litt,tptalltat Vtitusgitrauia *lnd : tbotet(fa fittr,atigt, Ntitaitaxl, Itios of te gag, yotatguttalgott, BY PRED'K L. BAKER. 11Z"D - Nnvs CELEBRATED • •••-• .4 - . k . • BITTER WINE OF , MON. Bitter Wine of Iron. ' Bititer'Wine of Iron. 40 Bitter Wine of Iron. ' , The Great Tonic The Great Tonic The, Great Tonic The Great Tonic For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia andindigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, . For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. IFor weak Stomachs and General. Debility. For weak stomachs and General, Debility. For weak stomachs and General Debility. For weaklitemache and General Debility. Reliable and sure to do good,, ' Reliable and.sure to do good,. Reliable and sure to do good, , ieliable and sure to , do good, , And cannot do Harm. And cannot do Harm. And cannot do Barn'. And cannot do: Marrs. . It costs.but little and purifies the blood, . Itemits but lattleFand purifies the Wood, it costs but little awsl,puriftes the blood, It coats , but little ant purities.the blood, We now only ask a Trial We now onlrask a Trial We now only ask a Trial sit We noooly ask a Trial ' 'Of this valuable Tonic. 'of this valuable Tonic. 'Of this valuable Tonic. ''ol this Valuab,e' Tonic. ' Only 71ic. and One °oiler pct Motile. Only 'Mc and $1 per Bottle, ' 0c1y,75C and $1 per bottle. ' Only' 75c dm! $1 per Bottle. ...if(iiiiiidactu , ed solely by S. A. KLTIVWEL NO. 118 Market-st., Harrisburg. 11.3 Some genuine without their sigma:tole. SIK sale t,' Tic ILEA & CO.,'N ars et-st., Pa. t itind by all reispeetable Druggists throughout the ,country. r.1.16w •. t.z_r FURS: .111111= I wish to rettn it my thanks to my friends of Lancaster'mid surrounding counties, !or their Nery tirAeral pall, nage extended -to the during the luet trew year:, and would say to them that I new lhave in- store, 4113' own importation tintl , mititiViicture a very extensive itesortient of Alt tihe Oitlcreilt kinds and qualities'of ' fuoicy ito's fir children, that will he worn cloringithe• Fall twit Winter seaboriti. Being the !Itivet importer or :ail my , Fi.; from 4durape;aia; hay tot, , ehom ell rninufaetu r4.o cruder ,M 3, (AYR ,buperviainenables tae to otter any emstornere.aad the;mihilic a mucti ;fi4rttoionts. .S . ,Er !FeLes ft 4 the lianfe foiMe,3%. I..anies4iteaae giYi ,, Me‘a call hote, ptirehtiamg re.neintn , fr the Kne,',numberarni atraet• A REA It A, , EW WINI ER (4'0006! ; A 4.. W Y LES !! , DIFFEIO/1611„, Market. Street, Marietta., Pa. • . • '‘itwithstanding the scarcity of many^ kinds of Dry Geods,' Lltose wiahitrg 4140' purchase-will ti ud his usually /arge sad *As& assorted atoelt compl'ete: t - • Cloths. dtelaine4 ' Cassisseres, VlantlelS, Siittinets, !Bleached •Sltirting, Sent' clty Jeans, Brown Sheetin 4 s, Tickings, brims r, !Domestic Ginghasns, dieavy Denims, • idickory stripes. Full assortment Lot Dress Goods. Full as.ortment , of Notions. tFull aSsortinent !sf White Goods. djull assoitmeotwf Blankets. ` Full itsiftlrtinent.of Shawls. .Full tesertnient !of all Seasonable Goods: Largest and best stock of Weeletost skirts , ever °leered' iii"this market, of all sizes,'. from ;the smallest tb Die largest, and at all .prices. Groceries of 4ell ,PAn and Jh've Cotice, Teas, White & %Brown Sugar,Fresh Spices, New Mackerel, . Extra Syrups, • Sugar-Cured tiams,&c. illitce/tarseaus. French.. Corsets, Traveling Over-Stebrts, Rebk-flea, ' Under-Shims, Ilanitk raid's,. Drawers, Shirt Fronts, Balmoral Skirts, 4 , e. 'A small lot nf ready-made Winter Clothing, which will be sold at less, than wholesale prices to close it out. Liquors. He'also continues to 'keep on hand a large supply , bf supOir Brandies, Wines, Gins, Sclin,idane,s SchniTs, Drakes, Plantation Bit tersoynd that suPenor ad Bye, all of which having beei . purchatred before the recent adl Vance h'aVe life advantage ` of being at nearly old, prices. , Higliist prices given for country produce. ? 1 :3 Monongahela Whiskey by the barrel, at Pittsburg prices, with 'freight only added. - 0 :77-, T. eir , FAIINESTOCI,. 11),E.SOECTFULLY offers his, grofessional „,4erwiegs , to the citizens of Marietta and vicipit3., assuring them that all operatiOns in trustwlip,hikcare, either in Operative .or lire chanical •Dentistry, will be executed , in a tlio rouglos, 4ia4opti4 manner. .9gPrOf4l Alain Weft, aim doors , et Reitt. ' ' Ct ,9l-36- IYr JE L . - }fit{ ' Oak Wood, b 0 Cords each . Aiek i eg.ent) ;Oak, Wood. Orders must e tw,colnpaaked with te cash when they will be promptly fd4e. ,Spauglerk. Patterson. • 4t . /ti RESTOH+TTV.E.. This vr celebrated preparation for the restoration 11 1 4 softenip&of tVr Hair, is now for sale at Pilig44 tPre:•P4? a, APAR 0 At D..tkolfeta, Ale beet New-York fruit, at fEANGLRR,EATT , ER , s e oto: .o"tqjx Ail') NEW, ENGLAND RUM or 'c luau purposes, warrantedgenu ine N. D. Benjamin. /I[IODORM ! Just CPco . tc l b and Irish IV II =7 SKIE S., warran ted pure, tit IT. TI.. Thigamaih i s; . • , # : :.. :: ,._.)•.:(t:-. : ..a T itttizt, D4.-.QOFLANDGIR4A„.. Prepared by Dr: ` C .k..Jackiovi,: • ' Philacfelphiii;" ' IS NpT A DAR-RQOIVI DIUNIC, OR A „ . SUBSTITUTE FOR RUM , Or an intoxicating BeveratO, but Oori 2 centrated , Vegetable Extract;s :dturel Ton io,t. free frorn,nlconohc stnnalpio or, injurious df, l 46, and 11l 'effectually - 6re ” '."' vei: Ctimjilaint,' "- • ' • Dyspepsi ay. , and , : .10 . 444iFe, . , 1100FLAND'S GERIEAN RIMERS Chronic ; Hervous Dehi4y 2r Diseasc , the `kidneys, anaDistlitiel arising Disordered Stomach. ens ERV E' Ero r..l:divTto resulting froni disoiders of the digestive` organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Furness or Blood to the 'livid, Acidity of the Stomach l 'Nans4 Heartburn, Dogua for -Food, 'Fullnessl, or weight in the Stomach, , sour , eructations; sink ong or 'bluetit* ot tne 'Pit of the Stomach,. iwiniming`or•he Bead, hunied and difficult Breathing, fluttering at the heart,. choking - or suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, dirtiness of vission, &its or "webs before` the sight, fever and dull pain in the head r defiei-. ency of perspiraticht, yellowneas of the - skin and eyes, pain in the:Side, back, chest, limbs, &c., sudden flushesbf heat, burning in'the nest.; constant immaginings of evil, and 'treat de. pression of Spirits. HOOF/ ANTS GERMAN BITTERS ' ' • 'WILL GIVE YOU A Gaod Appetite, *Strong i era's, • Healthy Nerves, • • • , Steady Nerves,. Brisk Feelings, ' Energetic Feelings, Healthy: Feetings,. , . A 'Good Constitution, , A. Strong Constitutiop, A Healthy Constitution, • . • A Sound. Constitution WILL MAIZE •TIIE WEAK. .STRONG, Will make • the FAN JOHN- FIBEI6, 718 A RCII-ST., Cdow,,Eightlei sciicM side PHILWPHIA. WWRAnakt 4he WWI make 4:bo Depressed Lively, Nrdd Anuicesthe . , • 'Sallow Complexion .Clear, Witt ;make the Dull eye • • Clear. and. right. ' prove a blessing in eve* , family.- ; • Can be used with perfect sa4ety by.thale or Female, Old or Young.. . PARTICI JLAR •NOTICE.. hl PORTER., . . Manufacturer of ANDAICALER ALL utrum There are many preparations soil under the 'mine of iiitths,'put up in quart bullies, corn pounded of the Cheapest 'Whiskey or common RUIN, Costing from 20 to 40 cents per •gallon, the Caste disguised by Anise or Coriander seed. 'Dili Oise of 'Bitters has caused and will con- Wine to cause, as /dig as they can be sold, Atuadieds to die tte death of a drunkard. By their use the,system is ',kept continually'unkr the lidluence Of alcoholia stimelaots woi,st kind,,the desire hand kept liquor is Create and kept itti, and rhe restilt the' horrors , at- tear:snot, upon Be teary ofj theni:" ...For those who .deSire'and bitters, we pubiiih the fhlniwpigreceipti: lint one bottle iloolland's.'Gerniiin Bitters and mix with tht ee quarts of good Whiskey or Brandy, and the result br ,, a,Preparation that will far excel in meilicinal virtues and true excellence any of the .numerous liquor bitters in tite;iatirket, And wilt cost .paucli !ass, You will have.all the virtues of Hoofland's itit ters in connection with'it good article of liquor a.nd at a itAuch less' price then these inferior preparations wilreost you. - DF.LICATE CHILDREN.' Those suffering_from mammas, wasting away, with scarcely any theiibones see cured in a cpty short time; one buttlo in stseh cases, willq)sve most surprizingelrect4 .°tl3li.:l3ll.iiTY; Resulting from Fevers of any kind—these. bit ters Will renew your strength , in , a short-time.. FEVER Also Anuc.L , -The chills will turn if these Bittera are used• No person in a fever and ague district should be without them. From Rev. J. i'vetoron Brortin, D. ...D.;.Editor` ' ttf .the Encychipsdia of Religtous Knowledge. Although not gisposed to favor or recommend ; Patent MedicineS in general, through distiast ~f their ingredients and:effects ; yet know of no suffici ut reason why a mammal not tes-' tify to the benefits he believes bitnself :to leave received fiotn any simple preparation, in the hope that tie may thus contribute to the' bone"- tit of • others.' • • - • 1 do. this more 'readily in regard to Hoottaiid'a German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson because I was pry:iodised against them for a is umber of years, under the unpression that jhl.y were chiefly an alcoholic. mixture. :I min indebted to my -friend itoh 2 t , Shoemaker, esq., 4er the removal ,4of this prejudice by 4naper tees, and for' enecoaragement totry; theta, wIMp sneering (Porn ,gfeat . end' long' TSB use of three bottles of these lutter.s, at-the be- ginning of the present year, was follerred by evident relief, sod restoration to degree of bodily and inentit 1.. had , notifelt for sb months hefore, land kid iihnost dispair ed of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend thedirecting me ttrthe'useof theist. =• J. Nzarrois- Iteterlii. • Philadelphia, June 23, - ATTENTION, SOLL)I..OI3:S. AND THE FRIENDS OF 50LDICRB. -We call the attention of all having.relations or friends in the.irmy to the fact tfiat:".' MO hind's German Miters' , cure nine-tenths of the diseases-induced by privation and es= posu es' incident to camp . life. In the lists published almost daily,in the newspaperir, on the arrival of the sick, it will be notibeilihat a very large -proportion are suffering from de bility. : Every case of that kind can- be . refiil3.- ly cured by Hoelland , s 'German Bitters, klole have no hesitatior in stating.that, if thesidit ters -are--freely used 'urging our; soldiers, h rid reds of 'lives inighe be saved that otherwise would be lost. . 'The'proprietors are daily- rece ivingthanllfo,l letters from sufferers in the army And hilepi tils,who ha ie been testored to health by the use of thee , Bitternisetit rogheih` by their friendia Beware of cisaatt 4 rfeitst See- that the nature Orete.44 l ..32clesottlP'.7s on the wrapper of each bottle. - PRI `:' rtr Large Size, $lOO per or dozen. fnt Mediuin size, „ 1 . 4 per boftle, 1, dozen for ' .11 'The larger size, on account of the f 'quantity the bottles,held, are ,ninch ;he cheaper. Stloo4 your nears ~dru article, o knot fie put: bil‘ by al/9 of the rating prepinitihns thai may be offered in its place, but y setli foirwlird, seourety packed, by 'esteriss. g i r I FJPP 4 Qfficf a* 4 . l AfamAlOo r lh, 631 "Aiwa Erktr,kr., JONES & EVANS, (ffueccisors to C. M. Jackson & Co ,) Propnftors.. lE4r sale illy Druggists and,,Dealers in,every own in the United States. (ma, 30-ly MARIETIA, PI, SATURDAY, 'FEBRUARY 13, 1864. pubffititi ibiri Trjr can Les Row, Front Street, fi ve Flurioa lintel; Ti hers 'One Dollar KLifearepayabie ad vance, And iforubacriptimiaticuot,paulwittdr,t, siif niOntha 41.25' will be cliiiiged; but if ' de lay'eebootit the expitatinii r'gif Ahe.siifar, will bes.kiarxed.. . _ • ADViiiiist plc : due alp:dire - (1.2 fass,f.q.cen,ta fat OR first iropeitippand 25 cents foi eiCii insertion. feational andßusidesa eat diq ghee orlesa Rer aunnin. Notices nithe,rpadin,g. col- Are "aka 111:iiriiigia and Dentlii; the 'simple annotin'cement; FARE' f. but fiir any. Additional lin es), five ,cend s a A libeiitrdeductiori yearly * eirid half Y, l l-3' , -,a4lrestir,!l* - added alat . ge jot of _new , job su Gard type, Cuts, 11 . orders,&c., fo the Job Office of "The which wiR insge the, floe execution of:001.111mila of ,Job & CARD P R from_ Abe craal kat Card to the largest Poster, at prices to suit tie Warttimes: = "' ' 4 ,Thou : gazeat, deep.aad T Deep and eatiteat,are y thiae eyes ; I, know that in our being . • There ar s e' answering sympathies : ;tire' I ' • , 'And aak, , ,withainximia4rearniug,.' „ Wilk it excri thus, eOduta.V* , ,,• , Asti k . es `6BRiclip'ari ' Gliiinge9 not.i.ri:harieMitreilfr • , T ?r l: ,.' l lF' s )!tk d 9 w l69 lll 'tch , PVf>, act dpsy :. tides - upon the soul. With tittiiiiiiohs emotio,n;: • sieeelm thy ißut ' - I,lt Ittosi love me 'evelitioter , . • 2 , •,2 Thou knowest all my weakness, Thou knowest all ; Jhou , s,t read my ; We; and. kuoVest•,,, Every weed and every, flower. • And if wrthm myuatufe ; 4 And gracious gift tht.tii 'Sheuld transfUSeltielf tcOthee. Delicate Meal ty,-,,i Thin Steu,t4 .God knows, no selfish impulse., :n,;. 1"./rawsmyhekt,thuaF thimt; I ivoul ' d that all my foilin g "'' Should partake Of tfiediVine'; -•-" youl&betv4se knd.perfeeti Living truly, heartily, That life's most glorfouS halos `ShoulesUrround and hallOvr thee. with l earnest,,stropg endeavor, I would bf b °r, bX thy Earn the 'right. to be Coriki)apieri, 'Felloiv-Iwoiker;tiod thy gotde ; ' 'Thro' allJeaith's weary turmoil , ~.• - Keep al 'loving ahul, fend pi7teli~ c: A nil,,thy,.,bcitiones or affecticoll .„.: ey,ebtho.e, epdure. , , • Beauty of ioweases. •5 • 1 —it is related that Cateaubriand, on i returning from his ,sastern trave l s, , was i aalioa. if ha o9aiii assign a reasoaa4 the women of * , the J e wi sh q w e r e Wera so •:. • • ` • much,,handsomer than the men, wh en he gavethe . f6llbWilig lie eard,"heie'esieiped the curse 'which alighied ° 'pea- r tlidir• fatherii`linsliaddif, sans ''`'Not 'a - ' Jewess - - Vigil j th Semi' einO the`OraWirof -prieete that insulted the Son of God, seoir'geti Rim, ' Ciown ed''' with thorns; and thfainy 'arid' rightly 'tif tbe'cirCa: "''The (ItOint ad lit , Jtide a be lieve& in' hisa' Simi* it ;aitti'd' and soothed Hist or 'PollrP4.l9W4iiklaaa4 re9,iPos olotrioanits)ahjo.4,9tiO ft,'FasO of, alikbastar ~ The,ts + uaer t annoiuteal;, hue - reetFittir . ppritkin9d)oil, and miped with h er hair. Christ, on his part, ox tended mercy to'` 1:114i Jewesses Ne r ch r,,seo fr om 'the ea e son o e wi dOW of l4Uie; 'and tfailtbas ..1 :u - Vie Lazarus. "H e cured " Simeon's brother id-taw; aria ,the Evroethitrlktio todehedl the Item.lof }lbis vat:Mune. tisa-Shuravil tad Women( his wee: a spring- 4 °ff Hieing Nvii ter, and a cotripaselonateAudg'o3inuthisi .??9,91 1 8•ia1 - VhdtAl7;,inl.W t _ c riAltCfigi'°f ern wPP.ll°Toqlri . 11 4illihA?°4341/A Ifißraf',!l -nirgi l lukifltiogifilirttc t kittE,Ys ! , 51 , ,ligtItLigst) mtlovent,st P.so3 ,, flimust,,bfrrAft*OßP., -, t r. t His first appearssi9e*lr • pika,Teyusisep T tion was to Mary . Magdalene. Re said tai‘iiild Of iiis 814' 31 ' 44 • '74c431 yiti4 The reflection of some beautiful *ray Must havet reateCenAbe brows ortSew eFees." WILT THOU LOVE - ME 'THUS' FOREVER And if upon pathway, 1 hay a cast , one ttny , rays- . Made one mornent brighter, happier, By mi,life or by m 3 dinit 'fintiirej `; Mitt iimeiiner , thin‘My'chen ,• Thou cane never have enjoyment •! In a soul of !dryer tone. BEI ~/czl : l3 t gql•4 4 4z9 2l ltWllititi -!;to For, in tbis cleaver •• lo Yalta is thy due r • AndOrt loin& riChe r t liatite& ~Wintthe,ttift:thatt once twactaittei „ 0 51 MOt titqW my ,head 61 4 1 :1 4 #PA,1 . To a ?my of the D,iyitta! Ileterkon's far Tibriuiry AK E) 811111PITIM,; s. was`a trout p ace witliknit broi, that : lap'beut, ov e r two lettere, ponder ing over momentous' question,, and Nalile - HbetTei'ti 4 thettglits 'ran soints, itagjh " *hat 'a 'aeble, manly litter. Godfrey Chnrciiriian icittea, tie' pre tentleg, tender "love speaks in every flee cab 1104,' la he wrote that letter, his bread'shuilders bent, hie • tide!, Whife' tianit'l4cing 'those 'clear, bold ,Oberacterkii . and those great : black eYee'of beaming with 'fervor. and hope. EtEi . }s not bart4siirn4, not 'Very talented, bet tio true, so , good;that. I could put my bend his, content to let film lead' me, Content 'to obey, as well tale*, end - honor him.: But, then, he nothing gut' the small fortune 'his mother laftEdM, acid all of 'that . Is' iii` vested ; then, too; he is, so ibieried`la' atilt little counting-house Vven this l letine `"There's' Mary ; too ; i whoever 1341 calenlate 'nPotif Mary for litkledk'fixtgki,' and she, is in'`fretetif:ttpd'r,epinint. frOor'hfaiii, it is t hEiid leit'aV , aiitig: to . :bil glut' up for life, in one room, and, salterisuch 'Cle.ideet r P f a `prospect(4'it ri;ilway jeurnet 'ever i'ethaPei; ieehe in n- a pleaseet'heirie,Witiribthe one ways neer to chat' with her, 'Rho would E ecome' reconciled: but- in that 'rd f oirijn - 'hoa'iifirii.-ho d s i)di key awaY o.`y - ,' and , neSoily to speak . to' teCd'intiti, her iMprbionment bird beer.'"i Will dun' Of i ten'. -`§taY that will eili'd i d,''ailie'ss:=.l'decide" to' an iiiieriGodfrej:Pe.hittdi4;'es' Wieltee. 'if tbe eitier'had'fie4onie'fthlt id=day. iB'SHChealilitArti fur fetter; tinted Papeir; dressiLutadi., sguch z easy" greet) cOni. plimentinVand 'such `'poetical' language seldom ‘..written: He is 30 halld-: 80010; t 00; with inch a t:iaceful bow, and so eourteaus at all tiinee: never saw anything'eo beautifur de' eitate, With its hot-hdusee and.iaidens; its ea'` perb furnitaie and 'Pictdree; arid:his car riagect.titid'hories see"jitit 'Peefection L .— Arid lie Vas 'invited ine-'-tlittleti'die="=lt'd Ptesilliajoiqie lovely place, 4 - 64 spend his large , fortune:: offereineibidid, and purse. Oh! which shall it be ?" "gilalrtlblAp`icia ?" • • • .1 , Nellie. statied,•tdr l ite ,, herself , alotteilttiiViit heil3lllbw itec;d 'ti figare; , is a= llicibbd drifes,r-such 'as stte•J tread abitzt; • id" fatryAitles, Et thoueiinditiatis. ' Shell , help You ?" repeated the small woritan4 cleat; iiieviirk tonet•=-: "I am your fairy guardian ! '01r! yes, you thought such— dreams were over when' yonrpiteonicitti'ffehki and Curried tip tint'We are iotia yet, illough"lonoisCotites;" srdinitig onr'busideaVi.-- Ooloilt'lny dear, find I *fit - Yoh - to decidawhieh , it-tiliall Somehow, she editralY -rho:Baud:lib*, the little room faded, faded away, and Nellie (and he'Aelf in the long dtntng- room of Norman Hart's palatial man atee. Dinner was just •over, and three gentlemen, who were all acquaintances of 146'1111'3's, were rartrillig the host `Cus his own prefereficatofthe pretty Nellie Kartl,l9l- , • , • "P9tlPu,c-9Pre,34!,". pflig„the ,'`you b ra Ma#ol.aTi ,• l ir i aah !...1 1 1imkaaa nafitAa "/ am ni't fea4Y Yat'taP l 4 0 28 ?OAT lea I Bachelor life,euite me, though, of coersi o one must merry Mimetimel %Ease the winc,lieeil" • ' • ; .Aod.froqiiheniname thee conversation glided into other chiLunalsiAand , Nelliers, memory aided her 'in recalling various raitintstatiatstcifiegiof end diihi jattiohr, doll a ow 'ringing is 'hoi 4 eitis.u. , Aa'ainise.. dote and story fieW.Miiikliip ,- lbiliip; - 414 recalled the tales kW friends had told s'lidtids'~ f ßere'Cleeing # u, , the fanr men, Rushed and excited) rose l ftiiin''ti f eetti 4 4 wine, to,aoouca to e r t/itrary.,, . here mvex no 0n. , 41 ,0 0, 41a t ai tgig.ava . prifl.ll6lt,,figout9it be 1/1491-41-"a a e s a llipJf h it !3 r, ' E 's d e s c i i i ies t .1441 4b Pi turned to ner guide, sad* terrified., and begged to leasa.the scene. As she' Spoke, that TO 6Ur ifaibdvattilierfdinilUtd done,-anda.coat„bedsaont; aositly,fittedp apVtook. its , placiel 19389 VV I.l` (ids Upon a lew condi ,bt,y a fa*, pale „ girl, 7 1148 , *9 drawn witL les 111 of aaii ` ermg, and' 'whose toldi o . accide n t iat h a d crippled her. She wee lying very "tin, with s listless, wearied expression 4, hitt all Nellie watched, the pale face bright, ailed, and she relied her 'head to listen: The' door opened, and the smile grew radiant ai ;Godfrey. Churchmen entered the room:' "Dear,'dear brother-I" This was the greeting. ,, . With loving.teaderteishii Caressed' tier, 9 and , sat beiide' hei; -While she• wound his ettrls.rorind -her thin . - fin. gees., , , , , ; ; ';`Yen afe tired" she'said, , softly.. 'Rather-I'4 , ain working eo hard ":for ourlotne,'MarYl" ; • 1 "And • "And Nellie, if she will share wrote to-day to ask her if she woald c'o'me tows;' for I ein - dare - tb begin now to fit up a L bouso `VYe mast live cinietly, and' edanamically at first, „ hut I will work hard `that yen ' and`Nellie shall . "Ali! Ilibreldoinea l our tea I" ` said' 111 i ty, as the servant: brought small tray 4itiiice for fivo. "I do on- jay' yone'preitY'predeit, Ondfrey." ' • "The' ' Yeh, it livery coise: 4 And`then~ Nellie 13•1406 d; leadlOn; as the young mav, 'reverently, asked Vl:Waning on the meal. Two hours 'glidad' away, and still the yoling girl litgated.: Lingered to hear the iii(Alini'l‘fdrdsne levefair aufferer's'heart Music, to hnitr her own "name respectfully and af'fectionatel ' y uttered. ; ,, Lingered to see ,-the,•tho l d,r, PrPt°°ting -t4° PY°Pg.PINIkO99th; 4 1 ,g)tiFf,0 8 tPr ? @;Pikin. 137,:g°11 cage of posit i on; to sea , how. carefully ho studied her fthcfov : seade i vnty thought; and, as the ro om at, last tided acyay, she 11. . '1 .4 1 3 stretbbed out her arms bi,the noble man before her, and woke with a start in her OWII room. The letters lay, still before .her as, they. were when she fell asleep and, as she read them again, she recalled, all she, knew of the Writers. vivid co .l* •••-, • *.• Wrs, heN e dreem had„• presented ,thp 133. s 14!re stories ?f ormalfs and 13Odfrey's high. Character, and, she • • ”.11 pat aside the tinted, sheet to read again the words _from, the heart, of her .tsne The 1141 e white -winged '•lriessenger she sent to the sister's carawas opeeed • ..,•, . 1 t 11ipireadmich ,bright, faces and hearts reedyX 3 a WaiaWLicl: islorman , Bart tossed his krito .r , su the fire with a, mattered Cayee; fevi days ako press'"'which"' tedjairiin FranTilin W'orkd'in /7111: . t , Robert' Winthro,_ late opeaker of the House o kii r pie r seri tati , 44' VlL46tifi ed the ress to the Massachusetts Be neinle,nt MeClusnic Society thece; oa behalf .cif a gentleman of Philade phis. The ,old press was in 1714 . „ and was thus hundred and fifty,tliree, yeari old, when it took tars„'pfoisnblf its last aourney It made a trip to New port, R r., dnrinetito Revolo tins whe'r'e it was for a time buried in agardeti to keep,it q)m,, - tlie`Hritiiik soldiery, but . was - dfsekivered,.dag'up andwOrked far a time. it '.lsears the maikit,of hard asage and old age, but it, has flow' fOinid tt.retiog c. plge,,ip the , q eenf3s , ,pf la f tsers,,and,wAlk.o.e,Trluote agai : • following is a singUlli CalqpiatiOn numbe'r of stitcliea in a' shirt i.---SitetiQ the ar, fourrods, 00,; sewingthe ends,, • 500; button 'betel, mid sewing • '3. tons, 150 ;. sewing the, collar and gather ing- the riecy . , .1.204 ;, stAchirig wrist hunds: 12:28 ; i seW,ing the ends;6B; bui: ton holes, ma ;, Ipf,; gathering the Steele % ; setting on wristbupil%l4Pi; 0.40./tlig'9ll,lBll.ot#Bl . strctB l l , 44re. rAY.l.g.ejkcir, the, f lloftol,A; S , BPRAT -4 4P -8/ee tY 4 9 , _ geseet% ; 4005 , ,tftptuPg4kft lqimi)th 415,2.6!; , -4 jog the seats, /4.l4, 74 settiqg Aide gussets 434 ihum,liw4hp,,hol4,,logi,,l,l.o4r m . Total number of stitches, 20.620. 4 4pc)-! for this work tnany , , , woineu receive only 62‘kceritE , l , '. a ` ,l t Al .P. t tuNxiiiEss.—A ? .'kinglßh office—, H...“ 4 English IA 4 1 1 43 ,4 59011! I llAt I n t l i ri T u rC a t C *? pany—diciarea that "tne're tssae , flak: only which the conwany declines to in- sumadd ;flab din/trope - and. iniltdr tdinvrisir.oP dkunikanness:, TINY/ gra not insure the drinicardi irt..s.depriact,a nor ucill they ,contirilfa the insnrapee or aUVviiiii in fr t&liiiit"qate.:ThellraUt aril 'Lot '&V41104 cidents, but hie coir*ltitiori filitil to z;6:` pair , aultinjurli anid4loirand. .14440811:1011 a burden npontliniegoittty,!' .• ; The commencer fit nunuvice, hal ordeced e4l cotton bayore , ant'fafAie district, • VOL.IO -NO Odds ad IFfilds. "rply,t,impose7trponlpey?, :as , the atone sai4,to ,;, man ieldoth attiicks' thi y "chkracter of anOtherlvithout•hijuridetild own Some riehge tate itiore care to hid! their'wisdom thi n thetr . , Reit satisfied with ..doinx .well, and leave otberS to say of, you, what they pieties. arriacily,a, ecno c al, pi eascre, which, in well ,reeinieteci j mjeds ; seldom fiule to Pri4uPe. 1740 Fa.Lreis. OM; ; , ,OReat-talkers obeonly , d(P°.the least; but , ,-generally say•i the - leitst,i' if 'ibair words be weighed, indeed of reeioned. Why does the Cook 'make' kaki Bailie tliatithe Becauie One' Mikes 'A ' ditii and the others dinner.''' • "Efo*' shall 't stir the Bre Wiihout in• teritipting' the rntiai?" "Betiveen 'the was replied: • * fie is happywhose cirenmstances suit iris ' - teinper; but he is more excellent who can suit his temper to any circum- 1 4aPPP°. • The utmost :e±celience at• which trianity.can 'arrive,! is a constant, a de terminate pursuit of vittne, ;Without re= gard .to 'present dangers or'advantage.; tDet a treated" its' a 'brine,' arid he= 'Will • becbitie' more than brute; 'iv ijaVi hti et Ile in atilt lie WilLiihew that-1169i Parr," said a yoong'atudelit once 'the' Old you and I write " n book ." well," replied, the jectoi, "put in t knQw kid all' thei atid th a k i, ' 34 , i :11 a:41v „ ; ..•••••i ; rit. 11 5. 0 9r peal t" sitiOmnal-vpiced Yankee, to At street butcher, '9 'l °,lt4f 1 11 PflAig..; "what niAkesit i lookso blue did infi eaid tha other ",it didn't die 'sact4 • it. kind o' gin mar, • , •• The distinguished '=individoirl known itplongdth'epan ts •tis ly changed his name to Cupidityciad; will hereafter deitire : his_ attention matters of-money as ti= i ell .es matfiEmy, .•; e ,L .:. z.,•.; 4.3- • To RiMit4 } ), 0 0.4 1 1 40,;f0SittlYettal. Remus W94,,ritk-t4,,,93ix.t.F.Er.e,"404 lailtam;,, lAlßP!) l l4clacifi. keAsPia*;4l;tga a•w i a,s)9, t tlyhglaset 4 t t Mgt Raitingtoo limp. that) Ikv, *BP baaiiist ;taunted limit, l'iaaCei 9afitiaital like o.;:i?arishitiner.", '•t• I.' • • - Bana,lWlirituir de brige'de`ntnet , gent folks in de world'? . 13benniset "de7 nose eberyting. , ;• 7 it l i;- , OLIJ ,-i; It tkver.); PerlaiPl!l"4'.a93#9 walk 131* walk straight`, if lie (ollow.l bebt:` C. J4 d Y 7401 !Rt4l4liitileAlitt- PcF. 0 4eLl Aseeo if ,vromare keep • secret stall , it, is generalivwith telling erect_ •e