 cents fix each subseqbent insertion. Pro 7
fessional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per alinum. Notices in the reading col
umns,firc cents u-line. iNlarriage.s and Deaths,
the'simple announcdnient, Fria ; for any
additional lines, five cents a line,
A liberal deduction made to yearly and half
yearly advertisers.
[laving recentled added a large lot of new
Job and Card type, Cut 3, Borders, &c., to the
Job Office of " The Mariettian," which will
insure the fine execution of all kinds of JOB &
CARD PRIN,TING, from the , smallest
Card to the largest Poster, at prices to suit the
War times.
"thin Stuut,
er. There. is a German family in f.l a
lena, who in daily conversation lase the
Englishlanguaga. But the'mother teach
es her children the. same G'terinan pray_
ers she used to repoat in her childhood
away back.: on , the , banks .of the river
Rhine. One night. as little Earnest, a
precocious chap of some four 'summers;
was quietly going through his evening
deVotions, he suddenly electrified and
astonished his mother by exclaiming;---
"Ma, why do we always talk Yankee and
pray German? Is God a Dutchman?"
oar A. very talkative little girl used
often to annoy her mother by making
remarks about the visitors that came to
the house. On one occasion, a gentle
man was expected whose nose bad been
accidentally flattened nearly to his face.
The mother cautioned her child particu
larly to say nothing about this feature.
Imagine her consternation when the
little one exclaimed "Ma, you told me
not to say anything about Mr. Smith's
nose. Wby, he hasn't got any."
ito - A lady friend of ours was in Chi
cago the other day, and was asked by
her cousin how she liked the Balmoral
stocking. "Oh, very well," was the re
ply, "Well, I don't," said the cousin,
nor will I wear them either; I'll be"
hanged if I'll make 'a barber's pole of
my leg for the sake of being fashion-
• fir Torn," said a grocer to his
apprentice, "you have been apprenticed•
now thred months, and have seen the ,
several departments of our trade. I wish
to give you a•• choice of occupation.."
'Thank' eo, sir." " Well, now, what part
of the business do you like best?" PShig
tin' up, sir."
,on:the annals of my r race,
In characters of flame,
Which Time shall dim not nor erase,
I'll stamp my deathless name.
Ti m rue which on my vitals preys,
And inlysrnouldering lies, . •
Siiii;l flash out, a meteor's blaze,
And stream along "the skies.
Chafedias•the Angry ocean's-swell,.My soul within me boils,
Like a chained monarch in his cell,
Ur lion in the toils: •
Ty wealth, to pride, to lofty state,
No more I'll bend the knee,
But fortune's minions, meauly great,
Shull crouch like slaves to me.
The God' which fOrzned'nee for command,
And gave me strength to rise,
Shall plant his sceptre in my hand,,
His eyes;
Shatlorith the thorny crown of famei,
My aching temples bind,
And name INC iya mighty name,
ek Monarch of the Mind."'
Me 'leaven's aright gaiaxy Oak greet .
King! by celestial, choice!.
And Earth's ten thousand tongues repeat
The thunders otiny voice..
Sting in her turn, the Itert.leas fair,
Who proudly"now . ,
Shall weep to see some other: share
,The Godhead of my brow;
Shall, weep to see some loveliest star,
Snatched to my soul's embrace,
Ascfid nae Fame's fiery car,
And spup. the bounds
T Sour:ding praises swell thy
Aid flattery smooth thy test,
Griet yet mu Y pierce 'the' triple mail
Of that 'tinteeliUi brSast.
Tune,.oh my .soul t thy loftiest strainL—
Exultywith 'song and glee r '
For Scorn !lath snapped each earthlier chain
And set the Imnaortat free.
Minds destined to a glorious shape
Must first affliction feel;
Wine issues from the trodden gripe
iron's blistered into steel.
So gushes from_ &Tedious bruised,,,
Ambition's purple tide;
And. steadfast unkindlymsed,
ilardens to stubborn Pride
Story of a Pin
Many years ago, a lady in Paris was
going outto walk the gay streets of the
city, to see the new and beautiful goods
hanging so tempting in the windows,
and yerhaps to buy a few trifles. When
all ready to go ~..out, she noticed that
some part of her dress seemed to hang
awry, and so she snatched a pin from its
paPer and thrust it in her dress. The
poor pin felt that he was lost and almost
smothered fur the first hodr, but after a
while, he began to work his way out, so
that his head was in sight.
"Now," says he, "I can see it all. I
have nothing to do but to ride through
these streets and see all; the beautiful
things, and enjoy myself."
Pretty soon the lady met some gen
tlemen, and they took of their hats and
bowed very low.,
"Ah !" says, the little pin, "was not
all that to me? I'm sure they looked
directly at me when they bowed ! My
bead is bright, and perhaps they thought
me a cosily diamond! Who knows ?"
And then the pin began to thrust his
head tip higher, and to look about with
an air orgreat satisfaction. 'lt seemed
to him'that.all the people hadcome' out
in their best clothes and in their car
riages for him to look at, and that he
was the most important thing in all
Paris. He felt that his mistress was
walking out for his sake, and had placed
him up near her neck so that everybody
could 'see him. Poor pin 1 He had
much to learn. ..
BY-and=by, as the lady was walking
through a street on which•none but the
rich lived, the pin thought he would
stretch up his-head high enough to peep
into the window, when he lost his bal
ance ,and . He cried with a very
tiny, jingling, tinkling sound as his head
struck the sidewalk.. He lay still, ex
pecting that alt the passers weuld stop
and,gqze at him, and
,especially that his
mistress would miss him and come back
after him. But she passed on, and all
the - rest'passed on, and nobody stopped.
Presently a heavy foOt trod on
Then another,and another, and at length
the foot ef a dirty beggar trod on him !
"0," cried. he, have I come to this?
Alas I Lind I was nothing, am nothing
poor, useless, despised, forgotten
pin !! No human eye, will ever look on
me again. I must, rpst , and perish be
tween the ; bricks of this sidewalk !"
Just then a youug man came out 0.1
one of those rich houses. Ho had gone
in to sea if the rich bithlier who lived
there, could not give him employment
as a clerk. The banker said "No, I
have 'now more clerks than I really
need." The young man was disiiiipoiitt
ed, and as' he came out, he paused a Mo.
inent,And then saw the little pin lying
on the sidewalk. So he stooped down
and picked it up and stuck it on his
sleeve. Careful, saving young man !
Many : would ,have _despised thee
saving : a pia.! But; it was, the .making
of thee!
The ~rich; banker was looking out of
his w:i,n'Alow and, saw him pick up and,
savu the piu,
-That yeunff man," said he to him
self, "will make a careful, prudent man
of business. I will have him."
So he sent for the young man and
took him into his employ. Eventually
the young man became a partner, and
then at the head of the bank, and event
ually one of the very richest and great
est men in France. "
When the little pin learned how much
good he had - 'done, he was very glad ;
but he had the good' sense to see that
it was - divine Providence and not be,
who had ,done all this. It was not be•
cause he was great or bright or could
make his voice heard, but because God
can make a pin teach, and the welfare
of a man for life may turn upon the mere
picking up of h pin 1 . He was thorough
ly humbled, and all his descendants
since, have been willing to be stuck and,
thrust. everywhere,—just , as willing to
hold the, ,rags over the shoulder of a
beggar, as the rich cashmere shawl, on a
princess. Who can tell on how small ,a;
thing great interest may turn? They
seem small to us, but with Him, there
is nothing S'inalr and nothing great. A
pin and a kingdom are alike, mere no
kir Duping a marriage ceremony the
brifje was sobbing immoderately while
the knot wag being tied. ','What, is the
matter, my ,yeting,woman?" Asked the
official. ",oh, sir," replied ihe bride, "it's
bee'aUse it's for ever!" "NO,nd,''''rejoined
the parson, "that's—a, gitit!iriistake; it's
dot fortiVer; death ptitk an ends to thwen
gagenient.-" oia.tiearing, this the' 'bride.
dried , rei.ttiarii, and siaeconsoledt
A SWEAR/NG CAR.—Communications
published in religious journals are gea r
erally on the "dry-as-sticks" order; but one in current number of the
Presbyterian, under the title of "A Swe
aring Car" that forms a happy exception
to the ruler In it the writer' suggests
that iu our day the traveller has almost
every comfort—that we have in our
rail-way trains a comfortable bed for
those who would sleep at night, and the
cooling fountain for those who would
slake their thirst; that one who wishes
can smoke, while another, to whom it is
offensive, can be free from the fumes of
the weed; but that, at this day, we are
greatly in need of one thing more—vid-
elicit, a car assigned to swearers; that if
such a rule were adopted, half the cars
in a train might, possibly be required;
that in fact it might be well to devote
one or two whole trains a day to this
particular purpose, as we now have a
milk train and market train on some
roads; that drunkards, might with pro
piety also be included in the drinking
trains, as drunkards generally swear;
that,although the writer is not a Cath
olic, he became a convert to the belief
in a purgatory on a recent trip from
York to Baltimore, from the incessant
profanity to which his car was subjected
and that, too, in great part, after jest
having escaped death almost miraculou
sly in a collision on the road; that such
a car should at ohce be put on all the
trains, with the specific notice posted,
"No swearing in this car," "Swearing
positively prohibited," or something to
that effect; and that the rule be strictly
enforced, even 'to the expulsion from the
train, if need be,ofthose who violate it.
amusing incident is 'related of a woman
in England, whose husband, a wealthy
man, died suddenly without leaving any
Will.- The widow, desirous of securing
the whole property, concealed her hus
band's death,tiad persuaded a poor shoe
maker to take his place'vibile• a will
codld be made. - Accordingly' he was
closely muffled up in bed as if very sick,
and a lawyer -was called to write the
will. The shoemaker in a feeble voice
bequeathed half of all the property to
the widow. "What shall be done with
the remainder?" asked the lawyer.—
"The remainder," replied he, "I give and
bequeath to the poor little shoemaker
across the street, who has always been a
good neighbor and a deserving man ;"
thus securing a rich bequest for himself.
The widow was thunderstruck with the
man's audacious cunning, but did not
dare expose the fraud ; and so too
rogues shared the estate.
A gentlemen who has tried the plan suc
cessfully for five years, communicates:the
annexed method of preventing horse
from chafing under the collar. He says
he 'gets a piece of leather and has what
he terms a false collar made, which is
simply a piece . of leather cat in such a
shape as to lie snugly between the shoul
ders of , the horse and the collar. This
fends off all the friction, as the collar
slips and moves on` the leather, and trot
on the shoulders of the horse. Chafing
is caused by the "friction:hence you see
the thing is entirely plausible. Some
pit Pads or sheepskin andel. the Collar,
but these do as Much hurt as good, for
they augment tlie heat. A single piece
of leather like that cemposing the out
side of a collar, is sufficient.
FRIED POTATOES. - How very few
cooks,to fry. potatoes. There
is nothing so easy to get and yet so pal
atable for breakfast, with a thick, tend
der beaf-steak, or a mutton chop fizzing
from the gridiron. To fry raw potatoes
properly, they should be pared, cut
length-wise into slices an inch in thickness
dropped into a pan over the fire, contain
ing hot beef drippings, turned frequent
ly, nicely browned all over but never
burned- Addition of a littl'e salt and
pepper, while in the pan, and a little
dour dredged over them, is an improve
munt.-4So says some anonymous bat
sensible cook.]
ow I clasped her tiny hand in mine;
I embraced her beauteous form; I vow
ed to shield her from the wind, and
from the world's cold storm. She set her
beatiteons'eyes on me; the tears did
wildly flow, and with her little lips she
said, "Oonfoubd you, let me go."
glir A. ministe r having walked. through
a village church-yard, and obseyved
the iudiscriminate praises bestowed up
on the dead,.wrote on the gatepost, the
following line: 7 --"Here He the - dead., and
hare ; the. living lie,"
VOL. 10.---NO. 37.
GOING IVITII rue GIRI.S.—The entrance
into society may be said to take place im
mediatelyafter boyhood has passed away
yet a multitude take their initiative be
fore their beards are presentable. It is a
great trial either for a tender or a riper
age.. For an over-grown boy to go to a
door, knowing well that there are a doz
en girls inside, and knock or ring, with
an absolute certainty that in a few mo
ments all eyes will be upon him, is a se
vere' test of courage. To go before these
girls and make a tour of the room with
out steppieg on'their toes, and sit down
and dispose of his hands without putting
them in his Pockets, is an achievement
which few boys can boast. If a boy can
go so far as to measure off ten yards of
tape with one of the girls, and cut it off
at each end he may stand a chance to
pass a pleasant evening. Let him not
flatter himself that the trials of the eve
ning are over. Then comes the breakkg
up. The dear girls don their hoodsand put
on their shawli, and look saucy and mis
chievous, so uuimpressible and indepen
dent, as if they did not wish anybody to
go home with them. Then comes the
pinch and the boy who has got the most
pluck goes up to the prettiest girl in the
room, with his tongue clinging to the
roof of his mouth, and , crooking out his
elbow, stammers out the words, "shall
I see you home ?" She touches her fin
ger to his arm, and they walk home, feel
ing as awkward as two goslings.
SusNext:ff.—The use of surnames was
net general in England till after the
Reformation. Washington's ancestors
settled first at Herbert, and the in.di
viduals were known as John de Herbert,
that is John of Herbert, Thomas de
Herbert, &c. Afterward one branch of
the family moved to Wessington, when
they were known as "of Wessington,"
Or de Wessington," and this became
corrupted into the family name of Wash
inaton. So late as the beginningof the
18th century some families of Yorkshire
had no fixed surnames. Even at this
day it is said that few of the miners of
Staffordshire bear their fathers' names,
but are only known by some sobriquet.
Nicknames are in general use, and a man
whose real name is Peter Jones may be
known to his neighbors, and even to his
wife and children, only as "Soaker,"
"Nosey," "Lumper," or some similar
Respecting the finger nails the
Jewish rabbinical doctors entertained
some singular notions. It was their
belief that, antecedent to the fall,
the bodied of our first parents were per
fectly transparent, and that of these lu-
Cid envelopes of the soul, the nails are
the sole surviving remains. The great
divine, Origen, it is known, was posses
sed by a belief somewhat similar ; and
held that, in the first instance, Adam and
Eve . were,corpereally, beings of radiant
light, and that the coats of skin after
wards bestowed on them, we re no other
than the habiliments of flesh, muscle, and
-- 4 ' 4 muddy iestureof decay"—in which
we, their descendants, present ourselves
at the present day. In the nails, how
ever, unlike the Talmndists, Origen does
not recognize the rags of man's better
ar One evening a clergyman gave
out the hymn which was in a measure
rather tiarder than usual, and the deacon
led off. Upon its conclusion, the minis
ter rose and said, "Brother B— will
please repeat his hymn, as I cannot pray
after such singing." The deacon very
composedly pitched into another tune,
and the clergyman proceeded with his
prayer. Having finished, he took up
the book- to give the second hymn, when
he was interrupted by the deacon grave
ly getting up and saying in a voice audi
ble to the whole congregation : "Will
Mr. 0— please make another prayer ?
It would be impossible for me to sing
after such praying as that."
eir An old gentleman of great expe.
rienee says be is never satisfied that a
lady understands a kiss unless he has it
from her own month. •
ca. Dr. Franklin used to say that rich
widows are the only pieces of second
hand goods that sell at prime cost.
eir A terrible warning to the unmar
ried :—Several bachelors were found last
winter frozen to death in their beds.
Cr Solders sometimes profess to be
spoiling for a fight, but, if they fight and
get killed, they spoil faster than ever.
gar What is a ram ? Aas.—A ram
ie an animal whose butt is on' the wrong