The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, November 21, 1863, Image 1
BY FRED'K L. BAKER. Not latobolir. Highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract. A PURE TONIC. DR. ;HOOFLAND'S• GERMAN BITTERS PREPARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHIL'A, PA, TIT L effectually cure Liver Complaint, , c psis, Jaundice, chronic or nervous Debility ? , difipases of the Kidneys, and bad dis eases arising from , a disordered Liver or Stom ach. Such as Constipation, inward Piles, ful ness or blood to the head, acidity of the Stom ach, Nausea, Heartburn, disgust for food, ful ness or weight in the stomach, sour Eructations, sinking or fluttering at the pit of toe StomaCh, awimming of the Head, hurried and difficult Breathing, fluttering at the Heart, choking or suffocating sensations when is a lying posture, dimness of Vision, dots or webs before the Sight, fever and dull pain in the Head, defi cienty, of Perspiration, yellowness of the Skin andllyes. pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Sit., 'sudden flushes of Heat, burning in the Flesh, constant imaginings ut Evil, and grief, depression of Spirits. And will positively prevent Yellow Fever, Billions Fever &a.— They,contain no Alchohol or bad Wnisky.— Tffey'w r LL CURE the above diseases in ninety bitie cases out of a hundred. The pioprietors have thousands of letters from the most eminent Clergymen, Lawyers, Physkians, and Citizens ) testifying of their own personal knowledge. to the beneficial ef ects and medical Virtues of these Bitters. 'DO you want something to strengthen you ? Do you want a good appetite 1 Do you want to build up your constitution 't Do you want ] , to feet Well? Do you want to get rid of Ner vousness? Do you want energy ? Do you want to sleep well ? Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling 1 Ifyou do, use licayer.azio's German Bittei S. PARTICULAR NOTICE.—There are many oreparatlous sold under the name of Bitters, put up ;So quart bottles, compounded of the .cheapest Whisky or common ruin, costing from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste aisguised by Arsine or Otruirider Seed. Tis class of lintMs has caused and will con tinue to cause, as long as they Can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkarcl. By their „use the system is kept continually under the.lntluence of alchuholic stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for liquor is created and kept:up, and the result is all the horrors attenta4 111.1013 a drunkard's tile hint death. For those who desire and will hare a Liquor Bitteistve publish the foiled Mg receipt Get one bottle at Hootland's Bitters and mix with three quarts of good brandy ur whisky, and the result will be a preparation that will far i excel in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the market, and will cost much less. You will have all the virtues of Heidi:inn Bitter. 4 in connection with a good article of liquor, at a I much ,Jess price than these inferior prepara tione will cost...yeti. ATTENTION noLDIERS! We call the c.tten-- deli Of all having rtiations ur fiiends in the army .to the tact that "Hootlanci's German Bitten'? will cure nine-tennis of the diseases induced by exposures add privations incident ti' cutuplife. In the lists, published almost daily to the newspapers, on the arrival of the rick, it will . be noticed that a very large pro portion are suffering from debility. Every case of that kind can ue readily cured by Ituolland , s German Bitters. Diseases result ng from disorders of the digestive organs are' speedily renteved. We have no hesitation iii slitting that, if these Bitters Were freely used among out soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise will be lust. We call the particular attention to the fol lowing remarkable and v. ell authenticate, cure °tone of the nation's heroes, witose life to use his language, "has been saved by the Bitters :" ' PI.IL A DELTn / A, AUgu.t. `3,1, 1562. Messrs. Jones tf LtleanS.-IY , III, geli tle mu m your HOoduatra Getman Bitteis have saved my life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouch ed for by numbers of my comrades, some of whose names are appended, and who are fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my case. I ant, and have been for the last lour years, a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under the immediate command of Cap tain 11.. 13. Ayres. Through the exposure at terdant upon my arduous duties, I was attack edlis November laSt with intim - nation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the hospital. This was hollowed by great debility, heightened by an attack of dysentery. 1 was Oa k removed from the White House, and sent to this city on board the steamer "State of Maine," irom whicu I landed on the 28E11 4 of June. Since that time I have been abou us low as any one could and still retain spark of vitality, For a week or more 1 was ecarcely able to swallow anything, and if I did force a morsal down, it was immediately thrown up again: , 1 could not even keep a glass of water on my stotnacii. Life could not last under these circumstances: and, accordingly, tile physi. clans who bad been working faithfully, though unsuccessfully to rescue me from the grasp at the dread Archer, frankly told me they ' could do no . more for me, and advised me to see a clergyman, and a to make such disposi twit of my Hinge 1 funds as best suited me.— An acquaintance who visited me at the hospi tal, Mr. Frederick Steinoron, of Sixth below Arch street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. From the tittle I commenced taking them the gloomy. shado.4 of death receded, and I am now, thank God for it, getting bettor. 'rho' I have taken but two bottles, I have gained ten pounda, and I feel sanguine of being per mitted to rejoin my wife and daughter, from whom . I have heard nothing for eighteen months: for, gentlemen, I am a loyal Virgin ian, from the vicinity of Front Royal. 'fo your invaluable Bitters I owe the certainty of life which has taken the placo of vague fears —to Your Bitters will I owe the glourious pri vilege Of again clasping to my bosom those who Arldearest to me in life. 'Ve , truly yours, ISAAC IMA LONE. We f' ly concur in the truth of the' ablVe 1 itateme ,as we had despaired of seeing our comrade:; Mr. Malone, restored to health. \ ..b..hrefliltlilleback, Ist New York Battery. George:A. Ackley, Co. C., 11th Maine. Lewitis:Cheyalier, 92d !New York. I. EVAOncer, let Artillery, Battery F. J. B.Sisewell, Co. 13, 3d Vermont. He B. „Serome, Co. 8.. do. kinkyw T..Macdonaltl, CO. C. 6th Maine. JoicifFi 'Ward, Co. E. fith Maine. Nathaniel B. Thomas C0.,F.,, WWI Penn. Jas Jenkins, Co. B. Utak - Penn. Beikrare of cow terfeitsl See that the wrappersi nature 013f.K.:M. Jackson," is on the of eactOottle. Price per bottle 715 cents, or half dn&for $4 00. ShoultrYour nearest druggist not have the article do not be put off by any of the intoxi -3 eating pparationa that may be offered in its place,.b nil to ue,ioand we will forward, securel,y- poked , by express. ra '' • And O ffi ce and Manufactory, oi rm .„ No. 631 ARCH STREET. EVANS, • (Success Ors trilli. Jackson St C 0.,) ;Proprietors. Er For sale by Druggists; and Dealers in every town in the fruited Stint's. ' - rittli" Ai( afbepritkut Vtuuslintuia 4 gurnal : peyote to olx cs, Nittrature, Agriculture, Rau IA fly gag, Yuri ittelligenct, c. Ely Mariatin IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, AT Out 311ollar a—par ; papablt in abbantt CaoLL's Row. Front Street, five doors below Flury's Hotel. TERMS, One Dollar a year, payable in ad vance, and if subscriptioi , s be not paid within six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged. ADVERTISING RATES: One square (12 lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Pro fessional and Business muds, of six lines or less at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading col umns, five cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, s•ax.e. ; but for any additional lines, five cents a line. A liberal deduction made to yearly and half yearly advertisers. Having recentled added a large lot of new Job and Card type, Cuts, Borders, &c., to the Job Office of "The IVlariettian," which will insure the fine execution of all kinds of Jos & CARD PRINTING, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, at prices to suit the War times. THE WORLD IS FULL OF BEAUTY. There is beauty in the forest, Where the trees are green and fair, There is beauty in the meadow, Where wild flow'rs scent the air; There is beauty in the sunlight, And the soft blue beam above ; 0 ! the world is full of beauty, When the heart is full of love. There is beauty in the fountain, Singing gaily at its play, While the rainbow hues are streaming On its silv'ry shining spray. There is beauty in the streamlet, Alurm'ring softly thro' the grove ; 0 ! the world is full of beauty, When the heart is full of love. There is beauty in the moonlight, When it falls upon the sea, While the blue foam crested billows Dance and frolic joyously ; There's beauty in the lightning-gleam That o'er the dark waves rove ; 0 ! the world is full of beauty, When the heart is full of love. There is beauty in the brightness Beaming from a loving eye, In the warm ,blush of affection, In the tear of s?mpathy; , In the sweet low voice whose accents The spirits gladnes prove; 0 ! the world is full of beauty, When the heart is full of love. AIL TOGETHER AGAIN. All together, all together, Once, once again ; Hearts and voices, light as ever, Gladly join the welcome strain. Friendship's link is still unbroken, Bright is its chain ; Where the parting word was spoken, Now in smiles we meet again. While the absent we are greeting, Let us forget In this hone of social meeting Every tho't of past. regret. Since the present, full of gladness, Rids us be gay, Banish every cloud of sadness, And be happy while we may. When the warning, we most sever, Comes once again ; Yet in feeling. true as ever Shall our faithful hearts remain. Oft shall meni'ry breathing o'er us Sweet friendship's strain, Bring the happy time before us, Till we all shall meet again. , NY MOTHER DEIR. r , ......... y mother dear ! my mother dear ! 11 ow oft, how oft I think of thee, While weeks and months roll o'er me here Where duty bids me be. My mother dear—how sweet the name, When thinking o'er the past I A mother's love is e'er the same— It beats on till the last. My mother dear, it grieves me now, To think, to think, how oft your son Hath grieved your aching heart and brow When in sin's path be run. Niy mother dear, those days of youth, Now long since past and gone, Left many a seed of holy truth, Which since, we hope have grown. My mother dear, my fervent prayer, Is that, is that you may be. blest, With peace and joy while ling'ring here— Foretastes of future rest. And that we all may meet at last In yonder heavenly sphere, At Jesus' feet our crowns to cast— All saved, my mother dear. 'Er "I wish I bad your head," said a lady one day to a gentleman who had inivid for her a knotty point. "And I wish I had your heart," was his reply. "Well," said she, "since your head and my heart can agreo, I don't see why they should not go into partnership." Artemus Ward thinks it is a hard thing not to have a wife—no gentle heart to get up in the, morning and make the fire. ar Mr. and Brewer, of Kentucky, are reported to be parents of twenty two children. Rather an extensive brewery. _ MARIETTA, PA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1863. For The Mariettian. BEFORE AND AFTER; or, Five Phases of Married Life. By Grantellus CONCLUSION "What is marriage forced, but bell, An age of discord and continual strife? Whereas the contrary bringeth forth bliss, And is a pattern of celestial peace." It may be remarked in conclusion, upon this important subject, that altho' the foregoing incidents in married life may not be personal—any further than individuals may see their own personal histories reflected in them—yet, no ob server of human society, and the charac ter of its constituent elements, or the quality of its ruling principles, can, upon mature reflection, come to any other conclusion than that they are neverthe less real. No matter how studied the efforts are, to conceal , the different un happy and discordant marriage relations now existing in the world, yet many of them are cognizant to "two 2citnesses," and where these unite iu a disapproval or condemnation of the marriage bans, the approbation and exaltation of socie ty, can exercise but a transient influ ence upon the real happiness of the parties to them. These two witnesses are, the living consciousness of the married partners themselves, and the knowledge of Him. who lives and reigns where alone true marriages are made.— It may appropriately be asked, in re lation to this subject, "can we possibly conceal anything from the knowledge of ourselves and our God ?" It does not follow, hOwever, that where the discovery is made—after the consummation of the marriage bonds— that •the connection should be sacreli• giously violated, or ruthlessly broken up, because an improper union may have been formed ; for, acting mainly under the impulses and dictates of an unregenerate heart, and with the per verted views, and false inteuts.and pur poses which grow out of such an inter nal condition, the same error is likely to be committed again and again; arid at any future time. Even where persons have flattered themselves that, they would have done better in another choice, yet they may have lived long enough to discover that that choice, in all its prac• tical and realizing effects, would have been infinitely more disastrous than the first. Nor is it to be inferred that the foregoing five, are the only phases of married life ; or that they reflect a tythe of the discordan cies, to say nothing of the miseries and criininalities, that attend so many of the marriage con nections of an unregenerate world.— There may be nearer five hundred, or perhaps five thousand different phases of this relation of the sexes, than simply five of them. The five enumerated are among the most obvious of those which transpire or obtain, in what may be termed the middle ranks of society._ NO picture has been drawn from those • regs of society, where the marriage re lation is scarcely one remove from that which exists among brute-beasts, with not one-half of their disinterestedness I and instinctive purity. No pen could depictthese,,except one that had been chooled amidst the elements that form : ed the subject matter of its rehearsals, and then the scenes might be too re pulsive to human sensibilities, and too far below the ordinary human experi ence, to afford the instruction that is most particularly needed. Nor are any of these five phases drawn from the ac knowledged "uppertendom" of society, where all is supposed to be happiness and sunshine, in consequence of the re- finements and the luxuries which are its usual concomitants. A recital of these might also be too far removed from the experiences of the common mind, for them to appreciate or understand them, and hence these also would lack that moral and social instruction which is calculated to beoefit the middle masses of society. Here too it would require a pen conversant with the abuses of high married life, and the perversion- of its refinements. .The "upperteudom" alluded to, is not that transient changing social click, that rises suddenly to an ephemeral distinc tion through a lucky advent in specula tion or peculation, whereby au individu al is elevated from the condition of a beggar to that of a nabob within a very brief space of time ;. retaining internally all the elements of the mental condition prevailing in the sphere which it had so recently abandoned. These still be long to the middle classes, if their proper place is not a grade below them. The "uppertendom" to which we abide, is the real aristocracy of the land, who claim themselves such, by virtue of their "blood .and birth," without regard to their moral integrity or their pecuniary condition. ' • When it is considered how very far mankind has fallen, below the moral and social plane which was occupied by the most ancient of the human race ; and how deeply and widely the _consequen ces of that fall have become intArtwined and inwoven into the very texture and quality of the mental and physical con stitution of man, it will become appa rent that so long as the impulses of ac tion, and the aspirations of the soul, spring from the dictates of his own sel fish nature, he is likely to go on blun dering in all he does to the end of life. Therefore, marriage obligations, what ever their original, qualities may have been, should be held sacred above all things; for, even an uncongenial or dis cordant marriage union, if its purity, is held intact, may still operate,instrumen tally as a human regenerator, and infuse a higher degree of moral rectitude in a coming generation. 'Doubtless a proper and well-ordered union of the sexes in a marriage covenant, is the most potent instrument which the 'Almighty ha's in stituted for the disenthralMent of the the human family ; yet, an ill-ordered and improper marriage need not neces sarily be regarded as a degradation or a condemnation of the family of man. If all the ends of the Creator were con summated on the material plane—if it were not "appointed into men once to die, and after death the judgment"—if the realms of the eternal world were not inhabited by the spirits of "just men made perfect," and if those inhabitants were not supplied from among those who "do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before God," on this "material plane," then—excepting so far as present worldly decency, propriety, safety and interest are concerned—marriage uni ons, perhaps, like other merely legal associations, might be annulled, and re formed in a seemingly more agreeable connection, with comparative impunity. *But, would the moral condition of the race be advanced by such a course ? is a question that cannot be disregarded.— On a right understanding of this ques tion, and due reflection thereon, hiuges much of the hapPiness or unhappiness that obtains io married life. No thought can be more futile, no reflection more disparaging and damaging, than fora young man or a young woman to - con clude, that if they-had to do it again, they would not have married the •one to whom they have been united-; or that with this one or that one in society, they , could live more prosperously. more agreeably and more happily. Whilst they are indulging in such thoughts and reflections as these, they are sapping the very foundations of their own domestic structure, and are laying waste and making a sterile desert out of their own minds, at the same tithe that they ought to be yielding them fruit in thirty or sixty or an hundred fold. Probably if the internal state of those they most desire were revealed to them, it would present phases more repulsive, in an eminent degree, than those they imagine themselves compelled to endure in their present relations. And then such re flections may be selfish in the most op posite and worst extreme ; for one party may have as much ground for unhappi ness, discontent, and complaint, as the other. Absolute and unqualified absti nence from all covert as well overt acts of social and' connubial infidelity, is the surest ground upon which• to build the superstructure of domestic happi ness. But true happiness cannot exist where the yearnings of the heart are habitually going out, and restingaapon objects not recognizable by the marriage bond—objects too, that may be alto gether unknown and unworthy;.or if known and worthy, still uncongeniaLL A right use of the present opportuni ties, or those which may be legitimately embraced, will be far more efficient as instrumentalities to human happiness I and human progress, than bootless long ings after impractical conditions that are not attainable; and if attainable, are not as likely to bring the desired "peace and prOgress," as those that have been exchanged for them. If the merely animal nature of man is kept in obeyance to his moral and spiritual na ture, it will not be so hard for him to live a life of perfect resignation to the behests of orderly and 'God-given, or God-permitted marriage. Under the 'present forms of society. and with the ideas 'of classes and casts which now prevail almost everywhere, it is almost impossible to bring together in marriage those that are best suited for each other, and a union of whose destinies would develop a higher degree of happiness and usefulness, than a con tinuance of the present social status can possibly accomplish. False systenis of education ; false standards'of male and female excellence ; false ideas of the sublime and beautiful, and false tastes, desires and aspirations, among men and women, have so much perverted the moral sensibilities of mankind, and so much warped their judgment, that a corresponding social condition is no thing more than a natural consequence of such vitiated premises. For parties to invoke the blessings of heaven upon a union which they themselves are pre meditatedly and perseveringly doing so much to curse, seems to be a species of profanation that admits of no palliation, unless it is perpetrated in abject and to tal ignorance of the relations which ought to exist between the sexes, and the attitude in which they ought to stand towards their neighbor and their But even in instances of marriage, where the parties may have been influ enced by merely sensuous, or mercena ry motives, there is no necessity in breaking up the relation unadvisedly and without cause, after the union has been once legally and in due form con summated ; for, they may be well as sured, that whatever the Almightyper mits to transpire among men, he will in his own time, and in his own:way, over rule for their good ; and that their con dition will be, - in all respects, as favora ble to their prosperity and ultimate happiness, as a combination of such cir cumstances as those in which they are placed will possibly allow, if they but honestly and sincerely co-operate with Him, in the dispensation of his merciful providences. Although it may seem advisable that some penple 'should never get married, yet-this is altogether an appearance, and grows out of the ill allotments usu ally made by a vitiated state of human judgment in this respect, and l - y unfa vorable social contacts and tendencies in life, rather than from abstract unfit- ness or disqualifications on the part of individuals ; for, a married state is man's normal social condition, and any sanc tioned departure from that condition, must be in accommodation to the per verted state of social order and of mates domestic relations ; and therefore must be regarded rather , as an unfqrtunate exception, than as a rule of action in any special sense. But, because marriage is,a high and holy institution, and •.wed ded life is man's normal condition, it is not to be inferred from this, that rather than not be married at all in this world, therefore persons should• unadvisedly: and under the influence' of sinister in tents and purposes, form discordatit, selfish, and uncongenial unions ;" and most especially they should not form such unions premeditatedly and clandes tinely; because, under the most favora- ble circumstances in which the fallen sons of Adam can be placed, in this .our day, there aie quite enough of triala and temptations`that assail:them frOm with out, independently of these worse en'e miss of human peace, which assail them from within,. Cultivating a living trust in the .ordinances of the •Deity, and . ; a practical faith that "in Him we . live ano move and have our being.;',and that all the permissions of ,his divine providence are so many prevention of greater evils that may have befallen the race, togeth er with a patient resignation to the things that are allowed to transpire for our good, will do much to ameliorate the moral condition of the burner' fami ly and initiate a state of peace. But as these things cannot be done without a foregoing of self, and yielding .to the admonitions of reason and revelation, so neither can a true state of wedded life be attained, without that guidance which can only come from above; and there fore, 'regardless of prospective' worldly advantages—of social position, wealth and fame—of earth's renown and care less ease—of sensuous gratifications and pecuniary emoluments, let the sexes patiently and perseveringly "work and wait," and in the Lord's good time "all, will be well" with them:; for there never was a worthy young man or woman in this world, that was not discovered by some worthy individual of the opposite sex, if it was best for eternal ends, that such should have transpired on this earth. Bat even if tbis.reward ofwa4t ing is not realized upon the shoree of; time,' depend upon it; that, in eternity, where the mere ties of earth are no longer the rule of life, a world of social and connubial ieligbt will be reserved VOL. 10:--NO. 16. in store for those, who have laid up their treasure there. The fleetness and evan escence of, all earthly Ahiegs, when com pared with the perpetual and never-end ing state of tTian's heregteri Jeavesppon the mind, such an idea of their relative value, as must, on reflection, predispose the yearnings of the heart in, favor of the, latter. But in the meantime, even on the material plane, the golden oppor tunities that may be presented, are not to be disregarded ; but are •to be intelli gently, honestly, and chastely appropri ated as the legitimate means of advan cing the social, and moral condition of the human family, for— , "Though fools spurn, Hymen's gentle powers, They, who improve his golden hours„ By sweet experience know, • That marriage rightly understood Gives to the tender and the good A Paradise below." ECONOMY IN A FAMILY.—There is no thing which goes so far toward placing young people beyond the reach of. pov erty ea economy -in the management of household affairs: It matters not wheth er a man furnishes little or much for his family, if there is a continual leakage in his kitchen or, parlor ; it runs away, he knows nothow,And that demon Waste, cries ','More 1" . like, the horse leech's daughter, until• he, that provided has. no more to give. It is-the husband's duty to bring into the house and it is-the duty of- the wife to see that - none goes wrongfully out of it,. man gets , a wife to look after his affairs, and to 'as sist him in his journey through life; tb educate and prepare their children for a station in life, and not to' dissipata his property. The husband's interegt should be the wife's, care, and her greatest-am bition to carry her no farther. than , his welfare or happiness, together with that of her children 1 This- shed& be her sole aim, and the theatre of her exploits in the bosom of her family, where Shia may do as much toward making a for tune as she can in tits counting-room or workshop. Er A would-be agreeable, taking his seat between Madame de Steel and the reigning beauty of the day, said, "Ho* happy I am to be thus seated betwebri wit and a beauty !" "Yes," relined Madame de Stael, "and without posses . - sing either.' . Cr P. T. Barnumis the happy Rog sesor of a five-horned 'ram, which' re sides not at the Museum, but at his farm. At a recent cattle show he la beied-•the intbmperate Sheep, which has 'taken it least three horns too much." tkr Some fellow enamored of a:young lady named . Anna ,Bread; •dropped the following from his pocket—we expect "While belles their-lovely graces spread, And fops around them flutter; Pll be content.with Anna Bread, ' And won't-have-any.but 'hen'? eit Sometimes' O girl Bays no; to in offer, when it is as plain as the nose on her face, that she means yes. The 'best way to judge whether she is in earnest or not, is to look straight into her eyes and never mind her noes. a- Squabbles, an old bachelor, shows his stockings, which he he'd just darned, to a maiden ladi, Who cointe,mptnnuslY remarks, "Pretty goad for 'a man, darn- , •• er."> Whereupon Squabbles rejoins` "Good enough for a woman, darn her." tilir , A man the other - day gave as a reason for laying up golden treasures; that, moth and rube - wouldn't corrupt 'em, an then, besides,. they would he_ a'safe thingto fall back on, let who will keep lionse hereafter. • A Democratic • editor in , Neviida Territory says of the defeat of his party in his city : • "We met, the enemy yes= terday and are out on parole this morn ing," sfir A henpecked husband writes :=-L Before marriage, I fancied - weddsid-life would be all sunshinn; but.diterwardsi I found out that it was all moonshine. sr You may distinguish. a city man by two things--his trowsers ,and, gait. The first never fit him, and he always walks as if he Wag an ' hour be hind time. Car A. good . toast-- : May lour, _coffee acd the slanders against, you ,be ` alike---without grounds., gir Kindness is stowed !way in the heart, like, roel-p3aves in :a draw, to sweeten every object, around-them. tfir Lawa are like 'co,titirabs, wliieli catch small flies, but weeps and lint.- nets brook through. EINE