E4e fatal Marititian. MARIETTA CAR HODRS. The several pas senger trains will leave the "Upper-station Depot " as follows: Morning train, East, at ten minutes before 8; Mail train West, 11:38 ; Harrisburg Accommodation train, East, at 9 minutes after fi ; the earn, train West, at five minutes before 7 to the evening. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1863. THE Two TECKETS.—In order that no one may confound the two tickets, we again present them both. Let every pa triotic voter spurn the touch of the sec ond one as he would flee from the hiss of a copperhead snake. The "Old Guard," will, we , are certain, make a record on Tuesday next of .which she will ever be proud : Union. Ticket. For Governor, Andrew G. Curtin,• of Centre For Judge of the Supreme Court, Daniel Agnew, of Beaver: COUNTY TICKRT S'enate Hon. Benjamin Ohampneys, City Dr. I. M. Bunlap, Maubeim Bor. Assembly. Mayer, Druriore. .11saias Billing%lt, Adamstown. Dr. D. B. Bowman, Neffsville. E. K. Smith, Columbia. Sheriff, Frederick Smith, Bainbridge. County Treasurer. Samuel Hess, Vogues.. Prothonptary. John Seldornridge, Leacock. Register. . Emlen Franklin; City. Itecorder. tiawpel 8: Loamau, Manheim County Commisioner. ll'h(o. O. Collins, Colerain. Clerk of Quarter Sessions. John 11. Zellar, Mount Toy. Clerk of Crphan's Goad. John C. ,, Balilsvirt, West Lampeter . Prison Inspectors. W. Housekeeper. Drumore. _ Adam, Hank, East Earl, , Directore of the Poor John K. Reed, City. John W. Clark, Marietta. Corober 4bcaltin Bixter, Byerknock Auditor. 8. Book. aytown. C'opperketzti licket notorB. Ilenry Shaffner : M omit- Joy: Col. Edward Mec3rovero, City Repretaentatives. q&pt. 11, W. G.kr.i, East...Lampeters Emanuel. P. Keller, Manheitiv. Joseph S. Keener. Elizabeth. Dr. 'lsaac c. Upper Leacoek Cot. lionry A. liamhripilit, City. honotikry. John lisbletnan; West Lampeter Col. John U. Dan!man, City. Recorder'.' I'. hlartio I.leiller,•Ephrata. Clerk Quarter SesQions. William N. Gii1.9013, Clerk Orpheus' Court,. capt J. :Miller Raub, Prov'idence County Treasurer.. James Buttes. Manor. County Commissioner, Philip Oldweiter, West Donegal Prison Inspectors. .J. E. Cross, Manheito borough. Geo. G. Worst, Salisbury. j)irectors of the Poor. Lieut. It (.'Sherman, East Cocalico Wee Zell, Little -pritaiv,, Corot]Pr J. Et. Itagermr, jr., City. P Auditor. Martin S. Heiser, West Earl fir We are pained to learn that Cap tain Edwin P. Shoeoberger, of Uerman town, commanding Company E of the Bth Pennsylvania Reserves, was drown ed op Saturday last, on the Delaware, near Bridesburg, while gunning. He was loading his gun, when a lurch of the boat threw him out, and before his companion could rescue him, he was drowned.- We clip the above from the German. town Telegraph, published near the resi dence of Capt. S.'s father, E. F. Shoen berger, Esq. The young Captain had quite a number of friends in this boro', where be spent eight or ten years of his life. f Captain Morris D. Wickersham who woe reported to have been wounded in the late Georgia battles, now turns out to be untrue. Mijor M. M. Locher saw him after the battle and he 'was unhurt; Capt. Wickersham was not with his Regiment in the battle, and had not been .with pit for some months previous to that time. Be was for some time Acting Brigade Quartermaster for Gen. Btarkwaather's Brigade, but was pro moted to the Quarterroastership of Gen. Rousseau's Division. far By some unforseeu mishap we placed chapter Nine of "Before and Af ter Marriage" in theliands of the com positor, instead of , chapter Six, and< did not discover the error until about to go to prep Nith the" outside—too l l4tte' , ,W: rectify for this week's paper. Otapto; VI will ' appear i our next, aid c4pfeis VII, VIII, IX' t X, which frill Cot:, glade, • Tratt:4;r. sr 7. the Marietta School. Board : The following is a correct report' f the High School. The first column of numbers represents the number of school days each pupil had been absent, and the second column the number of days each had been present, during the first month of this term : 1. Anderson, Mary 15 2. Brooks, Rose 2 18 3. Brooks, Florence 5 }l5 4. Boughter, Annie 4 16 5. Beatty,. Edirne. F. ‘. 1 .,0 6. Benjamin, Ella Eola 7. Benjamin, Ida..,,Viola 20 8. Buchanan, Annie 20 9. Cochran, Sallie B. 2 18 10. Carroll, Mary B. 1 %19 11. Curran, Lizzie 20 12. Cushman, Bella Flora 20 13. Child, Maggie. A. `2() 14. Fidler, Mollie, J. 20 15. Inhoff, Mollie A. 16. Beckrothe, Beojaminia • V. 9 17. Kelley, Mary. 1 18. Larzalere; MiCry F.' 19. Linliart, Kate . 1 20. Lawrence, Almira 3 21. Lewellyn, 22. Marks, Anna. Mary. • 23. McConnell, Mary Jane . 24. Moore, Lydia 25. McMichael, Sue 26. Becktothe, Maggie 3 27. Spangler, M.ollie dane 2, 28: Sultzbach, Emma 11.• • • 1 29. Tredenick, Sallie 30. Turner, Annie 10 31. Sten,ce,Cfeinentine 32. Moriarty, Mary 33. Anderson: ;fate J. 34. Roth, Milton 35. Turner Robert 36. Stibgen; Simon 37. Stibgen, George F. 5 38. Souders, John 1 39. Lindsay, Sainuel , 40. Lindsay,- Wm. C.. . . 1 41. McMichael, William 42. McConnell, George • 43. r ulnier, Jotin ' 44. Bough Ceti; .1 espy% 45. Cushinan,rrank, 460. Wormly,lGenige • ' 47. Larzalera;'Samuel '4B. Clark S. Evans 49 Libhart, Annie , Respectfully submitted ...!1 S."Gersr 4W - rl'here was a grand dernonst,rntion at the Union League Ban on-Thursday evening last,' with,the (olloivict4,4fficers:: President, Samuel 'Hopkins Fire presi dents, Rambler,' james. L. Shultz, Samuel I). Miller, Girard Roth, C. C. P. Gr`ittli, Adam Grady, ..VOhn -Gldttacker, Christian Groh, 'Thomas Barns, John Kline, Henry Sultzbach % J. B. Jones, Albert .Itopp; Secretaries. I. S. Geist,. A. H. gits,selutan, 14 ill ui~'i Child, Jr., Charles Walter. Old Air. Hopkins, viho,presided„js an octagenarian, and been a democrat for more than 60 years, and npwi,liefore.go. ing hence, arrays himself on the Union side, and will vote Tor,. Aindre,w Gregg Curtin. ~,Able speeches were made by Peter Mien and' Henrilhffenbach, in german, and by .Judge Jay, of _New Jer sey, and Major R. W. Skenk and' Capt.. W. A. Atlee of Laecastet:, in engliih The hall waircrowded and great within s!asm prevailed.. c i r We,regretto keurn, says .01 e Lan caster Inquirer, , Of the! death' of 111 r. John Evaps,, of this , city, formerly ~of Manheitn township. father of David Evens. 'County :Superintendent,. which took place on Wednesday morning.-- , . Mr. Evani had eaten a hearty breakfas't and appeared:in his usual• . good health a few minutes' before. he' 'died..• Tie had been at his son's,`'Benjamin Evans iii North Queen street, and had jnk. left his door when he fell on, the sidewalk . and.expired. His death was caused by Apoplexy. air One week ,more and. tbe:4• - tish and bustle .of •politics will have .subsided; when we Will be able once more to quiet ly "sit in our sanctum" and. attend .to business, and thereby making "The Ma riettian" • a :more readable family - and fireside jorirnal. , . fir The (lops of this borough are to have ono more grand rally at Fuliner's Perry Vonse, on Monday evening. The bills say—and what don't bills say—, distinguished speaker' will be in atte4 dance. We think the die is casti; and cops are growing daily "beautifully less." The mass meeting in Lancaster, on Saturday last; was a most grind af fair, eclipsing anything during the cam paign of "Tippecanoe and Tyler too." ar Read Captain -Roath's. letter on onr.ontside. 111 A II RIB B. On the 27th ultimo, by the. Rev. B. F. Apple. MOSES NEYtO MARY WEAVER, both of Bainbridge, Lancaster county. At Maytown, on the 4th instant, by the same, HORACE BUCHER, to MATILDA STROVE', both of Mariitta., , LETTERS L IT OF P O i re!,l Marietta, Pa., for the week ending October Bth. Anolite. Wm. B. Larins, Miss Elmira • Armstrong, Henrietta Musser :Peter Bradley, Miss Emma hleCloskey, Mrs. Jo„s. Bigler, Mirligel Nissley, 'Miss Catherine Brenernam, Amelia` • Neise, 'MiSs Cane, Win. Henry Reiff, Miss Mary A. DeiOarlton, Mrs. Kateßudisill, Miss Emma Herger, -Geo. RaTevo, David . Herman, Geo. _• -.-Read, Miss Marv. Hammer,-Jessie; , Smith,: Alexander Harris, .Mrs.- Mary E.. Schaeffer, Magdalena . Hotibeinse, Jesse Stahman, Miss Mary. , Haas, F. Stultz, Chroitian J9.90P, Mrs. Rosanna: Seigler, Amos , . Knight, Joseph Trump, :Emmeline ' 5, . - Kendig.. Miss Elizab'hTayler, Diana ,, .' • ••• Koch; Mrs, Sophia :4Thasinger, Erater, Win. E. Ledienbarger,-Adam Williams, Andrew Persons calling •for letters' iti - tde list, will•please say they, are advertiseC: - - - • ,••; A.;•EASSE6,'P.- 1 141 ro 1 10! tin ; IL 421?='hll tVi*Okludaclidt 4 dbe LI genuine. H. D. Benictmin. I MRITTTA.. IEP Da. TOBIAS' Venetian Horset.iniment, Pint bottles at 50o4tach,7fer the,!cofirltHame neSs,. scratches, 4a_ galls, spra*,'bruises, splints ,cuts, slipping stifle; over-heat ing, sore throat, nail, in ,the foot, ect. It is warranted cheaper and better than any other article ever offered to the public . . Thoilsands' of animals have been 'cured of the colic and over heating by this liniment ; and hundreds that were crippled and lame have been restor ed to their former. vigor.'udt is used by all the first horsemen throughout the ; Union. ,Orders 'are Oorists;Aly received from . 'the Racing:Ste blis of England for fresh stiPires of this inval uable artic/e. Over 2,500• testimonials have' been received. Remember, Fifty. Cents laid out in tune may save the life .of•your horse.— Sold by all druggists. Office; 56 Courtlandt street, New-York. [0- lm• Cristactoro's Hair Dye Read the. universal answer to this question. Bee.ause it imparts a ,natural, black or brown. .It does not erisp,or burn the.hair. It.does not soil the fairest skin It is applied in tenrninittes. Therefore. the' Man 'of' Taste approves it. Those who value Silken I-fait-Aide The Ladies everywhere prefer 'Those to whoratimels +stabil:de pationizd it. Drasraddra's Hair Preservative,qs invaluable with his .Dye, as it imparts the irredst softne'ss and the most beautifuLglossMmt great 'vitality -to 411 e-hair:. IVlallufactu red- by - S. CRISfA DORO, No. 6 •Astor: - House, New-York. 861d'breii - z; wfiere, and lap.plied , by all= Hair 'Dressers.' Price $l, .$1:50-, and $3 perbox, sited-ding to size. - . - '[OLno.'2. A. Gentleman, cured of Nervous De- Oity, inconie teney, , Premature . Decay,, ; , Youthful * l4'..rt:or, actuated by . a desire to benefit others, Will be happy.ro furnish to all who need it.,.(free of charge) the recipe and three rions for making ti!e simple Remedy, used in his case: 'Toe wishing tn.pretit by, his.ex perience—and possess a - Valuable Remedy— will receive the same, by return mail ,(eare fully sealed, by addressing ,• ' (iff NaEs'au Street, New. York ;dgg,l2-3rn.j s• " 9 ''Seven hundred volun n te.:ers camp! Young then beiivained'irc time, supply' Your selves with Holloway's Pills aud .011)1111mq. "They are kuarrdnteed fb the worst eases of Sores, Ulcers scur v y, feviir's and baivel [2lB 320 ,20 2,0 TUA.N.121.11.E :ELECTION. '7'. , • The . stocklfolders of flee Lancaster and Marietta , ' Thrtipike ' are requested to meet at the _ptthlic:hqUe of , tnltn Itiendig, , at 10 o'clock in the,murningoo eltetAaqiesi dent, directors,' ti.ecretttni and p . o.muler, `Mr the tatting !year:: ..By . Orcief of kilo'. , BOard. ' A. NA GASSI:Li Se6.fetari. October 10,,1863-3t . rX ECUTO R.'S NOT I CE.—Estate of Maria Aittemf ,the Botou'O"of Marietta, oreettsed. Letters of administration on sad estate having beep granted to thp .uftdprslgned, all persoM3.indebted theieto are requested'to immediate settlement, and those ha.vitfe, claiths or demands agalnst thp same will , present.them without tiers.) , tot settlement to tha t undersign ; ed, residing said linrOugh. , .G 2 O. ‘- ' S I'APL, ' , .kzeCutor: . Marietta, Qctober 10, 1863-60 . • • • : Public Ur SATURDAY; OCTOBER 31st; "1363 IN ' pursuance of ap..alias ,order of the Orph ans' Court of LAncaster County o the under 7 tigiled' Administrator of the Estate' of Voter Baker, late of the Borough of hlartetta, dee'd; wAltsell putilic , Vendmi, at the -public house of William Jolinstin t attlip,pasternensipf,said Borough of .Alariettadhe,following real estate fitted( - thesiiid`deceased : • HALF LET OF GROUND; Fronting on the north side of Front street, in that part of said borough' of "Marietti,laid'out by Jacob Grosh, esquire, being :the western half of Lot numbered in .the plan thereopby number Fifty-Eiy.l4 [OS],containing in front .20. feet, and extending in depthto Second-sr., 200 feet, .upon which is erected A :TWO.STORY 'FRAME . D EILLIN .ROUSE, and all the NECESSARY OUTBUILDINGS- 'Sale. to" eo m men cetitilialf-liaht- 6 o'cloCk in the evenin.V,,whni concitions will be made known by FRED'K L..I3.AKER, • ' A drnListFalor. .Marietta, October ' ' U ILNETT'S Cocoaine. A compound „pi j Cocoa-nut Oil, &c., for dressing ; ne,ll.l,ir. For efficncy, and' agreeableness, withoat an %nal. It.preilents the hair from falling otf.. It promote; its hcalthy and vigorous grow th.. • It is not greasY . or Sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. 1t softens the hair whet! hard and dry. • It soothes the irritated scalp skin. It affords the 'idles! lbstre. It remains longest in eff-ct. Beane* co, .. 'WATCHES, CLOCIiB ,AND. JEIVELKY. H. L. Bz-E.-J. ZAHPd , ~ . . . .,, , . -- - '4-. ItEsP.KI FULLY, inform itheir . -..... . , friends aid the public that they ~.. • 4 ~_:,. still conlinue the ' WaTc,H, CLOCK ,t-e, hn ,TE.Wk:LAY .businesq at the old , stand, North-west.. Corner .of, North 9,neen street and Center SquAre, , Lancaater, Pa.l A full assortment: of goods in our. hue of bosi-; D'ess; di ii4ys'on hand are' for sale , atthe Acnvest: cash rates. ir..r Repairing, ottended to,per- , sontitly,t.y the. proprietors. . ' .. t Lancaster,January 1, .10.4. . . The :Amdiean.,,illatelies. ITIHE American Watcnes are among the best J timeirpepers now, in use, and.for durability strength and simplicity far surpass any otliter watch madc in the ,world. , H. L. Fir E. J. Z - A H lit , Corner of North' Queen-st.„and 'Centie, Square. Lancaster,' Pal, have th'em tor bale - at the very, lowest rates—every watch accompanied with tie manufacturersguarrantee to,ensure its gen uineness. , INEAND , LIQUOILS:• • ' •'^ Superior Old Brandyi:Old Rye Whiskey, Holland ,Gin, ; Moderns, Lisbon,, Sherry and Pert Wines.. Pittsburg Whiskey-alwaya 'On lirend at the Lowest market prices.. ,Vary Fine Brandy at a very low figure." ;LA:: DIF,F,NBACH-iiltarkee.st2 DR. B. FAHNESTOCK, OFFICE :—NIApf ilr,A ALI. OPPOSITE 1 Spangler & ratkerlon's Store. F.e.ox 7 OFFICE liOtilig:"- - " t•t r 'To 2. r ~'.13 f 6 T 0,7 , 0 A- Gbtib . ial Agaiiiii.rif bf all kinds of Byrn i icitell )- 54,.. 1 1E , 1P 0 M,,slt oet 'lim as; Screw's Bents 'Cellar t.r Oils, Glass anti•Pfitty":-v' ay" etiVtip.'" i , A ,- IRA:TTMRSON ', VCO. - pp :x • silt ~ M i l 1 : ?4.4. T O •EPANDLOP,Inc;f ri ii ., Scotch and Irish it - 11 I rra., pure, at H.:;elf4l.334atini./iiiig.;' T. CitiArraimE w .51V,GLANI? t RUM andainary vutio , 4egovariaitte,ti H. D. Benjamin. Gab Safic'tbt SHERIFF'S PROCLAMATION. For. the General Election for tlBti% TN .Pursuance •of the duties imposed hy'file l 1 Election Laws•of the State of Penniylvania f ~.S. W. .P. BO Y 0, - Id igh , tteriff of Lancaster 1 County, do hereby publish - and give notice to ' the qualified citizens electomot the' several Wards, Townships, Districts and Boroughs of the. City and County of Lancaster, that a //en -1 eral Election will be held, on.. .. - 1 TIYEBDkY THE 13th DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, ISO ) at the severalPlaceshereinafter designa , . ted to elect by ballot :- . - , . One Person duly qualified for CciVernOr of , Pennsylvania. .OnO PersOn duly qualified:for Judge of the SUpreine Court. '.Two Persons duly qualified for Senators. Four Perseus duly qualified fkthe House of Representative's.' Ony Person,,duly qualified tOr Sheriff o f Lan caster County. . ' One Petson dblY qualified for Prothonotary. One Person du!y...qualified,for Register. OfiC'Petholl`Chll3% qualified for Ree Order. Oce.' , Person duly qUalined. for -Clerk of .0r- Phans' Court. -One 'Persoli- duly qualified for Clerk Of Qudr ter Sessions. ' , . ' , "• , •1: One Persoa.duly . qualifiedlor Couhty Treas urer. ,One Person duly; qValified-for-County,Com missioner. • " Two \Petsons duly qualified, fiir • Directors of the Poor. Two 'Perions duly I qualihed" for Prison n spectors.' -• 'One Person duly qualified - for Coroner'. One Person duly qualified for Auditor District -ConipOsedlof the - Foui : Wards of Lancaster ihe qualified voters of the North East - Waid ;lola 'their election at the public, house et Anthony'Lechler,ia 'East Iting . street ; those of the North West Ward a' the publiohoUse'occupied.by Adam •Trenit ; those of the South .East Ward. at the pktoic house occupied by lss.ac.fdille,r, , in East King street; those of the South, Weitt , Ward,at the public house of Amos,prolf., 2d Distriet—Druinnte ITwikshO, at the No. 2 School ri o'use in the v4id - ge of Chestnut • '3d District—Boiouglf of ,Elizabethtown . at the puhlit hbuse now'occupied by George Buyer in •Said'borouvh. Itth toivt ship' at, the 'public has in thewillage of New Holland, r"ti ;aid zr.l ' = "4 • tstll4lli , irrie L u—Dizali th , townstlip at' helyttb ,lic house ?now occupied by „ . .G,eorge Bentz, in B'said loWri'sh fp.' btli Districp,- 7 Boiough . ..of,,Strasburg, at the public-house nos occupied:bY'Heiiry Bear in said bordligh'.. ,. 7th District±gapho.tawrship, including the Bordugh of Mit:them, at the public house now occupied by David Wolf iu said borough:.' bth.pistrictilisbpry,townsbip, at the pub lie. house now occupied by John Mason, in aid,,township. it,'! • Oth ,fAistrict- 7 East Cc:calico township, 'at the ,publle house no;a: occupied by J. liannan, ip ; the ,village - B earnstowo, in start:township. oth , s tlict—Being a part of . East Donegal tOW.:Aship, at thp,:publiu school house in , the vihlttge pf . ,Maytow:A . in, said township. 11th District—Ce.rourvon. township, at the public house.now.occupisd John,Myers, in the'yilinge uf,Churchrow,n, in said township, th District—Martic townsbh lc house now occupied by Robert Saulsby, in said township., '• ; c 1.3 1 -h,Distociarr , townshipc.at• the public house,now, °couple° .hy..Edwiu•Garrett. . . 1411) District,- Colerain: townahip, at the,pub lic,ho 110 W, occupied:, by. J., G.,. Hili.'etyaud, in said township. . . 15th District—Fulton.to.wnship, at the pub lic now; occupied by Jos...Phillips. - . I dth District.—Warwick township, at the public house new.occupted, by. Samuel Licht euthaler, in the v,illage-of. 17th District,Composecl. - the. Borough of : I .l , larietta and part, of East DonegaidownShip; at the public,schu_ol house in taict I Sth District—Columbia Borough at the lown hall in ,said, boromM. • , ' , 19th,District,—Sadsbury.township at the put blie house now odcupied.by, Atnahaim Roop, in said township.: , 20th Distriot-eacock township.at .the pub lic house now :occupied by Geo Diller in.said township. 21st Districtßrecknock.tewnship, at the public.house now occupied by hair. JliasStier, in said township: i ,!; , 24d Joy, .Barouglyat -the public apbool bprquzi4, 23d District—lieing•.pait of lust Hempfield township, at the publie.hbuse now occupied by Jacob Swart, in the Pe:ersburgi in said toyrns!iip. . . , . 24th Diatriet—West Lampeter township, at. the public house now occupied by. Henry, ler,. in the village "of Larppeter Square;; in. said township.. , . .2.5 th District—Conestoga. township, ,at the public honse now. occupieii by . joint G. Preis, in said township._ _ 26th District—Beingpart of Manor town ship, at the upper.sehoca house in the borough cirWashißgton,.in said township. 27th 'Dial iet—Ephrata township, atthe pub-. lie house now occupied by ..iVlartio. Gross, in said township., 2gtb DistrLet-,-Cpitax.townphip3 at the pub licachoel,hoiiae ixi the of Bainbridge, in „ 29th District—Manitem township, at the pablic house now occupied by John Frantz, in the ritlage.ef 30itt .14,1strict44iehig n. , gatt ag..l l danor, toWn ship, Id the' pubbi hopse how occupied by George Heruberger : ku said township'.' ' ' Slat Usti:let—West - Ear) township, at the Wouse 'now oeciipied!Py 'Eatlville, in said township. ' 32nd DlStrict West . Henapiield'toW nsiiip;at the public' tiou;e now occupied by John )(en.: dig, in said lownship. ' 33rd DistrictL-Strasburg townstip, at the pubiic - liouse now occupien 'by James Curi - an; in the'borough of stra.sbiirg. " 34th Distria:L:Being part of Manor town ship, commonly called indiatitown _ the public tonse of 'l)ernard Stoner, in said township: ' ' 35th' Disttiet—WeSt a r ealico township, at the public house` nOw - ocetipied by 'John W. Mentier in the'village of tihoenecli, lesaid township. 36th District--East Earl township, at the public hOuse noW Ocicupied . by ffenry Yuddt, liluo Ball; Tin said township. .37th District-- , ParaOiserv4ownship,- at the public house now,occupied by John Zuok, in said township. 39111,,District 7 -heing.a part of. East Het:rip- field township, at the public school house. In the yillageof,fieinpiielcl, in:said township. • :,39th llistrict—Lancaster, township, at the public house ttow,occupied in saict•toujnship: , , 40in iiiirict-- . East Lainpeter.: township, at the public house now occupied by. Henry Ken eag,), in said township. 41st, District, Littla ;Britain .Inivnahip, the public laniLieof Benjamin Brogan, in said ; • . . 42n0 District,.-tipper Leacock township, at thb public house. of Kemper, in said township. ' • 43rAllistrich--I'enn tOwilship; 'at' the ptiblic house,uf Ja c ob . !Maw , ,in said ,township, • : 44th` Distilatl'.l3orough 'of Adamstown, at thq 4 ct1.P.0 ilou4e ifl'saiabotoigh.i ; 451.11 Disirict--,Ciav township,* at the houaet, _ or Gno.„W,,,S,t.e.knanetz., (forrnerly John Ern , n)' 44,..in5tf).-I?egnea, town ship,at lho pub- r lie liouse . of ihnijamin Rowe, in said township. 47th District—Arovidence thirinibiP; ; at 'tiff house .. now, .o.c,capied by. .Mary Miler, in sA r i toxiietrip: , e • .',- • ‘ L- Districk,, , Eden tOwnship;l at the puldic l'ou•?l ,l tAtillt said4owiAlrip: 49th, J.ji sti ipt-mheing at , pa rt , , Mou ht Joy hargtojore ducluded. , initieraiPdiltria, atsLehuiargs.kehooltliouse;iareaiditAintfirpi Aitti4V4-TiMestillan ekil township, here= tante included in tne 3rd e.ection disgicy - st Rwtia 3 " 1, r Qi4trOt—rathatrpafit strip 4ekteroforaiaatukfedlntWelad3distiltkikiliff Oitencanasfisc'hapit Trilk4di coili4l3.4iptti meta ir,n 11. 4 M1 3601..1 tatiW h t.a.ss g ,, l ,l 4ritfict.÷ - Thatrpartt , o6RtphaftaViiti t i E l h eretofo roe radii ded**in 2 the Alsfrle, Stricicler's.schoo4hollseuh said tOw'itshipt. r" t 53d District—That part of East Donegal township heretofore - included in the 22d dis trict, at the brick schobl house in the village of SPringsville in said township. .54t1t4Otrini—Ahat part'of Rapho township 'heretofore included - in the 52d,distpct, at the public schobl houselin the. village of Newton, in said township: The.,`Genilwl Election, in 'all the. Wards, TownshiPs, roistriCts.and Boroughs. "of the 'county,it to be'oPitied between the tours of eight and ten ~o,?clock—irritie forenoon, and shall"contiriue without interruption or ad journment until seven o'clock in the even ipg, when all the polls shall be closed. Every person, excepting . .Justices of the Peace, who any' Ifceor ,apj?sint meat of profit orlrudt under the . Government of the United States, or of this State, or of any ,city or incorporated district, whether .a.coM missioned,ofoer or otherwise, a. subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the Legislative, ExeOutive or Judiciary departments of the. State or the United Staten, or of :ley: city, or incorporated district, and also flint 'every meMber of COngress or of .ffie State Legislature, and of the Select and. Co m Cotincils nf any, city, or Commissioner of any incorporated district is, by . law, incapable of'holding or:exercising, at the same time. the 'office' or appeintment of, judge, inspector or clerk of any ejection of this commonwpaltb, and no inspecter; judge tit other officer of any such election shall be eligible there to be voted for.' The Inspector' Ind Judges of the elections shall.meet at the • respective places appointed 'for holding the election in the district to which They respectively belinig, before, nine o'clock `in'the morning, and each of said Inspectors shall appoint one Clerk who shall be a quali fiedvofer of such darrict. , case thlperS.ah Who shall have received the see6nd highest number of votes for inspeii . tor shill not attend on Alm day of any election, then the. person who, shall have received the second highest number of ,votes for judge an the next pfeceediog election shall act as in- SpO.ter in ins place. And in case the person who shall have received, the highest number of "votes for inspector , shall not attend, the Person eleeied judge shall appoint an inspect or ih his place-and in case the person elected a judge shall not attend, then the inspector *wncl received the'llighest, number of votes shall appoint, a judge in to place—or if any vacan cy shall continue in the board for ,the space of 9ne hour after the time fixed by law for the opening of the election, the qualified voters of 'the, township, ward sir district for which such • Albers `shall have been elected present at such election, shall elect one of thear,number to fill such vacancy. . . lfshall be the duty of the several assessors of each district to attend at, the place, of .hold ,ing every general,, special,tir.township elec tion, during the whole , time . said election is 'kept, open, f9r [fie purpose of . giving informa tion to the inspector : o and judges, waen caged oil in relati.in to the right of .any persoiras sassed, by them 'to vote at such election, ,r ;quell other matters in relation to., the assess ments of voters as the said inspectors or either of them slialffrorn time to, tune require.!, • NO person shall. be permitted to Vote at any electron' as'aforesaid, other than a white free mad of the rip' of 'twenty-one years or more, who ahall fidre relided, in the , ,,State -at -least - one`, year, aed in, the election district where lie offers Ills rote at, least ten days immediate,: ly,preceding - sucg election, and within two yeakpdid a State or ceunty tax, which shall haye been ,assessesseti at least,ten. days before the election. But a.citizeti of, the United. States Whq has prei - iousl. been a qualified vo ter of thiS State, and removed thereiront and returned;and who shall have, resided in tie- el.ectioir district and'paid taxes. as anwesaid, shall be entitled to vote after , residing in this Stati:six; months,: Provided,' That ; the white. freemen, `citizens of the .. ,United States, be , tween twenty r ene and twenty-two years, whO: have re:sided in ad election . district as afore said, shall 'be entitled to vote, although they 811111'nm...have paid taxes. No person Shall be permitiertle V 42 whose name is not contained in the list of :taxable. inhabitants 4 furriished.,hy,„ the .ntnissioners,. unless. First„ produce; a receipt:for therpay- Ment within two Years or a 'State or county tax, asseased agree:4l;4n') the, constitution and give satidiactory either on histeath litlipniition, or, ffie 'Oath and alb: rination oft abothOl; . tilift„ he has paid such a tnx, or on failure to produce a receipt make oath to the payment thereof: Second, fe he claim the.riglrt;to votelby being ad' elector betweeh the age of twenty-one and twenty-two ypiirs, he shall 'depose on' oath'or 'affirmation that pi has resided in this State at leasneneYeai nex before appliaatiop, and, make ,suchAFlftiof of 'residence in'tliedistriet 'as is required .by . this.act,,and that 'he does -verily believe from the account giverPhin, that is of age afore said and Such - other'evidence as is 'requited by this act, whereupon the' name of the person thus admitted to vote shall be inserted in .the alphabetical bYi the ilispee.tbr • , and - nate made opposite , thereto by writing i the word "tax," if he shall.be admitted; to vote by , rea,4' son of having.paid,tax.; or the word .—age," if he shall be admitted to vote by reason' of such age, shall be called out to the clerks,whe shall make the like hates ou the list. of-voters. kept by them: • in all cases where:the name ot-the person claiming to vote is found on-the list -furnished' by the Commissioners and assessor, 'Or his right,to ,vote,. whether found (thereon-..'or. not; is objected to by : any qualified citizeuAt shalt be *the duty of the inspectors-to eiainine such person- on path as to. hiS qualifications, and if be claims to have residtid,witLin the State for one year or more, his oath snail be sufficient proof thereof, but shall Maim proof by at kris. onecompetent witness, who shall tie ii. lied elector, thatjhe has resided' in the district fur more than ten-.days-next immediately preceding such election, and shall alSo liimsetf swear that his bona tide residence, in punt- I mice of Ms lawful malling e is 'Said 'district, and that he did not remove into ""said district for the purpose of •voting - therein. Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make due proof, if required, - of the residence and payment of taxes al. aforesaid, shit& be admitted - to -vote in the township, I ward or district in which he shall reside. . . . ll any person shah prevent' or 'attempt to prevent any officer of any'election nadir , this act from homing such ,election; or use or threaten any,violence to suet' officer, or shall . interrupt,or finpiopetly,interlere with him in the executihn of his duty, or 'shall- block Up the window, or avenue to any window where the samdMay he bolding,. , yr solid riotously disturb the peace at such electiOn, or shall use any intimidating threats; force or tiMeime, with design 'to influence unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him.from 'voting or to restrain the freedom of choice, such persons ou conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding live hundred - dollars, and imprison ed,for,mis time not less t han three nor more, than flivelve Months, and if it shall 'be shown to Court, where the trial of such offence :Shall be had, that the pet somso offending was not a resident of the city, ward, district or to.waship : where the offence was committed, and not titled tb vote'therein, then on conviction he t shall be . sentenced to pay a fine vil ,not; less than one hundred nor more than one thousand. defiers,:and oe imprisoned not less . than six Months nor inure titan two'years. If any person or persons shall make any bet' of wager oil the resnit. of,any election, within tke Commonwe.ilth, or shad offer to make any sneh bet or Wager, either. verbal MoMainatiou thereof, M by any written or printed' adeertisemeut, challenge, or. invite any person: tttinake such bet or wagkr,,upon con viction-thereof he pithey shad pay tlffee 'allies the amotnit so "net` or to ffe bet. . . . If any per.on, not by law qualified, shall fraudulently vote at ifiy:eiection of thiPecifnl mouievealib, or . b4ing otherwise q'utdified vote 'Out- or :Ws:proper if ally person wilip 1 lid want. ONUhti tvitalticatiock; stiatl aid or procure-duchtperaba to vote; the Veismi shall on'ebnifittibii; . :bejrineit in ally sum not exceoling- two hundred aollars, and be. im prisonedl. m, any.: term not' exceeding , AN tee Clf dy. person' shoal vote , tit mate than' Ohe electionotatricq otheiwiae . fraudnienill, - vote more than once on the same ,dayioroliall hAatitalefirly.iclid a - 3;d. de'lriiei, to' the !nsilee . to# tWol , tikatetotogptliei; with' tfid irrtene T etokalkt ai to.cit4,otir mill Rrocuro aircithiY:t d 9r they atlen s ordrr.lbill , ebbirac on be lined to any-sum norteqs;t,filoa;fittz.niqrlfiTa - reir five to,indrettkelat'ai , :aocl "fie qniprtsote n mor j 3 t__ ?selve , It a9y, iffalint ‘ kt F kaltfiect 'to- vote in this Cornmonwea eea lfto law (except tht , sons of qualified citizens,) shall appear at any - _ place of election for the purpose of inlluendin the,cititena cftialifibd nil vote, he shall on con victim: forfeit end pay any sum not exceedtna one, hundred. ddltxrs. for . e very siklifoftbnce and be im: , risoned for any teem not exceeding three months. • • • - Agreedb.y tb the provision; of the sixty fi rst- sec-U.on , cy.l *eilfai{liattiditetytGen rill tan Special Election shailltrOmpene4 between th, Hours of eight and -ten -in --the forenoon, and shall continue withonop;e4rnflitn or-adjoufn merit until seven o'clock. ig the evening when the polls shall be closed. r The Judges are to make ;their, returnsifor the county of Lancaster, at, the ~Cpurt Vouse, in the city of Lancaster. .ou Eridart ; the With day of October, A. D., ig63„at S P BOID, -Cheriffs , SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Lan'r, Sept. 8,1863,..., No. I.—Large Family Wringer, . $10:00 2.—Medium, 7:00 No. 2i.— " cc 6:00 No. 3.—Small <, 5:50 No. S.—Large _Hotel Wringer, 14:00 Ne..18.--Medium Laundry,.( to run by ...13:00 steam or . No. 2.2.—Large Laundry, ( hand. 30:00 Nos. 21 and 3 have no Cogs—allootbers are warranted. *No. 2 is the size generally used in private fan; ies. Orange Judd, of the American Agrieultuifst, says of The it tibcrsaT Clothes' Mrittger 4 ‘ child, can mortify wring. out a. 40101 of clothes in a few minutes. Itlareally,a clothes saver! A Time AiFer.! The' ativingof. gar ments will alone, pay a : large percentage on its cost. We think the machine. rnuck,more than pays 'for itself' every yetir in.thesav,ing-Of garments! There are .several lairds, alike in general construction, bat ,we consider itimportant that the Wringer be fittednwith . Cogs, otherwise a mass of . garments Misyielog the rollers, and the rollers. upon ; the crank shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the '.inhhet break loose frtim the shaft. Our own ,is (woof the first make, and it is as good. aa . 'taw alter it four yep . s mistant,usc,". •. . EVe23( WrilLger 4 with-Cog Wi t . ois is . wa r . • • '.34'W . anted in. eceiV „ No .Wringer• , ean be.chn7al;ie without! Cog-:eficds. A good Canvhs.9er *anted in ev l .i& - toiCV.."' — On receipt of the price front plitc'etylli46. 4 no one selling, we semi ttig Wrihg4r o For pAriiculars and circtthifs; hrldFnsi BiIOWILVTN4i ' A 347 troadwkay, August l 6; 1863:-Gml I, :a - ric:s7 - A tr. 1. ariis or PTA. NC Y. U R Far Ladies env!' I wish to return my thanks to rrty'frienda of Lancaster and surrounding counties, - !or (ilea very liberal patronage , extended' tolne dining the lag few years, and would say to them that i , now:have i hil n store, of my own lier - 46in and manufacture a very extensive assortment of all the different kinds and qualities of thnry, rars for ladies and children, that *ill bc'WOrn during the Fall and Winter seasons: Being the..dtrect Impoi•te'r of all rill' FURS from Europe, and having them 'all ntaiinfactu red under my own supervision—enatileime to offer my customers'and the'publ,ic a, mucks 1 - lAS - Dsongß SET OF , PO as for. the:same money. Ladies please give mesa call-before purubasing! Please re:nembertbe. name, number and, street. .; .JOHN FARE.I.I.IA, 718 ARcm-vr.,^ Sept. 17-sms.] , , Pill LA. DEI:PHLA, DUB,Yg I AS' 1:11/11ZZNA * ReceiVod tVco. "Pkize Medals" ..LFRomluni ES 3 AND Tlf E • International Ezhib it ion, London, . . BEING THE SOI.E. A WARDS:GA.I ANYTHING OF THE It also received the SuperlatiVb "Exceeding- Excellent _I•904:;!' 4.10 ".. hA. , i='-fz:v. N A , .!. . ',..... ;Ito , CI. At the. Great International Exhibitimilit Hamburg, July, 1863; i•,,;<,) , 1 . ~ I?eceined the Hight* , Medial , ~ ' - o ' ~. -... 12.01 FOR ITS DELICACY AS, AN AII,TXCLE - 0 „ OF FOOD. ..a„ ~ - 1. Used for Puddings, Custards l, Blriae Mange' ga : &c., without lsinglas,. with few cir-iid 'et It is excelient fol . ...thickening Ssileht Sauce :Gravies for. Fish, Meat, Soups, &c. For Ice Cream ..othing can comphrerwith'.it.. ' 4 .AglitAP. boiled in Milk makes a rich! Creawi foitCbreeAn Chocolate, Tea: &c. A .thost - dhlidibuaditrtiefleg ' for food for children and inva:idsltit , :vithtlW. superior to Afrow Root, and much inore-eco,t .;nomical. . , • - .... ~ :10 i 41 , i.kr Put up to one pound- : 0 package44er qhe trade- in ark - IVlsizen 71 With 'ft/70 direitlike'vfoill use, and sold bvallitirOce r s and Drti.o . aiSp.'"v 1 ,. NV I'LLlAtht • .DU Indt At% .' i - . ' -, ',, ~ ' , 7 ' ? ' ' :noitorikort 'Ati:l4., ,J; ad 166' FintOtl-StAett •Neiv-AemV." , " Angkist 22441 1 4 , ". su :, •' , .' 7 .A ';' - ' o ' TA .. '''t 13kffik' RAVrrcG L T EiE Itr w prept,tred to tyan=i4V all 174 . ci f :041grNE4SS : n , • )1 , + The Board-of - Direetors•-gleet week" ITr-on- WeAriesd'ay i -ftlii'distotilt infd"OtherliAAA3 t c ii: 4 6 c i i",i4 JOHs ~„, A d s , r i:, AALO.S...BOWALA-Ac 240.1563.%) ec 0 I.i i bt,:',Her) I --AI tO,tIOKAS OUVI4i th46-,f9* Viii'plain style ' each one It - eLenitntesl. Joe: to perform tagh9 , eqtire,._,ea t distii4lttl).lV .* the purchaser. rATTEII , O`N SC CO. =I , FAILEIII 718' ..A.81C111"-11'11:, Lcioie EigVh, south. • .1 side PNJL`ADEEPNL4', "' Mamtf:a'clurft: of .kwn-ILEAL:Eit , rlf jr:4 , • IFr4 ; m , ''A o.t. tt