BY FRED'K L. BAKER Great Discovery. ii t~kel's 3.ittet.,3lJine of iron. Ib ,OR the cure of Weak Stomachs, genera debility, indigestion, diseases of the ervous System, constipation, acidity of the stomach and far all cases requiring a Toni& This Wine Includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide combintd, with the most en ergetic of vegetable tonies, Yellow Peruvian Beet. The effect in many cases of debility, loss of appetite, and general prostration, of an efficient Salt of• Iron, combined a ith our valua ble Nerve 'Prink, is most happy. It augments the appetite,, raises the pulse, takes off muscu lar flabbiness, removes the palor of debility, and gives, a florid vigor to the countenance. Do you wont something to strengthen you 7 Do you want a good appetite Do you want to build up your constitution Do you Want to feel well? Do you want to get rid 'of nervousness? Do you'wunt energy ? Do you want to sleep well ? Do you want a.brisk and vigorous feeling? If you .do,-try K UNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON! This: truly valuable Tonic has been so thoroughly iest.d by all classes of the.commu nity, that: it is now deemed indispensable as a 'Tonic medicine. It costs but little, purifies the blood, gives tone to the stomach, renovates the system, and prolongs lite.. I now only ask a trial of this valuable Tonic. COUNTERFEITS. AWAREOF COUNTERFEITS.—AS KUDZ- U EL'S Butler Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy in the known world Mr' the perinktienr cane of Dyspepsia and nobility ) and as there area number oi imitations °fret ell to the public, we would caution' t e cam nitini,y to parchase Mille but the genuine ar ticle, intinufactured by S. A. Kunkel . , and has los stautp.on the top of the cork of every bot tle. The very fact that others are attempting to imitate this 'valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks v.iluines in its favor. The Bitter %Vine of Ittio is put tipitt 76 cent and $.1.:00 btittlea, and sold by all respectable Druggiits throughout the country. Be •par ieular that every bottle beare the Luc s imat of he proprietor's signature. General Depot, 118 :%litrket Street, ales burg, Pa. E - For Sale by Dr. benne & Cu , and all p•apeet n hie d a.ers everywhere. DURYEAS' MAIZENA Received two "Prize Medals" [Pawl JURIES 3 A,•u 4,] Ar THE Internatiowil Linidon, 1862 )11CINC THE SOLE AWARDS GAIN k:D 13Y ANYTHING O THE KIND. if also received the Superlative Repoli of -Exceeding Excellent NI A IZENA, At the tireat International Exhibition at Hamburg, July, 1663, Received the Ilighe4 Medal FOIL ITS LiELICACY AS AN ARTICLI, OF FOOD . 1 7 sed for Podding. Custards, 131nac Mang,„ &r., Without lsinglas, with feW or no ,eggs. It is'excellent for thickening Sweet Sauces, C;iarles for Nish, Meat, Soups, &c. For ice Creiiiii',.othing Can compare with it. A little toiled iu Milk make. a rich Cream for Coffee, Chocolate, Pea,..kte. A most delicious article for food forchildren and invalids It is. vastly supr rim to ArroW Root, and much more eco nomical. Put up in one pound puckages, under the virile- murk Maizeins, with full directioni for übet,iond tiOld tip , all Grocers and Druggists. WILLIAM DIJRY,E - A, Wholesale Agent. 166 Fulton Street, New-York. August 22-6;nl [E U: 4/OItRALL, 1,31 SURGEON• DENTIST, 1f111;ing re7t(Hied t 7 iite ROOMS formerly accupie. by Dr. 4wentzel, adjoining Spangler g Pat terson's 4ore, Market bireet, w here he is now prepared to wait tl/1 all who may feel %al disposed to patronize him. ma& Dentistry in all Its bratiches car tied on. TEETII inserted Oil the most approveo principles of Dental science. All operations on the mouth performed is a skillful and wakinanlike manner—on fair principles and , ON VERY REASONABLE TERMS. Raving determined upon a permanent Inca twit at dila alsee, would ask a continuation of the lit ronage heretofore extended to him, for wh:ch he will render every poisi hie satinfsetioi). II Ether sultninistered to proper poisons PAVID COCHRAN, Pointer, Glazier and Paper Hanger OULD most respectfully inform the cit- VI izens of Marietta and the public gener ally 'that he is prepared to - do • Rouse Painting, China Glossing, Paper Hanging, At..very, short notice and at prices to suiLtbe times. He can be found at his niotner'siesi dunce on .the corner of Chesnut and .Seconl streets, :-a few doors below the M. E. Church, and immediately opposite the old Oberlin , Coach Works. [Aug. 3-1 y: 4Et!.lVi ,f CA:N . HOTEL, . ' P fI7L ADELPHIA. Located on. Chestnut street, opposite the 0 " 15 Sl' E .EIOUSE arid: in , elude proximity to the .principal Jobbing and ,Impprt,Olouses, Ilauks,Cuetom House, places "of amusements. The" City Caxii can b e taken at the door (or within a square)' kr any depot in. the City. The House has been renovated hod refittco. . n'T.FAMS ,PEIL:DAY4A • WYATT gr 14.EUMTPrak PROPRIETORS: WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. This celebrated preparation for therestoration and softening of tne H dr', id now for gale at the Drug Store of DR. LANDIS. FrCHORY- &;,thilt Wood, 60 Cords each . fihrl "Mk W00d... Orders must ..hcrnmpanied with thr cash when they will [, , lnri)lic( . & Patterson. ......, 4 ,......,... II ..., ..,, ,:‘ „,,,, !,,. .. .., . ..,, - , ;-., - ' • --vwt-, \ N/ t ~, . ( E l • . .... . . .=,..:::, , ~./.,.., ,5 ,i: , . .,,,,: t ! .:/, ,: :: ....., , _, ,::::1::::67 ,. /: ,..5 :aell.7i. , ,,,:..,.. ~,,_:, ..:,.. 11( . ..., ... ~. ... , . . v Li , ~,,, i• :,:-; „ ;fl.-.,,, -,. i .. • , ;' , J . •, , , , , , . , • , • AN I ut,pinknt rtinispibanin sAttiat6 to rait i ts ; littraturt,„„Nnwriurt, t. ...loas, tetlq, Total 3n,ltllignitti ACci. ;a V. , 1 145 ) D R. 1400FLA.ND'S GERMAN BITTERS, Prepared .by Dr. C. Jackson, Philadelphia, Pa.' IS 'NOT A BAR-ROOM DRINK, OR SUBSTITUTE FOR :KUM, Or an Intoxicating Beverage, but a highly con centrated Vegetable Extract, a Pave Ten free from alcoholic atimulent or. injurious dings and will ,effectually cure Liver Complaint, Dopepeia, 11144 HOQFLANO'S GSRIY3A ,?T Rs WILL CURE EVERY CABE OF • Chi onic Nervous, Debility ? Disease of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising frOm DiSordered Stomach. OBSERVE. IFIE FOLLOWING BY DiPYOMS resulting from diem ders of the digestive:Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles , Fu.ness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for .Food,„ Fullness or weight in the Stomach t eour eructations; sink gni; or fluttering of the kit of the' Stninac iwimming of the Head, hui-ried and diffic sreathing, ,fluttering at, tht. heart,, choking suffocating sensations wheh in a lying postu dimness of vission, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the head,,defiei ency of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pail' hi the side, back, chest; limbs, sudden flushes of heat, biirning in the flesh, constant itnmagining,s of evil, and great de pression of spirits. ROMANO'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL GIVE YOU A Good Ai:petite, , errres, • Healthy Nerves, 6teudy Nerms, ' • Brisk Feelings, Energetic Feeling's, Healthy' Feetings, A Good Constitution, A Strong Constitution, A Healthy Constitution, .' A Sound Constjtution.. WILL MAKE THE WEAK STRUNG', Will make . the Wilt make the Will inake.the Will make the Sallow Complexion Clear, lVill make the Dull eve Clear and Bright. [3—Will prove a blessing in every, , used with,perfeet safety by male or Female, Old or Young. PARTICULAR NOTICE- There are n.any preparations soid: under the name of Bitters, put up in quart bottles, coot pounded of the cheapest Whiskey or common Rum, costing from 20 to 40 cents, per gallon, the taste disguise.t by Angie . biiCoriander send. This class al Bitters hascaused and will con .inue to cause, us 1-nig as they can be sold, Jundreds to die the deallis,ol'o,;Atunliard. By their use the system is kept continually nod ; r the influence of alcoholic stidiniaats' ht 'the worst kind, the desire fur liquor is createl and kept up,,and the resuit is ad the boriors at tendint upon a drunkard's life and deith. Be ware of them. For those who deSire and mil/ have t liquor hitters, we publish the following receipt: Get one bottle Hooflartit's German Bitters and mix with ~three quarts of good Whiskey . or Brandy, and the result will be' a preparmiori that will liar excel in medicinal virtues and tine excelleuee ,any„ of the numerous liquor . bitters in the market, and will cost lees,. You will have all the virtues of ffaifland's'fht ters in connection with //good akti.cle of lique4 and at a much less price then fliese inferior preparations will cost yuu. . DI'IIACATE CIII,DR.F.N. ' Those= suffering from nweasniuS, wasiting away, with scarcely any.flesh On their berms are cured in a very, short time; bottl• in such cases, will have niost stirprisin:4; e flea: DEBILITY, Resulting from Fevers a ant• kipd--Lthase bit ters will minty yoUr 6trenoll shorttilnk.• FEVER AND AGII E.—The chills not're: Turn it these Bitters are used. No person in a fever and ague district should beliithout them. Front Rev. J. :11'etoton 8V0 , 071, D. D., Editor: of du Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.. Although not 6sposed to favorbr recommend' Patent Medicines 111 general, .through.distrost their ingredients and effects 1 yet . knOw of no suifici Lit reason why a man ma) notßes tify to the benefits he believes himself to have received rim any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the bene fit of others. I do this more readily in regard to l-looflaud's German Bitters, prepared by Dr,. C, 114,.Jiickson because I was , prejudiced. against Ahem for a number of years, under the impression that thLy were chiefly an aleoholiefnixture. ain , indebted to my-friend, Ito bq Shoemaker„ escf.,' for the removal of tbis prejinligh" by. proper testa, and for encouragenient to try them, when suffering froml,re,at and long debility,. ,:pie use of three bottles of these bitters, at the be- . ginning of the present year. was-followed by evident relief, and restoration - to a degree of bodily and mental vigneWhich'-1- r aid not felt" for six 11 44 0 414. ki:el9lt I ;;11od.plialfogoillasPA ed of regaining. there ore think God and my friend for directing'me to the use of them. J. NEWTON AEOWN . .- Ftiladelphia, June 23, 1862. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS Aril) THE FRIENDS OF BOLDISRS We call the attention of all having relations' or friends in the army to the fact that " Hilt& land's German Bitters'* will cure nine-terithi of the diseases induced by privation and ex-. poauts incident 'to camp life: In the lista published tilMost daily in the newspapers,' on the arrival' of the sick - , it will banoticed that - a very large" proportion are suffering from de--' bilitr. Xverrcase of= that kind can be readi ly cured by floolland's German Bitters. We haze no hesiiiitiin 'iri staiinethat, if these bit ters are freely used among our soldiers,lrind reds of lives might- be saved that otherwise would be lost. The proprie gars are daily' receiving thankful' letters from' ffffereisi fii the - army and hospi tals,,iArlioWellet!llMotol loihettlthXyA he, are of these Bitters, sent , to them by. their friends, Beware of cotriderfeitii ! See thaeltie 'pig nature of "P., - x.l4C.lirion,'';is69„thOviipper of cacti bottle, - s' fare Size, $1:00 per bottle, or i.dozmr,for $5. Medium si4e.,..7oc:peribottle, dezek,for l s4 The larger size, Ott , a ccount of We gpanlitir the hettlestholdi are much, the 'cheaper. Should your nearest,drugglst,raotlis„v,g_tbe article, do not be put olt by any of the intoxi catipg pregapitioeg Alit; mayAm, offewd Placer t4utsenp 141-,9,9,AP41:,,!T9 securely paeketl e by e g press, j , Principal Office , and lifnatkactory, NO: .§3l JONES & EVANS, auccesaors to c..111.4a0ke0n.4.c0 . /IL + - y.' ' Prgpsvetprs.f. For 3* 1.% Druggists am3,,Dealers in every own . in The United States. [may 30-1 y .1: d:;17,4 ;to,: .MARIETTI- - -- .SATURDAY FEBRUARY 6 1861! ..-- • ...... OFFICE is Row, Front 'Street, five, ; . , : i' c. ll'l7l.6cire-b'e/6* Yllll7 8 Taasis, Chid van ce; d subseriptitor he •hot paid within six naohths4l.2s,will be ,charged; layed until the .els.piration, of the year, ,p will be chnixed. '7 Aniairristiro I , Ravas r iline.tiquaret(l2o lines t •or less) 50.e.ents for the firstlinserrkmtand greents,for etch subseq9ent„in,serl.i942.4,.yro iessional and Business aside, tirilititnes orless ett at $3 peatfine.• Notictiti u mn sates' cent* a-line: . Alarritiges and Deaths, the simple aDDOUlicement, FRAg.l.h.gtklctr,tAulY. ' additional lines„ five cent s a line. A liberal deduction made to 'Yearf,Yand'halt . yearly advertisets. • , .Having recentled added a large,l9l 4 oft,Aew„ Job and„Lard type, Cats,l4cirders„,..o.c., to the 'Job Office ol• .4 ‘"The Mariettlati," which insure the fine execution of all kinds of Jon &' CARD PRZNTING, 'from the smallest Card to Me largest Niter, at 'prices' to suit tie War` es. Delicate, }fealty, Thip Stout, Depressed Lively, " LAUGHTER . p.oor man?s plaster, Covering, up. each sad .disaster, Laughing,he forgets his troubles Bidding us lb make a ehoiciy 3 "Aml C.,11 I fromtiowor:s,` ; Leaving thorns and inking ilow . ers.'' Woman Civthz. I - od were to take the sun and moon and stars fpkt.;"Of the heavens, the chanue• of husbandry would be whgt; :Odd'. were to take woman out of life,,would be the , chames,for ,rginement and zation. Woman carries civilization in , her heart. It springs froin'ter. 14Wr., -power and influence mark the civilize•. tion of any country. A, man that, lives, in a community where he has the'privi, lege of a woman's society, and isciiiiik ject,tri a :womaifs influence, is almost of necessity refined, more 'than he is'aWare of; and when men are removed from the social influence of virtuous woman hood the very best degenerate ; ovieel the deprivation. There is t skiinethirkg wanting in the air when you get:west the` 'A.liethairio m'oliritaina on a inttry" day of summer. The air east •ot,..the mountain is scpplied with a' :eibrt of: pabulum from the salt water of .the; ocean, by which one is sustained i 'the r lt,• • sultriest days of midsummer.: .what this salt is to the:air that 'is''wo-'" meta influence toAke virtue of column, nity. `Yon breathe it •without knowing, it. All you know is that you are.-made. stronger and better: And a man is -nOt ,a half a man unless a woman hell:is hi4i, to , ho "oiltne-* Of :the mischiefs of patitp *life is that women are rethoiell frChkit: The men may not know shat itIL-that lets them doWni - o- a .lOwei state of feel ing, or wh'at r 4ititt 4 sUbile:linfluence was th4tI6;ePIA 6 Pi,PP AP .laigi!er §449.0. refinement, but it is the "basins of wo 7 men,inthe one case, as it .was the. pre sence.of 'women in the other. Woman is e light which God has set before man to show him which way. to go, and blessed is.he who has sense exiongh tq TV: Beecher. or A debating club iu ' Worcester„! lately diecussinf tfie important, question , "Whether a rooste'r's knoWtedga Cif diky brOtik,itr'the result kit observa tion nor lac .- • . StiljtA.... oh:, 3,*r , • .. .iSD . r t aBtlll:,t ,, td ) clodfo.ooo4 49 1 1”? Pf e ßs l l ~A PARe N ffu , the moral otfoartstrda we see theupragress, of ^.„l - 7,01 t•, ti+Akati .1411 .1 "'"'"" .).7Jst Tot4aoinm , , 11.4 - I At+ I , rl 414 . 2 sir A new sign „for e„tisgerq cently tleenAtiiitifea"LDegitiroti.4nn(de drop in.) '4 3 übiliftl4 0411 Zit "HE ,W ILL' NOT 'WOO AGAIN." , Twas.but a.word-tc careless vvord, In pride and passion spoken ; ; But with that word the•eliarms that bound Two lovink heartsivere broken: .0. The hasty wrath- has.oassed-liwayi, = But bitter words remain; In vain she looks with tender.tlanee—,: ,,, He will not woo again: , No other love ms.y.light her.path ; No orher.moy,c,fiia heart; , Yet ch4nging seasons come and go, And find them still apart ; Ilei dace 6riglif*checleisiitiler Abor . ; His beers a'traCe of part' ; Their dayi trie t itearY, sad - ---and yet • He'wilaof *on They meet as strangers, calm and cold,. As-ealmlY, coldly part; And none may guessAhat tranquir mien-, Cmceals a wounded heart. • 7'o him the world hath'•lost its light ; . • For her all joys are. vain ;- Nor-hope not - memory bring relief—: • Ile ivill not woo again. . • - Alas ! that love, long tried and warm; Should wither in an hour; Alas! that pride &et human hearts Should wield such fearful power; Oh ! )treep,thou not forthose who die— For them all tears are vain; 13ut weep o'er living heart's grown cold, Who,ne'er . Whieh,thqugh,,rekl,,apepit Laughter.'ris~a seal of nature ; Laughter, whether lota er "mute," Tell3l he-burnan.kind from brutes., Laughter, 'tie Hope's living voice ONE =II :;',"" “1 A Frightoned barkey, :". I-The; diver ,who goes down to cleauthe boitoms,off-the Monitors at Por,t BoyalA ' being-A-man: of,ll4llrettlean proportions, ,when;ol ad An his sub-marina-Armor ; be•K , comiestnenstrousiin size apdiappkavacce. N A porreapondeot::,ot., the „'r Baltimore; - American t says :• , c,'' ~ more Angular. tsight : tham,4c ace. shim rolli „tutrible,,intp,,,tho lizattirjand disappear from,. ,or popping up, ; 610 %rim, ar ) the, air .escapes fremAijs . , lelmpt,iike ,_young whale, cam scarcely, imagined.; Waters has himow.a 'Of a joke, and when he has a curicua audience will wayeh i ip Teter r - about -as 1 1 oho baba around" on tho' air of rentable river ice 66 . 11 of big"' best jollem--thi: 'better' for' being * Z treri= Pt,ble :: fact-,o p eurred last surrim—, er. W,bile he was', employed' scraping the hull of one: of the monitors, a negr o from :one of :the Up riVer 11;n'tfitiioit's : camenloilgside with aboat toad Or .wii fer-mefens. busy 8;1114 ; melons'the 'diver came .up,andrepted himself on the sidep of the: boat. The negro stared el? tbeeztriierdina r ry L. . appearance thus suddenly corning , out Of the water, withUlarnied wO4der,:but: when' the,' 'diver 'setz4, of beat' 'melons in ' toe boat , sod d`tsap i eared nn der the water` the air t.j from the helmet mining with the 'mu!- . fled laughter,- the fright of the negrO reached la , Clim's.; "Baitily seizing `his' oars; withhiit: Waiting' to' be paid for his melons, he pit:off at - his:Mk aped: and' has not beliiil'seen in •itia'- vicinity of Statidt -ifiebleSiiiice:- 1 He cannot be tempted weybn d Of.the plan tation, and believes that the Yankees have brought river devils to aid them in making war. SHELLEY'S OPINION OF LOVE,--- dull;, boring fellow, who was accustomed, as other slow•wittedAeekers after truth were also, to propound , questions Godivin,,and to accept, his an-, aware as oracles, inquired . .one ,. Shelley's pros_ence, , with , ell solemnity,; ° 'Pray, (lodwin i what is your opinion of love ?" The oracle was si- lent. After awhile,w 6 h CODSSit . repeated ~1 1:c inu e st- i t7ii e4 t- m r e Godwin, n ' what is Pray; Willi a m to ray' PY answe r e d • still e ll e jniot .6( for h.. Pt, love that him "My' " hemany it an t` 'ter a • 4 up on • eta upon as P. Damp,' numns,"-0 gra rey heard The , gieila l 471.14 answe r with o e p s i t n io io n n t , o e .: ti r..: Goilu;in mute contempt , • presentlywith 'a thrierdP.P'tai t-e uf hi .8 plted-the or'aole ' .. tba " l : rel 9 agrees • ine* helleY,wre • with • - A OROWNER'S QuEsrall.Ennt,Azin.44 following story of "twelve •gentleinen of 41e-jury" in England r .who sat ~uicion the, ease of a 4nanlound,dead., in larLd-pit„ `eurtiassespAnl,the , ,sttipidi fatuity the : jurOrs.anything, which' :Miler ican recerds Can present':---fTlier first r returned At verdjet,ufetniirrislaugkret.' s Tho oprotker i reeapitUlated,,the testimony, a i d i dueed, and sent .them `l'heyre-entereA , !the .courtnrit, 'We 60 the ,decsaind . was stA-buu.', , nr the thifd s time the y . were diuc k iigqi3,wit , ii told Campbell's weli-known,'f?rtnula : 'Gentlemen, you . will retire, to consider your , xnrd v ie i t 7,7 this man was:found dead in a So they avoided techtdolities, and came soundly, to-t Ale, cow:Ix:don; , •Itiot , ki 1112 Talawianeyrw,asi, found, Aend, t in - , a ,sand-pit; end! , eir, A cypicalsoiskw.,,h,o, piAa',/ a nus ter the cash, for• a sleigh ri d e, { publishes ")htt,following.rpnipi, RIF- t it& t o,ensatinps : •‘,`Sit in the ,hall ,in your r,kight T olollies ,with both doors that yon can get' a)golybdt &aft-414Hr lest tin , la, pa:U - (10 ca-w dte`ra dto P tth elfront' doo ey down yonr"biteltz•wholdAun'.feible icor onei hand , and ; ring thorrtbatbells withlithebothee life saystAybutein'to tell rine ,ffiffereeee withlybar:e:yesfehrit; ,- tutiDitata-great-deal eheapd r „”l,n • ! A lady was, recently asked in a ail Way 'ear If site , would :be incoffinindedg bylhoenioke if a 'cigar.:' Shb , replied • she'did not know,.no , no gentleman ] he'd evaraitivlied- in liar , preseneel . =EI *IL mßPA4l l .44l l ilgib Filizlkrickytbat'Jfatf , mq4 44AiPolktliOLIPANVP. one sentiment in common. They are *RSitrAto44l.l4 Ao places than-persone*- -• oca eiranitloatkisqqso4.4l4 n41 1 1°Q.1 1 7 :brg.ft peoftitioAnOok3 , 4o l 9PPAElk arho.latek. ll C4/19Pur ROMPttgaiILALI - le, fte . igliAesbitiofitiit lir:WM*W man says; ahatued 6e it." • ENE T.i :,(70. = , CfpwW2s•llol7...p...ll.elaNNlVl "Piot for- a Bay, - butforall Timm," 'Sir'fl~hbraas`-Srowdß,w :a great' bietab , physieian,/ ,, and , ,/ like3sll •,that , tribrogo irkeorists, he made great mistakes. One , , !there-was,no general Temedifer aisca 2 ee ' eite PK.i l s atic-, T4FelgetY4!ig 4fgegna epi g rammatic,, but „untrue. Professor !Holloway, the distinguished medical biiittrient ! are everiw - boitre'triiiisdendl4'ali hu'ilian pecti:tioit i liy the incist• aitoni.shiniChree or every heciity ere oitiSr' genefal, but universal' rem'edieh. ''''The ;whole country resounds with 'the frail& these remedies and ; their ,fanyins- Aentor. States and empires may flourish - and fade, dypptieslejgq and tie forgot ; , _ ten, kutitio long 48,theAide ottime,rnlbt on; the name of Holloway : will he borne, ,with it.,from leneration, to, generation, ; By his labors for the , amelioration of, human suffering, be has -earned, ininkcr- ; ,tality. His fame has a more enduring - mentrinent then'tlieltake history will hare' in 'the 'leans 'or gialeful na= . ,tions, BO long as ditertie'and 'pain bibittc Compare the resulti "great veries witb4ejbensatwbonferred .upon mankimllbytaPCooper,-hu.Abernethy, or ;Braiti: ~ ,T heselwere- t he7 idols of cis— •Clltaseribed, constituenciee,-!but be is the ;world's ,physicitni. Those., only ' , rho could•afford}a munificent, fee .could,,obt taiu their advice,, while , the; cheapness: or , ' t his never failineremedies, places them I within the reach of the peer of every land. A" hundred patiebbi woulrbe considered a: verilarge niimber for the moat eminent or our regtilir hy'sicians. , Holleway can count his h'y,millidub, and the cures wrought by his remediei sre in the same proportion.—Evening Jour nal. " SOMETHING rO START WITH. —A lady . teacher of the slaves at Beaufort, N. C., WIN the fq e, stpxy l ;,.!‘4n Aid African, ,eighty - ,,yeaq ; OA w4liiknolig, -'liar most assiduous and earnest pupils,, She said, to him, one d,ay : what use is there trying to learn to' read ai' )1 . ''' A yeur age . ou, can ave I much more time to stay' in this world.' Missis,' replied he, "twill bo so: Audi Clare gain 'togive me a start in ;the nest world.' " WATER ci • §9/11 : 13,8? 1 ,,-.4 lover ; of s the ipttle,,,iv j hohad lost,'la 478 7,re9lecljnto a teetotal gro,cerT, and hiccupped, "Mr. —, .do t ; you-keep-s --anytkulg ;F ßopodto,cakeher t e r' `,.`Yes," replied the temperarke shopkeeper, "we have- water=.--the. best thing'iton conld - have.". "Nell; "know. dt,"Nva's tha'replyi -"there's norone thing. that's; done' so ranch -Jfor zavigationrfais that," , , John, Wesley, the founde,r,Of 'ge t:l:indium . when, one day tidingtfirougli, ~ the conntry, Was saluted by a tellowwho was 1 _ lying i a ditch.. . . "13iill'Ob; Mit:her •WegfejP,'Pril see flew do' 2 3 , o'n'd'o'?" - . • • "r do n't 'i'ott . ;"" said' Mr. ?eining`iiiit' hie tiered: "'Whri are yet f"' "Dbia b t, linbsv l meg - Bir;l:yoft.ttre the verf matt kiha-eonveteed'nel"" "I ' renkdir am,'' sa id Mr. Weeley; eluding sphrs tci his horse, "at hntst one thing is evident—the Lord had nothing do- do itbotit-it." z. . Viresterii iiredidilig-elder,-bedat= log.: of the ample' preichers in s his 'dis'tfiCt, said "he' had' left ttie,lial.. ona rge i . f;t; 'A': While a dins tion was "going On, 'Whiiid“ he • thousand seven hundred feet of: sausages; and t ,it was omitigowhalielerJeft. . = "There's` two ways or awing it, , said ad he stood musing andi:maitingr. for a job,,.‘,Jf,l.,savu four; ":thonennAdollarslimust lay•up two ,hun : , are& dollars a• year ,for. , twenty, YPArs,. or 1. can lay away.twonty dollars A year,, for two hundred years; now whi0411041.. do ?" .4 : ikt 1...., ,`„„, s t I I-, Ili Before you tuik — a, mat' a favor , consult tbe weathee'••Thn' same person.' as ugly` ' sin while ° a` cold` sill its EiPtitineagainstahe ivindoisi4lasbrwill' 'no sooner feel the gliddenineinfluenbi% 'of kliktleigniet . snnstitnik, tan iirialBXPlnuAttlikflrlt.M 43 - 1 /0: 1 1,-kt 17 ! Gir.BoastiOg - 'lB sometimes -out 'of bf iii ingP ) if ftl ,l3 ANT9, b l ilip. - 144/ 61± a, .uoL; 11 14.tiestl initroy 'VW; Itierionitei) ,fatrd i h %.19 °8 t.159 6 / I . P FT.M9-Frih r hn t,191.* die*fin /a lit* BUttlY* i t a a 2 A. When REM= 11;11,J , it.`. .. , .;. , ?!•„1• () 1111111 . +' ~,5- 4 0i.,. ~, , • . '", " r $ ~, 7,,;f = . YOL: 4o ~„. Eiailitiik4 . 'ketiatent - f nkt ' or oni.t6iiitti Faeitlti wittl'hi'v:l4 l l3adir roairelOf" ale defi l ogieefilii' eaa, cotirs6,', rifle's:rid usage. Eta k 6 ire summonsn%m ne iiiioptuir 'baron itieNnel-1 _dent, who (mid' ' I atn informeiribit barrerofife in'yeir'reeirt.” ' ‘,%.;/ v. 'expiariaticin 'can . jroa mik?" ' ...t!Virli'j; de fact is;lfii l trik i 'pltyilicia4 advised nfe'to — try aliititi'alii-eaCh so, a tenin;tina'aiit'' w /t 6 to, theme l ibius 'phicee is retaiied, rel talferi 7'v ••• "Indeed @ ¢k&Yon Clive& yv benek frnin'it ", ! 'yds, 'Sir:. Wheii'therbeth.el fist talieeo to'fritidom,stirotweekslinde., mad' sthi l raiy car:. "7; 01 viith — the'bieiatehe • • oh. 'cats 'rep iz good adyiee.i.4 don t hoc' "jvh9.4,4% the, the author if,j did ._I. woubhge... '-rewarding hi% either, !tlY!t4Pro,Pjate4' **fire -or a pyize, in the, .aet, onion.. ,E 1? ought tew have. a-; etosx : ;when be dize, with an epitaff on it, fenn deli on faelE-cile %ought tew be' minuted miefilmeemrys like a..p.leaearttoirerng s i ,that afterwarflcturned out, ; to be. truu .;„ • „bei ought , to. , , satt : to: muaick e ; and ,be Aupg moo onnackehnuf with the. : 1 948510- ge. ”.43iivot the” dPeo.l-11 I r uPgr. • im an, th is .adv lee; lw.egitget, up, for : y 0 u•r- Tr pi, owe. tohe iro!ev ,iallYthiqg opay KM 0. 'O4 at once, and tbenocllsehargeAkim, l and, don't hire him, over again atf any prise. Theta what., the author-went..l3e hon. 'est, pay even -the-devil,,if you owe him, but don't owe him agin. ,A s . Mg:irevii4.-'Phis is very natural end Undoubtedly true ; 'ld the good old days of slow coaches and slower mails, when Northern New rorlc..was so far out of the world as some 'of our- Northwestern Territories, are now, there was gathered around the post-officd- one -.night, in _a small town,, ;quite a .large crowd, to hear. the pews 'biought by the stage just L- "What's thernews said an olit i fel. Pots who mds ,• worldly ? wine isle; he 'inight7have, , been,-!Nllukt's 31.ertin;N r itirnBavellillafilbtilm 4 , l,4lctiPt - 4 f ell Minis:tee/10 ~br'reat4B,ritEgPALkaiPa trjendtatrhis.elbow ,;;„:• inistat to_areatAritaim4 ord his being appointed Minister toNrrvat Ara*. Why he earetpreaeh any more than I 'MU !" 1 (Er -A•Aertain green, -•.oustonisT, etratigeo Lmirrote,c.sed , VbXftlPP o 4l 4in to-the eabir.L-of one of orkr ocesp,splago 7 4, ore, ,-eteJpped :front of lanze,pißT glase„whioht he took= for ; , • „ "I say, whiter, ,• when w does, : th4,..hes„e ,hoat,start , • Getting no replyt,froin,g‘e dumb re-,, Election before him; 14. again reliflSflt:,,T, "I say, mister,Athen d. 951 Br t4i 8,11 40t boat start ?" liiceitedd - at 'the tilF figaref„ 1%11 broke :out : "Go io tkinder, you 'daimoill3assafraa v eolored," shock-headed bull-ealf 6 ; IPA don't look affif you knew aiiythibgiluityr.., itow." the sense of smelling more' ,pleasing than,the, ; s9se °tiing 17 - wile the „question up before a western de: ; bating BOciety 4 in ii t barlomp. , Joe was the last to speak gative, and all were anxious to heitilliiin'"" deliver 'thimself: Walking- up , to al 'bar'-kkepervtacalled .for a hot! attiisky,, , punch; and drank it off sith,grnat to then; 4:timing-to?, his . .'opppfien3i4„-AIN `hadded , thor , glass , to ;laading•dispa , ..,: tent 'and-•thunderedi , °WA:l"nm istnelim,, it, iqiiivarinioti."l,)lWEl needless:4o 0.€14 , ,: that • 1 1.Trielar Joa-," brought 'dim-11,44 c. 1101Ae, " and also-the , deeision, L ihr o llia negative:` A - ' s.' • . . • Or Two deaconsa were dieltiiittig atone ;the proposed site 0f...a. new graveyaid; ~,ivh'ith Ina-first remarked-" 1, milk nev 'be burinifin that: ground long live." '"'What ans obittinatewman,l" , ,said • 'the sec ond; There is a lake in Minnesota, cal Minnetonka, , which must be very tour and very deep for a strange genius' ' in 4socyllung it says„liy look:44106 its you can see them making tea 407 1 .141:121 be t§l2 sSarp . : bait tlr~ fail. froi#koviq - jing Af+, } taark.. f. ilitt'A% - aribitiatvioposteev. !'faebelo - Yel+4l'al/;!b. from moirlichises - in'having," n ME ~., 'ry i.ti ~~ ~:'. r ; SIM =MEI MEM iN