:: the patiettian. F._ L. .L'ctrer, Editor. MARIETTA. PA : SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1863, sir A. iettjar_re_ceived,from an offic9r of thl9ockioipg-fleet off Charleston, say!, hat the from Ililitiore's bat. teriawlApniss Island are thrown into, the' Ontertreubarbs of Charleston, and, by the either a glass, the locality and effetgft; .their explosion are easily die. certked. „Deserters say• that the city is alumtiabandoned, , but few persons ex ceßksoldiers remaining in the place.— The stocea j ava all,closed and the goods reamed. ,The tbl Ms House, one,af the pripcips t l hotels,itkre, has already , been strapk ,three.tiptes by our shells. The hows j o,la . ogneeouence, has been closed. Di*e,sarvice in the churches WU .ans. pe42e,d come weeks since. The poorer claw, nho ,have been driven out of thfir . nornas Iv., our fire, have erected tec t oporary, habitations three or > four miks z back; of the city, to escape its coliking Destitution prevails.— Higf,rationsare issued daily to the poor by,,kbeL,Tebeli commissaries. 71 ' . llaverdy Johnson, of Mary speech to the U. S senate on TiMay onset vieek, took decided An ti...Med' 'grounds. In the coarse of hieseinarbs be said ;e it would he disgraceful if, after the entployelent of colored men to defend its \dirifence; this Government should 14ti pe l rmit them to return to, slavery. He thitleed"God they never could be re. enittigell. It gave him pleasure to re matillitir that When he formerly bud the be 1 a.: driiccujiyieg a'seat on this floor, in` '' B4l, VP,- he declaied in a debate upon thililiiiijgOt dfilavery, that it was wrong as li'iyilitkit Morally, politically, and esfedlally eAoiiimnlCally, slavery was In dere-6'IIAL 'The people of this country w,1114 latifdli' becOthing wiser on this sulltiell 4l ' ' Wadi genaidr representing a Slave Stfiti'' ifleaks 'thus, is it not a scandal entlltAtike eci kee the accursed insti tution backed up by Northern Copper btii/fe " ' ' tiffil'lmi latest. from. Washington is 010 thenhAleaubject:of .the exchange offeleioners has bean placed in the hands of44loo;Allieralf tßutieri and' that he eesteetatto c'resettre- lhe; exchange,' man forgeanouatiltthe fifterea thdpsanill'Uni on eioldiers now held in captivity are gitiliktinp., ,, ittlit :said. that 'we new , hbld tbettsfiewi,Abontiand. rebel --prisoners in our possession, and will have a large augati,,gftee' all , the,ll3rnion prisoners hailieritteetftexehanged; which will , lie' re. taitedley.Wftegrep