BY FRED'Ii L. BAKE; JDR. HOOFLAN IPS GERMAN BITTERS, Prepared by Dr. C. 211. Jacbon`,' • Philadelphia, Pa. IS NOT A BAR-ROOM:'ISHINK • i .OR A SUBSTITUTE' FOR RI7Mi r • Or an Intoxicating Beverage, but a highly con centrated Vegetable- Extract, 14 Pure "Tonic, free from alcoholic atimulent or injurious drums,' and will effectually cure Liver complaini, Dyspepsia, and 114001 MIDI GREW BITTERS witit. "CURE EVERY CASE OT Chlorite or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and Dis.esser arising from a Disordered Stomach. easairv,E Tux rou..owtrin SYMPTOMS remitting front disoiders of the digestive organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, lu.ness or mood to the Head, Acidity of the. Stomach, Nausea,' heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight hi the btu/ouch, sour eructations, sink grig or fluttering of toe Pit of the Stomach, iwirnming of 'ho Head, hurried and difficult iireisthing, fluttering at tht heart, choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of,vission, dots or webs before the sight, level and dull pain in the head, defici ency of perspiration, yellowness of the skin .and eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, ac., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, constant immsginings of evil, and great de pression of spirits. . 'ROMANO'S GERMAN SITTERS I= A Goad Appetite., . Strvng erres, Netvex, steady Nerves, lirisk Feel ngs, Energetic le,ding.v. Healthy A Nood ;Constitutiun, A Strong Constitution, A Healthy Constitution, .A Sound Constitution • WILL MAKE THE NV EAU. STRUNG, Will busks tlis Delicate ileaxty, Will tilatid the Will make Oa Depressed Lively, Will muke the sallow CL,rup:exion Clear, *ill make the Pali ey e Clear and Ilrimht., provi'a , bleibinrin evely be.wattlysith-percuct.raihety by male .n retnule, (11.1 or. Yuunp,. PARTICI ;LA R NuTrOE 'bete ; arc n.any pie} artitions seid ender the, of• in ; quciL. boy les, coin )..., the cheapest Wttiskey or.geminun h.iati, costing from 40 to 41) cents, per gallon, toe taste disguised ov Anfse or Coriander send. 11cc.cJam, , Ol s Balt is liCs . cccsed and will con .itiae, to ositscots Map; as, they cuti be . sold, .i..ndri us to dic•ti,e death dytit),Lard. their use the ,rya till is I..riA,cotitillually ,tinder influence of . atunu,s,,ts ot, the . werst taint, the.dosire ler liqUor is creutc . l unit l,spt up, And the iestizt is all the horrors at tendant ,uppn ,n,drunkattl's hie end death. 13p, w.ire , . k'or ilipse„who„dcsire and will,,huue a liquor Bitters, we pu Nish toefolio.vieg ieceipt (let one POO .Iloofiand's : (0714an,Bitters. nod mix .mOl Poor ,quirts of goo(Cflikok..ey or Brandy, coo the result will be u preparation that Will fur excel in.•niedicinol.:viitites and true excellence ,any of the numerous liquor bitters in. the market, and‘wil/ Gist winch less. You will have all the virtues tif Ilooflanies ;Bit ten in connection with a' good cinclo of liquor and at a much less mice men these inf..rior preparatiOns will cost. you. • ' • ' • lrelt.l3.;ATE CHI Those Sneering Crum nueruirmlie, 4 wattiog a way, 4withr scarcely-tiny flesh •on Choir boneY are cured in a very short time , ; one litittitiln such cases, will have itiost LTh.:1311.1 ry, Resulting from Fevers of any kind—these bit ters:will renew - your ea:length-M.4 short , Fk.v st - A ' N D noi re turn-it Med.:. 'Sifters ake - used.. No.person in a (ever and ague district should be without them. . , Frost Feu. J. /Newton D. D., Editor of the Eitcyilopediti.orilteljpons ./911v/rdge. Although 'tut c isposed to lavoroi recommend Patent Medicines in, getreral, "flirough disittitst their.irig . redientS Rod effects;. I:y,et knowi of 0 9 inlltiqt Int return,' why a, man may. nottes- * my to the .benefits he believes, himself:to,hasa received (Korn_ Roy simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the bene-, tit of others, . - • I do this more readily in regard to. Hootlandla German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C, M. Jackson. because I was prejudiced against them fora number pf years, under the impression, that they, were chiefly an alcoholic mixture.. lam indebted to my friend Rob't Shoemaker, esq., for the removal of this prejudice by ' proper tests, and for encouragement W. try them,•when suffering from great and long:debility.; The nee of three bottles of these bitters, at the be-. ginning, of the present year, was• followed by evident relief, and restoration to a -degree of bodily ittntmentalligor which 1 had not felt for six months before, and had almost dispair ed.of regaining. I therefore thank God and soy friend for directing me, to the .use„ of : them. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June 23, 1362. ATTENTION,. SO,LLAERS. .40. D . THE FRIENDS . . OF 'SOLDIER& We lathe attention of all having relations , ar friends in, the army to-the fact that « lioo=r. land's, German Bitters " will cure nine-teuttr," of the diseases induced by privation and ex posures, incident to camp life. In the listss published, almost daily in: the mewspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering-from de bility. Every case of that kind canbe readi- , ly eured , ,by Iloofland's German Bitters. We helve nwhesitatior in stating that, if these bit tem tire,freely used among our soldiers, hund reds of lives might be saved that otherwise would, be lost. The proprietors are daily receiving thankful letters , "from sufferers in the army and hospi tals,who have been iestored to health by the use of these Bitters, sent b them , by their friends. .liewire of counterfeits! See that the sig nature of "C. M. Jackson," is on the wrappei of uaith bottle. c PRI CES. Large Size, $1:00 per bottle, or dozen for $5. Medium size, 75c per bottle, or a dozen for $4 The larger size, on account of the quantity the bottles hold, are much the cheaper. Should :your nearest druggist not have the et e, do not be put off by any of the intoxi ea tPreparations Oat may be offered:in its i G i ll e rit.44 nand to us, and we will forwesd, ureiirpacked, by exeress. i*ipal Office and Manufactory, No. 631 Ana Szttr.FT. " „JANES & .E.VANS, CSitceetakys WC. M. Jackson & Co. ) 40. Vier PrQ in li f? SO' bV Druggists onri 6 Pralers in e ery' erehln the Fruited Si FOOS. [mar 30-/y .1. . . _ • • Art 4iibtptutitt tiro Na glininia: an X; gldiattb• pulitirs,,ltittptgt,t;algr,toturt, tke , ,Pair, yonalittelligenct, , Jie~i~l~ v~i`t Vulgisbtlr . tbtrp *lturbamtgosniTt2 • o vc o o 00, :I or y leE CRELL'S , 4OWiI Fr ont Street,:five. doors below Flury'' Hotelz , TERMS, Dollata . .yetir .m payahAelin ad vance, and if stibseriptio'r's he not paid within six - monthd sl:2s' Will'be charged,' 614 '.14 '6 l layed until the 'ex-Oration. cif the year; 0:50 will bScharged.' 4 4 " ADVEttTlSiiitt RATES :' One' (12' lines, or tees) 50rcentsTor the first iniertin'd and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. • ' 1 3 `rb feseionel and &mines§ cat ds,',2tEsiklines orless\ at $3 per annum. illoticAs in the reading col umns, five cents a-link't %Magas and Deaths, the simple announcement, razz; bdt for any; additional lines, five cenle a line. A liberal deduction made'to-iyearly and , half yearly advertisers. Having recentied added' a large lot of new .Tob and Lard type, Cuts, BordersoSzc., to,the., Job Office of "The Alariettian," which „will , insure the fine execution. of,all kinds of Jolt As CARD PR/57.1170.,>fr0m - the „smallest' Card to the largest Poster, at prices to suit the War times. Jaundice Zifite,t. Mint of .iron• I,IOR, the cure of, Weak Stomachs, genera r debility, indigestion,, diseases of, the Nervous System, constipatioh, acidify of the stomach and for all cases requiring a Tonic . , This Wine includes the most agreeable and efficient , Salt cif iron" Ave possess.; ;Citrate iof Magnetic Oxide combioad) with the molt ,en ergetic of vegetabto tonics, Yellow .P'e'ruvian Bat's. -r he effect in !milli cases iietlility; loss of appetite, and general prostration;:dfan efficient Salt of Iron, combined iv Atli bur valua ble Nerve Tonic, is most liappy. It duginents the appetite, raises the pulse, takes off touseu jar nabbine.s, removes the palor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to•the'cotintenance. Do you want something'M Soungthen you ? Du you want a good appetite ? Do you want to build up your constitution? Do you want to feel well? Do You want to get rid of nervOtisnessl' Du you want energy? ' Do you'want - to'sleep'well . ? • Do you wardatrisa and vigorous = ' feeling? if you do, try ' -- • IiI.IYKEL'S BITTER WINE OP IRON! Toffs trulv valtiahle Tonic bits been so thoroughly it sv.i.l by ail elitsses of the commu nity, that• it is now deemed indispensable as a Tonic medicine. It costs but little, purifies the blood, giVes time to the stemalm, renovates the systeM, and 'prolongs life. I Oci* - dnly. ask . a trial of this valuable tonic' COU.N . JA,V,F r 7-I*, .' toe O,,F;* E. i.ks.—Astv,ri b.4.'s.filftsr Wfatsof Tiyli f is the op X.surP a R4 ' elfectual'remedy inithe kno , werl44pi the' perrii4nent.cUre , ofDyipepsia .and Deb lity~, and us (here are. a riumber of imitations offer,, oil` ; to the public; we. Would cautiou,t, e corn triunity, to purchase none bat the 'genuine 'lli , : tide, manufactured by S. .A...l(linkl; and his Stampon" the top, of the cork of eVery, bet-, tl4. The yerx a fick that 'others are attempting; 10:irnitate, it;al remedy, ,pre' tt oititaii4 speaks v, t oliiinesip its favor The' flifterAVl, fie of lien is Aut. up4ii""74 cent,' and sltpebO,ttles`a.nd,soid'l4 all;respectable DrtiggiatC illrougroui' the country . Be t ii& - ticutar that -bottle'beara the fakainttie of the proprietor's signature. ~...6,,,General Depot, lig lilarkee Street QA - sakie. ' Harrisburg, Pa. ,:f Thin Stouti FAz; §ole.lplxv,l.Beqoo-.BLs co. and all resaeFtattle petwers evetywhe t 4 • 1171 t1 •MIEDICII.141•0: Thata oisrei Uoughs, ; • a ; • ;.• . • " 1 1 (1 1 414iti PO: Or r rli aqirstinipitifel -Ctitigh) • • : I v. Tr, p s • 111 1#45 b l / 4 ) ( r. 0(911tIB. OVEfI FIVE THOUSAND BOTTLES Have beerl sni'd in - loWn,"sii , a t ifvt a single instance of, it,,sfailure ynown. We havel;ii? OM; Tiostteskiott, , iipy quantit, ccilitle*atee; some or 4 theni ketitinizef!riftairit icians; ivtto hlive"uSed rt ifi thetertaiv;,",tims, given itthe pre-ernitleOie :0 Vet /I'o y'ottfeFeon ,V : pound:: dry irk a (ioigh; , blit it, "Su as to enable the liktielit*" • • TO EXPECT() Two.or.threedeeesAnialiancit'WNY opal • t, the. throat, ,kIF. ' A Half Bottle has oftenickidipletelyeureatther Moor STUBBORN .0017dFf, and ypt,.tpougti it is so Sian and speed„ operation, it ls p e eeflYlia'rrn I b k`e i det .t ly vegetable, iS yirig , faiitite* the, iiistA, 'and may tidriii!,,letetedte`e), Incases of Ciongiceityiti guetrraiioeA.c - u'r., a , if tiiken in sea Son. - :7 No 'Fitir.iixSlioitld f ire' wiliteurit. 'ft is‘Witiiiiv h PRICgBriaI46WY 2:5 CiINTS; And if an investment end a thimngh, trial doee 'not "back tiVt 'the 'tihqc'S'taterrierit; ° the; mottey will be. refunded: ing its merits and feelin e ii tine' trial will secure for it ii , honielliOeveryi bourse , : hold. iCv - Do not waste, away with Coughing,- when so small an inVestaimit It may be had of any ; respectable dlykKF 4 b" wilt fain lei Jou* eirmilar 'be genuine certificates certificates of cures it has made. -C. .G; CLARK,.,aropriotane f Sept. 24-6m] „ New,Haven,let. czar s - SUPPLEE & .BRO, , ~,, IRON AND BRASS" '' , FOVNDER ' S:' . And General Machinists, Second,s wed Below Union, Cola**, Pa. They are make all kinds,of Castings for Rolling Mills and. Blast Furnaces, Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns,. Fronts,. Cellar Deors,.. Weights, 4.c.,,f0r dings, and , castings of every description.; STEAM ENGINES, MTD - BOILERS, ' IN TILE MIST MODERNAND IMPROVED :Manner ' Pumps,. Brick iliass e s, i §haftingcfnd Pulleys;Mill`Gearrig; Taps ' , lifeS;:hinelitilary for Mining . 'and ' Tinning ;•." Brass )3carilikst Stearn Si Blast Gauges`, Lubricators; Oil C'oCksr ValVes . -foi Steam; GAN' and Water; Fit= tit* theit variety; Boilers; Tanks; Fides, Heated, Stacks, BoltS;'Nfitk, .Dotirik Washers, Ste. • -• ' - BLACKSMITIIING in GENERAL. Ftwpongesperience intuilding Machinery WU, flatter dureeiveithavwe can give general satis faction to those who .may favtr 4 us with 'their ,orders. Repairiug promptly attended to. Orders by. mail- ad'dressed as above, will -'meet with prompt attention. Pricis to suit the timer. Z. SUPPLAA T. R. SUPPLER.' t Columbia. Oetbber 20:1860. I'4 t f T. CR,Q . T . ,2( wan NEFF 111 LAND AVM lainOrsiifedgei tile 11. D. Benjamin . =III !' Great Discovery. _ - =I motErpTA 7 -1. • Win Pin telt 1. 9117 1;., , UNITED STATES GRANT. '4,1 , 44 '; .41 t.r. fl-What•haPicau4edlhis agat zommationa All the country tlfroughr wiaqVCionjuzikh 04 21 1840' • Who is this new Napoleon : ` , rt` In This rising star okfame? Vhert : diad'Of glolY" aiejqiittitiat " s° 7 ' ,,itlthat ttirtiughdutthe I!itort4, FRPI.A I P; 0 1.4:11ValitalTOY, ; ; at , TJnion. herpes i past i and,,,Wfst, He first in honOri stands ,eonfess'd t, And gears the Palrn away`? ;. -„• ;.;k; Flis- is a s ,iinP/47 5 t0rY•1 We need no farther go For giechristSningof our hero ' s, sutOrd . T haillhe fields t rf . lirothers itt aria were round' itim there, IATho since, in seine daribhotir,' ' ' , Stooping to treason's worki. have found .• I,ts fruits on:many-a battle ground, r in his : ren.stless power. , ; It was first at DonelsOn , He t‘rooved,npan their Woilzsi?% ' Where, though a ragamuffin mew, They fought like "turban'd Turks." t ritlt, ppod•to heltemm'd thernfitrt r.) 1 Arglooied.theirAct i rcawroug; ; ( 4 0.11-vi, And bagg'ctthem , works, guns,, Tur4 ,ttA, gatch for'a single haul - -; a a fifteen : Semi-secesh IContucky,, iA as then at once set free, And the ''iciod old flag" was thus adfrioco t sl • Tu`th'alieritt df TannesseeT" The'fiercelihiffsof•Celumb6,"tdOi;• V i • •Were , gahieffiwithout ; -'1" : 11usw S tbe.ArA grantlhpeolng•truidei,.; In .tttn,l4imissinpes,sygog blockade, To all tbeStatis below. Thugiinka single trinniph; pvenVigg was .regained But..,thip for. gr Ewkw(Aull,ngt i sn4ies, While rougher work remained Mill pushing Orithe relief tines, When other men would quail, H'e . . 'Mit -...41111) ff But Donelson andsenor n '''!' VatiME; of a tray , ConiSidd I,4ith ilfCksbiir.i'Lltittitlizik n. 44 4, '•'; • F,cir,loagues alonki the !:Frj,lPqt l a49 11 4W Upon "the 'Yankee?"attierine round 1 . , Tier upon tier of gfeat*uns frown'd , 1,1 i• • .K9TANiaa l ig lal9, lll,l Watill P)+lfie.4; A nd fl ia CT VrA-f' ti;io West Pcuntes study tiziaeinpaign, gl'° l ' ) ' lr !FVFlV 9 . 4 For weeks an r dronita,on frofi,tpid !Lipka. . . Hoi44 ; Wheiti,ctashigg oitttile:rtbet•rekr)'•;; -. 1