The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 12, 1863, Image 1

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Nat Illtotair
1 Highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract.
WI LL effectually cure Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, chronic or nervous
Debility, diseases of the Kidneys, and bad di
eases arising from a disordered Liver or Stom
ach. Such as Constipation, inward Piles, lul
ness or blood to the bead, acidity of the Stom
ach, Nausea', Heartburn, disgust for food, iul
ness or weight in the stomach, sour Eructations,
sinking or fluttering at the pit of the Stomach,
swimming of the Head, hurried and difficult
Breathing, fluttering at the Heart, choking or
suffocating sensations when in a lying posture,
dimness of Vision, dots or webs before the
Sight, fever si.d dull pain in the Head, defi
ciency of Perspiration, yellowness of the Skin
arid Eyes pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs,
Sic., sudden flushes of Heat, burning in the
Flesh, constant imaginings of Evil, and grief,
depression of Spirits. And will positively
prevent Yellow Fever, Billions Fever &c.—
They contain no Alchobol or bad Whisky.—
They WILL CURE the above diseases in ninety
aloe cases Out of a hundred.
The proprietors have thousands of letters
front the most eminent Clergymen, Lawyers,
Physicians, and Citizens, testifying of their
own persmal knowledge. to the beneficial ef
fects and medical virtues of these Bitters.
Do you want something to strengthen you 1
Do you want a good tippet te ? Do you want
to build up your constitution ? Do you want
to feel well t Do you want to get rid of Ner
vousness? Do you want energy? Do you
want to sleep well? Do you want a brisk and
vigorous feeling? If you do, use IloovLati D's
German Dittos.
Preparations sold under the name of Bitters,
put up in quart.bottles, compounded t-f the
cheapest Whisky or common ruin, costing from
20 to 40 rents per gallon, the taste disguised by
Anise or Coriander Seed.
This class of Bitters has caused and willcon
imue to cause, as long as they can be sold,
hundreds to the the death of the drunkard.—
By their use the system is kept continually
under the induence of alch, slimulants of
tne worst kind, the desiie for liquor is created
rind kept up, and the teach is all the horrors
attendant upon a drunkard's life and death.
For those who desire and will have a Liquor
Bitters, we publish the following receipt Get
sue bottle of iloufland's Bitters and mix with
three quarts of good brandy or whisky, and
the result will be a preparation that will far
excel in medicinal virtues soil into excellence
any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the
market, and will cost Intuit less. You will
have all the virtues of tioi,tlari's 13itter, in
connection with a good article of liquor, at a
much less price than these inferior prepara
tions ,will cost you.
ATT/Ulimicirr buLoirms! We call the atten
tion °fail having N.. 11.64,118 or friends in the
army to the fact that "Midland's German
bitters" will cure nine-tenths of the diseases
induced by eirpiniurce and privatio:is incident
is camp life. In the lirL., published almost
daily in the newspapers, or, the arrival of the
eick, it will be noticed that a Very iarg - e pt.u
portion are suffering' from debility. Every
case of that kind can be readily cured bj
flooliand's Geffnan Bizters. Drseitaes reellit
ir,K from dianr,lers of the digestive organs are
speedily removed. We bee nu lie:oration in
stating that ; if these Bitters were freely Used
•mono; our ioidtera, hundreds of lives might
be saved that otherwise will be lost.
We call the purticoinv alb:Talon to the ful
lowing mutt:l:l4le and well atithehticate,
cum , of one of the nation'g heroes, wilose itl
to use his language, "has been saved by the
Bitte' :"
PRILADELPHIA, August Pal s 1813'2.
Messrs. Jones a. Eteans.—W 01, gentleman,
your Hoofland's German Bittetts have saved my
life. There is no Mistake in this. It is vein:ti
ed for by numbers of my coatrades, some ut
whose names ate appended, and who are fully
cognizant of all the circumstances ot my case.
/ am, and have been for the last four years,
a member of Sherman's celebrated battery,
and under the irriniediate command of Cap
tain R. 11. Ayres. Through the exposure at
terdant upo l piimY arduous duties, I was attack
ed in NoverTaber last with indentation of tee
lungs, and Was for seventy-two days in the
hospital. This tVas followed by great debility,
heightened by an attack of dysetitery. 1 was
then featured from the White House, and
seat to this alloy on .board the steamer "state
of Maine," Spam welch 1 landeJ oh the 28th,
of June. :hide that tune 1 have been about
as low as any one could and still retain a
spatk of vitality. For a wtek ur MOM - I was
scarcely able to swallow anything, and if I du/
force a morsel down, it was uninediateiy
thrown up again.
/ could nut even keep a glass•of water on
my stureach. Life could not last under these
circumstances: and, accordingly, tne [Myst
clans who had been working faithfully, though
unseecesefully to rescue me from the grasp
of tie dread Archer, frankly told n.e they
could do no more fur me, and advised me to
see a clergyman, and to make such disposi
tiun of my limite I funds as best suited me.—
Alt acquaintance who visited tue at the hospi
tal, Mr. Frederick Steinoron, of Sixth betew
Arch street, advised me, as is forlorn hope, to
try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle.
From the time I commenced taking Mein the
gloomy shadow of death reeetted; and I am
now, thank Gud for it, getting beiter. The'
I have taken but twu nettles, I have gained
ten pounds, and I feel sanguine of being per
mitted to rejoin to - wife and daughter, from
Whom I have heard nothing for eighteen
months: for, gentlemen, I am a hiyal
from the vicinity of Front ltoyal. To
your invaluable Bitters I owe the ceitainty of
life which has taken the place of vague fears
—to - your hitters will I owe the glourious pri
vilege of again clasping to my bosom those
who are dearest to the in life.
Very 1 ruly yours, ISAAC MALONE.
We fully concur in the truth of tne above
utatemeut, as we had despaired of seeing our
comrade, Mr. Malone, restored to health.
Cuddlebaek, lut New York Battery.
George A. Act.ley, Co. C., 11th Maine.
Lewis Chevalier, 921 New York.
I. E. spencer, let Artillery, Battery F.
J. B. Farewell, Co. 13, 3d Vermont.
Henry B. Serome, Co. B. do.
Henry T. Macdonald, Co:C. 6th Maine.
John F. 'Ward, Co. E. sth Maine.
Nathaniel H. Thomas, Co. F., 96th Pedn.
John Jenkins, Co. B. 106th Penn.
Beware of 'counterfeits ! See that the sig
nature of "CL M. Jackson," is - or, the wrapper
of each bottle. Price per bottle 75 cents, or
half dozen for *4 00.
Should your nearest druggist not have the
article, do not be put off by Ito , of the intoxi
cating preparations that may be offered in its
place, but send to us; and we will forward,
securely packed, by ex,,ress.
Principal Olice andalanufactory,
No. tin ARCH Srar:Er.
(Summon to C. M. Jackson & Cu,)
Proprx , tors.
Fel r sale by•Druggista and Dealers in
m'ilr'S *lwo thr Lroitrii Stem.
liti.k4.Tit - T . ian
(jukprobtot VtonsiOrailia cturnal gitimo to volitits, yittratort, fl riculturt, lidos of file Notal (4lltttliort, c.
it be Rtaritttian
Out 3 oUI tt fr-taT ; Pagatlt in abbantt
Centc's Row, Front Street, five
OFFIC'E: S doors below Flury's Hotel.
Txnms, o.le Dollar a rear, payable in ad
vance, and if subscriptiors he not paid within
six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de
layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50
will be charged.
lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and
25 cents fcr each subsequent insertion. Pro-,
fessional and Business cal ds, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Noticos in the reading coi
n tans. fire cents a-line. I\ larriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, FREE; but for any
Additional lines, five cents a line.
A liberal deduction made to yearly and half
yearly advertisers.
Having recentled added a large lot of new
Job and Lard type, Cuts, Borders, &c., to the
Job Office of The Mariettian," which will
insure the fine execution of all kinds of Jon
CARD PRINTING, fIGIn the smallest
Card to the largest Poster, at prices to suit the.
War times.
"Dear Charlie," breathed a soldier,
l"Oh ! comrade, true and tried,
Who, in the heat of battle,
Pressed closely to my side;
I feel that I am stricken,
My life is ebbing fast,
I lain would have you with me,
Dear Charlie, till the last.
"It seems so sudden, Charlie,
To think to-morrow's sun
Will look upon me lifeless,
And I not twenty-one !
I little dreamed this morning,
'Twould bring my last campaign—
God's ways are not as our ways,
And I will not complain.
"There's one at home, dear Charlie,
Will mourn for me when dead,
Whose heart—it is a mother's—
Can scarce be comforted.
You'll write and tell her, Charlie, •
With my dear love, that I
Fought bravely as a soldier should,
And died as he should die.
"And there's another, Charlie,
(His voice became more low),
When thought of her come o'er me,
It makes it hard to go.
This locket in !fly bosoM,
She gave me just before
I left my little village,
For the fearful scenes of war.
"Cive her this message, Charlie,
Sent with my dying breath,
To her an to my banner,
I'm faithful unto death.
And if, in that fur country
Which I am going to,
Our earthly ties may enter,
I'll there my love renew.
"Come nearer, closer, Charlie,
My head I Liu would rest,
It must he for the last time,
Upon your faithful breast.
Dear friend, I cannot te,l you
How in my heart -I feel
The depth o' your devotion,
Your friendship strong as steel
"We've watched and camped together
In sunshine and in rain,
We've shared the toils and perils
01 more than one campaign—
And when my tired feet faltered
Beneath the noontide heat,
Your words sustained my courage,
Gave new strength'to my feet.
"And once—'twas at Antietam—
Pressed hard by thronging foes,
I almost sank exhausted
Beneath their cruel blows,
When you, dear ftieno, undaunted
With headlong courage threw
Your heart into the contest,
And safely brought me through.
"My words are weak, dear Charlie,
My breath is growing scant ;
Your hand upon my heart—there,
Can you not hear me pant?
Your thoughts, I I , now, will wander
Sometimes to where l lie—
How dark it grows! True comrade
And faithful friend, good bye!
A moment, and he lay there
A statue pale and calm,
Ills youthful head reclining
Upon his comrade's arm.
His limbs upon the greensward
Were stretched in careless grace,
And by the fitful moon was seen
A smile upon his face.
said a skeptical collegign to an old Qua
ker, "I suppose you are one of those
fanatics who believe the Bible I" Said
the old man, "I do believe the Bible.—
Do you believe it ?" "No ; I can have
no proof. of its truth." "Then," inquired
the oilinan, "does thee believe in
FraneigY"4i-11‘yes ; for although I have
not - seen.' I have seen others who
have. Besides, there is plenty of cor
roborative proof that such a country
does exist." "Then thee will not be
lieve anything thee or others has not
seen ?" "No." "Did thee ever see thy
own brains ?" "No." "Ever see a man
who did see them ?" "No." "Does
thee believe thee has any ?" This last"
question put an end to the discussion.
For The Mariettian.
BEFORE AND - AFTER;_ or, Five Phases of
Married Life,
By Grant*.llus
"But since my wife is married
She's very lazy grOwn,
She rings the bell in my earl,
All with a hellish tone ;
With her tattling and her prattling
From Louse to house she'll go,
And anything she'd rather do
Than spin her pound of tow."
The wedding of Ephraim Scraps and
Sally Scrapings passed off, as all Pucl3
occasions will pass off, if you give them
time ; and it might also have been
crowned with as much happiness as
usually falls to the lot of men and women;
who make all the important events of
life a mere lottery, had they gone to
work with a will, intent upon the dis.
charge of their respective duties to the
best of their abilities. But the sequel
will demonstrate that this was. no part
if the programme of life which they had
tech marked out for themselves. Be
lore the period, universally regarded as
the "honey-moon," had expired, Ephraim
and Sally had quietly settled down to
their accustomed level and bad careful.
ly stowed away all their best "duds,"
with a secret determination! that; for
such an inexcusable extravagance, they
should last them for along time; and
accordingly they made their appearance
in seedy and dilapidated garments, and
esteemed each other as the "old man"
and the "old woman," before their years
had numbered a quarter of a century.
'Phis sort of retrencli,ent and economy
would have been jaudible,,had it been
adopted from the right motives—had it
been resorted to as'a means to husband'
their resources for the - pUrpose of pro
vidioga comfortable holm; and meeting
and discharging in a creditable mariner'
the various obligation's iimposedupon ,
them as the reaponsible heads, of a fami 2
ly. But that was no part of their:ob
ject—indeed when the mutual deception
which both had practiced in regard to
their financial condition, became known
to each other, they seemed to have no
fixed object of life, and went forward—
er perhaps, more properly speaking,
backward —io that shiftless, thriftless
manner, which characterizes so many of
the marriages of this nether world.—
There is perhaps no conduct oa the part
of those who enter the marriage cove=
nano, that is more detrimentral to the
happiness of the parties when the dis
covery is made, as that of mutual decep-,
Lion—oven in the smallest thing, wheth
er it be relating to the age; parentage,
or other circumstances of one or both of
the parties. if a man or •woman has
knowingly anything belonging to his or
her constitution or character, the future
development of whidh would-belikely to
work an alienation of affection or es
teem, neither party ought to heedlessly
subject themselves to such a contingen
cy, by practicing deception, for a single
moment. If a man knew that his wife
was the mother of an 'illegitimate" be
fore he married her, he might truly
sympathize with her in her misfortune,
and still esteem and love her to the end
of his days ; but, if he discovered five,
ten, or twenty years later iu life, that he
hail all this while been the victim of
deception, his confidence and esteem for
his wife must necessarily receive a con
vulsive shock, if it would not be entire.
ly destroyed.
This was now the unhappy condition
of Mr. and Mrs. Scraps. Their "little
all" had been expended , in getting up a
tawdry wedding party, where as a quiet
and retired ceremony upon principles of
economy, would have suited their condi
tion better. When Ephraim discovered
that Sally had lavished all her solid
earnings in her wedding paraphranalia,
he felt that he had only gotten scrapings
for his pains, and Sally on the other
hand discovered that she had, instead
of a rich husband; only exchanged scra
pings for scraps, and reither of the
parties were slow =in intimating to the:
other, in no choice phraseology, the
state of their sentiments upon that sub
jest. Ephraim bad calculated , when he
got Sally for a wife, that as usual, she
would make a regular work-house of
herseif, just becanse she loved to , work,
and therefore leave little'or nothing for
him to do ; and he might enjoy himself
in attending, at most, to a little eight
by-ten tobacco-patch,skr a small iv-ater
melon-patch; -but mainly in: hunting,
worms and fishing.;-or "bobbing for eels"-
in their season ;' watching the 'fishbasketa in the falls 'acting as clerk at
raffling matches and, elnieiing r matdhil
in the winter; and engaging lOstfing..'
ioccupations in general; onlyrreturning,
to hie domicile when he was hungry or
sleepy, to be regaled and refreshed.—
But Sally had made a set of calculation's
that conflicted a little with those of
Ephraim; for a life of bard labor to
support a loafing husband constituted
no part of her intentions. A little knit
ting job,—that was pet baps never to be
finished—and a bey bundle of gossip—
that, was equally as inexhaustible--and
neighborly visiting throughout the en
tire " Hollow" and the " Goes," was
Sally's ideal of married life, after she
bad gotten such a well-to-do •man as
Ephraim for a husband. Ephraim and
Sally being legally man and wife, they,
out of necessity, hired a little rude cot
tage or cabin, and commenced house
keeping, commensurate with, their future
prospects, more than with their present
means—a dilapidated and dingy building
it was, and it remained• so as long as
they occupied it.
It was not long before the sensibilities
of the good people of'-Possum-Hollow
and Coffee-Goss were shocked, at the
studied indifference of Mr. and Mre.
Scraps, nor was-it long before they were
arrayed in sympathy or prejudice for or
against one or the - other of these here
tofore seemingly proper people. A few
of the more knowing ones indulged in-a
chuckling, "Didn't I tell you it would be,
so ?" to which others also, with ' mock'
penetration responded, "And didn't I
tell you too ?" In the meantitne 'Eph
raim and Sally came to the conclusion
that their fortunes were now irrevocably
made•HAXed; and t berefo re ' l . theriii: was
now no nits
. in 'making any'other effort
then that : dictated by impulse of 'the
moment, cind that impulse,' more or less
the result'of necessity. - They - seemed,
at least, to be determined'to comMeiice
the life tbl'y had so longan'd"so ardeptly
'Cherished, no nuttier Whether theywOuld
be'able to crinitine it or' not. This was
a fatal and 'deplorable mistake--an in
finitely-greater Mistake'than, their: mar
riage ;'-'for,jhad they' ininiediately after
that event, Made a mutual acknoweledg
went of their errors, and entered into a
mutual pledge to make the beat of that
which could nut be undone, they might
have cu/tivated a happy condition, and *
have bad temporal prosperity.; whereas,
the course which they subsequently re
solved to pursue, or at least commence,
brought thickeniug disasters .and exas
perations at every step, and converted
their domestie relations into a vast sal
miguniiii, to feed the busy and malicious
gossips of the neighborhood,
In Ephraim's fishing, hunting—or
rather gunninj4arid shooting-atCh ex
peditious, he formed a large 'circle of
loafing associatioas, among whorl') he.
learned to smoke and chew tobacco, and :
drink whisky—nor were the qualities of
the articles he patronized of the choicest
kind ; and returning home to, his domi
cile saturated with the peculiar flavor of
these articles—to which be would there
add that of a raw onion or two before , he
retired for .the night--Sally would
come the more, vixenish and slovenly,
and, in self-defence more than from any
other cause, she learned to suitike, her
self. Not one i-iugle - household duty
that. Sally had been in the habit of per
forming befoie her marriage, did bhd
take any delight in now,—and this was
also the case with Ephraim—and had it
not beed that they both became invet
erate smokers, there would not have
been a single bOnd of Sympathy between
them. Of ceurse,as much labor as was
absolately necessary' to furnish the
means "to keep soul and body together,"
they were compelled to'perform, and did
perform ; but very little more—just suffi
cient; perhaps, to supply them with the
commonest-and rankest kind of tobacco,
and pipes to smoke it with.
Time wore. on, and Mr. and. Mrs.
Scraps became the, progenitors of a de
generate, yams of little Scraps ;, and
"Those raseelly, little Scraps,". were fa
miliarly, associated .with :all. that was
lazy, dissolute; and gop4-(or-nething, in
Possum-Hollowiatid Coffee-Goss.-I'here
was not one of them that had
.130 t met
:with some accident, jeopardizing life or
limb, befora' they• we're seven' years of
age, and the marks of which they car
ried to their geavee: ' Little "Ephe" had
his leg jainined.`ewiriging afienderoes
gate, tOo'near the post, which-Made him
lame for' life. "Tore" fell into ''a well
and broke his'back, which healed up in i
to an enormous "hunch.- was I
struck on Ake nose, by the coupling pole
of F 4 7ag9RAYAW.ricAtjugf tq , ll. B wl4g,ork
.behind,' oynr,.n piece . of,road,,: lipeo4ing,
said RlY§9.lg9Plo4gilklrPlltl/9fiitiMaPL,rai,.
o°o t i9P
,been,rugOerßO a„.p.rippio Mile /444 her
ha n d 01,1,91 p, rat,Zft.4l:lA9m§#l,-"ltio
rher lip torn by "`fowler"—a wortblivut,
car, that Ephraim Scraps insisted on
keeping about the house and feeding,
until his presence became dangerous to
the children, when Sally gave him his
quietus by the administration of a
wholesome dose of pounded glass and
kidney-fat. As the children reached,
respectively, their tenth or eleventh
year, they were sent out to theneigh
boribg farms to work, as long as' their
presence could be endured, - for even if
they had been able bodied they were
too saucy and self-willed to remain long
on-terms with any one. And yet, all
this while, ltd. and Mrs, Scraps, were
: either unable or unwilling, to see any
thing wrong in themselves, but were
constantly making loud and long com
:plaints to those of their neighbors, who
.had time end patience-to listen to them,
el3(Mt the short comings and the dere_ 1
lictions of each other. Sally had often
been adminished by her thrifty and in- i
-dustrious neighbors' wives, to commence
in good earnest to practice some of that
ind,nstry,aed tidyness which so well be
came.her before , her marriage, and that
by making her house the pleasantest.
and most interesting place in the com
munity, she might win Ephraim as a
constant and orderly inmate of it. She
-was moreover advised to wear her shoes
up behind and not go all the time "sl P,
•thotl"—to throw away the old clay or
corncob pipe and forego smoking—to
discard the dirty muslin - esp that stood
. .
.awry upon the top of her bead, and to 1
. . .
inaegarate . e more tidy arrangement of
personal attire, and of her houiehold
affairs, and 'all might yet go well with
A di
'them. . "As Ephraime was exhorted .
'to quit drinking "bad whitky," and keep
away from - country distilleries on. Sun
day,to mend his fences—cultivate his
. Potatci patCh more eltillfully, and to es
' heti 'gauging and fishing, and com
mence a life of frugal industry, and be
would tind , eeougb. , of , men who would ,
lend him fl .11 . 40 , ,a u ii ; hOphi nj : along
But it was all,preachingto the wind;
they, were: too stubborn to heed good
ad vice, and too illitetate- to, receive in
struction from-those client but efficient
Monitors that speak to mankind through
the pagee.or books. As the parents had
been, so the childrenbid fair to be; and
as they grew older and larger, if they
MIA any special desire, it was not to go
to school, but that they might get into
some situation, where they might have
'opportunities to "slink it," or get the
largest amount of wages for thesmajleSt
amount of labor. And when they fitially
reached the years of maturity, the .h I)
its, the examples, and the' partialities
and affectionelhat gave character to the
home of their parentage, in a great
measure characterised theirs—modified.
:perhaps so far as the controlling iollu
puce of their married partners could
.have an effect upon such things. •
This i 5 but one of the many thousand
of perverted marriages that take place
in the various circles of society in this
.world. It does not necessarily follow
that parties ought to be in affluence
to live together happily in a marriage
union, for health and happiness are
found as frequent and as unalloyed in an'
humble cottage, as in a gorgeous palace.
But-it is essential to- true and lasting
happiness that -the parties should be
void of all deception, and in perfect con
fidence reveal all their objectionable
points, as well as those that are appro.
vable. If this course in mutual reliance
is pursued, with a determivation to die-
Charge their respective duties, as man
and wife,—father and mother—in 'accor
danee with the solemn vows they have
takm—making mutual concessions for
all short comings and imperfections in
each other, there cannot be a doubt
about it, that God will bless such a
union, if his blessing is earnestly sought
in the various steps of their progress to
the alter. If any misguided
maiden or swain are building np-a false
superstructure upon a false foundation
in -relation to the__ marriage covenant
I let them "pause, ponder,
,and reflect"
before it is too late, lest all of their af
ter life he rendered dark and cheerless,
by the improprieties, the false princi
ples and the selfish affections Which they
indulged in, before, But even if
right thoUghts and principles have not
govorped the - parties in' consummating
l:e• marriage anion,. the very fact that
suCh'an - act can never fie undone,
leave the parties in the same iutact'po
sitiori they- w:ere in before its eonetimmi:
t Adopisciught•te - euggeet to - them that now,
As Ake-Almighty. had permitted it, the
t•elatioli..exieting . between• them-;ought 1
I neeer. to , die distuebed;•and thitt,'.thay- ,
! ought mutually. to ,, adt as they do in. all '
oCher pnalteeahld:ibip i tlngbilalee,
,Cliiii,!iii,:nsalie the! inbeic - ih4 koiii4
canlsfie i)tai iiiiiiiii? It. Urtiiiiiii
VOL. 10.--NO. G.
have not become fised in a stubborn .
and selfish desire to see each other out
of the woild, with a determination to
form another '•alliance matrimonial,"
and begin life anew,—witbout regard to
the most important part, that if com
menced anew the second addition ought
to be a:so improved,—then the tasiof
making the best of a bad bargain would
not necessarily be a difficult task.
Probably Mr. and Mrs. Sclera - saw
that they could hall- done much, had
they sincerely willed 1,, tt , :alloviate and
improve their moral and pecuniary con
dition, and by this means.; influence
their increasing family fu: . good. No.
doubt they had ma'y moments, or pos.
sibly hours and days, in their individual
experiences, when they, thought of ma.
king an effort to do better, but were
withheld from making mutual confessions
and concessions, by that demon of pride
that lurks in the breast of every unre
generate son of Adam, whether found in
a cottage or in;:a' palace—whether in
poverty or in affluence. Doubtless they .
may have also seen at times, that the
status of their children were only modi
fications of their own status, and that
however culpable they may have beets,
yet that their proolivities towards dish
order and wrong-doing were marked by
such -teps as too plainly exhibited to
them that they inherited, from their pa
rents these dispositions; and were there
fore not responsible for their actrl,
the same degree that they held' them;
when in moments of excitement they .
applied the punishment to "them.. htart:
tied people, no.matter how illiteratear
ignorant they may be, have nevertheless.
vouchsafed to them, through the various
experiences which attaches to theft'
condition in life, enough of that lumen,
which in a general sense has been vouch
safed to all conditions, to exhibit to
them all the dark shadows upon their
path, which have been cast there as the
reflections of their own dark intents and
purposes, and if they would avoid these
effects they must first correct or modify
the superinducing causes of them.
It cannot be po slob° that the equal
lid misery, the dissipation, and the infi
delity that is so often witnessed in
married life, is altogether unavoidable,
or that it is owing to,eitraneous dream._
stances alone: It would be a reflection
upon Deity, and a perversion of the (*ami
ties of thought and speech, to think and
say, that• men has no agency, pro nor con,
in he sum of evil now in, the world ; and
especially in that sum which seems to
attach to married life.. Had Mr. and
Mrs. Scraps been interrogated as to the
causes of their want of harmony, happi.
ness and prosperity in their marriage
relations, they would most probably
have given any other than the true
cauze ; and thiS, 'too, to the ends of
their lives. Not because they may have
been entirely ignoiant . otthe true cense,
but because they had so long been ae
costomed to criminate each other in the
matter, that they now felt that an open
acknowledgement on the part . of either
of them, would impose upon them a state
of humility and Christian forbearance,
that in the eyes of the world might seem
like a criminality which they could• not
think of lying under. They had never.
yet truly learned that the sinner must
first see and acknoWledge his sins—not
only in a general manner, but also spa.
cially and particularly—if he ever ex
pects to be absolved from them be
cause undefined.repentance is no repent
aUCC ; it is sslkexamination by detect
ing self-love ; self denial by weakening
its power, and self-gevernment by re
ducing its despotism, et' turns the
temper of the soul from it' natural bits*,
controls, the disorderly appetite, and
under the influence of Divine aid, re
stores to man that dominion over him
self which God at *first gave him over
the inferior - ereatares. If Mr. and Mrs.
Scraps could not see or understand this,
or if seeing and understanding it, they
had not the will to carry it out in their
own individual lives, they were perhaps
in the same situation that many others,
of higher moral and intellectual ettairt
ments than their,' are in. These desti:
tute moral conditions betting to refined
life as well as to'rustie life--only not in
the same kind and• degree perharri—but
wherever they are found they are the
sad consequences cif deritictions of duty
in the various phases of every-day life . ;
and in none more particularly and dors
sadly in all their consequences Upon fa
ture"gernitations, than in thbse 'Nebo hays
united their fate in this world, rtddeithi
bonds of a• marriage -covenant.,
When, we ,thrash • t,tas a_nemyfiy,
cavalry dash, they may be osil•te b.