The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, October 03, 1863, Image 3

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    gly Prat
MAnzavya CAR HI
senger trains will lei
Depot " us folloin, East, at
ten minutes before 8; Mail train West, 11:38 ;
Harrisburg Accommodation train, East, at l :9
minutes after 5 ; the Sam 3 `train West, at five
minutes befOreo7lin the eyeaing.
vginglAix Pia 1 ; 11111 . 1 8 63..
to-We are •ooinpelled ngaiu to lay
over Cript.Rotith'e letter.-‘ , lt is in type,
and will iiiipear 'owl next.
gir The Patriotic Circle wilt meet on
Thureday evening next ' at Mrs.
e,Our usual variety, is groatly dur,
tailed this week in consequence' "bf.tib'e
leggthy, description oc the, karniker's
Gardener's Exhibition. ,
gar mr.'iacoh bt'the 'Hot
near t l.he . I.
i pper 'tatiolt, ba - d'
some wammotlil s riope . ,44 s rt:Potatq i es
at the late exhibitjme, 'lLhey.weretht;
largest we ever saxand, of kne,taste
and•very meeilyiwbeneooked,---this we
know far we hitd al , triat of ' , them:. 4114 , r.•
tidin t
and vegeta e grower.
160`A nio-t. shocking 106ident Ocenf•
red on Wednesday afternboti'lna,
Iti.usseltnan 4iinestpue quarry, adjoinit.g,
this place, kty which ,Jaines 3144F1up
laborer in the quarry, lost a leg. It ap
pears that a ldose piece of rock. fell into
the quarry 'upon his' foot cothriletelksevl
ering it at the ankle, leaving,the root in"
the.shoe. Dr„ Landis, and pr.' John J.,
Sowerby e wbo tis op ,(urlougl}”fron? the.
naval service, awaiting the readiness, of,
his°oettstll'fd'r service, and on 'e flying , visit
to Mace; `tietirocli , d h ttle ybnuted-iiiatt'
19y, tllg knee ,joint,, necessary„ lie Is
nuw doing, aaSfeuldhe e.14 ),3 e.!4 ' d ,
'll,ev.::i7l7ir soar fift'q'-
1 9 1 ' 9,f t til,l9c ' llkl. ' gl-r'e'et M.. 1; Chtit'ch,
will. deliver ; his. very age
and•eloquentladdress , on
Thv ,, Uortstttution--4 1 eace;'' , on Driday
evenin'g' 6kt.,' October- Oth;'ittc , seven'
o'clock. None should tail to heitr‘thig•
cele"hial.ed j 1 1 )1
one, of:410ov c)e t , h;eioogincto
the M. E..gaurch, . Some very Cl i ne mu : ,
etililitian the ,occesion. , .
Ja6kiidit dellitered• this 'a'ddress Halt , .
risburg, some time since, where it •Was
pronouncedh very tints ied ad
lir One of the` tifiluting • "side wings"
or thi'litte' `wito
moth ~(3ar4r to Ew ,wL I,lta ‘
6 YV 1,14L.P.! to one !ckd nn4,
trimmed to represent the head andoep6,
tb6S6, kV Auttititige rleaves..stvr
wings, tindtttreA'''slital4aphubarkv 4eaves
for li. tail, which,,, upon the•Whole.,' Vvet
mtto v4,1,`4.
ver yl at U t iL i t !?•1 41 16 1 ± . M 1 ) 14 191CliN ' thg t•
advertislng card was Placed ,
haelo: ,flt;
Vegetablee k
Bft d ltiii , 4 l 4;leicitPe a :•iriftim 4the
Sii`rgy; litadtrutiti'di iterwity
to OirQd's .)ornucuoa, next do?ruboi , d
Spaugler l'ixtterapt',§ fitt?re ?t o9li!g
etuash Lunoug.the tine.fruipk 40, yegeta.
bleg always there on. hand, .where it. was ,
finally captured."
Or 11 no. I\ tu Ito
. 11 , oge rs, tt , t, one
time a prominent member of the, Lam-,
caster Bar, died- to , ,l'hils.delphiaooti
Sunday morning; iii•the 713ttryearcatAyid
age. He wits born in the:Staie of Del=
ton College, *ho 'studied 7uw at LitCh
!WILL Coun; Jle removed to , this tle
an d:COok up his reside?tleis "iii Litte . easter
city. lie Aeon becamie oue of the lead
ers'of the bar, at that time tilled lardis=
tinguished,. men. .:Ou• the
John - .tt udr(!w Shultz au : Governor 'of
this State„Judge Rogers
rotary of the'Ooturounweultit, and'on the'
lotti of Aprit,.1.86„,,G0v,, Shi4l6 ‘ ,„c6M 7
missioned him one of the Justices of the
8u p r fter: I.l4tiarptifiod
the ,new lie ifit4 rke&units the-Itaine , office- by' Govertriyr
P ortior, 9'4441 11 4a Oil
untillBsl. ' '
gavt• The aud-foul vapors gelse
orated by, tbe tku far ,moie
deadly to our volllureees than - the Sue
lily's bay ouet4:' ::the ,
Urimeau catupaiguB, Holloway's 'Pills
were used iu. t3410411041,1!11/Pqt,ke.f., M 419
kept the troops. perfect health., of
tilers, supply Yoorselveg. '0411'25 cents
per box. [217
gar Col. I.'nurdtoa Yolk, of the rebel
army, was recently captuLed at Bolivar
Lai:W.4lg, on the aod,deliv
ered tO 7 dlicietal Bufeid, Co`mritetliditig at
Helena. svas witli the rebels
At Inks Corinth, ilew Madrid and Cold
Springs. •
Typ / yvti.r i d#l?t,9l: I tits
, - Sor ‘ ithern
Confederaoy" is now estimated at $l,-
200,000,000. Itthere any sane man who
can'Ostialiield'Oi l bayhtibia the probable
cash valtie 9f ini'd dgtot kie years hence ?
The , reported seizure of the Bal
timore aad Ohio•railroad for government
pu t , . ges , : dap. ~,Ao shiPMent., of
ti .. 1.. - ' ~. ', t interfered
ure '
+h - r- '
l o w
, "4=... ctr4t4 ...,.;., T x .
'pi -.?" 4 .., Ivo.' FM ,ho was
- • '' l / 4 N , ' , "-
~,IszEs tu , l •
the citizens o, ~ ' ji Nt battle
this (SA ) k41,-os.ther
aritttian i
Farmer's and Gardener'sSorleti,of Donegal.
This living society of practical garden
ers and .formers, held :their tenth semi ,
annual exhibition, on:l4e ultimo,
in TeMperance Hall, in il4in,borongh.4-
We have attended mein} State and
County Fairs in our tline,,b,tit,..,we
saw the display of . frrittion'4his occa
sion .surpassed , .numbie,r D ,ot,, varieties..
and fine and losciont:' *-tipPearance.-
Crowds , eflitdreiriniqriiist,toirs)
Hall duV,ibktb? daf,' bald 'etieCially
the evening,... We•tioticed,guite
be lpAamatent . fruit-gsoweralrcuin,YoCk%,
coda, and 'from ~o.therAistarit.,-MiDtaA
The officers and inernbers , ...of- ,this, corn-
mendable society,..ertairily,bave t reasqn
to i ebrigrittnlete `;fienisefret!ftiiii, hiegrtB 2 l
it —•eci il/1 7 1 71;1:zi.
cess•with 'which :their,- efforts, , have•iiMen.. l
"Targe' tfceesSiO
,21 . 1/11/ ,
the soclety ; ,was obtaine i d .
•titl .1 - 4 , 11 , 01. 10; }St)
stikl botitero t•Va.oo4.EoPiftru
with' 'the'
tu ref . b;.patrir le &1:;,4,e,r 5 pi . 1
nrebt` . at: Walilithgton';'lll'4 will raelte'd
a hare,,,of thew sitStittml,iqps.o,f,,seeds,,,
• plants &c,, so•theiti;lt .crigbe• the i
i 01704.: b:44l4;,l4o'r??,itrti. 1
th a. at , they may avail theloselvesiefothei l
The seveja,Ras
• "Uppef-staOrm
Eagle, Fide q Trepi i dept; , Japn , Musser,
secretary; Bare bpiijgler;'Treeisurer.
P: L. Bak 871 Spangler,.john
m if/t,I.
..Garbett I rri'Wv:Pahn
estnek, * -11 , .gehril:an, A. 1 W.
B. P. Hiestand.':
,h1.4;;#!.,` 4 1 A4 1 0 01E,
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Eagle,
M F ang,
Mrs. Engle, 11;r: arid ~ h irs:, • .J.l
1,4... r II A , J
Grapes --rito - E: Kreybifl i 4:14 Bainot
Dr. A. ,Nifißitti'v mkne r:
Apples'. -'B = L: Del ear l S gPattee-)
G ott gh u li„ ila Zo,l4tp.ti
• z '1.411
e A 11,0our t , d
. t.
. Ett ItxNE uh1g...M.4.1115 rp 1 Enos-GEn gle ;-.441
sp fi hykre r .t :a , ; I tf
r'O*NA 0 1/40gIVAtUTt.
E 4 'lVir' liir nt"
Melons., Ptimpkir.4,si 'Pay, L
H tilisoalPG.JiWy44 eck ”4:4.14
Do m estic' e haltey,kDr. fi.
4.17 Ilietiftud, j
,?,__vssrqefi,,Filfiri.7 11.1:8, , T ,1%
GAm.vMehaffrev Miss M. <Francky m
C. Stibgle &It tdesaltafi '1140: 1
J. CI ush man .
„.F . 4OTR 11 (1
. - , -Stre.i Wolfe? 41 rs.; IKE'
Ettlu;''blli§§'• A , . 1ht. , 11,1 nellbriq, • Wes E.
Fallnestock,. ,, lttise Spangler, M re.
Du.) lei-'4l,ilt/S.i4l-lorphi(- fi;llU.)
rs. "P‘. 81'errifi;" 1 1Wil. 1
J. E. K ;•e m y 1111 : e, hi ra.
:tI A L .., ( C selpNiisli . I iizt-kr . .LU
T r edntr t, lip tip titiMe 81484 1 "31.
Child -IEL ras Lowe hy,4 ra:114:4 4 ,
tK Mla A 11e b. O hilisß ,
l'otted..f edbidel-5.1 rtii Ht./PI Hinkle,
SI ro. 'Sae e',* rev S..Vaiesseirdan,
M PAlllirAiskAr 'lO
o 'll
'We have, btieri , furnished' with' the fol-
of in ' • 24
lowing reports exolottl,eeußA , tbe
names of the persons.eompoing them :
Special..Uelottritteek ou,domenetature
;lad seedliiiii fruftlo.2:
Libhart, Samuel
Whit 1 Eh rig Sohn' Iduksdr''S'
H. Purple,and Henry M. Engle. t./
&Viva s*'BY-±GidPedr
CT:pen : tel.'s .park Seedling—Suppo s ed
to be d'ieEdll4 of the Catawba ; d:ffera
~• • “
in flavnr . frorn the areut, ‘.he
• • • `,l '
then; subtnitted, not equal 1t quality.
Crevetitig•LFully equartothe tsabel
la ; pFeferable on aoeciunt , oV , iteldaff3
•••; • ctlli
-‘'Cidantlta . E . quals•J: 4 the
&a I ;,`other, 4064 claih ed.fgi4, not
knocirn..- • , 1 •'
' • ••, 4,
• Garbo.r 1
.4 1 Dui* rl'exeillSeeillingiqual
to the Isabella, and
•• , r
' i 4
Alvey—Considered woithy of' cfilliVa
• .to II
. fr
sqe 'j in 0 , " f r -git.;
a good , whitir grape sweet , aod pleasant
" -I .„ 1 "
„ , .1...1•04z4
Cuyahoga—Judgement au - spode& nu
tr. .
• Union.Valage--In ferior to. ; many: told
- vieties:':', l ".,••• • ".. •
4.. The , foregoiag varieties • tested were
;principal( t_abieg4 Of fX
14 -
,orple,l of .‘th's Gplumbia Nurseries,..Dr.
drAlii l 3 6 o-Pr El ?,! tl . 4
, of , the • .Maretta I:Nursecies.,
'-getitlealea; bat tbe.limiied time , allowed
ted to, the judgepeat.of , thp Committee,
the following vaiisq , iff „Pmji?lited
ac'd g r own' I ?y,ki c g s s4 .11 1 .fq't s u ic qlg.
patiently experimentedour nativ e
grapes, -40erlr.ei,,ii4S•c+..Ma.Pflii it; 40
thankM.'of all Adho • Sid niirePthdi gr'apeq.R..l
stiff pulp, butieweet laird fl.icreeirblei • /.
• ;
'Pl '° ol 3' o 70 l fr
wine:grape, s • ; • ••
N.O; '3 7 :Larger • Isiie'l , 4lo
both in bunch and berry, and equal •in
quality with it,
Organization. of the Society
1 ;COvaraitteesl:l
;FP:: fiT
,01 e1 144`4
No. 4—Similar to the Northern Mus
cadine ; larger btineh
probably, preferable on account of ad
hering better to,t,be bunch'., ' •
, Report on Apples.. , it .1.
IVed."-- A. . seedling.
...,9tigigkpit4, jp
tbis place, and'•desetibed , il2l thegosGar-t
(loners' Manttily,: i '
ter givenit. • •
Jane—A, spe4JlF4 ppgrpitto44,,g2, ITAYr
town, and possessipqmuffickeptl rierit:tp
1:lot.' W. FE , Flagle eXhibited.i.dishOf
pan ..Ttamesffy;.3l.4s' varieties
apples, from his X4:ol 4 gititty:falt, l '‘.ll
w.311-.perfecieefruit. Digle,sli2
varie.tie~ of f r ay , nbd winter - apples
fine collection wontib ytof cultivation,
i e7 l ,all„g4,,w,hjerWe i 'ko:lree`:, / ,41,2 Yellow
jßellfien Auitardspni 14onstieft,1
pIIP PMPelti , SWelitrlttiin b C 4 410 , 0 , t - 0411 - .47,417 f
Cliristianp.B. o Grey,bilf s at evarietiees,,ol, l
wittkr • ."LI 114.11 113 is cdfol •
lperfeot :,lohnJ. u Likbart i mxhibitsa
s ßeJletreair, Nortlaer,a., ; p3 l ld
,I.LNleA e l3ald2.,
ri. , t WlO4l 1, 4 .1, ni044.10,1 0 r_w_ l<
Pound Apple weighing 1 qr ounens...,
Stilli4rWextf l aVneeliVitidliiprples. Wellft
T l l Oll,,
over 1,8 gen cpkt. ,Or,apge,..kuurpp,
Antlersen;t2tvariatifes of apples of ex
traordinary size. ReirrY l l4.l'."grf_lfe t
ha -
a fine collection of,the most favorite
se m; but the ppleArp,*e regrel to
84 ,as st s ktntr \ NVgk, Is . ctikiltire
locality tls CiEts . • -
t,.. P ")
s bri "gecudee's.
111 \En e,Netasented Born very.
Late, atAzevasal.modeitettras — asedlings
and other varieties trt- the season'; one
a small, yellowllfral;,. "tkatned by the
proprietorlll:44ldbit iDi.of,t'liviihich was
sweet' atird`tilfeioffs,"'d'eSdiv'ingl fire nb
tine of thosinellir Pi r efetThiticlity to size.
.16j 1W Pita, 1, ;it
.gegi,to l °Prtt4cl.t. 3 . o 94 . lvgS , llitle
specimens, for abet seaman ; such as
teeter- orttghal:l lex ib i bed ettenr
)4 .
. - Istiettry,/ Edell Viall i)613411
"SI R/ e A C" Afi•li nsad kiltn•ijal
beautiful. . ow. 91f) ni ettornir2ral
zujb.V.lctlb.Aff iIY
na - 41
ediQyawrft..rd's:Art r
' i , )
'31%11 1 tiTeVIP 'Verittfirs.,t n 9.'
..I , Y, tsa” .21 1 Jilik Atgi 0:-.1911“0.1.1 eye
spiehd irlt - C , rawfordise. Ina tot
kf u rtilitgi:vedotifediiltiterV
E. ,m. 4,t11.411,111,ij 0110 91.12
B. Spangler, Crawford's Late Ll. 7.1 7 , t.1A
" n re ' PV '%
Vlayes " t
I". eta i
oft. Atit
tSrionrel 'BMA, of 1.1 el lam,; York' CbuTV- 1
ty, exhibited 17 leadinpvarleiles t gipl:
didly ; 'am ,f
grlow.o • by, this ,, knecessful.,ataltiVatortzfu
OrtAßl_ °,44 iglk v iFß 6 lPPreqjtPiP° i ff'P
White ,, Nicet rßlackaroburgpalueckt,
-at AA al watt #624 ul
gal qt.wittiottatmetnettkr .eat surpassed, 405(
....1 • 9 ,..$ a , 0,:01.11 ail
proved bousettreatmenV. 'Wettcoastoe,v•
1.0 0114 611140/1 . 4. litafi 10k t0 . 14101t
cial credit Itirdeolonatrabingrtnat these'
maitiili c 'eaMlvafilAititickbe grown in
4hetop.entatrfinShig;:latktuTle,,,mi PrNoppr
tMethlti ritrVldlitit illfißt ts 'HU% vOl 4
.r t aftwt 1.4. t tom' c t*o4
their superior qualities.
soEr! I Ph4PlV;iofwitret 0616113iavIsti6r
sefree,"e,4h .
31 vttAiAlpl3"; 1
cII life
.1144.• , 4% .1 , 411AV1W,1 04 . 34
t4e,oiLL 8:4344010d , eitkminy,,of
those lately brought bbfoit'th'eldlilYtib,
n,eiN :t SS' St'FieJap
we notice some extraorainarlYuctußP4es
of Otitlivvlitturtin4 Psattellig;divbi`ebuiveh
• ,e 4 +eq.). I , tit, bac ,a,aallar• f....„„w r
heautifully, , ,ripenett.; .sina m Emgeals he 4
GA 1 1 6 s e risceeifl 1 oy a; it4ct
a „ ,gmt,o f r, b l un e c t h i el t qLl3la . cl a l!alit t rg)
suspended i f coin- ttin,,cuOing,,,w4giking o l.l).
poucds,'• { very ' , atttlittivt 'rah diusiv6ittli
other foreign varietie :. s,;l l7 ,ti l agii9
panigllgn t- it gle:lpMpt.i4Otwof l `title 14a- I
1 441, 1 .3
riettft`Nur4er l .44,.. t.01, 4 1,1.171‘141,
rfaies itiartottgtObicheWsntitfdl3 tovi t ts
tiWuJ[sili k;:e; Wvgi . (4' l s.l:l 4 .A4sig:
viVich , refart'• as'dt hw
b &itpatdcf
it - •l.v . 'ii' tit2firiiiy g rapß, e64l;ieAtßii,
iirawedifees alidhtavbritis:ll
I : l l!;:ske.afiaa L .§i;iiitt44;q4eiPl ar, l i "' i
idd , delicionst• Amting-otherlrest kinds
44 , :i t al44 c ( 4l.di
tveyt,.t&e.i , nip 1,1 41:
leAfar: 4 of
vittie ties , r 4`l of iNittich •'*6 re
bair4portecl , ,Oon4tv.nittbeolspeiCiatt kibmt
4 , 1fAj3P 4 911-Veif a er - 4 4'411 n kl:ku 414
—.Jobb. A,p, Gttiberp.preseved.fiwkrib:-
t d e l Ift -et "is /to:el 4,)1‘1 A :1.1
Henry Me EngleyBovariettes ;••tuttotnic
••,1 h i v e. , •
of >fir•/r/ ../
Jacob E. , mite me 'i ve,( l filie
OPF Velle,- t,
i J. JLibhanp, .4.varietiest: .( rift
- "'lsra6l,
I. r
goodqbarrettes; BALL: well lipenetkain, Aire
if ,I
rliareiSpanglev, 4 3 16artellesa .0
. itiget;l'v ityti l iiY :0 )i *4 e ":“ 1 '
J•i . 4.... •T
1 , C 1 Wte4 0 1 . 1 01 1 iv2-V,arketleaqi'VV*l lEir bef,tt
. .e .
t aiming. setie.ral.;;s',(trieties of ~,,ver3C, fiat*
loolili3,Ckro4:lo(; , liililled;lpeaciigs, pears,
but , llW4g: APOAF-Ag1a,0,2:1140,:p0t
diOnelai'-dbie;'we jaiteetitth4th . 46' be pfd%
.1i Jr:4l I .
es' grapes. 410 : .4t
31110;' , 41 1 1 . : Nrtritebiti/- v lyf doe r, 0; D.
, se REM yinfilfirtei Rpelitratene i of. Isabella?,
Catawoa..ana .44t1131,&.. kli," tot, .kri.
SI t itelanf .RealiSl
Ilia rSPAVAGEI4 Meße B Seee MIA ‘ 1
D 11411414 ''d'lNbtqletne, foritteri or
beidOVA &law latoe'rgsitii:'44Al
Kurpitsaialf •
J. if. pidsented 3 varieties;
among which the Soldat. Labourier and
Duchess d'AngtitildhWirielrelthicita lir
John i.T./Libliaptwagbibited 22 aerie
ties ; we aliee as ve s ts fine Isarthe.V
ill ) ..1.1 A ,
lof , and St., michaei Arcan
atideNapoleons lir, r 3 I.
D APOJAngig , shoed;
all 6ne ; especiallylttliiikßasse Colmar.
c.,llrisVan Stibgen„presented 'the, ;neat
;.,1 Sr. • nEu.. xii , .1 , 11 tr 6
`SeSitle's in the exhibition:
1 . 'S r L:
aoril,”V .0111 0 3f1.1
amangAbieb v the: Lellte‘g.enne,d'Je
was Th6'The'sriliqht 7 I
tFic F 4.0111,4414 n Ch,4l #1 1j
I Tetyk.,4•4l: lip 'qr.. , Idlio
Peter : Gottshall
- , f ;
fefxh ibi ted" -
'& l liriCy
ties ; one of wh 4 ch.RosAlioAt " esthcolorA
ecrpdlif &Pt 1 ".e 4 "'!'"'"° 4
P:tinpleo,(&)(itai g a,&3.7a4 4 l4:
vtfriitin e"the'l /Nazi dutiqtryrim i l' i te%
la r , gg -41 *. fil a014,4 1 21W4e4A14 3 4ClicAn V! 42, 1 1° I
of the best.leikbenlipearArn aokuinber of
otligrtiiihilibtld6l4 4 *6ll attiNkCP , 1n " 41 ' t
- it .4411 kvfill ilfb tllitilit 4 lll4l lothxi v 1"
tithe.VowN l ll , PAlrlAtkrAei.,±lt9fc!,,,o l o:
efe efertPteettft , 'War' llesott: * I
- 11, ;4 1 ?if 4M tri tgr . t brq+NlVOi n
Wag% KeJli•an tti,V,or4t)le ,t 0,4141. pv frg ;4 1 .14'144.
tiktttenn o lttfitt' l tai . gxoi
saiii o 24.ll4AitlMA4)A>Ae 4 4A .o o44fi .
the*ntifentio%Vdtittriiiar tirtitigirt4rcatitki
otntritei. •Ilas)if yrfi 7 41. , Fistc
W i Ata t APai r tLtatti . v4k,Y,9./..M7 4. l lfAtit gr.
co i pr!teotiptt!! trt i oiving , ok , arlyi .
tfiZtVggjIILIIMVIIPt )24 AfiGl l ,Ol4.lA 4 1 Z - :
tiviitioV4ll l itinfotildelictoils; ftni ' t; ;tit
. 5 ..N.,,, , ,,At) . .10.1.. r q.ce.l
oustigaLcihq f44/!:4.,,Ani.
-1 , tipft,.l .Rob r t e6titopbt a e oerr i trees
• tleijika *ow . ,ettd IA 1 ,
Peter Gottshall,frpresenterd?laern.eq,et
tekli f i l ott )4 6kareireseorkinglin.Ayities
thatineialflßS , SVOX loa
IPPLI/q": sal PP , P Mo.
large-And-Jane tiierceea.; .elsona- seed Ling..,
art rigty.'" Mired Iii a.rl inserf;"
.111.0 , 1 qiIP
'as flarge.asy theoßeren ttr nem .t.heaseeereL
year from the. seed `f , ' tdd
"; ...1
irfAnality , feed,iftrellePt4Yeeen,; iSVA
iiidee 3 :ll4
4-I};;,,fit ,a_trrikweig r blngt,lsiiervAlteneek
iir, skr
de' tl~ln ' Ft , elleik'"aredteirti ,7 detkilfirgreidoVe
1 , *(1 i , Lart 1 117 , i15a1 ,, 151111 ,E , .ll)lttot
at,tfult)..n,Atne4At y.eA.:o4pgixye, ..1,.-
Nfe,d6ls"Ro aitl RiejiiiillilVjeetted6l6ifie"
io mtly heats 94.111.1n4 111 11 ,V.1111114 , t 1111 Ic
zerlyAmtialrin,e,e.:Ateert'iter s l , seas1(1111,
_ _
'''3l94P•3 1411 EtPVVl d1 f;?t] ild ” , .1ir4 , t. v 1 tb;
.4,bn esv, MarAktY, a.kfklitcle At' 0 mae
011113 db (Nal ta trulliVlVrt6t'Ve'69
gin Aft. Ail (Li utl/ .1,4 r;trstl.ei
Ceruitg4 IllArgand.WMO4 tota,tr,+kt, bitO
hintrioronral, b litertt atbil
4..gELFAIE,A.4I-41 4°,7,147`(,11,16.'
7 :Pflccfl3 Eiimilidtpues ttiOßbtio
, b p.
t AkichAieh,S,tim„thq
' •6`ActfbitabliNfANcrigllsiri.lllV,}klibillitt
, of ,vert, (be, „l AA. et,,tl
ea a number Bernia,Ati nk or„siore,unkk
S wee! vatarago xd.erfkip g oretollfcfur
6951t.e& f=lfutov.4 0:1
PPP n v=.414 (th 5, 1 09', kntsaguAtLclP,
ahltitherfirolllisettoliCeltovaftiaba ad lift
.Y .14
sition on account of productiveness.ans!'
John N. KtisyMil i k, 4 l3,Ai t ipilsg a itikin t A
the samV 4 larliatip, titi3iiily equal in size.
14! tAsierho WEVro L T Nap il
4413 PO 131011,
semond Sweet Potatoes ; we raT7s
tinguisk no niareiTißdiffel'ence from the
A.. 1111 . 13.1.151
Jersey .Y eliow, in appearance.
~ , ,R ellortioirdledmis pod: ditnivhinali
4ifewintim.g.l et,er aw3.l,gta igesittivitou
Nn,g 4 e. , T;:f. 1 4 , 1 1 1:,49i4C9i904 -
traordinary lark!iii)ditdlcithendkffnAbOpemo
.4,4344•Ai1t 1,141013V1, ItAs 13 , 9•46,11tttnttA M 1 14
I §AMPA r AWI I •t e IA r YA LI AA4I9§§iianiWrIIaIVQ•c/Ri f t
ergo a;Gantgloosivbwuei*e
nemod ,d 0 as ?Nutt tat ,
IhAPPiA:AnectiitrtvillatiPld.t9 ttic.P t t.9te49N
id'ttariiSF lie Orlin tifib oliegivrill tor
tlbei soma stivisetrodf rsomenl
Atte1q4414,,0f4 O;APPOW44.7S4qh-goTtPir,
'41".F1,1 iv
441 frAst Lit , hri
8 4 1 1 0 Stai t SAQ*0401Y,39:r.IPA
,diVeiffiiiitWneN lotvekklootigthemillril
„Ito ^ltpt){l4, lo etollsrsOlo
;t. lim turns
Peter Gottshall showed some Verpfittev
115/ EV elrt 511 IVNIn44 - 11 41,111110
ng.Retnpkoe".4esita.Ns4P P1194: 9 %
;eq. Barr Spanklertitaofplthsente'd some*
-Hai le teal, tett tt vy,0419
40.0.smampteit4 0 4.4.11AELJALIMIT uf .9Tifttrt 311.
.FtelskikNaA"Vyet(tbifell , : 41 4 .4'4 t 14d
rwo nitwit-y,l 'IV”; e.A1014111140 4dl
i mg§fln boa fop ra : .,
Ctr•l• Mr, fit Ainfors,t
I , ;p,aH il 41AI; alle 1(555 ;vats
- VM4•1 3 ..4141111 atdiftrAPtfoPML. n.f.' , Aßgta
t a l i e b_Kt :1,14 411 hi., 0 0101 eaw o llale . 5191 44915
- , 411 ,1811 Iv "di OS%
.. 4 . ,, XECll3vtlieN,ll44.Qw,(l9;h9pliA, we. an
illoott , lttat.S.b.l4ll , 'W.*Tio ho 'stls, L 4
as 1 irt-1••`.(1d, •Ytweetettus
• ~..4P,A=Pkt§hlgl4l4 kihkPiril,
Reportrtnv DothesticilViiies :mob for;
:;11. 1 4 i n4 ii ' 0 4 : 4 3: 0 61 1 a1 44 . 14 ilr 6fii t r
- • . O•P4t. ,
VreCitt WOn't 3 ifitfEngle.fveryttgooot an.dt
"'Theo 'Pltiral leoninfitteeartnott,hav,ing.
eh l iarleti l 4
, reo4l °
t , ito 711 f
i tcktt!s i t: 41. - 14 .( iel.l 1. A
'Ci'lig4F4l.sP4s4le l T lA s katal tlf ri .e oS .
ritt,gM4el Etrireybill;
g . 44I I .Vie r LALI: e 'l3 Vi t tl? l e9i li ,t 4l:
TALI qsl".beaseely , Al Spanglerounsl
W i lOriA B Pqo: 4l .lt7 l° 4o 'l;6 lt l V e ::lf i vo,
e . v 1 4 .4 i=,4, k, f,: l
M. Engle, deserves partiealmirnati.ol6,s4,-
I SA fl u ' , P°B 4
9elr s 6tl-
41g1qc:t1) 6 e; 1.; 16.3. it rs
e,PersonbLealling,,forblettexa,„in.ihe ( foliqpkg
list,will Oahe , tay,they; are t admertised. is
"Ss'ais4h - ,..141A Elfen aiiiot;owfrkl Mary
Anderson i , Johrb John
tifreAlrer: derlYgp
.Ir6Wer'S`f '' Ardirt-fr
Co,ch ran,Nrs. Martin Le nh er, Cyrus • 1 "
Leed, l .Peter"'"' 4 ' i
goe s tilinT:MW. t MeDiffflVAleYarideir:
tci.SilerrEfenri+''D,P-t " - MdFd4;lit.4. s kistto
Douglass; , Lisq,
Engwecht, - Emanuel 2 Peters, Miss - Helena
Elder, Mrs"..f.findiCA I
Geor g Frasher t ,Nra..t.fint l / 4 4,. 40, §iiitercap,n,,e W.
FruzVra„ Setiastfahlt itirtg Marg't
Fotitf.Jaeobints' , L iSattoh, Megaglikk-.11
File „Mrs. Mary Smith, Conrad
,17 ?? (1 . 39 t
it) frta,
7 ,....k
~,,,} ../1 • ..)i: ~. -I, '' . .4.4'..
1i9.' , 1 , WELaY . .., T,
. . , R0X,,,,, . .,..) w•II,t .4
-not 36, as a v.eriised
last_weea, being the ouxth and last insta)na en
of,494,capitaj ptottigapp,sclit:TB44 1 Tlikc f liir t
,Nati4lll4l ?MAL Vt PIN etta,r is AR9:4IFRA tt.
Taid l ost Ikr br.fgrg,tlite 2 t 11,.;11,4,y .. cC9,pf??,e , r,pq.f
14.1 is MY: cillPf &kil l: Vl' . le 14)v ~' J 0.9 4
Itll fl 11 .; CI I , ' A' ' olli9 ... -At r ittlll%4l4 OW :
*. 4
1. r l l 94lol,SePt`i 1004, qgf l : ;110 I.• , 11 116 721
CH AMP A'GNitliainibrottierlirTabl•ii-Wfileski
j guarrantePd to be-pure, and sold us low as
41In'betioitert in , Pldd r adeltltliavor*VefwaYl4l
"r' • D. tßull*Xiiribr
Salilitands—kunrralted to
Bgenuine. • ,
Quarterly Report
' Of the First:National Bank of )111arietta,t
Count,y4l•Latrcaster,. Stale of Pennsy
vl2lfit2;Vm,,the Ist of October, 1861
A 1
Tills Company continlips insun ; Building:
Merchandise, and oritcn property,
loss and cullthei , rnotttal Plan
,}and , •piseounts,... .7... $17,&51:00
Due frona.kiestksainclogankeis, 4 either fir a cash premium IF. premium note
"''' 11 ' 7°6;6 me large and'ilicren4,d,_,4. Callt}ll%oL the Corn-
Amount due fsemilie,Ditectpfts,l, , l*, . pang, PICITI/U/0 notes given
9flthisiAssociatiOA4—i•44: i•$;4 00 Q• • • by its nireiPtiefs iblaVddtliPtift:
Real Estatey{ 'top , to, ~.tar
L-- ;1. 470 789 35 1
, „
'Bo nds disposikethwjfill .TreaaVfl•fiviSi ti • • /NiStURE.D 02.1' TII.E MUTUAL •P'i:A
tp, seenteicircuja4qmpowldeppsits,•29,4o:o,oP JAlTordpia; guarravtrel ; niumh i to ten
of Solvent Banks ani,,Legal„,!,., Itirnes the overage loss on the amount insured ;
'ke.ndtss,, , ;:1+ , *****t, i . Utlt.wll3*,,WV ' andltitibireetursNek“heraseliTeS:tfAidral
pense,iaccono4,4 l r. 4i a • 14 ; 21 ?%41iberally with those who may sustain loss or
''BoodsitO Naulttfreauhso4l,lAo4ol:l4to,i ti4lwnilh,andankie4A•tlih
Agetw.yb trig Ip6l, I.} : t - vrith justice to all parties concerned.
i 'Dtielfreitii4ssilVta4nrer., iikt* ,4 14).hr*r.41.64 ,1 9 1 ;4 0 9.1 Ara °LINT of PR E.NI I U NpTEs . , $15;5 0 4po,
. o *ole eftalt—n - ii •ct ee't 3 .'irt.V. -- =ist l .l3islar.ce of Cash '
Total Res o . l .llAWas a,t,,,,i5,111§A•9;Y,94* expended, January i5t, i )W0.),,66,1.57
MVO Cash receipts dud! g the year
a• boort 14n: 4 Cash
~4,t;',„:4 ‘ , an . '62, less Agents' curntrifssitins, 6,781 47
CalatilliN 111 ' ' llol ' 7 ,) ; 10 clF } :a.' Cash receipts in January,,l4K, 69580
----46,145 84
IDut , hto BAD kertlf Astl AA: +l4 3,a0,94 'Losses and expenses, paid. during the
-Due*depositoss detnee4,l*i: , l fg6*2 rerf :le.
$6,329 73
ten va sin iy • BarafnetllnMetl444. 40ey 2, 1 5 63 , 3 , 016
IreaclAQsLibtlitieeptei, it - 149.40 2 90 5 i :
'State of Pennsylvania, t 4 , 11
081)* 6PtltltnaNteati i%" 1 " te . ""i
iOnitlidefort l SVaitylAtrflrOatatiaplB63 , ,iPetgoatilyi
, tiflaird , enultity, thrirst 4, PresideHtl
tkir AvoctioNdikwitiueilsßiel - dfuf 'Pile %Friss)
d'al,ioulWarr,liptillvtiliirlAbirlhallialitatt ttle.l
ftieVoitr,risges twit illidlrceifiate`4tateratlSVl
tifettie ihignecohltitiOrPdf adid Banditdiw
tliel , fitistirdaooYf OdtsbolllBti3tlmits *;
, " 41 'AIWINT .110111.ANUT:IRP,
hsit , iir. , 4 ll /PniOgißtWfiVPANt oA4llfa'ret .e , 040 .
ISbbsettlied , iirid"b*ilirtOtheAdayilitid , yekts
ablitOtirttrekienl. 11 " , AEN—AukiEitt4A1'J TAN 't
931t-VUll'un has
,I ^`/W te•.24 , -1
11 . 1" , t 1 . .t
uafui; . l4 . 111.
OgNt , S4T , U.4I)A,Y;iOC;EQ.B.EIt,3I,st, 013,
-2 . 4 c•r,
NopursutinoOtof an bliasibillebsoftaie,Orpb-:,
I okanbliGoint , otiEnnbitstersCountlathetunder----1
signed qAxlmillistrutonsobithe gstbie aiforPoteri
Bakor,alatosofibeill3nrough.ofiNaziett% ciot'd34
wilt , setkat.nublie veldue, 'at alio tpublie huusevl
stitustfttie nasteratoend "af mad
)3orougb ,, Of rea' estate;?
Ole deceasedl: • - 't
'At'Ffitt7 L6l'''OriGitOtikf,,mq
k A./ 4117
E . ;9,9.Nqg jtip, nogy,,woff of fi e nntitrps t t ,/ ,in
t if4B l 4SaTP.O ;9 1' Ilrett a ki l Bl d l9 4. 4l,
by. ar,o (Aws4, , esp,v,m p , Up? . - the: -.. .‘yoße A n
htiff m of nttinteied - m; die
M t 4 A-411. kqgpir 41g A h A A 'f k r iT t
5N1113,,4 1 g4 1- 4,eP R
9.9p i fsek,,Ajion vhich civet:se,
1 , k :kkok ,k uks
_ . _
Ei at AiT;NVaO.7,SI?O.RYI;IFRA , N:Ro ;
" °D.WIII, Et:NW '',1 3 0'USE, 4) 3
ttAt ,o_3lititot) 111431 , : r/ Anal
SalOctscrnmPnce•al) halfipatfbi 6.49'ci441i in
b9firPl4:lo,l447§eP,i texm 4kti. LentKitiPll4. wll,ll
bad 41.11,..4 1 ..LEADias..!LitFV.A.X.g.K.L1 go, ,t
bpa slam 411.11 t aitk.44llißitsktato.f.,,-i
9MarLeittbalaatOljefaxlB637M. t , . I ,1*.41
tiandii4Nrstk 4111dik1k1
aaaeaslt Nit [edilikitlttitt.*.tEit]liti
I . A Ad All . AVA. t
A CAR J. p ;411
lit palittri , Vl dr_
.1 t i.;;; la
talewandersigned , lhaviergi been orestoeedmo
hViiitoint '4 - emir
fi i. 314 114fr...t seV iodki:1 , or ti
with lam] g affeetiotil th aft , d tete
Gob —ls. afixibsrsttNhtnakelkntivcar tbt
his fellow4uiriTe t rgifi l lmilara l or " ." 4
To all who deSiTelit;the - pkilhoend a copy of
thdateggesset c&tgrinientet
the directiom f r o; Riepvin k trld r iping the
same, whitrthey WllVlti l d a 'a: L iure ejor
-11, 1- to • , ,"to
.Condumption Aitionnt, 71ronilhivis, uihs,
Colds, sc. The - "M#ls34ePiffl the advertiser
jaw 034141U:14 pzeterifition n iawlOtiltsplit,ilie
affifatell, 9 4lindi sPiirfaftfhlOttnatitinetafaith,thei
; at, .; it EP WTO w , celittu,49riathilsx Off
e,rolutifeJeriff qPol6 l lloitiAtehiliffulnik
prettlaltbletisie).l4tll ,rr
I - ViiriretWlVAlltriil4PMplitsillfiTtoVate
, .arfaravd
la gi r cf&strenViteati 51111 as NIT
sbirsitiletgiATD , WALltikadrAki , 4PAitwiqqe
; latasmirotr, Nit rvialq i9qUiatiAtifgVir,Ql
„,,..nixiatsf,ST4o. Aum.
r":8149i - tet—. 0.441. .wrikoirit
tal - mkk,fLEAD,Yronirrotb..tlMr
tywNigti4ptAvAH , Ait,fmai... 4(.10,
a i r IACOM qlig e 4 d I I etic4 I N T AVY 41 1 °P.- " b
w k i1th t01 ,4 9141 1 .9.9 . NiMPt i eLl
reduced p rices ;. 4mpg xn,,a,g„sappth
meixt fo„Ppye4,Vitkilstmk
dvegfiine.d;to.pok yf,„Npß.9emft...-Ay,
cpnosto,'ApNx•R, , ,qqtAt l .D.,,isFps,e4o,'sl,+4,v,
s4pcbt2 , -§., „P O W!
ROT:NDEIOUTS, (Knit) tivEßnw.i,m}A t ywy o ,
1- 144V - IIf,,§ i fiA t TAAIRJWV 1 4,
G A Ov Ws s9 §W E,N ,PY • f t .q , IAA u I p r eYeA, tl MlM - ,
Figpiol)inggrp, *B4l . kt. Itatlika l l4,e o eNtn,
A l r Puß rc il l t si MPlPw i lfF e ni gvlEtlu'agYo . _ a
prletthlP 21k u ltAt i git u llg s- ,
c,ornor, AO n
;,Elbow , dtae.alad, 2l larkq4/ , ) 1 1 {,
11 130.75t+ &rot ' tot , CasseBst Store :4. va.
- A 1 • e elot:
t *bit • / 4) )
VA.,r4,l'.ft:uil l Eilsit'haViii4 pc:l44O l lM
IfiVAIVB iliterdif - Nthe' writ sinaih toighl
business, vi, i t lavisig r locatell 4
of MartitX,,_.„,,file t tofifCtie`e• df profession,
/e§ $ / t eet_irOittier his professional Berri
ces-"tolhle oti-sol. On dint.
To THE tfiriViiia"6 «k :!tee
Itt tr tre,a lit 'PV'3, ls .sieiai c 7 l l,7 .B Ak il in g ~1 1r4.‘ ti'a3 v 1 Ye rvelf
confiditet ClieVinetli'd Sel k uiltittift !lads
faction to all AsUfb
mv,z,lll; toll7l ks.Psui mut. thiI I AL E VNIF, T
.114+7. 2 ,P9Att9;rillF 141,; S . ll
.Iqll7P Llt V. , }l r
7• 1 1 . St Natloll4l = Pli r of Xantita •
,CMPLEX...I) ... A
)44Y.1N5 0 I
n is
n ow i ßiepace4,to peon
;r" , _BANIUNG .1314SINIESS..
11 Thel Board tfLtDirlettopslkiedtAxvi.aly# i air
ifeCtig l BditiA
irof - 1 , 414.1,n rtr;
ti•RZPIFIA'Avz - gg ,-Ar.g4l9
r 50 HM:HOErbltN436ll3,3iP.ltzturiErr..l.
Marietta, July 25, 1863.
lita 7 ESW
'11 0 "'"Vit"OliTi•
The tilf4Rid
hotel, tiff§ nf#Shod
tally of
hip bid ftioi4g a t Nitpllolliit
tkai'npifiiiig"Ahittk ked Veer,' VII
Che r 'l4rtoktitiofi" of the. kedlirateeit
thet'suppo(/ /i/Ifiiii? ub -
114 1 ‘,.1.14, W.. 400
A " "DA:" distEsTock: • user
et -40.21 rf, ;V 1 , , vu , L a
7.1 - 29Eigg ,. .:77,10 . 4.pfT5z, 1V4411-.V.O.llVnt,
Spangler & Patterson&i.Store. ...en.,
ion)lq ,, iT - 1 : Olulif 7ToBA. M.
OFFIVEVOURee- - 10 ' ,, ' , 1 41. r0 2.
---- ---- -- - - " "0 Zi3 7 r; ar.
'.ltiZtYii''4l4 Thir - i
r Laguira Ciffrte'rCi l lhlieN Tuff efizedogild
GhentAtittoßld . cleVa ,
Ride "Ch6e.ielbai'd , Siiieos3 fibluVan'dopiiiri6 , lSit;
king. N olasses; ExcellentrPtarl. Bitiley:sts'
, et PEODAOLEIS tmstit all Who
•catr. Vitled I withogl asses,
can toe thmght at IfsiZeBp it.,..F.adgirmisi COT -
ner of North' Quebri-stt,,axidliCentemScitsarei
Laficaefes..l 4steikiklasiles refitted in old frames,
at short notice.
,V6 -/V
AtariPit tu Uctiksom. 4TiirFre 4
Very plain sd i eneacit,milvianted
;4 'WAWA t eig i SPR IL T e 'lRt i *F4 ll ,l
4 . 1 . 4 °,114 1 1k9m,F0Pr•
IMP IT A C P . a 7
Aeifti totNif
indistpittahlkPleildirißB6kliVSnhool and
Paper Books,. Stationary,e,Ponliplten holders.
sa/e.hyDri, Landis. -
;(le -0041064 iostilliNe, CO.,
Of IColitri 4 bia„Lancgster. Cottylty,
”affr i,I I , $9 ; 345 S 4
-1-4, 1 , ESI DENT,
DIE/WTI:IRS 0, , W, -
Robert T. Ryon, Abraham Bruner, Sr.,
John F,enflricb, , , .
SamQ!P.. P.OO
Eptipaim„ flocs key, „ Myore,
Georg'e"Ydittit",%!, ll Itich)th bbnizic).'
4'0114 l is4 t WI S U G -l e d 4- t 'et;
11.i.ex.REiVCES folealdin4 - pirs•ous"are
all Torpors pfithicipirmpgny L a, l
Bainbridge—Tir Jones; John IT. Srinth,
Joaepii Kuitz. Co4urnbia--Get. lio +c, Hiram
7Ar r i Tan n
Po,ruider,s oi L ith .101113, nbc el', .1.
Fifitic' W1'111'0'1;5'61111 1." - te. Pl` g.
tiohri Cooper, Geo. I,V, Heise, Washington
Righter, Samuel Shock,,, Ruhcr.t4LatplArlw
Eckert & Myers, Theinias Welsh, 'Win. A.
:Martin, Casper Seibert, J. W. Cottrell, Philip
David Hanauer, John Kramer, Jacob Stacks,
jactib'SHiniti, 'arty. F..Appoldi-Wm. Whipper,
John Q. Dennex, John Felix, Silvester, V ogle,
Slimifel - lverns; sAlt3ray Sico:' East Ilempfield
—Simon Minich., Falmouth ; —Abraham Col
lin4"Aqiuhl 'ficiiitrilikichael Hess, Lancas
ter—John Rankin, B. A. Shaeffer, Henry E.
Leman, Wm.T.,c9qpeT, John Sheaffer, Geo.
Reese. Iblarieltd'ibo. W.' Melialfey, John
Suintny, Frctierick,
Calvin A. Scliaffitell N‘ylor,' Samuel
Hopkins, Martin ,Hilikebrandt,. Fletch
er. Mount .114..Taebb kyers; tsrael Barn
hart, Michael", Branfit, ~ John Breuernan.—
Manheim—John tii4teter,J. E. Cross, Sam'].
Lung 7 c3e,p.„,Weaycr,, John AL. Hunla,p, J
Dult, PhilipA Mt, '. .TaCOC ff. Lavid
~ .bievtoymi,kitiem,Beatty; George B.
Murray, Saint/el Pc rice, Simon N. Nhrigo
13cititrb:' , 11katioi townsh.ip
--- 04etoP,-OiriSikurn4P2 ( AOPIPMO 4 4A 11 11' Julius
L. Shuman. Penn TutonshiP=itaniel Frey,
Henry B. Becker, He,ncy .Neff„ ohm, I.l.4icep
ner. itapho l'ownilhtp—Criastiam` Grdfde'r,
Edward Givens, .Michael Tp,st
diempftild Township—ll-'E. Wolf, 13: A'. Price,
M. A. Reid, J. 11..Strickler,Idnott-q. JP.frigst
Jacob Hoffman. Warwick Township—Daniel
B. Erb. It.
Kr The Company wish to appoint. an Agent
for,,eAch,.Tor - pship,,,in Lan,cak,tc4d t lutinty. 7 -,
PersonS wishing to take the Agency can apply
iii''PerabriitiebYffettOrj i'it' '(
IRON ANT) 4111'§'§'
Ah4 l 6JrfelAVetckiiiiitlV%'edit'd street
'll36lsl.loUnitan,.e.d'attothia;, ,Ra •
VierylialirOpiitid , tif•iiittretilll kinds of Iron
Ctrtings for Baffling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
PiptiefoVAlel.nit, ll WaPi'.ltlidt`t.'a4 iechu runs,
i Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and eaalings of every desecipt , ion
STEAletkaktB l , t ;lNTP/3 E'RS,
Manners . Pumps, Brick Presps, Shafting and
Ma L ekiintiry
for Mining aid ~T,aopipg Bra,, pearinga,
Steam kilitiseatielsr-enbticitbralTiTiCdeks,
'Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit-
Aktlgs4a ajpn i firarietyi r t3oitgA
Heatett, Staclts, &Its, 'AB; %lan Dam's,
Wisherisaa&coaqsib asov
,i;!..'I,IWA . Ikllo
-tsdifidllCaig.HßlPAPß..4l43l44,-Ii• ,
..From lon e
xperience in building machinery yor
Mtn oil at IketbltnkitatifellaMl satin
factlon to those who may favor us with heir
orders. ECrßepailing promptly attended o.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
with prompt attention. - Psiglitperai.4lo .
Columbia, October 30, IS6O. 14-tf
_ .
sill ''' . 11.:
MAKES this method of Informing his old
Ifrieirdit .isha ,tioilipubliclkenitrail}wthat 4 he
has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied
l) ll (Stoobo. 4 l4a v elka , Pritlidslik
neatly fixed to prosecute the Hutting business
I° l l l , f b i."2l T S'tlfleAoll4A;"
Having just returneedilftsMatflieanityrwhern he
selected a large. varied and fashionable assort
ment of everything in the
6 4 1 , 4 5 ' t,Yrtr
arkd i npm vp ( i/9 . 193 atm elnminal.ion of hie
stock and prices,' before purchasing elsewhere.
lipainginisaltrAiktimapitßek 'n.f4l4tipg materi
al, he will be enabled, at short notice, to man-
Jiftiaturq al I walittOf-i-fatin "Stre4cermnon &ft,
to the most Fashionable Silk, Hat.
Employing none but the best of workmen,
he hopes to merit andreceive a liberal share Ol
rrhOillighesllifiee paid
c '- r oci l ai' — fili n e t .l, l lo,ts , 9,..2 ll 2..m vti
T J/ 0010400145thtlf
Celebrated Preparations I unparr:illed in LD
IfintitlibitteVelitittke itiellicides which'
4SierYPtaacfltipnh,Elis ,powder stands unri L ,
vaned for the curse irelroW Water in horses
and iiiscovas itvlitenticiney , toincrease the for;
;nation of Milk,.iliotter and ,F4t 4 has Arrested
ttelittientlinfa Pgrnieri, - 6'acisiq' it tb bd uni-'
4seAsinltis iltighly:recoakinteaded andi.
justly celebiated Cattle Liniment is a speedy
cure for all diseases to which'lth l {4.tei'llal lip -
pjiqp.t.:;oll.,4 ,417119, 1 ,aFe afflicted,
with Itheumatism should secure a bbttle im
metlistieli.y.baving:beea• litany of our
most prominent citizens who
,soealr. of it in
the highest terms of praise. Louie, one and
all, tlryt.a bottla and be convinced of its:tiler
its. Constantly on hand and for sale by
Aug. 75.] BEANE'. & CO.
'."" " "
Paißiterrediecilt3 theltootiasfor+n,erig occupier
Ett.Nnlggi f a{ljatnipg SpaAgter 4 1 . Pat
• Stqre 3 MarketWtreet, where he is now
prepared .to wait on al twho may feel
In to papgegd to patronize , him...
Dentistry in all iiranChes car •
ried on. TEETH inserteduathe mostapproved
principles of Dental se4eriee. All operations
on - the"inontli lierform'ed.'in . a skillfurand
workmanlike manner—on fair: principles And
Having determined ulitiElt pertninent loca
tion at this nisp.f , ovoyld askli continuatimi
of the lit ronage heretofore extender
to him, for wirlt.b.- he will render every possi
ble satisfaction.
11 ; `Ether ii'datinistered to proper persons.
t ie/ tem O s
-14ATA„oF 11 444;5 13 uRG.
kFIFAI CE,:—,Rrolit ,streot, next door to R.
Williams' Drug Store, between Locust
a nd*WalnUCtitreetsi Columbia.