The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, October 10, 1863, Image 2

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    bt 'Aitriettiatt.
• F. L. Baker, Editor.
11101081, toite,d,, , of the Democratic party
have L leftielt 'Copperhead wing and ar
rayed themselves on the side of the
17u10t Cunningham," of
Beaver county, long the leader of the
Demopratic party in that county, and a
tteleinte and One pf the vice presidents
of the Charleston Convention, has avow
iiihielf in favor of the Union ticket.—
Fie:supports Curtis.
Themes U. McDowell, late one of.the
edit4rli and proprietors of .the Barris. ;
burg Union now one of the vilest. Cop
perhead sheets in the State, has coma
out CUrtio. He declares that he
can't sWillow the secesh trincipies of
Woodward, though he has been a Demo
crat all his life,
Francis. Grund, the well-known
31:Menalist, late .one of the editors'and
mPrietors of "The Age," a most vile
ctQPperhead sheet, published iu Phila
delphia;made a speech in that city, in
whielphe took strong ground is favor of
Opy. Curtin and against Woodward.
-4,NoPt.-Browne, Postmaster of Phila.
4e l p4A under the Budhanan ttd ministra
tion, has not only left- the Copperhead
party and repudiated Woodward,
, but is
making speeehei infavor of the re-elea•
tion or GoVernor Curtin, and doing all
Iti'din for (he Union 'cause.
CO. R. Biddle Roberts, Chairman of
'Breckinridge State Committee in
1860; and since commander of the First
Rligibient‘Of 'Pennsylvania Reserves, is
itoietta unconditional Union man, and
has taken the Stump in favor of Govern
or Curtin.
Add to the above list George Muffin
Da_ilas, Judge John C. Knox, Wm. M.
ffiester, of Berks, Hon. Wm. Wilkins,
ot Pittsburg, and many others who will
go' tO'tbe polls and vote for the Union
candidates. Alas for Copperheadism,
its death knell ha's .been sounded.
THEisstre.—Underlying, the , questions'
now being decided by arms, is the great
one which has convulsed , many nations
during the past two centuries. We
talk about the , right of secession, eman,
cipation and free labor as compared with
slitvelebor ; but tbe , , great issue now
Wog tried is ikhettier an aristocracy or
a demicracy shall prevail in this country.
Southern rebels do not hesitate to say
that , thelfee , should rule the many, and
are fighting to accomplish that object.
We of they North contend that the peo
ple'should govern, and are doing battle
for ,the righttof the ,people.
A,nd y€ 4. a large portion of the Demo
cratic p arty -- a portion portion of it knowingly,
some unwittingly—are doing all in their
power to promote the cause of the aria:
tOcracy of the South. They are plot
ting, talking, working and voting in
%tor of the aristocrats and against the
people. Pretty Democrats truly 1 Shade
or Jefferson think of it !
eir The Louisville Journal says
"'We , are &id that Gen. Joe Hooker,
. who has just passed through this city,
is:to , -take at once an important com
mand.. Heis too good a fighting Gen
eral kept idle. Though boastful,
he is as brave as boastful. 'Though he
proved himself incompetent to the lead
ership of the army of the, Potomac, he
t' never prayed himself incompetent
*Ely other military position held by him.
As the leader of a division or a corps in
battle he probably has no dbperior."
.4. - Gov. Curtin is 4 malting a noble
~. ,
crass of the State. He addressed the
14gest political meeting ever held in
Ifoithern Pennsylvania, at
s crenton.--
i p
' toldly. defines his positien on the
I orient questions of the day, and*the
ople,wre everywhere Socking to die
ender& In the- meantime, Wood
ward, the mum :candidate, is skulking
aboet in the
cl ppperhead dens of Phila
delphia, not' daring, to spank out the,
r reason which ki'ratililing . in his heart.
Farragut attended and
dcll 4 iXerti e t stort spes.e,h ut, an immense
' Union demonstration convened in the
()doper institute, New York city on
WednesdaY evening-or last week: :All
the*reat army and navaLheroes 'are on
the aide of the Union , and` the
Copp,orkeads in . the present political
n the war of 1812 the Democratic
party bitterly coodetnumitha peace 43oc
tripetai of the flartfOrd Odnvention.' Can
any of our readers inform us how the
petce i fiospirists tjaen, differ frOln .peacu
eir The steamer Glassgow arrived at
NitirrA6°o46'n-the 4th instant with elei
en hundiedworigrants.
AllirtAilltexidan'aelierel is the gaesi
V i r Lm:
redvio is
eentieu P bt • Dttalin
Europeati press discuss largely the ilk
tentions,daf tkls,Frenoh Etnperr id - l'*•
gard to e fteiico, aud the, bestf informfid
of then& re and his' pbsition in tht
• 1 . •
country=•as iltely to. lead toeomplicht
tißs' ertidin in war`Atith` t-k Uiiio4l
States. The Vienna Press says the
Emperor hesitates to take the decisive
step and recognize the South gibes its
recent disasters, but it says he probably
reckons that civil war will last for some
time to come, abg after ,the - bar l iships
and exhaustion of war, the'Goirernrueut
at Washingtou will prefer peace to a
fresh strife with France. The French *
Emperor probably count; as largely, up. :
on building up a party in Ipexi&if4vor,'
able to his schemes, which will make
hiTied-t 1 9, 1 1 3 .0:F.0-40.Cure, againat,,,,,Wor
ruption from the
, I:lnited, Stater., i l3ot
so far his purposes havo,not heen,backeo
by any peculiar rnanifestationsot ; the
pleasure of 'the Mexicans at,being sub
jugated by France„ The struggle.Ar
not yet over in that country. , _ ,
.4ar The Bdcks Comity -li3telligencei
says: "Amocg ttie Aistitr,guisbed'Dainbt
crists' who have arrayed themselves n an
the'side of`the "(Teich in the'peadin r g
contest; and have , ekiiressed. a' de t terrrii=
nation to - vote' foi the re•electhin'of - Go.
vernor Ou'rtin, the name of - Don:Oeorge
M. Dallas, of has neon
mentioned. Mr.lialles Dgmocrat
of such mature years; a nd sdkiehdriora'-
hie standing in the nation,-tbat tiorte
can t accuse'. him' of 'be - iog - kettle:tea:hi
.personal• dranibitiOns Motilias irl"taking
this position: He , realizds thee flee
very life-of 1113 Union has beewattaeked
by the traitors of-' : the~ South, aa..that
the only , way to defeat - their'ohjeet is
to stand . firmly and unitedly the'tii
vernment-that is endeaVoring to's:np=
press the rebellion: . ' &1I henor to Mr.
Dalltte tor his patriotic COafse I".
FrancAs J. Grund, who was one
of the proprietors and principal editors
of the Philadelphia Age. delivered an
address at the rooms, of the Union
League, Chestnut street. on, hloaday
evening of . hist week. Mr, GrunCexl
pluined at length the reasons which
cbmpelled him to sever his connection
with, the newspaper referred , to, ,and
showed why, in bis judgement, every
man should, in this crisis, .sustain the,
Administration of. Mr. Lincoln, and,
support the reelection of Gov. Curtin
It was a most, eloquent and, interesting
1. • 11 • • 1
explanation and exposition, The rooms,
were crowded
- to suffocation, and hun-,
&reds remained outside. Mr. ,Grand
has since died of apoplexy, . l
Ur It is said that the clergy and laity
of the • Episcopal Church in
, Pliiledie
phia and' :Vicinity,,Will , request the
sistant. Bishop - . Stevens;' to give :hie'
views respecting slavery and the war:
Bishop , Stevens who was overwhelming
ly loyal when he was a cindidate . for
bishop ; Maly reffiski the'pratest
The usefulness:of his laborstas
Bishop. may be - regaided as at an emi,'
and:the best thing he can do is to re-
Quantrell, who, recently led Ai ,
banditti into Kansas, and massacred the
men, women and children there, is no
less than the celebrated thief, forger and
bigamist known as Dr. J. B. Rayne.
His likeness is in the Rogues' Gallery
at the Central Station. De bad.served,
out a term of five years in ,the prison at
Frankfort, Ky., and was, libe,rated just
before the rebellion broke out.
r- A correspondent of the New.
York Evening Post, a
, Texan, Obj - ects
to giving the 'right to vote to fre.e
blaeke "Because," says the Texan,
six months after 'youu - give the negroes
the right to vote, half the Democriiiii
politicians in the country Will go about
swearing that they have negro bfoodin
their veins."
fir Democrats who do,.not • wish•, to
be classed as Copperheads, should read
the letter of. General Dix, of New York,
to the• War Democracy of Wisconsio.,,
It is plain statement _ of facts„and.
shows, incontrovertibly, how the Cop
perhead leade,rs haie departed from the
time honored principles of Dembcracy
in these latter days.
l Odessa, Delaware, kept, twenty
one vessels continually running to Phil
adelphia during the peach season, carry
ing• about 100,000 baskets, costing from'
80 to 90 , cents per basket: Some of the
largest growers will realize from 810,,
000 to $29,009 For their crop.
lir A. Mrs. Waunamaker diedsat New
Prospect, Bergen 'county, N. J.: last
week, weighing, previous. to ,. her death,
.seven hundred pOunds. At her last
dinner twenty-four ears' of green :coin
Made np a slight portion of her repast
lir•Gen. B. H. Helm, of the rebel `
army, who, was killed at Chattanooga;
was, ~ the- brother-in-law , of Mrs. Freed.'
neat, Lingoln, be—having `married: her
half-sister:. Re entered. the'dontheim'
army as. a .priv.atiii, , andirose: to the rank
of a brigadier.
istul thanits .are like
the, ruts ; in, roads. wheels. \ of life
settle ?late tkenr,i,snd
through tb tei re, ibeettosetitt is , toOtmbeht
trouble tu4get-Atittor 7'; e
. pßsp AiMioßt ,
FEARLESS OLD FO rT3.—.A. correspon ,
deaf with Gen. Ivleade's army relates a
virt ti) )he Hon.f John' ktinor Botts,
wh e retdince hs , been passed on the,
ma h of nit. tros. His JtersecntionE
by e leads of the Soutkein Cotlfed ; ,,i
er, ~ ci4lnatioi in hts' 4gight weeks'.
imprisonment in the old Libby prison,
tas not diminished his rotundity of fig
ure, the brightness of his keen gray
eves, the brilliancy of his wit, and, last
ly and not least, his firm and uncomprd
misinpffi delity to / thn T.Trcion. ~ His- plan,:
tation, whidh liii purchased iii Ye6ruary
last, comprises something . over two
thousand acres. His dwelling, in size,
I s_ in t k eepi ug i w ith a t h plac • e,,wi tt a
mtsenge > pOrtice,iwitl high anln . iAsiv i e
pillars, a wide-spreading and well-shaded ,
lawarandeviewrof.the-sursonnd ingvcouti.-
t;Y .f 1,10,12,1 .and, niV.PKesqug. , . .Dia
lialP,j l ,Y,,c,9P4.isting ,or ,thr e e Sr° s,slui_PlVtttd ,
p,ccompliskied',danghters,aad,a pop,iliye.
i s o,th, yim.. . R ebel' ca valry,
en,,cam . ...ped on ,his. , grPund ,rnos . ,t of the
time for months past. It is arell . kupwir
that, he is now . enjoying his freedom
hi . pugl4 fayrkr,of,s Percle,granted by,the
rebel authorities., This of course,; pla;
ces ,hi in
_piker iffitrain,t ; in n t,ellipg ~many'
things heimigh i t,otLherwise,,tell, Ant. no
thing,bas;thus raj:, and, nothing,h.e says,
Will,provent in the, future hisAelling his
bostilily to the ,donfederate Goverii
pent and adherence to the -policy and
principles of those seeking to preserve
the tinion.., He persistently says
will notviolnteh_isparole; but, he wish;
x, our gonerals knew „ half, he knows
~ ~ .. , 'A
about th e rebels and, - ,their resources and
intentions,.Ten days.,agol,he waa,,in:
Richmond,', Vaving , gone on It sort of
faroily marketing expedition.,—lde made
a few purchases, and (or vvhat,before the
wa'r would have cost• him $6,4 15 hopaid
the small , sum of 81,208 02. _He paid
fifty dollars fora pair of common sewed
Shoes, and had he ventpred, koto order-
i (1 . 1 " 'ELlPlaiP'•suit of
how t i
e a : d g
a l lc
fdo haveor
e l e' had.d d li o A i n te :g hla he r O y
of , his fearless'
Botts to payheir respn i -
1 belief al ; .pripci,
r::-OonFrso'it.Tnn Lkkrie FO R Ne w
instructionia for ihe sale Of • confiscated
lands in South Carolina- have 'been'
sued.' Certain portibr.MAirthe - Vends' are
to be . reserved fo'r4Otaffaeid'herievblent
purposes; and the.bdltince bOsold
at auctiem,•the.maginfurn ptioe fixed hel
ing $1.25. Per acre.) TWerty'-acre, lots
are to, be laid . out , for the'negroes to
purc,hase, - find the- bblitece Of 'the 'anti
divided into' faiths of not over
320 acres'esch., (rhelitewe , or , B4aufort
ts•to ,be eold accoilling , rtot the 'Preserit
divisions,,of the tOwnitpropallty:' 3 -These
sales, are , to. be matiolor caShi excnpe
persons, in the naval: at Military ser.!
vice ; who are.pntitled td Parchasb, aria
who are,to receive , certificitteetperi =pay=
ing .a,quarter .of Attie inirclkielrfenb3i;
and the residue in =three years from the
datemfeale.. There will beloocliehan
ces for investment. :41,.
A FATAL' SNERZE.-A. r very singular
accident occurred u few days ago in the .
Rim de Grenelle, Paris. .A number
lahOrers were seated...on .a I,ad ; dei, earl;
handing to the other. ayrove,, ILimj.amge
atones for bnitdigepurgoses Qne,ol
the tnprnosi, men was .sized' ;with .a via 7;
lent St of Sneezing, sl) uncnntypilAble,
thal, he dashed the stone in , kaiys
on the - rnan's head below, amusheg 'out
Ills brains, and sent him rolling into Mi,e
street, d,isimiging oo t;is.dpwpward.way
fouimore of the laborers,
, .„
RRDUCED ' THE ` ' RANKS:-,A, letter,
from' the ,Army of. Ndithein
stiys'i that • `ex:Wrigadier General . I" l rye'r
and all the members of staff are tiloW
in the 'rank's of the'3d'Virginih:CaValry;
of 'Fitz % Lee's tbrigade. 'Says flu? writer
"Gen. was put brl - dontirei` duty; not
long=sinde, for missing `r6ll Lieut.'
Cole of a,Virginia•regimenf, is aVso
a'private in the 3d Virginia.. This war
has conclusively shown that distinguish
ed not , always' make 4llC
.cessful warriors, r•
• , = .
ow' The news from eveyy.part of ,t,he.
State shoWs' that the Copperhead
is falling to Pieces. Patriotic' Depo, ,
crats are everywhere ranging tke9selves
under the Uri'On Banner, , and
ting 'Woodviaraand hiS sseession plat
form. They go for gallant Andy Cdrtip,
the'tried and true; a;bout Wiles; princi
ples there can be no mistake.
The. gallant . Gen.. F:. Sigel;- the
herch of. Pea Ridge, and. other brittlee ;
and Commandant,of: ahis Military, De
partment, attendedia'Unfon , meeting.ati
Concert. on Med
nesday evening,lastoand made , a•telling
speech in fe.vcor,,off ~ .Agnew .and
CO' Mr, 'jariteaWestern t_ .;, • •• ,-
Ongdia atint i ty, kiftdd.:father of ,Allijyr-
G4ile i ria .: ll. l 'W t ie"cl, - ion 'the"
17th ultimo, at the Aceat age of 'one
hdnilred; 9.•
lir iNV liagn, lrain e f rn ey; Md.;
was:, kit chaiefavkdaysztago 4borgthee iiplej.
Biqu p p ttikg!
to,Agoin.„.witik t a: chisfilotitt-7;,..,0- , 1 1,4 14it,-
itrVit'a eiluil,'CircifTe - d'll,de(i'AcrW
ranifelditiii4 It4 l E4 1 A. t .'l l 'ty6l. l :'lo tY '
ro 6e r iiiiiiy,'WEis'4Oviirdiee is some 'A l i ,
mrtbils bn tivii ) ltetadiin '' ''' ''' ' ' °
~,t 11
12th nitimo,; two young - men, Edward
Ellioti and Charlet; Eastman, who had
but a few weeks ago'joined the 14th
Conne'cticut'Volunteers,' in the 3d Di-
visioa.,4 of the'NArmi of the Potomac, as
subititutes'-for conscripts, 'were shot by
sentence of court martial for desertion.
The foll&w,ing . deseriptio/of the closing
scene is written by a correspondent of ,
the New York Herald : "Capt. Fields
now came up and bandaged the prison
.ers' eyes. alliot sat," back ofilhis coffin,;
Ed.itu'ian knelt in prayer. His . voice
was audible above the click and sound
of the guns as they were brought to
:'present,' The Ford 'fire' hawing beep
, gfve i n,''Ellintlfelli back, gently bn , his
coffin, only wounded, while Eastman
his exe,s; 910 ently rr,t opph,ed.:' !The re
serve was ordered up. Eastman ap
pettred as if electrified, apd'placed his
heads , : befoie his,eyes to shat out the
horrid sight. 'Phe men agatromissed.—
the Prevost Marshal .during this,-in
nercy;, pilled out his revolver ancl„shot
,thrcmgh, tlie, head.; „he also ; fired
'another ball, thrOugh Elliot's head. f
.kfr 0. 4 t;w°;u9SqrtinF49•'nlea-Iver,d Tro
nounced lifeless, the,tioopsi
were march
by the corpses., yhe PTovost Guard
had,,sothe.conscripkprisoners in .churge,
and as tne,y,passed the,bodies they, were i chartg,(,2l color and tremble.,"
2 . orar•Thedeatl of Generhr Sam Efoug
toii,`Orresal.s,.iiannothicd'd &» Rine
'Abel' papers: Tide time the
.tirtilonii'eement is iirdbally 'correc t
-««£ - 1q diistlu'iiits i b'drii j in ' Virginia, in
- PlO. , •Jaek'sbn he
madd lie,iiiena4 in itl4.
attoiney major general, goo
fgressinanYrind at . gp i Cerrar . f Ten
-"nds;s'e. for a'nciiiiher of: years
among ttie:CiVerekee` Indians tennes
.ieEy 'find siabrefee'elly "al4rated to
. Texas: where le took 'l&id in 'the'
independence 114ico; and . was
twice'bieeted President'of 'the youn ,
"rt.ipilblic':•'SftW 'its to th . e
Gimerar Ileustdr; 's'eryed
yea.i. !\th United Sratei Senate, and
of;the State at the lie ;
#iimitig'tif tile war.' for a time re
sisted' Suees3ron, brit•wai•overruleti and
depiiged "Froth the`bri4 mention of
aiieftetred" , thrat General' pousion ''*as
stilt ati enemy of'th'e Confederacy: "Eli's
litte"hietiYrf is invelved fn 'dab tit.'
,tVrj,ee:s okiai report of 'his
-Pennsylyacja Ekdds„ nothing to
the,fa9tseyea4 known„of the purpose
or that movement an , d -_-the,cause,,of_.its
failure: , i 4ccerding to I., f ee, his repulse
at ,6etty,shurff-was owing .to the:
sign pf,his 11'04:Ts, ?,;,hich :111 could : not
concentrate, in time to follow up
vantages he, gained ony the, first Jain
days. ,The dispersion of his troops, was
necessary, from his total, ignorance, of
Meadels movements, Meade's presence
was a surprise. ,to / him and- threatened:
his CommutAications, and he was_com
pelfed to fight to
~, r estore, them. This
shows t.he ;success and celerity with
which Meade moved, and, us ,the rebels
had no intelligence, previously of plans
'which were adopted fronkn'ecessity; up-
On the moment; they were not .prepared•
'o foil them - • • --
tist in - elle - A tie Ws from a p a t kie p
the''Tn`CO l on,Oceverneleiat 1;41
in them:; the indidatione,:japin
appearei tb he' 'tending* towardEi civil,
War, With the civil` govertiinent °mu
side , assiated by' feieign' Poweia; and the ,
SpiritutilEniiie'rer• on thti other, with
tlie'.'Datnina tn . ' heip theca. The' ri.oliti
earliTairs of the ebtintiy are
conditibn s'uOtt and:
-the foreign PcOwers'wOnid be'glad of the
. • •
cipporttinity , proinote it.
The statement published in a
N,ew,*Korli: paper, doubtless for. political
elyectohat another draft would .be or
dered, soon for six ,hundred thousand
men, is denied in,a-receet dispetch,from
Washington: • There further
draft s until its.nocessity-is -absolutely re
qo ~Unless.the,Rebels are=mncour
,by, Copperhead -successest in New
and -Pennsylvania, the .present
force. in the; field. will be ample, no
doubt. • - • .
Any dratted man, who is an ex-
pe, ,
rienced marhsman, and can prove
upon affidavit, that he has made five
consecutive;shiasi, riot exceeding twenty,-
five inches,' with.a target rifle, distance
200'yarde at least`,ivill be admitted' to
Berdari's sherping regiment. Thip is
accordinglo the regulations of the War
Depart63o, exe:elieni:Clance
for some of the ennicriiits.
..OW,Hon.3.Johin_Cosene; lleho'oeritie
Speakenof, the =last House of Reptesen:'
tatives,,bas :apaouneed'himbelf in' sups'
port:of purtiia. I ,Thust are.lther , lliimo:
crpts of the State:repudiating the;Ccip..
pertimads,And 'ranging thmiselvessqiiaie.
ly,,naer thelbhainerzef;the Urtidn*..
ilar Wirer, "Len ,John Wentworth"
win a ca
t ndidate for, Coagrsss,j,t,was,
, •01,..'-t' , -
of hini cegq ,thnt be was to ' ,talkit)i.a,t,ineleildi
.0 I
of mouting 3 , a, sV,u93t) ,to address the l p,eo-!
4rit 4,
pie, a.hole pad to be dug 7 i ttiewkroull4.
for him ti Blau
, . . , , ,
igep ThVqiiiteBf i l'bitSiga . rhiii'td , eie''
a arNiitt,if qh'e 4 0 pliftZtfiln —4. ) " l itieVe l ,4 l
nofe? liekidliil /zed lieai 'ken rili th iii!' '
The undersigned having been restored to
health ita few ireeksi, by a my simple remedy
after liavirigstAreeseverely for seyeral years
with lung affection, and that - diead disease,
Consumption—ii anxious to make known to
his fellow-suffer6Ahe means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of
the prescription used (free of charge), with
' the directions for preparing and using the
whick.they 741 did
• e for,
Coitsumpiiany :.41,1kract, • Broochitzs,' _ •Cou.-hsx;
Colds, A-c. The only object of the advertiser
imsending the Prescription, is to benefit the
afflicted, and spread information which he
conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes cy:-
ery - sufferer }viii cost them nothing, and may
prove a blessing.
NY.4 l,, Pleas
Rey; tEpAy A it 4 A. 1. 1 ,VM...t•0N,
• ' ' Fiiillthmsburg,
146: B. t isf}:, .•t ;! iKati)do.',`lN!q7
New Fall - and Winter 13:oods.
Market Street, Marietta. Pa.
, .
Ncitwinstandinttlie scarcity,of many kints'of
"Dry Goods, those Wisbing 'lO
,piachase will
find hie banally large 'add WO assorted . stick
complete. s.
" '
Dela/nes CasainierCi
Flannels,, Sat Gnets . ,.
r '
131each4'Sliirting,, kentnc - Jeans,
Brotcii',`Stieeiings.Tick in
Dmpe r, Domestic Din.liarrs
Beavy Denims, Hickory Stripes.
. assortment of Press Dbods..
Full as.ortment of Notioni.
Full assortment of White Good's.
'Pun assoAmeot of Blankets. .
'Full.asstament of. Shawls.
- FL:11 assortment of all seasonable Doods.
_ . . .
Largeat and be'At stock OF Skeleton. Skirts
ever r olrcred in this Market, of all sizes. froiri
'the sinallestio the largest, all prices.
Groceries of all kinds.
flraxe,rrowses,Knaniv.sda", , , , a , ACOPMA.I , 4I--07,5 ,
Rin and Java Coffee Teas
Whi esz St aw 6 Sagar,Fresli SPiees, .. •
Nevi? Mackerel, Extra Syrups,
Salt; t ' • ' Sugar-Cured Hams., kc.
French , . T7,174,e1ing
Neck Under- '
Mandl rclzie_rs,
Shirt fronts, Balnio;•al Skirte.,
, .
A small 19t of ready-made WhitoF Cloth Aug,
which will be sold at less Willi. wholesale
giices to clOse it out:
. .
He' also continues to keep on band a
'supply of supe:ior Briaidtcs, Whlea 7 ' Gins,
Schmidain's Schnaps, Makes, Plantation Bit
ters, that,superior ' bid Ito, all of which
hayingO,een 'purchased befote the recent ad
'beinge have the adYantage'ot being at nearly
old prices. •
ra— Highest pikes given foi country produce.
Moriongs:hola Whi:key by tlie barrel, at
,prices, 'with freight only added.
Marietta, beptetiibcr, 180.
E A .1N & CO.,
Druggists Pharmacutists,
~,Opposite Diffenbaclis Store, ,
H AVElAstjecaived anew and fresh stock
.1103, • f leOiell
Dye , Stop —. clod' Perfuniffry, '6 4 e:
Also,a large find fancy lot of Coalbtl Lamps,
Shades' alobea Garners &c Inlc Pens
Paper and Loyelopes .I , :resh Seidlitz
Powderi, 'Citrate o f ' Mier:mg:l,
° Ogne., .11 air Oils ,arid Per-
furnery, Pomades, t'ago,
TapiOcit Bermuda
Cinnamon, ,Nutmegs •
Cloves, 1 V1,,a e ,
• Book's, poinbs, Brushes, Soaps,
'Gum Wapiti,' Balls and Rings, Bazir's
Shaving Cream, Burnett's Cocoaine, and Kai
liston, Flavorinw Extracts of Lemon. Va
nilla, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Rose
and Almond, Infant Powder, Putt'
and Pdwder Boxes, Balm of a
Thousand Floweri, Par
deb Seeds of the best
quality and va- '
pinicer Seedi : ,c . onsistjng of some of the
finest. varieties.
Caftl PoVilersi and LiniMents.
the celebrated 'Family Mediciaes con
stantly. on hand.
Pre's'ef rpt s and Faintly Receipts carefully
cgmpo e nded. [Apl,lB, 1,853.
5,1_ 1 7 ,
H. D. 131 , NJAMIN,
Picot Buiiding, Mai,ietta, Pa
BEGS leave to inform the public that be
continue thc WIN[. 4 LIQUOR husi
!lesson all its branches. I.le will constantly
keep On hand all kinds,ot
Brandies, -Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky,
A very surerior OLD RYE WHISKEY
ilk received, w hich is warranted pnre._
- 1 . 1" Ali H. D. B.,noiv aski of the public
is a careftif examination ofhis stock 'and pri
ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others finding it to ;their •94-
vaiitige to make theii• Porchßies frontrim
Merchant = Tailor, ati .Clothier,
At P. J. Eramph's Old Stand, on the Car
• •
ner of North Qugen and Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a,
GR A T F F U is tothe 'Citizens of Marietta
end'iqeiiiiiy,lfor, the . liberal patronage
heretofore eitendee the undersigned respect
funk solicits a eentinuanee of the same; as
suring them that under all circumstances,no
efforts IA ll circumstances, spared in rendering a satisfietory
equivalent for every act ofsonfidencerepdsed.
suctrOther seasonable Material as fishier' and
the Market furniShes, coq:stantly , kept on'hand
and' manufactured to order, - promptly, and rea
amiably, as taste' or, style may suggest.
D tr- , 21A DE' CLOTWDD,
Gentlemen'A _Furnishing GobodA
and min iftieteia`uSually belong to a Bier
chant. Tailoring and Clothing establishinent.
Boot and Shoe .31anufacturer,
Would' - most 'reSPecttuliy inform the citizens
of thisiflorough , airdcnelptrerhood that he has
theilergest assortment of eitylinade Work in .
his line of business in this' licir t otigh, and' be-'
ink; a .practical ANb I SHOtI MAKER
himself,iieliaden to select witlrnnire indhment
than these who are not. He eontinu9s map, -,4
u_ffictdrekinz tht V•erk bedtlinannerldverirhini'
inAtheaB OOT t AND'SHOE:MATE, - *hich h
wi// twarrhritfor trentlieSS aru c leod' ' '
Call and egain:44e,ttialstock before pur
has4; elsewltere. '
Take great pleasure in announcing that they
havejust received an extensive stock . of care
fully selected Goods, to which the attention
of the public is directed and au early call so
1 licited
The Ladies' Department
has received especial attention and embraces
all the novelties of the season in the way of
.alck and Fancy Silks,Colored Alpacas,
Foulard'Silks, Lyonese Cloths,
Treneli .Morinoes, Oriental Lustres,
Wool Delaines, Scotch Clan Plaids,
Valenci , ts, Mixed Deiainesote. •
In all patterns and colors.
One ,Ocrse f '
i3E,Caigoes—znod qt altt
ranted anted' to fade, at I cents, wliic:l cannot
be excelled.
Sack Flannels,
• 'Balmoral Skirts,
In all colors.. .
Shwas 4 L fAFf I4 . 1 4,t,'L
- 'Stella, *TlittiVri; Vtlat4 ;' WU' 'l.l 'and
Middlesex Shawls, square and long, in all
styles and cplors, , to sult;all staste,S, at unusual
low prices.
Housekeepers are directed - to our stock of
Doti sTic 'ooods';" ,,
f!.=1144 4 .3M
Ben sz brcli'd Muslims,
Tickings, Lindsey., t .
Cheeks, • Woollen c learri4, 1 4 ,
Rag and Ingrain 11:arpels,
Tabirand 'Floor Oil Cloths, • '
Linen' and COtton IRapeF;
Hoelcaback and'Totifejing's.'"
Head-nets, Hosiery,'Giovcs a . White 'Goods,
Sefts lsrnhro len, . Needle- Wdrit - ,
and Hemstitched ilandaerciiien acid .-
a full, line . of trirniniews:
Are invited to examine onr :steel: or ChM's,
Cassiineres and Vestings; CasSin'etts; Midis/10s
CAS:drneres, Jeans, Ste., of whieli bur , Stnerk
has - never been more eoniplete -or betier se
lected. • ,
' 6 ftt-ArERIF.
, .
Nye have just replenished the ,sr.ock And at:
now; Offering Syrups,. Sugars,
at tklc loweg market prices.
An early cutl iS. solicited.
The, Soldiers True. Friend ilways4teadv,
.Hot.l.owA .1T A ENT.-- LA
sore and still joints,;tilibterod' and inthonel
feet, all these. the Soldiers must 'enchtre,
MormEas, REAEMII sra Turs, , wiin-yotzr tort,
are grasping their. muzkets, tofineet danger,
'think what relief a single. pot of - thi.4
Coorawc Salve `will' - givo to tire
one von love v.-lie I M away-froto - holne.'anil
friends. It hardellb .and. ouglitim fret
so that they can endure , iteat fatigue; Jr
soothes and relieves the Milained and stiliifinell
joints, leaving them supple,•stione- add 'A...thr
oes, while for sAn Re. CUTS n d Cit. , ysitcei
D, it gt:11111, unenuMled; removing am!.
preventing e• - ery vestige of niflaination
gently drawing the. edges together,it
and completely heala the mota frightful-wound.
WiTEs Alin. SIST RAS OP OUR 4:01. Lt wri:ERA
You cannot put 'into the Knapsacks 'of
• your husbands Elul brothers,
- .valuable ormore - necessary. gift -
than' al'supplY.ot this'
Extraordinary Militai-y Salt;e:
The tenely setitty walking• his rulind,§
night,' exposed to drenching - tains arid chill. 4
night airis ofieir seized with most
Pares, Cough abd *sillibeating quar4eneS's,
firStsyraptoins of quick conSuroption, but if
supplied ' ivith ay's Pills and Holln-
Way 7 a Olotnient, ail datilter is averted, a few
Piila taken - nightand tnerntng,and the
'Well 'rubbed. kidicer dby eovet the throat
and . clfestoivill'A'lliiive 'erre 'se vet est pars and,
stop the must diatiessip7, 51,r ,hoigerims cough.
Theieforil we ss.y 'Ana}'
• 'SOL D EKS '!..i.".r1,.v..,err0p;i-
. . .
See to yon , r, own Ilealf.b, do,not trust to the
Araty sunl : dies, although must .vajoahle.—
Th'ese - Vills.and Oihtnient,have been thorough
iested,,they are tbe_ualy remedies, used ite
the Ektrek - ati
.can,ips and, Bat racks, Sot °vet
f6rtY years .boctor.lloltoway,lias supplied all
the . .grtnfes in. Europe, arid during the Crimean
Canlpaigik be, elfablit lied a depot at Palaelava,
for the exclusive sale of •theso Gr.& 11.14mieGfi.e.
many a time his apecial..Agent, there ha s sold
oeera ton in, weight of
: Illy. thrti...ent sif .
daY. These ierrible and fatal enemies DJ
,SOLD14:11. IN Came,
Dierhea, Dysentery, Scurry, Soreg-iimet Scrofu
la:4 .
and Ointment, and now while
!he cry rings throogliout theland,
Do not let these brave men perish by diseases
phiee in their hoods these. Precious. Hen edtess
thiitivili . enable them to resist the_ .dangerous
trii,peSure;:.the ..Fevers, the and
wouflds MIMI! they cannot avoid, and, what rs
more,. Canuot,frequently get • ratectrur itr the
momenttthed„ ‘v,hereas it our brave men
have only toput their hands into. their h:nap
sacVs'ae4 find there a sure remedy for,alLtoe
casualties of the .battle How_. many
tb4usant4 wnuld thus be be. saved, who
otherwise perish before relief could be
IMPORTANT CA uTzpt , !--,tione are.,genuine
unless the words —„Holloway, .Neu, , York and
London," are disernible as a , Wola-viark in
every leaf of the ;book of directions around
each pot and box; the same may be ,plainly
seen by holding the leaf to.the tight. A nand-
Some reward will be given to any one render
ing, .
such information as muy lea, to the, de
tection of any Party or parties 'Lounterfeiting
the medicines or vending the same, ,knowing
them to he spurious.
*.‘Sold at the Manufactory. of Professor
HOLLOWAY, 80, Maiden Lapp, New York, and
by all respectable Druggists and. Dealers iii
IVledicine, throughout the civuized,world,in,
boxes at 25 cents,ii2 cents, and $1 each:.
N. 13 ..-‘Direationslorthe guidance of patienta
th every disordef aro affixed to each p0x,,,...
11 - I . 'here is a cOn'siderablesavtng,by.taking
the larger sizes. . . '
[,,pec.2o- 3 1y,
Il Dealers I;,..zny wetknow ti medicines can
have SHOW CARDS, CutcuLatis, Sze„ sent them,
FREE OF EXPENSE, by addreesing, , •
THOMAS. Cki- " V 3
80 Maiden l i ane, New-York, ,
Located on Chestnut street, opposite the
SFATE .13011SIV ..
and in chme proximity to the: principal jobbing
and Importing Houses, Banka,•Custom:House,
and 'places, of Amusements:, The City. Cars
can be taken at the:door (or It Rhin a.e.square)
fiir any depot •in the City. -, The :House has
been renovated and refitteo.•• .. • 1„ , .
....TERVI:7S• PER DAY.—= - 1
. .. . t. ,
letITT NR'S . Celebrated Thus, Surgical Ban
dages, Shoulder Braces Instruments for
lorrnitj, &c. ' These' artiCles aro
very highly recommended by Plofek
sots Pancoast and Gross of, the Jefferson Med
ical College -of - Philadelphia, and the under
signed knows•them lo be the best articles, of
the kind in use. - F. Hinkle, M: D.
A fine Aisortmeht of Flaioring athacts for
Cool ing—sometking .very 'nice.
Liquiddltennet for making delicious desserts.
Pontine, Honey and othe fine Soaps.
-.Erangipannie an other-Extracts.
' . ..• Par sale by Da: H. LANDIS: -
, .
EWELRY.—A large and selected stock of
11) fine jewelry of.the latest patterns fiotn the
beat factories in the country can be found at
I ' - H. L. &"E. J. ZAHNIgIi..,
Cor: North Queeit st...aa&Centre Square,,Lan
' easter, Pa.. Our prices are moderate and al/
goodri nrranted to be as represented.
, .
BUY on'e'OfAb. SF T 111
HA2,57d Idr1 • XI.
. .