The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, October 03, 1863, Image 2

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    Eke Aatiettiatt.
...• • • ,
The construction of the bridge,over the
SustiyebarKirt Hegel-de-Gil% is lkow
prokressiM igoro talk i dire
length will be thirty-five hundred feet.
some ItflailiebrtareAlink ios.icaver, NOY
throe faat, deep.„ ,rrire great, pier will be•
suOikktAtiatulktb,- amitittheicOs!O Odle()
Wogs 4arrlaay4 •-,1,59,41k abatmen tikoiv
biCaempleted,Aletrwe ,ne, t,,B,priqgq, glad :
proluibly, a 3 / 4 1 the. dpile, rqunlitAio ER this;
atetainalo. r aletr.piarit *LT , two bur4reA
and,,, Bftyr. ftfAt• qaporto 7,A0 re obas g bpsa
griaatotiiiicull6k,inlitproes;i4MlMPar,. and : ,
as, suai(aseolopticeitheraibiSavit bee 4
vol (*bhp delays. `Oen, bri4gs will *cost
übplto patailliouqoff
• • • V& • '
_ALIGJog i s year's
:4 ' •
very extraordinary scene i
prlonteu t
s& at On church of kOntaiartre,
,r, L rj.lo
on the day when the yyoung 122.
p pales of
•• 10 Ne: 7 .
the parish take first communion.
Tipt!arciag Jiffy of the yolpgcominti•
nicant4 were stiddenil„seii'e
r , •l 1.1.
with ,con
and,sonr, of them with eptlep
sy ..; 'Phisyear,llr same circu l in t s . !av i c.43 l
bauloCicurred . upon . a smaller scale.—
“If * l ?'47 . 7 7, f . ' • rnr V./
Ab,out a &lien of the coroniunicants
101 141..1 ,
hfive been similaly attach c. Those'
T.'itrt., 91 I
thp.t were taken to tho hospital have,
beerknied almost. witlput ngihcine. it
c f . , A t n,.
.111!),!1 li%
appears to be rather a i rfpgions
f •
ctsm than any,reai
mala d y lt, lvow 2
-13itYis,t,nep, e • riod 4
iC • ty of these convul
sion,,lpnd the, rapidity with, which:nor
brgvmpalhY is calcne:Yid 'arn'ontse'scr
eiggrEf3otn4P Antivierian in l, Virales thee
ditetiVilitedttilf Alvi4 stone 'quarry., 26 feet'
bete*itte Stirfate; arid "in' a• large' block
citOtefilre"-Working stone, the tossil re•
mttillefOtattazbt;"a• liair'ef scissor's, and'
aft dpion glioUltet .The Scut two:
&Vol betteere 'unfortunately braked upon'
sevtiliuk 'the .1)lock ; tint' the Iknife. =ii'
completelrldssilited. , impiernent, -.was •
luctilywdii;dovered Ahem' to , :ba• pre
servisii Ifttirh 4 ' . ..destruction. Theririfer
frt•tit' Ibis kliseysiVer,y, that tn ekis ted•
on , thec , ficir ithe earth millions' Of years
agar, usedfsdissors and knives, and %hayed
witlVOS'lreflieldltatior ! .•
. .
-*VA -Hkalblaerier T a.colored regiment,
s o kiagyer , s4,4irlcsoivrites illus. quaintly
ipimgi,yatellettens: ”We .bays experi
enced 11,11 but I sincerely.
wi,~h ages would,liave•one, so as: to. give
usA,oblepce - ourselves, and,,for-;
ever,vokee.laus mystio,problem •of • te gm;
* * ;#' -at mtends,as,zoorsaw.tgetipaidi
oft, to ,seed lyot s—: , ,forcsafe,kleepingifor
me,)**,Btibeif ,titt,tiappens, I,4sbould
killed ; deaaelt Ito a missionary sobiety;
fod tae goon. °rimy 'native land."
0 ,044 iPp.taw.o4Foie= Xndiang
Orp r ip w ,WAshisigton t ,ropresenting„ahout
2¢9 cf,the i ,trihe,now in ;lowa, hod tip in,-
teryiew with the, Aoting,,annitgiffsioner
of .Indiac affairs, on Aennoachly","Thoji
were ,told that GovAironientt wopikpny
their expenses hotne, and. t .n4vjeoli t ito
join the.,Feet of the tribe . op ,ttieir l remr ;
vating,_in rAo,Va,,,NOPTP.I4IIO;9tRII34II4nIki
1 4,k012, ca,r,0, 1 94 b,31 1 ?-3GrPrimpiiKol ;to- go
htame,ppil t opflult with i tho ,ot t here i ,ond
deeido,akonoß.,. „ql,l ..“is 4, 4. II 11“
Oft 1,!.
r.A,n iron 36-poin4et i , wpieb has
history,, was 'iaplured nk
I f1tm.14,12±.) "ti ;. r i,‘,.4;
0.8 been sent !.o Washington, It' was
cast in 1'746 .°)
an.. wds brong h
'l' .. 11 ,4 ".tP,.‘ r:
to t h is count ) by La ayettl 1777 It
r , l ' Jllic
Cll . lAoy eerrie? in the evoNtion, in
sepon e d war with I.l4taild, Was
4• - A ~ r
ase 4 d the Texan
r y a co mpany
i TAf
volunteers from New Orle s it , l'
Lktfic -
Sis the .Texans in achieving/1i
. 1 — ,
ape. r22 L __. l l : l ,
Hein ited 'in Bib titii ere, idit de it dress 'Pit
rade 'On - Th r utildb:y . ''O'f tac i t 10'434k,
their ebnaniO i tnene iiear - the . " 'PON,
tlifongh' the Tlib rOVlrnisilt 1 143-
fleeted wilt fair tidaks, 2000
eirtmg, and made Osplendid 7 tippSartine.
Ttityy , bitit O full br'aie lband 'of tedi 'ored
They wereAlieire f d
piintiv by 'the eitieeri. / )41,
tur Jeff. , Davis, having eignall3ftfaii(fd
it? compel oar noble old. Comiconwe4fh
s grovelat the 'feet-cif Ithei Slavecidraoy,
means of Lee, with bullet and'haydn.,
4t, is now trying to;accona plishlhe same
,scil - by., means .cif Woodwarthandi the
Gettysbarg,..glorioricas it was,
seeth bat. a'. shire:astir-compared to
the - overthrow which awaits the traitors
ticr Gettober.
111#7,,, e s t eamer S Paulding has at
rived with dates to, the
25th ultimo., General Gilmore ie . Still
actively ; in mounting henvy.
gpnri, 1 ,, The o recent boistero9s
weather ,ifas ipterfereft r with,the, opern
.Vlcksbnie lep b
Geneent;Ginnt . will' bsejible t
bed in a few days.
man and wife, who resided near Sada . -
buryville, Chester county, were fcnnd,
on Friday', raoriiing murdered.
One of thci:sonst ti
,earing a oisU•in the
house, about 1 o'cloctrin the night, went'
into his mother's room, and there he
found his mother dead ; stabbed in the
neck. His father was missing, and after
search his body was found about one
hundred yards west of the house. It
.was ilyirg:u'eaft the fence, e , r with one . en
,) • .
anda handkerchief tied around his neck,
and the other tied to the fence. Mr.
Buckman was a respectable farmer.—
The transaction is as yet involved in
mystery, but an inquest will( bey elld,
and some light may be thrown on this
h , - s
o . f. : 1' 1
erick Vibsii l?• n, rector al the,Eptscopel.
^l , i; , irt•
chilye,h, and Principal of, the Chestnut
Hill • • tvvirri
Academy, Baltimore, was arreited
.r4t4) .`VP. v 1.;. 11
a tew (tag, sluts, by ordero Al 40
General erica on h cparge of Ms
loYeity., It appear 0 s that a M ' r: Johnson
7 ,11 1.4.
wrote to Mr. Gosot? ioative to sending
a son to:, his school. and it, - ,ls alleged that
• 1.1.• • , •L• • • •toi.l
Mr. Gibsnii declined to redetie,bitn„be-
cause the parents were favorable to the,
• / , ;: t:
perpetuity of the Union. He is now
.Agit,' 1/ • .1. , 41.• • 1 1141 ,
confined in the military pristo4 t o await
•••,1.1. • 1•4 : •
further orders,
`llltritizo•t INlPthtteNit.flo . i. odi Ftlitidy .
of sl'aat Iwifek an tiEugilidtobany gb
CharlesMeidam; Pito ROttEt4l
rellitsg with I the tt ' - *Alb trittAim , '
• Mendotni boarded:4e Ittitendotii rate citetloPt
tack door. ti-titas'b idered tb 'belt •
b3li the lolditir Ipthe,tefliged; lead' the'soiL
d ior 'Et red, 4 , (I' bil? . fro thit'
torhdoldetidoiiPs itYack;) erttf t l tth'
ht 4 114arti talk Ifirt - '6l"bis life j isf atuttret
le ft , nipple: betisin a I tritot in tilt tid I
"Wl 4 - I
Y PIHRAWARF !ache for4),clistriv4B,A
or PAIPIP 3 A4iiiiiii! tt#s,Nke,qa
crease Oaritigjba, rnoutb,of, Septemper.
By the toßotaly,roorts..of,tke
officers, stationed, in, various parts .o(41.1e,
commonwealth it, appears Klap,t,the,nopi.
ber, of pea , recrolte4,4l,Amiltt, t exeo l e,d4,
that IPA'qvi9es .m99).h. Phi?, Yelitrni
.....a cvers, aspigq ad ;costly ; to,
0 1,14Rittl4FI:stegigien.4 1 ; th0;1 -AAter Of,
the Potomac, •
;Ur A . t'a•liniiin rifeiitideh l actrii DLV I
mint", Ohio, mi the' lath'
chasion wan-Oine
Ae 'tire lerist calculation
, it `cotitiatied )
30;000.1nrsonn, 'and' ivdsfOuillentirs'
p`iiiing a kii'eri" . tioint.
toe ti 'hundred and nevOilti:fiVe vehielni;
and. five hundred' ante`fiffyi:five
and gentlemen on filirsebtdk.
r,,The, tioionteeptiono tgemPhiSt
and, vicinity , i4xatheriog strength, doily;
Over , ;oinotpen , ,thoitsand; personstalavel
already.d.okep. 10011„, of 011egiarice1—,4,
Nagy,„ro,bei f j prisooers,i axe included in,
titis Luigi hop' , ,
pkediiCe einitle l 4%
iii , tgefitiraiti "htirbv'ei4
ts lopeistionlis . • n • i
It corrects the i injoriaus s 4fects of , otkeT clyes x
inigora.tex , Vl? ii, Hair, is stopl,led in 7 a simp,~a
manner, operates i.i.sisxtonsoltsey, foes not
Stain thialin itnintS tit'e die
dOIUNI'ER 4 itIT'S 141A I TIfitk."'
Manufactured. by:Ui-Cii ) rxratiklifoct . ' Itstb?
Hott New , irtolt.; ; ;Sold everytirherd;fanthii,L;
PPPl i tlY altstWiPr..esftlfs• . ,a Ea,.
$.O O , and *3, per,box, ,according
to size. 13
. .
CR I STA Dri.Ro ' S Al Pk ES kRYATI irk,
is ilik , aliable wal Dye; is' it'llapVilUtitii
utmcistdcifttleaS,4ll64riclat beautifil'glOis;•l4l,l,
great vitality to; thediair.;.• t;:,,;l' ;; '
.);r4ige A 9 qeps
44444: Pere bottle,
etV;(4l"lo9/43e*: ta; I ;[§-;1Vk1,..
li rDac+aTOsl,AP.liriFSrziorri istori
FiC r 4.lll!oathe
" B .!l e .4 2 l l Pkg r
tively cures; relief is absolujel,Tme ,ipme g
dititei7 ieniember
this, and
' tice.OrelluentWattackihralthild.tth
1 9PT•91 iligtii,il?eff3o4 Fdpisiviamtcan ibb
ili e -RAV 1 19nt°°4.19'v hAtfiIKWITS
the ` iteostian ZrAcipc
iti t Oe l a bottle. t gold by all dru.gists. Of!
COtitlllidttitt k ,'l4: l l. o ." ' l 'l'3 s e:if' s
• 4,.Psnikmitn&ietixe4ipf;
Youthful Error, actuated by, a de t vileto.ll,lll9 t
to Ni•ho
iieed . it,' t t rice . ' ° hie ?e r c l ip"e'and
410/14 Toe intikihg !Hie siAlle'Llieht l efirtiiied-iii
-his case e :tiThose arielitng to pidfitiAbr
Aerience w and ; posseBs 3l IYaiPithle
.W.4 l . l ..APS. e iXs4ihfiaPWEr•PYlntliF4.4 (C!
fuilysef,led,)- by fulgristsip,f 11 •
: •,. '('
. *) •l4.V.'iJb
• l A:u g .r2L3fi n 4i t. Lit 0 if
'" ADMINISTRA'fOR'S'sAIIC./. 01101 1. .
safmrolgyi QcOber...3ollB63:ll*
T t
N pursuance of Ili" iilikti" . orifei" of br
killl3lolntliPiOrt 01414004 countyritthirua
dpirkisfrafor of the estatef 11Ay
a g dr
l eet r , the, , public..- , house,of - 4;eorte 'W.
Heck] othe, in the
,Borpegh of liiKietta t ,e4l
'thistleerfain" ' 4
lrliff)s.STOlLY .:,1 ..s!•,150
and ,Kitchen t, at,taihed,,,f4 „lot or i gkece of
grouild'"velieretin ' the same is appurtenant
.thereto,taituated said-Vorongis +Marietta,
in,,,thsvc,paft therecif i litid ,qpt
fronting on PAM street ;aid . adjoining proper
ty. of ..David: Barry. ont.the Eastoproperty -of
Thomas Stence IRMA% ats, aiipy,on
tee' •
:Persons desirous of . hriewitig , the 'property
before the day e , Vsaye, ealhon
James 4 Park residing 'theme's': or the wide's.-
signet =residing third:clookelidts.'' '44r
epnunene,,R E at r. f,
saieday,'when attendisnce 'WM Ise given and
tetras madeicskown b'SE .I ,.'.*SOfiNe UNEIti '
111 E
F ,...
w. , ~ Administrator.
liltirlitta, September 5, 1563.
t ilOrre m aiWrVlllMlNOWlFllarlini• A 4
Friends & Relatives of the Soldiers & Sailors,
tl i
lt, - UTOLLOWAY , S PIL t L S AN • OINTe--,
IFI NiENT.4II wh I i 'have F ends sof
elatives in the 'Amy o • Navy, a old to
special .care, tliaethey b aMply su led wi
these Pills arlibintin i; an avhereitS,
brtivetoldiers irrril &dicks hive riSgiedted id
provide themselves with them, no better pres
ent can be sent them by their friends. They
have been proved to be the Soldier's never
failing-friend in the hour of need.
Will be speedily relieved and effectually
cured by using theseqdmirable medicines, and
-by paying properlattentiont $o . the
*0 1 the Dirpptfonf
'which'ire attached b' E , Eich'P 'fro/ 01,r.-
Sick Headache and want of Appetite Incident
to Soldiers !
Those feelings which so sadden us, usually
afire fsotettctulpie 'annoyan cesr opsvucted
pieopirpfinn i „ot ta c tiqg aptdrinki g
is w
unhdresorne, tint% dist thing e healthful
action of the liver and stomach. These organs
The Pills, taking Rezon .
ing to t e prie e
.instilictiondowidlquicklyvicudu r cclulieakEnYt Viol
/tion raP eon ol. ,ftt, tk bßth liver onti,„atilneh,an peti
l'endPlV6lehYl;V o id itii' , d'i Aae li'dd iiiiVelith? %
i Wisakiiiis 'and
disc eb
p i leitarr i
lsitdm th e
e d
u Am se m ipfer iFatcinei4i;
va i Aiai joo P n rle,p p Airth y *MldlW Wilt a aklr .
•acbeitto Radii:lasi Isstrength.lblit`iris bitatbei
i ,
boyvele he, either. confined, or unduly, acted I
uptitt: l'etifity• 666mituileinattionuvdtriii
paiEr-shouldn be irecominendeOlfattrfilienteq,ll
and klluxypany persons, silppoping that
'wdtild riieretts'e ) diel9elaiiitiN. 'P'llligqg ill',
:greatimi,stakepferithesenPilisrifillf,:S9rfgft.thl '
I liver ind,,, scirtrnaah and pins remove all 'the 1
raciiil l inumiiirs IrbliPting"sysfetW:"l'lliVilinetlill '
eine -Will figiNe , lent 21 Pliteigotit(bthg VIA4I I
: organic, syptem however deranged„, while I
Ilea itiid i qfitiiikia full6w;Vews l'AititeirltiP
' • r
course:: itiethkstg Wiiiii ti et9P,'Ac PiIaxIIIPRIP 1
; the Bowels so sure as.t. i T S fa'mona medicine.
nviita i
~ ;VoLybtpE.tis , TrENtoi . , .
I ' L ;e 4 s . 'at ' i'd f tifCers', l ,. c Bitiicliel and - §ii:iffilni;' ,
eari - viltli igttlitiftlAic Itildibitlb•idured , kifettke ,
' PilifliAtile,Ati4A 99 '4 ll .lpll n g,il nl l3 l .l i 9ignaM t hg r s
„Ointment he freely use a as stet& in tne printd
ntitriielidliti. ttritttetitedlidtkitYlieatieraindeneet
theXld/WIPiO Veil! taftrY tdiuntqq* , , 1
1 wherets this i,n rn e will remot t e
fornieWmiiitiibMit ta.ilfriithlitieftheillitient
'in X i K , nr ° 4l%'l44l l o 3 l. n it n i rA oveiligfluitt9 I
as little p e rseverance in a eases to in um 1
. 1 8E 6,w:in.& znam di 019 W IJI4/It4 rfko47l'‘
Fair! ffrottnesifeithterooocaskneo brae triagettitl
u. Ak e o ntAfgf u kitM e q,Pit u Ylp , 01
To whictievery Soldier and t Sailor are line,
thgfe 'WA ii'Viedittnef scialifiliNufelluillf' fit
vdnientisa Bottikwuntl64l l 4l94Plii9iniffackt•nv
The our 'wounded and almopt ey tog affrerer 1
milli' liclfe''lkti t'vlielidis filraggialllgiradtirtll,f9t,
if-he WoUld:nbiblilitfiv.itiAl , hiPAsAribliirti Ilkit
matchless Ointment, which, sh ould be thrpst
lob' tfie vtlbiiiiil lin& sil t- MIMI ill i firailfdit.lll4o' 1
ecve,„r , iitiwi,thsa Mee() tifOnsitiAstim a his ; mip m
sack end comressed with a handkerp, ief.,
the , By StOril A n,d,PrqtAintimptiAionorja nici , }l
Every o &lulu s , knapsack and,. Seaman's
Ctiekt - shtinfd'he pavi'ddd- With' Ihe'seitinAilllP
ble-Reniediew. iii , / , ,f; . , u , iitt 1. -i-iinis -Jai
liaeovrany Cayrioid—None ace genuine
uill4is tti . utoidU ' 4 ' f-Igtcdiiitkir, 7 lsl.ti'lfiiiii
and, Loiwpoit,.Vit ate disguwiblp, milkvi'V...444li
mark in every leaf qi the book of . direetiona,,
ait'utia 4aEhle Br ' tbii "'the ;label' intik:the
plainly: seen b7 , Acti4iFfgAilelieliiMiPLlOKAAlTo
Ai handsome re,ward .wi r ll be given to,any ope
rebileriictitilth'ilt i fiirinatlOSl al l'ilitST Idea to ftigi:
detection of, sap paayi tiThPufges 'cqual'el4r4itOgi
the medicines or,vendkoFtln siniF, knowing
tliein tVkcil'pii?iout; ' - ' ' " 1 ' ''' ''' '3l"lq
the t•ManinfacteMle i fi e ft*sl r e o erti
11/1141W%'Y 80
?; 1 1,1' 8 %16 1 1 1 :f- , "irbideri ;
ail 'by , a sp eta le D s
in - .llledidineLtliroughont; ti cimilizOove;lo 4 l
ru pots,
"c. 2.. and, $1 each._
a brabArdt; l fiWitietntaiee'dfipatiefith'
in every disorderiarelaffixed td esieh A Pp,t. w
There NOMT-W&savinairiNi
fle• sfiets. ' " r e
31:3'Deateig in' n 4 intAizet lidetaiP
havOnoWQ,49.kDA, eik4K 1 *.44 0 41 ifebligNiUte,64
FREE OF EX.PENBE, Ri addressing
114 „idireflialiV w f.p./11'4
t t
1 is.' ilYt 14
Ay.E,just kecitiVect a irgewlaitillres4,stoM
-Fr SIP.-. 4 .., 3 1 061,,, ,t 1
• Dijc SiuYis an d Perldriery,
large ll an ' &14 1 10f 1. 4? "cgitBft
, Shadint,- Gib NM; liuriferB,s4o)lfiki)Vehovil
gyer }Ed.,, Freelt )
owaerk Citritp of Maen.esiii.,
Coltigheti HairitOils;•atidllPerl+ J 4 1,4
Tapioca, Biiniada
,it io . eA rr eay . Nat; ~ ., 4 1 11 1
tr+d .'t. ;
7 *!Spieeb;Allizipice;
~ ,•1 iv, Au t , nicgft, fO,
Cloves, Mac ;roc et a
- • 2 11aolii;!COiiiiii,' Waite's; .411.:4'
GM111REOesIL(Pal, 1 911 1 0 •Ikicielaiminfo Yta
Crcam,Slisvia Burnett °s Cocoame, and Kal—,
'listb at; 4 - liiilotiifeiexthet4 of tittrailt 4 VP
• ata! ' % i l li ni e ti l l 2 nen t flto t
if h eT.
• rind To4der .1
.",•, rerv:LV. 9 l . 7,!%t:, 'J
afia 4 vlLP . 14 I ' IAP
...4 1 11tie5..”4
Flower Seeds, consisting of someof, the
fin'e'st viii eties:s `► is a,ts 41, ,ro, rti
atoe RoAdvvi Migrogruta.; w %
All the celebrated, Family lylgdicines con
til N4lll
,liireicritaa,pp24lo,d •Etitaily, R.Aceipts,carerikw
P o c r d 4 • vi MPANII4-1,.'1,0
„A. -ma - wow” f,na
, PHI f.A.DELP r Et,IA. 6 .
ft ,14t19.fttin 0.34; Itgautio
I t exatedon Chestnut street,,
,oppostte: the
lad iniaLlbioxpavyklo nietyiwai altll4lm
aildidnitairtiag filrammi;tßardra, Radom Wine%
efd, tmlusp r invits w Tile. Fro
zato be fillikh I.lle'doldr`(oPtvittifil. a ‘sduzi#3
'for' a434llapottir-thre egimilibuse. has
•.,TP 4l % r rif )i ,Y, 4 3E Pl;Vii ( i l lM li f te t a il: 4icir; [il .It7ii
Ael ma 13 /3 : .' . L
P .. 4 1%.
' WT I / 4 ft
u r% `'.;t; * l "ita . jPRO iSirE7 4 6ll6"
fligeivAbsiuldermaticek, ilastrximeatirliu
plip . 4=o § kC iGi alie•rdr.iptethtran"
ry hi re end b Pio es
•aoramParusoqs asididartnsio di thei .11e , . 1 , dta-
Cf al ' C AVA ° b r 4I4I NVItit 1 6 1 9 : -
n• m e e ar.M e
aid leindiaCpseutS hat Haticl4thr.l.o-;aw s 4,
- a iLkluidi Reinterfar
• pncinp firgokft
buff sable a uthe a .8.
9a lrar.l4aierbienkli ilkylikNOta.vuu
terirrtis 'ebaVtitiLe. 19 /06 / ofteitelinif
a «Goecia-husi eillike
b iobirelitpitzghettiteit.
.r ig / P " Et!Alt' 0117# 11 §r
an e4u I: I till d h.. I fro _t g .
11It gromotesiits,thealthayismi-iiigeropsetnirth.
• t t is i got_greasy.or qtipiti.s h • 3 ict cy liinct
ft leWeal° ditigreelitilelidecr. .
•,,;1t "(lases the clusivicebete hard :and,diy.s qv 1 1 *,
It soothes the j.sritatod,sealrigkijk.,
:It t airerhi / ihetrieUSilulliste. ' `4" ''' 34 '''
tititiknitips lotgestlih•iific•eth.tHecereAr Colt
r t r iNt A yt r it a tq u ltikeilitlit NI 0,3 writ
I 'WE! Supeniort•OlttßrarnikTOlitikmitrlitlike* •
Holland Gin, Old Idaderia, Luibou,sherry and
Pert 'Wines: ' ' h''
PittsbuirgiWhiakey oliraitsc-og: eke'
lowest nyirke;prices. Very Fine , BraiA l y je:
a Wry low' figure:
)IA ICOrkerallatiteiVitittierit'ol 4 sililiftditiolil
; :--- iiinkontqi.alitm9w*Aß,i 1*415.5u it:
,Hinges, ‘ .4l,vere Botts, Cellar, P,,l
' Oils; Masa anit-Puity,.'reiy cheep. 1 .
.4' ATTERSON. gr. COL ...
~, . . .
For _Ladies and Children's 'Wear.
rrwilslt to retort ilthanfslircyrfrignesl
j,akeliste 4 and s rro ding/co ntleljot
very liberal plifr dug oftertd dio edu n '
the last few years, and would say to them that
and manufacture a very extensive assortment
tof all the differentitiliditaild 4salities of fancy
fttra forJedjen and chihirep l lint Agiß l be,wer.n,
, dutlinftiglFaillialdoWihSi iiiisoiii, 3 it
Being the dtrect..ksopodni..42,foll my FURS
4 from Europe, and .1110,14 Blefn"all manufactu
' red under my own supervision—enables me to
ioffer my customensand,thettouhlic a much
iftr the same morleygligfied t irWaise give me a
call befor woltattiag s t o jilgaß xmneitler the
name, nuniber and street.
, JOH Nh , F*ROl/02144 7182 etstc wait(
1` I
Sept tlquErms.J4... ,, In u q,PrisilmaxtinntrA.
#2' 1"
Dol. ,111. aImc.DIFEENIPICILaids oh
1 ; IlalitetnStteatoagniettatata,v,,. 4i
NdelVidsdaidingitOcariiCtiiiitYbiltintiiiYilikilkialf ,
1 . AU icro 0 44,4 0
~s$ v 9o.,iligt 4° [111404€1 1 5.1 1 1
, fond his usually large ,and well assorted st,ocit
t ,
buiraettien fik 4 natti4ol,./ .lu. muri .w.
PtiliPim:Al:l 10:1 ,20h di ;13 ai izi itsA 11
t Defames, Ca imams, ,
FrafitiwipAposnoo le ts lodinl/4 l'iNl
/ 3 41 1 0/A4lO l / 1 4gb iV4isWekfirittaliPAO ale
fitown Sheetin...s. . , - 1 tclunes
Sfifir" . 'nod/ DlfitttatetrAiggitiSlift %
t roil va•bittireilft , orclfelitodAt ... 41 309quiria
Ml..ll*ss.qttlo4l , l Wthite, 9994 1
,kt 10 tt.Aft
Full isso,pneut 'Blankets:,
Whift a nee k ga t Mitvis,l4 , 4l) 01 evil 411.4
rEkillMlPTrilici/1 tip nrdp i 9kßad§la N ,
r g eg .a s b'eat s.uc of nele on War
evihrWAVlts 4 / 4 1iiiiiiiiikjibti , 1411niree9,q1Pronti
AltrAiDalieltherhe krgAItpARitiaLIAVIASTSP}I t .
~...,n7qogroitqlitstaf tRa /..*lO, B -,E44,9 A 9 , 1
g,and e Jaaa
.9fff en ^Tga,,„
sick ~ /11 / ,
whit% 8e Brenk lugat, 01.11d6 A '. '''
tliwni4hihkehtto ; 7tivikintralSyxup'sg, of 41 4 4
Salt, ‘f 'IWIDW 116•14Otk ai r.q t l re fL II M,441
jolt! 'D 'DO iili Iff i M e il l ffireiliitie it ti p 9 ,
Frencli CorsAts,('') 4 Tryoking Over-S ) II
AfickiiikM. a duakosiiii rg4'''" In 4 "
k4DilkitekWB.fil' 1 ".D051PArt414 4 444 lo 14:1 , :5u
Shirt Fronts, „BalmqrqSkirts,4c.
'"llli . ' , uiWha . itl i I.LitAt ti cg
;.thiemr4inuud:i Aid I vita labb ctiissi344/014oleifale '
PriFl9,t9a9itdatniftptut Intr744 ebb 30 11. a
"I'l (1S'?, , krtg r ii i rltilor i 4 ~
14; In 1441 t,
He Om nttrinps.til kiepen bend
w a Jarge
Viiy"/I 's ep tipti.lortillhafin 11 , 44,4, 11 UM1P,
SiAnitamisie.SchvapeleDurkeye /14 1 04 H kg& Bitr4 4
teas awlilliatAppgrigt,,Old Nye, al L pf_ydlich
haling Wer'eptikelAtMetiefdie I thegretren . Vitit's
:vadde ihavotlie*dvandidgeto4 beAnT at.. 404.4,1
NIWI-N,iii.stinietls kAiiiiii ebilkirinktiliM'
•WedertofiglibelabWhiiskey/bY49 440044 4-41
Pittsbu4A,prices, ;with frgighr only added. ,l ,
4 Aksaiitta; i tAtite . iiilee,YBll. l 1 - 11, C" 1 ; ''' ' 1
.1... f '.:11 :1;4:: !. - r; .:,, t... 1 , ~,,.. —:.; —.a
`i -U3,11,et .7-a4tß,lt 4Eo4fEs;ortr.lyil_l 44
4,. 4141 4.4 A ti:itirrt . t ,, iiitli /0 , o1. , ::-it
y .1. agn.TRITIATIiao if
2Poaetholl iii
, ,34,
riNHA.oliverlyi—emftvie ld,,ey@tArßglgt
safe crossings on the husque uplift iver—
ietikiw hilt
1refig411191144041 "
'enable him to, o ,ferrying with safety an is.
patilli.l'isidihhhtebsitiVs o Btity . Otra , beeititiithdr:
sOftt ta.ndl.gNENMe9gP kFe3I3 I IRI 4ATOY 3 en,
gag.ell. No imposition to charges as the bi
lewinpliSt-11,111 hhe*.h , t• ,1 7 '42) M A:4:11'11+,1i!
, F. 1 415 1 i1 Wagon&OAS& 12,11. LBO. I,p.
Horses, per hetui 125'
l'Bitgle'horse ad% ' - fider;itt nevus Jdd
ffyy,p, l tip ‘ isg,cam.iiigeondlivo i pgreegs.o.l9A o
Buggy, horse and two persons, ,
"A'/J I Y O ' 14441 :n2 0 h
S tqt k ißb a ti C 4 4iB :lA tt eeltSVACJlMbld
All l Luggage over 11 ty ppunns, 2n centsiper
100' poditdsleitfil. o . ll . 3+3.,f1 . 1)
' 41disia .dt 349,4111, I
t July 15, 1 1 63.
P 4 ,141 4 •
laaralia ff 0 '
'OE ivr
'ft% j db.! n
T) ESP ECTFULLY offgrs his prptFssiopal
11„ services to t i rezedizelie' of- Marietta it.'sd
Lvleisvityt, assuringithertd tlmstr opefationatin
• trusted toltis mire. either in Operative or ,Me
clialiicalutientistiliVill 4 ex'&lll6l ill telt):
roughlyl, acientitu• wassneit. 11:114;
• Q.vvre,e • ~,On st reet, stfeip taws
he"Potit - ” ' " to9ua r
eibijoEhu3 & A a r ta,P , 4l-1111 eti fl 3.41 W
M7 , „1
.: /I• CoaloOtidlikaups andblenterns , )%
litiinljliitt iferf.tlik.Parthri , the
11 4/ 4 t a VIM C AT I P r •
4 1 0 1 11' 2 1 0
rc les, a
begiuktParthlised tiktinufr4o4l. dnanufacnk
ums i9JArgAmaigitiel snip was4,,rAtts,
calrselrrlibm lift& Illider the ustlenTtlift
prinea4 Win:oo n'erri M 6806140141, of
gift li ttEM ( o l s9l 4 kti,li4 .E .ye s .thrie 140!,11
-in 4 KtopitegqElo44 4 l 9 1 .4gingni ell
i„J. R. niywigh.qh i hjiiiiwiaid ip,.. t a„ven
serviceable stoc of ritrotik and at ell=nialle
thto"tive WittER.IOI:iIAYV 11
Nfirnafi C kf ta llt- a g t il ( l , li e tVii vi *SKN/tRt
so l d at a lower &re - t an can tie ou'ghtnp
Vsere;4lllS.t.l itkekiddlitesitittib
V 4 ,.1, • • SO • (I, • • • "W(11104
ad. : olfed;:rion.
ttlertnil t
kaiblbliddte!liropp 11681146a* liciummilloil
fiVfrtinall2.46nne e r n t e
.Agiesji Sininkshaot_SvithaAtinsosi
ittew.f4sl3 l fifitiVt i gignAt Sq4,l
-MmatiNlirr*Gbehistalpe od bloodo food/
algasolarailYlEWTttit ll4 '
glitiflricgic-0 11 024edrtieredeltirommi.,=. , .,!
iMtelfeelqt s l a ptlitsfitiV ill
1 o siofigibrov i a..o so *meal - Nam:3% twat* ,
i 5
I ' l entib itleit ill ui NPANNtinalat i
Atigiikaavassalt Mslia
OW Nkidat JtO
S isal3s.
AingfaliktheiriiiGoblets, Art - aanic,iltilie
taft e rPie .i VeNt a int i nAVlgi n g at '
at umutisaft44aiteadeilits st-nickkirate, &MO
" kiAr t aiadtiVitie
s.' ltsii-qtfokr.) 84.Rto.LIZariiiitoi
rit i Mitta p nge4t g ei t a i tz v air s t
Telma altisildmifyriop karats solatithstalar
iyralßyffrAn vice tlffin . any_iypi . th
hicikilquatiiffseflibill§t tevi foitimeitieping
(11HE LargestB,nd best assortment of Fancy
gi'eftasittieWi aiePtiestitig &fetid
: }a iJ~i~ti , alaTi < epa golitat
defy competitiontly IR. Diffenbaah.
defy 1
" for Ciirinaii ptirpolle,s 4arrahrefgenumea.B.9
tit ; olloiLokenydainiv,
t$ •••; +• ft ' S
i 11 1, 1
il l ' k
' t; eof t h os e fieautifili b P TA .
$lOO 1-r*j D .
F(,11 AVEl3l6iNtil '
That wit cure Colighs„:
Acktiag iralthe T'hroat,
' rifhpoping ought
Or ?Alava Catt,suinfittve.Ctiugle
AS gic.
Have been sold in its native town, and net a
single instance of its failure is known.
eve, in onripossess,icm‘ Any su entity of
ceitificates,isohie thelit}:44 ealikent Phys
icians, who have used it in thiir practice. and
given it the pre-eminence_over any other com
pound. It does not dry up e Cough, but loosens
it, so as to enable the patient
two or three doses will invariably cure tick!;s
i.rer of
Ell IN t .
Is OF •
in the throat
:s o ten coral
eedy in its
and yet, "°l ll l i ttl Atrit n e 4 iiiraing pure
operation, it I l y
ly vrallll4ratCdMilkii•Lfotany'age.
and iy• B
It t sc* piXr9l4.l4ll.l4unli v gluir.r.antee, accurc,
if taken in season. ''''"a• No FA MI Lif 'a : fiaiad be
wif4b l ui,#. It is
. witnin the reach of ail, the
16 1 .A l q:dif t LY I ij melts TR. •A •
And if an investment and a thorough trial
doe . s„n9l "paclr b. up;tl ., the
nictlictit,rl l l•6e
teplinkFo2iocrepi one
trig . will segu'rs.ffiti:lt i aho'rsie eYeit':liinise
hold. 1i:F1:36 not wasie"AdiWivillVeatigining,
when it small arh
e ,inv.e t strueut will dire
ce,rlAatdsif c,OO s ' '
e 4S . N
> ARN , eib=klfitild.—Gt.l.
V 00
7 \ t. 71'10*,. ••-f II . lASI. :
)1 st
D. 13EitTJALA414f4., •
it v rm4 tpr v icrac i ft w r s Liv
11 . 40. ii Ito
tritittstrt wit ,4 I* +law"
l EaVirlare 2 44 2fi farina9hLapabliatthdtkhe
will continue the WIN E & LIQUOMAnn4
keep on hood all kinds of
'• ll Wlitikelot; l o764ilidlevattelks46.,.-
evbd ktJ iroxuiplpMataidtitairis PAid "h-nA4I.
4 ulustlylCdlehrale,4diked.+VbsisitAklli
aid iswuhAti**l4 titiftitikNilittb Tp isni
Maivqrrt44rer49r P- 1 .0-MiKM ,AVRWArTi
ns , t ff.9MTP4_l'l l o4 , Y.FrAteed P I P . pi
Le :B. noiv asks 61 e'pbuilc
ce4,A74iihjwinolt is girfi . dentd.repi,lt p : t
tel,keekierit and others fitniiiig it to theit adz mlike their Oil Masotti from Is irn ti
P TS •
qffice 0,, Comptt oiler of the Curreoni,
hr" 1 "-Wtiohiligtdn,litf ldtb,.lBoll 4
sented to ' A l it lt i dt g t 9 F al?
mit e , lb 1,143 tat ithet . It d Lq
tllhe-FatiliNatiohoel Bank 6P/.4ortetttait.
the ousitSeatil.kneasteli, siediStateotHettift,,
:nth t ) t e
li e Netti v ia r an n eA n ale*
CotigleJs,benthiethtSsdns•actitoopromeleatitt.i nt
States s a PA I R#I4I tdi t lttUkr e ili
add ire a emptaph.lthbre of, Wp pi ecilot , sebru ark!
-2 .90 5 I„sy, Etild,ll,49,cpxyplvd,4 Itil al k the pc9-
visions of saw itirtecluned to Ike cli t rhtflenvith"
!before, cdminenemganetustuess eft Bunking.
0 H
cdp ° Ctie'r. oT Wet% ttneS, NAY
thittrtge. Add uta.t. I 41,.
rh.t kirfi Aationair BRAIr $2) e*Viena• It,
Cap qv, of, LjtectisterAp.n4 Sate of nennsylva
nut is atitlibrilAed foEilhunktteellie t. esthete of
Binh fnics runilerahe'at t Nittersald, . ,
reAtimPlw inneof.,..wafessinv hand arui
seal of diee; EsNee..lF of
18b311 , 741 utPH .41 4 0 .0.40@effit/
Coraptwiler Nf the Currency.
111 C, a Vie' Ali 11 "1".tMY1 -
19 . N0..1 114
.0 3 KgroYA14, TAgc,Tivap,icksotint
4 - ,iiiramkfPicrftancle494i t k e . gib„
~ „ Afr.w.fiwprAneufFE
Apppffefr , re6.lpe,s,,.. 4q ,,
' - 1 1 L A.T h FEU IPtir ther , Citiikiniof Markt:ale
' l,3r isMl . P.l l ic in 4 3 s49 , XithßtilitierP.fitr°o42 l
hefetotore extended, tlim ,pn4ersigned respect
solicits a continenhe ,, Orthe-rainetitisz
'miring them, that underall circumstances, no
eff u N t AWti n f ti .tsPF,o4 l 4Te9llPringWt.isfaiVY
equivalent for, every act of cOnfidencerecidred.
job hand
supl 4 901#, japi t ip i mtettil, as N 1114,31,4 tad,
the market furnishes, constantly tepton` hand
and manufactured to order, promptly, sind,rea
sonatily, as taste or style may suggest.
Gi ' letWre o B.6l2l4o , Bhireg.Gdtwale, /I •
and„s,unCastisies4l.9Ltefft yftong
chant Tallondknd ththing establishment.
V 51P,0 shilintlble :twin *CUM
• • ' . ;i3nott tinikShost nifanuftsokurenh
Virag tritist roe&thilfy thThrtn tilt! ctukeith
ofitnni, Ailroggit aq*Adigknp,Atopiltlio,Lnl ! b t s
the largest assortment Lity made work in
his line of• l ttAtifirsPiltilliffistlittfoWilinlilbt:
ItWoelfirenit6lN to it ielVc'thlOtiVninfletliogrant
staditlnowdwilo,etkPiitly 1 40 e gOgiigßiol4fP7,
ufacture in the very best nontheLeverything
fnifie J tkntiTHASM tirltYk DllVATAvNtaftik
eviabstwortcifiar 40,41:49Wfiu1l evil ,;.•
Call p g ool examine his stock before pur
futuentielifivrevie mom f., - 4LJ I h
l'alr.f.B.lE Le VA It IsZ E t VAR3I
)., ,jors
-Jowl a il 4 iO4.o , elhqa l 34,a4gt•l
Opposite the l'own Hall Park,
I's fismoti Rimatid
booti I t,.
If l tt u it ai ttocsitilielip s ott
the Town Hall and opposite Funlatk i itt44oo
Tavern, where. every..description of mar lei
atioduferilkitiedaelitibasdivisad rispioitNt o at,
414 riitattimafirtiosime,
01a1 411 11441CiiiiiiiMMiti i
• , Miasigialisit .941 I
Es C l FULLY inforjn he r.
( 0,11 Mr! iti t WartffelfilbikatfialltNy,
Cl:rutin - tie the TAT: CI-I, CLiocK ,
0 nhi r iititit*mt F a besiddiunt sW old,
Queen street and ,Ceritez ._ vare, Lancaster Ps P.
7 . 4 !MtlisMAlPdlogoo
nes, al,wvron hand and for sale. at Mae lowest.
&eh %Tea. att 4:3 10 )11/itirillg 1:10kilabl 78132er-,
0160941 t 4 adbAtStralVietcolsreird
Lancaster, January I, 1809..
aflrta rirti 'kin"; o*
e 4 411.1 f .44 , rigAzykoeites -
!•2 , ate VII
ling 4Alutirimin,Watclyeilifelamongtheireht
timekeepers now in use, and filltability
strength anal simplicity far surpass 'an Writer
ulfittFlulAJ4 r 4.0
i „, ff. L. 4r E. J.
, m •
- Coninek North Queen -St, and 'Centre Square.
Lancaster, Pa., have them tor sale sitAlmytiml
lowest rates --every watch accommied. with
siafacihe gtaitiiite‘tiffertifirelaken
.04 -, biItNDLIORDS
and Irian W. Li I S i.FttFrlkC'''
pure, at H. D. Heitjainaires.'- e 4;"
tfoibehsai eiotiNs
No. 1.-. Large Family : Wringer,
No. 2.—Medium,
letel cured the
No. 3:—Small
No. S.—Larg.e HMO Wrinzer;
Ne.lB.—Medium Laundry, c• to run by 18:00
• , „ steam or
No. 2.. T..
•:--laree Eatinitrt;u'filiadr.- 30:00
Nos- 2 2 and 3 have no Cogs—all others are
warranted...; • ,
*No. 2 is the size generiary used an private
Oholee' had ;of tlid , AThetreitil
SaYSIVIiCi2..Y.I hif
be ianibers'ai Clotbes Q.dringer*.
Caa, zepdity, nrin g • not a tut t fr • f
clothes in a few minutes, IA really a t
saver! „A Time ,Simer,t The 811:x4 4 40t gir
mentat.will , alone, pay-A largn,pe, centage on
its PAst. We, 14igk;00, AnPghitie rift,ish more
than pays for, itself ev e ry. year in the,. saving of
ggarments„,&Pg. sCYttriti. kin i% ,
alike ingene.ral conat;uetion, but we consider
.igtuKtatit,tliat 4 0e,,Wri,por, Attpil ylth,
Cogs,,oherytige. ntass of„garu 4 ent i s max sigg
thPoN4lltes*l 94. AC -thoTal*
shaft sllpl 4,,
t,eitr, !he m plothe,s, ,Ett : the - ;THD,Iier,
biuk .iikgpifrpm,S))it i shAft ! .. tt is one, of
Mitt#l4. nc4O.O2NT.
negib..42llrlllffiLAlPM4P3re.ff4c44l,,, . ;
Eoin3.3ll4inaeti , tortie , engsiV4eels is war
•,>a± its Al ,
trtif4 , sqll
-13:''si rirwer.fin eVeiy town..
- ° Alec fligifitht ririee;flunitphiaes.wit e te
pd'oTd".l4%6lllll.,'Weamriti .iientif the' Wringerl
free plerpeno. ' 111 ' 16 ” WI t, I LH) ' , WWI' , 0 , 1
4 PaPNA7CtfifigitiVll l C Odd% IVlAidrag ;
6 .` •,‘ :A; B 110 WA
I *"."' '" ;0" -13roadWity;11;ew-Yoric.
040 , 1411 it
414 4 1 a kttr.n r
tln i t i r itla t rifi j
• SA WS,
141‘ tl,Vtgrr
sU 1,4 t• ,
rrsEt .. 3 „
1410 i“..,•rei
_Jai- 1.,‘1, to • •
To,p A r gi r. pte ll urgi 2.l l o9. ltherrg , that They
OV9t rec44l4
lukty isel.e.ptoeci„,dotitis,
t. -
()GOA Rr•dtlie , ,io,r4cel;4-4Wi fArY'OO67
iieited- , , . ~, . 4 ,
The ,
. ,
haSr - reCeiveiliespecial aittrnl4oll.ind embr a ce s s
all-the Tabv,elties, of.he senson tn_the,„,,way of,
liselokArid•Rituey SiikAiColoreci Alp , coSi•-;.:
FoAlard Nil list., • mf...YonesiLlis
}renbli We-names; •.••o
.Sco,teiti clan,
Vallenetaa ? i:
fre,l int S,-"-C •
lii and onion's,-
kik '
' 4 ) 11 T.. 44 • ,
o tfilid'otc4—tgi3otl"eititili 'lliadder colors,. Acart
runt d il'briethtle,'2ll) , l o l cent, "whibalc r .lnt.tot
be es '
elptlla; , • t' "• •
Satit natindls,
"” . /salmoral:Sk
Ttii'all nolnty:l
I.llli2k,'WlierVkit; Wuttloo land
Mirftqcs,pr, I Sha gas, square • Rita tlong., , - in all
• sth(Ylr'asll4,
14.14 ••• s,u; /CO
#9144/ipel)Vt ' 9a•
t i edn4cied i fffoiiiiaoo.. of '•
lidAlltSlTC"`6l)4lDfi '
• ebykidlneilf - " ‘• '
C, ",-
40,4, ' ,• ' „ L" rat ms; '
: s liax,anet
~; 49:14a0•
White" Gbdds,
''4l.s:EifiljiditiefSl - ttoedie .. -yvtor,c.
,iranifitgreniets and •-• '
w .••••-vtieAllemen. • • . •
XIL iihkegiPtcPeitiiiiiiiie out btrick of Cloths,
Caskimerel.Aud Vetitigs, Cassiuotts, Youth's
Ca'Sl,l%rek . ,*l6, 0.4; of tdliieh our Sloe,:
hiiVieeYetbtleil'ogree9mplete betel' se-
9,1 3 ,C)c.P,4F5'
'AMethevrejuiberepleindenecptim stook. 414. ,are
now. offering-gbpr,upri ,, Sugars i -nod l're,
visions - a - rant. 4bwete - nittrket,prices.
• .3..,,,Aximnr46,ta1l , -
-”e '`,aysIJA.6I(4IfEiti;I4—.PAZETZRS,O.N.
•4111a.riettai Seitte dam:1,403a.:
Received 4-wi) "Prize decals."
• Rior , .rirai liii sa34-A ,, 411 h•Hc ,,, ...
w y.
Ih;erlitl449to24 aeon, doq, 1862
'ttiod•received the Supellative..,Report -
" '"‘Exeeedhili - Excellent'- , ' l4atiti." '
, '`Atthe Great .luteitmational Exhibition: at,.
aim) r. 86; LL. e...
al - tsthes... •Atuti. 2 I
- ,, r.ol'i„kecetuga the - 412 .9 4 e 81 .. N e( a l • ;
to 441t0i,-,F
•,,. • , c tv 11 .04
,t,Fivjgg,..P.,uchfiongs,,quakapii,,.]Apake „Maude,
Awe Iti,4l.9,9l.4inghts, ;; ;Fith few or , .00,. eggs.
It is excelientfiqr-kl)iggepigg,§,keet,Saimes,
GANyiepActr,4j,iti, bleat t tavpslß.,,,pr Ice
ogreAratotAßgsPi4n.fam•REArcultitb, litde
,bolled,kuAilk.mudces At rich cream for Coffee,
Chocolate, r fety,Ac . ; t A. /.194?$4.4elisio u s article
f°F4°Pll9;:ethi l dr S / lIPROPIYA4.4 , :iti.4rYkatIY
supygfiktO Art0nt94,..1444 much plure:eco
nomical.,4,, J 4.1.1
Mut, up qui erie,pvpldopecketmonmeT!the
trade- Mi4r,k„ Nam . fe a bt vat* /31.16 cligeetio as for
use, and now by aU "Groce)*Art4 Druggia*,
:1 1) V444A1E
s,l"'! r. 7 . ..166„cFJ4Lostreeti.Ni,W7lork,
August.„2,U6mat,t4 • •• •
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ApgjeKelg.)9,l* Ale lateatipitterns from tbe
hist factories in the c419,1..17,ean be found at : •
.0; &ft i ,,III .:;k:IIa.E.I•4.ZAIRMS.
orth ri ` t''
y do1• N . and Centre Square, rs
eafifeiTka'`. ljuiliiCes ate moderate and:
inirrailtellt&he aVrekeaelited.
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T' leittilTel-%" Ce ' , : krY " '" c •
CO., Boston.
Le l 47l4ustl t2re lile:Br s l 444 o WAY & C , O ri4 WDEZI
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