IMO . • 1 . • BY FRED , K BAKER p FfivirrpA q , A) . • . r i l tt ‘ ' ll4l. • all' 1 4 .1 0aa". 1.1 • • • • • n • " 1Y9•11661.ta • ilItM AN :4 6 0 5 r; p— - "N areci by br. C M Taason. ' Pa. IStlfoT , A. BAR-ROONC , D RINK, OR A 'Bl7iitlTU'VE .POit RUM,' Oran Intaxicatind , Beyerage, but a highly co'n eantratecLAregetable rEartlacti a Pure Tan ic, free from ahronolm atimillent ot injurious drugs, and %MU 'effectually cure , D4xpepsia, and Jaundice. x .t:>~sa.vl. _>>~~ lickaßLApjl . ,GEllll3lll l l BITTEag ~, ..., ,W4I6M CURE EVERY CASE, OF Cbronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidney‘ and . DiseaSe3 arising fiord a Disordered= Stomach. 4 'ortrtvfolX , ToLLOW ING SYMPTOMS YeeMtti II from disorders of the digestive organs: Qu'utilt O FOl n, ard Piles, Fti:dietie .or Brood to the l i ead, Acidity of the Stouiiich, :Nausea, iliotthtim,..l , fur Food, , Fulloess or weitlit in the Stomach, sour evuotatioria, sink izit or- ,flUttering of tne Pit '9f:the Stomach, Otrnming of, 'he Head, hurried.asiti difficult ; breathing, flutteiing at tlit t ' heat, choking or Sensationsautilotiug, w lien'. friLli;lying posture, dimnesi of vission, dots , or' yebs .trefoie the sight,, levet and dull paitrin.: the he a d,4ol4_ euey of perbpiration,..Leilodess' of the skin atitt-eyeS; pain in the,irlde, hack, chest, limbi; &e.,-sudden flusheS of heir . r burnin ,, in'the flesh, ,-, constfttit immsginings of evil, and great do pessun 9f spirits._ . , .. ___ „, J ---. ." -- - - HOOFLAND'S GERTAN . BITTERS ''' ' WILL GIVE YOU 4, Good Appeditc,. , .44* -mg 1., Nrv es, ,„,; , ,,..,ti.olthy Nerves, . ~, ,Ateads.,Berves, : • - . el , ; ,..linak, Fed iligs, ' - : ; .• . , 'l, ,• • i, , ,,i, M ... , , latergetic,-Fectings,:., - , , -, v. ,„, :„ ~, .. , , lieuithy Feelings A,cipod,Vollititution,• , ~., , . ~ ~.;,, : ,_;.. Al Strong 'Constitukionj A.,ffealthp - Contititution,.f • A,Somni),,Constitittipa. WEAm...S.raosa, Will ins,j4, ,the L' eiic ate Heaity, Will task 'the 'Will 004 that •DePreseed • 14ivel.t Will ufuke the • t ' •Salloiv Couiplekidrioeleir; Will Make, the Dull e,ye lA, 'A' ..Clear and Bright, ...;„ • bVill prove a bleating in evety "Can i:bb`letid itb ,PerCeet larety, by-1110e cr le.inale. Old ur Young. PAIR ' r iCYit,dtli N( )Ti er," f • There are n.any preparations,soid undcahe name of 'llittp'r,'pitt uplir tioaft hottlt4,-coni rounded of the cheapest Waishey ercphoaxon itpra .easting horn to 40. cent& .per tita 1,m;5i.4,1i/utseil by A or COqo vier set rS .I,ltlb PlO A (Vii!Stf Will tin 'cause, u lohg - 'they '6e - solif, - ` !iewh of a ityyotzuittl , tbrr ILLSe.the'bystein is lopt eOntinualV vier , the, inflnance at alcoholic Stud!) litA the desire for tiquor is ctcafe i slid aelit 01 , , Oita the i!esuit ail' the Iliiii•ofs"atT" tendon!. Alpo!! a Lirunkttririlie uiitt detttli. "13c- Fof .them.. ';- or ; slcsire and oig 41,1 y. tiITI/9o 4 r . bitterrs, ka tnislk the folks) tv, inkrr ecip,t!: " ,one. ¢otile. iiittePe*,n'd nix with' gitarts "of kooil'TV7l/069 a'utt,ttle•re.snit..-will' best_ preiniration'. th t:, /I fart cafttl • ineilthiput ,vittues.and tru excellence any of tile nuirteroni bitters in. Ilia utarlier, , ttial voliPc.”W muck was. Yohytill:have. thc, ilt tio Wit li . A.l„opuft `art lc I o I k ti . 'l) anipat ,ttluejt slttce tilt* tlie'.li'l4ft.,s.!.Br. lePjtro.tkana wilt cost . . Those *}tB'erilig !loin away . , with scarcely any Anshod, their hopes are cured in a rely short flaw ; one :buili.. in. such, cages,"trill have most sueprisio t tellect. LIT Reyttlin from ears of ;any kind—thCie bit ters wt renew your itienktlliti a short tulle.. kt r writ Aikux.---The willmoi re vim I V . these Afters ace n.sed. No person 1:5 a • fi'ver an abtteMl ietrtct sh9iild be without From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D, Editor e t the k,: it ryclopcctig, of neligious,Knowledge. Al thdtigh hot deposed to favor recommend Pafent Medicines in geberal, through clistioat their ingredients and effects ; yet know.. of rin`stiflict •tit reason why a man ma, not tes'-' tifYt,b l ithe'beriefifs' he believes himself to' haVe received' fioni any simple keparation; - in thb hope thathe may 'thus cdotribute to the 'bene. fit of others, , • ' Ito this Mole . readily in regard to Hooflaud's German Ilitters, - prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson bechuse I was prejudiced against 'them' for 'a ;limber . 'of'years . , unider the trnpreision that thcy were ehiefly an alcoholiC Mixture.... I 'am indebted to my friebd Simeniakee, for the remoyat of this oejudice by.. proper ' teats, and for e twOurisge.iien Thy Wea, when . ufferiog from great and. "Wig deblifYL";:c4 %ye of three bottles of these bittersfriltAtifeoli* Outing of the present year. ,was followed by, etilltent'relief, and 'restoratieff to a degree be bodily andimentai r ivignr whith Itaci•not felt ' for Aix months before, and.had almost dispair -0.0.a( rogfloArwq„, .10.1cofpre,,,t4aqk,Gnd•aild tty.kondlot.,diteetinig Terto,the ,usrofthem. #1• !APPYTEIN,4II9.OWW 04ailelphia, June a Aso,l , , •, _ ~ A TttN U . -19N ~y l, p 4 Ti ' g. wan THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. ' We calethe attentiOn'oe'd liiNtiV, garitn s„' or friends in the 'array:lto thi'fitet tht4 "Iffinif.' ladd'S German iiitteri " •will curb nibedertilie oetlib• dlibases induced' , by lin Vitioii"SO d'es`- ' poshree incident: to camp"life.' lii the late; , pnbliiithett:alitioat daily in the •ninsoi,papers; .'on thessfavat of the sick, it W i ll i behotieeillthat aAmstlitite • proportion aid au deride fro& lib:•' bility,' 'very case of that kind an be reledirl' ly cu '.llotilland's Gerd:nit?, 'liifters.l'lVie bayei. iositatioz• in,statingithat.Otbese hitf tern& r9aly. used among our •soldiers • h Ind-, t reds of, ' ,es,,might •be saved/ that otherwise, would*Jost. ,•• - • „ • ,-,,- , , ~t 7 ~%*lproßrietoco are daily receiving thankful let Mrs ono 4 sufferers in the, army and loispi,-. tals,w ,lis.'v4 been restored to health fly the use of th : , ,pitteTsi scot to them by their friends. I iliware of connterfeits !..See o•tinkt.the sir; nsture.of "C..M.Jackson,' i is on the wrapper,r,h bottle. .. i • . •.- - „ •; ' - , r- 4,.. ' z ..1 3 ./IL 110 1 4 .1• S.:: • ,' - Lamaze, $4lOO per bottle, or i.dozen forss. Med it i og siree7fic - per bottle, er i : atizen.for .$4 Xlib' ' titsize r ou account of theluantitY the bot es hold, are much the .dheaper.. ,ii;, ~: Shou your nearest iltruggist. , n4t have the article, do not be •putoll, by aehpf Alto intoxi catin paratigns that may be nifetod iti its plat , c ' ileneto'tii,' slid ife. ).° 4 , lli'pfkar4, i rmt i a l ti es 'A s. fanufcrcfdO i ' sicurt‘ p li , dcltoeadl, Officeb y et • ' E &raiser: EV •. ,' ~. •, S & ANS, w hit (SuccestiOrsiet% lif. Jackson &Co ,) s ' ' • ''''',P . Proprt‘tors. e For sale by Drug gists and Dealers in every 1 ewe in MO United atatea. [may 30-1 y I T. 1.1• , . . . ~. , . .• . . . . .';'..., - ~.. ..;.6 , li•J fii . I . ' ,P 7 tii' • .1 . , .. , , .. '' " 4 5 ' •.i! '.: :., )'',,; i . . ~, ''-'• 1 . • I ~ .1., . r ,•, ~". f.;•, - Ali. ' NI: 17,1 U '•'• I f ....i i• - ... , 11.! • lil'!'• , 3. 4 t 1(,. rii.*4l, r- . 1. - 4 '. ••.`, '' •'' ' ' ••- ....,,,,,,...„0,.,,,. ~.•, ~,, ~, ~" ," .. ~ ;;:li Vi ;i - 11 f , ,! :, ;.; (.1:18li ill tqf 01 ~ . ..1.,, , a ‘'''''' l '"'"''" j''''''' '-'"! i . , . . ~ . ~ • t 1 c i ~..., . .J . , l o , 1 ! ; ,w .,,i' ,21:1 ..4 . 7, 4 . ~ , ,: t . , eitt t.r.„1.T9. , IA;,G,; :; .1 i. ;,1 . , , .1....:t,:.: )'' ~. = ,4-ite9i 111 AI ,44. . agrinage,, lUDs o , 10r lhritiVo t tallatiligott . 01 . 1 :14 ta 11,641 ,11 ( t o e t :n.„ .10 Zatu6ap . Aoi,rcirtg OFFICE: . . CRULL'S Row,.Front, Street , doors below Flury's Hotel. TERMS, One Dollar a .year, payable in ad- . , wince; 'a i , rl shbscriptior s•be 'hot paid "With in • six indritlia•sl.2s'SVill be 'charged; Welt" d& layed until ,the expiration of the year,' $1.50 will be charged. ADVEETISfrig RATES F. One Stillafe. (12' lines, or Ices) 50 cents foxthe first insertion and 2d cents for, each subsequent insertion,. P,ro feaSidnal and guiltless cards; of si*lriles'oi less at $3 per iu the'readifik tri un s; cenp `l l larritigeaand Dpaths; the simple announcement, FREEI hut fiii"iny schlitional lines, five cent s ' ' A liberal deduction Made to ,j , earlir and half, yearly advertisers. Having teceNtle.d added Marge .lot of am' Job and Card type; Cuts, Hinders, &c., to the Job Office of "The Mariettiati,” 'Which will, insure the fine execution of all' kinds of - Jon&' Ce n v P er ti . Nt , 'the etzuillest Card'th Ike - largest 'Poster,,a.i piices' to shit the War tithes.' -The massacre of , unarmed and .unotreniling ,, ! Men ih 'shifthetri•NaniasSobk place , near the Marais du 6tne`okthe voyageurs: A !Bush as of roses ' . • Where , roge never grew ! Great drops on' the bunch-grass; But not of they dew ! • ' ; A taint in the sweet' air • For wild bees to shun !' A stain that shall,never• • Bleach out in the sun I 4 steed of the !, siv 1)y . Wheel hither, bud vulture ! • wolt,:eall thy pack! The foWl burnitti'vtilthief ' Have felisied add fled';" • 4 The sv:6lve'i of. 04 toider .• kiaye crept -from ,tile dead., Tlziiz'Stritif;' •• • :Strong men of the prairies; 111eiiinThifteriMd .., 1,414; Wan; desOlate woman Weep, fatherless child I • • But the grain of God springs up Froth aihes beneath"; And the crown of His harvest Li life out of death. Not in vain on the..dial • Thrshade moves &Icing' •'' r'To point'the great contrasts Of right and'Of wrong ; Froc,hOmes and free Altars, , And fields of ripe food; The ree4s.of the Swan'allarsh, WhOse 4 tiloOmis s. of bldOd. On life lintels of Kansas That blood shall not dry'; I.lenceforth the Bad Angel '(la f go harmless by : .1 - /enenfOr,t to Abe aOuseb,- 4j Unchecked owher,w4, • ;• Oirty-follo*-" • -1 1 The march of the dday. ? ' gyEsTithqs. lady ,ltow' old , she ;is. , °To':aAlit a' sawyer it he ever told a lie. i doctog how many persons,he, has%`kitlticl. x!: : To. Ali, a morChi s int f lie everdhealed a customer. 1 ' • ' To fillivuitufg [lo,y ,!f - fhEl7onylike a beau. To:ask aneditor.tbe names of re omits ^ t T n bas a subseuer If he had paid the prma. 14..1 -; gir At, y?, t diiemtaktly. r s ir tot, sourtimia. o',li,i9,apt, long etacO, a "green% 'ntr,"Ateanie .to ; restrain: the; c.f.. vidg4of:,hin ,44intlte; u pii,glind 'OW a 10/dish of rice tTforo him. A waiter miltflp'ihferinVthim that zt eras 'intend ed for desseetttolit tffe,tYlle,t,hadl better eat sometbieg,'else ;fitst." ;Gibney; re plied:' , "Desertlai bkanled, rap% c are if it's a wilderness; it's good; and -I'm going to eat it," 11=1 LE MARAIS, DVEYGNE. BY. JOHN C. WHITTIER: From {fie kearthir?f Melt cabins,. ' The fields of their corn, Alnw,amed,aud,upwettpoged, 'The ;victims nacre .lonv -13:y• the 'l/4cllilivkifd'iif'mu'rde'r hwooped hp r and sefeit 'on ,To the lowovedy , fen-lands, The Marsh of tne Swath tVith a vii,n fkr meicy, , . • ,Nestou t,k nee • was crooked 44 :the itio qths'of the 'ri(lee" Wit nianly,thtey 144 k ed: 4 I •YAY .I . 4l ll 44:MAY , kins.billg, • . . Green , 14.1-arais;du Cygne; ' When , t over' ' Thy lonely rayine.l lo+the,homes.of their rearing, Yet warm with their livea, Yet watt'the dead; - only ,Poqr.childran and wi:yea -;Put out the red forge-fire; e • ' shall nut come;' Loyoke the brOkon oxen The plow,mau Windrsl6w - frol l n ilia Stittiii Marsh, Oh! dreary deuth-tgain t I,Vith P i ressed 'iips bloodless' , As lips of, the slain ! . • . Kiss down4he young 'eyelids, 'Snrop down the gray t*ai4r; sa Lei teats quenc,h the curses 4 •4" • That lo burn thro'-yourrayers. j 10V,E,--ObLif STYLE AND NEW:, iile`a§tinttAEWfiiiPiiiiebi has. Look, what a long spray! I ha;in d picked trio thorns , Oit;made a garland— if ahy'on'e'wduld'Wellr it fo . iinqAalie , . • "'wsdiiid a liken WCin 1 pepllctiV•k ki'Ll 9 • CV•P'ri l ed C 7 -1 th r a'fie l shries!s 'AI !li T k c f k &314 . 12 io&V.' rued I tier .; firce"ea l ni cid n ge'ritfy, if I to"tidai'ir ' e"the • , wreath ; t " their eyes met--youn,;-eyos, fun or TOve'., bitqie"iono blOss'itirn ttidt 'tondhedlie'r'l Cheek . ;the" cheek Wifs"warrti es!' Ihe . lilossoolivfisfda'6'ea 16154 yeaitalteia , ard.' And sOlhey ;verb beirothqd." " HOW can yOu'lili'd'irce mud]; to-` !, , ,7 ! se h? only a country girl and you all ambition and genini j" "Because you areas sweet .as But : this, is not, atl— because you are a r goodi • 'girl;' and have lecirdtd to Make butter, and sw(3 9r , We kitchen' and 5;34, and waist the poor; because' Sou are; healthy ii body and mind, and heart :Ahie tO "Te l ' frank, is'why I,have chosen 'you f6r We' dearest of all my blessin , ;s So they were betrothed. Forty years thereafter Judge Jo'. —passed,Willard died-if it were not. ti aasletio i , b'Y a sudden' tr 45 iee . : T o s ' frorahappy' home 6;''a Va"jy p l'eg; ithe'rtr w"eil) 'sonsd'datik; h left, old enough for the giving and'lgi?ad of sweet-briff crownF WlPti there, ~vasa '04 0 %1 1 4ft - 7.P her ,i?r,Pwatio siYll4e: orr, land rectIPIPPiP§OY,- tc.Wi„riest for, osal!; but 14ers,l!eAltrVilt,,Pfis'onY• 1111 '• 11 eF!lifo, 1 , 0 -9g1 9,f4F, 1 1 , -Yeajt;:•thtPi sweet-briar„ yr,eath„giactl)u t tidecl, blossomelk there , fillinarLev .he j me, with. beau!..yfragrane . ,,andtha,dsw . ggantle, a[rePtipns: , S llO ,-40 shqS ( llliq., l , tltiFs; hands hono.r t s but 11 0PPa., kitlo o ,•Vin„ them first„ The good eense,and good, heart tl?at had yeeth;orne ,or4erly, apd, co m cte d s the,ppor „Awn bit?, fage; came at length to act in wider rung - ia. , Oftsocietiy,''to LdeViere g'nfif care out'great•plans of 'oider•dridsti j arrebcdn'C'e: Rae:ealwilf degeneilee•; the ., imeslor... , '4l ' hladam~ti4lard for' »od on c e 6.l3ilfedl heroKitnp nosy ithe'dudgleowasldettUa"-:bul. heroinesta we:1'611111e- W, 114de Ircionis on:theetoifnabesiile:intr• haldstini' youth enteted4tlit-tooin : :' , l t!) t.'sWhatlsrthe mattei42Attlelyouietielll,' mother If W keels are Al with yon myself? Oh l ee'realtily i qeK: taiuly, should be glittl" . ".o, enjoy it i but so hinted t —ViigaleMentS: flits Si <,'" evening: do L engnged this Tat not Wls to be A im- , rtutata abridOP e iniperatiie poilnitate, to a`bridg ha e :g y i enr , FiFasur i i bn't t an engagement Anibrose, wheil P ' shall cUme ,ll r "I declare, ror once l l've'caughkzov , in the dOlefuls! Why bles,syoUr 4eart, ~1 „ t you're the yiningeSt the hotise ! irciu are not pining or t e old Judge? Be canclifl .rheuiputiums,,Tuttieccfasspihte fore,.l4co,?".f, I'l ";If,were; but sure his sons would reaph,Rll old age .as liou.oss t aild virtues !" ",Kind fate, 0,1 I.ransflgursk,us ,after we . are dead, at ,least to„the. ey.osiof our fricnfl„s r , • : ,!... 1 1 13 q. talk to,o. fIiP.PAPtIYr raY son'i pains me sometimes--I fear you will never be in earnest: -.Oh ! fora strong, gi fee d n g Wien 1 1 k cloln teth e grai"e ft `to bEiteiffi, `Cb;i4las'i uieless, helpless !"'"' 7. 4l, Timf id ! etireest:Width4l ,l :lWaY tiff& de'nfelitln ( onerpoin't'."'"f I ' • fogle his'hiCe r i as when 'fie''ivia' k litLlis lißPh?g- h ,A s ,P r tY , So.l;A!'el l 9lMedtilttoVs eyea,,th ) at,,ala&! part?, n ojnortA,t,h,e sneet. e)!§cifc, l lio h PAl P 1 41:14P, Amprese4, tcll your tgo).h " Oh!.,most ferveta x icapassioned,love Sie l lovplyoNthBr,,aq,p, gyp I worship the dust : ,,,u,nfigr r , ) 4 Qr.fe,,e 3) 114 could kneel to hee.4shadowi and envy tiik Ili titlfin'os•Zf i gaTblisAiet Is liott thispetitriebt - eiltiiiigh 9 ?" l JviDear hittribl rilit dr f;'"i seenia# fai"to'tkib`nly and feverish. What qualities tract l ed,,your r , egqcrr, hy your rf t • , iii love ?" •,^ 910. It, I:1 "Is lqke,a matter of what ! and why ? It'is a divine instinct? a, ce•tlqs.4.l•4a9lf3, that kindles and never consumes !" " Yes, dear, poetry has no praise too `". '.? !'', :40.•1 :14;ti Vii;' , icqe 11 > V..8%"0 1.0 11/1.• - clindw 1;: , )1:11,; ~t uill, Ermrit•P:riq 1 , 3 , ) , c •r0, 1 „•,T, 5v il . 1. 1 .., - C 111 ''''DIECEIVI . ~... ~ 1863 l,, j a, ~ r t .„,, ) . ~ j 1 9,1 xiti . - v-01:1:44 , ... 1.1,1-Ir3 1 ;4 gicr ••' I . " Yl f 1 " '' .., ? • • ) 1 'illa y , -0 , i ao.ii ,i,1 , .:•3 ni i 1 L IN, , i ut . i•t iv 0, J f..*:l rrto tu © 161 T iiiin relit 1016 Vtailli'rl - 't,:3 O "iek jr:191110 i fil 0rt , ..1,31q orft ti 11 , 1;11 J:1 kfidint.: -.1., tilt Xi .:;t.,l.,,ied:'iVi ....j tai ti 110501101 P. '"f,Ar:.-i'?Pl i aPPesliTlliitifigl.thill' . :es ~ trtle4ol7ll; but-I,h4vp. jived ma l gyj, fitl.ll r.l twit ~„ year-, and have earned, that E wh i at • .; -03 WOO , rt;“',4.l('S. ffi 'g 7 ;nl . l Ig n A e 9 .N E IA`L I/ 4Vll5 s idVA en to'very rmturartbirs ; ;ties" s. and duties , and. cares to paripr, not •tht 1,10.11 i ot-ds n ; r r . y, , Rp ...I s: . , t Lis and millinery bil I t asev (An +144..481 , 04J oil/ " And college bills 01' a truth Non mcf bring my sins home to me, mother. How I. baxeladdeditgodpenrcncar;eaminateEid bf lighteping,j,tbeta Patti wah A tke nom.ucLardleoanaingel,syeOltv , deed;!. ISkehas:rnest excellent qualities:: She.can;draw,,;end,po,intparrd pods. out; tea:;; 4, 11 E4 YquiaQuld see: he r o she plays enchaaioglyl, and dressed , „likaz a queen. She has a fortune, too." :Icibke'd• ' 1 " Ccbli'as 2 OlY ll h I' .1145T19b1091 hd'iVas'ilefeiti'inett?er:ieltaß' `:•fis but: • ekiiiveYeatiViTra• a year 4 PriSin'th6/date''af' iaeit"hafgQiiaq ,, death the..tiowb Ffs4,i9RTie , l,l9;l they ' placed„ sideA q ., ti l at,ipap ;: whop f ile t .444e,h9se4,;for, the,. the tiers ? of the lap k v) 3 er 2 tl l2flY a ii, MR7. 'dered v i g / nBrn et lowed i a?d. servgd—t4e 'papers of the month recorded her death , it,ttadtilt , ".iro hire , ibida - dr ''llad 7 lf,drilhet 4 littf-altolkotrtg,-! . lantltibdaifiti r LIO fnct "`'oz tli{s'i2ea~o[d l (itira'gi>"of~ilfist