The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, March 26, 1864, Image 2

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    the Matiettian.
P. L...a.ker, Editor.
SATURDAY, MARCH 26,1184,''
The 46th, 50th, and 93d Pennsyl
varii;t RekimnoteitrertioN in quarters at
Tlarrisbirg. The 45th, 46th,', 50th, and
55th were. rottewed on,the rith instant
by Generals Burnside and Hancock, in
company with Gov. Curtin. The 46th
and 50th Regiments are under orders to
go to'Annapolis. The 93d, now filled .
, rank and file, is, under, for
limper's Ferny. The 55th, Colonpl R.
-White; - ' arrived at Nei York' on lion
dayfrom Hartiaburi'and were waning
tradeptirtiti6n46 Unix. old field 'dr 'linty, •
Biltun , Hiadi • •
i,e4",l4Blll9ant„,Ul3nerld-fITIt., las
issued an, order from .Sagliville, Tenn.,
fornally,assiimingoomiland of,, the ar
mies* of ilielJnited States. His Head
Quarters will be in the field, and until
ibliberlirdera . ,..witi the army of the
tomaq, frothattach it is to be inferred
that he will - coddled& in person.tbe lat
ter army. The pTestifire of Gen. Grant,
added to the recent reinforcements,' will
make that gallantaimy invincible. If
Richtneid billet absolutely impregnable
it will.hci'takDit tlie'next attempt.' "
ikr Hereafter deserters from the re
bel mpg, and-coming, within orir
are not to be.cgromitted to prison if they
prove tobe bona. fide, deserters, but will
be dismissed.upon taking the oath of al
leglanc.e, fuini4ted with transpOrtation
to theNiirih, or employed in the various
fortifications. Within the past Week
mime 'three rdi?utaur hundred poisoners
have'liben"releise'd'from the old
tol, and bent to Philadellihia . and New
ER. Franklin Bache, the oldest
grApAisin of . Benjamin , Franklin, and a
distinguished member of the, Medical
profession, died at his residence in Phila
delPhia on Saturday afternoon after a
short illness. Dr. Bache was born,in
Philadelphia on the 25th of October,
1702,'ind was the Oldest son of the old
est grandchild. of Benjamin Franklin.:---
Heleaves one daughter and fonr sons,
three :of whom -are in , the Government
or The Washinpon correspondent
of the . New York. Times states that a
letter j bas been received from General
G'rant's artily, ming that nine-tenths of
the tiddlers are in favor of Mr. Lincoln's
re-election, and 'will vote for him if they
have the oPportunitY. On the 22d'of
Febritaiy" 'voles were taken 'in several
brigades and divisions, and out of nearly
13;000 lidlots 'polled 'only 582 were cast
against him.
fir Mr. Scwayd,. in 1856, venturod to
predict that slavery would disappear
froni this Continent, and that , the men
of this generation would live 'to see it.
`Phe 0411'80 miry excited attention at
tire' flit° on account of its apparent. im
probability ; =but it , now' beirig.real
izedWith every assuraiice
completely fulfilled within ten years
from the time his words fell•on ,the ears
of au unwilling people.
ti^The Legislature of the State of
WienOnsin 'has ordered the Governor's
message` io be printed in English, Ger
man,. Norwegian, 'lrish, Welsh, Dutch,
PreiCh and Bohemian, for the benefit
f.f thii roPresented
among the citizens of the State. The
men who'worked on the tower of Babel
spoor to have emigrated to the Badger
State'in a body.
Isuac contined at. Carlisle
barraclts, and under sentence to be shot
for ,kusfrtion Itnd piloting the rebels in
theiris,pt raid into this State, was un
condio.9ballyi pardoned ; by the President
on the 10th inst. The pardon was pro
cncuski Shrctigk i the exertions of Mr.
Ebaugh and - other gentlemen of. YOrk
county, who it is said, procured evidence
of the man's insanity, and through the
assistance .of 'Han. aoseph
lif."lhit Pennsylvania R. R. C. have
issued 'large' placards in which they warn
all -Orating. to procure -tickets-before en
tering .the cars. . 'Con'ductors nrsOre
gnirad to charge •passengers- i neglecti F
to do so an excess. Under 30 milei . lo'
cant l e. Between :30 and .80 miles /5
cents. Between 80 and 150 miles 50
cents: Over 150 miles . 1.00.#
arThe. reorgatlizstion of the Army
of the Potoniao, now in progress, redu
ces'ilid, ritioiber df eirrps , to 111.614=41e
lsi and 3d tieing libiorbedl into' rthii'ltd,
othiAlidi6o--to be ccimnistided` reipect
ivory* *jdi;General Hancock,' Wir:
red, Aid& Sidgidck. This '• will make
Lbree very strong corps. • r
Tho 11,outktyiEgi kaa gassed : both
• cf,lfie,taislature and now, only
e pigtature .of the ciroAeroot: to
alii:. ~1
ear The death of Sir William Brown,
the senior of the old and eminent bank
ing firms of Brown; Shipley Sr Co., of
Liverpool,. and Brown, Brothers & Co.,
of New York, and Brown & Bowen, of
Philactelphia, at the 'ripe age of 81 years,
is atinetinced in England. Sir William'
was an able and successful merchant, for
many years a useful Member of Parlia
ment for Lancashire, and always a
staunch and influential friend in England
of the United States and their Govern
ment. He was a native of the i!NTorth of
Ireland, botn . befere the emigration of
his father, Alexander Brown, of Balti
more, to this country. The present
brothers are now James Brown,-of New
York, and John A. Brown, of Pliiladel
'phia. The first named succeeds to the
titles and estate, whichlattet is said' te"
be about seyen , million Pounds sterling.
Sir William Brown generously gave a
halt raillion,of , ,dollarrfor tthe , 'establish
ment of a library for the :working men
of Liverpool..: . '
sir The Vsllandigham ;family enter
tain festingi of admiration„ not to say
love, for the.angro, race in,,general,,the
female sex in particular, that!is.incredi
ble., The race,has furnishsd the stock
in trade and the speech-inspiring theme
of the Ohio martyr for . a number of
years. ,But the younger members out
strip him in their affections, for the
"down-Arodden African.'? Perley, Val
landigham, "a youth to fortune and.ito
fame unknow,n," but nevertheless arneph
ew of the great Ohio , martyr, is, married
to and lives with a. negro woman, in this
city. Ills brother, living on, the oppo
site side of the river, is also married to
a negress.--Mnscatine,Journa/.
ear The Washington Repubhcan `of
Monday says -It is knewU that Con:
nectieue and 'Thiliana, through their
Representatives, have 'protested against
the deeision of the Provost Marshel
General that the drift ander the present
call should be enforced'in districts which
had'not filled their quotas 'althefigh,the
State might have done so.
The matter 'Was referred by the Secre 7
till , ' - Of War to Mr. Solicitor Whiting
for itikifseieent. We learn that the
opiniob of the Solicitor will reverse the
decision of the Pret'ost Mayshal Gener
al, and that therefore no draft will take
place in, States which have filled their
NW A day or two > before the, adjourn
ment of the Maryland Legislature, a
proposition .was introduced to tax
bachelors above,2s years of age not legs.
than •$2O a head per, annum, because,the
war is destructive of the male popula-:
Lion, while the number, of females is
greatly, in excess to that of the opposite
sex, and it is the duty of every lover of
his country to:promote by every:means,
the elements that constitute her strength
—said tax to be applied to the support,
and education,of the children of Mary
land soldiers slain in battle: The pro
position was amended by doubling the
tax upon bachelors over 45 years of age.
or General Sigel, who has just as
sumed command of the Department of
West Virginia, had a narrow eicape
from capture by the rebels a few days
since. While in Martinsburg he rode
.outside his picket lines for some rea
son, and just at that moment a force of
two hundred rebels rode between the.
General and hie lines. Had they known
of hie presence they could have captured
hill' With ease.
• was .denied, some time since,.
that Atrj. Douglas was officiating as 'a
cleilt in the Treasury Department. The
Washington cotrespondent of the Wis
codsin says, however, •that "passing
through- the Treasury Department the:
other day; I met Pars..•Stepben A. Dou
glas, who is filling the duties of a twelve
hundred dollar clerkship in that depart
ment." •
or Governor Smith, of ithode Island/
saw a culprit fleeing from an officer the
other day; jollied' in the chase, caught
the rascafjuit as he was getting 'over a
fence, dellieied him up to the officer,
and then proceeded to his duties at the
State House as ifnotbing bad happened.
sar Labor is so scarce in Missouri
that gond farms are offered;. in eligible
locations, at five dollars, ten dollars,
andsfiiteen dollars an acre, their owners
being glad to Aispose,of property which
they cannot' make available at almost
any Oise.
er General Grant is expected short
ly take active command of the Army
of the Potomac, thus followingthe prac
tical eample set by Napoleon-atone
time with his army in Italy, and
,at an
other with his tirnifi:Gerreeni.*
Letters fromiEurope repoit that
alit kimicof -nobility are to be conferred
by Maximilian on'the Secessionists, who
in large numbers will attend him from
Paris to Mexico. Dr. °win is to be a
Intellwence - from Strawberry
PlSies is to 'the afoot that the rebels
are' in lime force at Bell's 'gap, and
,that there is a 'general belief that they
intend to 'make n'andAnn Move' into
er, Ad vices, from the = Army of, the
Potomac say that. great preparations
are being made for a •grand review by
Lieut. Greu,'Graot.
General News Hems.
Anierps, Georgia, te.lierfeenr prOon.
ere are 4tt7 be kept,.is said to be a biaittly
and'pleasant place, in a fertile region,
an, its mhatiitants voted against Seces
sion by 400 majority.
James Buchanan will never appreci
ate the merits of "Ayer's Pills." In
Dr. Ayers Almanac for the present
year, in the column of "taiscellaneons
events," the following "scrap of history"
fciund : "Traitor Buchinan, hem
April 21st, 1791."
Charlotte Cushman, since her return
toßome, her alopted home, has been
continuing her efforts, so liberally :and
efficiently commenced in her native land,
Commission. ,
The rebel Bragg is a brother-ip-law of
Jefferson Davis, which . accounts for his
tbsition. ...Hu "that proiidetli "not for
his ownlionsehold i 8 worse than an.fnfi
del." 'Davis is doting' on eciiptu'ral au
thority. - •
'Gem Sdott has nearly . completed hie
autobiography, tracing bis,persoual L is
tory downward from the earliest._ period
to the latest public seta of his eminently
useful life.
Joshua Marsh, a venerable citizen of
Uniontown, died in that borough a few
clays since; from•tbe effects of that mys
terious disease to which .so many. of
those stopping at the National Botel,
at the time.of Buchanan's inauguration,
kave fallen victims. • •
'The Whisky; Bill, as it has 'at length
passed both 'Rouses of Congress, places
a tax of'sixty'bints On all spirits to, be
manufacturedtidil the Prat of July, and
for'the'l,iitia 'the i r - 44er; `entuie legisla
tion inriat provide: A tax of forty cents
on foreign' lignors " is, however, added:;
but therelano tax of the stuck. 011 . hand
of dotnestic
•••. •
Some of the oldest-established.banks
in the ;Atkantip.eities,••which have in
years past ,rnal!zed, „large:, profits from
Government ,bnsi . noss,, t ore, quite, indig
riantAliqqlbe creation of theaew Na
t.jopal Banks, and are waging a petty
9sarfarn.,u44n ,th,em„ by ."throwing,aut"
their til9te.B.riP4.c.hfkcks uPPObenis
• Tbe'eciinruittee'or Ways arid 'Means
in the House, at' Harrisburg, hive
agreed to increase the salaries of the
judges of • the coatis, and hove also de
cided to recommend':; increasing the pay
of members of ihe Legislature to $l,OOO
per session,, ,
The charge agaiinit General MCClel
lan, to ,tbe:etraet Chat:he - had a secret '
interview the night .after the 13attle of
Antietim, boa turned out to be - wholly
without foundation.
The work of raising and removing the
remains of our brave soldier dead who
fell at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge,
and Lookout, and interring them in, the
"Chattanooga linited States Cemetery,',
has commenced,
The Hon. Charles Gilpin; ex-Mayor
of the old citrof•PbiladelPhia,taS been
appointed U. S. District Attoiney-for
the Eastern District of ibis State; in
place of George A. Coffee, deceased.
Eight tons of greenbacks Were ,car
ried over the New Jersey Railroad to
Washington one day last week. The
money is said to be the collections of
different.internal revenue officers.
Jeff. Davis has issued a proclamation
recommending Friday, the Stb April, to
be obsiirved as a day of humiliation,
fasting and prayer.
President ,Lincoln was unaninionsly
renominated by a rousing meetings,of
loyal Mississippians, held, at Vicksburg,
a,-few , days ago.
The Knights of the Golden Circle are
said to be again active - in Illinois' and
Indiana, and to control the Copperhead
organization's in those'States. `
The commission .appointed . ; by, „tile
Preiddent to inquire into, the eircam
gauges of the battle of, Chickamauga,
have exonerated den:Rosecrans,
The quota of Rhode Island has been
announced by the Governor as full,
eluding even .the last call for troops.
Chief Justice Taney, of tbe 11. S. Su.
preme Court, celebrated his 87th birth
day on Thiirsday'
LOngStreet is
army,.agmaptailed by Gen. Itgelper, is.
at Ball's Gap.
An Act has been read in the House
Siring the standaid weight ao;•hOsh43lof
oats at thirty-two-pounds: 1
Verrooct his a 'surplus of three thou
Baba men over her quota ii,nder all calls
for troops.
Lebanon county has filled her quota
under the-late.eall ifor men, and is Amid
Thillidelrilifiehtiir sent ) off its fotirth
: 1
The invasion of Pennsylvania coiethe
State $118,871,16.
-Mayen hundred officers in •• %six,
rooms ;:in'Libby.Eriaon.;
"Old A be" TettlBl3B any more .ot ins
autographsor photographs.
• . • r
The King of , Bavaria is at, the , point
of.death. "1
ecuted twenty dollar Treasury note has
made, its , apiearanne. It is fac simile of
the genuine, and but that the green on
the face is a little yale, it would be dif
ficult to distinguish it from the genuine
note. ,The signature of Mr. Skinner,
which looks as though it was proof
against being counterfeited, is very well
imitated, and scarcely distinguishable
from the original. Upon a good judge,
it would of course be folly to attempt
passing one of these notes, but they
might easily be taken by persons not
used to handling money, and, for this
reason, the public should be on their
guardiagainst them.
Among the inscriptions on the
thmbittones, in the rebel graveyard at
Bealton Station, Virginia, is the follow
ing : "A. coward, 9th Regiment Louisi
anna Volunteers, died Dec. 4, 1863."
' ogir Mrs: White, of Alabama, sister
of Mts. Lincoln, has reached Selma,
having smuggled through a rebel uni
form, the buttons of which were of gold,
worth $40,000.
Geneial goseerans has said that
the soldier of the United States, what
ever be his color,.should have the privi
leges of a citizen,
lip The Toronto Globe is disposed to
credit the rumor that Queen Victoria
intends to abdicate the throne in favor
of the Prince of Wales.
Or The Sanitary fairs teEefltly held
at Chicago, Boston, Cincinnati, Albany
Brooklyn.. Cleveland, and Buffalo, have
realized over one million dollars.
Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters
is one of . the greatest strengthening prepara
tions extant. • It is especially adapted to those
who are afflicted with the fever and ague, or
any other disease arising from a disordered
condition of the digestive organs. For the fe
ver and ague there is perhaps no medicine in
the world equal to it, as it enters, purifies and
replenishes the blood, which is so important to
bring about healthy action in diseases of this
nature. The. Bitters are now among the most
popular, and at the same time, valuable speci
fics in the medicine world. In recommending
it to the public,we are fully conscious of do
ing them a great service, knowing, as We do,
their many excellent qualities, and sure and
speedy action in all cases where the disease is
caused by irregularity of the digestive organs.
A. trial will suffice for the most skeptical.
See advertisement. FOr sale by Druggists
and dealers generally, everywhere. Pm
DR. TOBLAS' Venetian Liniment :—A
certain cure for pains in limbs and back, sore
throats, croup, rheumatism, colic, &C. A per
fect family medicine, and never fails.
Read! Read!! Read!!!
Livonia ) Wayne co., Midi.,
June 6, 1859._
This is to certify that my wife was taken with
Quinsev sore throat; it commenced to swell
and waa so•sore that she could not swallow
and coughed violently. I used yOur Lini
ment and made a perfect cure in one week.
I firmly believe that but forth.: liniment she
would have lost her life. John 11. Harlan.
Price 25c and 50c a bottle. Sold by all drug
gists. Office, No. 56 Courtlandt street, tv.' Y.,
Cr Fear at an end ! No one is now deter
ed from changing the Whisker or Moustache
from red, or grey, or sandy, to a rich black or
tiraiiin by a feu of injuring oi : staining the skin.
is harmless 'as water, mild as new milk• and
true to nature, in the magnificient colors it
Crtstadoro's Hair Preservative, is invaluable
with his Dye, as it imparts the utmost softness
and the most beautiful gloss and great vitality
to the hair. Manufactured by J. CarsrADORO,
No. G Astor House, New-York. Sold every
whdre, and applied by all HairHresSers.
Price $l, $1:50, and $3 per box; According
to size. [M-no. 6.
IC3 — Eye and Ear : Prof. 7. Isaacs, M. 1).
Oculist and A urist, formerly of Leyden, Hol
land, is located at No. 511 Piue-st., Philadel-
Phil; Where persons afflicted with diseases of
the Eye or Ear will be' scientifically treated
and: cured, if eatable. Artificial Eyes insert
ed without pail). No charges made for exam
ination The medical faculty is invited, as
he has no secrets in his mode of treatment.
11 - 3. Do you wish to be cured? Dr. Buchan l s
English Specific Pills cure, in less than 30 days,
the worst eases of Nervousness, Impotency,
Premature Decay, Seminal. Weahmess,.lnsan
ity, and all Tridary, Sexual and •Nefcoua af
fectioPs, nn matter from what cause Produced.
Price, $1 per box. Sent,' post paid, by mail,
thereceiPt of an order. Address, `-`
Janus S. Buller, Station-D,
Bible House, New-York
137%, , a110w two or throe hogsheads of "Bn
clitt,",,gp'oziic Ditto's," "Sarsaparilla," "Ner
voile Antidotes;" &c , &c., &c., and after you
are satisfied with the result, then try one box'cif
Old Doctor Buchan's English Specific Tills
health 'and vjgor ; in doss
than,thirty days., They are purely vegetable,
pleasant to, take, prompt asd salutary in their
effects on the broken- down and shattered.con
stitution. Old and yourg, can take , them with
a,dvanta , ge,,, imported and sold in the United
Staies oniv by Titstis Et;
Staiion ID; Bible House, New-yerk,
• Genentl Agent.
P. S. A box sent to anyaddress on'receipt
of :prie'e--Which is $1:00 post free.
Use no Other! BUCHMOS Specific'Pills
are the only reliable riniedy for all diseases of
the Seminai, Urinary and Neryous Systems.
Try one'boic; and . bitirred. One'Dollar a box.
One hi* will perfect' a cure, or money. refund
ed'. -Sent'by onseceipt of price.
•-• , BUTLER,
' Station V, Bible House, New-York,
general Agent.
lje'Lliatition; ° antryiansi!-4Voltidteera, ieho
expictto zetahl,their health mnitnpaired"
#Pglite - cMoP,aigrt, mlitt"e to tt4epaseOres3
do not trust to the Artny Surgeons, supply
yourselves with . Holloway's Pill's and Oka
anent. Every-English soldier's knupsuck
tains. they', :Only . 30 cents per box or pot:
0:4 - ga - f?
TIABULEI"I - E. This Fertilizer is composed
ot night soil and the fertilizing elements of
urine combined, chemically and mechanically
with other valuable fertilizing agents and ab
It is reduced to a pulverized condition, rea
dy for immediate use, and without loss of its
highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties.
Its universal application to all crops and
soils, and its durability and active qualities,
are well known to be all that agriculturists
can disire. PRICE $25 PER ToN. _ . .
H EMICAL COMPOST. This Fertilizer
Js largely composed of animal matter,
such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and
wool, together with chemicals and inorganic
fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and re
-Min the nitrogenous elements. It is thorough
ly impregnated with urine, and the thinner
poi lions of night soil.
It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops
generally, and especially fur potatoes, and
garden purposes.
Its excellent qualities, strength and cheap
ness, have made it very popular with all who
have used it. Price, $l5 PER Tow.
highly phosphatic fertilizer, and is par
ticuluzly adapted .for the cUltivation of trees,
fruits, lawns and flowers: It will promote a
very vigorous and healthy groWth of wood and
fruit, and largely increase the !inutility and
perfect the maturity of the fruit. Fur hot
house and household plants and flowers,; it
will be found au indispensable• article to se
cure their. greatest perfection, It mRI prevent
and cure diseased condition's of toe peach* and
grape; tind is excellent for gins§ and
.-The formula or method -of combining its
constituent fertilizing ing - redients have re
ceived the highest approval of eminent chem
ists and scientific agriculturists. Price, $5O
11.0§PliATE OF LIM The Agricultu-
E 'rat Chemical Company manufacture a
PrioSphitte of Liinc in accordance with. a new
and valuable formula, by which a Very supe
rior article is produced, so far auto be afforded
at a less price than other,lnanulticturers charge.
Practical tests have proved that.its value, as a
fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of
Lime in the market. Price s‘ls Pklt 111 N.
[l:3' . TERMS CASM.—Cartage and Freight to
be paid by the Purchaser.
A (-anal Wharf; on the Delaware.
Office, 4131; Arch tit., Philade phiu, Pa.
R. B. Flcrs, General Agent:
The Company's Phamphiet Ciieuisr, em
bracing lull directions for using the above
Fertilizers, sent by mail free, when requested.
czak i SUPPLER & BRO.,
- ~,
And General Machinists, Second street
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
.They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, 87. c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description ;
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shaftingand
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings,
Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks,
Valves for Steam, Gas, and ,Water ; Brass Fit
tings in an their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, bte.
From long experience in building machinery wi
flatter ourselves that we can give geleral satis
faction to those who may favor'uS with their
orders. - itßepairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above will meet
with promptattention. Prices to suit the times.
Columbia. October 20. IS6O. 14 tf
Having reroued t. 7 the Rooms formerly uccupie.
by Dr. .!wentzel, adjoining Spangler Pat
terion'i Storcalliirket .Street, where he is now
prepared to waiton all NV lin may feel
finu ' d = disposed to patronize him.
_Dentistry in all :ts brunches car
tied oh. 1 En!rn inserted on the most approve 6
principles of 'Dental sciemte. Ail operations
on the mouth performed ii: a skillful and
workmanlike manner—on fair principles and
Having - determined upon a periniinent loca
tion at this rilso, would ask a continuation
of the lit ' l'onage' heretofore extended
to him, To: "he will redder every possi
ble so :Hon.
iCj' Ether administered to proper perm ns
"pH E subscriber offers his st.r.ices to the
1 citizens of Marietta and vicinity, in
He has kindly beeri permitted to refer to
Juries Duffy, esq., S. S. Nagle, esti.,
James Mehatfey, esq., S. P. Eagle &. Co.,
G. W. Mehaffey, esq., S. & B fliestand.
Can be found at all times at his 'dwelling op
posite John W. Clark's residehee. on Mar
ket street, - or at George W. Mehaffey's Saw
Mill, at the Upper Station.
Marietta, Oct. 31, 1563-1 y•
Pointer, Glazier, and Paper Ranger.
OULD most respectfully inform the cit
! izens of Marietta and the public gener
ally that he is prepared to do
Rouse Painting,
China Glossing,
Paper Hanging,
At very short notice and at Rrices to suit the
times. lie can be found at his motnees resi
dence on the corner of Chesnut and Seconl
streets, a few doors below the M. E. Church,
and immediately opposite the old Oberlin
Coach Works. [Aug. 3-Iy.
Boot" and Shoe Manufacturer,
Would most respectfully inform the citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood that he has
the largest assortment of City, made work in
his line of business in this Borough, and, be
ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER
himself,is enablea to select with more iudgment
than those who are not. He continues to man
ujadure in the very best manner everything
in the , BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he
will warrant for neatness and good fit.
-Call and examine his stock before m
itt/sing elsewhere.
aiJAtebes eloelivanD letoe
H. L. Sc E. J. ZAHM
ES PECTFULLY inform their
• Z. ` ,friends and the public that they
Cry• still continue the WATCH, CLOCK
a ND JEWELRY business at the old
• -• • stand; North-west , Corner of North'
Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster,Ps.'
A full assortment of goods in out line of busi
ness always en hand and for sale-at-the lowest
cash rates. 111- Repairing attended to per
sonally by the proprietors.
Lancaster, 'January 1. 1859.
. .
A General assortment of Hammered and
Rolled t iro% H. S. Bars, Norway, Nail
American and Geeman Spring
and Cast - Steel, Wagon , Boxes, Iron
Axles, Springi for Smiths, & r..
For sale at PATT ERSON CO'.
can be had of H. E. J.•Ziniiti COP
thAtlieen-9t; iln&Center94piare, -Lancas
ter, the ithapedif :Equilibrium Levers—
the beet article of Swiss levers now in the mar
ket. They are lirtrei in pried than any watch
of equal quality and mit as true for timekeeping
Friends and Relatives of the brave
Relatives in the Army or Navy, should
special care, that they be amply supplied
with these Pills and Ointment; and where the
brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to
provide themselves with them, no better pres
ent can be sent them by their friends. They
have been proved to be the Soldier's never
failing-iliend in the hour of need.
Coughs and Colds affecting Troops
Will be speedily relieved and effectually
cured by using these admirable medicines, and
by paying proper attention to the Direction,.
which are attached to each Pot or Box.
Sick Headache and want of Appetite Incident
to Soldiers
Those feelings which So sadden us, usually
arise from trouble or ann'oyances, obstructed
prespiration, or eating and drinking whatever
is unwholesome, thus disturbing the healthful
action of the liver and stomach. These organs
must be relieved, if you desire to do well.—
The Pills, taking according to the printed
instructions, will 'quickly produce a healthy ac
tion in both liver and stomach, and as a natu
ral consequence a cleat head and good appeiite .
Weakness and Debility induced by
uvEn FATluus.• •
Will soon disappear by the ust% of these in.
valuable Pills, and the Soldier Will quickly
acquire additional strength. Never let the
bowels be either confined or unduly acted
upon.. It may seem strange that Holloway's
Pills should be recommended fur Dysentery
and Flux, many persons supposing that they
would increase the relaxation. This is a
great mistake, for these Pills will correct the
liver and stomach and thus remove all the
acrid humours troin the system. This medi
cine will give tone and vigor to the whole
organic system however deranged, while
health and, strength follow as a matter of
course. Nothing will atop the relaxation of
the Bowels so sure as Had fatitous medicine.
Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and • Swellings
can with certainty be radically cured if -the
Pills are taken night and morning, and the
Ointment be freely, used as stated in the printed
nstructions. If treated in any other mintier
they dry up in one part to break out in another.
Where ts this in tm en t will remove the.
Mainorefram the system and leave the patient
a vigorous and healthy man. It will require
a little , perseverance in butt cases to insure a
For Wounds either occasioned by the Bayonet
Sabre or the Bullet, Sores or Bruises,
To which every Soldier and,Sailor are liable
there are no medicines so safe, sure and con
venient as Holloway's Pills and Ointment.—
The pour wounded and almost dying sufferer
might have his wounds dressed immediately,
if he would only provide himself with this
matchless Ointment, which should be thrust
into the wound and smeared all around it. then
cover it with a piece of linen limn his Knap
sack and compressed with a handkerchief.--
Taking night and morning G or 8' Pills, to cool
the system and prevent intlamation. ,
Every .oldier's Knapaack and Sea Men's
Chest should be provided with these invalua
ble ReMedies.
TN PORTANT CA UTION !—None are genuine
unless the' wtirds NEW, YO/1./..
and LONDON," are discernible as a lfyiite, -
murk in every leaf of the boor of directien.,
around each pot or box ; the same may be
plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light.—
A handsome reward will be give!' to - any one
rendering such inferination as mar lead to the
detection of any party or parties cu . wih rfeiting
the medicines or vending the same, knowing,
them to be spurious.'
• • •Sold at the Manufactory of Professor
HOLLOWAY, SO Maiden Lane, New YOH:,
and by all .respectable Druggists. and Dealer.s
in Mediciuc tlttoughuul the civilized world,
111 pots of boxes, ut 30e. 70e. and a 1.10 each.
N.B.—Directions for the guidance ot patients
in every dasurder are affixed to each put.
Dealers Mn my well known medicines eon
have SHOW CARDS; CtacU LA RS. SD., Rent them.
FREE. ur sE; by addressing
bn Maiden lane, New-York.
There is considerable saVDtg by taking
the linger sizes. (Dec 1y •
Faucv.P' - urs'
A 1.1, is INDS I , l'
For Ladies and Childreies Wear.
I wish to return my thanks to my frienils of
Lancaster and surrounding counties, !or iheir
very liberal patronage extended to"me during
the last few years, and would say to them that
I now have in store t of my own importation
and manufatture a very extensive assortment
of all the different kinds and solidifies of fortc.Y
furs fur ladies and children, that will be'vrorn
during the Fall and Winter seasons.
Being the dtrect Importer of all my FURS
from Europe, and having them all manufactu
red under my own supervision—enables me to
offer my customers and the public a much
for the same money. Ladies please give me a
call liefore purchasing! Please remember the
name, number and street.
Sept• 17-snts.] - PHI LA DELP/HA
or the use of filer
mnts, Druggists
Ind all business and
unfessionable men
, ho wish to do their
wvn printing, dem
and cheaply. `A.
Lapted to the print
o f Handbills,
Labels, Cards and Small Newspapers: Tull
instructions accompany each office enabling
boy ten years old to werk thein auiceitilusy.
Circulars sent free. Specimen shenti'df IWe,
Cuts,tkc-, 6 cents. Address;
31 Park Row,
N. Y., and 55 Liner.ln-st.,
Boston, Mass. ' 26 lir
The Grlatz
Formerly Kean's,
sHIS old Ferry--one,of the oldest. and most
afe crossings on the Susquehanna River—
is how to 'charge of The undersigned, who:thas
refitted the old and built new boats, which will
enable him to•do ferrying with safety and dia.
patch. No unnecessary delay need be endured.
&ober and experienced Ferrymen alwilys'en
ghged. NO' imposition in charges Us - the fol
lowing list will show :
Farm Wagons, each
Horses per head
ge and two persons, 1:00
two persons, :50 -
each, :12
at the old charges..
fifty pounds; 25 - centtErt r
op New-Orlesinli Molasses,
for:Cakes. received
lift?! i:
bet= tiOth, south
~llanufadurer of