The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 26, 1863, Image 1

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Not aitobout
A Highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract.
WILL effectually cure Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, chronic or nervous
Debility, diseases of the Kidneys, and bad dis
eases afistng from a disordered Liver or Stom
ach. Such as Constipation, inward Piles, tul
ness or blood to the head, acidity of the Stem.
ach, Nausea, Heartburn, disgust for food, ful
ness or weight in the stomach, sour Eructations,
sinking or fluttering at the pit of the Stomach,
swimming of the Head, hurried and difficult
Breathing, fluttering at the Heart, choking or
suffocating sensations when in a lying posture,
dimness of Vision, dots or webs before the
Sight; fever and dull pain in the Head, defi
ciency of Perspiration, yellowness of the Skin
and Eyes pain iu the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs,
&c., sudden flushes of Heat, burning in the
Flesh, constant imaginings of Evil, and grief,
depression of Spirits. And will positively
prevent Yellow Fever, Billions Fever &c.—
They contain no Alchohol or bad Wnisky.—
They WILL CURE the above diseases in ninety
nine cases out of a hundred.
The proprietors have thousands of letters
from the most eminent Clergymen, Lawyers,
Physicians, and Citizens, testifying of their
own pers2nal knowledge, to the beneficial ef
fects and medical virtues of these Bitters,
Do you want something to strengthen you ?
Do you want a good appetite? Do you want
to build up your constitution? Do you want
to feel well Do you want to , get rid of Ner
vousness? Do you want energy? Do you
want to sleep well 7 Do you want a brisk and
vigorous feeling 7 If you do, use kloorLAND'B
German Bitters.
PARTICULAR Noxter..—There are many
vreparations sold under the name of Bitters,
put up in quart bottles, compounded of the
cheapest whisky or common rum, costing from
20 to 90 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by
Anise or Coriander Seed.
This class of Bitters has caused and will con
tinue to cause, as long as they can be sold,
hundreds to die the death of the drunkard.—
By their use the system is kept continually
under the influence of ttichohalic stimulants of
the worst kind, the desire for liquor is created
and kept up, and the result is all the horrors
attendant upon a drunkard's life and death.
For those who desire and will have a Liquor
Bitters, we publish the following receipt Get
one bottle of Hoolland's Bitters and mix with
three quarts of geed brandy or whisky, and
the result will be a preparation that will far
excel in medicinal virtues and true excellence
any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the
market, and will cost much less. Yqu will
have all the virtues of Hoolland's Bitters in
connection with a good article of liquor, at a
much less price than these inferior prepara
tions will cost you.
ATTENTION SOLDI ERB I We call the atten
tion of all having relations or friends in the
army to the fact that “Hooflanirs German
Bitters" will cure nine-tenths of the diseases
induced by exposures and privations incident
to camp life. In the lists, published almost
daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the
sick, it will be noticed theta very large pro
portion are suffering from debility. Every
case of that kind can be readily culed by
lloofland's German Bitters. Diseases result
ing from disorders of the digestive organs are
speedily removed. We have no hesitation in
stating that, if these Bitters were freely used
among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might
be saved that otherwise will be lost.
We call the particular attention to the fol
lowing remarkable and well authenticate,
cure of one of the nation's heroes, whose life
to use his language, "has been saved by the
Bitters ;"
PHILADELPHIA, August 23d, 1862.
Messrs. Jones tr liveans.—Well, gentleman,
your Hoolland's German Bitters have saved my
life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouch
ed for by numbers of my comrades, some of
whose names are appended, and who are fully
cognizant of all the circumstances of my ease.
I am, and have been for the last four years,
a member of Sherman's celebrated battery,
and under the immediate command of Cap
tain R. B. Ayres. Through the exposure at
tendant upon my arduous duties, I was attack
ed in November last with inllamation of the
lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the
hospital. This was followed by great debility,
heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was
then removed from the White . House, - and
sent to this city on board the Steamer "Slate
of Maine," tram which I !andel on the 28th,
of June. Since that time I have been about
as low as any one could .and still retain a
spark of vitality. For a week or more I was
scarcely able to swallow anything , and if I did
a morsel down, it was
thrown up again.
I could not even keep a glass of water on
my.stomach. Life could not last under these
circumstances: and, accordingly, the physi
cians who had been working faithfully, though
unsuccessfully to rescue me from the grasp
of the dread Archer, frankly told me they
could do no more for me, and advised me to
see a clergyman, and to make such disposi
tion of my limitel funds us best suited me.—
An acquaintance who visited me at the hospi
tal, Mr. Frederick Steinbron, of Sixth below
Arch street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to
try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle.
From the time I commenced taking Diem the
gloomy shado of death receded, and lam
now, thank God for it, getting better. Tho'
I have taken but two botttes, I have gained
ten pounds, and I feel sanguine of being per
mitted to rejoin my wife and daughter, from
whom I baVe heard nothing for eighteen
months I for, gentlemen, I am a loyal Virgin
ian, from the vicinity of Front Royal. To
your invaluable Bitters I owe the certainty of
life which haa'taken the place of vague fears
—to your Bitters will I owe the glourious pri
vilege of again, clasping to my bosom those
who are dearest' to me in life.
Very truly youra, Isaaz DIA LONE.
We fully concur in the truth of the above
statement, as we had despaired of seeing our
comrade, Mr. Malone, restored to health.
John Cuddleback, lst•New York Battery.
George A. Ackley, Co. C., llth Maine.
Lewis Chevalier, 92d New York.
1. E. Spencer, Ist Artillery, Battery F.
J. B. Fasewell, Co. 13, 3d Vermont.
Henry B. Serome, Co. B. do.
Henry T. Macdonald, Co. C. 6th Maine.
John F. Ward, Co. E.-sth Maine.
Nathaniel B. Thomas, Co. F., 95th Penn.
John Jenkins, Co. B. 106th'Penn.
Beware of counterfeits ! See that the sig
nature of "C. M. Jackson," is on the wrapper
of each bottle. Price per bottle 7d cents, or
half dozen fur $4; 00.
nearest druggist not have the
article, do not be put oil by any of the intoxi
'Ming preparations that may tie offered in its
lace, but send to us, and we. will forward,
ccurely packed, by e.Xpreas.
Principal Office and Manufactory,
No. -631 ARCH STAP.ET.
(Successors to C. M. Jackson eic-Co ,)
101'• Fore e b ru g. Dealers iri
• r se. town ,
tI.Jt • . c ':l;iti aritt,::::iall
alubtptakittVatiulbauia *urn': Ptbuttb ta DZzfzts, yiterature, agritnlturt, alttus 1121 lt, ) {rtal flit.iligente,
die Niaritthan
a—pear; Papal& in alrbanit
OFFITT : CRTILL'S Row, Front Street, five
doors below Flury'a Hotel.
TERMS, One Dollar a Year, payable in ad
vance, and if subscriptions be not paid within
six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de
layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50
will be charged.
ADVERTISING RATES : One square (12
lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and
25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Pro
fessional and Business cal ds, of six lines orless
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading col
umns, fire cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, ritEE ; but for any
additional lines, five cents a line. -
A liberal deduction made to yearly and half
Yearly advertisers.
Having recentled added a large lot of new
Job and Card type, Cuts, Borders, to the
Job Office of "The Mariettian," which will
'insure the fine execution of all kinds.Of JOB &
C.ARD PRINTING, from ' the smallest
Carrto the largest Poster, at prices to suit .the
War times. .
Louisville Journalisms
Men and women, who feel compla
cently about all the thefts, robberies;
burnings, and murders, perpetrated by
John - Morgan's band, go into actual
spasms of rage and fury on account of
John's halfshaved head. We don't ap
prove the tonsorial operation upon the
big bandit's top-piece, but his friends
should remember that the whole Mor
gan has been •"half shaved" frequently
with his own full consent. For our
selves, we are a good deal more indig
nant at the robbery and assassination
of scores and hundreds of innocent peo
ple by Morgan and his men than we are
at the passing of a barber's mowing-ma
chine over one hemisphere of the head
of the rebel-leader whose brains have
for years been safely lodged in the head
of another man.
.Beauregard denounces the Greek fire
with which Gilmore's shells sent into
Charleston are charged, "as a most vil
lainous compound, unworthy civilized
nations." We have no doubt the peo
ple of Sodom thought the rain of brim
stone and fire.out of heaven, which con
sumed them in the iniquity of the city,
was a villainous compound, but the hand
of retribution was not stayed on that
A. lady who resents a paragraph of
ours about a wig for John Morgan en
closes us a lock of very pretty hair as a
contribution to a wig for ourself. We
don't want such an article at present,
dear girl, bat, as you seem to-be one of
the hair-pulling , sort, we expect, that, if
we, were to meet you, we should soon
need a wig, and get only abig scratch.
The rioters, who attacked the New
York Tribune office, were repulsed by
a stream of hot water from tbe Tribune's
boiler. If that hasn't made them cold
water men, nothing can. It was proba
bly quite as efficient as the discourse of
a cold-water lecturer haranguing from
the top of a pump.
A young rebel woman lately wrote to
us from Shelby that she had got up at
midnight to thrust our paper out of her
bedchamber. We wrote back that we
thought it likely she would have treated
us in the same manner. And she got
very mad at the imputation.
The Richmond Enquirer says that
"the neck of a true Southern man is
not ready for the collarr." It wouldn't
perhaps be a very important matter that
a rebel hasn't a collar for his neck if he
only had the rest of the shirt for his
It is stated that there is a Spanish
girl seventeen years old at Lyons,
France, who can lift a weight of 500
pounds with her hair. We have seen
many a young girl, who, having beauti:
ful hair, could draw a whole regiment'ot
men with it. -
The Vonfederate Government has
what it calls a treasury, building at Rich
mond. It has no more use for one than
a wooden-legged man has for .corn plas
ters, or John Morgan for comb and Hair
H a man were to go to sleep in one of
the very best of the rebel prisons and
wake up in one of the very worst of the
Federal ones, he, would probably begin
to shout under the impression that he
was in Heaven.
• ..... ...... . ......
The Southern people should take
every statement of their ~ newspapers
'with a grain of salt ;" but unfortunate
ly they haven't a grain of salt to take it
•We have just been through portions
of Tennessee recently held by the rebel
troops. The whole region is stripped.
It is as bare as John Merman's scalp.
For The Mariettiern :
BEFORE AND AFTER; or, Five Phases of
Married Life,
By Grantellus
"She stood beside the washtub,
' Her red hands in the suds,
And at her slip-shod feet there laid
A pile of dirty 'duds
Her husband stood beside her _
The crossest man alive,
The last was aged twenty-nine,
The first was twenty-five."
Before Augustus Leander Pliancy, and
Laura Amanda spasm, had been three
little months married, they begin to
realize, that in , starting- out to meet-the
bridegroom, they had taken no oil in
their lamps. • The very foundation of
the moral and 'social building They'in
tended to erect, was-conceived and laid
upon 'false principles and motives- of
action; and therefore, there was' little
hope• of a harmonious and en`during- su
perstructure. The hey-day - and the er
citement of the honey-moon had passed
or was passing—that honey- - moon: of
three little months, but which in an 'or
derly marriage , union, should last as long
as the present. and future life of the
married partners last—asd the butter
flies of society, that flutter , around: an
attractive centre for a brief period, were
one by o - ne, With faded colors,-and diniin:
ished attachments,-:Subsiding to their
common level, or creeping into the
nooks and crevices of society; either to
sink into oblivion, or be reanimated at
the return of another social spring. The
dread necessity now began to stare Mr.
Augustus in the face, "like an unman
nerly child," that, it became incumbent
upon him, not only to provide shoed, and
stockings, and stays, to perpetuate the
pretty feet and ankles, and .neat- waist
of Laura, but. that more"pressing still,
he would be compelled -to provide ttie
needful bread and other edibles to keep
these in motion. But not these alone;
for a house and household utensils must
be provided, and that too without delay,
as Laura—never too obedient to her
stepmother—had in three months con: ,
trived entirely to "wear out her wel
come," as well as the welcome' of 'her
lank and cigar-puffing husband. .Poor
Laura found, too, that in' order to re
tain even the semblance of the - affection
of her hasband—or as much of it as he
was capable of bestowing upon any ob
ject out of himself—she would be doom
ed to a life" of washing, and starching,
and ironing, and fixing up, a shabby.
wardrobe of dickies and cravats. Both.
Augustus and Laura—or rather Mr. and.
Mrs. Pliancy, in carrying out their ideas
of domestic .duty and economy, were
governed by the same principles of util
ity. The two very first articles towards
housekeeping which were purchased, and
which exhausted all their stock of funds
on hand, were a ten-dollar mirror and a
five-dollar caster. Here they could see
reflected the gods whom they had bees
unconsciously worshipping, and could
contemplate the vessels to hold the
seasoning of their ideal "fish, flesh and
fowl," without possessing a scale, a hair,
or a feather, of the real animals, nor yet
"the fat to fry 'em." But, they had
made a splurge, and it - furnished materi
al-to talk about, both to themselves and
their gossiping neighbors. But whilst
they neither of them possessed the neces- .
sary judgement to carry housekeeping
into successful and harmonious opera
tion, they each regarded themselves as
perfect, and mutually censured each
other, arid severely criticised each other's
acts. This led them both into opposite,
extremes ; and because they saw (al
though they would not acknowledge it)
that they had made an expenditure quite
beyond their circumstances, therefore,
as a 'retrenchment, the next outlay, in
addition to being injudicious as . to kind,
Was of such a quality, as to exclude them"
entirely from the classes of usefulness,.
or economy. Laura's imitation dam - ask
window , curtains, at a dime a yard,
turned fro'm a bright scarlet to a sickly
and garigreened hue, after two - weeks"
exposure to a vernal sun; and Angus- ,
tus' patent boot jack for two shillings,•
was, demolished at the second trial to,
draw, off an obstinate and closely-adher
ing hoof. The things most essential to
housekeeping, were finally contributed
by their parents, in order to get them
started in the world on their own ac
count,—now that they , had voluntarily
assumed the responsibility—and that
they might be relieved from 'a pair of
unprofitable and fastidious boarders. It
is very likely that they never would have
gotten their household affairs bra work* ,
lug condition, bad they not received this
opportune assistance ; and when the
thine. w " rmf ;n mation-1;17.
new machinery—it had not run long un- I
til there was a "flare-up" or a "breakl
down," caused by the absence of some
trifling, but absolutely necessary,,cog in
the, driving wheel. The first dish of
Soup which Mrs. Phancy served up, was
destitute of salt ; nor was there a spoon
in the house—save two tea.spoons—with"
which to eat it . ; and these were not suf
ficient to accommodate the seedy friend,
--additiOnal—who had called in to as
sist them in the discuision of their
chowder: . Perhaps their greatestmis
take—a mistake, by-the-by, that is made
by many of the inexperiened in the
world—a mistake to which reflects a
very Selfish aspect of the human heart—
was in the fact that in all their utensils,
they selected them only with a view to
their accommodation of Iwo: The con.
sequender was, as their family of-children
increased, things all be'camd too"
and they were compelled to suffer the
inconvenience, dr levy a "contribution
upon- the patience and accommodating
spirit of their neighbors, by borrowing:
About the first purchase of Mr: Pliancy,
for•the culinary department. was, a hitge
snapping turtle; A l an ,enormous price;
when they ,ye,t had not a, single instru
ment to kill it, jinra vessel in which to
cook it, and, lacked the very "staff of
life.". But this, became -a common oc
currence with Augustus ;•for he would
often bring home a - box of cigars, to, find
his family' witheut bread'; or a new-fash
iOned dickey. and cravat, when he had
not a whole shirt, or when the tattered
ends of that nether garment saluted the
open 'day, throtigh the fractured seat of
a pair of seedy breaches. 'Laura fora
time was equally inappropriate in her
contributions to the household and her
self, whether it,was something-4o eat or
something_ to. wear-,but through necesl
sity she became -mare ,practical, and a&
quired a knowledge of :domestic duties
much more expeditiously than her ease=
loving, husband. She became, however,
careleas about. lier neat foot and ankle,;
and her beautiful waist, from neglect
and other manses, lost much of its former
61enderness. This told sadly upon her
husbarid, for he found that his ideal of
female 'excellence and loveliness, was
departing from her whom he romanti
cally magnified as the goddess of his
prospective household. lt may well be
imagined that such a wedded pair could
have very little happiness,—very little
of the real delight that inures to an or
derly and judicous marriage. Their
thoughts, "their minds, and affections,
were centred in things too trivial and,
sensuous, to react inanyof these peace
ful and beatific emotions, that are the
reward of a conscious well-meaning and
well doing. Mr. and Mrs. Phancy be
fore they 'had been married six months,
discovered that they had no real love
for each other;,and what retarded the
culture of affection, or placed its culture
beyond their pre.sent power, was, that
they elerislied a supreme love for them
selves ; and what was not concentrated
individually in themselves,,,was devoted
to the world. True, Mr. Pliancy did
not become. quite a "loafer," nor yet did.
Mrs. Pliancy become quite a "slattern ;"
but there were strong tendencies in that
direction on the part of both of them,
which were in a measure curbed, by their
early imbibed poetical and romantic
ideas of married life.
Time wore on, and as each cycle of a
brace of years returned, a "little strang
er" was added .to the household of the.
Phallus. These little Phanceys acted
as an intermediate betweeti, what was
fast becoming two parental extremes,
constituting a sort of family
Every additional little Phancy was re
garded by the parents, rather as 'a curse
than as a blessing, and yet they were in
reality blessing's ; because,laut for these,
there would not have been a single bond
of union betweeifthetn, "It often seems
sig,g,u'ar indeed, that children so rapidly
multiply under 'circumstances the Most
unfavorable,—to our finite apprehen
sions—and_ in places tbe most unwel
come ; whilst many others are yearning
for them„and seem, to be 'situated so as
to be enabled, to 'contribute amply to
their moral, their intellectual, a:nd the t ir
physical Wants ;'and yet such ,persons
are often not blessed With their presence;
Mr. and Mrs, Phancy did not really
want any children, because it interfered
with the romance of their contemplated
establishment. Children and their lit
tle wants- sadly interfered with M.
Pliancy's cigar boxhis dickies and
cravats ; and with his wife's neat waist,
and ankles, and feet ; and - therefore they
were-at first ratlierlooked iipqn as lit:
tle unwelcome intruders.; until:EPpnreil
al affection for them . was cultivated-and
developed in time._But their advent
entailed upon their mother a, world of
labor, and.kept her constantly on the
trot, in washing, • and
,scrubbing, and
making, and mending, and keeping them
out of mischief, Mr. Augustus Leander
Pliancy, also,,througlr a necessity.which
he could not evade or shirk, was-com
pelled to labor, and to labor hard to
sustain himself and family ; and this la
bor seemed all the harder,- because he
had not mentallyor physically made any
previous provision for it. Ills ideas of
a poetical and romantic life—no more
than his wife's—did not embrace work
in the catalogue of its pleasures, and
therefore the labor they now felt• them
selves compelled, to perform, was met
and endured unwillingly, and with a
frown or a mil. Even with their hard
earnings,, and with 'little or no, affection
. between them, they contrived to, keep
up ~a sort of, . appearance that they were
happy and thrifty, anti had a little circle
of friends with whom they exchanged
visits. That is,—,Mrs. Pliancy could
claim a half day, or a whole day, now
and then, in which to entertain a visitor
or two ; and Augustus .could , give an
evening,,but,wo betide the stranger that
came to the house suddenly, in an unap
pointed hour, for things were sure to bp
found in an "awful plight.". This state
of, things need not have been so,.e.venin
people of their circumstances, had they
made an attempt to govern their domes
tic affairs with something like a system
of order. "Eat, the great bane of their
househOld was, that when they ought to
have been actively employed, they were
engaged in gossip or in -idleness—or
what was nearly as fatal to their,orderly
progress—in reading some trashy tale
of romance. Therefore, when .a friend
called, upon thern,at a proper hour, they
were usually found in the "suds and the
sulks r ", or in some Occupation Condi
tion out of time and place ;_and such
visits, instead of 'being welcomed as
cheerful and instructive re-uaions, were
contemplated and met .as, a sort of ..a
social terror. Not that Mr. and Mrs.
Pliancy had no love or desire for
company—far from it—but that they,
desired their company to call at sun
time as would suit their own conveni
ence, when it was notorious throughout
the whole village of Catgut, that theii
convenience always ran athwart the or
dinary duties and labors of all, in their
own circumstances, by whom they were
surrounded. Neither Mr. nor Mrs.
Phancy possessed that decision ofchar
acter so necessary in having times and
places for things, and keeping them
selves true to those times and places.:--
If an obstrnsive neighbor "popped in''
on them, at an improper time and for a
trivial and improper purpose, they bad
not the address; nor yet the necessary
courage, to exhibit frankly, that as soon
as they could claim an immunity from
their present and immediate obligations,
they would be happy to entertain - them ;
but on the contrary, their individuality
seemed to be entirely abserbed by their
visitors.; every necessary household op
eratiOn being far the time suspended,
and they themselves as powerless as 'a
fretful bird under the charms of a snake.
And although they at the bottom of
their hearts may have wished such visits
and such .visitors at the bottom .of the
ocean, yet.they at the same time put on
the semblance of affability, and, would
even make something of an effort to
impress upon the minds of their visitors.
that they were happy -to see them, and
consequently,that they should net be in
a hurry, but make themselves at home.
But if they suffered these things from,
their impractical ideas of domestic life,
they were also constantly inflicting their
own visits upon their neighbors at times
as inappropriate to them.;, so that their
romantic and poetic aspirations before
marriage, bred notbing but an'acrid aid
corroded hearted fruit in their &wrestle,-
relations aftfrNards.
If any unlooked-for . contingency, of
the simplest and most trivial nature;
happened or arose in the family-of M.r.,
and Mrs. Phancy—and where there are,
a number of-children that have rapidly
ea.cli other on this
sphere, there will always be contingen
cies more or, Jess serious,—they never
had the presence of mind to meet .and
provide for any of them--not the very
least and simplest of them. Habitually
indulging ikthe .morbid fannies , "of -tire
merely rornantic,,er -what in their, e,sti„
'nation passed,egrrent for romance i they
accordiegly. eschewed or repudiated
everything of wreally practical and 1180-1
ful nature ; and hence, when there was
a sudden nec,esslty for any-of thqelittle
knowledges and demesi,iereseerces
in the capacity of the most ordinary, of
their associates, they found themselves
VOL. 10.--. NO. 8.
entirely lacking, and dependent upon the
charlatantism of any imposter who might
feel disposed to practice upon their ig
norance and credulity, If one of their
children accidentally received a slight
contusion, or cut its finger, or burnt its
foot----andeit seemed as, if some
,of their
. ,
children were al constantly suffer
.- ,
ing in this way—in their first alarm they
never knew what ought to, be done; and
when they - at last ;recovered from their
first terror, the nett,'filiug done was in
visiting its nether region with tbe bot 7
tom of a slip Per, or "a hither and thither
boxing of the ears, instead of a haulage
and affectionate ministration to its dis
tressed or painful coriditidn. It may
well be conceived that this habit of 'the
parents rendered the children careleas
of each other's wants and feelings', if
they did not, b way ,of a s sort of retalia
tion, fnfiipt', pains, and penalties upon
each other upon every, slight. occasion.
The more their familypincreased in pups
bere, thempre extensivelx_thip . sork l ef
conduct among them ,prevailed • for, the
presence of childrenthe i fataily being
living ideidentals that had,neyepentered
into, their romantic programme of life,
they treated them praetleally,aaintruders
the greater part of the, time, ,whatever
feelings, of affectioafrliey.,may i have cater
tamped for, them„:when the etilLsmall
voice of conscience could OfentiveLn-r
In accordance with the maxim that
"like master like man,' . ' also i the
dreri were melancholly, fretful
moody,and manifested a disposition for
such things only as ministered to their
own individual gratifications,---whicb
happened also of a merely roman
tic and impractical' character.. Mr—and
Mrs. Phancy. had bisthief: them. een
taught, theoretically, An their. youthful
days, that there t was a, Ood; , "in. whorls
welive and ruov,e andlhave :our beings'.'
and that his general andrpArtionlar Oro=
vidence inelnded la created. beings -4.;
that not a sparrow could fall without
his knowledge, and that the :very ,hairs
upon their heads were all numbered,—
This they learned by Jote, and'lmaily
other thinga-ef, like, nature, from , their
catechisms_ and. other books-; hist, like
the tens of thoneands,of others who have
been bred and, brought up under the
gospel, it was only theoretical.:, They
never made any attempt to 'reduce any
of this knowledge to practice in their
daily life, and therefore -in the most im
portant relation connecteed with the
destinies of mankind, they permitted
themselves to be led by a sort of in
stinct or a blind impulse, without at all
considering the practicability of - what
they were about doing',' - or whether they
had rightly considered all its weigthy
responsibilities. ' But 'they even 'now
did not turn a single thought in that
direction. They did not 'pray for,-nor
practice mutual forhearance ; but on the
contrary, were conetantly, when alone,
spiteful, censorious,. mid recriminating;
but in the presence cif others they were'
mutually hypocritical.,... This , was. the
only affection in which they , werisassiin-
Hated, and that was an evil one. .cane,
day of their life was a picture of !lie .
whole, or'nearry so, for there was :little.
variety in it. Mrs. Phaticy y was needy
all the time in the wash, or the .scrub,
or weeding in the garden, or performing
some other drudgery long aftr.tite pve-,
ning or noonday Weal sfieuld have been:
served up; whilst A2r. Pliancy would
grumly wait; hie frown Sternly fixed up
on his quarreling and fretful
which only could-rbe, kept in subjection
by his presence. Sontetirnee;'! as-9 a
sharpener of his appetite; ,he was or
derail to split a obillet'! of Woad. 'undei
a penalty of going to his work, ,or his
bed, either dinnerless or supperlests. Ate
last when u :
heavy wash was over„ ! . , • • 2
The clothes hung out to dry,
And Tom had•stuek•his { t ig er iri
The little baby's eye; • •• ,
The boy was "spanked," a supper made
Upon a crust of lircad,
And then the bride and bildegfooni „
Went grumbAng off. to '? •
Cr A geyntleinan riding .througp,Sy
denhain Bassin board with ,"Ibis,O,9ttaze
for Sail" painted On it. ,As.ho Tm
ways ready for_a pleasantj9ke,.und, see
lug: a woman in front of the" house, he
stopped and asked ?het% Wiry
"when the cottage ma's tb ' "-glatit
as soon as,the man. domes who catrraiie
the wind,".was
,111-ir Ur. clergyman, beint . 're
cently absent from liome, his. soil,: of
four years, was asked to pronouncs the
blessirig: '`.N'o," 'replied,.."l — ddift
like the look's '`Of their! titers !"
INF hiod'etly in woman is like,.colox
on her Cheek—decidedly bewails& if
not put on.