The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, November 07, 1863, Image 2

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The Natiettiait.
F. L. Decker, Editor,
MARIETTA. PA - ; 41;
4Nfin Si+ inwr The Uniot men
have a majority of one in the tate
8.49 1 .41.10414.91---001:
Senators hap
ens to be , in the hands of the Copper
, • ,
Gads—Major, White, of the 'lndiana
- djitriCt being , a prisoner at Richmond.
40 his'deteution there will be a favor
t~ the rebel syropathiieYs here, Jeff.
tavis will probably
,d'eclioe to exchange
him. But his ishgence will not pre'vent
the progress of bueiness. , The Senate,
unlike thp House, , is always organized
from tbe previens session. bly.:Penny
is,Speaker i .,and will continue so until
successor is chosen; and the other of&
,care of the senate will continue to offi
ciate until they aro relieved by the
election of others.
Detwiler, of York county, Pa was iv-
Wednesday of "last Week, by
DeputylJnited Sidles Mar:Nal Schuyler,
OD the charge of 'attempting, 'to evade
ibe it+come ' taa It is iiivied• tkai lie
illAded hie property ' among his4ebild
ifien;'so that it shoold'n'ot 'come within
'the provisions of the laW.: The 'ease
`hide fedi to be interestiq, as it hi' the
iirst'Onli'bf the kind : bronglit . to 'the
iiee , drtlin Dnited'States anthoritian` in
Alir•Gew. Louis Blanker, lately nom
uutaderoF a4itrision under Frernont:and
illigel..sod• distinguished .in the retreat
at , BullAßtin, died , owthe 31st ;ult. - He
was;born in Worms, Hesse •Darmstadt,
1812., In 1 . 833 he was lieutenant in.the
Guards of ..11;ing Otbo, or Greece. In
Nthe-Bavarian, revolution 0f1.848,•he was
appointed commander of the National
Guard at. Worms, and, tookl a very ac
tive-part during tbe+revolutionary strug
gle; , joining, the . popular. army, at the
•heattor a-considerable force. Tile revo
lutionary movement being, effectually
crushed; ,he retired into -Switzerland,
which, country -he was ordered to, leave
in September, 1849, and, embarking. at
Havre, heln' .due •lime landed at -New
ifir A gentleman • lately arrived from
the Sonth reports no 'less than five at.
tempts" at slave insurrection in the State
of Georgia. According to the state
in a Sunday paper, seven or eight
slaves *ere burned to death, and in the
bread riots a number'of women were
shot. Isstaucea ' of starvation were •
Or A private letter from Detroit, re
ceived in Chicago, contains the follow
iou extract, which i 3 printed in the
Journal' of the 'attar city: "Vallandig
bawls terribly cast down by the'reault
in•Dhio. .I:leis - fast putting an enemy
in his mouth•to Steal away his brain's."
15,,The,Ettssian sailors, it is said, can
put under their jackets. a stiller glass of
krt . : RA . lmq ordinary people.,
.A. bottle of
whisy at
,a sitting to each , man, and a
tumbler brimming full of ofd Bourbon—
nnocent of water—isa common dose.
htaj.•Gen. Butler has been assign.
e'd to fhb -command of the 18th Army
Oorpe Dripartment of Virginia and N.
Oarolinn;in , place'ol . Gen. Foster, arho is
ordered to Washington, to take'charge
of the defenCes there. '
or The Pennsylvaniansjn thiE Libby
Prison at,Riclimond observed theselec-
Aay. and opeupd the polls accor
tingly. There were4l4,zotes,
T e h Curtin received 96,, Woodwrgd
i scattering 1.
%. 4 16rAfesperiment'satt againat Sltneti
OitnerOo;forlilledged, illegal ar r est and
iffitoirlsoloilent at Tort Lafayette ' while
Secretary War, is to come
On "gild lb' Baltittiore:
John loqg o copmicted of partici 7
potion ilk
.oe, copspAttion srlot in Bos
ton, in,4ply last, eras sentenced : in that
4110. 4 10°r . the
State Prison. , - ,
iketbe t • Lidg t ei- of 04d 7,1 7
lows in. 4 Riiiifin . g ; have 'decided to'kzi"tO
Glit l tybbtyibitlbe'lltO; to Witness '
deatcatiot of fife deinetert.- 7
They will turn'' nt in fill regalia ,
sr The names, thus far most promi
nent on the Administration side, for the.
Speakership of the next Congress, are
Frank F. Blair, E. B. Washburn, and
Sqr,hylnr, Colfax:
IcCording'to the official vote of
the'entire State, received at the offica,of
the tiCreta' c ry:of the toiiinontitalth,
majority is 15,325, and Agnew's
oir The six, 4Test,England States h avee
ftgetsbeti thoi!scutd tooksoldiets•than
r.enuflY4 4 uill. l 4 0 1 / 4 ?.. ,
l ir TYE d Tail qiiiinti"votpeof Ohio'
gives Biongh 61,75 i resijorlir
gar According to late reports, which
appear 1.1) b well Itutlignticated, our
armies le a it tolassome tie offen
sive alo . t i whol4 line, and ilhere ace
good g un a, for 4tie hope that the
4ig f
caWPai ; s lil 1.0 40 1 18 . 440 C 4 3 ,4 : kin 0%
ciiiie un t il lafge accesslOns lave been
made to the territory under the national
nag. Gen. Grant has assumed personal
command of the veteran army at Chat
tanooga. Gen. Burnside is in a position
io. which he ,can ,assist either of these
tile. g;•eiit arinieii:and lie4as recently
shown bow effectively he can cooper
ate. Gen. Foster is the man to make
Richmond tremble before a rapid move
ment up the Peninsula. Sitniliira4ivity 4 ,
prevails at all points where our forces'
are stationed,
lar Southern woman writing to
her friends in Europe; "If you
have any inthetice with Southern fimi
lies abroad, use iv' to 'induce them' not
to retfirw to this country. They have
no idea-of the want tad suffering thete.
In all phibability their plantations ilia
devastated; iieg roes all . geine, and' theni
lelves beggars. The' ge n tie Men :Will be
obliged to go'in to 'We army; 'far better
would it be"for them to earn their living
abroad now than to stiffer befe. Many
of tha wealthiest Of the land are no*
working in the Departments for 'a Mere
qpvprilor ..partih has issued, his
proclamation, appointing„Thursday, the
26th. instant, as, a, clay, of Thanksgiving,
it being ;the same day repommeuged,,by
the P,resident of. the United States,,
The Governor has also,issaed ,bisprpq
laroation with reference to the , new call
for 300 , 000 volunteers to reinfOrce the
armies of the Union. kle • makes,an
, appeal to, the patriotism of his
fellow•citizena to volunteer and thus
avoid the ne,cessi.ty,,of. a. draft. „Penn
sylvania's quota is 38,268.
or A woman, the 'wife of an officer
in the rebel army, recently arrived at
Norfolk, from "Mobile, says th'eie is
great anxiety in the latter city noncern
e. ,
log the xpected'aitaek by the Union
forces. Slke says there are few available
troops there, and the women havieb'een
dressed in men's clOthes and paraded in
sight of our forces'near the city, with a
view to 'delaying the, attack as long as
. ,
. Or The appointment of General But
ler to the department of which Fortress
Monroe is headquarters, is considered
an earnest of. tie purpose to - condtict the
war-in that- quartir on what are• briefly
known as "Butler Trinciples." General
-Butler-will also be likely to take more
vigorous measures for the , se-edlistmetit
of colored soldiers than have etrUt beeei
taken in the department of which be
assumes command. '
Gir What an amount of, suffering and
, .
diseese among the volunteers would, be
prevented by the , free use of Holloway's
Pills and Ointment. For wounds, sores
and •scurvy, the, Ointment
.is a. certain
cure.; and for bowel complaintsjevers,
email pox, &c., the Pills are the best
medicine in the world. Only 25 cents
per box or pot. [221
Sir The betrothal ring ordered by
Senator 'Sprague for hie intended bride,
Miss Kate Chase, is a diamond solitarie
set 'in enamel • and not dialed.' It is
described as a' beautiful' and 'tasteful
ornament, worthy of the beautiful young
lady Who is the happy possessor of the
token: The price of the ring was $4OOO.
, •
Colonel„ Wells, the Provost Mar.
shal General of. the defences gouth
the Potomac. Says that large numbers
of refugees,, principally British , subjects,
are daily coming into our lines from the
smith ; also deserters from the rebel
army, and others who are flying from - the
rebel conscription.
er Mrs. Gurney, who him' been di
vorced fiOni her hasband, the member
for.. Kirig's Lynn, has married Taylor,
the partner of 'her flight, and is living
with him' at Htirptree, near . Bristol,!so
that the'reports that she had peaeloned
hiM °Teed wits living in stria retire
ment are' witheut:rotiedittion.
A Kansas colonel fell in • love
with, a necesh lady,got happy and pro
posed i jeff. Davis' health,. was degraded
from his command deserted to the' re
bels, was Mittened . by the Aforesaid dam
sel, and, m
chneen captaiof A repel com
pany. The way of transgressors is
Fad' This year the tpiantity of !tubber
sttrieyed - at"Banttortlifain4,tiettieen
first - day of Jniniary last 'airdliiiitfist
day of Octobtii list, ' - 4 , itts 130,142,186
feat. This is 47,362;i72 feet Wore titan,
string the — same period in 1861, and
14;014,066 feet more than in 1862:
sarTbe , Cincinuati Commercial' Wa'ye
that the.venerable Catholic .A.rchbiatiop
rumen( accollipMiled by Bishop. Rose.
grans, appeared .at the polls in that city,
on Tuesday, for,theirst time in: twenty..
five •years,andl , votad an open Union
ticket. . •
lir A eorrespon4eut in Fornvy'e
Pram, aajia the newly
elected - Governor of
. ohig, should have
his namejs VO ikoiinge as 'though spelled
He 'etkia he' 'lngle, tan OF
this' is the
sontiCei it: ' - '
r-te-a • t. 4 Q q •
on . 4 C,
Gir An extraordinary case of treason
has tecently come to light, implicating
seveial perilous in Cinciunnti, Colttm
bus,kovingion, and Newplrt, in eon
sp4g to release the prison Ors at Camp
Ch oe, nnPovertfirow thee State
vernment. The conspiracy was brought
to light by U. S. detectives, who were
supposed by the parties, implicated to
be spies from the rebel army, and were
treated with full confidence. The plot,
as disclosed to the detectives, was that
an rattack was to be made on , Cainp:
Cbase,.release the prisceuss. confined,
3,500 in number, to:seize the arsenal at
Columbus, take possession of the peni
tetairaii, eie i lea±set oOhn 3lofgan, and
other Officers confined thete, and then
to commence the rebel cappsign_ in
ow Colonel Charles' B. ;ElLevi- who
. died suddenly at Bunker Bill, 111., rof
(disease contracted in serviceonts born
in - Philadelphia; 1840, and wash son of
:the noted engineer, Colonel. Charles El
let, who originated the raorfleet. '
followed his father as a lieutenant,' and
on-the ddath ofnb is:Sather became' lieu
tanant colonel; *and.. commandei=of , one
of the' rams; his allele biecomin'g' colonel.
During the operitiona 'of 'Gen. Giant
st Vicksburg; Col. Met's command
rendered , him a great Acal :of assistance
in keeping open his.communications.k!
air The Prince or,:tyales has except
ed a formal act of ,abdication of ,his
claims to the duelqof Saxe Coburg
Gotha in favor, of, his brothers, reserv,
iug to‘himself and z his heirs their-rights
in case otfailure ofissue of,the younger
.Victoria.. The ~Queen
ilers!.,lf made her4qlpearance in ;,public,
for, the first time since Prince Albert's
death, at the_inauguration of the
ce's memorial. at Aberdeen.
OW The ipieelfroreolon'el Lamar, of
the rebel 'twiny, to a parti'of English
agrieultbriste, at Ohurtsey, , is published.
The Col oriel' 'reiresente'd -- the
y rebel
planters Mat indulitrio'us=L-Men, be
said, who alWayi c earned 61 1 :ead by
the sweat of their brow. •
eir Arrangements are being made for
paying .:our .armies.for.the two months
ending with., November. • Twenty-five
millions of dollars are. required for-that
purpose: Theliayinasters' rolls:: may
- not, however, be, prepared before the
middle of
• . ,
e`The young king of Greece has
just arrived in Piris, and been provided
with apartments at the' Tuileries. He
is much in the company, or the Emper
or, and is, doubties's taking a lesson 'in
king-craft, to be practiced on his new
ihr Id Perry &entity, Mr:. Barnet, the
Union candidate for e Assembly, 'had juat
one majority, thus adding to; the Union
strength in the. tegislaturel.' A year
ago that ode vote` would';have saved a
United States' Senator ' the' Union
Life is made up, not of, great sac
rifices, or duties, hat 4 little things, in
which smiles, and, kinAness, and small
obligations given, habitually, are what
win and preserve the heart, and secure
comfort. ,
et General Forei, in MS valedictory
address to the Mexicans, shows the ul
timate designs - of NaPolecin, 'auntie de=
termination to 'halie"-Mexieb liermaneut
ly occupied by his troops' as 'a part—of
the French 'empire: '
Cr The proudest triumph in ~a man's
life ,is when he, makes a !Henn of, an
enemy. The joy. is then akin to that
which angels feel as they rejoice, . over a
sinner that repeuteth.
lir George Peabody, the Am'erican
baieer, of London, I;ae presented
College with a geological . cabinet Worth
one hundred and twenty-five thou
aand \
or A. number of .eitizensadong-tbe
Orange•and Alexandria Railroad;,eharg
erl with harboring• guerrillas, have been
arreatediand gent to-Washingtour-.; ,. `
Longteilow t!eautitull7 et.
"Sunday is the golden clasp that 'Wilds
together . the volomes of the week."
the , 1;278,00 . 0 soldierslaised , for
the war since itwascommenced4oo;l3o6
have been furnished- by.Pennsyl v.ania:
Areonumant ip.propospi
Nathaniel Lyon, hy a
,eprresppesient of
The Press
p P LATE WARE. A Large arid trne'stokli
R: of Rtated,ware at• H., L. & ;T, ZA
CorneKot: Dlortti, Queen street & Center Square
Lancaster, Pa: 'Tea' Setts, in *varigti; - COffee
Urns., Pitchers„'. Goblets, •,Sait Siands, Cake
gaskets, ,Card Baskets Spqons, Forks, Knives,
Ciiiterglic:;&64 mitit nhficturers'firmeS.
—REstaTtsa - atteildedlckatmeAetate rates.
PEtTACE.tISto suit all who__:----411116pligilla
ciin Pbe aided '
with glassel;
cno,be, H , L. Ar .E. Z4lliii'4;.Cor
ner of 'Nor& ' and CeAtei Square,
Lincaster. New glass es refittid in bidfninies;
at abort notice.
t il
A. GenerabAssortment ofkail,kinda.of
a LU
CKS, ,
Magee, Scre ws,licolia, ' Cellar -Grifes;
Oils; ;Glass an etl Pattr,4 very. cheap. . ,:'
. , , P ATTE RS:011 . gr. CO., ..
rtH4.MP.A.GNE an& other,: tTable.; Winese
IL; narranteed tabe pure, and, sold najow,as
can be bougetln Philadelphiti Ne . ar-Yark..
ra.:. D. BENJAMIN', PA* Building.
drOIX Ain) NEW .illlittAND RUM I
..forA l 4 l ,illarY,,tmATOOßesirinVlVAgenPi4e
R. Boneitpqn
•-•- •
iiunke~'s. fitter aline of iron.
1710It.the cutV of Weak Stomachs. general
debility, iddigestioa, dtieases of the
Nervous Systent, .constipation. acidity of
the stomach am) fiar all casaarequiring
This Wine tri'eludes the most agreeable and
efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of
Magnetic Oxide combin?.d, with the most en
ergetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvian
Baer. The effect in many cases of debility,
loss of appetite, and general prostration, of an
efficient Salt of Iron, combined with our valua
ble Nerve Tonic, is most happy. It augments
the appetite, raijes the pulse, takes off muscu
lar flabbiness,'.temfives the palorof debility,
and gives a florid vigor to the countenance.
Do you want something to strengthen you 1
Do you want a good appetite ?
Do you want to build up your constitution
, Do }you want to feel well? • ;
Do yoewantgelrid oenet:vousnest
Do%you want energy? ' •
Do you want to sleep well?
y0at,„3443, 4 9 4 ,3 , 4a1f.,ar4,.,y,igf0taL1ei1iRe41
you do. try
This 4 trulv , valuable ,Tovic, has Peeo .so
'tharritiihlyheb l y 'a
estgil cl t aidaes'a the caMind
nity, that it is now deemed, indispensable as
a Tonic medicir4.; I INlists 'but little, purifies
the blood, gives tone to the stomach, renovates
the system, and 'prolongs . life. I now only
ask a trial of this valuable Tonic.
KEL's .Bitter Wine of Iron is the only 'sure and
effectual remedy in the known world, lor the
permanent cure. of „Dyspepsia ~and
and is , there are.a number. of areitations offer
ed to the public, we would caution , t e corn
murnty'to purchase none but the genuine ar-
Aide, manufactured by S. A. Kunkel; and has
his stamp on the , top of the cork of every bot
tle. The very fact that others are attempting
•to imitate %this - valuable! remedy; proves its
worth and !Teaks volumes in Its favor.
The flitter Wine of'fron"'Ss put up iii '75 Cent bottles; and sold by- all, respectable
Druggists throughout the country. lie par
tiCiilatithat every Vottle beitia fhe
thoproprietoen signature.
. General Depot, .118 Market Street,,
• 0. , "- 11 - • ' "Thirrisbrirg. Pa.
1137.F0r. .Balelliy.Dr. Beane & •Co:;lind all
i:esileetable.dea.ers everywhere.
4 , Soldiers in tact Army
%AND 421.14 i P, E O,P 1.5 , E, AT .HOME
A RE PAW Ofetel an.. eiTertueity hy which
Fc .
'they can obtain a good and
:i -.1%;1. A.; MERY LOW FIGURE.. ,
0,13„B RYA 01=1ES • -
One Yeai, and the bilYier privi
lege of examination- before payment is.required.
.14f.P.4 0 VED.,D
A prst r class Hunting Time .Piece of silver
materialroi%er*.lneh is elect - to-fine plated - 18 k
gold,tmost durable,: wroughti. making .the imi
tation so,faultless that it cannot be detected
froth the solid inatenal by the most experienced
judges;;acids wißnotaffect it. Londommade
movement. Improved Duplex in full ruby ac
timi; has - weep'seconds, ainl not to be ek
ce/144. in , general appe,arance., , is decided
ly aniof ,the Pest articles ever offered for trad
ers anitsiici 'dilators. Engi neers; emigrants and
persons:tra.yeling, will End tliern superior, to
any other.; alteration of climate will not affect
theirqicinm`eo PH*`peeked in good 'shape
and good Junaingprder,,,only $35, or .ceee of
6 for $2OO.
Sil!.4 - 5100. 1 :i.cTisli D;,
over which 'electrO-fine plated IS karat gold;
similar , to , our imProred. :Duplex,. and superior
nainsted.move - nents, with " " stop, to be used
in timinghdrse‘-etc.; ,•
Four indeies' tor
Washington' and Greenwich time; sweep 'sec
ond, and all the improvements. All in all,
taking its beantiful and faidtleis'aPpearanck and
its superior, movement into consideration, we
regard, ii as decidedly the cheapest article of
the' kind
Pride in ,gon&riinning order, 825, ormase of
fi f0r,290.
OCT We isle no pay in advance, but will
forward either of them to responsible parties;
to, any partpf loyal,States, with bill pay
able to expressman when the goOdi are deliv
ered, giving the, buyer the, privilege of exami
napoo, and, if not saM:factory, the watch can
lie retui fled at ourexpenge.
The express companies reface making col
lections on soldiers and other
,parties in, the
dislOyal States, colitequehtly all such orders
niustbe accompanied by the cash to
tention. We make a deduction of two dot
lars'on either when the paYinerit fOrwarded
in advande: - • -
• Money may be sent by, express at our ex
93 and 951. Broad,street„ opposite City Bank,
Oct. 17-Sm] Prdvidence, R.
ColleCtton4 , of 'Pensions, Bounties; Back
Bay; and War. Claims.- •
Officgrs' „pay. Roils,.
_ittustcr ]tolls, and
&pruning Accounts made out.
THE undersigned, having linen in.the em-
plument of
,the United States during.the
last eigheeed , riiOnthi, lis'tlerk Hie Muster
ing;and Asbursing ; 01fice,and .thfrice.of, Super
intendent of Recruiting Service of Pennsylva
niiq'rCaPeetfoify informs the' public that 14 has
oppiaed an office in•the,Daily Telegraph.Bu4d
ing for the purpose of, collecting . Pensions,
Bontifie4 Hada ` Pay tVai Marfa' ‘;'
making. out Officers' Pay, Rolls, Muster . Rolls
and ,Recruiting Accounts.
All order's' by tail' ti ten'daot r o' proinptlp
11.arrisburg Nov 29 1862: IS- ly
• -/
-Bl'ackHawk -Iron Ore Washer.-
ri, ; ,lliEpndersigtiedha.ying jog completed new
. paterns - for the manufacture pf the eele
brireed Black H'aw' Iron Ore 'Wlieher: He
has Temoyed several objections to the ,old pat
ern, and now ,feels certain of being able to
triiati One mord froiroro per ay, and
much sleanar, manufactuAed and
put up, anywhere . desiFea at the shortest no
tiberatiinhe vioiicirkg flie-inackline'guairan
iesd. Be 'ganwrefer, permission., to Col
James Vlyer, of I ,-egal Flunuce;, Marietta,
soR to Jamea z adidining
ega. • - , Address ' :
Patnter, Glazter, and Paper anger.
esOLTLD .mosOrespectfully inform the cit
izens of Markus anktheputilie gener;
ailY - that tie is' Orepreifte
House •
China,, Glossing, , ,
Paper Vanging
At very short' notice and at prices to suit the
tithed.. , 'He -can be found at hisatotner's resi
dence on;the corner. of Chesnut
_and peconl
streeti; re* doors 'below the' 141. E. Churti,
and immediately 4opposite -the' "Oberlin
Coach, Works. , [Aug.
House' Sign Painter' 4- , Paper Hanger.
TTAV IN G returned t o Marietta'and retitirri
•t ed ie prepwed. tp dp..
91i kipds ; oP: Plain and Fug Painting •
Such glossing, imitation ,of woodb and
marble, house and sign painting, paper hang
=Fdr' the present he can beYoutid
at. Apoold's Eagle, H0te1. , ,;
_J o t =§uperior. Old *Andy, Old Rye Whiskey,
II 1 nd Gip, Old Ildnderia, Lisbon Sherry and
Port ..
' •.• •<,
Pittsburg ; Whiskey4lw,a,y, r on haq4,,attl32
loweit market prices. Very Fine Brandy it
a~+ery love.fig•uret". -
gO(rctiIGICIMPIONLIS 4 A 4444644
For..pale cheap at,Dykebaph'a• .
Great Discovery
Ithiacas 4 ter 06. 7 Pa
,Zen &. OarLEA,
%littPktiOt # r ,ff.t4nittitt ilath
l'ap,plW. o .•• •
DR. LANDIS having purchased the entire
interest and good w ill of Dr. F. Hinkle's
Drug Store, would take ti is opportunity to in
form the citizens of Marietta and the public
generally, that having just received from Phil
adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he
will spare no pains to keey,constantly on hand
the Best anti most completa assortment of eve
rything in'the . drug line. .
ft Ed - of EAReil 41)8 Toilet RH - K.les,
consisting in part of German, French and Eng
lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams,
Teeth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other
._ . l
Hair Combs, Hair Oils, Pomades,etc,ist
Port Monies, Pocket Books, Puff'
~'Cf'"~o7`lE3; "c~"C'~9 "• nhr_+~w~•Hes
The celebrated - 13atehelor's .1-lAilt DYE,
DeCosta's andiither Toode2iVa4e4l.ndia Cola
gogue, Savv's Tricoperous, for the hair, Bay
Ruin, Arricold4ldk lufge'and!sinall sized bot
tles„ Bairn. of a Thousand ylowers, „Flour 01
Rice; Corn Starch, Heckei's Farina, all kinds
of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of
Phosphate, or Chemical toed, an excellent ar
ticle,for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in bon
somptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk,
an, excellent, preperation for Alie table] Table
Oil—yeryhne:--bottles in two , Pure cod
Liver Oil. All of Hael'sperfumery,porriades,
soap', frC., His Kathairop or .Hair Restorative
is now everywhere acknowledged the best..
Sheet Music always on handAand procured
by weekly- orderkfrom the, city;,
Raying secured the services,rif. Mr, Harrison,
Rot h,.,fOrmerly of the firm of Grove,& Roth,
he feels confident that he can accommodate
well as please his numerous , patrons „and
Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines ,and
Brandies for medical purposes. :
The Doctor can be proiebsionalb• pstisulted
at toe store 'Olen not engaged elsewriere..,
.'. Remember the place opposite the R c at
Office, formerly poctor , ,
Nerehapt Tazlor, and Ctgthier,
At iih's biitSti - indi l hit the Cot
tier of North, queen Orunf
Streets, Lancaster, ,
GRA TE O . Lto the Citizens of 'Mariettt
and vicinity, for the liberal patronage
hei etofore extended, the undarsigned respect
fully solicits a continuance of the same,; as
suring them that under all circumstances, no
Oasts will be spired in rendering a satisfactory
equivalent for-every uet of confidencereposed.
such other seasonable material as fashion and
the market furnishes, constlimily kept on hand
and manufactutid - to . order, proininly, and rea
sonably, as taste , or-style may suggest. •
Ckeryleppt's Furnishing Gooods
and such 'articles as Usually belong to's Mer
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment.
First National Bank of Marietta
rs now prepared to transact all ?f.
The Board of Directors meet weekly, on
Wednesday'; foi4lik.onpiAnd other befainess.
IQ—Bank Moors: From 9A.M t o 3 r.,at.
AMOS BOWMAN, aishicr. ' •
Marietta, July 25, 1863.
" sttilGEOff PEllll$l7,
..... -
ESPECTFULLY offers his professional
serv.iee,s. :to the eifizen.s of Marietta and
icinft), assnring'thein that all operationsiff
united toltia cafe; ether OperatiVe or Me
chanical Dentistry, will be exeented in a tho
roughly seientitle ma.pner.
OFFICE On Main street,,a few doop west
of the Pdst'O - Ifice." ' ' ItoY,:"3o-Fy.
' L ATE ( 1 )1F 13A Vat SBLUR(i.
0 F PLC E:-Front street, nakt'dnor ta
Wi hams' Drug Store, betweriLocust
and Walnut streeis, Columbia.
A.:FRESH .SureLs' OF •
• CoatOitiLatnps and Lanterns
hf .patern,- suitable , for the Parlor,..the
...itche a and the,Chamber;
,Hanging and side
Latiiirafor' Halle; Clinttlies; tores' and Office's.
Having.purchased them from. the .manufactu
rem in large quantities at the lowest cash rates,
We can sell them lunch' uUder Vii' s usual
prices, although every, of hen description; of
goods are advancing. ,
Clocks aO6 eWeJ
MI. & ^ E. J. tilik
▪ EspEci FULLY 'inform then
n 411 8,114 • the public 'that they
• still continue the WATCH, CLOCK
JEWEL - KY tiuginesii at the old
- stand, Nortk-west Corner .of North
Queen street and Center Squire, Lancaster„ Tr :
A * fulf assortment of good.s'iii our line of bum
nese always en-hand and . for sale at' the loweit
cash rates. - Repairing attended to,per
by Vie proprietors.
.Lancaster, Janua o ry.4l, 1859. I
The linerican'Vatehe,s.
ut,Ame.cican Watenesnre amorigthebeat
timekeepers now in use, and for durability
strengtb . and siinplicitjr'far surpass any other
watch made in the ivorld.
H. L.,s E.Z A H .11.1
. .
Corner of North . Queen-st.„ and Centre Square
Laneastei, Pas., IfliNfelliern to'r*itifd at ; theliers
to:Rest, rates—every watch accompanied, with
the Manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its gen-
MARBLE '74111: '
,• , NichaellGable,: Agt,.
Opposite, the Town Halt Park,
.hittrietta„ Pa. ,
twHE• -Merbte-bueinesd .siiits branches,
coptinpgcl,fii,t the.,old place', near
the TOVerillalfand'Opposite Funk's Cross Keys
Taverni 4 where , every deSatipticin" of 'Marble
Turic.,will,be t kept, on 4and,or,made to,orcler at
short notice and at very reasonable prices.
Marietta, June 29; 1861. • •
Haminered and Rolled Iron.
A-lid Genera l assortment of Hammered iiiid
Rolled Iron, H. S. Bare, Norway,, Nail
ti, - Anierican and' Geeman Spring - gg
aud• Cast Steel, 'Wagon Boxes, Iron
Axles, Springs for Smiths; &n.
-'. • For sale il PA7'TERSON , 4.' CO's.
EI~TELRI' =X largeand aelectid sfoek of
trfinejew,eliy of the'latest patterns from the
best factories tn,the,couptty can be found
R. L.'& E. J. zAppyrs.‘
Cor. North Queen st. pail Centre Sqnare, Lan
caster Pa. Our pricesare .mo4eraterAnd all
goodh warranted 4b. be as rePresented. • -
Cloth & Caeeimeree andiiestingeveibfreied
in this market and will - be sold at prices which
The Soldiers Tam Friend always Rtady.
110LIOWAY'S 01,ITMENT.—Long marches,
sore and still joints, blistered and inflamed
feet, all these the Soldiers must endure,
MOTHERS, REMEMBER Tuts, when your sons
are grasping their muskets to meet danger,
think what relief a single pot of this A L
HEALING & COOLING Salve will give to the
one you love whet far away from home and
friends. It hardens and makes tough the feet
so that they can endure great fatigue. It
soothes and relieves the inflamed and stiffened
joints, leaving them supple, strong and vigor
ous, while 101' SABRE CUTS and GUNSHOT
Wottnns it stands unequalled, removing and
preventing e - :ery vestige of infiamation and
gently drawing the edges together, it quickly
and completely heals the most frightful wound.
You cannot put into the Knapsacks of
. .
4, :
lih y eE 7 .4tib r
rnhaeuor3s7;baaseinndnastrrya; d wma b ir r ie o it t na h e e ry rs h ,
igas a i
.r m iovi ;r n.,d e s
valuable °more necessary gift
than a supply of this
night, exposed to drenching rains and chilled
. titaiir Ai...often seized, with most ItiOs.mou .
Parns, Cough and suffocating Hoarseness,
, .
first symptom* of quick consumption, but if
supplied with Holloway's Pills and Hollo
m i g h t , t. all tit d d a in n o g r e n r in is i, a a v i er d te t de e r o f i r t.
ment well rubbed twice a day over the throat
' and chest will rsmove the sevve‘t pains and
stop the most distressing or dangerous cough.
Therefore we say to the whole Army
. .
' i 80LbI -ATTEM'OrNI''
, Seel° your ,ovr.ft health, do nottmg tpthe
Army supplies, although moat valuable.—
These Pills and Ointment have been thorough
ly tested, they are the only remedies usegin
the' European` Camps and Barraelca," for ' sr
fort); years Obetor Holloway has 'supplied' all
the Arinies Europa, and during the Crimean
Campaign he established a depot at BaliclerV4
for the ' exclusive Sale of these Great Roan:jet.
Many a time his special Agent there hits sold
°verb,' ton in weight of the Otrta.ent :n a sin
gle'day. Theiseterrible and Niel enernies of
Dierhed;' Drientky; Scurry, !Sores and Scro -
lo*Erupttons, all disappear likeachartm'be
foiethese Pills - and 'Ointment, and ntivettehile
the cry rings throughont the land;
"' TO ARMS!! !'
'too 'noflerthbee brave - nien perisli'by disea4a
place in theft handi these Fleck* Rented 'tas
that will enable them to resist the dangerous
exposures, the "F.evers, the Chills, and the
wounds which' they cannot avbit, and oihitt,i's
more, cannot frequently get esucchur' in'the
moment 'of need, whereas it our brave &eh
have only to put their hinds into theilKnap
slicks ahtrfind there a sure reniedy for all the
ditinulfies 'Of 'the Milne field. Haw' Many
Hiotimindrof tllr 4 would thus wht)
Vibidd otherwise perish before relief - mit:lld be
Its PO WitiliT
,CAITTION ! NMI!' - are•ietruine
Unless cords "Wallowa% - Neu, Tar* tii4
Landon." are disernible si 'Wriete-ritatii in
every ea of the Wok - Of directions aidbih
each pot and "box; the sante may be 'tiraiiiik
seen by holding tee teal to the light. A habil
sonic reward *Rite given to any one reader=
ins such information as may lea,. to the:de
tection'of ailY party or parties' counterfeiting
the medicines`or vending the' si:fie,'lrtibiOig
them to be sptirioua:
* *Sold ta..the Mantifsetory of Profesior
HoLtowAy, SO . Maiden Liine,'Nerr York;aild
by ail respectable Druggasts and Dealers in
Medicine, - thfoughoht the civitized world, its 26 cents, 62 cents, and $1 each.
N.B.—Di rect us for the'guidance of patients
th even' dis Order are affixed to each box.
1G" Theie is ii consideratue'saving by taking
the larger sizes. Dec.2o-ly
neuters in may well known medicines can
have Snow Clt DS, CI RiAT L A &C., sent 'am,
FR Ek . . 4 or Ever: it, by addressing ,
noSi.s isoLLow Ay
SO Maiden:Lane, 'New-York.
4.1)e, Colq1))* institvee, ts ! o.,
Of Columbia, Lancaxier County, Pehn'et
Tuts Company continues to -insure Buildings
.IVlcrchandise, and OTHER property, aganis
-loss and. damage by fireou the. Mutual plan
either Lir a cash. premium at premium. note
The large and increasing capital of the Com
:puny, consisting of premium
by ,its members • and based' upon
2175 '789 - 35
Affords a reliable, guarrantee equal. to ~ten
times the, a v erage loss on the amount insuredi;
an t i the ; Airectors pledge' dealus
liberally.with those who may sustain loss or
damage as the case Will admit of, consistent
with justice to all .parties concerned.
Altoona 6.I:PREMIUM NOTES, 0155 0490.
Balance of Cash premiums un- - ,
4 expended, January Ist, 1862, $1,66657
calih.receip ! s durn•gthe.year
'64 less, Agents' commtssions, 6,781 47
Cash receipts in January, 1563, .69580
—09,345 84
Loises and expenses paid .during the -
Sear 1 462.. ; „ , $4, 3 29 ;7a
Balance unexpended, Feb'y 2, 11163, .3,016.1,1
$$ , 845 s 4
GEORGE 'YOUNG. Jr., =ecretarg.
.MIUtiAEL S. SH UMAN, Treasurer.
Robert T. Ryon, Abraham Bruiter,'Sr4 •
Jahn.Fendrich, H. G. Minch,
Sumuel.F. Boa Lein, Michael S. Shuman,
Ephraim. Hershey, Michael H. Moore, '
George; Young, Jr., Nich!das Mc Donald:
Amos S. Green
REFERENCES:—The" foliouriag person., are
all members of this Company:
Bainbridge—R. H Jones, John H. Smith,
Joseph Kurtz. Columbia—Geo. Bog c, Huila
Wilson, F. S. Metz, Casper Yeager, H.I(l.
, F.ondersnuth, John Shcnberger, J. G. Pollock,
Fraiik Shillot, John Guns, J. J. & P. S. Mc-
Tuve, Michael. S. Shuman,- R. Williams,.
John Cooper, Geo. W. Heise, Washington
Righter, Samuel Shod). Robert Hamilton,
-Eckert, & Myers, -Thomas Welsh, Win. A.
Martin, Casper Seibert, J. W. Cottrell, Philip
;Huebner, Ephraim Hershey, Philip Schalck,
David Hanauer,-John Mauler ' Jacob Stack,,,
Jacob Striae, B.enj..F. Appold, Wm. Whipper,
John Q. Denney, John Felix, Silveater, Vogls,
Samuel Arms, A.-. Gray & Co. East Itemitfiriff
—Simon Minich. Falmouth—Abraham Col
lins, Samuel Horst i Michael Hess. Lances
ter—John Rankin, 8.. A. Shaeffer, Henry E.
.Leman, Wm. T. Cooper, John Sheaffer,• Geo.
Reese. Marietta--Geo. W. Mehaffey, John
H. Summy, Frederick Mahling; E. D.-Roath,
Calvin - A.. Schaffner, John Naylor, Samuel
Hopkins, Martin Hildebrandt, H. & F. Fletch
er. Mount Joy—Jacob Myers, Israel ,Barn
hart, Michael -Brandt, , John BreueMan:—
Manheim—John Hosteter, J. E. Cross; Satan
long, Geo. Weaver, John M. Dunlap,. JIM)
Hutt, 'Philip Arnt,. Jacob H. Kline, -David
%Fisher. MaytoionHiram Beatty; George's.
Murray, Samuel. Pence; Siaion F..Albright.—
Mountritte—A. S. Bowers. Mawr -Township
—Jacobil. Shuman, Christian Miller, Julius
L. .Shuman. 'Penn Township—Daniel Frey,
Henry B. Becker, Henry Neff, ohn E. Bren
ner. Rapho Township—Christiam Greider,
Edward Givens, Michael Witman. 'West
liempfield Wolf, S. A: Price,
M. A. Reid, J.' H. Strickler, Amos S. Bowers,
J acob .13 Warmick-Township— Daniel
B. Erb. , -
ri• The Company wish to•appoint an Agen t
for each-Township in Lancaster Couitty.—
Persons. wishing to take the Agency can sPIAY
in person or by letter.
E.RI S M.,A N'.S
Saw Mill and Lumber. Yard,
ONSTANTLY on hand a full assortment
kindsof Seasoned Lumber, whichlue
o era at reasonable pncea. •
Boards, Flank, Joist, Scantling,
Rafters, Laths, Shingles, '
All orders attended to with dispatch: •
TLANDLORDS! Just received, Spotch
and Irish Wll Vs'lC I S, warran
ted pure, at H. D. Benjemain's.