t(nibzlst Soll)es 14. I.—Large leimily Wringer, ?tn. " cc BMtkii c. No. 8,- 1- Ldrde WAN Wrinzer, • 14•00 ( NO.'ttf. , —Mkium Laundry,to run by), MOO sten rri or No.'22 ,, —Large Laundry , hand. 30:00 Nbs 21-, and 3 have no Logs—ull others are warranted. •No. 2 is the size generally used in private families' • ' Orange Judd, of the American Agricultit.ist. says of Mtibtrzal tElotbto Ettri.n.ger 48 A child can readily wring out a tuhfull of clothes in a few , minutes. It is really a collies saverl A Tiflis Surer! The saving. of gar ments ntitl alone pay a large per centuge on its cost. We think the machine much more than pays for itself, every year in t ;e saving of I imento! There are several hin Is, nearly oltkeln general construction, but we consider it irotnAttitit that the Wringer be fitted with togs otherwise a mass of ganornts may clog the rpllers, and rho rollers open the crank Shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the tubber hrenkjnosje from the shaft. Our own is one n l. the,first.;inake, and it is as good as ;new after nearlifour years constant ase." ii,ddtly :Wringer wills Cog itleds is war, ranted in every partictsinn No Miner can be dareb:e with Out A goon Canyuster,wanted iwevery town. WWI leccipttn the price front places where no one is selling, WO will send the \Vringet fire of apense. . . For particulars and circulars. address li. C. /3 /3 0 FV/V IN , ' 317 llrdail Iv ,I, e o k :lituwin's Celebtaled U nieClieN for delicate diseases.. • N 9.). THE tittea•r ItLvi v ea.—Spred:ly eradicates all the evil eifects of self a use, lostkof memory, shortness of breath, gulik : nesi,.palpitation of the heart, dimness (if via ON or any constitutional derangement of the system brought ya by the unrestrained indul gence of the phisions. ci . salilte on oithei sex. Price one dollar. e cure in from two to ttiklit &lye.; any ease of Genorrhoca,(elap)i:i Yellin:SAC last& or smell and requires ne restyle tithi ofitction or diet ; for either sex ; price $1: TilE TEREO will cure Gleet in the otnA•leSepti,saible tithe; and I can show certili dates 'of care: - effected by this lettiedy, whet alt others have failed. No taste or smell.— Price oile'dtilltir. • ' NO: Pt:NITER is the only known temody: that will' pusithely cure strictures ot the tirefliiii tiO mutter of hw O longstanding' t neglected dm case limy be. Price one dollar. ,"'NO,. 6. TO; SOL UTO R Will cure any 'Cast , drGirtiNlll Petinadently and speedily remov all ahieises front' tliu bladdetund kidney s. P_ rice one oNoNi. 'PiIEVEN'TOR is a sure preven tialPtiptinst' the 'cent ruction' of .any disease, is reSO eipehsive and far preferable' to anything ill use. ` Adapied to either sex. Price $l, NO 7. THE AMAMI.% 'will cure the whiter radically and in lesS lilac than they can be et factually, removed by any other treatment; in fact.this is the only remedy that will realty cure this disease ; pleasant to laic. Price $ NO. B. THE * ORIENTAL PssrioLs are err' tain, safe and speedy in producing menstrua tion or collecting any irre,,Warities of the monthly periods. Price 'trio dollars. No. 9: - n FrulAiE SA FEGVA RD; or off- Bpriuk ,Regulator will last a lifetime. Price $3. Either of the Remedies will be sent free big mail on receipt of the price annexed. Circa larsgoontiging ittXurttration with full description of each Remedy, may be obtaitied by enclosing one post stamp: Address DR. IBLIX RitUNO.N, Box 99, . . Philadelphia, Pa. Whose Remedies are sold in Marietta only by JOHN JAY L1114,117;14 where circulars con tabling a full description of each ease can be obtained gi lain, on application. General Depot, North East Corner of York Avelino antYCallowhill street, Philadelphia, Pa It cornPlicated cases I can tie consulted by totter, or personalty at my office ; entram e No. 401 - York Avenue. , Da. F. iina, ON. •. JOHN • PRACTICAL HATTER, NO. 92 MARKEY STREET, MARIETTA rrimc Rs this method of informing his o'd 1 friends mid the ;public generall,y, thut he has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied by Geurgs - .L..l‘lsekley)) mid' is now perstra neutly ti2cerit to prosecute the Hutting busimss L./ ter SA2II: ITS 311 A NCB ts. Having just resumed from the city where he stlectell'a large, varb d and fashionable assort thetnt of everything in the HAT AND CAP LTN . atiE . now aStis an examination of his stock7ind prices, before purchasing elsewhere. Having . also laid in a stock of Hutting mateti iir,'he will be enabled, at short notice, to inan ti inmate' iill qualities—from the common Soft, to the mest,Easitinnable Silk Employing ;none bile thebest of•niotimen, and manufacturingspott•goods at low prices, be lippes tp.inerit a n d receive a liberal share of publib i patri g age. g;3 . b Me"hig!lest Rage' paid or leurs.—in trade or cash. JACOB A !VISNEICS TOBACCO, .CIGAR & SNUFF. STORE; Opposite the 'Cross. Keys hotel, r .111.ARIETTA, PA.. - lIV, undersigned would rospectfully inform the public that he st".l continues, at the of 1 stand, corner of Second and Wtl.llllll streets, directly opposite the Cross Keys hotel, to keep ott, hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars !rem 'tall:Spanish up, in, prices, from 86. 87 stf.o to thOusand. To fl A eco.—lsilutural leuf, r Cavendish, Oranoao Vi . ginin, Con 0. ...,- ine Spun Ladies 'l*Wisr, Count , ;Spun 0 0 6 . /Q+V Si. Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco. Am cleroles best Vine-cut. All kinds of tine Ci ars tnanti factored oh imported stock. 'Sta r: frA•LF'SP.kIq HIT. Rappee Snuff and all kII ds Attu P Smoking Tobacco. Scented'snuffs. Fnie-cutipes, Cigar Tubes, II'CY Dim litt,'LS .. - R. IA IMAN-E having puretia,eil iWetit's interest in the West ,Sr. }loth Drug busitievs,cal having located in the Itoningh of Marit!.l l "•^ for the practice of his ricare st j, m , would •.'ifiectfutlyoffer his profession:./ servi ces to cue public. '7O TILE CETIZENS , OE MARIETTA : I take peatAilettenre in rechnimending Di. WAI. II BEANE as a physician in whom I have every confidence, believing Wet he 'will give .t,ith factien to , all who May employ him. If. IVEsr, M. D. Marietta, November 8, 1b62. ('`{(LEAP READY-DIALS 14, Ilavingjust l ietortied from the city ,with a nicely selytell Aar of Ready-made Clothing, which the utiderilgripd. ' is prepared to furnish al reduced price's; hay tic skid in a general assort ment of men 11(' clothing, which he is deter': inc lisell , ' ' , von cksti.t, Ilisstock consies of lly:ka= "„ DRESS, FROCII AND SACK` COATS, '4 ): eRTS, F, STS, PEA.I ACE Eli, ROVNDROUTS, (knit) 0 RN BIAS, CRA 'MAW ERS, SIIIRTS, 110ISERY. UNDERSHIRTS, 14.01/ES. SUS PEIiDER9, Sze. Everything in the Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be foto purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at prices to snit the times. JOHN 13P.:LL. (417401491 Elbow lane and Market ,fit • hut door to Cassel's &HT. Q. HENRY LANDIS tOFFNItS his professional services to the ei t i z e os,of:Marietta.ardl nieinity ,c, s a i l e4ovisd at his Drug Store, formerly Li. llinßtietWat all times when not elsewhere qtin °leasing atlx,engaged. T o - s ty Far ways:- Having been called to a ro w t i on ,i r eth e IL S. Navv, I hereby resiim my fitoiessierr to the:Care and attention of Dr: Henry Landis, in , whom .I have evely.coo ntletrcei having had ample opportunity of as. cer.tuiuing hl4 tibility.to'Aill . M. n . O.II4IIPA9NP.dud oilier .Tt.ble Wineas guartaitiOeto be.pare.farid sold us low as cal be bought in Philadelphia or New-York. U. D. BUSJAMM Pica Building,. T HE EARLY raYs.icAL 010.60 7110 6:00 15:f4) AMERICAN PEOPLE I=l JUAT PUBLISIMD BY DR. A. STORK, rhySiCiall, to the Troy Lung and Hygienic A TREATISE on tilt Ca 116eS of early Phys ical decline of Aniert c a 0 people : 'I be cause or Net eons Debility. ConSinupilnii and Alaraimus. Tins ,worl: i L s tine ul moral tone, written in chaste, yet thrilling:language, and appeals dirirt tu the moral consciousness of ALL rAncrits and guaidialis espemaily. de tai ing mat reliable aids and [teat- RIC 111. for cure. It wall he sent by mail on the receipt of two three cent pasmge stamps. 113 Parents and Guardians! Fail nut to send ait.l obtain this book. Young loco ! Fail hot to send and got this Watt. Latices you sliLuiti at once sekute a copy of this hook. A ioo7'd y'sbletian . c . mNeilnlierus atkire to those u•&u will reflect. CIIASS.oI maladies provuit io a fearful ex tent in the community, thamiLig at It :Ist 10U,-, uuuyoutli of both sexes annually, to au early grieve. Those diseases um very impetieellv understood. Their external manifestation, or sy inptorns tire Nervous, Debility lietakation and, Exlldustiun ; I..l.arastatus or wasting, and consinni.tion of the tropes Qt the whole ...my.; sltort Hoes ul breuthiiiii or Inuit, d breathing on ascentimo ' n hilt or tlight at stairs; pear pal pitation of the Ileart ; Astlinnt, sole *Uhroat ; shaking ut the 't lands :lad Lin.6s; aversion to society and to business or slimy ; dueness of eyesight, loss of Mt:molly, dizziiit ss of the Wad, Ned.algia,„. Paull in ValittUs ports of the body ; Pains to the back or find s, Lunt ba,to, Dyspepsia or indigestion, irregularity of the bowels, deranged se..retiuns of the, kid neys mid other glands Of the:body, us Letichol- Otter of Henri &c. Likewise Epilepsy, Hysteria and Nervous Spasms- Now in simety•111110 C;wcs but of every one hundred, all the above named disordeis, and a host of others out named . , us Consumption ui the Lungs and- that artist itisidieus unit v‘ ily form ut t onsumption of the "spinal Nerves, kiloton us lathes Doisule . S, and '1 taws mesen teries, have their feat and origin in diseases of the Pelvic Viscera. Douce the want f success on the part of old school practices , in treating' symptoms only. • Dr. Andrew sione, Physician to the Troy Lung mid Ilygieric Ilistittitiote; is how en gaged in treatitig, this Class of modern 'Hata tiles tt Ali the most usmnished sneer-is- lie treat/tient adopt , .d'hy the 11/stilt/Inm i.d . ne%r ; it is based upon .0 entit;elnincipies, with hew discat eted reitirtes, without mineral., Or 1 Ili. SODS. The laciliiies of cure me such that It lients can he Cured at their homes, in any pan of the country, front accurate descr,plions ut their ease, by ,letter; and have the medicines seat by mad or express. Praned iate:rogalu ries bill he foi wsliad on nadir/1.1.0t/. Consitintutott, .vint diseases of the throat clued as well at the Dottie of the Patients Its ai the 111401'11nm, by sending the Cold Medicated inhaling Balsamic. Vapors. with 'inhaler and ample diteCtlOnS /Or Ellett use, and direceCorrespusideliCe. • Patten/4 Upptylinf /Or intetrOgatiVes or advice, 'nest enclose return stamps, to Mee! attention. EIZ' 'foe attending Physidan will be iound at the InztAtition fur consultation, fr.irn 9 a. m. to 9 p. 111, each day. Stun' in the furenono. AdJ:ess Bit. ANDRI:AV STOZQ, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic In stitute, and Physic,an far Diseti:cs of the Huai, lhioat and Lungs, t 6 F.ith Street, Troy, N. Y. Soldiers in the Army AND OUST PI 0 L E Al it OM F. AMX my-offered an opportunity by which they can obtain a good and • DURA IILE E-P ECE, CfA AT A VERY LOW FIGUM ( JUR W A TCHES ARE WARRAN FED TU.KEEP TIME One sear, and the buyer id allowed the i r vi lege of examination bt•l'ore payment is requited. IMPROVED DUPLEX. IN FULL RUBY ACTIONS A first-class II unting Time-Piece of silver material, over which is elect la-tine plated IS . grid, most durable wrought, malting the inci tation Si fautt'ess that it tomcat be detected from the solid material t he most experienced judos ;, acids will not sired it. La ilait'otaile morcun nt. Improved Duplex in Jul)uliu bus sweep ht cur:6 7 and r.. out to be,ex' . , celled in general aimed, HAM!. Thus is decided= y one of the lust urtirles ever altered for trod- CT's and spieulutors: Engineers, ent,granis persons 'traveling, will suj.etior to nny . other; a/ICI:111cm of climate will not nu, t their accuracy. Price, packed in good Awe and good running a;der, only $35, or case of 6 fur S2OU. .81)120Moubie,..Tioe, litmiii-g J,:eb,q,s,. JIEST QUALITY c!LV'iat CAsES, over which Plectra-line plated IS horst got& similar to our, iinpri.vtd Lnplrx , antl,suporiur utijustrd MOVe•riclitS 3 Wijil ••:.101)," to be used in timing liorses, etc.; has Four Indexes for tVastlington anti Greenwich time, sweep sec ond, uud all the inittroveußnts u.l, taking its beautiful and foultless . uppearatire anti its euperibr movement into consideration, we rrgaid it as decidedly ,the.cheapest, article of the kind in tie . rket. `Price in , Anod running order, or case. of G for $2OO. - XX We ask no, pay in advance, but will forward either of them to responsible 'parties, to any part of the loyal States, with bill - pa)- , able to expressman when the goods are deliv ered, giving the buyer the privitej,e. of exami- Itali a n, and, it not sitti4actoiy,, the watch cln he retu lied'at oiir expense. The'rxpress eduipanie,s ref.ise 'inaking col lections oil soldiers and other parties to the disldyal states, cohsequentl;t* all bliCh orde rs roust be'accompallird by Me cash to insure at tention. We make a deiluct.on of two dol lars on either when the payment is fotwarded ill ad rimy.... I.2ohey . !nay be sent by express at, our cx- MEM TIIOS. C IVFERT I& S 3 and 95 broad t.tmot, opposite city (kink, Oct. 17-3;n] Pruvldence, It. 1., Black Hawk Iron. Ore Washer.. rEI E undersigned having just completed new paterns for the manufacture of the celm Grated Mach Ilawk Iron Ore Washer. Be Gas remnyed several objections to the old pat ent, and now feels certain of being utile . to wash one-third more iron ore per day, and much clearer. Alachines uurnuihclured and put up any where desired at the shoitest ()- lice, and the workiirg of the machine guarrat.- teed. ire ran refer, by permission, to Cut.. James Myers. of l , egal Eurnarie . , -- Marietta, and to lames L. St t 7 Esq., adjoining Mari- Etta. Address SAMUEL IIIiPKINS, Mariitta. lA:Header Ca., p✓ 114 irrt• it's Celebrated Truss, Surgical - 16 Ban dages, Shoulder Braces, liistiuments for „ieformii, &c. These arriele, aro -70 ... very highly recommended by l'iofes stirs Poncoast and thrrys of the Jeffers,. M., o leo! College of PhiladeliMiat, :toll the under signed knows them to be iiie best urficles, ot the kind in use. F. //inktc, ill. U. A tine assortment of Flavoring Etatacts for Cooiting--sotnething very nice. j.,rf l uid helmet for making delicious desserts. Poncine, Honey and othe line Soaps. Frangipannie ant' other Extracts. For sale by Ila. it. LA..); DIS. 13U ILNETT'S Coennine. A compound , Cocoa-nut Oil, 4e., tor dressing the flair For efficacy and agteeableiness, it is without au equal. It prevents the hair from falling oil. It promotes its healthy and vigerousgroWth. It is not'greasy or sticky.: It leaves no disagreeable odor. 11 softens the hair when hard and dry. Iktiootheii the irritated sralp akin. It affords tine I irliesi lustre. It remains longeit ill efret. 'Deane. , Co: r 1,111.: Largest and best assnrtnion t of.Pan,:s I , Cloth & CassimOrea and•vesting ever offered in tido market and will be sold at prices *hie!) defy competition by J. R. Direnbach. • DEGENERACY OF In. i little A CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL CC) E Cx E , N. E. corner of sth i s , Chestnut Sts. I A. This-Institution, which was established to IS-14, and is now conseyielitly in the eight eenth y ear of its existence, II:Ito bcrs its graduates, tiondr,ds el 71:e a o,t success:el Merchants and Business Men in o tr Country. Toe Object of the Instionion is solely to afraid y•ung men facilit.es foi thorough prepa rations for business. The Branches taught are, Book-kre,Ong, us minticable to the vat lOU4 ut tra!e ; _Pennuntrish;p, both Main and ornametuul ; Commercial Law, ItiatlicmaLes ' Navigation, Citvl Edigimering, Drawing, Phonogrujihu, and Modern Languages. The Sistent or instruction is pecubar; no elu.4ses or set lesmnsme made use of, but each student is taught individually, so that he miry Ci/111111eliCP at any tinte, and attend at what ever hours ore most convenient. Catalogue,. ale ir.stied annually after the 15th of Ara:, containing names of the st:tdents i, r the year, and fall litirticulars Of!emus&e., andalay tie obidifled 4 . 411/.1 time by uhress tug Prine.pul. n exlensit e tccornotedations. wide- spread reputation, .ab•l Ibe lengn y expel Waive of the Ptincipal, this Intstittnion olfets facilities bU" perio,' to any other in the '2 , ..1U %Illy, for young men wishing to' epare fur twainenv, find to obtain A r.ircirmA, Whit' II wit: prove a recom mendation' fir themto any ftlercutd ill' Louse. ittentleh's t. et i et% Ui ' neat ises on 'look- Keeping, now wore Lle:y circulated than any other woikon 11. e subject, are ler sale at 1.4 e ege. lionc. Es craTTENDEN., firoineg-carLaut, Vit/XCIP.4 L. Jan. IS, '3t?.-13,1, [COAIMUNICATED } PULMONARY CONSUMPTION A CURABLE DISEASE, A C.A R TO coxsuaiPTivEg The .undersigned having been restored health in u few weeks, by a ter v simple remedy sf.er haying suff e red severely for several years. with lum,r,alltectio-t. end that dread disease, Coostimption- 7 is anxious to make known to his fellow sucTere is the means of eine. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the presmiptiott used (frae cif...duirg,), with the ditnctions for prep:Whiz and "using the same, %Odell' they will find •a sure cure for Co'n , uniption. A stlim:4 Broociitis, Cutigh§, Coith, s f -e.. The only of knit of the advertiser in f eliding the prescription, is to benefit Ice afflicted, .and spread information which he conceives to be inv. ar.d he hopes ev ery sufferer will cost them nOthing, and may prove a blessing. {hales wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDYAR to A. WI L..y)N, firtitieimbu-rg, NQ. 8-13t.] • Kiogs N. Y FARv.ERS: FARIERS AND HORSE DEALERS, L eOK u YOWL INTi...„Es.i! Fii ONE Fl E S i.,,,ebritted Preparations i unparititle.l in the history of medicine, and the itied.cihes iic z ei re stir uuun. His PkiVi liCr slat ltd• for ti,c cute of Yellow Wuti r in horses and in cows its tendency to incieuse the I r ill:glint us Atilt:, 'hater xdd l.tkl:us mit:lett the attention of Minims, causing it to be Inn- Velbal IS us e d. Ills highly recommended and j it ly (telt:hi:dud Ciittle Liniment is a speedy (Ire for all d tt e A ses to which an ,xtc• hal ap• pl.catiun is usett.L Those who are wilt. , Rheumatism should secuic a bottle MI me, lately, haring rcea used by main' of our must prum tient citizens who s i u k Cf it tat the highest terms oh praise. Come, 4111 e 111:1I all, lay a broil.: and be convinced of its mei its. Constantly' unhand and fur said tur IVlarieitu .lug. li.J 111 illli` CO. \ R. J C 5 Sr. CIIARLEt-ST., ittErWEEN SIXTH •AND SEVENTII LTIIkKTSJ ST.' LOUIS, MISSOU Lseccz A TTENI.I4.*: Tu Cllit IN IC I)I:SE . ASKS, Dyspqr.llt, Cuitoluiption, Liver Complaint, Pileri t unit sit, E~eln;le Loin pluit'its. Die, IV. will ;e1,(1 ills Cliropic Dis- ~ k ISLtS, (orb' cents, to, re-pay pn.tagt. .ti) tn,Attat lists iur at.y oi-t we, forwarded. Le :lied cities fa,rwartlett 10 any pw,t office in the Vatted States Post Mice Box, 3u:32. St. Loots, Auk ust 1, iSIII3 -Is. JOIIN 13:ELL . Mei-chant T4lor, t.ir. of illar.:•el-st., and Elbow Lane llarietla It U L for past favors I won't! retutr lk ma* thanks to iny numerous friends and pa r i.i3 and infurm them that 1 StI:1 al I business,at the 4.41 stand. w here ) w.ll be pleasim to see them ut all [tints, and having a Intl unit splendid assortment to CLOTHS, CASSIJIERES & VENT! V GS, which will bk made up to orticr at the shorleet notice by ,the. best of workmen; and Olt teilsuriu ble terms, I would be pleased, therefoii, to tyait upon my, old eustitnets nod All who dee proper to Pate,iiiize Inc bereafier.- MARIETTA MARBLE YARD: Michael Gable, ~t Ae • 1 MARBLE MASON AND STONE CUTTER. • OlVia.qte Ike bairn h uII Park - , Marietta, I 'a. C L ,” ___-0---- . . . . _ . r p irE Marble' busineSs in all its bi rth, hes, I will , be kontillatal at the old 'dace, bei,r the TOWII hail amal opposite Funk's Cross Keys Tavern„ where every descrilition In 1111104 e work mill be kept no baud ur abide to order at s4ol't nonce alai at. very reuzoaable prluvs. Abtrietta,Junc 39, listi I. f in- I y . C ll F.; AP LA 'lll P A. FRES.I.SUPPLY Or Coal Oil Lanips and LantOrns • la um ) patent stumble for the Parlor, 11 e ..itches arid 01;C:1:amber ; Hanging and side Lamps for flails, Churches, Stores tool llaviitf purchased them lnim the manniaclu rers in large quantities id the bluest cash rub at we can sell them touch under the Maud retail prices, aithoug.li every Aber,, description 01 gaols are advancing. PATTER,VON . 4( CO. 1 1 . 1 2 . 1 1 V1 P r . Lneated: on Chestnut street, opposite the. 01,1) I'ATE I (Mir= E., and in close proximity to the principal Jobbing and Impotting Rouses, Banks, Custoin Rouse, and places- of amusements. The City Cars mn be taken at the door (or within a squat s) fur any depot in the City. The House has been renovated and retitled. &TERMS $1:75 D WYATT & LIEU NGS, PROPRIETORC. )ILIAII GttnC tll;R:—ltio,.lavaand Ltimiirit Coffee; !shed. Pulverized and Itiown ' sugar; Superior Green and Black Tea , Rice. Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prime ha; kink'Molasses; Excellent Pearl Ballet' at • .1. R. DI FEE iV MR. NA T • 1 1:i C ilf ( I ) C X te ' l; 4 • Sp t l (: l: s v iir. 4 Bl :l 7 .l d a r ) M ll WlT a t i self-adiwtible Hustle. The latest anti best in use, just ieePivpd at DIFFENBACH'S A- CHOICE I:ot of Books for children cello! j uk indistroctable 'Measure Books; School nod l'aper, Books, Ntntionno - , Pens, Pen holders. For sale "by Dr. Landit. iCI& Oak I%rood, - 60 Cords each i Hickory li and Oak Wood.:Otters must be accompanied- with the. cash when they will be promptly dile. Spaugler & Patterson. 11 - #:(ol4iiltzil*loof4l ,CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. PLIIIE AND P,OIVEICECTI. TONIC, Corrective and alternative of wonderful elpea ey ut dtseese of the Stomach. Liver and Bow els; cm les llyst.epsia, Liver Complaint, Head ache, Genf:lid Debillty, Nervousness, Depies :ion of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, Intermittent, revels, Clamns and St; asms, cud ad complaints of either rex, arLiing from bodily weukoess whetner inherent in, the system or produced by special ,causes. I`,:olattie. that is not wholesome. geni4l and testorative in its tittrzre cotes into tne.compo sitiOn, of lhatetter's Stomach. . This poptihir picpinstion coutaiuy . no m i neral of any kind ; Ito deadly bytanical etc:tient ; no ft cry excitant, but it is a combinatioli of the ex tract of rare balsamic herbs anti plants With the purest, end mildest of it!.l d.frusive stimu lants. It is well to be forearmed ap;ainst discaso, and so fai t as the human systcii} cAn be protec ted by human means against maladies en gendeied. by au tmylio:ezome atmosphere, iut pate wateTat,d other external eidtasezi i ft 0 ST E LOS INTTERS may be relied 01l as a sureguaid. in districts infested With 'Fi'imitnt'd Ague, it . • has been found intaltib:c 175 . 41 prr vent - mire and irrvaistible as ti remedy. and 4liourrant6 wha resoicto it Muhl' MTN:hen:Ann of an attack, c.,can'e tie §iieui"ge ; and tneosands who on- . gket avail , of protective gnat lill•S ni vcnce, are med . by a very Mier cotire at' talc marvelous nu d:c ne. Fever and Ague patients, after being plied With quinine Jar month§ in vain, until lair 3' 'saturated whir that dangerous :ilk stud, are nut nifiTquently to health within A few days by the list a Hostetler's Bitters. • '1 he ut nk Sminach is itt2dly invigorated and th-: appetite re:aimed by this tmiceatild to nic, and hence it ' t twits wonders in eases 91 Dysinp,ia and ia lesscoalitmcd forms of indi gestion. Alliti4 as a ;tenth -and pathless Wive- IA at, us well as upon the liver;it also int.:it-t -at:oy relieves the lonsfrp Mon supel induced by nctunt of the digeotiVe and secretive organs. l'etsous 01 Mebte liaOit, liab atJ ner vous attacks, lowness of spitiis and its of lan gout'. find piumpt ar.d permanent relief franc tat ltd.ters ou 'this point is innsieoimmsive. anal in,m hath sekis. 'rite agoay df ITdivas Go/ic is :in nediately asAlaged by a stogie (.1 , 14e of the slialWara., and ue,..sio::atly reboiling to it, the return of the Lotoptaiot way be prevented. As a .gesierui look, tiesTETTOWS BITTERS produce t li,icts which must , be experienced rii witnessed [afore they can be app.eciated. Jo eases of coqstitts(iolial IVt ahnes,, Preina flue Decoy ond Debility and prelepitude aris ing from Old rlgiyil exeici s ses the electric in fluence. in the einivalosectit stages of al: t/1::e.i.512.5 it operolcs as tt delightful tiayigorant When the powers of undid: ale relaxed. it operates to le-enforce and re-establish then). Last, Lut not least, it is !roe tb.ly let, ben g toatioinettned from shout aunt innormotis materials, and * entirely' flee frt. in the aeal ci. menus pteseht more or It s 3 to ail Cite ordinary tonics and stonialtines °I the day'. - Nu - faiuity . Inetheme bat tiCtill . 60 universally, 1111,1,11 Cast be truly added, dew Vedly popuial St jilt tlie portibil bf the altar/tinily : as tiosTr.TrEa s I.iirrnas. Prepal6l by lithS fern:. s: S.NIIIII, lvd;•..s.buig, Sold Gy all Drum.las, Grocers and Store lie:pers everywhere.. tp.zioloKffs Zetitjilia i'reptiriois'os comrou ND 1:'1.1; I 1) EXTR . ;ICT Iltlet!U A AND SPECIFIC it EMEDV For d.bea.es of the 41:01lie, Kidneys, i and Dropsii ,S‘velliitg.s. . • Tl.is Alctheine int ieuzes the poWer of Digps. lion, unit Oicoes the A h s o,itii;iiis into, healthy action, L 3 which the Watery or Cole:act:us de po.itions, to d till euludgetoilits ate 'educed, uu well us JIEL..IIBULII'S .EXPitAC.e BLit:LW For tvrukttets arisusg from ixcesses, of dissipation, Cil/ly indiseietion of abuse, itt• tended with the lohowing st toptonts : Intitspotittoo to exett LOU, Lots of Power, LhitielLty of breading, Lots of Memory, %Veal. Nerves, . Tiemb Horror of Piseuso, Waketulness, Irinittessof Vt3Sit)ll. •• Pali in tae Bock, vet,al of the muscular system, Flushing of the body, Hot Hands, Eruptions on the Face, Dry nets ol.the skin. I'alid Countenance These symptoms, it to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon folio WS Impotency, Fotuity, Epileptic Fits, • cats SUY that they ate not frekinenily fol lowed by taus': threrul Disenoes, - ' • . In,ahtly and Onsumption.'! Minty aro aware ni the catize o f their suffer ing, but mute will cures the tecords of the .insahe Asylmps. Aletanitn.iy diutits by Consumption bear ant p'e wit, ess to the truth of tli uzsertion. "[be Lipl.SZipaion O. ce effected with Organic tycalliez.S riquikes HE: aid of tneti.eitte to strenzilien aim in% igurate the *stem. which II fr.: 1. BUCIIIJ invarial Iyuoes.Atrial cum ince the MIM=I FE 3IA LES-FE:IIA LES-- FE.111.4 LE S lu man) xtdc•tens pecu tar to ti Ales the 141C.i1l is hi,enqu.i.e..l 14 nay Wier rein 'di, us t:1 Cli.urobit or ft , tetition,'l l'auStthtess or suppression of etts:co.tta r.. i t aellailo.la, Ulcerated or sC4l:fit 11., mate cf the Uterus. i eLeholihoed or White:, r lility, WEI lot all C.topatittta ittci.leitt to th - bCX. u•te•ti er at-s 11; lion, luttnts t.f I.li..itiPttltuti, or to the det•ne o' (h ASO E 1./P k; Take no mole balram, Mercury, or nor leas :tilt medicine, , , fur unple.tsant and dang,..n.us dizeases. EnDIDOLD'a EX. Rrl CT 1!TICII 221/d. lAINIOVED 11104 A 5.1.1 CURES SccuEr DJ SE.9':,ES In all their atages, - At little expense, Little or no change in dirt, No AND NO EXPOSUB.E.. It causes a In quell( desire and gives strength to initiate, thertuy ioniving obstructions, pre venting and curing Stuctuies of the Urethra, allaying pain and indentation ' to frequent in the class of diseases, and expeiting air poison ' ow. diseased aid W 5171001 matte , . 'faun-suds upon thousands who have been the victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to hesured in a shuit limo, have. fourth they were di eeived, and that the-Poison" has, by the usu 01 "pommel astringents,?' been clued up in the s) stew, to brew: out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after Aber riage. .11.0 Ilertibord's Extract Buctut far all affee- Duos dibeabes of the Urinary agar's, whether existin4 in Alale or Female, awn whutever cause wiginating and no matter of hutc lung ,tandin . g. DiseasC•s of the.,e Orgsns requires the aid of a Diuretic, Iletnsold's Extract &tau is tic gre it Mardis, and is (Taunt to have the Ce ntred elnettin all Diseases fur ttiticli it is Ite oinniended. 4..vtilema of the most reliable and responal- We Muiramer.wil,accompany the meeicine. Plt ICE l. 0;) PEA BOTTLE, or trjl.X for $5 00. Delit.eiett to any Address, .seeurely packed from ob3ervartio'n. - Describe, Symptoms in all Curnmunieuttothq, Cures Guaranteed! Advice Gratis I! Address letters for information to 11. T. II ELMBOLD, Chemist. 104 Soul Ii Tenth-st.„ het. Chestnut, Phila. IleLsi BOLD'S Medical Depot, H ELM BOLD'S Drug and chemical Warehouse. 591 Broadway. New Volk. Beware of Counterfeits and Unprincipled Dealers who endeavor to dispose "of their own" and "other" articles on the reputation attained by lielmbold's Genuine P;eperations. " Extract Bucha. cc cc " Sarsaparilla. cc " Improved Bose Wash. Sold •by all Drogeists everywhere. Ask for liembuld s. Tate nn other. Cut out the ad v:rtisrment and send for it. And avoid impoSition and exposure. SCHENCK'S PULNIONIC SYRUP WILL CURE CON fl MP I lON SCIIENCIC'S PU [.BIONIC SYRUP WILL CURE CONS(' AI PTIO N. .S.CIIENCK 9 PUL %lONIC SYRUP. wiLL cunt; CUNsUMYTION, SCIIENCK' PU k.Nl9tilt; RUP •Wll.l. CURE CONSI IMPTION. SCIIENCK'S SEA WEED TO EMI= DYS VE . FBI A SCIIENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC I=l= D s ENaiA SCIIENeK'S SEA WEED TONIC WILL rUllll_ D 6 V 6 L A SCIIENCK'S SEA TEED TOXIC =1 DYSI'ErSIA .CIIENCICS MANDRAKE PILLS Wild. CURE LIVER CoMPLAINTS SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS WILT.CI. , 2h • ' LIVERCONIFLAINTS. SCHENCK'S .41A14DRAKE PILLS CUR% . LIVER COM I'LAINTS SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS "%VIM.. CAME LIVER COMPLAINTS DR. T. IT. SCHENCK has a large suit of rooms ut No. 3: Bond st.. New-York, where C.lll he found every Tueolay, from 9 u. in. t i 3 p. and at No. 39 fforib Sixth street, every Saturday. lie keeps a large supply of medicines at his rooms, which can be had at all times. These wishing advice or examination with the Ites pithineter, his price IS Many Persons are afraid to have their lungs examined by DR. 5(../LENCK for fear they wail be finind incurable, all i by that means it is pot A' until it is too late. Ilow much bet ter it would be tuknow'theirennditiott at once, as by afitindance of evidence, Dr: S. has shown sufficient certificates in this city that be has timed advanced ttagespf cokispierni')n. DR. SCHENCIO.s Principal Office is No. 39 North Sigth Street, Piiiitidelphia, Pa., where letters for advice should always be directed: .11:r Pak': of the Pulmod.c Syrup and Sea Wred eacti„sl per bottle, or $5 the ddzen. Mandrake P. l ls. 25c pot• box kur sale by all - druggists and storekeeperS - Uctal4er 24, ISU3. 12.3ra15. A Fortune for All! Ek. MEN OR WOMEN NO HUMBUG, but an Etsrtarxit I , :tw thing. Only three months in this country ! No clap-ttuo riperation to gull the public, :but a genuine money-making thing'. Read the Citeular of insttuction once only, and you will understand it perfcctly. A Ludy has just wr.tten to • trte that she is making as high as TwEs:Tv nom.lns SWIEDAYS! giving in structions is this art. Thousands of Soldiers ate making money rapidly at it- Nu person bus to be urged to patronize it. • It is a thing that tidies better than anything ever before .tiered. YOU call make money with it borne or abroad—on steamboats or railroad curs, and in the country or city. You will be pleased in pursuing it, not only because it will yield a liandsome.i..conte, but also in consequence of the.generuktdmiralion which it •eficits.' It is pretty much all profit. A mete tride,is neusatry to start vith. • There is scarcely .one person nut of thou sands Who ever pays .any attention to adver tisements of this-kind; thinking they are hum bugs. Consevently those who' do send for instructions will have a broad field to make money in.. Them Is a class of 'peisons in'this world. who think because thej have been humbugged out of a dollar or so, that every thing that is advertised is a hutiltiug. ConSe quently they, try no more. The person who succeeds is the one that keeps cm trying until he hits something that pays him. This art cost me. one thousand dollars, and cxpeet to make money opt.of it—and nll.who purchase, the art,from me Will do the same.— IMe Dollar sent to me Will insure the prompt return of a card of instrue:ions in the ult.— The money trill be eturral to those telto,;are not Address WALTER T. TINSLEY, No. 1 Park P.acc,- New York. SUPPLER & BRO.. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS And General Machinists, Second :street rkeloto Uniqn, Columbia, Pa. They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling : Mills and Blast Furnaces, Pipes, for *team, Water arid Gas ; Columns, Fronts, , Cellar Dpors, Weights r /kr; , for &li Pings. and castings of every description ; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, IN' TILE MOST MODERN AND ISIPROVED Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and Pulleys. Mill Gearing, Tapia, Dies; Machinery Mr Mining and Tanning; Brass Bearings, Steam & Btast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks, Valves frir Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit iings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks; Flues, Beaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors, Washers, &e. ' ALA CKS'ill/THLVG in GENERAL. Frain longexpermuce in building machinery tics natter ourselves that we can give general satis faction to- those who tnay favor us with their ordErs: :ga - Itepailing promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above r will meet with prompt attention.' Prices to suit the times. Z. SUPP LE E, 2'. M . SUPPLE E. Columbii October 20, I O. 14 tf (AI DT VA PK RC 11A. BLACKlNG—without i jam: brushing: For Boots, Shoes, Harness, Carriages. and Alilitary Leather Work., D gives the a polish like patent leather !mikes it water proof, does not stain'the whit est article of dress and,need. not be.applied:ot teller than two or three times a month. For.sale at Dr. Landis' Drug INE. AND LIQUORS. y y superior Old Itranly, Old Rye Whiskey, Rolland Gin, Old Maderia, Lisboa, Sherry and Pert Wines. Pittsburg•Whisitey.alwayi on hand at the lowest market prices. Very 'Fine Flan'dy a very low figure , R. DIFFENBACH.Nerket-st. 5100 :Re ward. FOIL A MEDICINI4I That will cure Coughs, Tickling is the Throat, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Or relieve Consumptive .Couglo AS QUICK AS CO E$ BD/SDIV. OVER FIVE THOUSAND BOTTLES Have been sold in it I native town, and net a single instance of failure is-known. - - f , fr We have, in our possession, any quantity of certificates, some of them from 'hninerti phys icians, who have used it in their practice.,and giytm it the pre-eminence over any other coin-, pound. Ti does not dry tip a Cough; hut toase**2 tt, so as to enable the patient , • TO EXPECTORATE FREELY. Ta•o or three ;lobes L ill fnvartablg...cure titlerng in the throat A half Bottle has often completely4ared MOST STUDDORN couatt, ' and yet, thou 4.1 it so lid eiciP " 7 1 4 .3 operation, it is perfectly harmless, beingimitell ly Vcgelabie. It is very agreeable to t tne taste and may elliidranufany age, In rases of Croup we Will:pwercintee a cure; if token in season. X No FAMILY Shirlt44,be Withintt tt. It is within the teanli fifit i il;llta t PItICE BLIND ONLY 25 . CEN1 At And . if an investment and a dwelt& I Sidi docs.not 'r.bacir up".the above statemelt,4l% motley will be refunded. We sak this'itnoWl ing its merits and feelifo-conlident' thattiart trial will secure for its Line in every o l, bold. not waste away with t' when so small an investment will cure you. It may be had of any respectable druggist, who will furnish you with a circular of genuine certificates of cures it has made. C. 0; eL. AfeKi "PrOpiiettrig Sept, 24-6m] Areitlrlianso: 7 / ALL KIN DS 0F • •, 1 / FANCY FURS/ For Ladieg and Children's Wecinr. I wish to return my thanks to mytrieadut Lancaster and surrJunding 'counties ? !or tWir very liberal patronage extended to-me efine the lag few years, and would say-so tbelpol4; I now have in star!, of my own impoilation and manufacture a very extensive asfortment, of all the different kinds and qualrtiesof funsifi r furs for ladies and children, that will will"be wain during the Fall and IVinter seasonst Bcing, the dtrect Importer of. all tlit , FURS; from Europe, and having them allmtinufactu red under my own supervisionenailesitnea offer my customers and the puhlic wpm*. HA ICDSOX ER SET OF Furl, for the same money. Ladies please' /yen* a call before purchasing! Please :caw ker name, number and street. • JOHN FAREIR4, 718 Amu- Sept. 17-sms.j PHJLADELPfiJA• NEW. AND FRESE DM' 'Sr "' @s. ,a"Zerb , 4 ,S:ezritzo4, ..%llrtt.S.Sor to 3Dt. jrraniain Rittiat. DR l . iit L e A re N s - t D a I n S 4 l k in o N o, ill i t i t i u , r ) c f h p a r se . d y. thLei k q i it, r* Brag Store, would take ti iy oppoitunlty to iu= form the citizens of Marietta and the public' , generally, that having just received Wirt PhiP adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he will spare no pains to kee r cOnstantlyOn band the best and most complet.ias.soxtment of ever , rything in the drug line. '4.la Lot of E ARel y : DM hf 'scl z, l consisting in part of German, Frencli and Eng.:. lish .perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams; Toeth and Nuil Brushes, P dialer and other , flair Conob4llair Oils, Poinades,etc.ft Port _ironies, Pocket Books, PVT and Powder f3o; cs,4c., The celebrated Batch(' lor's HAIR DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes,liglia Ala • gogue, Bart v's Tricoperotts, for, the pair, 'Bay Ru n, Arnold'slnk, large and Small Sized heit: ties, Balm of a Tltousand.Flowers,.Flour ot awe, Corn Starch, Heckers Farina, all kinds of 'pure Ground'- Spices, - CoMpotind'Syrkia Phosphate, or Chemical iaod, an excellentar t tide for croak dyspepsia and a tonic in m Cour pti vet D ng uses, Rennet, r emigulatimilk, an excellent , preperation fortbe table; Table Oil—very fine--bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of Haet's perfumery,pomad,es, soups, Re. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative is now eierywhere acknowledged'the:besti'l A LARGE 'ASSORTMENT OF'i3OOKS AND STATIONRRY;' Sheet Music always on band, and .;procltretl by weekly, orders from the city. Having secured the services of....yr..ilarrison Roth, formerly of the firm of Grove ;Sr. With, he feels 'confident that he can accontrritidate as well us'please his numerous patrons,aatt friends. Old Port, Sherry aril Madeira ;Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. The Doctor can be prolessionally - -,Consultt d at. tne store when not encaged elsewnere. Remember' the origosite the I>isi Office, formerly ,Doctor, DURYEAS'AIZENA Received two —Prize Medals"' ' Priem Jv RUES 3 AND 4,j AT TUE International Ezhibition, Lonion,' 1862' BEING THE SOLE AWARDS GA II INED BY ANYTUI it also received I "Exceeclin MA At the Great h, _ Hamb; Received ti FOR ITS DELIC Used for Pudding &c., Without Isingi It is excellent foi Gravies for } ish, 1 Cream i.othing can boiled in Milk make Chocolate, Tea, &c. for food for chitilre, suprrior to Arrow nonacid. Put up in one p trade-mark Maize, use, and sold by all WI 166 F August .1,:2•61n1 . . 1610UY one of thot. JD HATS at Cali ERE F:x~~:', , F~R&~.? JOHN Ft RHlttt; • 7JB .Artqn 7 .5"4" . 4: , .. ! below Eighthi4soui* te PHILADELPHIA: 9b . lAIPORTER;! . Manufacture; '0'1.4 AND DEAptit:lp