Ike Ncariettiatt. F.- L. fi.cacqr, Editor._ MARIETTA. PA : SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6,1864. 4 '14 0.7 iI , ",,- '; , . Atiotri v ls, Aistrip ititrowil.-,—A,. eame-. less individual, from Richmond, has as sured thasßialtimare,Atuerican.that the . rebel gatimritfes „ar : e ,tak ill; steps to, pro pose tiik l tliftg9.4(e,rak.:qoye,rnment,, to lay , down l airilF,,,Arips, provided , ,that, the. Presilyint,'B e Arenesty,Prco l leFeall)? . )e tendefeg t,e i ‘ lleir i leaders. : .o;li i st,tio ;. but it is petty peal. I.leie„that ,such ,absurdi. ties ceased to be telegraphed. Wlien the rebels, are : diskesetl.le lay,. down, their arms, they 'ivilhl t e s ke : g.ood care , to let the Government know iu home form which wilifiarry , authority, with it, and until then .the assurances of a 7gentle• man ffp i m d ßiAlkm . podr,,,niay_ he ckassed with oe,tileriee of,the ",inelligerit con, trabittt",atpl., "reliable, correspondent : 7 The rahmlsvitilkiay,dhwn their arm 9, af ter they are beaten in ••every, field; and, their t pfoip & destroyed beyond, the, pos sibillity of re.orgaaiztition, and ; there is not nlpuhme ? of ,their i doing it before. The kiegt it rity3o,briog thisliesirable .91). jest to,lt,,Foi4sumination : , is to fill , up rapidly the army unifier the new call of the President, bring an, overwhelming foi.ce . ‘eifellrect it etiergeticallY 'and skilfullYagkinst the rebels; and follow up ralilfdliiiiyCh 'brow iciy- hind and sea till tti'dlire're'dnced."to -submission: '---; Anytlll r g Shiite of - this is only trifling with great - National interest& j \ l'atir-N4tor'Dnirr.—The new draft for , five buffdrirPthousand. men is not a call for thattiantbeelm:addition to . previous calls t atint is.intended to include also-the call fortihreef hundred thousand' made in Octobili'Viast.4ondeguentlY the' actual number tifilAin require'din the new call adtittiontb the 'prevtionsnone,Avill , be two litilikirddithotisandimen: ' All volum: teers-"or ltraftedhne&ibefore thir'first of de'ducte'd• from the num. ber deilifinfded the' new draft. Ae there is $4OO bounty for volunteers, the indu e sfu t cpt is large not to wait , for the draft, but to enlist before the' first of : and secure the' bounty which will tpen app. HAUTE; Jan. 31—A mel. anchbWairair occurred- at Mattoon, 111., this Aftbinbon. A 'drunken soldier at tetnprold)totroree A citizen, named. Ste vens`,"to take the • oath Of alleziance.— The latter denied bii. 'Authority, when the siddikshot him dead. :The soldier had Served two years it the rebel . ' army, and etilistlid , in• the Unit% service to get the litiblitytl -"lt' is Understood that he. will i'bit+ itnitaillately%:shot. Mitch :ex= eitement exists over the occuritmee, and it rank:ad-that-morel viehinve-may: take' rlictoi .! .• eir The breaking of the ice in the Chesapeahe Bay has let in a large sup ply df 61fendYettire;'whieb 'are .rrow'sell ing iiinhif , l3altitncire market :at; greatly redneedifribbe. It- is Also stayed that the lititeo:itibigint of lee' that has 'Wen, stored very mnch4m-• prove the export oyster trade during: , the iliiittsessi; year;f since quire the oystermen to depend do tho East fotilhii--itifilietise irailunt of ice :re quiredikilthe transportaticia of :oysters to thli'lliteitof and foreign mialrets. GO sailhi going: ashore ;on a hawser from the bow of the English steamer Solent; vbicbt arrived at, •AspitfWall .on the fid t inatitat ; Was deized by ,a;;43 h ark, whiob , ntook I axone of his legs at ,the first bite. At the next attack the man , lost his left arm near the shoulder, then the nett arm to the shoulder ; and lastl7 his bead was taken clean off.-`l* The trun l k, wail attached, one leg attadd, floated, and was buried on the 9th, by thetibiß's cotxipepy. eallk , 'After,tholsterievere snow storm stotin-Ait the' West, no t,engioeer of a, train - nfon thelltaninet:and Mississippi Railroadovhile atterepting - to .force his train.through a tinge .snow ;43ank, was. thrkiwwfrookbe. cab of the ,engine into thikhnnkiand , :was buried in.-Oka snow sonoi iseVen . . oC ttight, feet, When his disfilipearktice' was discoyered see t rnit was made and the body recovered„ butt life, was extinct. fin - died from anffo• cation. ' arA ttattithore firm.da engaged ;in gaaidring 'sad stowing; off the Suequo lmina riier, a few miles. above Havre.de GiaOs; 4 Tory large quantity pf the finest ice wade this season.. They have six stone a'ggregiits oapaZ cite of ;1713,14y thoosalid ' tons. fr. The bfi, at the point nailed; st0400:14111 - fi r eldit of clear; transparent ice, over a tot thiehness. sir cle f Anderp i gn t %!he quipz? tees ble, 4 4 6iag ni iii l *' esi l i r sick:' The pbyei. ela"6l Bay he _nlll be npbetter. He dai , e • liwered , staimiteCir# o 0:41 1 .5V0 weer ghal flag: He eta bP:** and the re, lei ensign eV - the •garrigoa. . General News Items. A contract !.tia` eon eitterelf into , . for a painting to Jiat ;. 40,000 .; to be pli!ped in the "eye o , ama" Capital, so far ab ove,,,. spectatoialhiit soMe;of the female figures introdueed will be six- teen feet high. The original old printing press used by Benjamin Franklin in Boston, nearly a century and a half ago, arrived there recently:, pretientecl- bj , J.. B.: Aturray . ,*Fsq . ~ of New York. In cargoes of ice, which have been shipped from Boston to the East In dies, have recently been placed ‘considi erable quantities of apples, which have reached their destination in as good colartiroirCaTvreteTagrel:' , .M.ore elietts viers t d harged in `the siugleihattle-.of Gettysburg thark,were employed 411011.A:he !battles that; Napo-, loon ever foutigt. - - , In Montrose, : 1 Suquehanna county; Pa., lait: r wei;k, .ft awned Toseol2 Parmatei bitailis Wife to'cleathl : .13;5th. parties`wdie 'of intetrilieFate' habita: The New Orleansijele,states that se rious apprehensions are felt, lest the re cent cold weather inlay kill „the orange trees throughout.thn State. , The ctilana icy" has: occurredtwice—once in 1712 and again in 1823. We asiert-is:Woldly that there , are'no other rinidiCities so , reliable, effectual' and convenhitit . as' Pills and Ointment, Biwa:ye readyffor use: , They are invaluable to•thn' soldier exposed to wquude; Ores, 'fevers ands bowel . 'Vbey u6ver fail.' -Only . 30 cents - per box or`pot. • • . Mr. Bayard has rasigned his ,seat ie the U. S. Sep,ate, ,and pepr,gc) Read Riddle,hae been ,eleeted by the Legis lature.for the unexpired term. AboutAlireelundred; rebeL prisoners arrived in Boston on Stinday'last: They were-escorted to the-navy yard and were 'paroled after ' taking, the oath of elle gitioce and enlisting' in the Navy,— 'FOrty!min .of , the lat.lllinoia regimont guttided them 'from Chicago to that city: .The whole numbe r of National Banka organized on the 12th of Januail , was 200, haying an aggregate capital of 832,234,200, divided among' 23 - Staeei and the 'Disiriet of Ccilnmhia. Sidde the .12th 'a dozen banks have been*added to 'the aboie, with 'a capital of nearly s2,soo,o6o. Gov. Miles was inaugurated on the 14th ultimo, in Minnescita. His inaugu- rill is not important, except' in 'that - it minonnees that:no -hoatile: Indians are within hundreds of miles' , of the settle ments. - By a epeeist order from Major iTen oral Grant no application need berear. tar be made at the office of Ole ,Proyost Marshal General,for passes to go spath .of the Federalpes, as , none be granted. The institution known as the State Capital' Bank is, to constitute the First. Naticpnal'Bank of The•or: gapization remains as lieretof:cire, with one eicelition. John B. Briggs, 141eq., elicceeds Mr. J.R. Eby as President', IRE It is , not generally ,known that the salary-of the Governor-General of India, Which. , is the highest: in the,gift i of ,the British crow,n, is thirty-tbousand pounds, sterling a year, exclusive of allowances; Which may be estimated-at ten thousand poudifS. This is about '5206,000, and eightlinieV,gidlitir than that paid to our Preadult. A recent Salt Lake Pity, letter epeahs of the new theatre ,erected. hy,t,he *or inom3 as one of: the , knest in the .Union, and adds: .."basts.night I, counted Briehim Young's. tempi' bPx, three women pnd childreh,-tpd,the box was . not near.fpll. He occupied an ele gant,private hox with his two favorite . • , • 1, In a case beard in one of the London police courts lateiy, thn name of the do ! , fendant was Anne:,gojeyn, and on being: asked • how she came by her name, she replied., lint ; atm, belleyed That' she' came down from King fleri/Y.VIII. . • • •• • That ret =white itirsdni b4irotitr Ohio is still • livingf=d okantskildaiiai Illisokwold er. She is the daughter loftirlitorayien• s inister,;, is eighty-tlirae, years of age, and 'resides at thiSgitite. The Indian'a•'papeis Toped that. the peach crop cif that State; is entirely .de etrayed by` the , late leever,e.. cold: .Tlie same is. true} of , Ohio:an& the ~. .Westerii `States' generally. ' ' " 'lnformation from General Dodge, - tit Pulaiskh Tenn.,, says:that the rebels at e tacked .4theos on the .morning of : gm_ Oth nit.; . ; and, were repulsed. .Later news,sayn,that Dodge has badly whipped ifohneton e at Florence. The'Beetuolry Legisleturn •adjourned Saturday withitht' - elettiog `.ll United States Senitor.: ; Thietectifcin'irlll pro biady, he, Boatponed tili the fall session. Sj , lveittifr io. l lltink"4lfte' donvieted in- Trenton, N. J., for uttering $5O con& forfeit ti. : rreesety 00,e1Litik4 , 8e,p 7 , tented fe , the , atit”l r.409 1 k F4FAi4arik I It " - 4 The 'quote cf tient:locum:l tin ter lioton Whkeh ' II 4 I A lave betm,e,Plist l 4' • x' THE MA RIETTIAN. ills' Mkor General Joseph Hooker elkine tbit •nam of "Lookout" for his, iin-yeapd itle-hoffi, whir: • bore 4 i hithrough' the„ yils ofthe fight Bove a t ilondk.' " Lo i o 'rout" l'iia rich Oest -1;4; stage' nearAventtefi, handObigb•, aid has all the dainty add elastic action of the most delicately-fashioned colt.— He is three-quarters bred, being by Mambrino, out of a half-bred mare ; and, notwithstanding his ponderous size, he has trotted, under saiNke,:in , :.11.5. lie wadViii'd 'in K e l lit i tiCk r dii-iiiii'd-stile©` iiii when a five-year-old, for Mr. Ten Bro eek; as the finest horse that could be sent to. EnAlatid 1,0, ifixbibirt v styli )n ta a toupee. Mo:rtomf!;74con! he was sent farther eastward than geW Yoik; •46.11 1 1CP 44• 6 4 Vi "•vi,9. B P- 0 ,1), by-49..14 1 2r§9. .agent of the Emperor, of the French, who repeatedly *off4red •ti, thiiiisand dol lars to :'obtain. possiesion of him..dt was atrthis time that-Geneial Hooker ewe. in•competition with , bis Majesty; and finally'•siteeeededlininireliasing th& .horse 'through. the agency sof =this • office. • "Lookout' , :•ii! undoubtedly the finest" charger in the army, and, in grandeur' `of: form abd -aition;.• thirties-all 'other 1, borsesrvihiCheapprifacli•liim,• . Backed by his owber;'•Whotfisihimkelf. a matehletiH 1 rider,' the - Teeple, "MAW 'they bat•behtild ~ him fnoVieg upißroastray; would 114.1t1 .was: the' finest' equestrian iitattie they' ,had eVer 'seen. • ' • ' ar The troubles in the , Pennsylvania Sebate, which' da hue` its organiza: lien] for a month, ;are r likelyat:to end with it new election to supply Major white's : place The Pii4erhead,PoY titin of the S'enata saythai the Bpealier hi r e. no right to issue his writ . for an election, inasmuch se he basp o t been ehbsenSpealler"io'r the present Senate. 'This• will he a question raised before a =successor to:Mr. White , makes his ap ,pearan,” in the Senate the cemai tiitionia iaw of the Sinte Made the`pay of tile*mbers Cbinnien ce onliafter .theircOMPiete organization, and forbid -the MeMbers pitying : themselve: f ,' th e lost title after organizing, then "dead locks,"' they are" called, Would not occur: ' ' Notwithstanding, the fact that the, Pennsylvania . State interest due and paid on ; the Bret instant was, paid in the, equivalent, of, gold, ,the, ~foreign loan bOlders ;pee at the, so.resept exchange .about,, ,The e gor tin of !this loss, which, will ifell,Apon tide Pnperoy ..Napokeop Auae ,the hOndholders), will scarcely ,embarrass, hire, or oblige-him to--have-recourse to a note-shaVing opehtion panclors'of. the , Bourse. •• The • interest was paid: at the Farmers'iand iea'Bank; tat 150 ifFcur-. ren'cy.for:each-dolleedue4in coin. , The Common wealth lhaving, the right to p a y, in, silver, 150-wawconsidered afair equi valent, and satpartiesi , seemed satisfied ,with it. - ' fir It is underitood that the resigna tion of Major Harry White as a 'St i i,te Sonatdr from the "Indiana aud`Yrin-, strongqiitrict, tiia,been" id the hands of his father, ftir montt or ) • r more, but for sonie reae'on, kneWn only to himself was not sent to the Speaker of the'Senate; who, however, it is httiied in a dlspatch from Harrisburg, hai4 sued a writ fora new 1414ction. ifir At ilettysburg. 28,000 4 ,•touskets were taken. Of these, 24,000 werelonud' to be loaded, 12,000. containing two .loads; and 6,000 from.three to tett loads each: In -numerous instances half , a dozen-;balle ,, were driveh iti-fou a sin - gin I:large-JO- powder., In. some cases the 'former Possessor'haillrevereed.the-nsual 'Ordet.; placing they Vail at , the• bottom of the fbairel and the powdei on top. . . tit The leddies orihe : NOrth Baptist Church, Hartford,: Conn., recently in vita& ihe gentlemen of the choir io leap-year 'sleigh-ride. ;Pne laeter ac. cepting, the forbier hired a large 'sleigh, called Toi;ilieir 11E;ste, handdd 'Chem in, drove ihein to Winsdor and back, gave Ahern a good dinner and paid the bill, taking- tender care'Or hem the''tinie'. se; PkeetdentiLincoln, has sent a Jet. ter (13 f Atianka-t o' the' witloay.of ltev Jo'-h seph Stockton, w OPPittibiirg, Pa.; it is.dyi eighty•five , years of ago,,yer knitting a greit num b er of sto ckings 'for -the sol. diers,, and also thankidg the' yOung - -' la-' dies of ihat city feediiig 'the large number of troops Paising-tbrongh. ~A. hunter ; Ohio. writes, to the. Cincinnati Commercial that the par itridges inl.that tatato. were ,mearly fro Sen to ideath.toyu the, - extremely cold weather. a±He also states that:thousands of these; birds , ,whidh: had :been killed. , by the cold• are gathered by men and boys and sent to marlcet-for•sale. Ancorresriondent,,of fa Cincinnati, ,paper 'sive that 'WI, •ttte lotteg ,drawings iu the United, Stuteeare,ma4e 'et Poi,- iugton, Ky., Red, in,,,semret.7 pumber. of lottery dealers from Eastern cities are nosiiit'the'lEnottickreepital to gel h.d• ompal , tho toinUdehpenlPniltireidi - theohhtiteiir Of the eohipatiiiii. -`' '''') eir Between Pembina (-Mt-inn.) and Crew Wing, a dietiincetfqbrilelittadrell and lfiy `iv carried by'iliig; traine.'oltheyvicAlib-ie kaplm *mitt a f infautp r .),R e A! 811 0: 1 41 13, 4riTt01 iAt:” 4 4 l O tn ? , rate oefrum forty to fifty miles , a, SPEtiliA I, 0 tiCtS A, e - " . " -. 7C - " -- 1' • - r - ""1 ---- [=; v ow - jlear to . i bat is thatalM, " Bitter - -; Wine,. i ' ' ['' be ) Ipleas irenie 'branees; brings cares it ' t 3, ~0". ! e; -ji !' • - 4ff gripingtand, paibs that - b'avemade me re pine, t t 1 , i . And dangerous `4,94tadatioks dypelisis had laid, Of long restless nights and of evil forbodings, Of food half digested and binding me tight, 'Tr," Altus that lived in dispair and with I'll ibat,hYik: 'Till Kunkel's great eemedy at length Came to The greatest of Wine ; the Wine that gives *(i4 Wet fainefxered wine td i curedmy ;sear. r . 113 — Gen rail epotb forKeinkers Better W ne of Iron, 118 Market-st., Harrisburg, Pa. THE MYSTERIES OF THE TOILET are often expiiseai -ey of (so . called) besiitifyine preparations; but all Whb use CAIST%DOHo's .ISicelsi )- Dye knew and feel Iliattheir, secret k. 9 secure., mortal.eye nesir -distinguisli the 'blacks and browns prodlie.edLbY'llfis dyer 'from - thee's' martedbirlhi'Vreatoi.'N6 dient,mething•that, can shrivel ;up ,or :in, any way ihjure,the-haitosingleswiththepreserva tivc vegUiable'ele'ilfilisioctliiii*titidiful dye: With his Dye, as it imparts the. utmost :softness . the Most-tieautiful'gloss.and great vitality the hair. .Manufiitdreiti Ivo r . 6 Astor House, New-York..:Sold,every , where; and applied by all flair Dressers. Price ' according , :TA".! size: n [J-n0.5. . tr. HOSTPTTER!S BrKrnai,,htive _received the warmest encomiums from the press and c people throughout..theqeU-niottoaa~,aluable. tlnic for the cure, .of Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Constipation, and neriinis cannot be approached. ,, Every day .new. case ' 'of its great effect: are. chronicled , throughout -principal .publici journals., There is -nothing equal to the enjoyment to, that , whiclt the -af, flicted experiencewhen,using.this valuable:spe cific. Its mild tone, its sure °and vigorous ac tion upon a disordered stomach, and the clean sing of the entire human body should recom mend it to all classes of our community. it See advertiaement. For sale by Druggists 'and deitlars"generally, everywhere. [J-lm 10- Da. Tontsa' iTfneticru Horse Liniment, pint bottles at 50c each, for lameness, ‘ cuts,, galls, -- g, colic, sprains, 6:c.,warianted cheaper . 'than any other. It is used by all the great horsemen on Long Island courses. It will not mire ring bone nor spavin, as there is no lini ment in existence that will. Whatit is stated to, cure it positively does.' , 'Wo ~owner, of bor ocs will be without.it..after trying one bottle. One dose revives and often saves the life of an over-heated or driven , horse. For .colic,and belly ache it-has never-failed. - Just as sure,as the sun rises, just so sure is4his valuable Lin lirient to bethehoisc embrocation of the day. Sold by all druggists. Office, 56 Courtlanat street, New-ITurk. ' ' ['l-I in. 17:'• Eye and 'Eli - i Prof. J. Isaacs', M. D., ,Oculist and Atirist, formerly of' Leyden,.Hol ,l. 'land, is located at N6;511 Pine-st.; where persona . ' iifilidted with . diseaga of the Eye or h:ar will . 'be'sCientifiCiiify - treated And cured, if curable. Artificial Eyes insert ed without titan. - No %hares made'for exam ination The medicat- faculty' , is 'invited; as lie has no secrets in , his mode of treatment. Days of Appeal for 1864. To the Taxable Inhabitants of Co PURSUANT to the provisions of the laws of the Commonwealth, the undersigned Commissioners of Lancaster county, hereby give notice to'the 'TAXABLE INHABI i'ANTS, within the reapeCtive , City, Boroughs aild Townships of the said. County, that the Days of Appeal from ,the Assessments of 1864, *ill be held at tlia‘'ComMissiOdere Office, in the City of Lancaster, on the days following, to wit': Adamstown,. flartjownship, , ptireeknotk, ; Ca 111131110.11, :Cocalico, East I COCeilleo Weit Mon.. Feb'. Ude 1864. Colerana, , I, , Columbia Borough, Conestoga, %. ClaX, Donegal, East` ' • ~.Donegal,sWest Druipore, Ephrata, • lsdrlg~• },frues., Feb. 23d,•. ; 1964. Earl,, West. , I Elizabeth, " - Elizabethtown Bor., I . , Eden . , Fultoni ' ' HempheJd, East ' Hempfiefd West Lampeter, Eael Lampeter, West 'Lancaster,,Wed., Feb., M I A 64. fLeacciele, 'I " Leacock,Alymer - Little Britain, , ,I, Alan helm, Mount Jpy, Mount Joy Marietta Borough,- , Alanheim Borough,. Paradilie; • ; • } Thur. Feb. 2.3.,; 1869. Pecibea, I . Providence, Salisbury, Saditdry, " I r e • ,Strasbingii }: Friday; Feho6, /8,44. 'Strasburg Borough, Wouttington'Bor• J • • JOHN DONER, • WHILIAAVSPENCE,R; DAVID XEMPPL o , Commissiiaers. , , • -Lancaster City,'MoridaY, Tebruhry',29tb, 1864 TAR. W. H. BEANE having purehased.M. inteiestin%the Weat , Srittith , DruK business, ant having ix( ,the of Marie tr^ fOr,the practice of his profession, would • . 9 ipectfully - offek ti is pro fession servi ces` to, t '}4~,2 To TIEE , CITIifINS os'llAttiETTA!: -I take great pleasure in recommending , Dr. };EASE as a Physician in whom'i have every confidence, believing that he will , give satis factidn'tti all Who 'may ettiplot kJ lATzer, M., D. Malletta, November 8, 1862. letITT,ER',B celebrated Tops, Surg/yal BNI7I dages, Shoulder Braces, Instruments or tormit) , &c. These articles are very highly recommendedoby Profes sors Pasicoast and Gross, ot.theJeffensonlMt iaaLpoljege, of Philadelpliiti, , and thc under 74 siglied j 2notes ffiemlii bbilie heidarticles, 61 the hind • •• R.:.kiiiritic,..Mo-D-1 -, v „ A fine assortment of ,Flavoring Extracts for, • ! • , : Cooking—something very niae. Liquid Renner for trialiillrirliaious desserts. Pahcidel liiinaranil skitlienfitia Stialisl. 'fil4 .. , Frangipanis aripother,Extracts, . ~, For sale lq Di. 11, LANDIS: ' -, K UNKEL'S CELEBRATED RITTER WINE OF IRON. Bitter Wine of trod. Bitter Wine..of hop. Bitter Winetof trot'. k t... 4 F , Tile Great Tote ~, " 4 .e Great Tote , e Great Tonie, i' g, , e Great Tontoi;'` For Dyspepsia and Indigeition," •,'"' For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. For weak Stomachs and General Debility. For weak stomachs and General Dsbility. For weak stomachs and General Debility. For weak stomachs and General Debility. ; Reliable and sure to do gaod; : 1 ' Xi.kliatile and sure tof do good, ; Reliable and sure to do good, Reliable and sure to do good, And cannot - dd Harm. And cannot do Harm. And cannot di Harm. ii i f And cannot do Harm. • ; ',.• If.costs but little and purifies the blood, It costs but little and purifies the blood, It costs but little and purifies the blood, l • -'m witsvegitersiiirrimtveslttrbiner s. •, 4 We now,only ‘ ask a Trish ',,., We DOW onlY tesill: Trial . `. ' We uo‘oi 'only ask a Trial .., , , .• . k '''',. .We'riowttrily - ask'w:Ftial Of this valuable ti onto • `, 1 Of this valuable Tunic. ' , , r .ofithili.valitablelTonic- , . -.' -.1 t. 'I A 7' , ~ ~,, Of this valuable, Tofkic• , l, , • =.,. . .:. Only 7. - 16', and One' Deltal . pertbttle. ' - 011 ii/.75d 'a Id $1 per' Bottle. 'Orly 7.5 c and sl'perbtittle ~ •• 'Only 75citn,V$1 Pet' BOrtre:lA ' " ." - .11Ianufactu , ed solely by S. A: KUNKEL ie 'Bro. - No. 118 Market-st.,. Harrisburg. , Ir 3" None genuine wittiopt their signature. ~ , ,For sale by ; Dr.,,i3EANE"St' CO., Market-st., Marietta, Pa., Viid bY all respectable Druggists , throughout the country. -- [-2-26w A DJ thiN ELI -1 COO *PS' , ordeted by, the Cottrj,;that,the Aktigulit-d .Courts for 1564 for the trial and Ilecision, of cases in Common: (oon. the. Orphans' I. and Quarter I. 4 egsions, /6:06 be'held FOR ARGUME.S. I,weetr,,cotnmenctng on Monday, .'March list " " " June 20th. " < «4 " Sept. 1 fith Dcc. I. tn. To continue one Wear 'from the said days re spectively, arid is Much lohger at the thisiness may require. Al) the 'casei Inc fur ar gument in the 'Orphansigna't!be n , take up on the first days said term 4, and be pro ceeded AVitili until diSpdsed of, unless cOtitinued by consent Or cause Shown. The cases on the araument list in the Quar ter Sessions shall be raken up on Wedo&sday of said term,,if not prevented by the 'Orphans' Court, and if "so, the, Cases in the tZi.tarter Ses sions will be commenced On the termination of the Orphans' ,Court business ' ' ". The argument of the cases , in thd...Co:nmon Pleas to be commenced on Thursday of Lim week, if not prevented by the Orphans' court or Quarter Sessions cases;in that case,' the a-- gument list of said court is to be, taken up, at ,the wrinination of the ca4es in the othe and preceded in until dispppe,d.. of, unless con tinued by consert or cause shown. - - It is further ordered. that ~ the absence of counsel at the time appointed foi; hearing the cases mentioned in . the preceding orders be no cause for suspending the proceeding, therein, unless by . consent, or legal ground ,u. a continu.anee be shown. . . ADJOURNED JURY TRIALS. . It is ordered" by the . Court that Adjourned Courts for Jury trials in the COM 1710./ Hess, will be held us follows : 1 week, commencmg the tat Zllondar, Yeb..lst I " dth. " Feb. 22d. Feb 2911) 1 " " ' 4th 511/ " 1`0.9.y 30. I 1 I c •' Ist • Dec. .sth. And such other periods as may be.appu:i4ted at the aforesaid - courts. of .at.reAular ier ma. JOHN .J'E.4,l/041/1.110.E, .Pothoaotary. Nkw. WiNTEA GOODS!. ,„ NEW, STYLES!! J. R. DIFFENBACH, Market Street, Marietta, Pa Notwithstanding the itietircitY'of many kinds of Dry Goods; those whiffing to 'purchase will find his tieutillY largetind well assorted stock complete. Prints,' ' Cloths, ' Detainee, •Caseimeres, ' Sattinets, • Bleached Shirting, ' Kentocky Jeans, BroWn Sheefings, Tickings, • Ditmer, • Domestic - Ginghems, HeavY Denims, HiCkory Stripes. Full ii.seortinerit 'Drees Goods. Full assortment of Notions. FOlrassortMent of White Goods. ..Fell tissO.tineot of Blankets. - Full assortment of Shawls. ' • Full assortment of all seasonable Goods. Largest and" best' stuck of Skeleton Skirts ever offered' this market,' of all sizes, from• the smallest to the 'largest; and at all p, ices. Groceries if all kinds. Rin and Java Coffee, Teas, , 'White St. Brown Sugar,Fresh Spices, New Mackerel Kitra Syruki, Salt, Sugar-Cured • , Miscellaneous. Trench Corsets, Traveling Orer-Shirts, Neck-ties, •. , Under-Shirts, Hanakrrchiefs, , Drawers,.. , • •Shiit•Fronts.; • : • Balmoral Skirts, Etc. A small lot-of .ready-Made Winter Clothing, which will be sold at less -than wholesale prices to close.it out. • • . • . ' '• • ' • Liquors • He also cinitinueS to keep . on hand a large supply Of "inipm ion Brandies, Wines Uins,, Schnidani's Schnaps, Drakes, Plantation Bit ters, and"that superior Old Bye, all of whibh. having-been purchased-before - the , recent- ad ; vance - haire 'the 'advantage of - being- - at nearly ;old prices. '• I'Hig,heit prices given for eountryproduce. '!: ;C33loneptehelit Waiakey by the-barrel' at Pittsburg prices,:with freight'only added. --' 4 IMMO A .Firsl-ehisi Farmers' Melliatine • far • ,Pennsylvania, ,"1864.] THY. : PENiySYI,VIOI.S. [156.1. ..FARBEER , AND-GARDENER i , ,DEVOTED T 0 _ Agriculture, illartictilture and I:Ural - Affairs:• • 'EDITED AND (P UAL 18E1 E,ik • •'•• • i!' • WM: S.LY•OlllMtik• •CO” iNo. 52:N.orth Sixth _street, adelphia. TERMS: ON E .DOLLAR A B. r. 137 The ,Sixth. Volume commences,with the January, number. , • ; „ ; Having obtained; the services of eminent. aiul .practical 4g•kiculturists, ,Horticulturists, Stock .Breeders.and ;Bee ,Keepers, we-confidently-0, 'fer the.current volume ,as one.el .the, hes,. !per issued,, for nrjginitlity, pxactical thought and ,reliable information, i „ BEND,FOR . ...4,SPECIIKEW., • , THE Ruhlicribey.xdrets services. to. .he citizens of „Makietta and viiSinity, in, CONVEYANCING: ENGROSSING AND COPYING. - 'He kindly been" permitted to refer to - - James' Duffy, esq., S. S. Nagle, esq .Tames Mehaffey, mut., S. t. Eagle & G. W. Mehaffey,esq.,,S. B. Hiebtand.- ' Can be found at all tinier 'Whirr - dwelling bp ' poeite John W. Clark's residence, on Mar , ket streeti'or at Geoige Wt:Mehaffey) g , sa w t. 14 DpperiStation: • 'JACOB - C. BURVART: -4 1 Marietta,' 0ct.'31;1863-ly* • • WET / L C O X 4 S . 'Celebtsted Imperßil Vi ro teitsioti'SteerSpriligliteletou . With `self-adjustible Bustle. The: latest-Anil Bestlin , use, just ieceirVed - DUY SOFT 11 'RATS at 'CRl'r L e , 92 Market-at. ESE E 5.h " Aug . 29 3ti " Oct. 17. 4,h " Oct. 24th Sriibrmcr DTP - PENB , Acii , Friends and Relatives of the brave SOL DIETIS & SAILORS. B OLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT, ALL WHO HAVE FRIENDS AND „ft Relatives in the Army or Navy, should take special care, that they be amply supplied with these Pills and Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to provide themselves with them, no better pres ent can be sent them by their friends. They have been proved to be the Soldier's never failing-fliend in the hour of need. Coughs and Colds affecting Troops .wfu ape sly relieved and efectually cured by usM these admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention to the Directions which are attached to each Pot or Box. Sick Headache and want of Appetite Incident to qisidiers f. .Tt , Thiter o tgs which sqsliaddn.:kni b tusliallv rile A ble--oi anfiyinite4 tthcted prespiration, or eating and drinking whatever is unwholesome thus dist b't_e healthful . . . • omit. esti Mims must be relieved,--4-4 1 4 41 .esitepk 4 4.5 well.— I,The Pills, taking. `ac'ecalling to 'tlie printed inittructions' pl will quickly itodpma healthy ac tion in both litrel Fitthiaaqiii is is -.natu ral consequence a clear headlintgoad appeiite, Wiablets".'Cict Debilftikuiduced by °VIM FAT . trtict --• Will — s - oodistippeat 4311 or these in. valuable Pi/1.1 1 and the Soldier will quickly aequiret Strength. .Iteviii let ' the bowels be either`'COnfined or 'unduly acted upon: "trliy bbem strange t..gat.Holloway's Pills should 'be . "l.ecotomende , 4 for'pysenter and Fill; Many Vricins ptiosiiik 'that they would' 3 inerettie' thb relaxatton. This is a great mistak'e z for diese Pills will correct the liver ' aria: stomach 'dins remove all the »acrid humours .troin the sySteM; This cine wit! give' tone 'and ,vigor_ to ttie whole organiC; 'syStern However deranged,' while health 'and 'Strength follow- as a matter or course. V , otltittg will stop tie relaxation of the littWelk sore ka ua pinions me dicine. V 01...1.1X1:EF.RS A1;TOTO/N1 Sores and Ulcers, Blotched,. and Swellings can with certainty be radically- cured •if. the • Pills are taken night and .tnaiamg,•and the omtment be freely used as stated in tue printed nstructiens.. if treated in littler mintier ,they dry upon one part tn breakAstain.another. Wheie Is. this oon tin en t 'remove the humors trim the .sy,stem land -leave:Mlle patient -a vigorous wed healthy . man. ; It will. require little perseverance in 'bad. eases.to insure a LASTING - CURE- ' - For Wounds either ,occasioned by the Bayonet .Sabre or, the Bullet, gores Or Braises, To which every Soldier atd-Sailor are liable there, are nu medicines so sale, sure, and con venient as Holloway's Pills and Ointment.-- The pour wouuded and almost dying sufferer might have his wpands dres,ed immediately, if he would only provide himself wittithis matchless Ointnient, which should be thrust into the wound antismeared all around it, then cover it with a piece of linen film his. Knap sack and compressed * with a handkerchief.— Taking night and morning 6or Pala, to coot the syskin and preyent Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's chebi:should be provided with these tile Remedies. IM PO R.T,n. N'l' CA uTios!--None are, genuine unless the words.“ HOLLOWAY., NEW ,Ynaa 1111t.1 LONDON," are dt,eeroii,le a, a Water mark in eve.) . leaf 0. the b)O4 of directions, It round each pot or L, ; Lie sante ,ii hl' plainly Seen U. ) . hulditig the leaf to the 147 , 11. A handsosnesejvard xvnt.be given to anpone 11.11dr:11W hIIdICID ...hitt a., may icail iii the detection of a..) . r. irty.,r part:es conntr rfeititi4 the Inedicines or vending Elie KIICV•VL•ig them to be spurious. "„":.;old at the Manufactory of ofessor HOLLOWsv, 80 Maiden, Lane, N • ark,• and z,y all respeciaufr.t lli c u_•gisc, in Ali dicine :tinougnont the civilized' dvorl.l, in pots or boxe,Lit:Stie..7.l...aitil $l-tit each. Is .11 Direeininslor t he.eitidstice 61 paue,,tk in every diaoriler axelittix.l to e. gL. p°L Onnerx niP weilinfmnintefisrt., c % have Snow .. FREE: V F b.r.r6fE, rtaik*l".! , !,,*, SO - Isiskuee':l9w- York. rP'r There is considerable saying by taking the .ale,cr bizes. ly 4 - 02 C . oltiii)bi4 liistly44ze 0., auluttiLia, Lancaster County, Penta'a CH.4nTE k PERP ETU 4 I, ! --- is Comoany continues, w insure 13mIdings Vlr T rchandise, and OH rit property, ag,:sitis loss and damage by tire : on the mutual plan either f,r a cash premium or prep .•.in note The large and increasing .capital of Me Com pany, consisting of premium notes Oven by its members, end based upon 81: 475,789 85 !. . -INSURED 0-\ TICE •MUTUAL PLAN. Affords a reliable, guarrao tee equal to ten times the isverage_loss on the amount insured ; and the' Directors ph dge themselres to deal as liberally With those litho may sustain trils, or "damage as 'the case admit of, consistent with jnstice to all parties concerned. „AP/Outer of P R E.AI M NOTES, $ 155 it4QO; Balance or Cash prentiiirnS un expended, !amino- Ist, 18132 '3l 666 57 Cash receipts during the year '62, less Agents' commissions, 6,781 47 Cash receipts Januaiy, 1563, 695 66 Losses'and'expenaea - Paid dUring the . tear, 11162.' • . 36,329 7.1 Balance unexpended, Feb'y 2,;1863, 3,016 11: $ . 9,7.445 84 A. S. GREEN, .PirtEsunicr, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr.; secretary. • .., IVI I C ti. AEL S. 8 H UAI AN, Treasurer, , ; , DIRECTORS Robert T. Ryon, Abraham Bruner, ' John Fendrich, i. G. Afintch, Samuel F. Eve) lain; Michae/ "Shumetitrr Ephraim" Ilirskey, Michael H. Moore George' - Yourag, Jr., Nich alas Mc DO ri a I :1, ' : ' A:nos 8. Gree . n. 11 ..EFERENCES:—Tlje following persons are all members of this -. 'Company: Bainbridee-=-11.." Jones. John ff. Smith, Voseph Kuttz: Cotumbia--Geo. Bog' Wilson, F. S. Metz, Casper Yeager,. H. C. , Forideramith, John Shenberger, J. G. PolloC . , .Frank Shillot, John Gala, J. .1. & P. S. Mc- % 'Tugue, Michael S. Shuman, R. John' Ccitiper, Geo. V. Heise, Washin`gton Righter, Samuel Shoch, Robert liaJnifton, Eckert & Myila; 'Welsh', With A. MartintCauper,Seibert, J, Catrell4,hilip Huebner; Ephiaini Hershey, Philip Scharik, Dayld,Hm l iauer„John Kramer,. Jacob Btackp„,,- Ja-c.4 APPoldy.lVm• WhißPeiti John Q. Denney, Juhn Sthreater, V„egba, Samuel Arms, A. Gray & Co. ; Eitst Heraiifteld —Simon blinich. Falmouth- -A ti rahem 01, , lins, Samuel Borst, Michael Heas. Lancets. ter—John Rankin, lI.A. - Shaetrer‘i Henry E. Leman, :-Wm. Cooper, Johil•Sheliffer,.. Geo. Reese. , Marietta--Geo.:W". 1 141eintfley, John li.,Summy„FrederickiMahling, I. D. :loath. Calvin. A.. Schatiner,.. lath, Naylor; Saniuel H.opkins; Martin Hildebrandt, H.' fa F. 'Metal-. er. Mount Jo#--L.,, Jacob Myers, Israel Bern. hart, Michael Brandt,' John Breueman. Manketm—John Hoateter, J. E. Cross.. b,'.litnn v Long, Geo. Weaver, `John M. Dunlap, ' Dutt, Arnt, Jacob H. Kline, L,avid• Fisher: - Mar/non--Hiram.. EleattY, Geor g e Murray,-, t Samuel , Pence, ! Simon F. Albright.— Mountalle=- • 4.'8. Dowers. Manor Tranship --Jacob Shu man,: Christian `Miller, juhlis L. Sliainip.' Penn, Toteriehip—Da.nieJ . V re Yl Henry Ilebkr ; Henry Neff ? ohn r.„" Brett- ner. Raiko Tov.ireilip--Dtirrstiam Creider , , 'envens, Michael, Wittt4pn . WS!: Hernpfickl Township 4 :4l: 'E.' - '9Oll, A.:A. Price, M. A. 114104 Js ilts Strickler; Ainoa S. Bowers, Jacob 11Offirtp: Warwick rownship—Daniel B. Er1i„,,„.1 • Cr The „ Company wish to appoint an Age.n t f or , te ac4 lT o WilibiP• in -Loiltsillter Persona. wishing, to take the Agency:4 a in. Ppvy person or by letter. , • H.A.II4.PAGNK isini other Table NVinem Gguaxranteed t4o be pure, wail seldma 10 :at can be bought in Philadelphia op New- Yor • 11 1): -13, Erwatt o l:',Picra Bui/din, E:3l