4dtptithatVeimogliatia fiurnat: gtboo to alztzts, Niteraturt, Agriciturt, Reim of ify ga g , g q tat g u idli gtatt , fix.• By lyt - ED9K. L BAKER. GERMAN ";Itivihrqd by Dr.' C m. , :ritapon,' • hilqd is,not a Bar Room brink,. or a • SUB StriTUTE FOR' RUM ) Or an Intoifitating. 11elrerage'; but a highly con centrated ~Yegetable,,F.atract, a Pure Tonic, fiee front ittatifibli4 attunileni or i4nrious dnigs, Mid Val 'grect!tally i urb Ziuer 4 .P cant,' ,:...Dvi pe p s i ai a n d ' Jaundice. 3 %t'l ron'indi!i BlTtgas ' l 'i•.": re-. WILL OUREr•E‘FERY CASE •OF • ifllli'dillb dit''Neridus Debilith'Disease of the 114 ";'iathiiM P olld /Mewlel arising from a • Dtsdrdered Stffitiach. A 5:246tiT ,Aff i k, Tema wx ho symptoms resultiumfr4Midleolders of the digestive organs: Constipation,akward Piles,;Fumess or Blood to t e HostitgAgidity of the Stomach, Nausea, He hum, ,Disguat for, Fhod,, Fullness or We ght:ilf'the Sididdli, sour Criactations, sink pi `pl'"fttitthrmg of `tae 'Pit. of the' tomach, iitfrtilfig of !hellead, hurried ,and difficult , Jitathlig, *fhltterteig at 'the heart, choking or nobeitiwg emulations-when in a lying posture, dimness of stis4do, dot& cir ebs" before the ilfilit,'favez and 'dull 'plitatt l ' W ittie head,‘defici -4it'O-PierePlratibb,'YelloWlA4sp Of ,the ski etesl, nain in 'the. side, back, chest, limb ,( StE ,Vindireff hushefof heat,b,uhing in the fie , s6i•tifftiVtnitnagitilligs Of evil, and great e itiesilidli bflpitHe ' ' • • ' l / 4 . , •••:, .-.OOOFLAND:6- GERMAN BITTERS : 1 .1%1 - , e , " , ". WI cr *el bE • rot/ A Goodiaboetitep "...," 7 ' ''' ' ' ', , , 4.' Stitotsg•ila enlesk ra:.: ,l liftalthrtNertiea l m '• ' -' ' 144.! / stiodyi, :Nerves', - •••••11:• 1 z a ; ,, B•tiala-tFeetings, 1 ' - ' , •i ...43;n4trgette. Feelings, ' :lt ' 41' is ":a " , ifitaithy Fittings, A• GooConatitutiim,' :. •. -, • • A Strong Cohstitution, A Heal ifjonstitution, , ', ~, ,A , t ,, V , /., , , ;..,.: .; - A Sound Constitution. . • ::•t•VArti, AC& at :In ht . -Wilk • Stab do, wining* d• , Abe. 14 'l': ...,. ril ` . ' , ' ,i •.k.i:it , Z.• a •-•.: : -Delietilb• litthity, 14 Wall.ev...ithe :-_ - 1 -• ' - 1 ' • - .:4;4' OM .. ,: $ • .'' , - Willidtglin Otos . ~. Will , ilifeke the ' ...4:4 , : Sallow. Complexion Clear, ' Will'll,,make the: Dull eye, X. • • , ..Clear and Bright. D3-Will proye,a blessing in every family. "Can be used with perfect safety by male or Female, Old ar Young. • . PARTIcij,LAtt NOTICE. Them are,nr,apy,nreparatioas soid under the phone ef Bitter* put up,in quart bottles, coin pounded,e(the .cheapest VV,piskei or common Itum,•costing• from 20,t0 49,cents per, gallon, 14e taste 44040 by Awe e-or„Curiander seed. • This class of4U:re has caused and ,Will con 'ro -to red f a , to a t s t . e io d a e g ati a l s of tl a key ai c u a n ti ka g r e d. sol li d y , their use„„tho wham is hi•pt,conthmally under #e.ititiu,ence, Qf alcoholic itimu,tiots of the i wait kind, the desire lot' liquor, is, created and kept up, and the result is all, the horrors at tendant upon a drunkard's life and death. _Be ware of them. . , For those will hate a liquor bitters, we publish the following receipt : I'let'axte• bottle 'HoollandPs Garman Bitters and mix i with . thiettaguarts of good - Whiskey or .Brandyi and the result Will be a preparation that will far excel in' medicinal virtues and true exceliencte;,anyof the numerous liquor bittern in the market,,apd will cost much less. iedu milli, base all Die,viFiues of Hoojland's Bit 40ilit Colipeatieti with a,good article of liquor an athrauch less.. price. then these inferior piePitatibits will cost you. DELICATE CHILDREN. Those fmgerlog,florn maraimus, wasting away, with - scarteiraily flesh on their bones artt dated ins .very srmirs, time ; one bottlo in shah callea, Will Italie must surprising effect. DEnrtrrv, Atisulting from Feve rs of any kind—these bit ter% Wiii reitew,yOur strength in a short time. -EAVEIk iko Aorr.r.': 7 -the chills will not re t'u.th it theiClttitettla t ie Used. No person in a fiiieihri'dligliedietriet should be without them. Depressed Lively, IFitin . Pro. .T. Nitioton Broom, D. .D., Editor of tkii Eiteyelopedia of Religious Knowledge. — Althottgn 9otciaptigtiltefavbr or recommend Paterit).Kefirefnei it& general, .through distidst of their ingredients and, 9.1/octs ; I yet know of no suffici tut reason why a man may not tes tifylfiktlfii I:44fits he believes birriself to bitve reeelie`ffficifa any simple preparation, in the hopelthnt he ht" thus contribute to the bene fit of other ,_ c , . ' / aitttinli, 'readily le regard to Hoofland's Geed d itterk, praPareir by, r. C. M. Jackson because I was.prejuditiOd "rigairist them' for a nUmber.pf years, k andlt tkq, imwession that thty wire•clifetlir an iittoiiolfelniirture.• I am indebted tot my' friend i Rohn Shoemaker, esq., forth. nemoital. Of this i prejudice by prqper t tests,• andlor - encouragenient urtry their', when n•T/Ifig frome great. and;dong debility. The , . three bottles.of*these.bitters, at the be pining of the 'prerklit,year was. followed by -"evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily untfillefitaitvigor which I had not felt AT.....1 b.9191;13, and had almost dispair. ' ‘..dk,. 1 ._ n .4 . rmity'ecore thank God and icl Y: 11/ " 9, Alikii,itpe.;pitxe use of them. 1411 *, r‘ •. • J.'N'twtori Baowrr. B did IPlriso A butte 12 3; '1862. . , AR'E,Ntoki.,,,,spOlEßS!' iir tio A D -ZlLlC—raixime -01- SOLD I Ells. We .tthrtoll4o4llo/talltilarring relations i n ' 1 : 1 r-fril_ 4 . ti k".t .. 4 artily to the feat that " Hoof lan 'S tiermiin Bitten "will - cure nine-tenths of the ditiaiesefridifeid4fpiftration and ex posuretordneident to viiinf h life. In the lists, published &linear dailfin 6 .bewilpapers, on the arrival tof the' sicli; it will be noticed that A net . rge proportion are suffering from de bill .' Every case of ,that kind can be readi ly e dby Hoofliind'i :aerial:a =Bitters. We hair 0 t ia hesitation in stating that, if these bit ters ',finely used among our' soldiers, ui lives-'might be saved' that otherwise wdit ,fdlibelost. '*. - ,-- . * . Theliproprietors are daily receiving thankful letterefrotrt sufferers in - the army and hospi tals ollain`beentestoreffte health by the use oft 'Bittern, sent to them by their friends. 1 1 , ' 're'rif counterfeits ! -See that the sig f "C. M. Jackson," is on the wrapper , each bottle. . PO , ' Qr4S. $O,, 1:00 mer bottle,or i jlozen for e 5. ' . /4, *oh* PO' botittg.oA cozen for $4 larger sue, on account of the, quantity the Wee hold are,ro,uch the cheaper. Sho id your nearest druggist not have the artkcl, Aomokbe pot otk,ta,i turpaf the intosi cs.:r fil , - prro eptiops that may be, offered in its pier. ut send, to, us,..and „we will forward, sec ' packed, by ex , , ress. - • Vacipai Office 40;iernaufactory, , -‘ vl . iv.; 63u.k.Roft,SZAKET• TORTES 84 'SANS, ....bi. Jackson & C 0.,) ''.Proprr stars. Ind Dealers in every [may 30-ly (Suceesso - For sale , by Den own in the. Unite. (i 420 1;41 ritttit n Elde ' IS PUBLISHED EVERY' SATURDAY, AT ite 31111oltar a—treat ; 3,pa:p . ablt in aVl3.alut OFFIVE:.I CnuLL's Row, Front Street, five doors below Flury 3 :s Hotel. TERDIS, One'Dellar a year, payable in ad vance, and: if subscriptions be not paid within six-months $1.25 will be charged, but if de layed until the expiration of - the year, $1.50 will be charged. ADVERTI.SIN B.ATES : . One square (12 lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 26 cents for each subsequent insertion. or and Business cal ds, - of six lines or less at $3 per annum. Notices in the ,reading col umns, dire cehts a-line. Marriages arid Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE j but for, any additional lines; five cents a line. A liberal deduction made to yearly and half yearly advertisers. -- Having recentled added a large lot of new Job and Card type, Cuts, Borders; Bic., to the Job Office of 46 The •Mariettian," which will insure the fine execution Of all, kinds of JOB Sz - , CARD PRI NTING,, from the . smallest Card to the laigest Posters at prices to suit the War times. ' ' 'MERE'S MUSH IN TILE AIR. There's music in the air • When the infant morn is nigh, And faint its blush is seen On the bright and laughing sky ; Many a; harp's ecstatic sound With its thrill of joy. profound, While we list enchanted"there To the music in the air. There's music in the air . When the noontide's sultry beam Reflects azolden light On the distant mountain stream. When beneath some,grateful shade Sorrow's abhinglhead is laid, Sweetly to, the . spirit, there. Comas the'mnsic in the air: - There's music in the air When the twilight's gentle, sigh Is lost on evening's; breast ' • As its pensive beauties die. Then, oh, then, the loved ones gone Wake the pure celestial song, Angel voices greet us there - In the music of the:air. Thin sont, We shall meet, but we shall miss him,. There will be one vacant chair; We'shall linger to caress 4ica • While we breathe our evening prayer When a year ago we gathered, Joy was in his mild blue eye, But a golden cord is severed, And our hopes in ruin Ee. At our fireside sad and lonely, Often will the bosom swell At remembrance of the story How our noble Willie fell ;, How he strove to bear our banner Thro' the thickest of the fight, And uphold our country's honor, In the strength of manhood's nigh True they tell us wreaths of glory Evermore will deck his brow, But this soothes:the anguish only Sweeping o'er our heart:striogs now Sleep to-day, .0 early fallen, In thy green and narrecv bed, Dirges frotn the pine' and cypress Mingle with the tears we shed. THE 'DEAREST , SPOT ON EARTH TO IRE The dearest spot on earth to me. Is home, sweet home— The fairy-land I've longed to see Is home, sweet home. There how charmed the sense of hearing Thero where hearts are'so endearing, All the'world is not so cheering As home, sweet home. The dearest spot on earth to me Is home, sweet home, - - • The fairy-land I've longed to see Is home, sweat home. I've taught my heartthe way to prize My horne,•sweet home; • • . '•' I've learned to loolelith lover's eyes On home, e. via et home, There where vows are truly plighted, There where hearts are so united ; All the world beside I've slighted, For home, sweet home. The dearest spot on earth to me Is home, sweet home,, 'Phe fairy-land I've longed to see. Is home, sweet home. God bless our native land, Firm may , sbe ever stand, Thro' storm and night. When the wild tempests rave, Ruler of wind and wave, Do thou our country save- By thy great might. For her our prayer shall rise, To God above the sides ; On hirn'we wait : Thou who hest heard each sigh, Watching each weeping_eye, Be thou forever nigh, God save the State I Bless thou our native land, Firm may she ever stand Thro' storm and night 1 When the wild tempests rave,' Ruler of wind and wave, Do then our Country save By thy great might. HONEY VINEGAR :-MIX 1 pound of honey with a gallon of water, and ex pose it to the sun, or keep it :where it is warm, and in a few months it will be, so strong that water *ill be necessary to dilute it. THE VACANT -CHAIR. NATIONAL HYMN. MARIETTA, PA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1863. A WARNING TO LADIES. "Why did you .never think of marl liege ?" I asked of my friend Lyman Robbins, who is some ten years older than myself and a confirmed bachelor.. "I have thought of it," said . he. "Well, why didn't you marry, then? "I will, tell yoU. You know Frank Palmer, don't you ?" . • "Yes; he failed last week to the tune of twenty thousand dollars.. But what has that to do with your story ?" • "'Sopiething 7 as you will see. - I was never seriously tempted to make a pro posal but once, and that was to Frank's wife—before she was married, do yob understand ?" "Oh," said I, growing interested.— "And why didn't you r , "You shall know. I was, young and, romantic at' that time—she was beauti ful and accomplished. We were thrown together in society, and I" was just at the age to yield to her fascination— 'fboug,h I had never expressed my loVe, in words,,l suppose my, looks betrayed me, and I was quite sure.that she was aware of my feeling towards her. Our families being somewhat intimate, we were on the,same footing, and she treat ed me in much the same confidential manner as she 'would a favorite cousin." "Do you think," I inquired, "that she was in love with you ?", "No,,paid he, "I never thought that. I however, she would have like'd to hate lured me on to a declare-, ration, and then would' have acted as fancy dictated. One day, when I had Made a morning call and was about re tiring, she told me 'sho was piing out shopping, and laughingly proposed to me to go with her and carry the bundles. Having nothing of importance . to take up my time, and not tieing averse to the proposal, partly on account of its novel ty, and considerably, I rather suspect, on account of the agreeable character of the company I should have, I con sented in the same spirit, and in a few minutes we were fairly en route," "'I have but little to buy,' said, my companion.. 'You may congratulate yourself upon that, as you will have the less to carry. "We made our first visit to a dry goods establishment. "'Have you any lace collars ?' in quired Caroline. "A large quantity were displayed, but they were only five dollars each, and they were too cheap. At length , one was found at seven dollars, with which, it being declared the best in ,the Store, my companion at length professed her self 'satisfied and decided to take it. suppose,' said she, on going out, 'that I don't really need it, but 'it was so beautiful I could not resist the temp tation.' , "A beautiful shawl at the, door of a store next caught Caroline's attention. "'I must certainly go in and, look .at their shawls,' said,she ; never sew any precisely like them. New kind ?' in quired she Of the clerk. , "'Yes,:Miss. Just imported from France, and warranted to surpass in firmness of i.exture and in durability any now extant. Will you have one ?' " 'The price ?' "ISeventyfive dollars, •and cheap at that.' "Caroline was startled at this an nouncement. "'That is high,' said she. "'Not for the quality. Just feel it— see how soft it is, and you will not call it expensive' "'•l` did net think of getting one ;to day ; lioWCyer, I think I must. You may cliarge it to my father. "The shawl was folded, wrapped uR and-handed to me.by the clerk. "'I suppose father =will scold,' •said Caroline:;. 'but it is such a beauty.' "We reached- ere long another dry goods store, the placard of which, ‘Sell-: ing of at cost !' proved so seductive that we at once stayed our steps and entered. Caroline soon began to examine the silks. The first specimen. offered, which to my unpractised eye seemed a superior quality, was cast contemptuously aside, and she desired to see the very best they had in the store. Some were shown her at two dollars and a half per yard. After a - while she ordered twelve yards to be.cut .off for her. This was done, and the bundle handed to me. The bill, of course, was sent to her father. "What with the shawl and silk, each of which made a bundle of no inconsid, erable size, I was pretty well weighed down, and, began to be apprehensive of the consiquences in case My companion should make any more purchases. She, however, soon relieved my anxiety by . . saying that she intended to purchase nothing more. She was only going to step into a jeweller's to have a locket repaired. Accordingly, we repaired to the store of a fashionable jeweller.— The locket was handed over with the necessary directions.- 13ut this was not all. A lady at the counter was engaged in examining a very costly pair of ear rings which she was desirous of pur Aping, hut demurred at the price.-- Ai last, she laid . Thera down raluctantly, saying— "'They are beautiful, but I do not care to go so high as - twenty-five dol lars.' "'Let me see them, if you please,' asked Caroline: "They were handed to her. She was charmed with them, chiefly, .I imagine, on =account p of the price, for they' had little Beyond that to recommend them. "'Now I must absolutelYgo home,' said she, 'without purchasing anything more; "For once she kept her word; and I was released from my attendance.. But the thought that she had expended one hundred and thirty five dollars in a sin . tie morning's shopping, and on objects none of which, by her own confession, she stood in need, could not help re curring to me, and I decided that, until I could find some more rapid way of mating money, such a , wife would be altogether too expensive a luxury-for me tmindulge in. How far I am right yomnaay judge by-Frank-l'almer's fail ure. , At all events ; that, is the reason. I didn't propose.'_' , THE OLD CONNECT/COT BLUE LAWS : The .old lionnekticut bin laws are won derful strik. I hav thought it best to presarve sum ov themm for the beunyfit q pv futer "postsrita who cum after us. JOSH BILLINGS. No man shall claw terbaceer on Sun dy, unless he swallers , the spit. It shant be lawful fqr enny man tew set down in,a harvest field tew rest, un less he set l s on a sharps stone. No man shall have a rite to kiss hiz wife more 'than three times in a da, un less bi her ritten request in writing. If a man finds a pease ov munny in the hiway on Sundy, when he iz.agoing . tew meeting, it shill' be lawful for him tew watch it, but it shant be lawful for him to pik it up until after the setting ov the sun. if a Deaken swops hosses, and gets cheated, he shall be turned out ov the church, and pa e. fine of not less than 4 gallons of Nu England ium. Awl 13achelers over. 25 years old steal pa came ov 1 pound, 7 shillins and G pens each year, for the support ov gide boards and bastards. . • Pany, man ;who ,swares out loud shall. pa ,a fine shillins. he 'mares tew himself he shall pay a fine o'f 3 shil lins and kost.of korte. No man shall have a rite to vote or git married who kant ate pork , and mal- Jazzes and repeat the 10 koznmandments. No young woman shall hay a rite tow git marrid who leant main good punkun pize without eggs into them, sand who leant main a dough nut that will keep at leaste.43ne .year without boozing .its twist. POSTAGE STAMPS :—The cheapest post age stampls the . Trench, at one cent ime; and the -clearest is that of the hOrse poet of California, which costs four dol lars (2l: francs.) The best engraved of all- the stamps are those of France, Greece, and particularly that of New Caledonia, which merits the first place. The ugliest are those of Belgium and the English, at l one penny. The largest are those of Siberia, and the smallest those of Mecklenberg-Schwerin, which bears the head of an ox. • . . . RURAL SIMAICITY :—Durinct the,flight, of Professor King's halloon on the 14th ult., from Bangor East,* it passed over the clearing of a settler who does not take , the newspapers. The flock of children round the floor, spied the mon ster booming on, and alarmed the trio ther,•who, rushing to the door, screamed out, "Come in, children, it's •brie of Jeff: Davis's bombrshells.". This• is a fact.— Calais Herald. tEr '4A r n epitaph which graces ' the . , church-yard •of Moreton4n-in-Marsh runs thus.: "Here lies the bones of Richard Saiston, Whose death, alas ! was strangely bro't on; Trying, one day, his corns to mow off, His razor slipped,'and cut his toe off. ratherwhatit grew.to '',An influination quickly flew to,, ;Virlhch toalrYalasi to mortifying, ' And was the cause of. Richait's dying." The.only people with whom it is ear When a rnaliswarits money, friends, joy'lo.ait silent, are the people - with' or assistance, this world is very apt to whom it is a.joy to talk. accommodate him and r let him want. AUTUMN. =I The year is fading into a mellow' and genial old age. The summer of -its ex'" istence.has been lengthened' far into the autumn, presenting a picture of , calm and peaceful old age not often witnessed in human life. Autumn; always a fine season, ,has this year 'been ,more than' usually delightful.. The days,. as'they , have shortened; have - grovvn softer; rich-' er in color, and , in all the bomitifttL:re turas ..of the harvest. :No -frost has troubled--the farmer's crops, , and, the leaves have had time to mature. their, buds for next year's fruit,,and ,then to drop quietly to their .forest .graves." And, by the way, what tireless, workers' are the leaves, and, how : dependent we are upon, them fOr, nearly ; all the neces saries,of Jife. Food an d clothing, light and heat, come to es through the.labors of the leaves, those wonderfukalche mists, who transmute earth and air.into golden fruit and all useful things. . Now, the farmer's barns. and cellars are full of the well-ripened corn; potq+; toes, turnips, beets and carrots. Y,ota toes have yielded wEII, ,and the,quality was never better. Some, of those mealy fellows, in their bursting jacipts, are almost, equal to an apple. At.all events, we may as well say so. Grapes we have,. though not in the abundance we might hoe were they more general)y culti vated. This year, even November has lost its usual gfoonay, character. The poets usually associate with „ this, mouth all, that is sombre and dreary. , . , a" As. the butchering' season is' at hand, that valuable family journal, the Germantown Telbgraph, gives the fol . lowing receipt for curing meat : To one gallon of water, Take 14 lbs. of salt, lb of seigar, • i• oz. of saltpetre,- • oz. of potash. In this ratio the pickle to be increas ed to any quantity desired, Let these be boiled together, until all the dirt, from the sugar rises to the top and is skimmed oil: Then throw it into a tub to cool, and, when cold, pOar it over your beef or perk, to remain the, usual time, say four or five weeks. The meat, must be well covered, with pickle, and should not be put down for at least two days after killing, during which time it should be slightly sprinkled with'pow dered saltpetre, which removes all the snrface blood, &c., leaving the 'meat fresh and clean. Some omit boiling the,pickle, and find it to answer well . ; though the - operation, Of boiling purifies the`piCkle by , thro*= ing off the dirt always to be found 'in salt and sugar. If this receipt" is,. properly; trid,'it will never be abandoned. There is none that surpasses it; if so good. Cr A French . physician out in ,a long dissertation on the advantages ,of, groaning and gaping in genei:al, • and es pecially during surgical operations. Be contends that groaning and crying are the two grand operations by whiai na ture allays anguish; that those persons who , give Way to their natural feelings,, , more speedily recover from accidents and operations than those who suppose it unworthy a rnan to betray such symp toniS of Cowardice as eitherle groan Or, to cry. Be tells of a man who reduced his pulse from one hundred and twenty six to sixty, in the course of two hours, by giving full vent to his emotions. If people are at all unhappy, about any thing, let them go into their rooms, and comfort, themselves with a loud:bohooi, and they will feel. a hundied per cent. better afterwards. In accordance, with the,above, the crying, of children should not be too: greatly,discouraged. If it is B,ysternati cally repressed, the result may be St., Vitus's dance, epileptic 4ts, or, some other disease of the nervous systom.— Whatis natural is nearly always useful ; and nothing can he more natural than the crying 'of children viiien, anything occurs to give them either physical' or mental pain. n Probably most persons' have ,experi enced the- ef f ect of"teara' in relieving great sorrow: It :is' even curious , how' the feelinge are allayed by their - free in dulgence in, groans and sighs. 'Then let parents and friends' Show more ,indul gence of noisy bursts of grief, on the part of children as well as of older per sons,—and regard the eyes and the mouth as the safety valve through which nafure d diseharges her surplus stem. VOL. 10.-NO. 17. ' THE DECAY: OF CONVERSATION.—The ancient art of talking is falling into de cay; It is an, ascertainable fact, that, in proportion to the: increased popula tion, the aggregate balk of;conversation is lessening. People -.nowadays have . something ,else to ,do, but talk. Not only do. they jive in 'such' a hurry that there is only leisure for just comparing ideas.as to :the, weather, but they have, each und all a gross quantity of reading tp,. do, !which . puts talking out of the question: .If persons remain at home ; they read ; if they journey by the• rail, they read ; if they go to the s,eiside, they read ; use have met misguided indi viduals out in the open fields with books in hand ; `.young folks have been seen stretched, underneath trees,. and • upon the.l.banks of ]rivers; poring 'over the opened -.page ; on the tops otmountains, in the desert, or within forests—every wherimen now pull lirinted.sheets from their pockets, and in the.earliest r latest,. highest occupatiOn of this they read. The fact is incontestably true that.modermmen and women `are:-lead ing.themselves into,a comparatively si lent race. Reading •is • the. great:dulu sion of the Ipresentltierie+;• it,has become. a isort according to .which' the• perusal. of.volumes rickons i is good , ' works ;. it, is, hi a wordithe superstition of the nineteenth centuryChambir's Journal. A CONTENTED 11.1. An—A draggist - Tll4. aroused by the, ringing oC the night Neil, ; went down stairs, and, hadtp gerv,e o tp customer with a dose of salts.,,,On, his return his • wife grumbled but, "What profit • do yon get out of, that ; penny ?I- - "A ha'penny," replied the assiduous druggist. .‘And for that ha'penny you ; wiit,l;eep ; both me and yourself awake for a long time," rejoined the Never mind," added ,thn placid drug gist, "the dose of salts will keep him awake much longer." : . 15- gentleman , oneevening, was seated near a loVely woman, when the cempanY around were proposing ,conun drums to, each other. Turning to, his companion, he said, "Why,is a Jady,ttn like a mirror.?" She. "gave up."— "Because," said the, rude fellow,•"a mir ror retects without spealcing a Judy speaks without rejecting." " Very good," said she. , "Now answer. me " . Why is a man unlike a misrorl", " I cannot tell, you." "Because ,the - mirror is polished and ; the magis not.".. i What grows` bigger the yon contract it ?—:Debt. 'Vat do we often drop Yeesnevet stoop to pick it'up ?- : -A hint. When is a butler like a moun tain ?-=-1 7 Th6n he looks down on a valet (valley).. Why is. the, pupil of, the eye like a bad boy at scliooli--#ecause •it is 'always ueder the lash. Why is a lamp-lighter like a cowardly soldier 2-- Because he firesandthen runs„away. 00- One day little Mollie, 'Eiji years old,Vaid to her uncle; tvrto was : viiitiing at her father's—"Unele Harry, do yon say your prayers to God : ?" He replied, " Certainly ; everybody does who is good: " "No,,they don't," said Mollie, "for ma is good, and she always, says hers to a chair. er It was a solemnly funny joke that 'otythe.bon• vivant• who said - there were only two occasions when a gentleman could drink brandy without a sacrifice to dignity,. and• self-respect—namely : "when he has had salt fish for dinner, and when he hasn't," ter -A little girl of three years, from* beyond the -itississippi, who had never' seen en apple-tree in full blooth,'beheld one in Ohio. She lifted,ler fat hands in the attitude of devatipn,aad exclaim i'See God's big hOmineti" ar An American tourist was visiting Naples, and gBM :Vesuvius during an eruption. - -"Have 'you anything like that in the New World ?" "No," re plied the other ; "hat we have a Niagara that would put it out in five minutes," * 4 l' At a young ladies' school, not the most.promising-pupil was asked, "Mary, .did Luther die a natural death ?" -"No," watt the prompt reply, "he, was' mom. municated by a ball'." • "Bob," "Bob," said a „young fellow to his companion. at :a fancy fair, ,t!. - yon are mis sing all the;sights on this side." "Never mind, retorted Bob, "I'm sighting all the misses on the other." er The individeal who attempted to raise :colts from horse c,liestrattir . wetit into the Market . the. other day and quire& for mock turtle;to make j"iiiock• turtle soup" of ~•' ' ,~ , ;sue
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers