The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, February 20, 1864, Image 2

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    The Maritttian.
F. L. ga,icer, Editor.
IN WANT OF MONEY : We are very
much in need of money. just now; more
than half of the present volume has ex
pired'and yet but very few have paid for
volume ten. We will be compelled to
adhere strictly to our terms—found on
the page—to charge $1:50 for sub
scriptions remaining unpaid until the
expiration of the year. The very high
price of printing paper, ink, type and
all kinds of printing materials, makes it
absolutely necessary for us to collect up
closely" or swamp.
The Locbiel Iron Works, with
which General Simon Cameron is con
nected, are about to put up very exten
sive works at Harrisburg, which are to
be completed by the first of July next.
riielundred men will be employed in
them, and the works, it is expected, will
produce seventy tons of railroad iron
per day. The facilities for reaching the
coal and iron regions at Harrisburg are
Very great, and the location of the
works where so many railroads connect
cannot,but prove an advantage.
lir Dr. H. A. Sheldon, a traveling
dentist, administered what is known as
laughing gas to several persons at
public exhibition at Swanton Falls, Vt.
a-fee evenings since. Among the num
ber was a daughter of Mr. W. H. Bell,
a young lady of about seventeen years
of age. The next day Miss Bell was
taken sick, and died on the 3d instant,
from;the effects of the gas. She was a
strong, robust girl, and was in apparent-1
ly good •health when she inhaled tq
ar John T. Winslow, a promine‘t
business man of Westbrook, Marie,
forged it is alleged, to the amount, of
five thousand dollars last week, and
made his escape. He was found, by the
officers, at a party with his wife. He
yes arrested, but obtained permission to
drive his wife home. During the drive
he managed to get slightly ahead Of the
-- cdfider - S; . aid - slipped from the sleigh,
leaving his wife to drive home, while he
departed to parts unknown.
Wir The rebel Government has estab
lished a horse infirmary for broken down
stock in the' army. It is situated in
Laurens county, Georgia, twelve miles
from Oconece Station, on the Central
Railroad. Three thousand acres of land
are employed for the purpose. The
stables.are . adapted to peculiar diseases.
Fifty negpoes and eight white men are
employed, and two professional veterin
ary surgeons.
The Montreal Transcript says
that (3/serge Armstrong, a private of
the3oth British regiment, who took ad-
vantage of his leave of absence to cross
the American side, enlist there, receive
the bounty, and then return to his regi
ment boasting of his rascality, has been
tried by court martial, and sentenced to
be drummed out of service, and after-:
ward imprisoned for two years.
A. letter from Natchez, Miss.,
says the town is showing signs of re.
turning vigor. Planters who hitherto
held aloof are returning to their alle
giance and receiving back their landed
property. No less than ten have taken
the President's oath within a few days.
Deserters are coming in daily.
ar On the first of February there
were 4946 patients in the army hospi-
`talk in and about Washington. The
total number of sick in all the hospitals
of•tthe country to the date above, men
tioned is, 42,756; number of beds, 30,-
913,; vacant beds, 37,456.
ye- A merchant of Philadelphia; who
a few years ago was reported to be
wealthy, and making annually from five
to ten thousand dollars, is now a driver
on a passenger railroad car, at $9 per
far The - Maryland Senate has ap
pointed a special Committee relative to
the purchase of the Antietam battle
ground; and the erection of a monument
to the memory of those who fell there.
lir George W. Curtis, heretofore an
editorial contributor, has now become
editor of Harper's Weekly. He is a
very able writer. •
gar The snrgeoni examined Thacke
ray's brain after his death. It was
found to Weigh 581 ounces—far above
the average of that of ordinary men.
isr The First National Bank or New
Orleans hie gone into operation. It re
ceived over $600,000 in deposits on the
first day.
Ur The third servant of Jeff Davis
has run away,. so says the Richmond
Examiner of the 4th instant:
Mr. Thackeray was an accomplished
penman, and used to pride himself on
the neatness and dexterity with which
he could cram the greatest possible
number of words into the smallest pos
sible space. A few weeks before his
death he was preset at the usual Sat
urday dinner, at which the contributors
to Punch are accustomed to meet and
arrange the programme for the next
week's number. The conversation turn
ing upon Mr. Thackeray's skill in this
way, he was challenged to give an illus
tration, whereupon he produced a four
penny piece, and having marked the
circle of the coin with a pen on a piece
of paper, he drew in the centre a crown,
and filled up the remaining space with
the Lord's Prayer, which he transcribed
without a single contraction except in
the case of the word "which," spelling
it "wh." Singular to relate, too, the
pen used was an ordinary goose-quill
which happened to be in the room.
air The editor, of the Richmond Ex
aminer, like Mark Tapley, is jolly un
der very adverse circumstances. He
proposes that since the repeal of the
substitute law has forced into the army
both fat and lean, that the very heavy
men, whose size incapacitates them for
the infantry and artillery exercises, and
whose weight would prove fatal to their
horses should they join the cavalry,
should raise a company, consisting of
men weighing 250 pounds and over, to
take the field in iron-clad omnibusses,
and to be called the Omnibusters.
argues that the size, alone, of these
warriors, would have a very demorali
zing effect upon the "Yankees," who
have been taught to believe that the
rebels are near the point of starvation.
Cr Caleb Mercer and his wife Ann
died at Kennett Square, Chester county,
a few days since. He was in the 79th
year of his age, and she in her 76th.—
They died within • forty•eight hours of
each other—and were buried at the
same time—on Wednesday of last week
—having made the journey of life to
gether, for more than half a century.—
They were married in April, 1811.—
They were pleasant and lovely in their
lives and in death they were not divided.
gar The Chattanooga Rebel says :
Gen. Humphrey Marshall is a candidate
for Congress from the State of Ken
tucky. As he weighs about five hun
dred pounds, the presumption is, that if
elected be will be able to fill his seat.
He is much better qualified for Con
gress than for light infantry.
or The workmen on the Pacific Rail
read, eastern division, on New Year's
day, got up an agreement, which has
been numerously signed, pledging that
for every profane word uttered during
the year 18114, they would pay one dol
lar for the benefit of the Soldiers' Aid
Or A Western paper records the
presentation of a beautiful silk dress by
fifty-five citizens of Burlington, Wis.,
to Miss Isabella Crawford, who demon
strated her pluck and patriotism by
knocking down une John Russell, of
Dover, for having insulted the memory
of her brave brother, who fell at the
battle of Chickamauga.
ga- The bill to pension John L.
Burns, "the hero of Gettysburg," who
fought duricg the July battles "on his
own account," has been reported favora
bly in the Senate. It grants a pension
of eight dollars a month.
Cr A company of Frenchmen has
been formed in Chicago for the purpose
of catching rats, curing their skins, and
exporting them to Paris, where they
are made up into the finest quality of
"kid" gloves.
trlt would seem to be settled that
the seat of the rebel government is to
be removed to Columbia, S. C. Indeed
some of the rebel papers say that Rich
mond itself is to be abandoned and
Lee's army is to go South.
Ca• Madame Succa, of the Berlin
opera, is such a favorite there that she
has been engaged for life at an enor
mous salary, with a six months' vaca
tion annually to rest herself.
Gir In Nevada, artesian wells are
bored horizontally into mountain sides,
instead of perpendicularly into the
ground. Several valuable "veins" have
been struck.
(fir Artificial marble has been ob
tained both by Sir James Hall, of Eng
land, and Professor Rose, of Prussia, by
subjecting chalk to a high heat in a
close vessel.
Cr The rebels write their secret let
ters with sulphuric acid freely diluted
with spring water, and held before the
Bre, the letters tarn black. A quill
pen must be used.
CV Raw cotton and caster oil have
restored frost-bitten limbs when ampu
tation was thought to be necessary.--
The cure is said to be infallible.
ar Some pathologists claim that dip
theria has been occasioned by the in
troduction and use of kerosene oil.
er The law of Pekin, China, ordains
that if a man is , not married tit twenty
he shall be drummed out of town
A li bk m :7 1 '7 "`s
Li 46 II
ifir It has been discovered that a
great deal kif whisky is sent to New.
bern, N. C., in barrels purporting to
contain cider. These barrels are fur
nished with false heads, one correspond
ing to each head (outside), the compart
ment formed by which contained cider
as also did the compartment correspond
ing to the bung. This, of course, left
two compartments, which were filled
with whisky. So when the barrels were
broached by the custom-house officer,
they contained cider. The quantity of
whisky . would be small, but amply suffi
cient to pay a handsome profit, when
$lOO could be made on a whole barrel
of whisky, as has been done often.
Cr On Monday, in the House of Re
presentatives, Dr. Bowman, represents,
tive from this county, read in place an
act authorizing the School Directors of
Manheim township, to levy a special
tax for the payment of bounties to vol
unteers to fill the quota of that town
ship, and on his motion the orders were
suspended, and the bill considered, and
passed finally.
air Professor Johnson says that a
pound of cheese is equal in nutritive
value to two, pounds of flesh. The Eu
ropeans seem to be better acquainted
with this fact than our own people.—
With us/ cheese is regarded rather as a
luxury, 'while in England it is considered
one of i the substantial articles of food,
and it lis not uncommon for workmen
there to make a full meal on bread and
cheese +alone.
Or An acutely-sensible lady of New
York observes that of the births taking
place in that city, those which occur in
families whose attachments to the union
is decided and zealous, are mostly boys,
while in families where there is a deci
ded sympathy for the secession cause,
they are girls. It has often been said
that in countries wasted by long wars,
which carry off the male population, the
male births largely predominate.
€An English photographer, Mr.
Warren, lately took a photograph of the
eye of an ox, a few hours after death,
and on examining the - Impression through
the microscope, distinctly perceived de
picted on the retina, the exact delinea
tion`of the stones with which the slaugh
ter-house was paved, being the last ob
ject which affected the vision of the
animal on bending down its head to re
ceive the fatal blow.
Prof. Agassiz, whilst in Pittsburg
received an autograph letter, dated Jan
uary 4th, 1864, from Louis Napoleon,
Emperor of the French, inviting his re
turn to the country which gave him birth
and with whose language and institutions
he was so well acquainted and identified.
The Professor, however, will decline the
offer, preferring to live in the United
gir California raisins are the greatest
novelty. ' They are equal to the best im
ported and do not cost near as much.—
Very few have appeared in the Atlantic
states, but in course of time they will
drive the foreign fruit from our markets.
Merchants and others are invited
to read the card of Flowell & Bourke,
manufacturers of Wall Papers, &c.,
.4th & Market Sts., Philadelphia—in
this issue. This is a reliable firm, and
worthy of public patronage. -
Cr The Pennsylvania Farmer and
Gardener for February is out. This is
an excellent magazine ; only $1 a year.
%V• S. Young & Co., publishers, 52 N.
6th at., Philadelphia.
iii AR. RIR fi
On the 44th instant, by Rev. P. J. Timlow,
Mr. JACOB W. Ciarm, of Bainbridge; Miss
SUSAN M. EVANS, of Marietta.
la , THE TURNED HEAD ! This title of
one of Dr. Warren stories is realized in a
moment by all who use
which in five minutes changes WHITE TO
BLACK, or red to a rich brown, without drying
up the juices of the hair. It is the only safe
hair dye in the world.
Cristadoro's Hair Preservative, is invaluable
with his Dye, as it imparts the utmost softness
and the most beautiful gloss and .great vitality
to the hair. Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO,
No. 6 Astor House, New-York. Sold:every
where, and applied by all Hair Dressers.
Price $l, $1:50, and $3 per box, according
to size. IF-no. 6.
of form, your health and mental powers, by
using the safe, pleasant, popular and specific
remedy known as
Read the advertisement in another column,
and profit by it —Diseases and symptoms enu
merated. Cut it out and preserve it. You
may not now require it, but may at some fu
ture day.
" It gives health and vigor to the frame,
And bloom to the pallid cheek.
It saves long suffering and exposure. Be
ware of counterfeits. Cures guarrauteed.
For sale by Drtiggists and dnalers generally,
everywhere. [F-lm
113 Eye and Ear : Prof. J. Isaacs, M. D.,
Oculist and Aunst, formerly . of Leyden, Hol
land, is located at No. 511 Pine-at.; Philadel
phia, where persons afflicted with diseasesnf
the Eye or Ear,will be scientifically treated
and cured, if curable. Artificial Eyes insert
ed without pain. No charges made for exam
ination. The medical - faculty is invited, as
he h as no secrets in his mode of treatment.
;C...DR. TOBIAS' Venetian Liniment.—DlED
Or CROUP. What a pretty and interesting
child I saw last week ! But now, alas ! it is
no more. Such was the conversation of two
gentlemen riding down town in the cars. Died
of croup ! how strange ! when Dr. Tobias'
Venetian Liniment is a certain cure, if taken
in time. Now, Mother 9, we appeal to you.—
It is not for the paltry gain and profit we make
but for the sake of your infant child that now
lies playing at your feet. Croup is a danger
ous disease ; but use Dr. Tobias' Venetian Lip -
iment in time, and it is robbed of its terrors.
Always keep it in the house ; you may not
want it to-night, or to-morrow, no telling
when—but armed with this Liniment you are
prepared, let it come when it will. Priee 25c
a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Office, No*. 56
Courtlandt street, New-York. [F-lm.
Small Pox has already sacrificed some
of our best and bravest troops. Soldiers, lis
ten to the voice of reason, supply yourselves
with Holloway's Pills and Ointment. The
Pills purify the blood and strengthen the stom
-1 ach ' while the Ointment removes all pain and
prevents pit marks. Only 36c per box or pot.
free . LIST OF LETTERS Remaining
in roe Post Office, at Marietta,
a., for the week ending Feb'y 18, 1864.
Bernhard, Lewis Harris George H.
Bartle, Nlaria Hornning, George
Buchanan, Alexander Heisey, Henry
Blum, Tressa Hendson, Emelar
Buchanan, John Miller, Jacob li.
Blecker, Caroline ' Miller John M.
Bogle, George Packer, Samuel
Conrad, John Rusteling, Caroline
Chaney, Charles Rhorer, Anthony
Chaney, Nancy Spens, William
Duncan, Catherine Shilling, Charles
Eisenberger, AbrahamStape,kSamuel
Engnig, Emanuel Smeltzer, Rachael
Fresher, Annie Smith, Joseph
Fralich, Lizzie Stoll, Fred. J.
Farmer, Daniel Stauffer, Mrs 13 M
Grove, Margaret E. Sharman, John L
Guss, Elmira Shireman, Jacob
Galbough, Harriet Schlegelmildh, Mary
Gruel, John White, George M
Galbough, Abraham
rrPersons calling for letters in the above
list will please say they are advertised. One
cent will be charged on each letter, to pay for
advertising. A. CASSEL, P. M.
Of Columbia, Lancaster County, Penna.
Whole amount insured, $2,604,435 6S
Whole amount of Premium Notes, 25i,931 46
Bal. Cash Premiums,
January 1, 1863, $2,120 31
Rec'pts for premiums,
less Agt's commiss
ions in 1863, 9,352 45
Receipts for Assessments
less Agt's commissions
in 1863, 2,385 02
-- $13,88.7 79
Losses and expenses paid
in 1363, $10,133 32
Bal. of Premiums, Jan. 1,
1864, 3,754 47
-- $13,857 79
GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., ::ecretary.
Robert T. Ryon, John W. Steal y,
John Fendrich, H. G. Minch,
Samuel F. Bum kin, Michael S. Shuman,
Michael S. Shuman, S. C. Slaymaker,
George Young, Jr., Nicholas Mc Donald
Edmund Spering, Antos -S. Green.
Ztribintr anb Conbrpnrer.
%Vouto most respectfully take this means of
informing his friends and the public generally
that he has commenced the drawing of
and in fact everything in the CONVEYANCING
line. Having gratuitous intercourse with a
member of the Lancaster Bar, will enable him
execute instruments of writing with accuracy.
He can be found at the office of " THE
MAntE.TTLA.n . , ,3 on Front street, or at his res
idence on Market street, near the " Donegal
House," Marietta.
D - Blank. Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and
Leases always on hand and for sale.
T - I owEL, & BOURKE,
Corner of Fourth and Market streets,
N. 13.—A fine stock of LINEN SHADES COD
stonily on hand. (3m
ESTATE of Elizabeth Shuman,
Late of the Borough of Marietta, deceased
Letters of administration on said estate hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted thereto.are requested to make
immediate settlement, and. those having claims
or demands against the same will present them
without delay for settlement to the undersign
ed, residing at Maytown, in East Donegal
township. J. D. LOAGENk:CKER.
Spangler & Patterson's Store.
FROM 7 TO 8 A. 51
' 3 6T07 P. N
OFFICE :—No. 24 Nonrn [War. STREET,
opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to the practice of his profession in all its
various branches.
EWELRY.—A large and selected stock of
t) fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the
best factories in the country can be found at
H. L. 4 - E. J. ZAHN'S,
Corner of Center Square and North Queen
Street, Lancaster, Pa.
® A
General Assortment of all kinds of
Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Cellar Grates,
Oils, Glass and Putty, very cheap.
VV celebrated preparation for the restoration
and softening of the Hair, is now for, sale at
the Drug Store of DR. LANDIS.
Very plain style, each one warranted
to perform to the entire satisfaction of
the purchaser.
CHAMPAGNE and other Table Winess
guarranteed to be pure, and sold as low as
can be boughtin Philadelphia or New-York.
H. D. BENJAMIN Picot Building.
60 BARRELS APPLES. Northern Spy,
Baldwin's, Greenings, and Russets, the
best New-York fruit, at
Tr O LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch
1 and Irish WHISKIES, warrau—
ted pure, at H. D. Benjamain's.
for culinary purposes, warranted genuine
H. D. Benjamin.
Q,TERLIN&'S AMBROSIA, for the Hair,
VI just received and for sale at the Drug
Store of DR. LANDIS.
j.R For sale by DR. LANDIS
Bitter Wine of Iron.
Bitter Wine of Iron.
Bitter Wine of Iron.
The Great Tonic
The Great Tonic
The Great Tonic
The Great Tonic
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, -
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
For weak Stomachs and General Debility.
For weak stomachs and General Debility.
For weak stomachs and General Debility.
For weak stomachs and General Debility.
Reliable and sure to do good,
Reliable and sure to do good,
Reliable and sure to do good,
Reliable and sure to do good,
And cannot do Harm.
And cannot do Hann.
And cannot do Harm.
And cannot do Harm.
It costs but little and purifies the blood,
It costs but little and purities the blood,
It costs but little and purifies the blood,
It costs but little and purifies the blood,
We now only ask a Trial
We now only ask a Trial
We now only ask a Trial
We now only ask a Trial
Of this valuable Tonic.
Of this valuable Tonic.
Of this valuable Tonic.
Of this valuable Tonic.
Only 7.5 c. and One Dollar per Bottle.
Only 75c and $1 per Bottle.
Orly 75c and $1 per bottle.
Only 75c and $1 per Bottle.
Manufactured solely by S. A. KUNKEL Si- Bro.
No. 118 Market-st., Harrisburg.
1113 None genuine without their signature.
For sale by Dr. BEANE & CO., Market-st.,
Marietta, Pa., and by all respectable Druggists
throughout the country. [2-26w
t ifDr_ Beane cfc (Do_
Method of informing their patrons and
friends that they have just received a
- JD r
Also, a well assorted stock of Coal Oil Lamps,
Shades, Globes, Burners, &c„ Inks, Pens,
Paper and Envelopes, Fresh Seidlitz
Powders, Citrate of Magrtesia.
Cologne of the best quality,
Bair Oils, Pomades, Sago,
Tapioca, Bermuda
Arrow Root,
Ground Spices, Packet Books, Soaps, Combs,
Brushes, Gum Rattles, Balls and Rings,
Taylors' Shaving Compound, Burnett's
Coco:Line and Ka;lisum, Flavoring
Extracts of Lemon, Vanilla, Pine
Apple, Rose, StraWberry and Al
mond, Infant Powder, Powder
• end Puff Boxes, Balm of a
Thousand Flowers,
&c., &c., &c.
Family Receipts carefully compourided.
Prescriptions correctly filled at all hours. •
Calls answered by the Doctoral all hours
First National Bank of Marietta
is now prepared to transact all kinds of
The Board of Directors meet weekly,
Wednesday, for discount and other business
IG—Bank Hours : From 9A.mto3 P. m.
Marietta, July 25, 1563.
Black Hawk Iron Ore Washer.,
'HE undersigned having just completed new
patents for the manufacture of the eele
hrated Black Hawk iron Ore Washer. He
has removed several objections to the old pat
ern, and now feels certain of being able to
wash one-third more iron ore per day, and
much cleaner. Machines manufactured and
put up anywhere desired at the shortest no
tice, and the working of the machine guarran
teed. Be can refer, by permission, to Col,
James Myers. of I „—eLral Furnace, Marietta,
and to James L. Stu_ z, Esq„ adjoinindMari-
Etta. Address
Marietta, Lancaster Go., Pa
Michael Gable, Agt.,
Opposite the fl'own Hall Park,
Marietta, l'a.
THE Marble business in all its branches,
will be continued at the old place, near
the Town Hall and opposite Funk's Cross Keys
Tavern, where every description of marble
work will be kept on hand or made to order at
short notice and at very reasonable prices.
Marietta, June 29, 1861. 49-1 Y
The American Watches.
HE American Watches are among the best
1 . timekeepers now in use, and for durability
strength and simplicity far surpass any other
watch made in the
H. L. 8c E. I.ZAHIII
Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre Square
Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the very
lowest rates—every watch accompanied with
the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its ge,t
444' RITtGEOff 5)E1101 -
ESPECTFULLY offers his prolessional
IV services to the citizens of Marietta and
vicinity ; assuring them that all operations in
trusted to his care, either in Operative or Me
chanical Dentistry, will be executed in a tho
roughly scientific manner.
OFFICE : On Main street, a few doors west
of the Post Office. [v9-35-Iy.
Diseases of the Nervous; Seminal, Urinary
and Sexual Systems—new and reliable treat
ment—in Reports of the Howard Association.
Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free
of charge. Address, Da. J..SKILLIN Houcti-
TON, Howard - Association, No. 2 South Ninth
Street, Philagelphia, Pa.
SPECTAcLES to suit all who
can be aided with glasses,
can be bought at H. L. X. J. ZAHM'S, Cor
ner of North Queen-st., and Center Square,
Lancaster. New glasses refitted in old frames,
at short notice. (v6-ly
-* brushing: For Boots, Shoes, Harness,
Carriages, and Military Leather Work. It
gives the leather a polish like patent leather,
makes it water proof, does not stain the whit
est article of dress and need not be applied of
tener than two or three times a month.
For sale at Dr. Landis' Drug Store.
V V Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey,
Holland Gin, Old IVladeria, Lisbon, Sherry and
Port Wines.
Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at the
lowest market prices. Very Fine Brandy at
a very low figure.
" J. R. DIPPENBACH. Market-a.
Xi can be had of HI L. & E. J. Zarriu, Coi
North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lancas
ter, Pa.,-in the shape of Equilibrium liners—
the bestarticle of Swiss levers now in the mar
ket. They are lower in price than any watch
of equal quality and net as true for timekeeping
Corrective and alternative of worvierful effica
cy- in d;sease of the Stomach, Liver and Bow
els; cares Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Head
ache, General Debility, Nervousness, neves*.
sion of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, Ihtermitteu-
Peyote, Cramps and Spasms, and all compliiirits
of either sex, arising from bodily weakness
whether inherent in the system or produced
by special causes.
Nothing that is not wholesome, genial and
restorative in its nature enters into tile compo
sition of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This
popular preparation contains no mineral of
any kind, no deadly botanical element ; no fi
ery excitant, but it is a combination of the ex
tracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants, with'
the purest and mildest of all diffusive stimu
It is well to be forearmed against disease,
and so far as the human system can be protec
ted by human means against maladies en
gendered by an unwholesome atmosphere, im
pure water and other external causes,
may be relied on as a safeguard.
In districts infested with Fever and Ague, it
has been found infallible as a preventative and
irresistible as a remedy, and thousands who
resort to it under apprehension of an attaek,
escape the scourge ; and thousands who ne
glect ro avail themselves of its protective qual
ities in advance, are cured by a very °lief
course of this marvelous medicine. Fever and
Ague patients, after being plied with quinine
for months in vain, until 'randy saturated-:with
that dangerous alkaloid, are-not unfrequently
restored to health within a few daysby thcuse
of Hostetter's Bitters.
The weak stomach is rapidly inviloritted
and the appetite restored by this agreeable to
nic, and hence it works wondOi - in'eases of
Dyspepsia and in lesscoulirmedAW of Indi
gestion. Acting as a gentle and-11PERe as appe
nem, us well us upon the tiver, it also invari
ably relieves the Constipation supelinduced by
irregular action of the digestive and secretive
organs. Peisons of teethe habit, liable to ner
vous attacks, lowness of spirts and fits of Tan
lind pitimpt and permanent relief trona
the Bitters. The teettmoilv on 1116 point
most conclusive, and Irma both sexes..
The a g ony of .Bitimis Colic is immediately
rtssuagedby a single nose of Lite stimulant, and
by occasionally resorting to it, the teturn of thp
complaint may, be pee vetted.
Last, hut not least, it to S4fe Stim
ulant, being manulaciured from sound and
innocuous materials, and en tirety flee from the
acid eh meats present more or less m the
ordinary tonics and stoinachies of the day.
' No family medicine has ucen so universally.
and, it may be truly added, deservedly popular
with the inteiii 4 p.tit portion of me community.
Pieptireu by tilm.fliiTTEß &
Said by all Dru,..7,,ists,. Grocerd and -Stunt
keepers evi.q.:,Nither.
aem ; ine. i'repar4;i:o.
For diseases of the liladdnr, Kidneys, Travel,
and Dropsical .swellings.
This Medicine increases the power of Diges
tion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy
action, by which the Watery or Coleareous de
positions, and all unnatural enlargements aro
reduced, as well as pain and intlamatioo.
_ -
For weak ness arising from excesses, /Limits
of dissipation. early indiscretiou of abuse, at
tended with the following sy.rnptoms .
Indisposition V) exertion, Loss of Power,
Difficulty of brewing, Loss of Memory,
Weak Nerves, Trembling,
Horror of Disease, Wakefilluesi
Dimness of Vissiou, Taut in for Hack,
Universal lassitude of the muscular system,
Flushing of the body, Dot Hands,
Eruptions on the Face, Drynesii of theSkia,
Palid Countenance.
These symptoms, if allowed to go ori, which
this medicine invariably removes, soon folioyys
Impotency, Fatuity, _Epileptic Fits . ,
in one of which the patient may expire."
Who can say that they are not frequentliful
lowed by those " Direful Diseases,"
"Insanity and Consumption." -
Many are aware of the cause of their suffer
ing, but none will confess the records of the
Insane Asylums.
Melancholy deaths by ConsuMption bear am
ple witness to the truth of the assertion.
. _
The Constitution once effected with Organic
weakness requires the aid of medicine to
strencthen and invigorate the system, which
in vari a b I y does. A. trial will convince tins
most skeptical.
In many affections peculiar to females the
Extract Buchu is uneaqualed by any other
remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu—
lanty,- Painfulness or suppression of customa
ry evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state
of the' Uterus, Leucborrhoea or Whites, Ster
nlity, and for all complaints incident to the
sex; Whether arising from indiscretion, habits
cf dissipation, or in the decline or change of life.
It causes a frequent desire and gives strength
to urinate, thereby removing obstructions, pre
venting and curing Strictures of the Urethra,
allaying pain and intiamation, so frequent in
the class of diseases, and expelling ail poison
ous, diseased and wornoui matter.
Thousands upon thousands who have been
the victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy
fees to be cured in a short time, have found
they were deceived, and that the "Poison"
has, by the use of "powerful astringents,"
been dried up in the system, to break out in
an aggravated form, and perhaps after Mar
Use Hembold's Extract /luau for all affec
tions and diseases of the Urinary Olgano,
whether existing in Male or Female, from
whatever cause originating and no matter of
how long standing.
Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of
a Diuretic, Mirth°ld's Extract Buchu is the
great Diuretic, and is certain to have the do
sired effect in all Diseases for which it is Rec
Evidence of the most reliable and responsi
ble character will accompany the medicine.
PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE, or SIX for $5.00
Delivered to any Address, securely packe.
from observation.
. • .
Describe Symptoms in all Communications.' !
Cures Guaranteed ! Advice Gratis
Address letters forinformation to
H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist.
104 South Tenth-st., bel. Chestnut, Phila.
HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot,
I'LEL.MBOLD 3 B Drug and Chemical Warehouse.
594 Broadway, New York.
Beware of Counterfeits and Unprincipled
Dealers who endeavor to dispose "of„thcir
own":anii"other" articles on the reputation
attained by
Hetinbold , s.Geuuine Preparations. ' =
6C " Extract Bucka„,
44 gi Sarsitparilla.
• " Iroved Boise'
Sold , •by all Druggists evemprywhere. Wash..
Ask for - Henibold'n • - Take no other.
Cut out- .the advertisement and' send for it.
Aod avoid imposition and exposure.