The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, October 17, 1863, Image 1

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    . .
-1, 1 1 30 9 eubot Verensgthauht afountar;, ~,gici4t6 lolitits,.stwoot,,,,AgglmitAte,,,B44 go r linat..4ittgliiinut,
-`; fItiON.TR - : : • 'q'''
Nct Attobolit
Ilighly Concentrated Vegetable. Extract.
WI L L effectually , cure Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia,' Jan Odice,'chronic or nervous
Debility; diseases of the Kidneys and bad dis
eases arising from a 'disordered Liver or 'Store ,
ach. • •Stich as Constipation, inward Piles, tut
ness or blood to the head, acidity the tem- -
ach, Natisea,"Heartbarti,'disgust for food, fel
nese or weight in the stomach, pour Eructations,
sinking , or fluttering, at the pit of the Stomach,
irielnurang of the Head, htirried and difficult
Breathing, fluttering at the Heart, chokingor
suffocating sensations when in a lying posture,
dimness of Vision. dots or webs' before 'the
Sight; fever and dtill pain in the Head,'defi
ciency of Perspiration, yellowness of the Skin
and EY'es Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Linibs,
&e., Sudden 'fleshes of Heat, burning in the
Flesh, constant imaginings of Evil,'and grief,
depression of Spirits. And will positively
prevent Yellow Fever, Billions • Fever &c.—
They - contain no Alcholrol or bad Wnisky.--•
They WILL CURE the above diseases in ninety
nine cases out of a hundred.
The proprietors have thousands of letters
from the most eminent Clergymen, Lawyers,
Physicians, and Citizens, testifying of their
own persanal knowledge, to the beneficial ef
fects and medical virtues of these 13itters.
Do you want something to strengthen you?
Do you want a good appetite? Do you want
to build up your constitution? Do you want
to feel well? Do you want to get rid of Ner
vousness? Do
- you want energy? Do you
want to sleep, well? Do you want a brisk and
vigorous feeling 1 If you do, use 1100FLAND'S
German Bitters.
PARTICULAR Niyirce.—There are many
Preparations sold under the name of Diners,
put up in, quart bottles, compounded of the
cheapest whisky or common rum, costing from
.20 to 90 tents per gallon, the taste disguised by
Anise or Coriander Seed.
This class of Bitters has,caused and will con
tinue to cause, as long as they, can be.sold,
hundreds,,to die the deep:int' the drunkixrd.—
By their, use the oystem4s kept continually
under the influence of ale,boholic stimulants of
the worst kind, the desire for liquor is created
and ,kept up, sad the, iesult is all the horrors
• indent upon ti drunkardls life and. death,
'or.those, who desire and will hove a. Liquor
rs, we publish the foliP wing receipt ,Get
I it ittle sf Hoolltind'e Bitters and mix with
.'. quarts of geed brandy or whisky, and
he result will be preparation that will far
excel in medicinal v c irtee.spiid, tree, ,excellence
any of the cumerodz 'Liquor Ditter. in' the
market, and will cost . much less. You will
have all the virtues of Doulland's Bitters
connection with a good article of liquor, at , a
much less price, than these inferior prepara
tiotni will coat you.
ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! We call the atten
tion of ell having rii.ations or friends in the
army to tile fact thut "klootland's Gerrinet
Bitters" will 'are nine-tenths of the diseases
induced by exposures and privations incident
to camp life. In the iistp, published almost
daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the
sick, it Will be noticed'thata very large pro
portion are suffering, from debility,- Every
ease of that kind can- uu readily cured -by
lioutland'a German Bitters., -Diseases , result
ing from disasters of the:digestive organs are
speedily removed. We have no neintation in
slating tbat, if these bitters were freely used
uniting our soldiers, hundreds. of lives Might
be saved that otherwise ,will be lost:
We call thorpaiticular attention to the:fol
lowing remarkable , and welt authenticate,
cure of one of U.e Illtiioll'S heroes, life
to use his language, "hiss been saved by the
Bitters :"
PHILALELPHIA, August 2.3 d, 1662.
Alessrs. Jones 4 .Eveons.—Well, gentleman,
your Hoeiland's German Bitters havesaved my
life. There is ne mistake in this. It is voucli
ed for by numbers of my comrades, some .of
whose names are appended, and who are fully
cognizant of all the circumstances ofmy case.
1 ant, and have been for the last four year's,
a meinbet of Sherman's celebrated battery,
and under- the immeolate command of Cap
tain It. B. Ayres. Through the exposure at
tendant upon. my arduous'duties, I was attack
ed in November last with -inliarnation of the
lungs, and was for seventy-two days in 'the
hospital. This was, follo wed by great debility,
lteighteacd by an attack of dyseatary..
then renibved from ihd White and
sent tothis city onboard the steamer "State
of Maine," .from which 1 landei on the 2.8[11,
of June. Since that time I have been about
ts low as any ,one could and still retain a
spark - of 'vitality. For a week or more I was
• scarcely able to'sivallOw anything;„ mid if I did
force a monad down, it was immedia tely throvin up again.
1 could not even keep a glass of water on
my stomach.. life could not last uutle4Aese
circumstances and, accordingly,tnepphysi-
Maas who had been working faithritll4 though
unsuccessfully to rescue me from the.graitp
of the dread Archer, frankly told ate
could do no more for me, and advisi.d me - to
see a clergyman, and to make amen disposi
tion uf my limitel funds us beat suited me.-=
Au acquaintance who visited 'me at the hospi
tal, Mr. Frederick Steinbron,. of Sixth below
Arch street, advised one, as a forlorn hope, to
try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle.
From the time 1 commenced taking tnem the
gloomy. shade .of , death seceded, and, , l, apt
now,thank.Ood for it, getting bettor. The.',
I have taken, 'hut two bottles, I have,gaiaed
ten pounds, and I feel sanguine of being per
mitted to rejoin my wife add daughter, from
wheat I have heard nothing for eighteen
Months: for, gentlemen,.l . am a , loyal Virgin
ian, from the vicinity of Front.llayal. To
your invaluable Bitters I owe the certainty of
life , which.has taken the placo of vague fears
—te'your Bitters will I owe the glourious firi=
vilege 'ef again clasping to my bosom those
who are dearest to me in life.
Very truly yours, ." [ISAAC IVIA'LoNE:
We fully Concur the truth of the aboia
statement, as we had despaired of seeing .our
comrade, Mi. Malone, restored to health.' [
Juin' Cuddleback, Ist New York Battery.
George A. Ackley, Co. C., Ilth Maine.,
Lewis Chevalier, New York.
spencec l Ist Artillery, Battery F.
J. B. iFiusewell, C_0,,8, 3d Vermont.
Henry .B. germ - 000, B. do.
Henry T. Macdonald, Co. C. 6th
John F. Ward, co. E. sth Maine.
Nathaniel 111:, Thomas, _Co. F., • 95,th Penn...
John Jenkins, Co:11'106th Penn.
Beware am:materiel*: See that the sig
nature of "C. M. Jackson,'! is on the wrapper
of each nettle. Price per bottle 76 cents, or
half dozen for 114 00.
Should your nearest druggist not have the
article, do not be put oft by any of the intoxi
cating preparatious that,may be offered in,its
place, but send to 14i and We will, forward,
securely packed, by exdress.
,Principal Office and Menigaitork,
(Succesimartto C , Ja91801 1 . 8 ; C 0,3)
, Propri l dirs•
13- For' - "Ns ,and Dealers ie
every town ti Ages.
liDne Mann' -var; Va2ablt in abbanu
OFFICE: CRULL'S Rent Street, five
C doors below. Flurra Hotel.
TEAMS, One Dollar a year, payable in ad
vance, and if subscriptiops he, not- paid,mithin
six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de
layed until the expiratibia of tba year, $1.50
will be charged.
ADVERTiSIPIO 'RATES . Orne. , squarer (12
lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and
26 cents for each subsequent insertion-- Pro
fessional and Business cal ds, of six lines or less
et $3 per annum.. Notices in the.miding tole
umns, five cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, PREF.,;. but for-any
additional lines, five ceni a a line.
A liberal deduction made fo *yearly anditalf
yearly advertisers.
Having recentled added a large lot of new
Job and Card type, Cuts, 'Borders; &c., to the
Job Office of "The Mariettian," .which will
insure the fine execution of all kinds of JOB &
CARD PRIN . /TING, from the smallest
Card to the largest Poster, at prices to suit the
War times. = -• ." '•
For The Mariettiam. • - . •
BEFORE AND AFTER 4 or, Five, Phases of
Married Life.
By - Gran tellus.
"She was not taken out•of'his head,
To rule and triumph over, man
She was not taken out of his feet;
To be ruled and trampled upon ;
But she was 'taken ont of his side,
His partner and,be,"
It perhaps need not be asked What
proportion of the lititiin i fanlity,- 3 dven
where the light of Intelligeneethav cast
its,. more effulgent rays apparently- 7 4re
found habitually, doing, those things,
which,pertain to their own moral well
being,—as well as that of, their neighbor
—irrespective of external influences
which they fear, or, cannot. control. Not
many I ween • for, it seems that man
kind in geiseral only do , those things
which they'are compelled ` to do'in law,—
they may be'legally honest, -although
they are not socially honorable. Refer
ence is not had here; to those :wlro'.are
outlaws=to the, rabble ; defiers, ;
or to those who, professedly disregard
the opinions of their fellow men, orlhe
dictates' of human 'conscience: 'We al
lude to the professedly circumspect and
laic abiding -:those Who take pride, and
also assume great merit; n'keeping
letter„of he law, but who Vitally ignored•
its spirit. And if perchance, through a
pressure of public sentiment, or appre
hended detriment to personal interest,
such persons should perform an honnia
ble act,—one that seems to be totally
at variance with what is generally known
of them, they immediately monopolize
all the credit inuring lo said act ; and
on all occasions favorable to an expan 7
sion or extension of r personal' praise.
they are sure to 'chime in—"lf it hadn't
been for' me,"--or, DID rr," or •SOIIIO
- of the. epithets pf self-lawiation,
and vain-glorious appropriation.
there ever were two individuals on this
earth who,, consciously or unconsciously,
partook of this quality and character,
those two persona were Mr. and Mrs.
Oakum 'and they bad not been six
months married until they made a mu
tual discovery of this ; but of course
neither of them were willing to acknowl
edge these peculiar .qualities ip-Ahem
selves. In all that related to the • e,xter i
nal. rules of civil society,,they were as
proper a pair,of irdividnals,as could be
found ; but not a . thonght, 11„ffection,
or a duty which was due to each other
as man and wife, laid any deeper in their
characters respectively, than just be
neath the surface-just , l deep enough to
give,it a legal sanction. Their fileal'of
the relation bettircien married' people
were solely and rigidly UtilitaikinL-like
the relation between a horse and a'cart,
or an di and his yoke,--a relation es
tablished by Custern, but having nd Vol
untary principle - or bend of sympathy at
all in the natter. - Neither of them 'for:
cook father add Mother Nand.-cleaved'. to
the" other, , any ,farther than common
matrimonial . courtsey was• concerned,
that-is; Picketnin, becoming, the
wife of Mr. Oakum, left the house of her
natural Wither ti,nd.went.intO oue of her
husband's—establishedlspeclally for her
use in,Pioketriville—and,she made this
one of the conditions, of an alliance
with Mr.‘Oalium in a matrimonial union.
True, the establishment was not a very
expensive ones nor did it require any
great ontlay—in proportion to the ma
terial means of the parties—in keeping
iftfp, thiS would have been' en
tirely at variance with their long-cher
ished ideas 'Of econemrand propriety.
In acceedirietd4tNis tirrist3genient, 41. r.
Oakum df cOuriellionglif it'Whs
teoilibtaty, add via" dee,tti bias sif e dor
the preseri ep.ooa.4firegard to her.inater
naraffeetion ; and although he bid a,
;.1 „ ;
A .„ ; l.. .7, ~ , r p V!t , r,/, n. 41 Of ,
RlErrk. -SATU -DAY,i-OCTOBERr 17 1863
.1-, . 0 .1, , ~ t, •. •
temporary adieu to..oakninhill, yet, as it
had been his , birth-placcv and the seat of
his.ancestryt.he., looked forward. to the
day when le should : return to iti, , ,brin4
ing andtiaddingt thereto, tthe
patrimony of the sole .heir. to. , the ,P,ick
emvilli.estates,rif headid ,not :bring the
heir. herself,. ,1 tAi to, Mrs. Oakum, alto
very ccinfidently. calculated: upon her
husband:s n a tion from his -ancient
homestpad, ;and -It is permanent dttmicila
tion,in Eicketnsille,t.bowever"tmuch it
may , havetbeery against, his ..interestst
ligiouslyk +UM d isocially-6-pecuniarilyi she
knew it Amnia nbt--sodt, , thereforei; that
matter .she en tirely 'discharged, from her
mind ; as much so tttan undertaker dis
caidS froth his 'the idea Of ii3allirt4,
the second ' coffin 64' the ;iricin hi had
airdicly served With one. Both 'CT' these
wordy people Were dnOined sirup'
roin'tikat ; for after of Vie!
Odliuht's triotheir,"6he Was' less
to leave the church-Yai:d %Hit Coint:`a:ilietcl'
the mortar remains of her Fiaientiii and
therefore sVe made up her mind
two hill years ih klaok, to Make,
someVtoneinent to the Manes of th6sii;
who in life she enlfriiikarded
cold external feeling at best,,anct wham
she obeyed frem : fear; or from,. motives
of self-interest alone. Oakum him
self would now spend Weeks at Oakum
hill ; and every time lie leftit,tempora-.
rily he would yearn, to .get backs-ter
again, a.a.d.prorniped v lllmaalf, solemnly;,
thrktf . . : niinnids 4ie-ri-whichi,. be•
hoped should be a..long way off—that
his liontsj niiklii'fdat f 'liViceidh"thk stile
of the treii t Vain u t - tfhP ail . of
thiti artifainVilr
of hiiitires'anA ti.a4edire; fdt L r wo cep'
furies: havi Ikea
parent to the moat siifieeff4itil
that , Mr. and. liirenakUmilia,il; never
berniniarriffli4 nPifit. epc h,, othgrj at
• butAaten the contra.ry„tleir's was
merely-a literal marriage-one that had,
bniP.nnti.nned, by, due process, of InFo
butgentireiY. destitute, ofihttfinfl; t.ernak
anion of the mind end,sen . timent.,.
ring On ,years
deatkef Pars. 04...urs's mother, she, ha'4,
very little intercourse with her hushapill
for her mind and much of her affections
• affaifsdef her
fiiinily' a strange COMbi; .
'tegetherln tbe.ssma individual at'
the )3a1:213.3 time ; but tlie'faCe that)
there was a stronger bond of urifon .
tNyclen thosayeculialiraits in Mis.
• than there had ever been betweea.
her and herimshand.,.trr, wiieri.triey„
were, not .4eiwia? engagect in glair
eoilieras, , they attic together,
talked a little ,togetkier, went , tcp a4urch .
together,. and occasionally sat in the
same room together; but. there was no-,
thing else apparently, that in the least
tuel‘mnifestelAtat o they were marl
and wife. They might , have been taken
for an: old maid and an wabiipbercir,
brother,f -
sister andwho, out o_ strict
pciaciplos of economy had concluded to
live under, the same roof •together, with
, out intending , to have any More - social
intercourse than actually
` Bat, after a time, antiquite unexpect
edly to , both . parties, a change, came
over. ; the : spirit'. of their dreams, for '_a
short , season stp least, -which astonished
themselves as much as it did.the inhatiT=
tants of 'Pickemville and Oakumbilf.--
iii: and "Mrs, 6 akti ai . Cedekrated, the
adve4 of a; Pliny, dilnillikl4ve, ,feeble
stranger, in tbe.person,of a ; little daugh
ter...abey begat the little thing,:and
that, was all pc) perponal part they, had
in the , matter 7 -all., else was.
proxy.. Xrs, Oakum herself would al
most as soon'lave taken a 'large slimy
snail in her hands'as -tin-innocelitteli
less infant ; and ati ' , Co lee :it draw nourL
is h in a fit' front 'tie r 1 1? reas t r - erkii h a would
as soon have ,a .fasten ,itsalf,,,,theree:
IYLv.)3akatuven'the.other hand,• "always , '
--from, his-boyhood tip--vdid hate.babies
and eats," the fornier Of which fps listial
ly dendminated brats"' ";And se the
little thing was raised as mechanically
as they raise ckiatenni,in an .ggyptian
egg-oven. , So great Vitaf; Mrs. Oakum's
love for herself and the memory' of her
family that in due tiny., ,the „little thing
was christened Grace Prndence Pickem,
with the legal appendage of Oakum, to
which it , watpentitled by virtue othavieg
a 'legal' father or 'that 'mite) for, Mrs:
Oakum fele that'iltiOci# ' iiiiiit n pa Oki
out of tie jlt`ortVMati if ate Wan
ruit .t 1 4 1.4 i ff.P.Of..:lo3.lteade; and,thers.
fore, to be his, partnerank ,egetiiriataki
things, _she e nred4t---not only as a
pritdlegriN d Aria 46 'lei ... sex—but
as an absolute right, to nettle her own
rite W.I. ,• ,, J.1,1
c d62rihr Fs;; winch she did ip this in
itfilYt6,' " I t
transposition of her own. In dUO coarse
on is, In Ao , wai i ch
was raised in , tI iA same mechitnical Tay
that ')I
the d aught er ; was, through the, in
., iff/
trumentalUg i p. d r y nurse end ithpi4hi
to P -- ft • -
,ran., eivV?is parer A ..,?....q‘l4Rn,
thini.he:arpier,lhared. the, eon was;
ic„.„.. , ~_ I_ , • ; ,_!
it possible, ,more puny, and feeb l e , than
Si. 1 .t,t•
tin t *lght9F, at, the finkt ; Anotnent they,
mure,nshered,intn:thie ;
titl • 1. 4 / 4
I,°aVV6 TRU 'A9ll.fkcf`3 a d vent, .
• Air. Oakum proposed naming him ;
.11i 1.
. 1 4 1 11 1 ki te tt' l ; t 3 1 P K f Pr n ',Y/Pf 8 4414Y , ii?P t _,M e9 Aaf t 'Y
- tOo.weau 'to give the anbject th e attOO
e:Tf l ll 4, V4i Si7s - 1 ek4c .1 7 "lor,
ton which she deeine`d it demanded, she,
Interposed egapssul
el e ;i,
i Ito n ecessa ry
„or v
tne execntionot such an /11TOrtillt
dut•••• • • Oat
4// 0 A
i conl4 not se ,
Oa6um himself e
the necessity of delay, in u asmuch as he 0
felt iinsqlf quite ngnpetent enough to
'PVuI 3 4 III I onantk; AmPI49K , .. 11 E0 a 'nal
Peen, tfKitt
betweetkhisdw.l fel and,
4i l l l qPit; icL4a l o,w4l4.o9r.t9,,haY•af.tieF., o Vill/
'TN 044 f WA I / 4 1 1 11/4914 1 19. 1 k5iii•aglite
But °altl)q , ..PaC. ll ol.P,,Yalhe 49, 0 !farr
and, ,t 4, 94 Rupee, prevailed,,and, Ake patter.
yas indefipktely, deferred.; Yhe, .first,
1119°49,114.3,,044,, .truce :-pall, XPirefl.,,
PzA.E.15.?,, rtn9Fo 411:r
4Yd2at.4,6 B l4fgfltVlATlPßit
lgt!.Yl9altqlPiii ) ,Ft7 nitl l 3. l 4 l ßalkti
EVlPTA t hf at 4g e ll , I ?ll29P9faiviVil,/, ;4PP,'•
ROP/ie4137a§,./qtatia4_, teen A 49 name„ of:
llis,,grfEit,-grand.hthux,as t .,1,e11,.ini hie ,
he did 0, t ; nave
0•, / SW))39- . Pier
had—"fora time"-- t heena.,p,rWlll4%,
name of that kind,graced the annals
r i ff thqtfamily;linaild
iactirrenoe of anythingtosn •nriforth nine ,
gagain.A-Mrs: 4calikutnyhovievei,!htud/litiL ,
qthmparile ficift4lde,W4lithe inurnefiof *ant
nnehtt higher motiliertftsidilitit. :nom-441 7
fhiciggins•Smooth,L-tatter.f tehelafiri
name of which, ahalgently,/ but 4very
terminedly, - suggested ilietnathe ofsrffele
ern: Thirwasverairely foci bincli+iepiek=
um"'fofthe giriodoo of "dakfmtiv letha l
family, i aml94,herefo're' 116 . d.ifkrisithil.
" lies/WSW resisted thisistiggnatiblil
as iitifiI3VIIMIDD !if rights; •
done'legallyialiff oldfirlyleatid it'siffee'
not that the mouth of Mrs. Oal?ffirl"
showedcal.K.t.e..faillr§, t ilgriggßteitiline
across hcr,.f49,..Rd .(1 1 4 , Ar•r*.O.A 1 S 1 1P4
in ieib)e, ii. could
eyeq . hecAtine almost,not haYaba9a Pb°Bl,vlll.,.'tti"/ fkEZPhi.RA
had been arnise between them. / The,
contest. was, finally se ttled
both of .theok t withdiloviqg,_thel
they h a d, proposed,,
;amid settlingl•clQiwp
,a copißrcpzzisf, in, the i p>esent~in~
stance ;, un4er . due ,ceurae ; of civil
ecclesiastical law,, thn t ,bp a y . was
Pice77l Oakum.
There are laws-,w,holesooie
laws founded, in , infinite wisdom ,and,
mercy, according to which things,
ought to be done ;.and agreeably to
"everything' Iring-edge-en
cy and inf'order." , 4ThereqtrEralhoceddes
of self-cobstitutedfiales'abd4regiiiiitiOns',!
foundeci-irvobusumniate••folly; that4woulfT
be torn honored--ho far sOC,ial , Bird
physical. heilthQis; "concerned-Lin their
breadh' thatti .their obsehrancoi These
latter kind rules; areiofteii .
very' 'arbitiary, enforced sometimes as
they ,arectlireugh•thi3f whims of impulz,
iivegiinrdiancana parentsi,' and twith ou
regard ftti the' injurie,s
common humanity and common sense;
Mr.fitnthhl,rs. Oahu& werii4o eiceeding ,
ly literal in their ideas of , duty.,; that thny
never inquired or) the ikutiiftrig.or
the . reasonableness of r a Taw ;* bat7es
rfr, 13
teemed t the highest
lence to , obey iqiipiiffti _
y , and, every
law, without even inqUi,riti' m trciin whence
it came and Whithiy it was leading then].
tier/ in their obedience to self Omit
* 4, • .•
ted and conventional lays, they werp
zealous epOugh . r. in "gaping tytfies of
- -T
anise and T
cninnitn,7_ the - same
time they were,
t ai remarkable
t in "pe
glecting the" weightier mailers , of the
law," justice, truth,,,nd mercy:
- When they - ware :wedded; inoteahof
emPloyieg , an bumble minister of , :the
gospel to perform the marriage .ceremo,
ny, they g . secured Ithe services ckf, Ithe
judgnef :the countvuourt, because that
functionar.y represented:tbe ,highest,
gal antlaority,ef his Aistrict ;rand there-
fore any, ant, perform e tim,..wa.econ
sideredv.ast: 'big:best& legal eiMPtiPO
tkat gold-be; obtained iahiahailiwicke f
Indeed, so Dparticulet A andi so,sensit t ive
had Mr. Oakum himself been upon this
atoll at itekigatii
fopii;i,S , ,
;Vile / 44' IlisilyiliatettFbololitaid
li3ge l tier byth`e tioiti&Or trite iettte', l
or at least by the President 'J'udgbs'of
,J 6,"
rt This subljine
fad Col I e u git P i re i n a Ct ° Sn i
the ialOch : er . 'l - '1: 1 / 4 1ern"e61, ?aro advanced " the' 7
ibb : 1 7
e argument,
.......amented 'dab
43f1ute,1i...F:ke4, 1 A,.Ve(14 , ih ad Lulea-fear
riaq Aly,,t49,4gdge of the ouunty„court:
Th§.Y.ll B l4-Riltem.P.lPleill IninieteN be'
e,aue9,ministerial function ; Age •nn
estrajncliial nue, mid needed, the weigh t
trieF sanctlemstof,tle:civil short,
ihityhe tcp),eliustimil„ . luw ,Ashichfthey
profflssed,tp bli 4i under, yus.,not backed
bY. 1 491P.4i9M,..11 4 . 3 ,b411.ieeefgit ,Priegne,-
cesunry, to ‘ givtit it Alip,,dignity whickwas
4ue ,NP,ilkgi in ai marriage » covenant
two such,,uncient i and.appist l msonagen k
as,thp,offsps,ings.And.hsirsA l of,Corp,orai,
9 4 Ji1 11 . 1 P4Isli1 3 ? , 1a 1 10 , S.Oatiragli"-ffiekell?,.
.1X9.,, t 0f thu reuovvued..villeges of ,-os, l / 47
eßhig E 9 . 10 ti
i 48 rat to, be, inferred, how i ey,ur o from.
these eoaill?!miXafiele on Ltrhe,
characteristics...of ..Mrs: .0 sikum,.
that, to make -a goodvhusband and 'wife,
disaAo-beget'gobd Children: ihefAbohld
hate iftediiht litteitiSiuggrtferthe:"Ce
tetoUlTEßvtikand 'cusiOrds 7 1;?whieh . 'iliZtf
*title iiiifidudded!'.. These are all tiitiP
enough, er'perbaps absoldtely netessUry,
fa tar as `'they ey; leo; but tinfoil tt nat ely they
do not go Very firlberietith the . external'
a'n'cliketvithld at large, are cloth Val . *-11ti
leaAtithiiife I, llitv.4''We'dt 13 CP' d eii4)
their Ins O n gtu IN:KV7o- 4
ally possessed such 'a iiiituee;
ink' to •
ttihrlirefUr `dendir.tder‘hT6 a thAh' thiP
iiotArr of hOiOi t i'llie'S , Claimed
a// of thitYrigaiffifiiretgetlY , ,ltliduglV
igAt",9-Ft"-,ll22fElgalktitPOßA of, it
( l e ßt °r /-9- 1 1P t 4R
499s 1 alittlY s.BYeatqWg' ttP *PI
P?9, r tAt 3 T IR%
thug D gaggp rjx,„,,ao 44.4.4 ti - 1 4auff 4 cay ipt
tliflOnlPlßePOPAttY9iiiiiti,/dq.,:.9f the
poor i e fS' i Tgg' s .?f b , arAe4iiike , eouls,
of and ; the, dry crusts turngd revolt.
l i:W=l r . 9l "l9llf ~ 114Pirt0Pir,") . P4,
and rater than h t a , v , e gone i p4cy„gAiiii,,
thoy i sru,9l.d,..pFPlifp„ kVfe).4 l 4TTiect i
YF:9141411..Ab10148 1 .4 , 3 1 )9 4 1%49.fithiPe0A - i
STl t Oli d At93B 14?9 4 /i 4 r . F9TPRE,t9fI.4r.:
and Mrs. Oakum„,jt, tui 4 l9,74gli9l l 9l.itra
As they demeaned.g.themselves towards
OdierjbaliS thb = 4rtothdeiftirltifg43, tfolliby
alsei'demettned 'theinSel'ver'i towifif 'WV
othefK`• TheY" tellianlied" ) hie Odi' "f(if
flesh Bs teladily
• each' &titer as theYltifdi frOlif!thil *dad";
And 4tilfek gaie ftol each ] other;
as iii?'fidieelyi `but-fez'
Whitt itifey Vidigife; thhl "cilltimed all' this
merit that cduliPPOSsibir‘blV'Squeeied
oat otthelteei and' i they Basiht - yi
inTeibit'Sdled`thhins6lv'AS - the - 7de%;
thitthey he'd 'Margin 'id
the "800. - of life." 'Pestering the 7.i4e
iy external whii:h they
did; in relatto to ail the: eOrieerns
life, bef a their nerrinoe,titeiwere' in
tt fit - condition to prjtepce them aftfr 7 ,
wards, and also to - tran smit to their
- to. b • .
y i xli'theh!espp, prejudices, udd
Nid:he,On: the
y real
tno4irlia?r,ge'bf 'their Own, eptione.- 7
twain,This wets prim 'Spruce Cfrerun
sjitict and law-abiditig ill all the external
con 1114 Hacked the
enial • re of the spirit, or essence t
things—they had truth ianotigh . ; bet no
good„-they Abundance. et thevin
teljeotuai..worhing of the understanding;
but wore, as. destitute, of the warm of
f:notions ,of t the, as an, icy desert.
..,',l:hudtheaon , uud.daughter , of the Oak
nuig ' with I:lo,littic _companionship with
tlkof respoi; the ,w,orld„ by eisort of 'rigid
`,eopmase Ancl egeare hdtiention, grew
to ,manhoti, and .7ospapkwo,O. They
.compurisomovith,o ther,,chilJ•
Oren, neat and print enough,.
~ bat ,they
always , blaubhetiArt, hungry, and
from uniall-ipervacling:selfteliness,ybkh
they were . not altogether themselves
responsible' for, they wore flan:Tali:re
-13 peitively; - by the younger villegers,
i'idk.and Prude. They'diffeverYthing
according - to
working, 'lisping; walking; sitting, stand
idg hett i 'INto circumstance's
parents, no matter what the state' Of thi
woather; WAS, or oilier existing :causes.
ilhegry,erpthixety, jili4 egih a gentAty,
must bAe l o9 l l.r 1 41 .reeke.l i lriePIPM 3, P9r,
no ,leas; t itAddgpelstely, p ...Amount
of study, of ig t o, 044,01, ,piny-.--efrAti*,
of walk, and of laugh. The warm and
bheyititugtEsti of reigterillefentitfuliftlis,
%rind iscf coditteninciqietfidi heilse q 'tf
year iiilEfildivlffir tifdtd
thin and sharp-edged and more firefly
I'#n aW +' arle
VOL 10 -NO. 11
set togetherr btikixtn's
more °mall übd-rocee`dirig -`= Their child=
dren'edimbe bebatne hairy irioriliattend
ated;andlalreitdy at sixiedifitifd'etifitLeii
thixtr heads •lookediis if 'tb'et . i lifid'"'wlirei
out bedfor.threit bodies iileeddy." - Pihks
at-two-and-twenty: wils . blsl3ltad& t itte"!
chanically , mariied to a rich , relat l eytiii
widowbf ,, twenty-five.; anif , '"Pritdew at
thirtt-fivo.'-was affianced to a y crust}
crispy bridegrosom,atimit ten yeitilifer
senior—witle,a • conntenanCe`labont ' the
color and the expression of do niipitined
board, and not,,myph smootbon But
they were both, orderly, and,well;bt3haved
11,1d g t , X:
Pa 43 24PePtl.for
law, no matter how blue
they sincerely belioyedfrhuf : all thatee.
10te4)..t0, dress, to .pburoh-going :tinde,tdri
wPirAli‘P ought, dictated, kyviegall
apthor,i,ty, Fd,-opghp to be , ;regulatedAtto
the same. the "ohl4peo,plalbatd
tb°Y,hudlottg: been calloci i ,saretmdledt
t? father ' s,., and, yisTe =Auriga, Re 4
spoqi,y e e,ty„, , ip the,graxeyarda ofthoiens,l
t4fiP ivitiegAsk q9;t4l4.ltl4l44lll^4o3eitlYdis%
integration and deouy,ffistas: .uo mounts) .
one thad their mind.rtind spirits h., % 4 n
lifednrii get Sir in tife ./1475)
the p`i aterlty"'bf this flthliki . he'dam° ep
and the datate4
the'ithfidi TA91'01011.4,4
bedhktraVeMitied to themi efxkimajt al 7
thdtiOtitoWaids anYlitbeie beibpo
into' iireothis dthaireiit,
,bums einheio,
so* art ?Om* LEGAKLY.passed
GIV,E HIM •A' TR.ADH: r 4-7.11 .edzication
the;great briekler and shield'of
well djiYORPe,4 industry is eqtudlauthbl
Iwklor,,aad sbieldtof , drdividnaUitide-1
'pptidonce l ,i s, 414-.nofaiiiiiip resource?
th pugh life, give lour, sow, equal: with
a good educationka , gon4l,!Lemest,trade.l
Better any trat i le7,than nlße, i hhcu i lh
rtiere- is nigo:r'oOtii 1 . 4 a4pDgeg of-
Learned professions and speculative
employment's - 7 ,4 fall a man.; bat,ait i
li ( OnbA)iandieraft trade sebioni, or never,
-I:4f IttepossasOr'cli'oosesto exercise ]t. ;
LSI 'him feel too, that honest labor ,
&lifts are - lionpralhe and tioble---the l
iten of 'real creator , of what-.
ever to most essential to the necessities,
and weltv lll e of mapkipd, cannot be 418-,
pe d n'sed 4 y.!"ith.'" * Ytey; boie' all others,:
whatever repute . they have been held,
by, I%et I mo t fastidious t:elfovvs must
worll'atahe ore'of human progress, or,
all is lost. But few.brown handed trade
woriters,think,of this, or apilrectite the
realpowerAnd!,position they 'compass.'
aive,your son a trade, no matter what ,
forttineihe may, have. or :seem likely to
inherit. Give him a trade. He' can
always battle with: temporal want with'
this, and van:always:be independent.
.old .Yankee, who, when hey
was, told,by un English tourist in this'
country, that the celebration of then
fourth of July would soon be , extinct;•
answered : "§ee here, stranger, don't
talk that way; I tell you When the 168-,
nriectitin Day comes round, the
thine done in the "morning - "will be tO
read the D'eelitratioA ot, Indepeti'dence."
or A lady who Wag ralarnied at the'
einell quantity` of cott'oh — Ell'e' bbl; ined
for a lfie dollar gieenbaCk, recently "ei z t
pressed her fears thitt the timeinfitit
cattle when she ehtitilesaY:'"Johri fo r a?
the wheelba'rroW ilvitlf ''gregnbnclie and
go bay a ham."
kr The Philadellibia Xortb
• • • ..41
can has 'seen bolniets and artificial 'flow
ers made entirely Of leather. which will'
.ready fOr'the trade in a few'ilays. 7 %,
No `pretty women will wear leather hon:
nets, but the andhgly maybe willing
to hide 'th faces.:-
,gir,A. good many of our; sirld , woultt
li6e v to be boys that ; they .might
the war, and a good.parny mote of: oqd
boys would like to• be girls that they
might stay at'hUme'. $
ow "If is s Brown, .1. hav,e.been4tulbatt
ltow to tell l fortunes," said a4felltlrs4tisik'
brisk bratkette • `!•give•me , your ihistuFif
Y 91 1! Please. 2.! 11 .r...White* )10w
sudden you are If ;Well, go askpa;".
• •<., 4 -.t.61.v.: •4,
;vin l' not polar faith ,to any m El an
.! ' .1•14-
kg PPgood 14.24 m,
however, says she met help it when the
tbiqr is around ,h10400)i,
arm :in it. , • , •
' 1 he uman,hrl feattiur )
4 r
-4 '
beds 0
Inuit 'be r o ughly kandled,,. ',whoa
shaken and exposetio, Tariefy of turns,
totilreAentitil?esomhigatard.. -411
gn -.? l oy says I we
a , olit Nye (3 oc
fertatea v ahy man in
oar eflortliatbrphlpi
deer'sera us a new' hat
say nothing about 11.111:1‘
-.: .;:t :1 . 7i . :1.!7 - ..#; 1