The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, February 13, 1864, Image 2

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    lilt )1;
Occker, .Editor.
sir GerriraV4obert'goombs, the re
bel) has been arrested for treason to the
rebel government. The case is as fol
low t..:Gentral To - dribs had 'titan' the
cars in Savannah'without a patisport.—
The officer on the train, whose duty it
Was to examine passports, called; in the
discharge of this duty, upon lit Toombs
for. his passport. My. Toorabs had"no
passport, and so, informed the officer,
and said that he would , not procure any ,
tiddihg that ,he was ,General Robert
Toombs, and owed allegiance to Georgia,
tffid.rto other dovernmetii, and that his
State did not retiuire her citizens to
travel with passes and passports, and
thatoire would not procure a passport.
The officer informed , General Toombs
that his orders allevied hire no discre
tion, but , required of him not to allow
any man to•pass without a: passport.---
gel). Toombs stillirefusing to procure a
passport,, was ejected. from the care - by
the guird. Gan. Toombs proceeded to
harangue them in •an„excited and bitter
manner, and in disloyal and treasonable
language. Gen. Beauregard
Brldatinah, and hearing the facts, ordered
the arrest and confinement of General
Toombs, and'he was taken in charge by
tear Boll's Life in London, speaking of
Fjennang says : We had - a visit , firma
the IBetiecia Boy" on the 22d and were
wry,to, find that he MSS still suffering
fronk,sevece illness:. Be has beeii Igo
mrli,rlducfid weight that he now
bacelyweigb,rik twelve stone seven pounds:
Flepclares that, beyond,the first two or
three rounds of his watch with King he
has no recollection whatever of ,any
thing that took place, nor can he in
enyi Wityr,aeciiiint fof the extraordinary;
falling ck in
i ts fighting. Be felt on
ilnteilag . the qt to fight for,his life,
audio: honked' upon' victory :a s a fore: •
gone conclusion ; but in a very few
minutes a giddineas came over hire:, for
*kith he 'cannot account, aricl,beybdd
reitietabeis 'nothineat
hehleditres ht tai never 'felt the same
au since. His loOks vu Friday cer
. r
thinly bore out his statement •as to his'
liajtith, and. it Will evidently require
gFeat t care on ; his part to •get himself
tr A Carlisle paper says o man
nalibrd ramie Mehl, a citizen of York
county; was brougllt to Carlisle Bar
zeal* oil Saturday last, under-Sentence
of death ) by , conrt-martial..Fishel was
tried at Cbambersbnrg, some days sine*
ripen the charges, rof desertion, and. of
Rilqtipg F,itz.Eingh, Lee through York
connty r last summer, and sentenced to
beehot at. thie yost. .He ~s tO b e shot
on `l'lirsdop next:
glir The First National Bank of New
ark: N. J. l ,lfas declared a haarterly divi
dend . of !lid per cent., free of Govern
ment tax, payable March Ist. This is
alitige dividend, MA the exhibits made
by all the National batiks that have
some ,tinder.'onr -observation indicate
very large .earnings. Their privileges
nre..certainly great, and their dividends
will mscessarily be large. •
r The senate uommittee on mili
tary Affairs has reported back the House
bill to revive the grade of Lieutenant
General, with tithendnients striking out
the clause making that offieer the nom
thander.of the armies, and also adverse
tn.!. the House recommendation . that
General Grant be appointed to the po-
Otien, •
Little John Clem, the „youngest
soldier in the Army of the COmberland,
PrOMoted toritraysry by General :Rose.
cries; to a Sergeancy, has been further
promoted brGent Thomas to a Lienten
atiey.atid placed on his staff. He is but
twelve years old. - •
gar My. Bayard cif Delaware resigned
his seat in the. United. States _Senate,
spay taking the oath prescribed
,by bythat
body, His successor, George Read Bid
die, has taken his seat. It seems that
tpe,Unior. cause, has gained .nothing,by
the change, as Mr. s ßiddle is represented
tp be a most virulent Copperhead.
'lir Gen. Meade received handsome
rtmeOtion in Independence 'Hall, Phila
delphia,. on Tuesday inimens&
ofolyd , crowaed the Street in frbut Of the'
Hlilklcir'several houts; littiyor Henry
received` him in a n'eaespeidiCtti couch'
the: :Geieria respondeii. ' "'
c.4-m : • `i '
Irlig a qacdener's Mggthiy , an old,
fityqr.ll,9, fittioji „gets better, lirith, • l4,gp. r ,—.
The FOoruttgy:migiber is on :; our table.
TAO is 4 pnes,p44e ~best: agricultural jour,
us kit ;,,p4401i549d: W. Brinc,kloe, •
PPldifaier, 23 N e fitti, et.. PhilailAlphis,. •
lectures in Phila;'
deirSiti this etitini on the "Art of
.21 . Th e Rebel Government, according
n i
to the Richm 4 Examiner, hasmietecil
ed a sec t'' o anizatron' - df Urilon men
in Rich pd l
aving' for its oilject t
o h
forcible le of tI4 liiiby 4d Bell
Is*pri neA, the ' . deatruction of th
Goiernment buildidgs, and the assassi
nation of Jefferson Davis. A German
baker; named A. W. Heinz, has been
arrested as one of its leaders ; "his asso
ciates in treason," says the Examiner,
"are all pretty mach of, his
ter, and ; social' standing."',-This!itatel.
ment has two important points. Firstly,
the existence of a number of Union men
in Richmond sufficient to
_undertake, a
work of such magnitude as ,tbe 4 ,. libera
tion of ten or twelve thousand of prison
, emia, frankly.,•ad mitted. ~..Yet....the...Rich
mond journals •haye , been asserting.
Months that the Southern people- wore
united, as •one; man' against }the Union,
Secondly, in the sneer at the,,,social
standing of Mr. 'Heinz, it l ie ~confessed
that;the t conspiratorware men of,,the,re ‘
spectable = working .classes,, and, thie f :is
confirmation:of the Northern argument,
that the rebellion was begun by ~the
slaveholders for /the benefit . of slavery,
and that the non •-slavehoWing, ,industri
al population derives no benefit from ; its
continuance, and would, gladly ;; see see it
ended. , ,‘ • ' , - ',l• 1,..
Wen() banking-house of J. Gardener,
in Hollidaysbarg,,was entered by, burg
firs on Sunday morning list, and a bold
attempt Triads to break open the safe, 7
The parties found but.little.,dilkcelty
getting into the rooms , through• the
wooden doors, though their labor was
harder in gaining access , to the veult.—
They quarried through brick and iron
plates sticcessfuljy,but the t treasnre lay
encased within iron,. a thiec l proof safe,
and they Were unable to reach:it., they
got, however, some, $2OO yin Internal
Revenue stamps, with which they,,,de.
camped. The burglars it
were adepts , the blisiness, but the
safe proved too Much ,for
_them, and
they got very little for their trouble.
ar Petitions are being presented to
COagreas !rani carious quarters,' praying
thit The Cireitlaiien' or all' briiike
tired by Slate, Legislatures 'map; be
taxed such an extent compel
thera.tO be called in; and 'rise otgy the
National legal ie . ddei ,cutreiacy: ln
Penasylrania, or at reaSt'titis Po l tireti
it, the State bank notes , are rapid'l
appearing. .et number of "these banks
lime National notes 'altogether. ' Now
is`the tits&
Coness: t'o a.ser? i,a
power ` over the
will' We a d dreat''blessing
,to the people;
th i ne
tif This Wibfnint i (sEiys the Biboklyn
Times,) a young farmer from Ogilel4
butt - in'thisßitite; aPPfied at the office
of Captaiii'Mdddox:No.'26
foi'n Plsee in lie' Union' ranks:'" The
attendfne surgeOn gave s; favorable
opinion of his physique; ` and lieVaErtie
cepted. When asked' to sign big nninn;
he wcote in
_very legible characters,
"Stonewall Jackson.",
,The commission ;;
er, asked,him if that was really his name.
"Everybody, asks me that questien;°
said the young volunteer, "it riles, my
blood. It is my name, and I mean to
,the rebels ;know that there. is A
Stonewall Jackson North."
Brigham Youngisv
rr., o
have the mines in Utah work
says. "When it is necessary that NZ ,
should possess gold in great abnn d
the Loid will show it to, „. in
and we shall not have:to Pi s lpee.7t is a i?? .;
dig to find it as the wi h ave
, 'tp d o : ,
ThiS Shows Irrigliam's craftiness He
knows that the Jiinh, for gold i n Utah
would soon ont:niimb'er l th" .
and in a year or two his' away would be
at an mid.
public'sale of Slafee'tbiikitilittd
recently in. Columbia, Missdui : F,'with'tbli
following result ;---Atlie, aged 4$ .years,
$86.;., Zerrelda,. aged years, $4.70
Laura, aged
,9 years, $l5O ; Jim, aged
35 years, $1,50,: Kirt, ,Age,d 16 year n s,
$2OO ; Nat, aged 13 years, s3l2';' ' Fran'-
riah, aged' 40 years, and three children',
aged:6 and i year , Ten' '
slavesbrought sls73 ; Act as
'much 'as one
able•bodied slave sold for' in - the saine',
region'before the rebellion.
lir 'rho Richinond 'Whig cif 'the- '6th
inStant. saga th Virginia legiilature Vas
been occupied`iresecrefuessiikettith the
discussibn of a'reaoluticin reqiietitinglihe
COnfederate atithbrities to* rstis - pbnd ( the
ban - -`of: OntisAfry - ' trgdrist ;Beast Britltir
until an .exdblingii : br'priiontrs' e 1
faded. ' . s . ;..,:to•;.
ar The President's stablep!logated•
near the Treasprr building, was de
atroyed`bi Bre a few bights Ei:incOlix
Latcv nesva• front Knoanillni wet
that *Oils perfeetlytnafe froux:Ainyotti
tack ,, thatmay bermiadel.
ic been , ord f er l e n 4 4
•11e_ L. b 3 , y L.l
to &rkansie. He rides a aorse wfth
•.;t r ,!,, is
kis artificial leg Baely.
I • „, 4 , 4 • LSO ;.•
- AterkVeteraitalrOdeife itrilkiltimbre!
$925 and new_ recruits )$800: -Fetheru
whites or blaCks,arrfakett.-
The , rebeboapitel,it 'is said, is ritcr:
be removed to Columbia, C.
It one pf big recent e ie rs frem
W ingtfntto thi Bostb
"Petey" giv e s so/ details ithe
life fff the Pjeside He s_ s:
Linaolnis ap early ti i, an ji
thui is able to devote two or three
hours each morning to his voluminous
private correspondence, besides glen
cing at a city paper. At nine he break
walks over to the War
Office to read ,rch. ar telegramp
;Twi t ! r
theY 4 give MOT!' decasi'errally gnawer
withheld), and to have a chat with Gen.
Halleck on the military situation, in
which he ttketFie s
appfirest.- ! Bruin (
in g t f o I,t ffi ktDiv,l he , gioei AiTo , '' :
the morning's mail, in company with a
dorsed and ' , seat 30-..ttie 4-Pep,astmentg—
others arelinnitrume,-toligie,Kecretary,
who makes a minute, of the reply be. is
4,, -
to make and others' the' 'President re
arc i`
tsins, that he may,afmves them himself
hitrs , and tit
.02..11 ;9 r.
Which are entitled to a reply receive
• .41•4.11. , flf
one, nosnatter how they are worded or
how ine.legant the chirography may, be.
aa 41)" , '
Tee aYe an d F r l / 2 14ia a re
days, but on abet. days visitors t
White House, r'!: +,;a! to j waiai,
th'b ante - chamber 'and send in their
cards. BometiMes,
_before _ the p'rosi 3
dent; has fieisheff reading hiS'inall, Louis
Will have it kandful i4 of pasteboard,
" 3 . t:
from the cards laid before bdm,
coin has visitors tithiereti in, giving pre
:l, . •••
cedenen to aCquaintan , qes„ 'Three,or
four hours do' they pou r in
.117 •t su s -
1• • Dine, 011 t
l Of n asking,omces,
• • t., 1-, te
and patiently does the President listen
to• .1,
their i applica Care , tiens,anxiety
have furrowed his :rather 4, 9T ety, tea
turns, yet oceasionellylie, is " reminded
ail :and 160,1humbred
glances beam from his clear, grey eyes,
while 14
;hi 11 e.
is not "Iped r np" yet,. The s i mp l e and
• . sl'
natural, manlier is whic s h he delivers his
thoughts make him appet i r,to ti thop l e vis
iting him. any earnest, ; affectionate
, U/.,1),
triepo : $e makes 1 the
legal science s , ,and rarely Jedufges
speculative propositions, but statist his
?Iv , •is
ideas in plain ;N.uglci-qaxon, illuminated
,many lively images and. plea ing,.al ;
Widens, which seem to
flow as if' in' ;0h0 ..114.•
..1 1 4.•
(hence to a resistless impulie of his ne,
ture. Berne nowfiptpetailpiiir,enatteppts
d e nyto ttiat t h ees e Ldent toile stories.
Why, Pr it is y rarely that any one is in
c, t ompany t ~for ,fifteen,,minil4 4 ,,,vntkout
Y.% • y 01 at
hearing. a good tale, approulate to. the
subjedt, talked, abo t t ut. - o .l:gaily 4 a I smpote
-• ,7' ) / • to.
147.13AFe4 argument
49.t 4 34 ,1 . 1 .9449,9 ° , 1 ,0 A);
6 9 1 t. t- 6/ !i n tgi. TA;
actly overturns the verbal structure.,,
A F bout four: j cfpleck „the ,trei l ieent,
clines s eeing ,eny Rare„.„sorn,nefiy,,
elt,9Fl ficFNAßtßics.alts, wgcwic,iker,
501 g% to take a:lclrive.,3e,s, ; •foi;dof
horseback, eXPrg4 3 R t i, 4 B X,l,d, ahem, I passingthe4tpake,PAihtke4§oloigefi-9,l*AlKle4
generally, to g_q „to enkfrp in o theqaddle.
rare 1,4,at4 3 01?; 1 13 Ael,aqt ,
grace the /ifi1iP;403)19,‘T04).FP..,41
throws eg„,t l l.l,SFelt of
BOSTON, Feb. 8..- 71 11)ae, ; 4allien.13ank
robber,anli, paurdererlias Imp arrested,
in the person ,of rpen, .1110
Post-master, of the 4 ptace...,lle4ias opn,
fessed , to his,guil!„ ap,dooo,p,f,tlftstotep
money bai been recoiereo, & ,,.4lr. a .,Green
is 2i ;years , i old , and bas. , p,yrife p.,nd one
c 114,. H.e ti bas 4pretnfprp. 1)0004/ geoxi
eharac.ter. .
• r v 4
441 W A PP!:*.Pkl)srngi. ll l9fi' PPP
th,e editorial tio4nagoirten
9f the Rev:. l) r—.§t , ergfo9lb9ntß9l?iisAqii
in BA9OILLY,Pt-i!kPo,llll(lA4Pil,lititikfillltB,iktl7
itary Commission.;imp bqugfel,
low and other litegarycolftbr i ttiesakr,e
gaged;:ap potttribators, .t
j r s •x.l 1)4E61 1,-41.:" 1:0
gifOpyernorLptcher ,Stated, au
, !+s•/,
dddress recently , "Stoneyall Jack_
, r • :* ctr,
son" was in favor of condiicting the war
tinder the black 'fldg,,proposing to,%set
jjg 0,4, 0; rpiT,
the iimple himself by trial:, carrying
~l rn •nd 3. ,
that flag in the 7. ' face. of the enemy
Mitts rig
ar A rebel clerk complains •illrnildh l
Ere: ‘ltittlicinn a t u li/Aig,
that his salary ati t 6oo l friihilth f iffofeVii!
me hi,
ioe2 l i d 1:44`61.4" iun
17. •
.tir.Five; fall, 'regimental , ofocolordd
troops have been raised' irPhiladCipbra
nbvibeinearganizedt 4 .7l9ov * 4 ";
t. • vow, qua
'Air Ate Thfi*OA ..crAtcPeP
0 .4114 0 4,1 8 1.tfRri 141a.tiolcgteachilligottn4
rilaUnPf.Abe ad g g -, ckora:of vskritoxe
citnlon-lincLicrpr.ctriPiateqn I' .1.1 s la b
.fid tri):3...•,T 1 - 'l7/ '.73.14.1
p' Judge ,Ba4pour , 2f ' the spperios
.• tr0,493V)
court,,Nigw York i tined, a juryis29o each
c• 1,41,1,
for, bringinti l in J a fi veritipt of y "Wsanee
to disarree "
ttvi/i',zo inpu
-rto,el, 4. - 7! ‘‘fitsv
Gedyge Thompson, the well kikown
egoa ri tif Witt - , - 055Lt ages o t ian
el iliavery orator, has arrived
.9 , 44,11).1 slow ,i,tll .iatveid
in noston. has c, on a ieouring
hstriini has xas cif
Kl 4 Til 4 6, artans 474 , 11 1 , 2 1 4 , n11 4 d bos
kv4iffuThEzeNavialitoartmentifit Atioat
entering Aare another , ~coatraci,for,raiii
og the sunken veseels of Warer.Norfolip:
• `a- , 1 .41. fr.(
.11W The oath bas b een &drain:stored
1.0 amrolo .• e
at t.; attepoota to j ., 239 rebel deserters
ttt I I ~ .1 - 81* A . , Axe
since ,Gon'i T comas Assumed co and}
-14244 J
Xfariftd tOilinaad *War -tnitktredat
Biiiaiels262lo32,/1* and aitaVdidjahe
gotilof " *. "- *2l'
Ave ttli men went to
1 esday i New Balti
.+.4rti of i {miles r on skates,
4 e.
... - ri ~...
541 1
A ;up - 1 0)
1 lbau pa 4:
'a ore, distal
a inaf
Three inen went into two of the boil
ers of thhe'„Qs,,§l4.o'6ompany, at
Pittson, Penn., to clean them. While
they were in some one accidentally
turned the hot water into the boilers
'nd Xliem t to dh: th:,
,tare P,s II II -
The smallpox is prevailing, to an
alarming extent at Horicon, Wisconsin.
Places of business have been closed,
anitigrfutt.excitelarit previiilrt ; 4
A mao named Peter Carley, in Rox
. DY•pdadmanshakbAallianken.c.edttcsAbce
o,ffie r k g 2.49 e , l 4 PreFritmitYt , 4.4 a
bfqnsl .4:4101,01 . 1, ,
gonni,texpe.nAsuoven 41000 ..annually in
piY6l3tWfile . th'irdiini 1,14" p d.
, • ,
sebnolo:oftthat ,town;awan ineentiye
them to be dillicrent in theiiitudiee
;•. „ ,
Vieibi? 'eta tide 'the 'mill
., r. , '
lation cot' , .the..glohe Jat: one. thousand
os'llioii", — plaking th"e
e thousand rind
boc,, I P . . •
i,ixty,four languages,and having ,eloven,
hundred diffitiretiflohns of religion.'`--
Uncle Sam's greenback's and 'poste.l
currency.' now in eireubition, amount to
five hundred Fmillions.
Thel•eislandriMethodist to'evety
itrßaltiEnbie. '
/113 •
Prentice is for appropriating-cordseof
hemp • • 'll
A remarkable Scotch' centenarian is
just de6eilied,' if 'age` or 107. She
declined all offiCei.s'till` her
sixtieth yem,F,„FhpA. she ,married
Robert Ponn. i of ,Fdinburgh.,.. She saw
the ships °Li Aohn :Paul Jones retire
from the Firth' in 1719.' She never
knew the doctor, and to thelast her
faculties remained pearly unimpaired.
The (Mine ' 'dr the''tionatitntion and
• • -
Union newspaper, in' Fairfield, lowa,
edited bypavid,,,,S.heward, svas,, visited
by Company L E, of the• 2d. lowa,. -Volun
teers, and,the• type and papeethrown
out the windows, and the subscription
books destv4ed. •
More"thatis' 79;000 1 tree's., shrubs,- and
herbaceoliilifitia:Werci plaiited in New
York Central Park lagi' L Yearl s- The
carriage drive,,np.w.,complefed Ip,„alsout
eight miles, i in leugth,,, tridle
„road five
miles, and walks twenty miles. More
than 4,000:006 Verib'ris v'isi'ted the - Park
in 18d, 'a.lll,iron'lrdii§ , ''or t ,6,o6t) .car
riages entered, Vie drives ;
General Wigtar'S ekpedition, designed
to release
~t hu *at, Itch : mond,
has failed in iicC94lisirk purpose
designed, and the scheme will, probably
have to be aban'd'olied, all becituie a sol
dier of our army turned traitor;'deSerted
and 'aPiAldilid464 of .an advance
of the,,,gploif,,trcops, and this probable
intentionslof-Generals Butler. and Wis
The Confederate Congress is said to
have got irr'a the newspaper
men, and threatens to conscript all be
low forty-five years
_X age, making it
necessary to suspend all the newspapers
except suchNas are , necessary to do the
public printing. There ard now but
thirty-five papers in the COrifederacy.
The Delinciao fidraldisafrnhat Nicho
his kleCortnjek, one of the
, oldest in
habitanti of ' Jefferson township, a
wealthy, toiserly,old,haphelor,_ waz•fro
zen to death in,-hishe,4 • Ile had been
ont to purchase some artioles, , and when
he returneCl'aid , liithaelf. down 'on his
bed without % Tnlqii his clothing, and
thus froze to death.
" fOrmily
liO 4 veiii l ett 2 k Qk• •• aie'rd
14filieliget . ' ia`
e t Wa ."
,41oior,,..?rencpcoRgiss,pper e ,o . f
mi Apo.:grqt:t4s,,M,l7l7,,shing-,
th,e- PsesidePl6 lB
1 2 'I ® el) areeoence, „op .
ER,,cpitpt t ,pf
~t,h,e pad, q9,ll,clicio.n. the
IP.Ii/e6,93,1-ir,t-,t 2¢v'
i d :l3y iindiguKnrice on !4er,_,
prep a y t Aqgegie secured tier ,sop
2,004,9.1:404rapc5, divicleclbetTyeen four
Po, o3 l:l4l 3 .iPle , , o l l :lPaYllloßt- of 7, ari , ; ll , l 3oug
of.4, l ,o o olfraPcsat .71 :7,
tnilfed‘ Pont
25,700rmilsEete oritti, 1 thejltatest
an4ntiet: =eves fab - ricatel tin . - a** eirigle
tirel , 260,000' tin) htind.
4 •14,1 4.,4*-' l • ,-- " . •1-fvnl - r --- Tt4 .1. 4 • i•
It: is "said that ,action will soon ~be
taken iequiring . , all employees of, Om
n t? kave .'./ ...G
,uo, eMployment out,
15•1- `rt ,- •' t. 4 ~.) 71101
side of their respective offices.
;,,JB;ytnr.sler of Ithearrosident, Abe execu 7
tion.rotGinly,r,the .umgdervhefiQenaral
111cqp.Ok0 ilopostpenaclean drbetwillv Ras,
Ifibli 4 rl6ilinadies 7 ingc
liaw i ' 4 To . oliEtlewtiiftwhich
in a thick mass, andidlrer r f?iffiersiite:a
foldblelilt6 6 wffiiteeNFl"'''"N 4 .1/1
43 Pit A l elf i t t ib ! f # lB l§itt Hal N l P r *
regged,,,,,Q,41,011s ch,fox, asi
on guard
Novo I
Mink , skine,.whictva few years ago . sold
for a quarter, now bring from $4 to -$7,
A GIANT AT THE BAIL—It may seem a
singular, thing, but It is nevertheless a
veritable fact, tab the tallest, mart , is
the Unite Kiugdo serves be t hind :the
bar of a Public lion in this 'town. t: le
is seven,feet fo u r inches in height, up
ward of twenty-tlirep stone ` in weight,
and his strength is in proportion to his
size. By trade he is a ropemaker, and
ue occasionally exhibits some rare spe
cimens of what be can do in that way,
by twisting paper into rope with his
tilk;rs shiest as , siranklas if made . of
the usual materials. His hands are so
large that he can grasp with one of
tlaem three ordinary sized hands,
flaw' able to shake hands with date
persons at the same time.—Liverpool
ear,We are,gind tbd tide that a red
lution hap_been adopted in the House
of Representatives., requesting the Com
mittee of Ways and Means to inquire
expediency"" repealing the
doXy ot.toreign paper.. , duty
to be repealed at' once. The price of
paper' is rn ' iubnsly high , and for 'which
there is no sufficient, reason whatever.
It is done either, ,by a combination of
paperLL Makers ; or by them in conjunc
tion with the importers of paper-making
materials'. t 4 '=-
n/LS D
.Z„Utets . oooo
Irtlt.'4l4l9:DlS , having purehaimi the entire
interest and good. w ill of 4r.
Drug Stores would take piikatunlty, to ip
form, the eitizenc , of rietLsand the yuhlie
generallnthatlhaving just received fiont
adelphia„a.lnrge ad4ition to the, old Stock,
will spare,no pains to, keep constantlY, on hand
the best , and.most completa assortment of eve
rything in the dyukline.
Kat F-40.0 .4 1 0 . Icqief
. .
consisting, in part of German, F f ench ap4 Eng
lish ;perfumery, Shaving Soaps, and Creams,
Tooth and Nail Brushes, Bufralo siid othey,..
Bair C o 3os;•ilairql.gill ) °, l - 1 441q,eic•
Port Monies e Pocket.,Books, Puff 1,7
and Powder Boa es4p., '6•c
The celebrated Batchelor's HAIR: DYE,
DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes,lndia Cola
gnus., Barry's Tricoperons, for, the hair, Bay
Rum ' Arnold ' , ink,large•and small sized bot
tles, Balm of a-Thousand Flowers, Flour of
Rice, Corn Starch, Heckei's -Farina, all kinds
, pure- Grbund Spices, Compound Syrup of
Phosphate, or Chemical , iood,.an excellentnr
bele form:talc dyspepsia and a tonic in Con
sumptive !cases, =Rennet, for.coagulating- milk,
an excellent preperation for the table,;,Tab,le
Oil—very - fine bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod
Liver Oil. All of Hael's perfumery,pomades
soaps, &c:- Hii . Kathairon or Hair Restorative
is now everywhere acknowledged the, best, ,
OF- , I3OeKS AND STAT.IO43-111Y.
Sheet Music always on hatid,-andlprocured
-'' , byiVealtlorders from the city.
, .
Hairiti;gsecured the, services of Mr., Harrison
Roth; fciririerlrobthe firm of Grove 8?... - Roth,
he feels confident that , lie can accommodate
83 iVelliati please his . nuraerous,patruns, and
Old Port, Sherry, and,lqadeirri,. %Vines. arid
Brandies for, medical purposes.
GThe,„Doc.tori can be professionally' conaulif d
at the.storo,whon not enytged,ehleyrnera..
BeinernWr„,;he,,P)aoe ,OPtioalle,tho„Po'st
Office,.forperly _Doctor
jOr OW.4IAp, .!iSSOC
11 - 11 . . . PI.I.II.4DELPHIA,
Diseases of tlie NerVuus, Seminal, Urinary
and Sexual Systeirm—mew and reliable : treat
ment—in, neports of -the Eli; ward. ASSodatiois . .
Sent by mail in sealOd letter envelopes, free
of : charge. Address, Da.,J—Sxii,mirr HOUGH
TON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth
Street, ,Pniladilphia, Pa.
Ready-lade •Clothing
J;R: DFFFENHArIi having laid in a very
serviceable Stock-of Strong and-welt-made,.
such. as Coats, Pants . and Vests, which F will be
sold at a lower figure than, .can tie nougbt; any
where else.. Come , and byar the, prices.
Hammered-and Roßed IrOn
AGeneral assortment of Hammered. and
Rolled 'Con, Bars, Norway, Nail
Rods, .American and Geeman-Spring
and. :Cast ;Steel, Wagon Roxes,„ Iron
Axles, Springs for. Sinitlis,, Bie. .
For, sale at.P.A.T.T'ERSON.. 4'; CO;
V.sf^...brushing : . 'For I3oots, .Shoes, Harness,
Carriages a
nd. , Military Leather,.
gives.the , leather a,polish like:, patent leather,
makes it valet% proof, does AO t stain thewhit
estartiele :of dressAndmeedmothe.applied cd
tenet, than two or. three times amonth.
• ..Fa sale atDr. Landis' Drug,Store..=
r ..+ • •
Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye NVoiShey,
Holland , Maderi% Lisbon , Sherry and
Port Wines.
Pittsburg Whiskey alwaYson held at :the
loWest market prices. Very. -pine- Brandy at
a,very low, ligure
J. R. DIFFENRACH. itarket,st.
.., , . ,
E can be had of H. ..11,8i. ,E. J. Zitit,ill,, Cot
North .Q,upap,-,ar”. and„Center Square, :Lancia
ter, Pa” in the...shake of:A.:alibi:4on Lee,ers.--
the beat article of Swiss leyera now in the,tnar'
kat. They, ale ,lower lkkitie..a.than any watch
of equal quality and !tat aatrne,,fer4iriekeefitug
pR, WM., B....FAAM4qOCic s • .
Spangled &' Paitersbn'stSioie:. , . ,
~ I
, . . , . , FRO4I 7, TO .4 A,14.,
OFFICE WOURS: " " 4 1 Irci2.' 1 .
- ''' ' ''7f' 6TO 7' p:m.
JEWEL RaY.—* large and selected stock of
fine jewelry- of the latest patteins , from; the
best factoriestinithkcountrycan•befound‘at,
• J. ZAHN'S, • ,
• •
Corner- eft Center Square and-NorticQueen
ItreetiLancaster;, Pa: , , •
; A :
_ ,-. Gpsetal,Assortment•Af , ;all kinds of, ,
~ B uiLnuin,;ll.s Amman, LOCUS; ,
- l Angeg,,, , ,,Serews,....Bolts,•:cellar Prat(!s,
...,,, ..0118,1Glens and Pinty r very;cheap„,., ,
, : , , : - : PAX T.Kaspri- & co„ ,
Pr RJNIE..3G It•OrCtAtia T< E 5::f7,11.10,-.4AvP,lln.d
~Bgulis,Coffe e t CE - ashedc , ,,P4/IyAri#ed and .
Brown SugaripiSupezio.P.GNen.and Alackt, ej!.l
Ricpolltintwe skild,Spiceps raypipokatii D,EN
kAngler. 91Aiiiiesk ExtellentAltri
14: 1 . 0 1 v.,- di: DIECOTRA,
eiHA:IIIPAGtip land - ptb,er k Table Witless
i .J • gl l 4111 1 4740(1,0- IO ur i ; *.a0, ,
1 P 1 4 21 P
san :ill?0 , 01it in l'bilaikel/Riker
„go), BAppoq, 9tiff4.
\ I N, 11 4 6)5 x:vA ~diA.iiite'd4 i infeil4l ,E4E
-4 'tgiviiitin 4:teilSkiiii,'Sllele(dn' pkift 4 'ivith
i lk f - 4biliiitible,l3lVe. ,':Nlie, I'#* [44 bisi'in
itse;juitVec,eil ilt ' , ' " ig-.'q r? t .M'L 4
k., 1 I to r pm .* h Al e ity s ![,- , ~..,... r
...5 - VC
CI T. t eFtetets n WETA:r.„I . Ira.L'AIIT - D RUM
17 . 5 for e4ilsift;Yuit4eboviirrarited genuine
I7Y oikd'ofppee beautiful SOFT ER
rlio' 'MATS tit CiterTV; '92 MarkeVer: AIL
Corrective and alternative of wonderful effica
cy in disease Of the Stomach, Liver and Bow
els; cores Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Head
ache, General Debility, Nervousness, Depies'
sion of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, ititerinitten-
Ave' s, Crainps and Spasms, and all , enMplaints
of either sex, arising from bodily'Wetticuess
whetner inherent in the systenvor produced
by special causes.
Nothing that is not wholesome; genial and
restorative in its nature 'enters into . tnecoMpo
sition Of. HO'stetteeg Stomach Bitters:
popular preparation contains no mineral of
any kind, no deadly botanical element ; no fi
ery excitant, but it is a combination of the ex
tracts of rare balsarnic herbs' and plants with
the ptirest and mildest of all diffusive stimu
lants. '
Jt M well to be' forearmed against diseasu,
and tb fur as the human system can be protec
ted by:human means against rnaladied en
gendered by an unwholesome atmosphere, im
pure weitertatid other external causes,
may, be retied on as a safeguard.
In districts infested with Fever and Ague, it
has been found iniallrbloas a preventative and
irresisrible' as a rethedy, and thousands, who
resort to it under apprehension
,of an attack,
escape the scourge ; and tlinuirinds,w4o ne
glect ro avail themselves of its protentive,qual
dies-in advance, are cured by is very brief
eourse of this marvelous medicine. Fever and
Ague patients, alter being }died wi : th,guinine
for months in. vain, until. tairly sat u rated with
that dangerous alktdord, are not tintrequently
restored to health within a Jew aps y e use
of ifoilette titters,
.Tbe : ,Weak stonnsch is rapidly in,vrgorrited
and th9,tippOit keOtoted,by this agreeable to ;
sic, Hied liOnce re Works wonders in rases of
Dyspepsia and in less crintikined flirins'Orkidi
gestrun. Acting as a gentle and panitess appe
rient, as well as upon the liVer, tt also itivagr
ably relieves the Constipation superinduced by
irregular action of the digestive-and secretive
organs. Persons or leebie habit, Intbra to her
ytni attaCks, r lpwuess of spirits : widths of run
gour, rind prompt and perrnaunq relief front
tne The tebtimuny to iitiaipuint is
roost conclusive, and limn tiOthilrieirs
The, agony, of Bilious 015/ ^ll6 larn Olutely
assuaged by a stogie disc oliliefainunfaiit, and
by occasionally resorting to it, the return of the
complaint may be prevented.. '
Lust, hut not least, it isTne,Prity. Safe Slim-
Wary, limiting ;wan utuct ured, wan44nd
innocuous inaterialtand eirtirey
acid elements ppesedannre'ur iiC33 111
ordinary .tonics and konitittlries oirthS day.
No faintly medicine has been so universally,
and, it may be truly : added, deservedly eupular
portibu of the..dalUlilUllity,
as iresTeTrim's bi rrniss.
• T.teliated by llim rErr E R
itsbuag, l'a.
~,said t y pll Dru.”riata, Gioccra and. 'Store
keepers every aaerv.
ii3OL))'-20K3):5 aeoqiiN , •
,FL u,
A rostrivE Aza) 14-P Eel VSO 61C111.101
For diseases of the littidditr, Kidneys, CraVvl,
and Dilipsical Swellings.
This' Medicine:i.acretiees "the' imwer 'of Kies
lion; and excites the A - bsorbenti Tato' healthy
action, by which the Watery or Co!citreous de
positions, and all unnatural eularketneuts are
teduced, us well as pain and itillamatiou.
For weakness urising fitii k ri exesges, harms
of disitiMilion, early indiseretitui of abuse, at
tended with the fmlor,ing sym4toitts
Ludispositipo exett ion, Lobs U nhveree
Difficulty of - blunting, " Loss of Memory,
Weak NerAes,„ . , Tretitbliug,
Horror of -4. 3 Liehse, -1
D m at:ea?, of,:Visniop,;:* Tflack,
11 niversal ` - nf the muscular syitem,
Flushing of. the body,,, iipt Banda;
Eruptions 011 the Fpce, Dryueasoftheskin ,
„ .
lid :Countenance,
These symptoms, if allowed to go,otti.which
this medicine invariably removes, soon follows
ImpoOncy,,Fatuity, Epileptic
in one of whichtlte patient [nay
Whu 121{11,81iy IfitttAlley ale trot frequently. fob
lowed by thuse-n.pireful Diseases;,':
.t . . , t , thisaritly-iind Consumption.”
Many are•aware of the cause,iit ;their suffer
lug, but none w,ll..conless therefor& ot *the
insane Asylums.- ;
Melancholy deaths bytiCormonption bear, am
ple witness to the truth; of , the,assertion.
The Constitution iitice..-eirected with .thganic
weakness , requires; -.the .; 'aid of Medicine to
strengthen 4111 invigorate the systemovhicb
.1) by does. - irml will convince the
must. sl ep4cnl.,
In nianymilections
Extract "Mau- is . uneaqualed!.fiorAanY. other
remedy;‘ris in- Chlorosia or Retention, InTegri--
lanty, Painfulnessin.suppreSSion of customa
ry evacuations,. Ulcerated or §'cirrhous,..state
of the Uterus..Leuchorrhoea or Whitesi..Stgr
rilit3-, and Thrall complaints incident to,,the
sex, whether arising from indiscretion, , , habits
cf dissipation, or in 2 the decline or chattgeOT
dt causes &frequent desim and giveastrength
to urinate, thereby removing obstructious,,pre
venting and curing Strictures of the Urethra,
atlayingmain and .inflamation, so freny,.ent, in
the class of diseases, and expelling a ll pinson. 7
ous, diseased qnd .wernou! in„atfer.
Thousands upon thousands who hav,e,, been
the victims of quacks, and who have,pauilriny
fees to be cured in a, short hayA loond
they were' deceived, and that the
„f‘.E . :Oisem"
has,; by the, use of, "powerful .uolrinferits;7l
been Atied, thq system, to
,hreak- ode,in
an aggravated form, and per4qps Ifter,*izr
Use Hey*liPs. Extract Buchu for jiffec
tions and disc:flies- of the Urin.,„
whether Ma)v,.. or ifiltnate?film
Whatever chime or/gip:Ming and no matter of
AOW long- standing. - '
, DiSeases of these Organs requires the aid of
Helftbold's Eitract , Buck:visit/le
krefit iiiAiretic.,.and'is certain to , have
hiked'effect in all Disemits for which it is-Ree
dlike:fended!' • ..-•
Evidence of the most' reliable innd responsi
'ble chgracter iirill'acCompany-the Medicine.
PRICI $l.OO PER BOTTLE;Iii r SIXIor 015.00
Deli,vered to any Address,
frodi'olie"ri-ratidif."- "
TDeic t rjtit' 4riptoni's Onninunie !
' Cierie L 'Ctiitiiccittied ! ' Advice-Wititit
Aidierilelettire Torihfiormiition
, V. T. lIELMI}OLD, Chemist._ „.
Telith'-it., bit. Chestnut; 'Philict
3Flk.2iftiogti's Medical Depot,
HELM namlic'tirtig ft& diendeali TVdrehotse:
• 594 Bitiadivar, 'New' Wit.
~I3eyr,s,Ne„ Counmcf,eits I.7npriTi
Ni Mb effifeitvor' to 'dis , p6S4, tr
owti s ;arfe"ottfer" artielea thi; rept; 1
attomeclAy„ „ '
Genuine Prepeistrotidiproo,
c • -" Ex tract
-• cc
. 1 1 . ,• • e ar ii i k
" Improved-Bose Wad,.
Sold by all 'Druggists everyWhete.
?I, l slcfor Llerabeld's. ,Take no of r.
Sul Out'tge ativelliseroOt and ;send tor' it
And avoid impositioii•it'Vey.poiure.
• I. •