P ROFESSOR DEGRATIPS gLECTRIC OIL • Wonderful Cakes con Man a n d /least A VALUABLE MEDICINE! IPROPOSE' to cure, almost instantaneously, individuels - afflicted with Deafness, Head ache, Neuralgia, Chill Fever, Ague, Rheunia• tisrn, umiak Sores and Pains, I prep*, to check and effeetially disdiPate more slobs and pain, and to accomplish nearer : and more perfect equilibrium of all the circula-, ring fluids in the human apiterri,..than can be effecte4-by-any other or all other methods of medical: aid in the same space of 'dine, the masses thehiselvbs being judges. ' .1 I do not propose to cure every disease, but all such , as are curable by any edifibination of medical aptiltaticear My Electric Oil operates on chemical and electric .principles, and is, , therefore, applicable to, the 'cure or natural, restoration cif anY'orgitnic derangement, aris ing from an improper ciroulation , of Nervous, Vital uid. • I want the MiuniertiVjoin in this matter--• the well as the , iliCa,.because if these, things are so, all ath alike interested. • N. B. Plead inform me of any case of fail ere to cure, inliom half hour to three week,, as I wish to ciire or charge nothing. „The'Colatiribus SUN remarks: On Saturday, ' an old' gentleman named Wm, C. Osborne, well knoWn in our city,. who, from rheumatic affection., has not been able to , walk or use his hands sufficient to feed for mot.- then ten years, was brought to Prof. 'De Grath on the street,'.wheie in •the presence of a large assemblage of people, he applied De Grath's Electric 011 to one arm and shoulder. He was, immediately enabled to raise his hand to his head and Scratch it, a thing he laid he ,hoe not done before'in twelve years. , The New Hampshire Patriot says : During the present week, no leis than six of our friends, who have been induced to try Prof. De Giathq . :Electric Oil for Rheumatism and . Deafness; In Consequence of having, seen, this prearetion: advertised in our columns, have called upon us to state the 'result of. expert; ments. neap persons assure us that their Rueumatic hi l velitei c Ailiely cured 'by:, few applications of •Be Grath's Electrieol4 and they, recommend, its use to all kv.hciSit afflicted With 'any of 'the dideisei which it is desigited to Cure., It seems that Rheumatistn, Deiifoess, Dieu - Whiz, Swollen:and Stiff Joints, and , other Complaints to which we are all subject, have lost r their tstrori.' Prof.. De Grathls Electric, Oil is warranted Act relieve any case ip short' space of time, and• with,a,trilling expense. It always tcures..Scratches, ,Spraine, Galls, and, Splints Wharton. .' Pittor..CummEs Da GRATH, , Philadelphia, Pa.' , ak• Atte genuine iithOiltaignitture of Prof. C.Dk . ' - 001 1 ...11 , . Labels signed' in writing. Plinciper Depot Not '217 South, Eig.htti,:lt. Philidelphia. *Country dealers and druggists can' be eaPPRed wholesale and retail . , P rice . - 25 erinfif, - fflinents, andtti - per bottle. Try eVerything else "give this one simple • • I.:Anion—Be careful to eak for and, get DE Gs...Ws' Monti:lc Oil, : as worthicss imitations abound. , . . . There ate numerous imitations sprung up on thoireputation _ray Article has acquired - . , he public must, eware. They Are worthless . For sale by-all dealers find druggist& Prin cipal dike 217 South tith street, Phila. D' LA•CROIS'S PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE. Oilh.Rhysiofogical Views of 1,11-Wiriage 280 PAGES AND AO ENGRAVINGS Paicx only 25 cents. Sent free of postage to all parts of the Union. -On the infirmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret fol lies of both sexes of, aged , causing debility, nervousness, depreggion, of ' spirit, 'palpitation of the . heaxi, suicidal imagipiogs, involuntary_ eitionions, blushings,, defective memory, indi thittion •ond lassitude, with confessions of thrift tifir.jiltfrost of a 'Boarding School Miss, 44140.tudent) and a Young Married Lady, td. trathful adviser to the married and Ntosii,oonteffiphiti Oil liege, who enter tain secreedeubts of their physical condition, and whhare conscious of having hazarded the health, tosppinessi and privileges to which every binned being is entitled. YoUNG MEN who are troubled with weakiiing,teidriillk caused: by, a bad habihip the 'effects-4f which , are, dizzinbiz, puidi failtettlihnitiv sometimes a ringing the, bind, weak 'Oda,' weakness eV-tieback azi,diciWer extremities, confusion of ,ideak,,logs of' ifiekory, wittv melancholy, may be aiit d: by AtiOniitlioes tan Pargirand London Treat- Tang . rWe hkve, ' recently devotedmuch of out deft thilvikiting the European Hospitals, avail-. ing ourselt"es of the knowtedgeandresearches ut Qs most skillful ,Physicians and. Surgeons ii -- Europe knd the Continent. Those who lace. le , WereMves? I nder, bur c.erwe . iwill ,now eurtrlg..full. benefit of the many new and 'if ; eKtguu.Kintepti which we are enabled tq duce. wo de iiite: our, practice, and the public tEiprest assured otihe same zeal, assiduity, SECRECY:4nd attention being paid to their cases,whicOtiiso suceessftilly distinguished us heretofore, as a;Thyitician in our •rzeu LIAR rpartmerit of pinfessionel Practiee, for' he pate twenty t five years- Finerc#, l'Xiirea i z Prtzs.--Ladies who wish CPT iVlespyrneti, the efficacy of which has been tested Ip : ttinusands'or Casey, and never &ilea to effect speedy cures without any bad re. delta willriise none but Dr. DeLaney's Fe- EllatPeriedreal kills. '' The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies should not take if tkey.buyik reasen t .to believe they are in rerfaiti iittldtione (the particulars of which will be , found . on the wrapper accom panying each box;) though alivays safe and heeltlfy, so gentle; yet so active are they. Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to arlAtait of the United States dr Canada.' - I'm TEE LAnrus--Who need a con/Wen/is. tilltdital adviser with regard to any of those interesting complaints to which their delicate organization renders them liable, are paiticti larlY invited to consult us. THE 't ELEczne-GALVANIC PROTECT/ YE." For' inatried ladies whose health will not ad mit, or who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe preventive to coheeption, and has been extensively used during the, last 10 years. Prici reduced to $lO. THE SEORET OF YOUTH UNVpILF.D. Treatise on the Qom of Premature De cay— A : solemn warning. Just published, a book shoWing the insidious prOgress and pre valence among beholds, [both male and fe male. I, of this fatal habit, pointing out the fatality that, invariably attends its victims, and 'developing the whole progress of the disease, from the c ot inencement to the end. It will be sent by Mail on receipt of , two [3 cent ,Stamps. - Attendance daily, from Sin the morning til 9 at night, and on Sundays from 2 till 5 P. M. Medicines with full directioni sent to '.any pait of the United States or Canadas, by, pa tients communicating their symptoms by letter. fluidness correspondence strictly confidential. Kr Dr. L's Office is still located as establish' ed under , the name of DR. LACROIX,' po,-13,Idaiden Lane, Albany, N . 'Y. . CHEAP READY:MADE PLOTHING I! Having just ieturned from the city with cely selected let of Ready-made Clothing, Which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at reduied prices; hayinglaid in a generiljuisort ment of, men and boys , clothing, which he is dawn' inici to tell iott, fon cam. Hisstrk doparlif i df OtiintiCoats„ DREGS, FROCK AND Slide' Ali, 'TROTS, PERJAcKETE, ROVOROUTS, (knit) OV'ERRACI LS, CRAVATS, DRARI9, I BIOI3II HOISIRY, UNDERSHIRTS, GLONOttlki Reetything in the Furnishing Good& line, Call and examine, be foie ,Purchsaing eltieWhere. Everything sold at ptitierto suit thettlittiegk . JOHN.B.P.L. tArlOr of alit' iane.oo4 Harem next , tb '64,glis 461°7'4. ji4 ' IMONB int - iller Table Wincui, MiraffitOd to be pnits antlifold tsalOrair can be bought in Philadelphia or" blew-Yale. • 11. D. BENJAcixs •Ftcot Building. - LT IMMiMIMIIIMIIIIII.11111.1.111111111111111111111111111.111111111fiEliMilii". AA IIIOIoOHLEWS long celebrated H. BE KJ .4 MIN SCHENCK'S MILMQNIC SXRUP WI L COIVI2ON. SCHEiVC.I6BSiA *ZED TONIC WILL CURE DYS PE PSI A. SCHENCIPS MANDRAKEIPILLS *ILL CURE LIVER COMPLAINTS. • DR. J. H. SCHENCK has a large suitof rooms at No. 32 Bond st.. New-York, where he can be found every Tuesday, from 9 a.m. 'to 3 p. m., and at No. 39 North Sixth street,. Philadelphia, Pa., every Saturday.. He keeps a large supply of medicines :athis rooms, which can be hid at all times. Those wishing advice .or examination with the Res pirometer, his, price is $3. Many lersons are afraid to have their lunge examined by .DR. SCHENCK for fear they will befouled incurable, and by that means it input off until it is too late. How much bet ter it would be to know their condition at once, as by abundance of evidence, Dr. S. has shown suthcient'iertificatek in' this CRY that he has cured advanced 8146 of Consumption. DR. SCHENCP.N Principal O f fice is No. 99 North Sixth Streit, Philadelphia, Pa., where letters for, advice should always be directed.' 13— Pierce 'of the Pulthodic Sylup and 'Sea Weed each' $1 per bottle, or $5 tire. dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25c por box , For sale by all druggists and storekeepers T_T. The Secretary of the Treasury has not yet given notice of any intention .to withdraw tale popular Loan from Sale at Par, and until ten days notice is given, the undersigned,. as "General Subactiption Agent," continue to supply. the plionc. The Whole summit of the Loan authorized. is •Five Hundred Millions of Dollars. Aearly Four Hundred Millions have been alreaay sub seribeefor, and paid into the Treatury,, moat ly within the last seven months. The large' de 'mand from ,abrofid, and the rapidly increasing home deffiand" for use as the basis for 'circ'ula-• ;;Libra byi 'National lialikipg -Association! tow organizing in all parts of the country, tri very- titiort period, absorb the balance: 7 • Sales have lately ranged fr,om ten _to futeen , . • -millions` :meekly, frequently exceeding three tnilliotis.dailx, and as it is well known that.; the Secretary; , of the,Treasuly has aipplelind , unfailing resouicesin the Duties on Imports 'and Internal Revenues„ and in the issue of , the Interest bearing 'Legal Tender - Tie'iSury ;Notes, it is almosra certainty , that te wilLnot find it-necessary; for a long.time.to come, to ,seek a market lot any other long or permanent Loans, tht Interesuand , Prinpipal fwhich are PAYABLE' GOLD. ' itlerice' and Self-interest • must :force the Thiridstf those contemplating the fortnation 'of Associations, a' s- welt as:the minds 'of ail who have idle' nioney cn their• bands, to .the prompt conclusion that= they Should lose no time in subscribing to this most poptilar Loan. it will soon be, `beyond their teach, and advance to a ,handsome premium, las was the result with the "Seven Thirty" Loan, ivheu it.wastill sold and-co.uld no long er be subscribed for.at par. It dad Six Ter Cent. Loan, .the :Interest and Principal payable -in Coin, thus yielding over Nine per Cent: per.annuni- at the -present rate of premium mn , coin. . The. Governmentrequires all,duties on im ports to be paidin Coin-; these duties have for a long time: past amounted to over a Quarter of a Million of Dollars daily, a sum nearly three times greater than that required in the payment o 1 the interest on all the 5-20's and other permanent LoanS. So that it is ,hoped `that the surplus Coin in ilia Treasury, at no distant day, will enable the United ,States to *resume specie payments upon all The Loan is called. 5-20 from th'e'fact that [ whilst the Bonds may run for 20 'years, yet the Government has a right to paythenveff in I Gold at par, at any time after 5 years. The Interest is void half-yearly, viz : Oh the first days of November and May. Subscribers can have Coupon , Bonds, which are payable to .bearer, and are. $5O, $lOO, 'ssoo, and a 1000; or Registered Bends of same denominations, and in addition, ,$5,Q00,,a4 $lO,OOO. For Banking, : purposes and' for'in,l vestments of 'Trust-monies , the RegisteredP Bonds are preferable. These 540's cannot be taxed by States, ci. ties, towns .or counties, and, the Government_ taxon - Ahem one-and-a,half.per cent., on the amount of income, when the income of the holder exceeds SiX Hundred dollars per annum; all other itvvestments,,suchas income from 'Mortgages, Railroad Stock and Bonds, etc., Faust pay , from three to five percent tax on the meanie. , - Banks and Bankers throughout the Country. trill continue to dispose of.the Bonds; .and all orders by mail, or otherwise, promptly attend- The inconvenience.of 'slew days' delay in the, delivery of the Bonds is• unavoidable, the demand. being so great,; but as, interest com mences from the day of subscription, no loss is occasioned, and ,every effort is, being made to diminish the aelay. J A.Y COOKE, SICIA,SC/3.IPT/ON 4G,Ercr i - 114; South :Third Strce;, Phiiadelphaa Soldiers in thEviAtmy AND OUR P.E PLE AT HOME ARE noyt,offered : an .opportunity,by„,whic4 they 'end 'Obtain goo'd •and TITME, are VERY LOW FIGURE. ATV- OUR WATCHES ARE WARRANTED To KEEP TIME: . One year; and the buyer is allowed the privi lege ofptatuitkatien befo!e payment is required. IMPROKEJ) DUPLEX IN FULL BY.-ACTIONS. A.first-class Hunting Time-Piece of silver material, over which is electro-fine plated 18k gold,most durable wrought, making the hi:H.4 tation so faultless that it cannot be detected from the solid material by the most experienced judges ; acids will net affect it. London made movement Improved Duplex in full ruby ac tion, has sweep seconds, and is not to be, ex celled in general appearance. This idecided ty one of the best articles ever otTered for trad ers and speculators. Engineers, emigrants - and persons traveling, will find them superior to any other; alteration of climate will not affect their accuracy. Price, ,paelted in good shape and good running order, only $35, or case of 6 for $2OO. $41161' D ouble Milne hgting geb&S, . _ BEST QUALITY SILVER CASES, over which electro-fine plated 18,karat gold, similar to our improved Duplex, and superior adjusted movements, with “atop," to be used in timing horses, , etc.; has ..Four Inelaves for Washington and Greenwich time, sweep sec ond, and all the improvements- , All in alt, taking its beautiful and faultless appearance and its superior movement into consideration, we regard it as decidedly the cheapest article of the kind in the myrket. . - . . Price in good running, order, 1835, or case of 6 for 3200. CO' We ask nty pay' in advance, but will forward either of them to responsible parties, Ab any part of the loyal States, with billilay , l :ablento.expressman When the goods are deliv ered,'giving.the buyer the privilege of- exami nation, and, if nut satisfactory, the watch can be retutned at expense: The express companies reface making col lections on soldiers and other parties iathe disloyal States, consequently all such orders Mast be accompanied by the cash to insure-it 'tention. We make a deduction of two- dol lars on eithet'wher► the payment is forwarded in advance. ' ' 'Motley may be sent by espies at, our ex pense. THOS. CAFFERTY & CO. 93 and 95 Broad street 'opposite City Hank, 0et,17-3nt) Providence, AA BARRELS . APPLES Northern Spy, eJI.I Blrligrin , s,'"Greeninis and. Russets, the Vest Nen-VriCfruit, lit' SPANGVER PATTEligairsi 1:' • CRO . 12 Li*rD N.FirANGLAND , RUM for culinary purpoitia, , siarranted genwifie H. D. Benjamin; BRANDIES—aII brands—guarTanted to be genuine. . H. D. Beniamin. IMMO ~qs ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ S 4 Cit • ITTDNDEN'R .• : PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL C - 01E, E GE, N. E. corner of 7th 6. ,Chestnut Sts. PHILADELPHIA This Institution, which was established in 1344, ind,is now consequeritly in the eight ,eenth year of its existence, numbers among graduates, hundreds of. the most successful Merchants and Business, en in'our Country. ,The Object of the' In'stitution is solely to afford young'men facilities fur'tho'rough prepa , rations fot bueineas.- The Branches taught are, Book-keepitig, as applicable fo fhe variobs departments of trade ; .Pennmanship, both., plain and ornamental ; caniraerciat Law,, otheniatics, Navigation, dolt Engineering, /Drawing, Phonography, and Modern Earignageo. • The SYstem •of astruCtion 'is - peculiar ; no classes or set lesson's are made use of, but each student ie taught individually, so that he may commence at any time, and attend at what ever hours are most cOnvernent. • Catalogues are , issued annually after the 15th of April, containing names of the students fdr the year„rind full, 'particulars of terms '&c., and may be obtained at any time by address ing the Principal. In extensiye accommodations, wide-spread reputation, and the lengthy . eXpetience of th Principal, this Institution offers facilities e perior to any other in the country, for yo Sig men wishing to prepare for business,_ itird to obtain A, DIPLOPIA, which will prove a rdcom mendation for them to any Mercantile.Vouse. 113- Crittenden's Series of Treatises ail Bo*. Keeping, new more widely , circnidted than any other woik on, the subject, are :liar sale et the College. S. HODGES CRITTENDEN, Att9tney-at-Law, Jan. 18, 2 62-Iy] . • . PRINCIPAL. _isl . l•4l - No, bTaot & Co's Chain of IVatiol Commercial =I . ,SOUTH. EAST. CORNER OF SEVE&T.II AND , CHESTNUT STREETS. New-I - ark pity, Brooklyn, Albany, Bur do, icem, .Detroit. Cleveland CI cageanit Saint-Louis Book-Keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Ar rith nietic, Commercial, Law,,Forpas„Corre-' pondence, &c., practically, taught. These Colleges being, under the same general and local management, and uniting in each the advantages' of -all, .offer ,greaterJacilities for imparting:instruction than , anrother, s imilar institutions in the country. , A Scholarship issued by any one good in all for an unlimited time. , The Philadelphia. College has beeh recently, enlarged and is now the largest most prosper ous Commercial Institution in the State. Bryant & Strattan's series of 'reit Books, embracing Book - Keeping , Dom triercial Arith metic, and Commercial Law, fors, and sent' by mill. 11. For full particulars, send far , a.ci.-odar. ADDRESS; STRATTAN, BRY *NT. Dec. 27 '62-Iyl PHILADELPHI A A Fortune for Alll NO HUMBUG, betian-*AsTray,x. - r Slew thing. Only three. months in this country ! No clap-trao operation to gull the public; tint a genuine money-making thing ! Read the Circular of instruction once only, and you will understand it perfectly. A Lady has =just written to me that she is Making as high as TWENTY DOLL ARS SOME DAYS! giving in structiona in this art. Thousands of Soldiers are marring money rapidly' at it. NO person has to be urged to patronize it. Ti is a thing that takes better than anything ever before offered. You can make money with it home or abroad—on steamboats or railroad cars, and in the cottutry or, city. 'You wilt be pleased in pursuing it; not only because it will yield a handsome income, but also in consequence , of the general admiration Which it elicits. It is pretty prOfit. - A Mete trifle is necessary to start' viifi. There is sctircely, one person out of thou sands"%ilto ever'payS any am nt!on to adver tisements of this kind, thinking they are hum bugs. ConseqUently those who do send for instructionwwill' have ii broad field to make money in. There Is a class of persons inthis world' ,who think-beeause the have been humbugged out of a ddllar or SO, that every.- • thing that is,advertised is, a humbug. Conse quently they fry no ' The .person who succeeds is the one that keeps on trying until he hits .s e oriidthlng - Thisart cost me one thousand dollars and . I expect to make money, out of it--and all wh6 purchase the art" from me will do the same. One Dollar sent to Me will Mute the prompt return of, a card of instruction's in the tirt.--L Thsmoney will be returned to those 'who are not satisfied. Address 'WALTER T. TINSLEY, No. 1 Park Place, New York. TO CONSMITPT,I,VES irh9..nudersigned, having been restored to health in a few weeks, .by a V C.l)' ' SIMI)) e remedy after.having suffered severely for several years with' ting affectio-i. and' that dread diseaee, Consumption—is anxious to make known'tc: hiS'fellbw sufferers the means of cure. 'To all' who desire he will send a .copy of the tasciiption tis'bd (free Of "cliarge), - with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they find ei sure cure for Consuclzptlfm,'',..9olrqaf..cdAronchitis o , .Coughs, Cokes, Afc. The only object of "'Vie iidierbser in 'iendihrthe prescription, is' fo , benofirt he afflicted, and spread information whieh,he conceives to be inv,luable and he hopes ev ery sufferer . will'coat thelri -'nothing, and may prove a blessing. 1 3 itr.ieS Wishing.the preicription address i• `' Rev. EDWA 4 REQA. WiisON; '• ' • Willramsburg, e' Ne. 8-13t1 ' Kings co: N.-Y.", D R. WHITTIER,' " - 65 Jr. 'WI ARLES-sr., . . [SET WEER SIXTH AND SFVEII' I ,I 4 I Fra EP:raj S . T.- U.l 8, MISS 0 U , ESPECIA ATTENT/ON 'TO; . • k,ll CT - IRONIC DISEASES, Dyspepsia, ansumplion, Liver ,DOMplaint,, Diarrhea, Piles, &a., and all Female complaints. Da. W. Will send,his Theory of Chronic Dis eases, Tor '6 cents, to pre-pay nostage.. Symptom lists foi.dify.diseaSe, forwarded. 11;:ir Medicines forwarded to any post.office in the United States iPost Otflee Bo '',3092 St. Louis, August JACOB A . WISNER'S TOBACCO, CIGAR F STORE' Opposite . the Cross Keys Hotel, MARIETTA, PA. , 9 - IHE undersigned,would respectfully in that he still continues, at the of stand, cornet of Second and Walnut streets, directly, opposite. he Cross Kays' Hotel to keep on hand arid for 'sale,' all kinds nf Cigars from Half Spanish up, in prices from *6, $7 $2O to $BO per, thousand. TesAcco.—Nntural Leaf, Excelsior Caiendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, Jewel cif Ophir tobacco, An derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci gars manufactured of imported stock. SurF,s HALF. SPANISH. Rappe,e Snuff and all' kinds Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs, FRie7c l 4tiP,es, Cigar Tubes' 4TI , ,1 [Jan :30,' 68. URH. , ETT'S Cbcoaii?e. .A `'compound of Cocoa-nutHil,"&e.; foi . diesaiitepe Hair. For efficacy and agreeableness ,' it - ft Without, an equal. It prevents the hair firont falling off. It promotes its,,lienityy,,und vigerousgrowth. It Is not grefisfok•stick3;. - , - • • , flt.lohvetno.disasreethle odor. ' , , ~Ft 1 s, It•softensthelaw when hard and dry. 1 . • It soothes the irritated,scalp skin. - It affords theaichest lustre. ; C o. ;. Irveriairis-lehgest in effect. Bane 8( C' A CHOICE 'Lot of-Books for , children cille i - iiiidistructable Pleasure Books ; School and Paper Books, Stationary, Pena, Pen holders, For sole by Dr. 141?xli.s. MEMMI i . ( 0 1= e il I) :ail 4 1 4 }+;l.l CELEBRATED STOMACH / BITTERS. A PURE AND POWERFUL. TONIC, Corrective and alternative of wonderful effica cy in disease of the Stomach, Liver and Bow 7 els ; dn res Dyspepsia, Liver 'Complaint, Head iche, General. Debility, Nervousness, Depiest sion of Spirits, .Constipation, Colic, Intermitten- Fevei s, , Cramps and Spasms, and all com Plaints of 'either sex, arising from bodily weakness. Whether inherent in the system or, pro'duced by special causes., Nothing .that is not Wh,oleseme, genial and ',restorative in its nature enters into tne coinpo . sitjon, of Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters. This popular. preparation . contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly butanical ‘ elethent ;' no fi ery excitant, but it is a combination of the ex tracts of rare .balsamic herbs and plants with the purest, and mildest ot diffusive straw lants. lt is well .to be -forearmed against ,diieasii, and solar as the.htlinan system can!be protec:' ted by human tneans ,sgainst nialadieS gendered by an unwholesome atmOspliere, im pute water and other external causes, HOSTETTEMS BITTERS may be relied .on as a safeguard. In districts infested .with Fever and Ague, it has been found infallible asia preventtitive and irresistible as tt'remetly, and thousands who resort to iti.under_,apprehension of an attack, escape the scourge; and - I thousauds who ne glect ro avail themselves of its protective qua!- . sties in advance,-are cured : by ,a very brief ,'eOurse of this marvelous medicine. Ayer and ' Ague patients, after being Vied wi th quinine for monthstinsain, satu rated with that dangetous alkaloid, are not on frequently restored-to health , within (stew Alms by the use of liostettees . Bitters, The' weak: stomach .18 rapidly invigorated, and the appetite restored, by this agreettole,M7 nic, and hence it works wonders in cases 6t Dyspepsia andinless confirmed forms of indi gestion. Acting as a gentle and painless appe- Lunt, as well as upon theliver, it also iuvaii ably relieves the Castipation supelinduced by irregunir action of the digestive and secretive organs. Persons of feeble habit, liable to. tier-, vous , attacks, lowness of spirits and fits of lan guor. find prompt and permanent relief from the hitters. The testimony on this point is most conclusive, and from both sexes. The agony of Bilious colic is immediately assuaged by a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally resorting to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented. Last, but not least, it is The Only Safe Stim ulant, being- manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely flee from the acid elements present more or less in all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day. No family, medicine has been so universally, and, it may be truly added, deservedly popular with the intelligent portion of the community, as liosrErren's HITTERS.. Prepared by HOSTETTER & Pittsburg, Pa. Sold by all Druggists, Grocera and Store keepers everywhere. . iicEIL ) )llOKil ' S Gagiiir/it fn'ZIMItQf IO II3. COMPOUND. FLUID F.,'X'l'll.llCT 131.1011 U, A rosi:rtylt AND SPF.ciFID -REMEDY For diseases of the 131addor, Kidneys, Crawl and Dropsical Swellings. . . This Medicine increases the power of Diges tion, and.axeites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Colcsreous de positions, and all ,unnatural enlargements are reduced, as Well us pain and intlanintion. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. For weakness arising from excesses, habits of dissipation, early indiscretion of abuse, at tended with the following symptoms : Indisposition t', excit ion, Loss of Power, Vacuity of breating, Loss. of Memory, Weak Nerves, , Trembling,,, .. Horror of Disease, WakefulnesS, Dullness of ,VissioniPa . in in the' Back, Universal lassitude of the muscular system, Flushing of the body, Hot Hands, Eruptions on the Face, Dryness of the skin, Mid Countenance These symptoms, if all Owed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow,s Impotency, Fatitity, Epileptic. Fits, in one of which the patient may expire.: Who can say that they ale not frequently fill:. towed by those 4 4 Direful . Diseases," "insylikaty and Consumption." Many . are ate of the cause of their suffer ing,-but none" will confess ,the records of the Insane Asyluths. • Melancholy deaths by consumption bear am ple witness to ihe truth Of the assertion. The constitution once.effected with Organic weakness requires the aid of medicine to strengthen,and invigorate the system, which HELIVJBOLD'.. EXTRACT- BUCHU i n 're r iably does. A trial will-ctinvince the mostoSeptical. y a FEMALES---FrALES--.I , EMALRS, , l n Many affecti s peculiar to females the Eitract'linehti "iineaqualed by any other remedy, as in , Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu— larity, Painfulness or suppression of customa ry evacuations; Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of-the Uterus, Leuchorrhoea or Whites, Ster-' rility,,and- for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion, habits cf dissipation r or in the declines? change of life. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to urinate, thereby removing obstruCtions, pre venting and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inflamation, so frequent in the class of diseases, and expelling all potsan rya s; diseased 'and wornout matter. ~Thousands upon thousands who have been the victims of quaeles,,and who have Paid heapt fees to be Cured, in a' abort time, - have found' they were deceived; and' that the "Poison" bus, by, the, use, of "pomer:tu;:astrine; en ts," been dried up in the' system, to , break out in an aggravated form, and. " perhaps after Mar- Use HembokPs Extract Buchia for all affec T Lions and diseases of the Urinary, Oigans, whether. existing in. Male or Female, from , whatever cause originating, and no Matter of hoto Long .standing. 4 Diseases of these Organs requires the aid oe ,a - Diuretk, 41g1m0fcl?f t , Extract, -Bsfehu,is thf greatMantic, Audis certain ' have ttie'd e sired effect , in all Diseases for which it,is Ref, ommended. Evidence of the most reliable and responsi ble character, will accompan,y,the medicine. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE, or SIX for $5.00 Delivered to any Address, securely packe. from 'observation. . Describe Sympto m .in• all Cominunicaticms. 1! Cures, Guaranteed ! :Advice Gratis Xddiesi !sites. for ipforrnatiott to . • H. T: HELMBOLD, Chemist. 104 South Tenth-et. bel. Chestnut, Phila. HELmsoLtee igedica/!Depo,t, • HELIIII3OED'S DrUk dad " Clieinical Warehouse. 594 Broadway, New, York. ISeware of 'Cotiiiferfeita ahtfUtikincipkeil .I)ithenr Who endeavor to dispoee "of their Ovill""itrir"citheri , &tides on the re potation attained by, • • Ifelinbcild'i Genuine Preperations. . ' 6 Extract Suelm. 6 6 • • " c 1 Sarsaparilla. ." Improved Siise Wish. Sold by all Drugg.ists everywhete. Ask for Hembold 6 ii. Take, no other. Cut out the advertisement and send for it. And avoid.ir 'lsition and exposure. ; DR. .10$N L. - LYON'S FRENCH eriebital P; tops GR AT FEMALE REGULATOR, ARE THE ONLY 'KNOWN FZE.MEDY THAT WILL SUCCESSFULLY - AN ii invariably restore and regnltitellie female sys tem, removing all irregularities, and producing health, vigor and strehgt h LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Are a fluid preparation, the only one of the kind ever discovered in this country, and acts directly on. the parts affected, whilst pills and powders can only reach them as they work through sympathy, but nut at all direct and positive Are you suffering from a constant anxiety for the reguiar return of nature's prescribed laws ? Give yourself no uneasiness, for Lyon's Periodical Plops, if taken a day or two be fore the expected period. will positively and ir.variably regulate its coining, as sure as ef fect follows cause ; as sure as daylight follows darkness Are you sick, enfeebled by disease, or una ble to bear the labor and danger of increase LYON'.S PERIODICAL DROPS Come to you as a blessing, fur is not preven- tion better than cure If regularly taken, it is a certain prevent ive, and %yiil save you much peril and many hours of suffering Have you been afflicted for many yearsivifb complaint% incident to the sex, that have baffled the skill of physicians, and are hurry- ing you Oli to an early grave? L YON'S E lODICA DROPS Are the most reliable regulator ever known, and cure, like magic, all those irregularities that have defied the doctor's skill Will . you waste away with suffering Item Leucorrhcoa, Prolapsus,Dysmetiorrlicea, and a thousand other difficulties, all summed up under the name of suppressed and'nhstructed nature, when an iiiir,:strtient of one dollar in LY 0 11" PEIUODICA Z; DROPS surely save you Do not use -the Drops when forbidden in the directions, for although a positive cure, and harmless at all other times, they are so powerful and finely calculated to adjust and govern the functions of the sexual organism, that, if taken at improper times, they would produce' results' contrary to nature; against which all, particularly. those who would re produce, should carefully guard. Y PERIODICAL DROPS Cannot harm the most delicate constitution at' any time; yet the proprietors wish to guard agiinst its misuse, hoping that a thOusand bottles will be used for a good. purpose Where one is used for an illegitimate one. • LY_ON'S PERIODICAL' DROPS the "never-failing Female Regulator; is. for, sale by every' Druggist. in both city and coun try, and do not, if you value your health and Zildilerarelialife — riiedieiiie';`blirany tither: Take no other, blit if the Druggist to whom you apply has not got it, make him send and get it for y.ou. iw , :~:~ „ nuG: ,