The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, February 13, 1864, Image 3
. gly nal Nantitiall. ' MARIETTA CAR HOURS. The several pas senger trains will leave the "Upper-station Depot" as follows : . Morning train, East, at Yen minutes before 3; Mail train West, 12:11; Harrisburg Accommodation train, East, at 6:39 and the evening (rain West, at 7:02. Marietta, pa.; Sikturday, February Ih, 1864. Winted. 11 boy between fifteen and sixteen years of age, to learn the Printingbusinesi. Inquire at this office. ar At a meeting held on Saturday evening last, J. J. Libhart in the chair, G. H. Ettla, secretary, relative to de vising ways and means to furnish volun teers to fill the quota of Marietta. The committees appointed at a previous meeting reported three thousand dol lars as having been raised. A commit tee of five was then 'appointed to have the entire management Of the matter— the following gentlemen composing that committee : H. Eagle, G. W. Me haffey, S. 9. Hiestand, Amos Bowman and G. H. Ettla. Mr. Ettla was thee selected' by the meeting to proceed to Washington and obtain, if possible, the et et titiota 'of our borough, and to procure a credit of 70 men, who, as yet, have never been credited to our place, having left and entered, the service at the breaking out of the rebellion. Mr. Ettla was instrueted to proeiire the ser vices of Mr. Sullivan S. Child, of Har risburg, to accompany hitn to Washing fen to present our rights before the W ar Department, Mr. Child having consider 9.ble experience in that line. We hope something will be done, and be done soon, for we know of several young men having left this place already and en listed elsewhere, because of there being nothing detlitiite here, in regard to bounty. w 4 !are glad to 'learn that our Ladies' Patriotic Circle is doing every thing that can he to have a creditable representation at the Lancaster Soldiers' Fair. We are requested to state that all Contributions intended for the 'fair be sent to Mrs. Barr Spangler, ou Tues day next, the l.Gth instant, and that the name of the dotter be marked upon every article. Below we give the let ter or Mrs. Rosina llubley, inviting our Circle to participate: LANCASTER, February,2, 1864. Mrs. Thomas Zell M y dear friend : —I write a few lines to inform you, and through you, the Ladies of your Society, that tbere will be a place assigned for the Marietta Ladies, so that they can come and dispose of their own goods.— We would. suggest that two of your la dies would come to attend to the tables, and bring a gentleman to act as cashier, and at; many others as can come will be warmly welcomed, to attend the Pair. Hoping to see yon and many others during the week of the 22d, I am Yours, truly, ItOSINA El CBLEY gir We are indebted to Captain John F. Trout of the Pennsylvania Forty- Fifth, for copies of Brownlow's "Knox ville Whig, and Rebel, 'Ventilator."— The Forty• Fifth being in the vicinity of that city. Since the above was put in type, the Captain has returned to his home in this borough, his company having re-en listed and received thirty days furlough. ITe looks very fine and says the boys of the 45th are all the same. The regi ment, with the exception of eleven, re enlisted. fir Our town has been quiteenlivened by the return of the Marietta bola in the Forty-Fifth. They all appear in tine spirits and look as hardy as pine knots. They all go back for the war.-- It appears to us something should be done in the way of a pablic reception to these brave boys. 4iir We are pleased to learn, through Mr. Stebman, the ticket agent, that ex cursion tickets will be issued by the P. R. R. for the Soldier's Fair' at Lancas ter. They will be sold on the 22d and every day during the week, good from Monday until Saturday. They must be asked for, as they are only intended for those Visiting the fair. lar Smith, the hotel thief, sentenced at the January court: to prison for ten years and three months, escaped a few nights since. Who's fault? Cadwell's —Cremer's—or the ineorruptable prison inspectors? Somebody's to blame. • ear The Lancaster County Soldiers' Fair,' from present indications, will be a Most complete success. Messrs. John Clirk, Thomas Zell and S. Patter 800 Sterrett compose the soliciting com mittee' for this borough. ME fIARRRB. On the 14th ultimo, by Rev. B. V. Apple, Mr. SAMUEL M. STAre, of Columbia, and Miss KATE BUCHER, of Schock's Mills. . . At Maytoisn, on the 24th ultimo, by the same, Mr. AnnM Nev, of Bainbridge, and Miss KLVIRA SOMEOLL, of Conoy township. At tho4same place, by the same, or. the 4th instant, Mr. SASEUEL S. GOODMAN, and `Miss MARY SCHROLL, both of Bainbridge, On the sth instant, by the same, Mr. SAMUEL WILCO, of Mdytown, and Miss AMANDA PorsN, of fielhon 'township,ol'ork co. DIED. On the 3d inktlint, ANNIE GROVE, only daugh ter of William and Emma Kendig, of this Borough, in the third year of her age. On Wednes(tay evening last, ANNIE MAirrira, daughter of Christian sand Martha Stibgen, of this Borough, aged I,Yerirtind 23 days. At Maytown, on the 27th i liellecember last, MONROE SWEIGART, otiOiii,':of Benjamin Grove, aged 2 months and. - 124ays. At Bainbridge, on, the 10th ultimo, Miss CATE - AR/NE RITERERFORD, aged 16 years, 10 mos and 28 , days. At Bainbridge, on 2d of Felydary,.AßßArykid Llacd son of Sheriff Sinitti aged three years, one month and five days. SPECIAL NOTICES, 11 . TILE MYSTERIES OF FIFE Tortxr •are often exposed in consequence of the inefficien cy of (so called) beautifying preparations; but all who use 'C . RISTADORO'S Excelsior Hair Dye know and feel that their secret is'secure. No mortal eye can distinguish the blacks and browns produced by, this dye from those ins= parted bv the Creator.l7No destructive ingre dient, nothing that can shriVel iip'or in any way injure the hair, mingles with the,pressrva tivc vegetable elements of this wonderful dye. Cristadare.s Bair Preieryative, is lcii4l4lole with his Dye, as it imparts the uanost softness and the'most beautiful gloSs a*grestt'vifality to the hair. Manufactured Ciirsianoito, No. 6 Astor House, New,York - .: Sold.every; where, and applied by all HairDressers.'' Price $l, 11:50, and ,'s3.pei;'box, to size. ‘. . Hos•rti - rr.res 1317 t Ens have" :received the warmest encomiums from,the presi and people throughout the Union, as .a • valuable tonic for the cure of Dyspepsia,, ylatulence, Constipation, and general nervous dcbiliy, cannot be approached. Every day. new ,case of its great effect are chronicled through out principal public journals. There is nothing equal to the enjoyment to' that * which ,the af flicted experience when using this valuable spe cific, Its 'mild tone, its sure and vigorous ac tion upon a disordered stomach, and the clean sing of the entire human body should recom mend it to all clansesof Our community. , ICS Sec adve . rtisthileilL .z& " • - For sate by Druggist.t- and' &tilers generally, everywhere. • 11:3 — Dn: TonrAs' Venetian Horse ILinimenti pint bottles at 50C `each,. for laniellesS,:eufd; galls, colic,, sprains;.4e., warranted "cheaper than any other. it is °used by :Abe great horsemen on Lqng Island courses:' not cure ring hooe . not spiwin, as there is no , anent in existence that will. , AVhat it is stated to cure it positively dims.: No owner ses will be withinit it after-trying one bottle. One dose Ipvives and often saves the life 111) over-heated or driven horse. For colic and belly ache it has never•fitiled. Just as:sure as the sun rises, just so sure is this valuable. Lin iment to be the horse embrcca.tion of the day. Sold by all druggists. Office, 56 Courtlaniit street, New-York. , IQ— Eye and Ear : Prof. J. 15aac5,..114,1)., Oculist and Aurist,.formerly of Leydeni'llol land,'is located No: till pineLst., where„persons afflicted with, diseaseS of the Eye or Far will be scientifically treated and cnred, if curable. Artificial Eyes insert= ed without pain, No Charges Made for'examr Madan The medical faculty is invited, as he lias'no secrets in his mode of treatinent. ltJ— The Citizen Soldier will !find , a more deadly foe in the brackish, muddy water and damp night air'. than in; :the m ost. determ in ed enemy. Holloway's. Pills so nitrify the blood and strengthen the stomach and I o,vels that the *dill cr camendure these hardships and still be.strong and healthy. Only 30c per box. v e: 46 ....a • T .I,*:;T OF LETTERS &twain -4 Ette - 4 I ing in the Poit Office at Marietta, Pa., fur the week ending Feb'y Anderson, Jacob Musser, Peter. Alwine, «Tillium Mlller, Jacob Albright, Kate Martin, Mary J. 2 Buchanan Alexander Nicholas, Allace Ile3nhir, aco h New, Adam Douglres, Martha Rehm, Wendal Erkins, Lydia A. Rhein, Margaret Eder, Franz • Schnitz, Mathias Elleswiller, Martin Shenk, Rachel • • Bess, Christian Thacker, Isaac ( - tufty, Elizabeth Young, Mary Kayler, rl - PcrSons calling for letters in the abdve list will please say they are advertised. One cent will be charged on each.letter,'for advertising: A. CASSEL, P. M. lor the Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen . Garden 1864.] THE [1864. G ARDENER'S MONTHLY, . , - W. G. P. BRIZICKLOE, Publisher Ot4e 7. 23 North Sixth-st„ Philadolphia. TERMS-SI:pp.A.YEAR:„ EDITED BY THOIVIAS MEE/TAN• THE KORTH LY CONTEWTS ARE : Hints,- 1 0 to wet . . Garden and - ,Pleasure-Groi l Fruit-Garden.; Vegetable-Garden,; Win dow-Gardening. Communications—Embracing the views of the best writers on Hortieulture,,Arboriculture and Rural Affairs. Editerta/—Giving, tne. Editor's ,views on the important Horticultural improyemeniat., Scraps and Queries—NeW Fruits-New,plants —Domestic and Foreign .Intelligence- T Foi : eign Correspondence—ziortienitural_notiees. With each department handsoinefyilleStrated. These general features will be retained; and the publisher pledges himself that no lahor f or expense shall lie spared to, render,the,sticeeed 7 ing issues of the magaiine every way. we4y , of the favor with which his previews efforts have been amply rewarded. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN.' . DIEBIi L. BAKER, 'cribincr pt (5 trOnattier Wont:n . • most resnectfully take this means'of informing, tos friends and the public generally that he has commeneed'the drawing of DEEDS, • ' MORTOAGES, - " • ' JUPGAVI,ENTS and in fact everything fa, the Cony EIA NC/ rto line. Having gratuitous intercourse with a member Rf. the Lancaster jlialywill enable him execute instruments .ot,osyitipg with accuracy. tCEP He can be found at"the office of " T.trs MA RIETTIA Pr,' 3 on Front,streer; his res idence on Market street, near the " Donegal House," Marietta. a" Dian Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments'and Leases always on hand and . for Sale.. TA.NIEL G. BAKER, • 4 ATTORNEY LANCASTER, PA OFFICE :—No. 24 'NORTH DUKE STREET, opposite the Couit 'House, where, he will at tend to the practice of his profession in all its various brunches. . , brands—iuirranted D genuine. H. D. Benjamin. 11 A • 42 ADJOURNED COURTS FOR 1864. It is ordered by the CourtAtha the Adjourned Courts for 1864 for the trial `and decisions of calms in the Compton Pleas, Orphans' Court, and Quarter Sessions, are to be held as follows: FOR ARGUMENTS. I week, commencing on Monday, March 21st 1 " " ' June 20th. " 1 tf To continue one week from .the said days re spectively, and as Much longer as the business may require. All the eases on the list for ar guinent in the Orphane Court, shall be taken up on the first days ot 'said terms, and 'be pro ceeded with until dispoied of, finless continued by consent or causeshown. The cases 'On the argUmentlist in the Quar ter Sessions shall be taken upon Wednesday of said term, if not prevented by the Orphans' Court, and'if so, the cases in - tbe Quarter Ses sions commenced on the termination of the Orphans' Court buSiness. The argument of the cases in' the Cortinion Pleas to be Commenced on Thursday of the week, if not prevented by the'Orphatis' CoUrt or'Quarter Sessions cases, in that case, the ar gument list, of, said court is lobe taken up at the terminatiOti of the cases in the other courts and preceded in until' diSposed Of, unless con tinued.* coniery.t or cause shOwn. It is further' Ordered 'that"the absence of counsel at the ,time appointed for hearing the cases Mentioned in the preceding brders'shilf, be,no cause. for 'saapandins the' proceedings, therein Unless, by consent; or legal ground, for a continuance tie shown.' :•• . ADJOURNED JUAY,,TRIA-14%, . Las 'lt 'is ordered -brtlie Court that Adjourned Courts for -Jury Irials-invilie•Coininori Pleas, isill be•lield- tiS,follows,:..l-- iteeltomme - ncingthe!lst Monday, Feb. Ist., t “ , • 1 49: 4th- , FebAild. ": • ' - sth • :Feb.29th. 1 ;.4th - irlay 23& ; eau :' 30: , I " —"• sth • " • •:, Aug: 29. I cc . • ic.l - 3 , 1 , . Oct. 17. " • 'I" • - 4th " Oct. 24th. 1 " • - •• ,, 15t,•-•••• And such other periods its - niay. be Appointed a t the aforesaidecohrts: ocat , regular , ternts.,., JOHN ISELDOMXID " )"' Prothonotary:. if..Dl—s;:eglis— , • :0 No. 20 North Queen'-St.; Latogater. HAVE COMPEF.TED•THEIR ASSORTMENT OF NEWEST- STYLES. FOR FALL AND .WINTER. Fatter ffurS Otittrn OM ! We have now connected with our business as nritten l / 2 a 'verylaveialegant and 'complete agsortment of , :<• 'r Y Lgilles and Chllarens Fir s oteve.rr-qualitYland ;all selected withreare and judzmetit.. , ) ,, Our , :stock,:voinprisds 'every de seriptioir of"size and fashion- Aire would , conr seder" if a favor if , the ladies Cvould ,call and examine our stock comprising Furs of, the first quality. : ; ;; - ; Ladies and .land .1 44 eit"Llatso `ax;,, t ?Made` in the latest fashion' and , triin c 'in gve'rys gallery of 'siyie 'and ' tagter' l sucti , a..4 the' neat COQUETTE and the jaunty SVANISH also• Hits untrimmed:. , ThAtikitil , for, the ,kiberal patronage extended its in the past; we Italie 4 , a:careful attention to` the wants of thepublic,4indikeeping &large, excellent and-,complete, .assortment, afgoods on:Aland, to merit. tr. continuance ofpopular. . • A 'l.l - 44 for .I?enn,sylvanio. , 2864.1, -,g ; HE-;PENNSYLVANIA[IB64. FAR Dl ' ERt AND•GeARDENEIV,. - - A griciatur Harticultui-e- and- karat EDATE'D AND. PUBLIS)EIED • BY . . " •-• 'Wlit:•&'tYoill,7& &' Co.; N0.'52 North' .817ithl TERM'S: - - ONE, DOLLAR A YEAH. L!' The Sixth' Verlaind'eciiardeziet:S ra - autifyllatilier. - " HaViligqibtaindir tha'Sarvietabf eminent ind i , raetleal'Aglieult a - 6AS? flOtidaltuliaiS3 SpScki BreEdateurid 'Bee 'Kespersove 6onfidently 61 2 far tha i 'eairerit yoluthe as on'e' 0f the: lies, e'VO last oa; fat firhatical , thoOght:' 'had. ,! - 'SEM? FOR A. SPEGIM " el ED : W. [MALL, - BURGI,i2ON DENTIST, Having removed theltoanni formerly o ccupier "by Dr: 'F -aifjoinfi*' Spangler `4 , teraan's Sta:re, Market Street, ivhere he is hew prepared to wait Oil alt who inay fed Ilisposedtopatromze - tnn. Dentistry in all as branches•car ried-en. Tr,:r...rit inserted On the most approved principles of Dental science: Ali operations on the 'mouth performed 4'2 4killftil and workmanlike manneroll-fair princiPles and ON itEASorinvn " Having detertninelYepon a permarient loca tion at this k3ia , ePoimuld ask a continuation' of the lit ' • mime heretofore'eitended to him, for writzt: he will renderevery' ble- satisfaction. ' Ether administered to•proper persons: ' DAVID COCHRA.N',, diid.Papei-"flare:ger.' . . 1 - 17 OULD most respectfully infOrinAlle izens of Marietta and the public - quer= ally that is'Pre'p a'red• to to Hd us w. p a i nt i ng i , • China OlossVij: Paper Hanging, . • At very short notice and at prices to suit the tithes. 11e,e..5.4 found at his mother's resi dence on tile corner of Cheintt'aild ,Secon4 streets, - fain'ackkii beloxi. the :41. ,Z.:Chliich;" and immediately:, o.pposite,the,,eld Oberlin Coach Worlts. [44. 3-Iy. l e l,, "Int, I*?S`c'elebikted Truss,StirgiCal,Ba - Age% Shoulder' l3rtices, Insfrunielit lnstrument's f r lorrolij RiC... 'Rhein' articles arog'=...;J, very - h ighly , recommended, by Profes-: ...5r..... sors:Paiiceost and 'Griis,'s of the .reficfagnNed-t" icat'College i. rof Philade'pEia; aid the, (map-, signed ,lenz`ers them ' to , „be oio`tipst art..b l e . :Ms, 01 the iiiiitl,muse. ' ", R.,,ifirikle; Itif. .1).:';' '' ,' l A. fine easprtnien,:t of ,Fliverig - F.Akn i ctlfor Cliew.ingsonietylng` very nice.', . ii'qui - d. 4enii4iCor makinkilelicions deSseps. Policing, Arepek,iiit4'otlie fine 40Eip4.• ,: .Frii,n4iiiiinnie - ane oViek;Extiit.eti: , .., :‘` • ' - TIV- sale b'' Dit '. 11'. "1.:A:.*,.D15.'"-. THE subscriber ofte'is h his" Seri , ices to he citizens of..Marietta.lin&vicinitYc.; CON VEYANCING; - ENGROSSING ANILCOPYI NG. Ire has kindly:been perrnitted - tri , refer to' i !•ce • Jalne4"Dutry, esq., - S. S.' lsragley , egg.; James Mebaffey; esti., S. F. Eagle& Co.- 2 . 1 . W.G. Mehaffey;'esq., S. :& 1 M Hiealitdd.ow . Cali be found at all tithes at his ';dWelling; op posite John W,'Clitrini residetice,o•OdWitt'J ket : atreelt,..ot at:George W.:Mehafey , s Saw Mill, at,tha Upper . Station.. JACOB C. BURKART. Marietti,'Oct 31, 1863-Iy* • DR.YJ Z. IiOFFER; 5 OF. Tk1y..,..8.4v01t0ng„ uoLLEGE ifia - M; OF DENTAL, SURGERY; LATE OF X3.ARRISIoURG., OF F I C D:,--Front street, next door OIL Williams' Drug Store, between Locust end Walnut streets, Columbia. „ , B OHLEN'S long celebratedtGlNo H. D. .BENJAMIX, tiDr:.-Bea,i2Le cre., Co_ WOULDTAKE THIS Method of informing their patrons and f riends that they Have just received ailf COMPLETE. AND WELL SELECTED " Sept. 19th " - Dec. 19th. CHF.MIC ALS, TOILET ARTICLES, _ . DYF. 7 STUFFS, PERFUMERY, &e., Also a well assorted stock of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades, Globes,. Burners, &c„ Inks, Pens, Paper and Envelopes, Fresh Seidlitz Powders, Citrate of Magnesia, . Cologne of the best quality, - Hair Oils, Pomades, Sago, - ' Tapioca, Bermuda . Arrow Root, . • . Groumi Spices, Packet Books, Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Gum Rattles? Balls'and Rings, M.aylors' Shaving Compound., Burnetts , Cocoaine and ICallistan,..,Plavoring kxtructs of Lemon, Vanilla, Pine Apple, Rose,,Strawberry and Al- InCind; , lritant Powder, Powder'+•'' :. and ..-Phff _80...xe5, - 111a!lm ;of a •A, Thousand ~r Flouters, • ,• • . • Family Receipts - Carefiilly compounded Prescriptions correctly filled at hairs. .11: Calls answered by the,Doctor at all hours , - '"' nq ES, OQUORS: BENJAMIN, _ DEAL ER IN E S 4Se LIQUORS,' loot Buildmg, anetta,,Pa., BEGS , leaye, to inform, the. public: that he wimcontinne the WIN E & LIQUOR, busi ness, in all its branches. fle.will constantly keep on hand all-kinds of . - • , Biiiiidies; Wines; Girl's, Iriih and Scotch • Whiskey, Cordials; Bitters,6.c., ' BENJAMIN'S'. ,* Celebrated Rose TVhisky,. ALWAYS ON HAND. • A y.ery, surerior , OLD RYE WHISKEY ust received, which is warranted pure. 31:7' . All H.: D: now asks . of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces,,which,TV,ill,heis confident, rp,sult,,in ' ' o tel keVrei.f arid.'othets findiiig it' t theirad vantage to make their purchases 'from I im PREPARE FOR WINTER. A.INT . COMPXETE ASSORTMENT ~GOODS HAS JUST BEEN OPENED BY SPANC;LER •PATTERSON. If you want a good Black or litown French Cloth, or a supdribr, ,CaStor I3eaver Cloth, cr a firsirate` tasannere for a Business Suit, you caolgetilit. at , t ;Spangles fr Patterson's. ; Do ycu want,a pi6d, quality of heavy or fine Fur -COmfOrts, Cravats ! NeclClTes, Cciliafh ! '"Under'stiiris or Drdwere, Fancy *Shrrtilii, , ,'' Shaker-knit Wool "Host; or graij! Kerseys, go' to " ' z , * ," • • . 'Sfiangler"4 'Patterson — B. i• Nigel; will:tin& a gdod'assortment of'fashion ''. l ionable' ISA ka'," 'Colefed' Aljiiebas, "Poplin's; Wl:aides; 4 Pfints,ShitWts, morals,Bat- Sontags, floods, Nubias, EintinSide= - flea, 'Gloves Belts; J.lndergainientS, • 'SkirtSl •Syiatniet "..V-Pafiefififft'isV A lot of, 4 Dbritestic."Blinieki; Counterpanes, Scotclueovhrlitls; Sheetings, Tickings, Osna toirgi,-Cheika,,Mislins;iginfpiains, Rag and Ingrain Carpet, just received; by rgler ti Patterson. . - -ftfrz3-iii' U - 41 Ifiting and, Tqa bett . .s t e fin.est white Dran ' 'ite 'ygtife; t th the" . yl4;l•At tt .9 her !*ift`i"ic'vasidy:lf 'fiewc , dijrleGta (etritini'cin'g eveSythiligiii; that line'regdifedfor7iou_se- bold purposes to il' be an had cheapat .'•- Pine )7ftitte, Itinsins ' Cfanberties Baking "Molesses, feat, Sugute,, .c.,at e ~ SR:11VOLE:1? PA • E kia dAT'SE:OP • • - 4 * '; filim.krrmiSEßk. - . Just Pubtishediii it - *to 'Envqbpi. Fria """ . ' ' ' A Leetiire`ori 'tlie - Nainre,' Veattnent and Radical Cure of Seminal' Weattness, or Sper rnittoririati; induced:by ; Inyolun tary Emissions, Imp° teneY, Nervous Debility, and 'Thipeditnerits ' Marriage 'generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy' and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Rze. By' Ikon. 'J. Ctn.- VEnieir.i, M. - D., AuthOr of "The Green Book,''Ac . „ , ; ; The WOrld-renewaed author; in this admi rable Lecture, clearly PrOves from his Own experiencb that 'the awftil canaegimnees of Self:abnse!may, be effectually removed with iit4 `medicine; and without,dangerous' surgical operatiOns,'bOugie4, instruments, rings or cor dials, pointing ; out a cure at once certiin. and effectual, by which every - sufferer, no matter what his condition may lie May, cure himself privately,"" • and radically. giVe will prove a boon to thousands and then ' Sent under seal, in.a 'plain envelope, to any aad'resi, onjeceipt of six ceiits; or two ; post ; 4ge stamps, b'y addressing the piihfisher.s, CIIAB4.:C. 4CLINE, toWeiy tieiv-York PI: 0. I3oi. AoSti ° J rc chant, at 01IN 41 . e 1 7'or , 'l — of Market4t., and. Elbow Lane, Marietta • ... .. .. ..... 4, • 1 • dr , :zideATEFU.L for past favors I UK. myithanksto mpnumeroustriends and pa trons and inform them thattl still 'continue the old business at the old, stand,:•where I will pleased-to' see , theni at all tunes, 'and. having a culEandsplendid assortment of Lb THS, ) CASSIIIIERES4 'TIESTENTGS, which will be made up to order at the ahorteSt notice bylhe beat ofiworkinen, anjton reasona ble tents ? tWonlilbe plkaset therefore ; to wait upon my old 'euatbinetB and all vilio ) ade proper to patronize me hereafter.: fOcr.29-5156. First liatibital' Bank of Xarietta ?THIS .11 1 ANAINq ;ASSOCIATION ria.VING'CO - 111AETED ITS ORGANIZATION is TT, nrepured.toaraiiihet all kinds ‘of The Boarf.t of- Directors,- meet vweekly, o •-- to Wednesaay, r discount and other business. Itrliank Haters : Frbm 9 a'. to 3'r. st. 'soErN ROI:LINGER' *PitEsioire 4m03 Bi3wivrAN; Cash r. , • `lllfiiletta .;'lB63. • • • The' 9 uMcsln:Wadies. ~ • ... • " • HE Krrieficau,W;fltet nh tee are.aorig.the heat T timeMePfy.s use, ilea for durability etrength - and 'eurrottes' any other watch °made , in the,'wbild: • • H. L.' rtT'2 AHM Cdrner Worth•Queeu-st., and Centre Sqiiarer Lancaster, pa., have ,theirOor ,sale at the verb lowest raterx T lyery,:nratch ar.einrpapieq with the natifiracturOsgbarrikntee,to endure its gen r I t 't o . pp pt qttfl.p, ..11J,11 JO , ,J•Jt '"'Ti n best thing out ciIkiko 4 G,IIIII..CLOTHEANER. CQAT _lathe iL, very best thjeg,,out.for Net weattier--not somfclL,ipg ranted ha to iliritifr. "Call an'd ` examine'them LATI DI FFENBA • SPtCtllakillS o suit 11 who+ e ft io ilpiaasdrmath eglasseri sat r. mini be•btateldfait.lll4..tklL:cr. IZAHMS; Cor nefiedn'NbrAitifaQoxeen-st4 anti:Center , SqOare; Lancaster. ='Nem zlastee refitted old frames; afehorti ''4 Tv6-1 r rbRINI Cr'op' ivrolash6; liese for Cakti. Just reccived by SPA NGLER PATTERSON. STOCK OF • r BANKING,BUSINESS. szMiStrPPLEE & BRO„ IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS And General Machinists, Second.street Below Union, Columbia, Pa. They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces, Pipes, - for Steam, Water and Gas ; , Columns, Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil dings, and castings of every description ; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, rF TIIE MOST MODERN AND IMPROVED Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings, Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks, Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors, Washers, &c. BLACKSWITHING in GENERAL. From long ex periericeip building, machinery :ctr flatter oursel veg. tlitti4e can jive keieral -11abil feetaort to those who may favor us with their orders. Ir:3—Repairing promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times. Z. W.FZLEE, ` '- Ti • PPLEE. Columbia, October 20, iStiO. 14 tf The Glatt Parry_ r Palmierli'Kediey's; OPPOSITE MARIE' TTA. riims old Ferry—one of the oldest and most .safe crossings qn the:Susquehanna.iliver— is now in 'Charge of - the'inidersigned, Who (has refitted the old and built new boats, which will enable him to do ferrying with safety and dis. patch. No unnecessary delay need be endured. Sober and . experienced . Ferrymen, always en gaged. No imposition in charges as the fol lowing list will show : Farm Wagons, each $1:00 Horses,,per head., :25 Single Ithine-AL , '4. /I.4rt , 2". , : 25 •Two-horse Carriage and two persons, 1:00 Buggy, horse and two persons, :50 Foot Passengers, each, :12 Stock of all kinds at thn old charges. All Luggage over fifty pounds, 25 cents pet 100 pounds extra. JOHN .ECKERT July 15,.1863 S. S. RATEIVON, Merchant Tailor, and. Clothier, At R L Kramph's _Old Stand, on the Car ner of North Queen and Orange Street's;!Lanedsthr,:Penn!a: GR ATEF U L to the Citizens of Marietta and vicinity, for the . liberal patronage heretofore eitended, the undersigned-respeet fully solicits continuance of the same as : luring them, that, under all circumstances, no efforts Will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent, for. every act of confidence reposed. CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES ANDVEiTINGS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and'rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest. ALSO,READY-DIADE CLOTHING, Gooods and such articles as usually belong to a , Mer-, chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment. A LEXANDER LEIsT DSAY, - Fashionable Boot and Shag D anujacturer, MARKET STREET ' MAVIETTA, Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood thh.f thellargest assortment , ,Of , :eity.made , , work his line of business in this Borough, and be- Riccticirtidot himself,is enables to select with more judgment than those who are not. lie continues to man ufacture in the very .best manner everything in the BOOT AND 'SHOE LINE, which he will warrant for neatness and good fit. 31:Ca1l,and,examine his stock before pur basing "else"Wh'gre l f 41111;1, 3.0040, OW* 10 lebnio ri H. L. & s, S ® 111VESPEC'fV.I.I1.1.:Y inform then la. I'e:friends 'and thlit• they , TO* still continue the WATCH, CLOCK eiI.EtRT itt I tfie Old' stand, North-west .Corner,og Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, pa. A fu's algortraiii oftodaS . Iftie , cf ;bald ness,always op hand and for sale, at ,the lowest cash rates. ila• Repairin g attended to }ier sonallybv thi proprietors. ar ~,tj :,„„ Lancaster, January,l , , 1,39., PORTABLE PRINTING OFFICES lg . ,of 11111egdS; CaliVll* Labelsi , Cards and. 'Stnall- , Ndwapapers.V. instructions accomp ,a nx i gacli . tatee enAb, 3 s. bOy ten yeais old to ikerintiem sucCesgOily. Circulars , Speernien stteers,otayaev Cuts, Sze-, 6 ,eent9. Address, AVAVY' PRESS ° CO: 31::Parki,ltow , 2] a. Y.,, Boston, Mass. 26 ly Black Hawk Iroh.tre Washer. fr HE undersigned having jusccompleted new paterna for the Manufacture"of The cele brated flack Hawk Iron Ore Washer. lie has removed several objections to,the pax, ern, and now feels certain of beingable s to wash'ohd-tliird'aihre-drOh ore , per daY, - and much sleaner.,,. Mgcbineg . manufactured , and put up anywhere dfikrect at"fhi gliOriekt tice, , and the working.of , theanachineguarrhn. teed.. ,He can, - refer, by permission, ~t,o Col. Sikes Myers, of 1' w-etal *Funiaiie; Maria* and to James,L.,,Stu_ a Es.q4 , asijoining,Mari ; etta. Address • Marietta,, Lancgster, Co. Pa MARIETTA • MARRLE ;YARD.' " Michael Gable, Agt., • MARBLE MASON, AND : STONE CUTTER, Opposite the Town Hall Park, A . , JPPI I THE Mathlo, ,business in_ all its branches, will ire &int-fulledat 'the' old' tilacW, Went the. own Hall and :opposite Funk's CrosstKeys Tavern, , where, every clescrißtign of marble wciik'will'be kept thi'lland Mildefb Order at short-notice and/at.verwreasonable , pricps. : Marietta, June 29, 1861. 49- ly PLATEPLATED WARE: A. Large and tine stock of Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. ZAHN'S. D of North' Queen street& Center Square Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee Urns. Pitcheis, 1 Goblets, ais. Strids, Cake Baskets' - 'CIIM - Sitakets;- SPOotis,•Fbilis l , Knives, Casters, &c., &c., at manufacturers prices. ' - ••• . • ' FL' •L•Ar. 'Et J;.ZAIIIWS. , o and,Centre Square, Lan caster, .Pa. Our prices are_ moderate and all gdodi warranted to' be' as represented. ' RZPLATING attended to atmoderate rates , . C HEAP LAMPS'. ' A FRESH SUPPLY OF • • • Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns' of every , , patein, suitable for the Piirlor, the ..dtchen and the Chamber ; Hanging and Side Lamps . for Halls, Churches , Stores and Offices, Haviniiiurchasedihem from the manufactu rers in large quantities at the lowest cash rates we can sell them tiiuch finder thi usual retail prices,; ,although egery„. Vier. depAtion of goods arc adVancing. — PATTERSON - 4 . eO. "Friends and Relatives of the bray SOLDIERS & SAILORS. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTIVENT. ALL WHO HAVE F RI ENDS AND Relatives in the Army or Navy, should take special. care,, that.they he amply suppliid with these Pills and Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to provide themselves with them, no better pres ent can be sent them by their friends. They have been proved to be the Soldier's never failing-friend in the hour of need. Coughs and . Colds affecting Troops Will be speedily relieved and effectually cured by using these admirable medicines, and by„paying proper attention to the Directjonr which are attached to each Pot or Box. S'ick . lleadache and want of Appetite Incident 'Those`feelings which so sadden us, usually trouble or annoyances, binstrticted prespiration, or eating and drinking. whateVer is unwlioiesonie; thus disturbing' the'betilthful iibtinn of the liver and Sfornitch....-These degami must be relieved, - If•Yirti Staitetio do well:— The 'Pills', taking itecording to -the printed instrbCtions, will quickly fwd.:Wenn healthy ac tion in both liver and stchlutch, and as a Matn ralconSeadence s'clearlead'and goad appeitte. 'Weakness and Debilifi induced by OVER FATIGUE. Will .soon disappear by the, u„se,of these Valuable Pills, and the Soldier' Wilfqnfekly, aCquire additional strength. Never let, the bowels be ~either confined or unduly acted upon. It may ,seem strange that IlellaWay'S shoUld be recommended for Dyeentety and Flux, many persons supposing that they would 'increase the relaxation.. Thai' is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct the liver and stomach and thus remove all the acrid liumours from the system. This medi cine will give tone and vigor to the whole organic system however deranged, while health and strength follow as a matte, of course. Nothing will stop the relaxitiOnof the Bowels so sure as this famous medicine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTOIN! Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings can with certainty be radically cured if the Pills are taken night and morning, and the Ointment be freely used as stated in the printed nstructions. If treated in any other manner they dry up in one part to breallout in another.' Whereas this Ointment will remove the humors from the system and leave the patient a vigorous and healthy man. It will require a little perseverance in bad cases to insure a For Wounds either occasioned by the Bayonet Sabre or the Bullet, Sores or Bruisis, To which every Soldier and Sailor are liable there are no medicines so safe, sure and con venient as Holloway's Pills and Ointment.— The poor wounded and almost dying"sufferer might have his wounds dressed immediately, if he would only provide himself with this matchless Ointment, which should be thrust into the wound and smeared all around it, then cover it with a piece of linen froth his Knap sack and compressed with a handkerchief.— Taking night and morning 6 or 8 Pills, to coot the' systan and prevent inflaina!ion. ' Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seaniltri's Chest should be provided with these inValtia . We Remedies. IMPORT:I NT CA ttrION !—None are genuine unless the words " HOLLOWAY, Nxw :Tout and LONDON," are discernible as a Wateil ; mark in every leaf oi'the 'bobk of directions, around each pot or box i, the same ~ may, ba plainly Seen by holding the leaf to the" lied.= A liandaorne reward will he "given tO any'olte rendering suphinformationns may lead toithe deteation.okanyvarty or,parfies counterfeiting, thp,rnefficines or yending the same, knowing them to be spurious.., , A *,!Sold' i at the 'Manufactory of Professor ligi t i,oWait, 80,.-Maiden ,Lare, New ,York, and hyAill respectable ,Druggists .and Dealer& ia Medicine Ahroughout the .civilised world,, iii pots or kixes,, at 30c 70c. and slilo each. , f43.l.,,l;liractions for the:guidance , olpatiento disorder n are affixed to uschfpot, , 7....„4,4ecefers,e;nmy.well known =sentinel/ can, kemtfin,nly c 4 ,4,9,,CI A C V LASB, sent them,: Q4..EXTENPE, PM, addressing 'Ol - 0#1,410 ,40LLQ.FV,Ar. OMNI , , 80 biditien, Lalin. Nnw7l(ork. there is, considerable .saving by taking iiie.imger)sizps.. • , , [Dec 26r ly ohs ZotiMbiq ilotowee , 06., Of C9lumbia, Lancaster .County, Penn'a 1 ,CHARTER,PERPETUAL TH I 8 ,Compapy continues! to insure Buildings pTIIBII. property, agains• Iptis,and., &image .by, fire, on the mutual plan either:fir,a 4 cash,premium,os premium note arge,apd increasing capital of • .lie Com , papy, : consisting of ,premium notes given by•its members and' based upon 1,',.475 -789 35'! INSURED ,DA' TIIE,AIUTUAL PLAN, Aff9Tdirg guisr'itiatte . e equal, to ten times, ibe‘iiV,4rage lop Ofi the. amount insured ; andAtie - Dir'eetors, pledge themielves to deil as those wit:o May Sustain loss or damage as the 'ease will admit ; of, consistent with justice to all partiesConeerne,d. Ariz b 0:0? it . E.MIP AOTEg . , $155 A 490, , , expended, taniiiryst, t 1'852;t4.1;668 57 Csssh reccipgile'rizig , ;:61;lee i sAOnts 7 e,gmmis49n:4,,6„:781 47 caSh receipt in SalfulAry' Ps63 b9's 80 .t 3 h . —4— 9 3438 k Losses, ancl„expelises.pal4 urrng s tjme year I,S¢ • 44,* Balance urie pende3,, Yeb'y ISti3' 3,016 'or the use of Mer hants, Druggists nd all, Imainess.a . nd rofessionabh, men rho wish to do their ,pripting„,neat,, r and cheapii . ." .. 2 •Pted , ktitile .print 7, ti • . o9,:ip 84 §‘ Gt' , F.F l l Eaft:Q.E.: yvij.NG,:.l.r•V Rea:etc:Vl t , Miell A EDI s - :$ ciltLive o: '0! .4 ,4; .* 1.1.4 .31dititIMPFPR"...".111 Robert T. Ryon, ;Abraham gettrierpgr., J o hn FendrioM " :7 Samuels EaEoetiein; Ariohaekgr'Sktsinesn; Eph - raiwirferekey,,-1, Michaek it. Moore,. George§'Yotellgr, , Jre,u ` ,, Arklolast LI& Donakir e •'... Aria6s— , Sll Green:, , lAlnrrnan3ripts4Tke :lotiowing. persons are all members of this' Comphay::.. - Sainkraftetra.; al. Jones. John: 'South, Joseph ; Emz., cohapb,jst.,-Geo.,Boe L e„ Hiram XettgerA, H.,C. Eond,eremipt,,Jetin Sbenberger, 4.,G.Pn, 1 120, Fitiak,,Sll4lpt, JOhn, Gaus„ J. J. ; &.A..s. r .mc-, Michael, S. Shuman, K. J94hetcoiriPPrt,G'eo- W.: Washington :Samuel Shock,; Re : hart Hainalton, Eckert Alyers, Thomas ,Weleh,,win. A. Martin, Ca.sper Seibert,. J. w...cottrelj, Philip Huebner, Ephraim Hershey, PhilipAchajek, Bavid, Hanauer, John Kramer, jacob ; Stacks, JacebStiine, lienj. F. Appo i ld, Wm.:RV-hipper, 'John Q. Benney, John Felix,Silyeater,,Yogle, Sarripel4rms,..A, Gray ifk. Co., East ,(IpmfieN .Minch.,. Fa/moatit- ; -Abraham col 'Samuel Horst,. Michael ,Iless, tmwas... Earikm, B. A. Shaeffer,, Henry E. Leman, Wini, CoOper, John Sheaftpr„ , Geo. Reese. Marietia---Geo. W. - ,Mehaffey, John H. Summy, Frederick Mahling, E. D. Roath, Calvin A. SchAirner,, John. Naylor, • Samuel Hopkins; Martin Hildebrandt; H.' & F. .Fletc er. ' MountJoy—Jacob'MYera, ISfael", Barn 'Michael ' Brandt, Jobri .Brelernap. `llt4ctheiin=rohn Hosteter, J; E. craip,;.Batilit, I.lo l i , ;,Geq. Weaver, john P liutt; Arnt, Jacob. H. Itline„ David Maytotim—Hiram Beatty, deorge B. Miirray, Samuel Pence, SithOn F. Albright.— Bo'wers. Amor 'Toipnship . .Jacon 13. Shuman, Christian Miller, Julius Shuman. Pena Town.44t—Daniel Frey, Henry B. Becker,. Henry bleff, ohn tier. Rapho Township—Chriatiam Braider, 'Edward" - Givens, Michael Witman. West Remifield Township—H. E. Wolf, 13. A. Price M. A.R.Reid, J. 4:Strie ' kler Amos S. Bowers,, Ja c ob libffman. ' Warwick Tenon&bip—Daniel B. Erb. 4 1Z,The Company wish to appoint an Agen t for:each Townshipin . Lancalitic County.— P„eriiiiitwishing to take the Agency ant apply in 'potion or by letter. , 1 , p LANDLORDS ! ;•. Just rece.ived, - Scotch ~,a,tiii 'lrish - ar!fft I= S "F.IC cr . RI kiv , likiittilt. t ttre,`, , at ft , O.' lremfaiticaltls: -7 ,x: t,., to Soldiers ! LASTING CURE