The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, March 26, 1864, Image 1

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Prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Or an Intoxicating Beverage,but a highly con
centrated Vegetable Extreicl, a Pure ;ionic,
free from alcoholic stiinulent ox injurious drugs,
and will elfeeitially cure
Liver Complaint,
, Jaundice.
Ohioan or Nervous -Debility, Disease of the
Kidneys ' and Diseased arising' from a
Disordered , Stomach.
reaultiiig froin disorders of the digestive organs:
Constipation; Inward Piles, FuMess or blood
to the. Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Naused,
Heartburn Disgust for Food, Fullness or
weightlidhe Stomach, sour eructations, sink
ring or fluttering of tne Pit of the Stomach,
iwimming of *he Head, hurried .and difficult
Are.ilthing, fluttering at tht heart, choking' or
'Oulfoenting sensations when in a lying posture,
dirtiness of vission, dots 'or webs before the
sight r fever and dull 'Nandi . ' the head, defici
ency of perspiration, yellowness 'of the' skin
and eyes, pain,in the side, back, chest, limbs,
sudden flushes of beat, burning in the flesh,
constant immaginings of evil, and great de
pression of spirits.
A Geed ,Appetite,
Str:44 nerves,
11,alttey Nerves,
Steady Nerves,
Brie::: Feelings,
Attergettv Feelings,
&unity Feelings,
A Good Constitution,
A Strong Constitution,
A flealthy Constitution,
A Sound Cpnstittition
Will make the
Delicate . heftily,
Will make the
Will trl'•4ke'ti!tt
Depressed veli,c
Will `make the
Sallow Complexion Cleat , ,
Will Make the Dull eye.
Clear and Bright.
11:rWill prove a blessing is evely latndy
o :l^Can be used with perfect salt Ix by'cuale
or Female'. Old or Noun& .
Iliefe , are. many preparations soid under the
name of BRIAN, put will quart. bottles; cpm
pounded ut..the. eineakst
Item, custiug (min.: am 4.0 cehts , per
the taste disguised by'slinse ur Curiaudsr
Tins class of has caused and will con
iaue cause,' us. long, aS they can he ~ultl,
.ir.ndreda to.die tie death .of .a. drunkard. lly
their use the system is .kttpt continually wad r
the. influence of alcoholic stu n T) wits tit the
worst kind, the desire for liquor is create I and
kept up, and the result is ail the hurvirs ....t
-tendlifit upon a druid:4o's li a and death. Be
mire of tam.
Fur those whn desire and will hare u liquor
bitters, we pothish the following receipt :
(let ille,botyq .11oajlariet's Gerpsal Bitters and
'.with -mix t/h quarts of giiiie,WhiskeY or
Brandy, and the result will be s pr'eparation
that %Ulla' excel in inedieWal,f, , vitples and
true excellence any of tikeumerritis liquor
bitters hitlie Market, andtiotireottt Much less.
You will have all the virtileVoN/P0 47 W 8 Ba
lers in connection with itlifok y article of - liquor
and aVaAnelf',less .prOY , their: , these inferior
preparations will cost you. '
Those suffering oin Frearasmus, g
away, with scarce] p theit - bodes
are cured in a very short time; one bath , in
such eases; will have most surprisia:cetrect.
Itesultirfg fretn`Fevers of any kind—these bit
ters will'retiew'your strength in a short time.
FEVER AND AGUE.—The chills will not re
turn If these Bitters are used. No person,in
fever arid agile district should be without' hem
From Rev. J. Newton Brown,. D. D., Editor
of the Encyclopedia of Religiou;Knowledge.
Altltough,not disposed to favor or recommend
Pate.,nt Medicines in genera!, through distiest
of their ingredients and' effects:; I yet know
of no,sutlici int reason why a man may not tes
tify to the,benefits he believes himself to have
received from any simple preparation, in the
hope that he may thus contribute to the bene
fit of others.
1 do this more readily in regard to Hoodand's
German 'Alters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson
because I was prejudiced ~against them for a
number of. years, under.the impression that
they,ere ehielly,4n alcoholic mixture... I am
indebted to my friend Rob't Shoemaker, esq.,
for the , removal of this prejudice . by. proper
tests, and for encouragement to try them, when
suffering from peat and-long debility. The
use of three bottles of: thesd-bitters, at the be
ginning of the present,year ? was followed by
evident relief, and restoration to a degree of
bodily, and, mental vigor which 1 had:AM felt
for six months before, and had altiteaVdispair ,
ed 'of regaining. .I thereferelftank . :Ged annd
my friend for directing - .2fii'fo
J. NEwtoit,lllitiytht
Philadelphia, June 23, 1862: '
We call the attention,of all having relations
or friends in the army td the fact that " Hoof-,
land's German Bitters" will ,cure nine-tenths
of the diseases induced by privation and ex
posues incident to' datio life. In the' ists
published almost daily in the newspapers, on
theiarrival of the sick, it will be, noticed that
a very large proportion'are suffering from de
bility. Every case of that kind can he readi
ly cured by Wetland's German, Bitters. We
have no betitiftiot. in statinglbat;if these bit
ters are freely' used among Otir
reds of livest might be saved that, otherivitiv
would, hejest.
The proprietors are daily receiving thankfu
letters ,from
. stilferers in the army and hospi
tals)Whe have been iestored to health by the use
Of these Bitters, sent to them by their friends.
Beware. of counterfeits 1 .. See that . the-sik
of "C. M. Jackson," is on the wrapper.
of each bottle.
Large Size, $1:00 per bottle, orb dozen for $5.
Medium size, 75c per bottle,'or , dozen for $4
Tho larger size, on account of the quantity
the bottles hold; are •much the cheaper. •
Should your nearest druggist not have the
article, do not be put oil by any of the intoxi
cating preparationslhat may be offered in Ats
place, but send to us, and we will forward,
eecluely packed, by express.
Principal Office and ManufadorY)
into. 631 ARCH STREET.
. .
JONES .Ik, EV,ANS,' i, 7
(Successors to C 4 M. Jacks 'I.& C 0.,)
fopriotors. ,
For sale by Druggists anilo) alcrs in every
"lan in •t-tfi7P,.
. .
. .
. .
( IfhtpenbtfitVenitsgittftia treat : pthoteVxa alxxzxs,Yiteraturt, Agnalture,, , Tatal rdifligentt
Put up in 25c., 50c. and $1 Boxes, Potties,
and Flasks. Three and Five dollars sizes for
Hotels Public Institutions, &o.
"Only infallible remedies known."
• "Free from Poisons."
"Not:dangerous to the Human Family."
"Rats come cut of their holes to die." .
Sold wholesale in all large cities.
Sold by all druggists and retailers eve
.L;'" BEWARE of all worthless imitations!!
LI" See that "COSTAR'S" name is on each
Box, Pottle, and Flask, before you buy.
Address '
' Principal Depot, 482 Broadway, N. Y.
all wholesale and retail Drug `!Marietta, Pa. [10:30 '
. ~„,
Dr_ 6b , C3('D_
Method of infritining their patrons ande
friends that they have just received a
Dr • •
Also, a well assorted stock of Coal Oil Lamps,
Shades,' Globes, Burners, &e„ Inks, Pens,
Paper and Envelopes, Fresh Seidlitz
Powders, Citrate of Magnesia,
- Cologne of the best quality;
Hair Oils, Pomades, Sago,
Tapioca, Berminla
ArroW Root,
Pure •
Thin Btou!.,
Ground Spices, Pocket Books; SoapS, Combs,
13tosbes, Gum Battles, • Balls and Rings;
:Taylors' . Shaving-Compound, Burnett's- ..
= C,oconine. and Kallistm, -Flavoring=
Ex.,ttacts..ot, Lemma, Vanilla; Pine ,
Rose; Strawberry and Al— •
~x , ,,,; In oud, ntunt wder,,,Po wue r •
'Puff Boxes, Bann of a
Thousand Flowers,
Farni y Receipt* carefully compounded
pre6criptions coreeetYfitled' at `all ihbu
lCe Calls itnsWeled by the 'llneAcii: at all hours.
TV.iyh'... ./pait.
Ififter . Wine of,
'Ritter Wiiic,of Iron
Bator Wine;uf thin
' " ' The Great Tonic
The Great. Tonic
The Gieat TOnic
The Great Tonic
Foi Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
For DyspeOsia and Indigestion !
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
For Dyspepaiii, and Indigestion..
For weak Stornachs and General Debility.
For - Weak stomachs and General Dshility.
For weak stomacns and General Debility.
FOr'Welik 3ioninclis and General Debility;
Reliable and sure to do good,
Reliable and sureto do - good,
Reliable and sure to do good,
Reliable and sure to'do goOd,
An'ttcannot do Harm.
And cannot do „Harm.
And cannot do Harm.
It costsliut little and,purifieS the blood,
It 644;titi4 little: :Lb d, purifiea ihe Wood,
It Obis ,but little, and purifies. the .blodd,
'costs bat little andpurities the Wood,
We now only ask a Trial
We now only ask a Vial
We now only ask a Trial
We now only ask a Trial
Of this valuable Tonic.
Of this vaLitable Tonic.,
Of this valuable Tonic.
Of this Valuableirdnic.'
Only Inc. and One Dollar per Bottle,
0.10 75c aglif $1 pet Bottle;
Orly 75e and $ rper'
Only 75c and al per:Bettie.
Manufactured solely by , 8.• KUNICEIA- Bto.
No. 11S.x41arkeNst.y Hairisburg.
113- None . genuine without .their signature.
For sale by.,Df.. 13 f4NE &C.O„-.Market-st.;
Marietca,,pa„ and by, all respectable, Druggists
tbroughOV4ho..,country. . ‘, [2.126w
• PHIL 41..PELPHIA 1 1864
1864. PAI.}E 1 - 1 ANGINqS,
k:lr L L & ,
M .11,01 . 111.KF.,. ,
qa - . •
t. .
'WALL- PAP 14114 S ,
'Ciiiner of Fourth -and ...Market strechi,
• • ' THMADEETTITA.' ' • , '
N; 8.--4 fine stack of I.xi,r;
gtadtbr on hand. , ' .(3m '
ESTATE, of Elizabeth Shuman;
Late of the Borough of Marietta, deceased..'
Letters of administration on,said estate hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, .all per
sons indebted thereto-are requested to , make
immediate settlement, and those-having claims
or demands against-the same will present them
without delay fat settlement to; the undersign
ed, residing 'at AiytiiWzi, in East 'Donegal
township. - - J. D. LO.I,IGENECKE.R.
ELATED WARE : A Large and'lnie stock:,
of Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. ZArrny
per of North Queen street & CentenSiiutim
Lancaster, pa, , Tea Setts, in yarietyreolteb!7
Drns,, ,PAphers, . Gobletsi..Satt Stands, Cake
/ .
Baskets i aid Baskets; Spoons,lorks,..Kuives,
Casters, &c., &c. at manufacturers prices. , , ,
s. & E. J. , ZA.FIvPs.
Cor. North Queen at. and'Cejatre Square, Lan
caster, Pa. Our 'prices are - moderate and all
goods warranted to be as represented. -- •
.REPLA TING attended to at moderate rates.
I will , send, frea of charge, to any lady who
will send in her name ani address, directions
how totpresent the extreme poin of c(tild-birt4,
alsoAloyfttosiloYo? Perfactty, healthy and; be/tui
tiful,childreni also one other drew_ awil#lPart
ant. secret,,tlm_. only sure. and safe r remedies.
114 y AhJCPt .. in making the Abysm offer,
induce every , lady. tO•t'esti,MYregtedies. ,
Address Manmor DULENTAAJX, M . . D.
f 767 Broadway, N. Y.
. • . --. •
. .
..,„:? ,;1 .•• '
utlf.dit ibtrg Zatitr/In 'Atatniirg.
• or
OFFIOE : Caum.'s .RoW, Front •Street,•five
doors below Flury's Hotel.
w TERMS, One Dollar a years paystblet : in. ad
vance, and if subscriptior's be not paid Within
six nionths•sl:2s will•bw charged, titiiiif•de
-layed until the , ' 1.50
Will be charged.'
•' , AnvEIrI6ING , tIVA TER': 'TOM , gqiisfel (12
lines, or less) 50 cents for the,first s kosertion and
25 cents for each subsequent :insertion:" Pro
fessional and llusineer cat ds, of six lines or less
per annual.' Notmea in the redditie col-
Ulllll5,,cents a-Ifne.; Marriages,anilDeaths,
the simple announcement, raEE for, any
additional lines,ltiVe • CentS a
A liberal deduction made,to . yearly..zathyalf
yearly advertisers..,.
• Having recentled added a large .lot of, new
Job and Card type, Cuts, Borders; . &c„,,to, the
Job Office of " The Mariettian," which 3vill
'insure the fine execution of all kinds of JOB Bt.
CARD PRINTING, frOlii the 'Smallest
Card to the largest Poster, at prices z to suit. the
Weir times.
There comes a tilnelV A si lv wc_glasld„... i ,,,,,
And a sunset down the tea,
Slope gradual, amP We night windscold
Comes whispering sad and chillingly;
And locks tire gray
As winter's dai;
And eyes of saddest blue behold, "
The leaveS all weary drift away,
And lips of faded coral say, '
There conics a time when we gronr old..
There comes a time when joyous hearts, •
Which leaped as leaps the laughing mini
Are dead to all save memory, .
As prisoner in his dungeon chain ;
And dawn of day :
,11.atir passed away: ,
The, moon bath inte,darknesslrolled,, ~,
And by the embers wan and , grayi r. ,
A hear a :voice in whisper say,. :;,
There comes a. Lime when we grow old.
. .
There,comes , a
time when manlmods,p rime
Is ihrouded in'the midst of years
And beauty, fiiaing like a dream,'
Huth pass'ed away in silent tears"; "
Anditben , how 'dark l • .
.But Lae spark
That 'kindled youth to hues of gold.l ,
Still burnstwith,claar,and steady ray;
And fond.iiiffectionn,4inkering, Say,4•:
There:conies a.time- when we glow
Then comes a Orne,when.latighing spring
nd golden summer ceased to, be;
And we put on thp,autump robe, ,
To tread the last declivity ;
With rosy hope,
Beyond the sunset we behold, .
Another. dawn with fairer light ;
While.watchers whisper thin' the night,
There is a time when we grow old.
—"Pa, does wine make a beast of a
"!~shave 1,. child — PnrhaPs °nee in a
"Is that the reason why Mr. Goggins,
the' tavern'lreepe'r, hai on his sign, 'En
ti3itaitinient for man and beast ?'"
"Nonserise child ; ; what makes you
"Because ma,says that last night, you
went:to Goggins' a man and came home
a Beast, and that ho entertained you.'l
"That'sjnother's nonsense, dear. Run
out;and play ; papa's head aches."
,man living
in Orange county was found one .night,-
climbing an overshot .wheel in a fulling
mill: ; He was asked what he was'doing.
He skid he'was trying to'get up to bed,
but'dorne or. Other the stairs'would`
n't hold still. ' :
BREAD - Puntaxo.---Take one , quart of?
sWeet'rnilk,Ahrae thinees of light wheati
bread; soak the Eireak in the milk, add'
two Oita • butter the size, of a walnitt,'
sugar and spice to taste. Bake haKaa,
hourAn.a quick oven; to he eaten hot
with egood sane&
A 'pook Ffenehman, - wlien
wife aroused him, from his sleep with the
cry, "get up, 13aptist, there is a robber,
in the house," answered sensibly, ""don't
let us molest him: Let him explore the
house, and if he should find anything of
aoy value we will take it from hith.":'
er "I wonder where those elondeitre
going?" sighed Flora, peneively,:as she
pointed with her thin, delleate:finger,
to .'the heavy funeral masses that float
ed lazily in the sky. . .
"I think they'arezoing to thunder,P
said . her brother.
girA.,sf. Louis paper tells us a skory
of a disconsolate widower, who, on,see
inglis.late wife lowered into the grave;
exclaimed, with tears , in
I've lost cows, Int I never had anything
to but me like this"
ligir "Wake up and pay fnr ynurliodg
ings," said the deacon, as' - be onudgetil,n
sleepy 'etrangek 'With-'the e.etittiinitatitu
box: , k , k it icki st
4foWever" , ifinthh-al.PfiWithibkerisPl
shop may be 'Cioided;' it
loan-sum place.
sivity oP Tup. REVOLUTION
When.the.,A.merican , :army- was en
canaped,at Volley ,Pcrge,..a 13Atiall of&
9. B ro,,Whp.ruse ipaqeya4 qpop the family
of a gentleman in Philadelphia, hp.d oc
casion to visit the camp, with a message
under a flag of-truce.
The bidy.oT hOuse defermined to
accompany him, for the purpose of
o'r "t'o' her'
baud, who had been out for' shdo time
;with-the Gontinental tirmYl; .and, as it
was 4 necessary :to' comma her;' design
from•the officer, - ,the:matiter was , accom
plished by artifice:
,taken the stuffing,out .; of the
cutalkions,of i tlegiginthe,regimentals;'were
inserted in its place, and thingti;Went on
smoothly, until the roughness of ;the
road suggested to the gentleman' that
his seat wai none of the , softest.
In vain were two, unoffending, coat
tails condenced koeternal punishment,
4 14
and rtidelyjerkeA from beneath the own
er, who belieied, that Aey we're the Atli
prit, and in vain were his _pockets
searched, in hopes 'that the ,removal , of
a stray key or pen-knife would alleviate
hie Inifiery. ".'-'•
the , disnitir of distioveiW thb ftidi taxed
tier pb*efs brlabnifetikitibh 'io''`ihn" tit!
mcist;Mnittop'ei of di #e`i. - itk hiifittentiori
frbmlso preasidg hleinlVect
button's •4:1 bh ti iitaly ,
their=nomatry t 'u v Arrongs,upon , th ptgyann
of. enemy, doubtless -`twilisperiDg in
09evqs," 4 • •
, wee,liispolture, is not nght,
And is not sQttted quite,, „ •
'Look, now, at his Oadliiinaces,
while be, poor fellow, inwardly
the prirpitivenese of.sfinkeP-;etishiobs,
and fpr , tho in.xnriotislquarter
that she,llail,left i bething.. 4 .t : , L „!
Weary. ,tniles, ; wgre.traxellell, , the, Gay,
tab still suffering the penalty, of.fhh3 ,
loyalty, when the truth suddenly Bashed
across his'nand,' and "memory recalled
certain - nfysteribus converaafio'ns he had
overheard in'Ae '`house; "about bioad'
cloth' and' embroide'r'y,' "rho sebriit Was,
diSdoibinci butihis troubles Were . not
yet over, for he now found'himself on the
horns of a dilennaa as uncomfortable as
the Continental. buttons, And he rode on
perpleed,4twegn,his, duty to his. king
and his 013,1.ig,nt0,n a, to e, lady. , •
Too much of -a gentleman .to betray
her, and yet too loyal an officer, willing
ly t'o carry "aid and boinfore'to the re
bele, he heiitated long as tothe course"
he should'pbrsue ; but the gallantry at
length get the beiter bf and; brave=
ly subroittinkle• the stern infliction, he
concluded not to verify his suspicions
by ocular deinonstrat,ion.
A significant
, s gesture alone,
informed his companion,tliet the ayshca,
was discovered, and the rebel garments
were stiifered reskli'their ahatinilihn
cirestai - 7:3
• I , l 4 Ohteriti selflo' the' iiiiiihtibn;
to whether the energy or Ingenuity 'of
the, young wiks . linseryhh,the more, praise,
and NO:tattler the dt.ity of the oiji:cer shoßlsl
have . superseded that of.thn g galenzer—
but one'thlng, is •certain—the rebel gen
tleman received a uniform which he sadly
needed; 4if the ‘theuloiii "of the is
nidle v fotoiTictieiished by he'r desee - nd.'
anti;;Whehavei. "Cha
tinental Bntforia." -""
..41ir'J,t WAs, Poly, 4 1 '.. --- saQrfl , P 9,
memory-,1- r w,ho said that .Igife is a„ . esun r
try. drree
n , out?ide and baf.ll
tread oti:the corns of #your rielghbrii• •
t, Lt 3, OIL t‘ri ' ,„;
poke your nose everrivere3 liande •
around ; right and
r iefi. Bob' your co- U
coinit, the npile elided: Vitrie;hatigs
up th'el fifeiitti'zprits , outVthei
light." 1 •
,407; A, gentleman rhe! , Iclt a r T R I FP
for several weelks' ! boaFCaP4 lodging„
complained one morning that his coffee
was not settled. "YhiChlid' better i,et
tie for Ihe' eddinr and Anik'•cOnlanip `, 4
said the landlady.
er-PDidt your fall hurt,qyon ?" said
one hod-carrier to another,' whodiad
fallql!frcß Oct t9l ,o f44' 4l P7stor.Y,l l 9 l se•
"Not in the least, hong, ;; t e,
stop t pin' that hurt me," •
Gir Homo Tooke, Wlietf asked 'l4'i
George(llLawheth`er , he could playldt,
bards, replied--"l,oarka6t,Vori.tdiajesAyo
tetkialo4.oomoPakAYNT ' .: '
'Aritifilgto+ "
Why are lawyers uneasy sieepais ?'
Bhilinbevtliey'llieitstolthitAide 'And
lie on the other eido, and are u wide
awake all the time,
Napoleon , Bonaparte.
Napoleon's ; -acquaintance with Jose
.phine- arose from the impression 'made
on him by her son, Eugene Beanharnais,
a little boy. He came to, request. that
11 Fs - fa th'e sword;"wbich had bee de-
Ve re di lift, ig hi 'reit° i*ja h
The boy's earnestness
with' 141:6814; tir d his regahst , and the
tesiA 4621,3'110t-to Hayed wheh
'he' belie t ii;Or11; n te'te St et Way° rd
on%so tiftt 'net' only
Was the sWefd , giibtr'io
te ininh &I° :become ii 6 (IA a in'te r d With tte
mOther "ale 41e and
soon 'l3eOttibe: frecideritii He
-delightedr`to , lienethaidetaile . which' She
'gave'of the - ecitirt 'of
"Come;"-he Would' say, 'as he 'set by
her side of an now let 'us talk
of the told court—let us make a tour 'to
Versailles," It was in these freipient
and familiar interviews that the.fascipa
tions of Josephine woo the heart of ,Na
poleoti. "She is," said, he, "grace per
sonified—everything she does is with
grie.aand delicacy peculiar ,, to her Self. ".
The admiration of such a man
could not fail to inako an impression on
a woman fikeiiosephjea2 It has been
said thittlt Was impossible to be in
poleon's company
,with Out Y being struck
by 'his personal appearanne.; not, .so
much by the exquisite symmetry ,of his
features; and:the noble head and , fore
he.d; which 'have furnished, the painter
and' the neulPtor with One of their finest
mtidels; nor even ;by tho ,meditatire
look; se indicative of intellectual' power;;
but the magic charm..was the varying ex
pressiorr of - countenance, which Chaaied
with every -paiisibg , thonght, and' glowed
with every feeling. 'lliklrail4;lt is said;
always inspired confidence: -
”It .
the NDucliesS bf -Abrdlites';'n:iites"tei
describe - the clitiTiflof: IcEibiitg.nairce .
when' ho'smildd-liiiii3 'sbui•Vis'
hist Oyes"." , > , 'The iritigla power ,
of that :expreshioh at'at later Period is
4811. "known: '
experienced' it 'e when; h ' snid, "1 bevel , '
loved.atty •one mbrelhanthatMan." He
possessed, too, that greatest of all
charms, an harmonioms voice, whose
tones; like his countenance, changing
from emphatic impieSsiveness to caress
ing softness, found their way to every
heart 'lt may not have been these.per
sOnal and mental gifts alone which won
Josephine's heart . ; the ready sympathy
with which Napoleon entered'intO her
feeling s, may have been the gientest
clittinito an affectionate and loving na
ture like hers.
It was of one, of:t,hese
confidential evenings, that, as they sat
together, she read to,him the last teifor
which she - had.. received ; from herima
fland 7fts: a,nipst touching farON.olt ,
5 V ( .4 1, ' dtteplytpffe . Ptpd);
hap beep said tiaitft Jetteri,ari.Josaj
phi 8/334449/1 readdt, hadt,a,
powerful effect a.pcon-his feelings, already.
89 much excited .by admiration..
'gar Sir Francis Head thus philoso
phizes on the life and progress of the
infantile porkies : "ne pig having no
business or diversion—nothing to "occu
py his hPuY§7-he whole, power of his,
syAem, is devoted to digest* of,_a
siiierabundence of food. : To encourage ;;
this, nature assists him with sleep, which
lnlliog his better faculties, reals
stomach to become,,thii ruling power of
his L system, : a tyrant who .can , :kniarun
OrleiS, ! ,preseftqa hitio wtallnlie: , poor: •
pig.thus, treate,di gorge 5., himself,P. sleepsy
eats Again, Sleppar-awakes:ln ansfrightv
screams,, struggles againsVaiblneapsonsr,
screams fainter ; ; and, fain ten turns.up
whites of his little eyes, and dies.", •„_.• •
Poison of almost any kind sial
loWed will be ihstantly,thrown from the
stomach `by arinkindhalla"glass of wa:
tkirwarm is hest,) in which has been
stirred' `a triblii-spoonful of 'erciund
tard ; as' soon as'irOrßifing ceases, dhidi
a cap Qf stro.ngticoffee,..into +which. has
beefil latlrred..t,hei whitty ,of +tan ',egg+ ;• thik
nailifies;any.remnanbAltioh , the.musturd
mighj haße left: ,+ ; +4O
tom' Paste may be made with flour
the usual way, but her,thicker, rfit .with
su g ar, and 8 84 1/
a proportion of T9WU , 11 „
/,t r
quantity of - corrosive, sublimate. A
uttoil' ,
drop.or two of the essential o of laven
w-,4 t“ ,
der, 'pep c kerniintanisu, 4 or o bergan t iot,.is
a Ooniptetll
security against' molding:
Paste made in this manner, if kept in
elosd coveredApot, , may be preserved in
attavitfittlo - rind titl ant/Mao.' s
A little nonsense now.and , theni
Is relished by the wisest men.
' Charfris:L-A •foitiind 'of 'twenty thou
.sita pounds.
Counter-Chaime.-1 5 reitishep-girls.
Tiie times are .gettiri d that
.P1 3 9P 1 9 gaal
. ak
1 3 ,Intrentr 2 whe is.Astranger,,,to l
feelings, is recommended tolhaveurur in
o b rn the r," -ttm
bct t
gerve's*:'hofaifnielld,''l4; Rtitt-bge6like
ate l?tteis M. pArkeel after
physicians'' names, 'Money•=c,
"Oh, Mary, my heart is breaking:".--
"Is it, indeed, Mr.Olosefietl ~So much
the better for. youY, "Why so, my
idol,?;' "Because,when prokfrfout
and oat, you may spit off the pieces for
gunfli,n4." ,
fire that "wentont":has rettitted.
most uriptiprilar• ruth for the Bl
e record' of 'oaten' ages.
' t
Recommend to yinr ch u ldrel •
thaVilind can nakethonahappy—no t
A1a 4,1
We may forgiye ignorance. buk not
He w If to
Pl,l4,"lPti9R. • ho haso
nny,, i should say nothing. . •
Most women had rather have may,,of
their good qualities slighted, than their
beatity. Yet 'that is*the*rnostirt
°ruble eceomplishment of Ili 'Nechako of
real ' '
• -
Transported for life. The man wha
marries happily
\krliiCh trav=els at ,the gieati
hot or cold ? Beat . :
easily catch cold
genera! Lane said, one day, at
his, speech after, dinrigr o thut
he was "too full for utterance !"
You seem animutdd by this fine au
tumn' Beene, my sal? a.
InVer. "No," said she: "I nifer Bball
tie c o 41143';
It is a shame, if any person poorer
than yon is more contented than you.
Ae .who promises
his promise with tlie ,satoo,.,ease,a,s,#a
made it.
You will always be reckoned .by the
world nearly of the same character with.
those whose company you keep.,
'lf You ever promise at all talie
at least,that it be so nobody may,
suffer by trusting you
Is,it not better
OatfsPqrfFill , M4 tgli•
you yon faakts,,,privatoly, than tho,yom,r,
nippy ! t alk ; them publicly ?
„ Asking altwor bylettet:; on giving it
Re.rsnn tune to , thinkiofitt,iS onir gialing
IlitOtto.ripportunitr,ofygettink offliandt
A leaTned writef — says of books,:—
"they are masters who inStruct us with : ,
oiat reds or ferule's, without arcirds,br
anger, without,bread or money. tf y p on .
approach them, they are not asleep . ; if
you seek them, they do not hide, ifyou
blunder, they do. not scold Of you, axe
ignorant, they do not laugh at YOu 2 "
A young lady,, had,..we!ttite 4 rd
many summers at the sealids c , Nyas,ps
cased of dying her-4181r, which -is of a
nb't tlib'Slighiestftititinikilktatcnifit4dir
how fdlgel 4rasti - '" ' l4 ' l "3
4" r ' t; ha- •
• Jimesi attimiffed a
- Philaeliciltlil!`Wheire 'Win ) viag'",tirtlied
yoa never eat pork, M "i n— l:Aid
he, tauntingly. "Never, sir." - "Nor
st,e,lard lumps be
.eontinrieo. j'“ k 414),
sir; our religion teaches us to ikv,od
everything swinish, phisically•and inorttl.
ly ; therefore you will eXCPS9 Me! for ;le-,
dining. to have ,any_morn
„words with
you. ,
The following i& a true copy of a sign
upon aria academpfor teaching An ',cam of
the western. "States.:—"Freeman and
Boggs, School Teachers. Freeman
taitae% the hoys and linige Mid girl'
i' , W-hatip you r drive, §Pt! PigNi
lopitingmarepo egiAllakfgrA, Woy, Oon't
I You..plit tkellAT Plat PC,ilf
"A. heavy cgat 4 pl
ers,Rthe gkoPrxerliter.7cl
what little there is on hi
It is easier to forgive ak
my : thae. tliolßeik'd we ha*
lOtir - resentinent 'grows wi
4sett; atidi*l3 feelvindieti
rgree with onr own doubt!
of finding forgivenesE.
A : '
Odds. 'and kids.