The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, February 13, 1864, Image 4

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Wonderful Cure* on Man and Beast
'j PROPOSE to cure, almost instantaneously,
individuals a ffl icted with Deafness, Head
ac e, Neuralgia, Chill Fever, Ague, Bleuma-
Oath, and all Sores and Pains,
I propose to check and effectually dissipate
more ache and pain, and to accomplish nearer
Ind more perfect equilibrium of all the circula
ting fluids in the human system, than can be
effected by any other or all other methods of
medical aid in the same space of time, the
masses themselves being judges.
I do not propose to cure every disease, but
all such as are curable by any combination of
medical appliances. My Electric Oil operates
on chemical and electric principles, and is,
therefore, applicable to the cure or natural
restoration of any organic derangement, aris
ing from an improper circulation of Nervous
vital uid.
I want the masses to ,lain in this matter—
the well se the nick ? because If these things
are soy all are alike mterested.
N. B. Please Inform me of any case of fail
ure to cure, in from half hour to three weeks,
as 3-wish to cure or charge nothing.
The Columbus SUN remarks t On Saturday,
an eld, gentleman named Win. C. Osborne,
well known in our city, who, from rheumatic
affections, has not been able to walk or use
his hands sufficient to feed himself, for mop.
then ten year., was brought to Prof. De Grath
on the street, when in the presence of a large
assemblage of people, be applied De Grath'e
Electric Oil to one arm and shoulder. He was
immediately enabled to raise his hand to his
bead arid scratch it, a thing he said he hae
not done before in twelve years.
The. New Eampehire Patriot says: During
the present week, no less than six of our
friends, who have been induced to try Prof.
De Grath's Electric Oil for Rheumatism and
peahen, in consequence of having seen this
prearation advertised in our colenins, have
called upon us to state the result of experi
ments. These persons assure us that their
Rutumatic pains have been entirely cured by
a few applications of De Grath's Electric Oil,
and they recommend its use to all who are
afflicted with any of the diseases which it is
designed to cure.
It seems that Rheumatism,Deafness,Neu
ralhia, Swollen and Stiff J oints , and other
Complaints to Vffeh we are all subject, have
lost their terrors. Prof. De Grath's Electric
Oil-is warranted to relieve any case in a short
B Pece.ef time, and with a trilling expense. It
always cures Scratches, Sprains,. Gaits and
Splints on horses.
Philadelphia, Pa.
11:3- None genuine without signature of Prof.
C. DE GRATH. Labels signed in writing.
Principal Depot No. 217 South Eighth St.
Philadelphia. Country dealers and druggists
can, be supplied wholesale and retail. Price
25 centi,,so cents, and $1 per bottle.
**everything else ; give this one simple
CAirrinii—Be careful to ask for and get Do
Gnitu's Electric Oil, as worthless imitations
There are numerous imitations sprung up on
the reputation my article has acquired. The
public must beware. They are worthless.
For sale by dealers and druggists. Prin.
ciparoffice 217 South Bth street. Phila.
QriP . hysiolog' iOal Views of Marriage
Pareiconly.2scenta. Sent free of postage to
all parts of the Union. On the infirmities , of
youth and maturity, disclosing the secret fol
lies of both sexes of ages,
causing debility,
nertroileness,' depression of spirit, palpitation
ofthelielitt,•sumidal imaginings, involuntarY
emissions, blushing., defective memory, indi
geltiOn and lassitude, with confesinoris of
thrilling interest 'of a Begirding S'choot MOS,
a Coliege Student, and a Young Married -Lady,
fee., It isa trutbfill adviser to the Married
and. Mole contemplatinkriniiriage, whii. enter
tain secret doubts of their physical condition,
and who are conscious of having . hazarded the
health, happiness, and' privile ges to which
every hUman being is entitled;
YOUNG MEN' who are troubled with
weakteatia, generally caused by a bad 'habit in
youth, the effects of which are dizziness,
pains, , forgetfulness,„ sometimes a ringing in
the earp, weak eyes, weakness of the back
and kever;extreiiiitieii, confusion of ideas; loos
of memory, with melancholy, may be cured
by the author's new Peru and London Treat-
e hive, recently- devoted much of out
time In visiting the Eutopean HospitaliqaVail
ingtOutselves of the knciwledge and researches
of the most skillful Physicians and Surgeons
in Europe and the Continent. Those who
place themselves under our care will now
have the full benefit of the many new and ef
ficacious Remedies which we are enabled to
introduce into our practice,. and the public
may rest assured' of the same zeal, assiduity,
.SECRECY and attention being paid to their
came, Which has so successfully distinguished
us heretofore, as a Physician in our PECULIAR
pepartment of, profesaional Practice, for the
past twenty-five years.
Puerto' FitkALE Pixxs.—Ladies who wish
for Medicinea,-the efficacy of which has been
tested in tboupands (leases, and never failla
to effect ipeedy cures without any bad re
sults, will use none blit Or. DeLaney's Fe
male Petiodical Pjjle. The, only
w precaUtion,
necessate be 'observed is, ladies should' not
takethenfif they bare reason to believe they
arer in certain situations (the partimilars of
which *ill be found on the wrapper accom
panying each Nix ' ) though always' safe and
healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they.
Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to
any past of the United States or pseuds.
To THE LADIES--WhO•Heed: ei confidintim
medical advise' ;Kith regard to Any, of those
interesting complaints to which their delicate
organization renders theta liable, are particu
larly invited to consult us.
THE .' ELECTAO-GALVANIC Paaractrxvitt"
For nintried ladies whose health wlhi ipat ad
mitr qz who hive no desire to mann their
fondiktonny be obtained as above,' , it it 1*
perfectly safe preventive to ccoiception, and
had been . egtelisively used during the - Apt 20
years. Pm/ reduced to $lO.
'4llll Matrix OF YOUTH UNVETILID: •
treatisd!orthe - Cause of Ptemature- De
cay= A solemn Warning. Just published, - a
book showing the . insidious progress and pre
valence among whools; [both male and fe
nde.] of this fatal NOR, pointing out the
Malty that invaritiblytattends its victims, and
(Meting the whole progress of the disease,
from commencement to the end.
It will
sent byMail on iiiceipt of two [3
cent Stamps.
Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning til
9 atliight, and on Sundays from 2 till 5 P. x.
Medicines with full directions sent to any
part of the United States or Canadas, by pa
tients communicating their symptoms by letter.
Business correspondence strictly confidential.
Cr Dr. L'e Office is still located as establish
ed under the name of DR. LACII.OIX,
No. 'l3 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y.
li s ving just icturned from the city with
a - likely selected lot of Ready-made Clothing,
whiCh the underaignd is prepared to furnish at
redticesd prices; havinglaid in a general assort
ineAt of 'Men and boys' clothing, which be is
dela* Ailed to sell Low, FOR CASH. Eis stock
co ojets of OvErt-COAT S, Dazes, Faods AND
ftottinsowrs, (knit) OVERHAULS, CRAVATS,
GLoVes, Suszarlisku, 8m; Everything in the
Furnishing Goods line. Call and eximune be
fokpiticliOSSWhere. Everything sold at
prises to Mil' Ines. JOHN BELL.
(,or n er of: Woio . L ane arid Market Si
Mil', u i
mgt. aper. to ' Cossets *tore.
Vast *Litt dee, each ono wirranted
,perfozorto theentire sathaactiou of
the purchaser.
Parreasort & Co.
BUY one of those belniifl l SO' 7'1%
HATS* Carta:OA Maikiiit7st!,,-
pri6ical (41,1,r0ps
invariably restore and regulate the female sys
tem, removing all irregularities, and producing
health, vigor and strength.
Are a fluid preparation, the only one of the
kind ever discovered in this country, and acts
directly on the parts affected, whilst pills and
powders can only reach them as they work
through sympathy, but not at all, direct and
Are you suffering from a constant , anxiety
for the regular . return of nature's prescribed
Give yourself no uneasiness, for Lyon's
Periodical Drops, if taken a day or two be
fore the expected
,period, will, pOsitively and
invariably regulate ita coming, as sure as of
follows cause, as sure as-daylight follows
Are yon , irick, enfeebled , by 'disease, or unit
ble to bear the.labor and dangerof increase ?
Come tb you as a blessink, Tor is not preven
tion bettenlitin.edreli .
If, regularly taken, it is s eertaid prevent 7
we, and wilt save you Much peril and, many'
hours of suffering
Have you been afflicted for tunny years with
complaintk incident to the sex, that have
baffled the skill of physicians, and are hurry
ing you on to an early grave?
Are the most reliable regulator ever known,
and cure, like magic, all those irregularities
that have defied the doctor's skill.
Will you. waste away with suffering from
Leucorrhmii, Pro'spoils, Dysmenorrbwa, and
a thousand other difficulties, all summed up
under the name of suppressed and obstructed
nature, when an investment of one dollar in
/.,.I . OA'S
will wily save you.
Do,pot use the Drops when forbidden in
the directions, for although a positive cure,
and hamlets at all other times, they are. Dv
powertAl and finely calculated to adjust (Mkt
govern- the-functions of the sexual organism,
that, if taken, eiX improper timeii, they would
produce rtunilts contrary to. nature, against
which pll t pprgicularly thOsPlTim,wotild re
produce, shoulp carefully guard.
Cannot harm the most delicate constitution it
any time; yet the proprietors wish to guald
against its misuse, hoping that a thousand
bottles will be used for a good purpose Where
one is used for an illegitimate one.
L Y 0 N' s.
the never-failing Female Regulator, is for
sale by every Druggist, is both city and coon=
try, and do not, if ycM.velue your hetilii : and
wish fora reluible medicine, buy any other.
Take no other, but if the r Druggist to A wl:pm
you apply has not got it; make him send and
get it lot ,you . , , • . ,
New "Haven; Conn
Foi aale at Whplesale. by
eow-ly] 23 N. 6th at.,
.40 ► A Ass
Soldiers in the Army
A RE now offered an opportunity by which
they can obtain a good and
One year, and the buyer is allowed the privi
lege of examination before payment is required.
A first-class Hunting Time-Piece of silver
material, over which is electro-fine plated 18k
gold, most durable wrought, making the imi
tation so faultless that it cannot be detected
from the solid matenal by the most experienced
judges.; acids will not affect it. London made
movement. Improved Duplex in full ruby ac
tion, has sweep seconds, and is not to be ex
celled in general appearance. This is decided
ly one of the best articles ever offered for trad
ers and speculators. Engineers, emigrants and
persons traveling, will find them superior to
any other; alteration oftlimate will not affect
their accuracy. Price, peeked in good shape
and good running order, only 835, or case of
6 for 8200.
Silbelr Double Doe f unfing Lebeiv,
over which electro-dne plated 18 karat gold,
similar to our improved Dupkx, and superior
aujusted movements, with "stop," to be used
in timing horses, etc.; has Four Indexes for
Washington and Greenwich time, sweep sec
ond; and all the improvements. All in all,
taking its beautiful and faultless appearance and
its superior movement into consideration, we
regard it as decidedly the cheapest article of
the kind in the m-rket.
• Price in good running order, $36, or..4ive.of
6 for $2OO.
Kr We ask no pay in , advance, Out will
forward either of them to responsible parties,
to any part of the loyal States, with bill pay
able to expressman when the goods are deliv
ered, giving the buyer the privilege of exami=
nation, and; if not satisfactory, the watch cad
be returned at our expense.
The express companies refuse making col
lections on soldiers and other parties Blithe
disloyal States, consequently all such orders
must be accompanied by the cash to insure at
tention. We make a deduction of two dol
lars on either when the payment is forwarded
in advance.
Money may be sent by express at our ex
pense. •
Received two '.Prize Medals"
International Ezhibition, London, 1862
It also received the Superlati;ie.Report of
'"Exceeiling Excellent Food:"
At the Great luternational Exhibition at
Hamburg, 'Ju1y,.1863, '
Received the Highest Medal •
Used for Puddings, Custards, Jit'nee Mange,
&e., without Isinglas, with few or no eggs.
It is excellent tor thickening Sweet Sauces,
Gravies for Fish,. Meat, Soups, &c. For Ice
Cream Lothing can compare with it. A little
boiled in Milk makes a rich Cream for Coffee,
Chocolate, Tea, &c. A most delicious article
for food for children and invalids. It is vastly
suprrior to Arrow Root, and, muck more eco
nomical. , ,
Put up in one
,pound, packages, under ,the
trade-narktrade-el* Maizena, with full directions for
use, and mold by all Grocers and Druggists.
Wholesale Agent.
166 , Fulton Street,, New-York.
August 22-61n1
Great Discovery.
OR the cute of Weak Stomachs, Re nevi
JC , debility, indigestion, diseases of the.
Neryoui System, constipation, acidity Of
the stomach and - far 'all cases requiring
This Wine includes the most agreeable and
efficient Salt of Iron we' possess ; .Citrate of
Magnetic Oxide combined, with the most en
ergetic of Vegetable tonies, Yellow 'Peruvian
Baer. The effect in many cases of debility,
loss of appetite, and general prostration, of an
efficient Salt of Iron, combined with our valua
ble Nerve Tonic l is most happy. It augment/
the appetite, raises the. pulse, takes off muscu
lar flabbiness, removes the palor of , debility,
and gives a florid vigor to the countenance.
Do you want something to strengthen you 7
Do you want a good appetite'?
Do you want to build up your constitution?
Do you want to feel well?
Do you want to get rid of nervousness?
Do you want energy?
Do you want to sleep well?
'Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling?
If you do, try
This truly valuable Tonic has been so
thoroughly lestqd by all classes of the commu
nity, that it is now deemed indispensable as
a Tonic medicine. It costs but little,' purifies
the blood, gives tone to the stomach, renovates
the system, and prolongs life. I now only
ask a trial of this valuable Tonic.
EEL'S Bitttr . Wine of Iron is the only sure and
effectual remedy in the known world tar the
permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility,
and as there are a number of imitations offer
ed to the public, we would caution t e dom
muntiy to purchase none but the genuine ar
ticle, manufactured by S. A. Kunkel, and has
his stamp on the top of the cork otevery 'bot
tle. The very fact that others are attempting
to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its
worth and speaks volumes in its favor.
The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent
and $l.OO bottles, and sold by all respectable
Druggists throughout the . country. Be par
ticular that every bottle bears the fec simile of
the proprietor's signature.
General Depot, 118- Market Street,
Harrisburg, Pa.
la For Sale by Dr. Deane & Co., and all
Ftopectable dea.ers everywhere.
..t-ervv-0.-rci. 1
heat will cure Coughs,
Tickling in,the Throat,
Whooping Cough,
Or relieve Consumptive Cough,
, .
Have been sold in its native town, and not a
single instance of its failure is known:
We have, in our possesslim, any 9uUntity of
certificates, some or then') 'from eminent 'Airs
icians, who have used it:in heir, practice, and
given it the pre-eminence over any - other com
pound. It does not "dry lip a 'Cough, but loosens,
it, so as to enable the patient ,
Two or three doses will invariably cure tickling
t in. the throat. •
A Half Bottle has often completely Cured the
and' At, - though it is so sure and speedy in its
operation, it is perfectly' harmlesii, Ogris
ly vegetable. It is very agreeable to the 'taste
and may be administered to childremof any age.
In cases Of Cr'buy we'will giiarraritee a curt,
if taken in season. ^ 04 No FAsin.v Monier bi
without it. It id withitilhe reach' of all; that
PRICE BEING ONLY 25 ("pas: .
And-if au investment;and a thorough trial
does not "back up" the above statement, the
rtioney..Nlf;he refunded. We. eay this kpow 7
intits trifoU.and feeling:confident that o,ne
trial will:secure : lor it gt. ho#4o4inAyery Mouse
hold. I/4'lM not waste away ,with Coughing,
when so small an ,Inveatin'eakswill citt*Yoll:
It may be had of any reapeclitble druggign, who
will furnish you with a: circular ..of :genuine
certificates of cures it hae.made- • -
C G. CLARK, .ProprietOrs,
Sept. 24-6in.J Nerorkfaven, CI. '
Dr. Brunon's Celebrated Remedies
for delicate diseases.
NO. 1. THE GREAT ARlTlTTR.—Speedily
eradicates all the evil effects of self abuse,
as loss of memory, shortness of breath, giddi
ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of via
ion, or any constitutional derangement of the
system brought on by the unrestrained indul
gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex.
Price one dollar.
No. 2. THE BALK.—WiII cure in from two
to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoea,(clap)is
without taste or smell and requires no restric
tion of action or diet; for either sea; price $l.
NO. 3. THE norm will cure Gleet in the
shortest possible time, and I can show certih
cotes of cures effected by this remedy, wher
all others have failed. No taste or smell.—
Price one dollar.
NO. 4. THE PVNITER is the only known
remedy that will putatively cure strictures of
the urethra, no matter of how long standing or
neglected the case may be. Price one dollar.
NO. ft. THE SOLUTOR will cure any case
of Gravel permanently and speedily remov
all diseases from the bladder and kidneys.—
Price one dollar.
No. 6. Tan PLEVENTOR is a sure preven
tion against the contraction of any disease, is
less expensive and far preferable to anything
in use. Adapted to either sex. Price $l.
NO 7. Tax 41ARM will cure the whites
radically and in less time than they can be ef
fedtually removed by any other treatment; in
fact this is the only ,remedy that will really
cure this disease ; pleasant to take. Price $l.
tain, safe and speedy in producing menstrua
tion or correcting any irregularities of the
monthly periods. Price two dollars.
spring R.egulatorwill last a lifetime. Price $5.
Either of the Remedies will be sent free by
mail on receipt of the price annexed. Circu
lars containing valuOle information with full
description of each Remedy, may be obtained
by enclosing one post stamp. Address
Philadelphia. Pa.
These Remedies are sold in Marietta only by
JOHN JAY LIBHART,•where circulars con
Wining a full description of each case can be
obtained gratis, on application.
General Depot, North East Corner of York
Avenue and Callowhill street, Philadelphia,Pa.
IQ— In complicated cases 1 can be consulted
by letter, or peisonally atmy office; entrance
No. 40f York Avenue. Da. F. BRUNON
Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic
A TREATISE, on the causes of . early Physl
ical decline of Ameri c a n people : The
cause of Nervous Debility, Consumption and
Marasmus. This' work is one of, high moral
tone, written in chaste, yet thrilling language,
and appeals direct to Me:moral amsmouaness of
sic .PAAENTS and guardians especially. de
tailing scieLtific and reliable aids and treat
ment for cure.
It will be sent by mail on the receipt of two
three cent postage stamps.
Parents and Ginirdians! Fail not to
send and obtain this book.
n.-,Young men ! Fail not to send and get
this book. Ladies you should at once secure a
copy of this hook.
A word of solemn conscientious advice to
those who will reflect,
kelass of maladies prevail to a fearful ex
tenrin the community, dooming , st.least 100,-
000. youth of both sexes annually, to Ain early
grave. Those diseases are very imperfectly
understood. Their external manifestation, or
symptoms are Nervous Debility Relaxation
and Exhaustion ; Marasimis or wasting and
consumption of the tissues of the whole body ;
shortness of breathing or hurried breathing on
ascending a bill or •flight of stairs; 'great pal
pitatinnzif the Heart; Asthma, Bronchitis and
sore Throal fehakingofthe Hands and` Linibs ;
aversion to society and to business or study;
diinnesi of eyesight, toss of. Memnry, dizaineas
of the Head, Neuralgia, Pain in various parts
of the body; Pains in the back or limbs, Lurn
bago, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, irregularity of
the bowels, deranged , secretions of the Kid
neys and other glands of the body, as Leuchor
rhcer Fleur Albus, &e. 'Likewise Epilepsy,
Hysteria and Nervous Spasms.
Now in ninety-nine eases out of every one
hundred, all the above named disorders, and a
host of others not named, as Consumption of
the Lungs and that most insidious and wily
form of - Consumption of the Spinal Nerves,
known aa.Tabes Dorsales, and Tithes mesen
teries, have their seat and origin in diseases
of the Pelvic Viscera. Hence the want of
success on the part of old school practices in
treating symptoms only.
Dr. Andrew Stone ' Physician to the Troy
Lung and Hygienic Institution, is now en
gaged in treating this class of modern mala
dies with the most astonished success. The
treatment adopted by the institution is new;
it is based upon scientific principles, with new
discovered remedies t without minerals or poi
sons. The facilities of cure are such that pa
tients can be cured at their homes, in any part
of the country, from accurate descriptions of
their case, by letter ; and have the medicines
sent by mail or express. Printed interrogato
ries will be forwarded on application.
la- Consumption, Catarrh and diseases of
the throat cured as well at the Home of the
Patients as at the Institution,by sending the
Cold Medicated Inhaling alsamic Vapors,
with inhaler and ample directions for their
use, and direct correspondence.
la- Patients applying for interrogatives or
advice, must enclose return stamps, to meet
ir-1" The attending Physician will be found
at the Institution for consultation, from 9 a.
m. t 0.9 p. in., each day. '
Sunday in the forenoon.
physician to the Ttoy Lung and Hygienic In
stitute, and Physician for Diseases of the
Heart, Throat and Lungs, 96 Fifth Street,
Troy, N. Y.
Opposite the Cross Keys Hotel,
oITHE undersigned would rospectfully inform 2
the public that he still continues at the
stand, corner of Second and Walnut etreeti,
directly .:opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep
on - hishd and for sale, all kinds of cigars from
Half Spanish up, in prices from $6, $7 $2O to
$BO per thousand. Tonacco.—Natural Leaf,
Excelsior Cavendish, OranokO Virginia, Con
gress. Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun
Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An
derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci
gars manufactured of imported stock. SIXES
HALF SRAIIISII. Rappee Snuff acid all kinds
Fancy P ,Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs,
Fnie-cutipes, Cigar Tubes, 4-e; Dan. 30,'58
Located on Chestnut street, opposite the
and in close proximity to the .principal Jobbing
and Importing. Houses, Banks, Custom House,
and places of amusements. The City, Cars
can betaken at the door (or within a square)
for apy depot, in the 'City. The House has
been renovated and refittea.
13 - TERMS 411:75 PER
PorURNETT'S Cocoaine. A compound of
Cocoa.** Oil, Ike.; foidreffaing the flair.
'efficacy and agreeableneas, ii is without
an equal. It preventithe hair from falling off.
It pi mates its healthy and vigerouigrowtb.
It isiiiitlyealy or sticky.
ItAat..t4 no; disagreeable , odor.
It stiltens the hair when hard and dry.
It ispthei the irritated scalp skin.
It , affords the iichest lustre'.
If remains longed in - off-net.. Deane .1 f Co.
For sale cheap at Dffenbach's
tihibelvai Clothes lilhioget..
No. I.—Large Family Wringer, $10:00
No. 2.—Medium, 7:00
No. 21. " 411 6:00
No. 3.—Small '• 5:50
No. B.—Large Hotel Wringer, 14:00
No.lB.—Medium Laundry, (to run by ) 18:00
steam or
No. 22.—Large Laundry, ( hand. ) 30:00
Nos. 2z and 3 have no Cogs—all others are
*No. 2 is the size generally used in private
Orange Judd, of the American Agricultuiist,
says of
Qtfie Unibtroal Clotbts Ettinger
"A child can readily wring out a tubfutl of
clothes in a few minutes. It is really a clothes
saver! A Time Saver! The saving of gar- .
ments will alone pay a large per tentage on
its cost. We think the machine much more
than pays for itself every year in the saving of
garments! There are several kinds, nearly
alike in general construction, but we consider
it important that the Wringer be fitted with
Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog
the rollers, and the rollers upon the crank
shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber
break loose from the shaft. Our own is one of
the first make, and it is as good as new after
nearly four years constant use."
Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is war=
ranted in every particular.
No Wringer can be durable-lin:hoot Cog-wheels
A good Canvasser wanted in every town:•
l'On receipt of the price from places where
no one is selling, we will send the .Wringer
free of expense.
For particulars and circulars, add rest '
347 Broadway, Isew-York.
C I, L A V. ,
corner of 7elt
This Institution, which was established in
1844, and is now consequently in the eight
eenth year of its existence, numbers among
its graduates, hundreds of the most ,successful
Merchants and BuSiness Men in our Countiy.
The Object of tie InstitUtion is solely to
afford ysung men facilities for thorough prepa
rations .for business.
The Branches taught are, Rook-keeping, as
applicable to the various department+ of trade ;
Pennmanship, both' plain find ornamental ;
Commercial Law, Mathematics, Navigation,
Civd Engineering, Drawing, Phonography,
and Modern Languages.
The System of instruction is peculiar; no
classes or set lessons are made use of, but each
student is taught , individually, so that he may
commence at any time, and attend at what
eiter hours are most convenient.
-Catalogues' are issued annually after the 15th
of April, 'containing names of the students for
the year, and full particulars of terms .
and May be obtained at any time by ahress
ing the Principal.
In extensive accommodations, wide-spread
reputation, and the lengthy experience of the
Principal, this institution offers facilities su
perior to 'Any other in the country, for young
men wishing to prepare for business, and to
obtain.s. DIPLOMA:, which will prove a recom
mendation for them to any Mercantile House.
Dom' Crittenden's Set ies . or trettises ou Book.
Eeeping. l now 'more • widely circulated than
any. other work on the subject, are ..for sale at
the College.
Jan. 18, , 62-13 , 1 ' PitINCIYAL.
Chain of IVatiol Commercial Colleges;
Veui-York City, Brooklyn, Albany, Bu f falo,
Troy, Detroit. Cleveland, Chicago and
&aunt Louis.
Book-Keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Ar
rith metic, Commercial Law, Forms, Corre
pondence, &c., practically taught.
These Colleges being under the same general
and local management, and uniting in each the
advantages, of all, offer greater tacilitief for
imparting instruction than any other similar
institutions in the country.
A Scholarship issued by any one is good in
all for an unlimited time.
The Philadelphia College has been recently,
enlarged.and is now the largest most prosper
ous Commercial instil anon in the State.
Bryant & strattair's series of Text Books,
embracing Book-Keeping, Corn merciat Arith
metic, and Commercial Law, fors, and
sent by mail.
Da" Far full particulars, send far a circular.
Dec. 27 '62-Iyl PHILA DELPHI A
A Fortune for All!
NO HUMBUG', but an ElsTraELy ret.w
thing. Only three months in this country
No clap-trap operation to gull the public, but
a genuine money-making thing! Read the
circular of instruction once only; and you will
understand it perfectly. A Lady has just
written to me that she is making as high as
Twiarri DOLL ins 30DIE DAYS!giving in
structions-in 'this art. Thousands of Soldiers
are making money rapidly at it. No person
has to be urged to patronize it. It is a thing
that takes better than anything ever before
offered. ' You can make money with it home
or abroad—On steamhoats et railroad cars, and
in the country or city. Yon will be' pleased
in pursuing it, not only because it will yield
a handsome income, but also in consequence
of the general admiration Which it elicits. it
is pretty much all profit. A mere trifle is
necessary to start with.
There is scarcely one person out of thou
sands who ever pays any Attention to adver
tisements of this kind, thinking they are hum
bugi. Consequently those Who do send for
instructions will have a bioad field to Make
money in. There Is'a 'class of persons in this
world who think because the. have been
humbugged out of a 'dollar or _so, that every -
thing that, is advertised ,is a humbug. Conse
quently they try no more. The person who
succeeds is the one that keeps on trying until
he hits something that pays him.
This art cost me one thousand dollars, and
I expect to make money Out,of it-and all who
purchase the art from me will do the same.—
One Dollar sent to me will insure the prompt
return of a card' ofinstructions in the art.—
The money will be returred to those who are 'not
No. 1 Pailr Place, New York.
Dyspepsia'consuniption ' Liver Complaint,
Diarrhea, Piles
„4c., and all,
Female Coniplainte.
Da. W. will send his Theori of Chronic Die
eons; for '6 cents, toipre-pay postage.
Symptem lists for any disease, frirwardhd:
1:11- Medicines forwarded to any post office
in the United Stites. Post Dillce 4 Bbx,'3o92:
St. Louis, A.usust 1,1663.-Iy.
Gmnantokm Ztltgtot.
A Family and an Agricultural kilinefli,
Choice Literature,
Including Poetry, Navekttee, rail, as
Moral and Entertaining Reading sitadhaly.
In the Literary Department we shilinAgsg
sent the choicest varietie' within the swift
our extended means. The No velettes, 1 4 ,aias,
Poetry. &c., shall be supplied fiom the trio.
sources, and be equal to anything
to be found in any journal or magazine.
Agricultirre and Harticeature
Embracing Farming. &sr-doling, rricit-R„,i,...
ing Ora In alt their braither, at condneted en
the latestand most.appromd sgsferns.
Our labors in this department for OVA/
thirty years, have met •the cordial -approba
tion of the public. Oaf puipose MIS been to
furnish useful and reliable information, upoa
these very important branches of industry,
and to protect thin' so far as Within clitrpo'vr
e- against the false doctrines and selfish pur
poses of the many empirics . and sensativi
adventurep by which the Farmer, is Inces
santly assailed. Tlitillortiort'of the Vinifitia.
town Telegraph will aloile-.l?e,W9Alktite whole
price of subscription, as, every Faimer and
Gardener, who lies a proper conception of
his calling, will teadilywdmit,
The same industryi care, atitytidicrup .
tion, in gathering and prerineing` the - Silang
Events of the Day, expressily,tokthis paper.
which hitherto has, .been onp,of itp l inarked
features and given so universal' Align - than,
will be ciintinued . With redoutiletvilfertkie
meet the increasing.dernands of thc,pulkyc.77
The labor required in this department'ut nest=
er. fully appieciitted by the reader. liuneuld
be impossible to present. in the enedepseil
and carefully , made up form in which
pears, a corrected maskof sAt•the naost„ititeri ,
eating trews of the . Waeh l . without) hvoly,im.;
much physiCal labor, tact and juilgnient.
We au nerbillie caikielin.f;-tn Which We ..birg
leave to calitbe attentron,,f.if ity„who op
subscribing for a newspaper
Orke,CapY, OnelYeitlyt
One' Copy, Three Years,
Three Copiei, tehr, =;:
Five Copies, -One Year, -
Ten Copies,, One Year, 13
SUbecriptiiiis nalt
$2•50 i,; . r), `) ••
437 A Club,of five subscribere, at *B, WM
entitle the perseil l getiriik. it''up' , totA apydfor
six . oaths r, Ctu blat -ten. or . Imre,. to, a, j c.acqy,
for one yehy., All CI Lill subsckipnOns 'stop pid
the'brid of t ti tirnWPaid .fifilligelretrii!
dercd. , „ t o„ .) 4
rr No order NV leceireafteation unrest
app=qi pn,qu ukbers eieu.t to , appli al t s
I'lll M I. I REA.B„ .
• • ittir PirqirludeYJA
Germantown, Piiiiageiplint ; Kan, ~ . 0163
; • 1,-,..».1
:: V_ 'i•s4 ;::tttai Oa
1 1 1 11.1C)(f
The Secretary of the 'ltt
iasury hits o et
given Lotice of any intention tu withdraw trns
popular‘ Sa.l4 nil-Par; anWiirtite.;
days notice . is unnertinpipd s ,.as
.-6pncral 6tebscrtptioit ilt 6111,614
to'sapply the -pubiic.•.: I :I
!fine attp3little, Lc/An, aukt19,644
is Five Hundred Alillturi d W .h AM"
u?'DUfhirs." g
Fear Hzindivil 'MUM niVtafe been uireaolcsui4-
scrzbed fpr and paid into, the 4..reu-yitrAoisKt
within the last seven' iniiiiths. "The large di::
mandt frtiin rapidly merea.sim4
home demand, for use,,.as the yasis l ior circula T
lion by. National
orgamzing an parts ot the coubtr}lru•tllrtate
a- very' short period,,ahairb top balauce.7-
Sales have lately, ranged' froth fen to Arleen"
rililliona Weekly;'' treiliteritlr.eiecdetligg; Ince.)
millions daily, and asit,is .well known that
the Secretary of tne 'rreasiiry has' Ind
unfailing resciiireell'in -the l)uties 'on Imports
and• internal p.ppenues, and ,in tue issue ut"
the interest hearing Legal. Tender Treasury
No tes,;'it is al inOst nut
find it neceosi F Y, for. !0. t..
9 0 g "r!P 1 ,9 F . , 4 P1 1 /;77 l f' ,
reek marhet lot any ethe. peril ,nekt
I,tians, t/ie
fi/A. EmplCil. LiLltu I
ud ce ; set e , c MS; ,nkt!t•tl, tgreS., the
minds of, those coptemplating roe fora:l,l[lOn n(
National Bankitig
minds.of all .wituGhttr,e
hands, to tin! prompt co,clusion that miey
should ifirt6t
popUlar Loam.4l, wilt anon ;
reach, and,iiiiyance,to a hargisonie
as MILS fhtt liftfriyT,
Loan, when it was,alk:soid and e , PTl:t.,#9 l lki: -
er he suliscripeti l'uy at par.
/1 is a Six' Per Cent.' athr
Principal payable in, cmt, thy, Wading, owl-
Nine per-Cent. per uputunt at the present rate
of premium on cold.
The Government requires all duties on ims.
ports tot.te, paid is Cow.; tneae dqtips i bavek r
a long time past ainotin.ei; to qver gtiftirter
of a of, - 13611ars uivarly
three times grgar,er,than that y,equirel, tan
payment ihe inteiest,qn fife i5;20 ,. .4 - niail
other permanent Loans. Siptitait'itits/tiblied
that the surphis.t:oin in the ! Trerkpiryi
distant day, will enalile the United States ln
resume specie payments upon ail
The Loan -is called .5 7 20,.fr0ir fact;. that
whilst the Bonds may run for 26 years, yet
the Govern Meet beau righ , i Cn pay them tern.
Gold, at par, at any time.after s.year t
The Interest ii. paidkalY4thily, tho
("rat days of Nu vent her and 'May.
,S,ub,cliber ? can have..Coupou Bonds, which
are tiayable to . barer, and are $5O, $11.115,
$5OO, and- 010 W ;or ttoigiatered Bonds - of sauie
dencnninattni.,s, and in. addi‘ion, ss,o,oo t aipt
$10 ; 000. For Banking purpus,s and fur in—
vestments of Trust-monies the itegikterild
Bonus are Karel able.
These 5-20's cannot be taxea by States;•;:ici
ties, towns or ,counties, and . the. Go vernmeliincome.tax6n them ip only one-and-a-4;11f per,, cent,
on the amount. ot income. • When
_the aiacould
of toe ho! der exceed. undred
annum; all other in ve4tinents, itiCh'ae'incoine
from Mottr,ages, Stock :and .Bonds;
etc., must pay from thren,to by : e per cP/kt,
on the tncume.
Han ksand" Hankers throughobt the tCourit*
will continue to dispose of.thejlonds;,:apiia.4l
orders by mail, or otherwise pronipiifattaitj
ed te.
The inconvenienCet . erti 'fair' diYii*iiilii; in
the delivery of the lionds..ts,,e.navet4Na, pi l b•
demand bein' so great;, but as interest com
mences frbir ay Of stigerfTitiiM,F 6918 . 1.4 , 14
occasioned,_ ;arm etiort...i s „ . ho ggrmii d em ,
diminish the o a.y.. . JAY COOICK .
' Suns , :ntrriom ACrirvi"F
114 South Third. Street, Vhiladelplita„
'7'o , CONSITIVP Tri7l,lB
The undersigned; having been , restriredt 2 tis
health in' few weeks, by a yew simple-rtMoy
after having suffered severely for several yeals
with, lung.affectiol.and that dread +el e,
Consumptioa - --is anxious to m`ake'kno to
hisrfello w-suffere rn the means of mile. WI;
To, all . , who desirmit, 4 w,ill,sepCs. k ewm f of
the prescription used ' (free of `' ... harge,),
the directions for Weparing
same, which they, will B.oPlt;c/Aelter.
Consumption, sihn,ia, BiorAcaps, Coughs,
Colds, , ST.: The anly'objeet of thelatiiertieeir
in fending the prescription,- is to benefit the
afflicted,:. and • spreadle,infermatlonl''
conceives to be,invi.l4 ; tibe.;ap,d hgpeasir r
cry sufferer Coif them nothing, arid may
prove a- blessing, . • t•q)e,t
Pa r Aes .wipking y;iax preseriptipn - plmrse
:,{Kungs,lK:44l4. IT4b
e i.IN. .M:); tit
No. S-13t1
DR. 1%. U. B.F.:4NE haying purchased Dr.
West's intdfellirrvieWitat & Roth Drug
business, an I having located in the Borough
of Marietr^ lctr•the,practice of, hietprokseicto.
would , i:snecrful , ,
ty offer hiS prpfessinn.-.1 servi
ces to 6m 'public. • '
To Tux Ciriraria groT...llAßlXTr l k ett
great pieare reeiimmending. i
BEAN E'SS a , whom .1 haike-eVery
confidence, a believing. that . gixe,
faction to all whb may employ him.
Marietta, November 8, 1862. - •
ClitolCF,Lot of Books for canareri called
indiatructable•Plessure Books; School and
Paper Books, Stationau,,,PeßA Pen , holden
. 4 For sa4e by P;:l.tindis.,
-- = I
v 41 . 1 4 ot.