The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, January 16, 1864, Image 2

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    the Rtaritttian.
F. L. Baker, Editor.
muwarilmroa.— i it. ;most - singular
repthsi'Ais &tint great& in.some well
informed quarters in Washington which
ectlftetitrifte+Tim'Yntk press: It is
stated that a certaJnjournal in the Em
pire City is about to suspend, and that
remsottstians,weremade by friends of
theipropfietor.te the Rebel Government
esnustiating an the eeivices rendered' the
rebel cause in the loyal States .by, the
troasnneble fujminstions. , ,of the paper
in,,question,,, Rumor, goes that four
weeksilgiuce gentleman connected
with the Rebel Government passed , on
his wily, through this city to . New . lork
to make arrpgements. with the editor
i h inlipArt Ahe Rebel Governme nt
to keep,the„peper alive. It is said the
"ambassador" got a . little merry over his
winesta Secession boarding-house in
okehly'stAtbd r ` that from
filltiltiAlaid . to thousand dollars 'a
week would be`gilenlii Ceidedeiate se
cathiet WAWA :-jdArnAinit.L. ItTaskin§ton
jlK i qvgit, Jeannes (George, Jones),
inil 1 PrlnEnnnysivenon the examina
tion or supposed murderer of young
Converse, in,ltlaiden, gives some inter
ii laCiii in, connealonwith the mar
414ri'il i
apt` Joseph White, of Salem.
Tfit t anrAerei iras.,diScovered by means
ortii4ilaime committee, co
} m , of
sq i 4l 4 l ilt 14 incii''re'spectable 'men in
Saari: ''' One ',if 'their number, Joseph
A 4 litilapp i irectived a letter Coutaitiing
a hklifbade 'Ott 'if' 'a Certain amount of
mimaYet+eriis t i sk- fcittitherning he would
tellt*Mit litekirew of the Murder. This
letter Mr. Snapp placed before the
coretiliteeii;rl.-. , desep Jotter, was sent,
and a detective despatched to arrest the
person whn taokAtout* of the. office;_.
The person arrested turned 'State's evi
dancegandethiplicated,two.;of 'the sons
ofateildseph.Enapp, for' one of whom
the letter received by Mr: Knapp was
intentg l asparticipstoysio the crime.
11 t#,i4P t . ,9nest r ep, tit: ,tiv,ff4rr led ,
directly to 'th arr est, conviction, and'
execution a his two sons. , •
airMblOonnecticutol paper says,. that
orttithisiikthlaltimo; MlBB' -gory 11:«Can
field was married at Norfolk, and-tiro
dais after she died of diptheria, of which
ehe the day before, her
ma~rri ll 1 4-74 t h ed
rst, it is , stated,
she a sivogbelitif that her
sielipesil :Tes,dlt: death.. In
deed,_etie tol e her friecds that she had a
L ' • •
dream ijir a t Lapp,
she had seen
herself iordposed her coltii for burial ;
andrshigelliflifsoit May sedth," the pie . -
vitiffiiV; %b FPO Irian appaliag ber, had
qultei=thVedatrafi' effebi, and' she 'went
dditnolitlVs theskielit shadbW 4 clieerful:
joyoUelY. -, •
ilni.itf i t; .
e iet nrtl uteri!, act sfair to
occupy die n l tlept,lop,of Congress tor a
week or ten days yet. It seems diffi
cult ib the variety of opinioni
and 'members, as
in the Senate.
icrrdered until it is
deriY inlifbi occasioned
ortfiVitiVt4eils;'`- seems
to'b l e VioNdingqciintilie an act ' so as to
bring in a large amoncit' -of' money with
whlch,,hountips van; be paid. Secretary
basejs 7 ickftkvey of such-legislation.
.dtstinteh from Leavenworth,
Ktnettii,'''sintesil3at on-the 18th of De
celiibei'tlii" rebel (tuanttell,
thousand men was attacked 'by six him
trinfiin.,'Bolitiers in the Oherokee
cotititi7,-And was' completely rented,
tifii dead and wounded on 'the
den. '
The National Union League has
in - aiiitencii *ablaut '4,500 councils of that
orteriik Stites, with a member
44bf 0'ver 7 760,000 - in number. Wis
coiiW has over/00.8otincils, and 25,000
; and Illiooie 140,000 members.
er The Bank of Eng'anti covers an
enfira,payish,..an4, it has a clergyman
whmlalary,is„ £7OO a year. ,A_room
ini ihe bank is kept
represent the
church Po theke ofk
eepipg up the
iiT'lll.and.4s emoluments.
tif Two young ladies living in Cana
dapete a large, wolf : as they
,were going
to 6 .*agch recently. Vicughr terribly
friibV t ond„they, managed ,to beat him
OfflAppyetipt: has eigoed the , bill
paw* titiAte4iiittAesaieri of. the legisla
tOrAtatgo,dipg 4110 tpic;er of the Lao
caliteSiginlltY.PEPlic• .• ,
411114filii. B:'G. • Harris, Democratic
&OM: , illaryland, died in
BeittdiOte.on Monday last; or omall-pox'.
Rhriktophm i c§ffent,of'St. Johns
bll9:, iiinis,herle which have laid
duOge, tkrie
dlickltdg late'Stkicf.
tary4K Ore rtet4a)i - •itg - • • ••.' ;i•
Some people will no doubt be aston
ished to leitimi.hat taiga fortunes have
been made eve ry yeai since the corn=
mencemeo of the wai, , out, of the dead
horses the rmy dfr. the Potomac.--
The. popular idea is that when Rod
nante yields up the ghost, he is buried
in some field, or left to moulder into
mother earth in the woods somewhere.
- Not so. He has made his last charge,
and gnawed his last fence rail, but there
is. from $2O tos4o in the old 'fellow yet.
A contract for the purchase of dead
horses in the Army of the Potomac for
the ensuing year, was let a few days
ego, to the highest bidder, at $1. 1 76 per
head, delivered at the factory of the
'contractor. Last year $60,000 was
cliMi l ed on ` Che contract, and this 34mi - it'
is thought, $lOO,OOO can be made on it.
The die at the isle of fifty pei
day at the loveest calculatien..
At the contractor's establishment
they are t.hertitighly disoected. Firkt,
'the shoos are pulled off; they are usual
ly worth fifty cents- - a set. Then the
hoofs are cat off; 'they bring about •two
dollars a 'set. Then comes the 'caudal
appendage, worth half a dollar. Then
the hide—l don't know what that sells
for. Then •the tallow, if it be possible
to extracelallow from the army horses,
which I think extremely doubtful; un
less he die immediately after entering
the service.. And last, but not least,
the shin-bones are vitluable, beinrcon
verttble into a variety of articles that
many believe to be composed of pure
ivory, such as cane-beads, v knife-handles,
&c. • BY'the time the contractor gets
through' with the "late lamented" steed,
there .is hitrdly enough of hiba left to
feed a bull -pup' on.
Hereafter, kind reader, when you see
a deitd "bees," don't turn up year nose
at him, but regard him thoaghtfully, as
the foundation for a large fortune in a
sinkle year. He'may, individually, be a
nuisance, but"there is that which
passeth stiow"—sloo',ooo a 'year.
Among the curious phases of - lowa soci
ety is the "Amanna Society," located in
lowa county, twenty miles west of lowa
'City. • From the'Muscatine Journal we
glean the following-facts relative to this
community. It says : It numbers eight
hundred members, and is divided into
seven yillages. It is-governed:by trim
tees,elected ,btall the members of. the
'society. The;society owns twenty thou
•sand acres of load "in t one belt. They
have tilarge stock of horses, sheep, and
: cattle—seven hundred—head of cattle,
twelve thousand head of,•sheep, and a
large number of horses; also two • thou
sand two hundred _acres of land under
cultivation. They are to some extent
in -manufacturing, -and have a good
flouring and saw mill, and a, large wool
len factory, in, successful, operation.—
They card, spin,-weave, rind full all,kinds
' of-Woollen goods, running twelve looms
—nine narrow and three for weaving
broadcloth. , Their machinery is of the
most perfect kind. They will work up
this !mason from five - thousand to six
thousabd bales 'of wool. The'members
of the society are of a religious order.
Everything moves On in perfect harmo
ny. 'When necessary the women'aid in
out-door work. '''We saw twenty in' one
carrot patch, at work. In the Bathe
field eight teams were plowing. The
society is destined to become wealthy."
SINGIUVAR FATALITY... 7 -A few weeks
ago a returned soldier called at the
residence of a highly respectable family
in Half
, Afoon, Saratoga county, N. Y.,
and :old his dvercoat. The garment
was taken and washed, The family, at
the time, comprised eight members—a
husband and, wife and six grown up
children—four sons and two girls. In
the course of .a few days the whole fami
ly was ,stricken with disease. Father
and one son died and were buried on
the same , day. Two eons soon after
died, and were buried at one funeral: 7 -
'The fourth sokdied shortly after, and a
daughter. The last,son was
, huried last
week. The,mot.ber and surviving daugh
ter have been low with the samedis :
ease. The disease was fever, had it is
'believed to be yellow fever brsome.
A MAMMOTH DEPOT:-.-.The new ,depot
of the Pennsylvania railroad now in
,course of erection at Pittsburg will have
a front on Liberty street of seven bun-
Ared feat, and on Elm street , of one hun
dred-and .fitty-nine feet.
.Five hundred
feet of the ,Liberty street front will be
of iron, highly ornamented and, the ele
,vation of the roof in the centre, will be
seventy-five feet. The plan of•building
comprehends a large hotel, dining room,
&c., and when finished it will be one of
the most expensive and handsome struc
tures ;of the character in the United
. .
or Boswell complained 'to dohnson
that the noise of the company the day
before had made his head ach6. "No,
sir, it -was not, the noise that made your
head, ache.. It .wasthe MISS we ptkt in
it," said Johnson. ."13as.sense that _ef
fect upon the head
,?" inquired Boswell.
i'Yes, sir," was the reply; !`Oll,,YeOO, that
are not used to-it." „
York T es speaking
of metal tip shoes, says : '"Metal tips
fomhildrep'„ii ithoete are worthy
rimags 441,4114vito.have au eye to ecoito-.
rkt• ' • ;
V : ;
General News items.
A Machine, just' pfit in operation , :it
`Wisconsin,Kennsha,`Wisconsin, for the mamic
tare cif, matches, turns out at lie rate'of
I,ooo:matches per :minute, 60,000 Or
houi, and working 20 out of the -24
hours, as is the intention, will produce
1,200,000 matches. •
Three years ago not a pound of salt
was made in Siginaw Valley, Mich.—
There has been exported from ,the val
ley during 1863 not less than '3,000,000
The gross proceeds received from his
works daring his life by WashlnOoe
Irving, were $205,383; since his de-
The "false-hairmerchantel of:London
import annually at present no lees than
five tuna of Maiden Melo !
Fourteen years ago the first railway
train ran out of Chicago. Now there
are ninety trains leaving the city daily.
The total number - of, cars in , these trains
is fourteen hundred and thirty-tvio
freight, and one hundred and sixty-three
passenger. The daily out-trains,. if
placed in one line, would reach twenty
five miles and twelve rods. •
Some time ago a lunatic named Ash
conUned in the Richmond (Eng
land) Lunatic Asylum, was killed in the
night by another patient, not previously
supposed to be dangerous. His widow
brought an action against Dr. Lalor, the
superintendent, which, after two days!
trial, was decided in his favor, the jury
not considering that she sustained any
damage by losing an insane husband.
In the vicinity of Norfolk the Seces
sionists are returning, under the recent
proclamation' of amnesty, to claim' their
houses and land.
In addition to, the two regiments-of
colored cavalry raised by Generai But
ler, a light battery is also being , organ
ized, which is rapidly filling np,
At Leicester, Vermont, on the 27th
nit., the wife of John C. Bullock died,
on , the 28th his daughter deceased, and
on the 29th the hustuind and father fol
lowed them to the grave. All were
victims 'of diptheria.
Nearly thirty thousand tons of guano
were taken from the °bindle Islands
last year.
The sales of pews at Rev. Henry
Ward Beecher'a Church atnonota to
Chicago, thirty-three years ago a col-
ony of seventy:persons, has grown into
a city of nearly 140,000 population.
Nurrinrons women are "reported
freezing to death' in Canada this 'year.
A gin -bottle' is . almost always in the
Miss 4eyno!ds, a, celebrated English ;
horse-tamer and breakey, has recovered
two hundred and 'fifty dollars from the
Eearl of-Dudley for. breaking in one of
his unruly steeds.
Four London surgeons are said to be
ready to swear-that. Heenan was-chloro
formed during the recent fight.
Hon. George W. 'Julian, a Represen
tative from the Fifth'district of`lndiana,
improved hiri holiday visit by marrying
Miss Laura, the youngest daughter 'of
old Mr. Giddings, how our consul 'gen-
eral in Canada. A great wedding is to
come off , in Washington in a few weeks,.
at Which the'.President will' 4give awry
the bride. •
The. Washington. V.vening Star says
the President has.ordered a court-mar
tial for the trial of Surgeon General
Hammond, under charges of, fraud and
malpractices brought by the Commis
sion that not long since examined into
the affairs of his office.
The story that has been going •the
rounds,' alleging 'MeV-George `D. 'Prep-
tice, of the Lctuiiville Jeurnal; 'had •be
come so intemperate/ that the .proprie-'
torahip and editoriihip•of- that paper . had
passed from his hands, is denied lon-au
Three fathers went up the Camber
land river in 'the same ' boat, the other
daY, with three metallic Coffins, to'bring
away the bodies of their sons who had
fallen in the battle of Chattanooga. As
they stepped ashore 'at Clarsville; they
met their boys jolly and hearty, with as
littlO idea of going into a burial Cape 4 ai
into a Copperhead convention.
A soldier iit.the NEVA' Haven (Conn.)
conscript camp,: offered =a sentry one
hundred dollars 41 lie would let him es
cape, and the sentry reported him, got
instructions, let him go, got the money,
and then shad binvarrested , by other par
Oil prospectors have made a
age to Ideeca, Peensylvania, and land
has gone up from twenty to one hun
dred dollars per acre. >lt is thought to
.be an oil-bearing iegion equal to Oil
A delegation of promineot, citizens
from Arkansas :has reached Cairo, on
its way to Washington, to. secure the
admission.of thakStataA to the Union.
The Potoidan troten over at Wash:
it4ton, end , veseell letavit4 that city are
'oblidedtocut theklai to - the channel'.
: . - •
Ur We would particularly direct the
Wea=l of our re aders to the adver
tisement of COirs Cough Balsam, in an
other calumn of our p4per: The prepa
ration emanates from one of our most
ftespeViibliiE ciSterp Drug . Hpuses, and
is guarantee d '
'y them to be the most
effectual and speedy remedy for the
cure of Coughs, Croup, Colds, Asthma,
and Sore Throat, that has ever been of
fered to the public. Unlike most other
remedies, it, does not dry up a • Cough,
;but Iposene it, and—by causing the. pa
tient to expectorate freely, completely
clears it away. For children who are
troubled with Croup, it is invaluable,
cnitplOtely destrOying fearful da ,
strayer', as soon as tiakin. We consider
itt. l lol47oe.v l3 TYl49thqr-!•9,-Provii4
herself with a bottle, if she values the
health of her ehildien, and every family
to make it a necessity in theirlonse
hold. It can be, had of any Druggist.
Price 25 cents.
igilr No man, says Mr. Stowe, in the
Boston Watchman, has suffered more
and deeper, albeit with a dry,-weary,
patient pain, thane President Lincoln.—
"Whichever way it ends," he said to the
writer, "I have the impression that I
shan't last long after it is over.' After
the dreadful repulse of Fredericksburg,
be is reported to have said, "If there is
a man out . of bell that suffers more than
I do. 1 pity lain." In those dark days
his heavy eyes and worn and weary air,
told how our reverses wore upon him,
and yet there was a never-failing fund of
patience at bottom, that sometimes rose
to the surface in some droll, quaint say
ing or story, that forced a laugh even
from himself.
er A western man lately left 'his
honie, rendered attractive by a wife and
two cnildren, "on, business ;" a woman
from the same place bade good-bye to
her husband and two children and start
ed "on a visit." They happened to get
into the same car, and traveled together
a little forgetful of their marriage vows.
Shortly after, these departures the re
,partners concluded to elope,
not knowing - that their spouses had done
the same thing. So they eloped, and at
Cleveland this happy quartette found
themselves sitting at the same table.—
They opened their eyes a little wider
than usual, and each man took' his "law
fully wedded" and went home.
' cir A curious , case has occured in
`London, showing the rapid course of
criminal procedure in,some,instances.—
A man committed a Murder—killed
e woman with Whern he; was living
On Sunday, was arrested on Monday,
the inquest was held on . Tuesday, be
was indicted on , Wednesday i brought to
trial on Thursday, pleaded guilty and
sentenced, before the body of his vie
tim had been buried. In the old times
of Tyburn tree he would have rode on
'his coffin from Newgate on Friday morn
ing, and been hanged,before a week.
ow The act O'f otie indiscreet member
of the committee chosen to, conduct the
Sanitary Fair at eincionati, in , sending
"to Vallandigham. tor his autograph, in
order to its- sale, ,has created a great
deal of excitement. The determination
is generally avowed that the charity
shall not be indebted to , the master
'traitor for a penny of the contribution
to the Sanitary' fund
co- There is to be a Queen - Eugenia
as well as an EmPress Eugenia. The
new King of Greece, ueorge the First,
is to ,wed •Eugenia, a• daughter of the
Duchess of Leuchtenberg. The Duch
ess' eldest daughter is betrothed to
Prince Humbert heir to the brown of
Italy. 'Mese young women are great
grand daughters of,the .Empress
phine. •
ar Two or three weeks ago Freder
ick F. Streeter, who was convicted of
.the murder' of the . McCoy family, in
'Medina, Ohio, and sentenced to be, hung
on the 26t,hpof-February next,. escaped
from the jail of that county on last
Thursday night or Friday'morning, and
has thee • far eladed the "vigdance of
,those in pursuit.
ar Poor Heenan suffers every indig
nity now. One paper denies that helm&
any science, another says he_is deficient
'in pluck; a thifd intimates'that he is - a
boasting, bpuncing; bii-bolieS, humbug,
and Wit, he
4 has received - his just de
gar The Boston Advertiser recom
mends the election of Rev. Mr. Grimes,
a colored Cie - x.04[1400 'chaplain of the
, Massachusetts Legislfit'ure. The good
works and high character , of this gen
-tleinan are not disputed.
eir Senator Henry Wilson of Massa
chusetts has offered a resolution for the
expulsion of Garrett Davis, of KentnOky,
for disloyal expressions in the United
States Senate. it is tliought it will
Cr Ex-Governor Hicks was elected
United Slates Senator by the l i egisla 7
tore of Maryland, to fill the unexpired
term of Senator Pierce; to which he had
bebnUPpOinted Goiernor.
tit"Anottimoliiie exploded at Milton,
Pa'De Noithwifitern railroad, on , I
Wednesday„ kiltipg. one paeseiTer. ante,
- mortally Wounding two othere.
ORT Smith and Brown running oppo
site ways round . a corner struck each
other. "Oh, dear," says Smith, "bow
you made my head ring." "That's a
sign it's hollow," said Brown. "Didn't
yours ring 1" said ,Smith. "No," said
Brown. "That'll' a sign it's cracked,
replied hie friend.
18G. FALL_ 186.
Bals, OBPS Faile f.
Shultz 8r0..,
No. 20 North Queen-St., Lancaster.
,fantp ,furs H
,fantv ,IFurz f
We have now connected with our business
as Hatters, a very large, elegant end complete
assortment of
Ladies' and Children's Furs,
of every quality and all selected with care and
judgment. Our stock comprises every de
scription of size and fashion- We would con
sider it a favor if the ladies would call and
examine our stock comprising Furs of the first
Ladies and Misses Beaver, Silk and
1 elt Hats,
Made in the latest fashion and trimmed in
every variety of style and taste, such as the
neat COQUETTE and the jaunty SPANISH. ;
also Flats untrimmed.
Tnankful for the liberal patronage extended
us in the past, we hope by a careful attention
to the wants of the public, and keeping a large,
excellent and complete assortment of goods
on hand, to merit a continuance of popular
.1,941 N 5uu,.1.4-z.
of r.. Beano ccc
Method of informitig their patrons and
friends that they have just received a
Alse, a well assorted stock of Coal Oil Lamps,
Shades, Globes, Burners, 4.c„ Inks, Pens,
Paper and Envelopes,Fresh Seidlitz
Powders, Citrate f Magnesia.
Cologne of the best quality,
flair Oils, Pomades, Sago,
Tapioca,. Bermuda
Arrow Root,
Ground Spices, Pocket Books, Soaps, Combs,
Brushes, Gum Rattles, Balls and Rings,
Taylors' Shaving Compound, Burnett's
Cocoaine and I.:anis: Flavoring
Extracts of Lemon, Vanilla, pine
Apple,.Rose, Strawberry and Al
mond, Infant Powder, Powder
.and Puff Boxes, Balm of a
Thousand Flowers,
&c., Szn.
Family Receipts carefully compounded
Prescriptions correctly filled at all hours.
11:3*Callsanswered by the DoctOr at all hours
Having justieturtied from the city with
a nicely seleeted lot of !Cindy-mule Clothing,
which the undersigned is Prepared to furnish at
reduced prices; having laid in a general 'resort
ment of men and boys , clothing, which he is
demur ined to sell Low, FOR CASH. His stock
condies of )v crt-CoArs, Dans, FROCK AND
GLOVES. SUSPENDERS, 31:e. Everything in the
Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be
fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at
prices to suit the times. JOHN BELL.
Loftier, of Elbow Lane and Market St
next door to cussel's Store.
. Fashionable. .
Boot .and Sko .11.1"anisfa chi?. er,
. . .
Would' mostretipeettully . inforth the citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood that he has
the largest assortment , of
,City, made work in
his line of business iu this Borough, and be
ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER
himself,is euablea to select with more judgment
than those who are net. He continues to man
ufacture in the 'very best manner everything
in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he
will warrant for neatness and good tit.
la - Call and examine his stock before pur
hosing elsewhere,
eioelis 40D leWilli
L.. Sr. E. J. ZAFIAI
F.SPEC I FULLY inform then
j‘fnends and the pubhc that they
.11";. , still continue.he WATCH, CLOCK
AnnJEW , ELFl . businessattheold
stand, North-west Corner of North
Queen street and Unter Square, Lancaster, Pe.
A full assortment of goods in our line of busi
ness always on hand and for sale at the lowest
cash. rates. IQ" .Repaying attended 10 per
cannily by the proprietors.
Lancaster, January 1, 1359.
riLATED WARE A Large and line stock
of Plated ware at H. L. & ZAHN'S
Corner of North Queen street & Center Square
Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee
Urns. Pitcheis,Goblets, San Stands, Cake
Baskets,Card askets, Spoons', Forks, Knives,
Casters, &c., at inanufacturers prices.
H. L. & E. J. ZAHM'S.
Coe. North Queeri st. and Centre Square, Lan
caster, Pa. Our prices are moderate and all
goods warranted to be as represented.
REPLATING attended to at moderate rates.
- 44103 .
ESPECTFULLY offers his professional
services to the citizens of Marietta and
vicinity, assuring them that all operations in
trusted to his care, either:fit Operative or Me
chanical Dentistry, will be executed in a tho
roughly scientific manner. ;F. •
orrxcE : On Main street, a few doors west
of the Post Office. . [v9-35-Iy.
Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal; Urinary
and Sexual •SYstems—new and reliable treat
ment—in Reports of the Howard Association.
Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free
of charge. Address . , Da. J. SKILLIN Houcx-
TON, HowardAssocotion, No. 2 South Ninth
Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hammered and Rolled Iron.
ikGeneral assortment of Hammered and
Rolled. Iron,. Fl. S. Bars, Norway, Nail
ods, American, and Geeman Spring
and Celt Steel, Wagon Boxes, Iron
Axles, Springs for Smiths, arc.
For sale at PA - TTERSON Ef CO'S.
T-ECTACLES to suit all who
S,. can ,be aided with glasses, , PS- 0- 1.0111
can be bouglit at Hi L. 4.E. J. ZAHM'S, Cor
ner of North Queen-at., and. Center Square,
Lancaster. New gimes refitted in old frames,
at short notice.
. EWELRY.—A. Jorge, and selected stock of
ley fine jewelry of the latest patterns frotn the
best factories in the eeuntu can ,be foirod at
Corn& of Pootei , Square and. North Quiing
= I freet, kailiaster, Pa. •
Ib eoluinbia instmce CO.,
Of Columbia, Lancaster County, Penn'a
THIS Company continues to insure Buildings
Merchandise, and °TILER property, agains
loss and damage by fire, on the mutual plan
either for a cash premium or premium note
The large and increasing capital of the Com
pany, consisting of premium notes given
by its members, and based upon
61, 475,789 35 I
Affords a reliable guarrantee equal to ten
times the average loss on the amount insured ;
and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as
liberally with those who may sustain loss or
damage as the case will admit-of, consistent
with justice to all parties concerned.
Amoy NT of PREMIUM NOTES, $155 0490.
Balance. of Cash premiums .un=
expended, January Ist, 1862,43),868,57 . •
Cash receipts during the Yeiii" a -
'62, less Agents' commissions, 6,78147
Cash reaaiPPll/1.411911arY5.4163.8410'". -
--$9,345 84
Losses and expenses paid during the =t s
year 1862, $6,329 73
Balance unexpended, Feb'y 2, 1863,
„, II
GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., secretary.
DIRECTORS : - ' -.-- .." 2 - 4
Robert T. Ryon, Abraham Bruset„ - Se4
John Fendrich, If. G. MinicV k : 'O . '
Samuel F. Eon kin, Michael S. SA' itinan;
Ephraim Hershey, Michael H. Moorti,;
George Young, Jr., Nicholas fdc Donald.
Amos S. Green
REFERENCES:—The following persons are
all members 4:his Company:
Bainbridge—li. H Jones. John 11. Sm4h,
Joseph Kuttz. Colurnbia,--Geo. Bog'c, Hiram
Wilson, F.. S. Bletz, Casper Yeager, H. C-
Fondersinith, John Shen herger, J. t:. Pollock,
Frank Shillot, John Gaus, J. J. & P. S. gel'
Tague, Michael S. Shuman, It. Williams,
John Copper, Geo. W. !Effuse, Washington
Righter, Samuel Shoch. Robert .Hamilton,
Eckert & Myers, Thomas. Welsh, _Woin4A.
Martin, Casper Seibert, J. W. Cottrell, Philip
Huebner, Ephraim Hershey, Philip-Schalck,
David Hanauer, John Kramer, Jacob Stacks,
Jacob Strine; Benj. F. Appold, Wm. Whipper,
John Q. Denney, JUIIII Feibt, Silvester, %rosin. /
Samuel Arms, A. Gray it Co. East .ileinoichl
—Simon Minich. Falmouth- -Abraham .Col
line, &roue.' Borst, Michael Huss., Lawns
ter—John Rankin, B. A. Shadier, Henry
Leman, Win. T. Cooper, John Shentfer, Geo,
Reese. Marietta—Geo. W. Mehatley, John
11. Summy, Frederick Mahling, D. :loath.
Calvin A. Schaffner John Naylor, „,sainucLi.
Hopkins, Nlartio Hildebrandt, H. & F. Duch
cr. Mount Jay—Jacob Myers, Israel ..1,1411/.,
hart, Michael. Brandt, John Brompan.—
MiiiihenaJohn Hosteter, J. E. Cross, Sam' ,
Long, Geo. Weaver, John N. Dunlap, Jib
Dutt, Philip A rnt, Jacob H. Kline, Lavi
Fisher. illaytoton—ilition Beatty, George
:Murray, :r. , antuel Pence, Simon F. Albright.-
Mountville— A. S. Bowers. Marko Tuwnsh.
—Jacob R. I . ..hoolaii, Christian Millet, July
L. Shuman. Penn 7owaship--11aolci Fro:,
11cory 13. Becker, floury Nell, elm E. time
ner. Rapho noroship--Cliriatiain
Edward tlivens, W4lllllll. - kire:
tiempfield Township—ll. E. WWI, 3. A.•Prici
M. A. k.eid, J. 11. Strict:ler .too; S..lluwer:
Jacob lioifinab. Warwick l fo/noship—llthini•
B. Erb.
Cr 'rho Company wish to appoint an .Ige/
for each Township 111 Laucusier County.-
Persons to tuLe the can epy
iu pelduis ur ty letter.
If you want a good Mack or brown Prem..
Cloth, or a superior Castor /leaver Cloth, c
a firstrate Cassintere for a fluidness Suii, yoi
can get it at Npuitelei ,Sr Poiter.son's.
Do yr u want a good finaltty of 'heavy Or fin.
(loges, Fur or Meritio Comforts, Cravats
Neck '1 les, Collars. Utadersltirtit or Dhiagirs,
Fancy Woolec Shirting, Shaker-knat IVool
Hose, or Army Xerscys, go to
partgler & PattercOria:
Ladies will find a good assortment of fashion
ionable Silks, Colored Alpaecas, Poplins.
Merinoes, DeLaines, Prints,. Shawls, Hsi
murals, Snntngs, Hoods, Nuinas, Einbruide
nes, Gloves, Belts, - Underearinehrii, llosier3
Skirts, at :...pangler 4. l'utterson's.
A 'lot of Domestic—Blankets; - Conuterp snot
bcotch Cover:ids, Sheetinp,-Tickings; Dena
burgs,'Checks, Miislinu,
Ingram Carpet, just received by
:p•raster 4- Patterson
Dinner and fea Setts, the 4iuest white Gian
he Ware in the most modempaterns, to
gether with a variety of new stylf--Glaii
Ware, and Common Crockery,. embracM;
everything in that line required for 'bowie
hold purposes to be bud cheap at
Spangler Patterson's.
Fine. Syrups, Raisins, Cranberries, - .Baku)
Molasses, Teas, sugars, Spices, &C., at
Glatz Forr
Formerly Keesey's
THIS old. Ferry—one of the oldest and bins
safe crossings on the Susquehanna River—
is now in charge of the undersigned, who haS
refitted the old and built new boars, which will
enable him to do ferrying with stingy and dis.
.putch. No unnecessary dlay need be endured.
Sober and experienced - Ferrymen always en
gaged. No imposition in charges , as the f6l-:
lowing list will show :
Farm Wagons, each
Horses, per head
Single horse and rider, • ; 2' t.
Two-horse Carriage and two persor.s, 1:00'
Buggy, horse and two persons, •
Foot Passengers, each, :12 •
Stock of all kinds at the old charges
All Luggage over fifty 'pounds; 2...1 cents Fr: -
100 pounds extra. , .
4 Ja
July 15; 1863
Having removed to the Rooms formerly outsie('
by-Dr. hioentzet, adjoining Spangler Pal
terson's More, Market Street; where hiailliow
prepared to wait on all who malr fee
'disposed to patronize him.
Dentistry in all its braticheis car-
ried on. TEETH inserted on the most approve.
principles of Dental science.' All opt*ationl
on the mouth performed ir. - a skUlftil and.
workmanlike manner—on fair principles and
Having determined upon a permanent loea
tion at this nine-% would- ask a contimiation,
of the lit ronage heretofore exiendeil
to him, for which he will render every poiskii- ,-
ble satisfaction. _
:a- Ether administered to proper persona-<,
Pointer, Glazier and Paper Hanger.
OULD moat respectfully inform the cit
izens of Marietta and the public gener
ally that he is prepared to do
House Painting,
'China Glossing,
Paper Banging,
At very short notice and at prices 63 snit tlLe
tinie4, lie ran be found at his inotner's
dente on the corner of Chesnut and See „
streets, a few doors below the 114. E. Ch pi"
and inimediately • opposite the old
Coach Works. [Aug. VA'
Y one of atom beautiAS,
ILA TS at C/1.1,/.I.'S. 9•Lke 1.
1.4-4/A4N- 5 a1;8,44./t
, Fin mode cliesil
$9,345 b-1
!ffen . bacit's