The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 05, 1863, Image 1

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Not itltobolit
I Highly Concentrated Vegetable Bad.
-xi TI L L effectually cure Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, chronic or nervous
Debility, diseases of the Kidneys, and bad dis
eases arising from a disordered Liver or Stom
ach. Such as Constipation, inward Piles, lul
Imes Or blood to the head, acidity of the Stom
ach, Nausea, Heartburn, disgust for food, ful
ness or weight in the stomach, sour Eructations,
sinking or fluttering at the pit of Lie Stomach,
inttimming of the Head, hurried and difficult
Breathing, fluttering at the Heart, choking or
suffocating sensations when is a lying posture,
dimness of Vision. dots or webs before the
Sight, fever ai.d dull pain in the Head, defi
ciency of Perspiration, yellowness of the Skin
and Eyes pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs,
&c., sudden flushes of Hear, burning in the
Flesh, constant imaginings of Evil, and grief,
depression of Spirits. And will positively
prevent Yellow Fever, Billions Fever &c.—
They contain no Alehohol.or bad Whisky.—
They WILL CURE the above diseases in ninety
nine cases Out of a hundred.
The proprietors have thousands of letters
from the moat eminent Clergymen, Lawyeis,
Physicians, and Citizens, testifying of their
own pers,,nal knowledge. to the beneficial-ef
fects and medical virtues of these ilitters..
. Do you want something to strengthen You ?
Do you NI ant a gold tippet te? Do you want
to nu Dd up your constitution? Do yoll want
to feel well t Do you want to f get rid of Ner-
VOUSIMii P Do you wart energy? Do you
want to •leen well Do you want a brisk and
vigorous IS you do, use iIOOFLAN
Noricra—There are many
preparations sold tinder the name of Bitters,
put op in ;mitt bottles, compounded of the
eheapcst othisity common rum, costing from
20 to 4l` per gallon, the taste disguised by
Anise cet ele ritmetlr :Seed.
c Irmo ef ?litters has caused anti will con
fume to cause, as lung as they can be sold,
hundreds toc,.tte death of the drunkard.—
sti.lll is kept continually
under the in t'ilience t I sic inv Mille stimulants of
the •. , :,761 kiod The %kale i,t liquor is created
and :srptraid the ~salt is all the horrors
attendant c Ll:sun kto tile and death.
Fur •7 . 4 !. ; r. and will hare a Liquor
Bitters, se in foilots Mg; receipt tact
one butt'. at Ifociesters Bitters and mix with
three quarts of good Mandy or whisky; and
the 1.-Iq.P. v,;il iIC t, I,oepaietiori that will far
"xact alediCinni ii , 445,; hod true excellence
aa? .4 the no:ricottas Liquor Bitters in the
innrket . , and will ci.4l ninth less. YOU will
All the ;Blues Bonfland's hitters in
com,ection with a good article of liquor, at a
price than altjai inferior prepara
tieme cost ye
ATTENTLON .110..D11,1•V 1 We call the atten
tion of at) htivjtig .rLiuti.,ll,6 or friends in the
army to tie.: tact , floollanWs German
Bitters" will cure ri'ne-tentlis i•f the diseases
induced by errposures sad privations incident
ramp life, In the lists, published almost
daily in the newspapers, on ti,e arrival of the
sick, it will be noticed that a very large pro
portion are suffering from debility. Every
ease of that kind can at iendily cured by
oetland's Gelman hitters. Diseases result
tog proia disorders of the digestive organs are
speedily Rim - iced. We have no hesitation in
elating that, if these Bbtors were freely used
among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might
he saved that otherwise will he lint.
We call the, partic+iltir uttuition to the fol
lowing teinarkuble and well authentic:lite,
cure of one of the nation's heroes, w•aoso life
to lime his language, ,•'haa been saved by the
ltitleis :"
Put LA twttqii A, August 2.3d,'1612
.IitSSI S. Jones 4* !;roans . Well, gentleman,
your outland's German Litters have saved my
There is no mistake int his. It is vouch
.d fur be numbers of my CO,Oracle.i, some of
'IS Mice Lames are appended, alid Who are fully
cognizant of all the cireurnslatices ufmy case.
; um, and have been fur the last fotir years,
a member of :Amman's celebrated battery,
nod under the immediate command of Cap
tain it. 13. !VMS. Through the exposure at
zecdatitypun my arduous duties, I was attack
ed is Sovcrriber last with infloniation of the
lungs, and was for seventy two days in the
hospital. This was followed by peat debility,
heit:htened by an Attack of dyseutary. I was
then removed from the White Ilotese, and
sent to this city on board the _steamer "Suite
of Maine," from which I landel on the 28th,
uf June. Since that time I have been about
as low as, any one couid and still retain a
spat kut vitality. For a wick or more _I was
scarcely able to swallow anything, and if I did
force a mensal down, it was immediately
thrown up again.
I could not even keep a & A ss of water on
my stomach. ,Life could not last under these
riicumstauces: and, accordingly, the, physi
visas who had been working faithfully, though
unsuccessfully to rescue me from the grasp
of the dread Archer, frankly told me they
could do no more for me, and advised me to
see a c:ergymun, and to make such disposi
tion-or my limits I funds as best suited toe.—
AL acquaintance who visited me at the hospi
tal, Mr. Frederick Steinoron, of Sixth below
itch street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to
try your Bitter* and kindly procured a bottle.
From the time 1 commenced taking them the
gloomy shade of death receded, and lam
now, thank Uud for it, getting bettor. Tho'
I have taken, but two bottles, I hare gained
ten pouniis t. and,l feel sanguine of being per
mitted to rejoin my wife and daughtdr, horn
whom I have hears! nothing for eighteen
months: fu ;"gentlemen, l am a loyal 'Virgin
ian, from the vicinity of Front Royal. To
your invaluable Bitters I owe the cettainty of
life which has taken the place of ,vague fears
—to your Bitters will 1. owe the glourious pri
vilege of again clasping to my bosom those
Who are dearest to me in life.
Very truly yours, ISAAC MA LONE.
- - - -
We fully concur in the truth of the above
stateme. , t, as we had despaired of seeing our
comrade, Mr: Malone, restored to health.
.Lim Cuddlebock, Ist New York Battery.
t4eorge A. Acatey, Co. C., 11th Maine.
Lewis Chevalier, 92d New York.
I. E. Spencer, let Artillery, Battery F.
J. B. Fatiewell, Co. 8., 3d Vermont.
Henry B. Seronie, Co. B. do.
Henry T. Macdonald, Co. C. 6th Maine.
' John -F. Word : Co. E. fah Maine.
Nathaniel, B. Thomas, Co. F., both Penn.
Jahn Jankins, Ca. B. 106th Penn.
Beware of c.:mterfeits ! See that the sig
nature of "O. M. Jackson," is on the wrapper
of each bottle. Price per bottle 76 cents, or
half dozen for S 4 00.
Shculd your nearest druggist not have the
article, do not be oil try:try of the intoxi
elltiag ;ireparatious that may be offered in its
plus= tat send to us, and we will forward,
securely packed, by exeress.
P Opts and Manufactory, ,
No. 031 Amiss Szi r
(Succeesurs to C. M. Jackson & Co ,)
Proprt dors.
'0: tale by Druggfists and Dealers in
d t)/t
aluttepAent Vtuttsgibania Punta': githottv to. vditits, Xittraturt, Agriculture, Btirs f ti2t Patlll,)crtal lnttiligatt, it.
cht niaritttian
ant 3Dollar a-star; irr abbanu
orprrE: CariLL's Row, Front Street, five
doors below Flury's Hotel.
Teams, One Dollar a rear, pnyable,:in ad
vance, and if subscriptiors not, paid within
six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de
layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50
will be charged.
lines, or teas) 50 cents for the first insertion and
25 cents fur each subsequent insertion. Pro
fessional and Business cal ds, of six lines or less
at $3 per aanum. Notices in the reading col
umns, fire cents a-line. It larriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, FREE ; but for any
additional lines, five cents a line. -
A liberal deduction. made to yearly and half
yearly advertisers.
Having recentled added a large lot of new
Job and Lard type, Cuts, Borders, &c.,•to-the
Job Office of "The Mariettian," which will
insure the fine execution of all kinds of Jos &
CARD PRINTING, from the smallest
Card to the largest Poster, at prices to suit the
War times. .
Lines to all my Sympathetic—Frknds.
So lonely is it here tb - night
The whip-poor-wills hive left in fright,
The frogs themselves are fast asleep,.
With but one sentry, guard to 'keep, '
And he, to while the tedious hours,—
Kindly employs his . vocal powers.—
an old tree,,a love sick owl ,
In'misery, tries to hoot and howl,
A tree enact ering bows its head,
For sound is sick, and'echo dead!
Carla just started up to yelP;
fititgave it up for want of help
Poor Katy Did, who io a dream,
Forgot herself and " spilt the cream,"
In half Seared slitime, sits in her cell,—
For though she hears her rival tell,
o 101 l the inischiel - " Katy did,"
And how like Eve, she ran and hid, -
She dares not " Katy didn't'? cry,
Whilst " night's black wing" is in the sky.—
Don't think her nervous, for a cricket—
Refused to go abioad on picket
Musquitos only, (on my word,)
Are frilling to be:felt and heard.
The moon is darkened up to-night
He can't afford to burn a light,
For all the business levers do,—
His customers are very few,
go . ten miles slid ilot find out
A beau; who isn't "dutch as kraut !"
But hark ! " what music:-fills the-air?'" •
Why its a cow-bell I declare I . -
The song I cannot quite determine •
Even cow-bells ,jitigte„heA:Liaiginaan.!_,,,
" Music bath chat•ins "—the poet, tells--
Had he been tortured by caw:l4lla
Poor Ales. Selkirk. !—now I know •
Something at I.cast of all his woe!
f:'ront all below, I turn my eyes
l'o joys unclouded in the skies.—
But even the stars in pity stare
(Pity you know I cannot bear),
I'd rather they'd refuse to shine
Upon such lonelineSs as mine. .• •
"Lotto Wotro."
Auco,•r la, 1863.
Louisville • Journalism&
Mr Lincoln lately b.ppointed a day. of
Thanksgiving and Prayer, and Jeff.
Pads a day of Fasting and Prayer.—
The difficulty with Jell's people is that
they fast too much and pray too little.
We have cut the rebel Confederacy
in two, If itcan l:ve, we shall give full
credit to the story cf the dog said to
have been split longitudinally from nose
to tail by running against a scythe.
A Massachusetts paper calls Wendell
Phillips 'a limb of the Devil." We
shodid like to see one end of a rope
around that limb and the other around
the limb of a tree.
Jeff. Davis lately recommended that
his rebels should "bumble themselves
before God." Ay, and next they should
humble themselves before the majesty
of the U. S. Constitution.
If liumPlirey Marshall, when con
fronting Federal troops, wishes to ad :
vance a very great end, let him turn and
march on them backwards.
We ,judge from the rebel newspapers
that St. Paul's injunction to "die daily"
is misprinted in the Southern Confeder
acy's Bible `lie
The Richmond Inquirer says that the
rebels must reduce their expenses.-
- Yes, but we will reduce their cities and
forts for them.
Our neighbor of the Democrat moat
be afraid `Stanton . will take him. He
aim "Stanton will take..anything lying
around Wine."
It is to be hoped that Roseerans will
thrash the rebels oat of Tennessee be
foie they have time to thrash the wheat
in it.
Humphrey Marshall had better take
care or the Devil will get him,,and then
his fat will all be in the ire..
One would thinkthere must be , yeast
in the composition of greenbiekslitm
the way they are rising.
The rebellion's- . knees are a little
stf but ire geese they'll bend goon. ,
For The Mariettian.
BEFORE AND AFTER; or, Five Phases of
Married Life.
By Grantelhis
[A. Runic PrusE--13eforel
Ohm ray,wilfe was married,
She was a dainty, dame ;
She'd hoe potatoes; beahs and corn,
Make butter, cheese;:and cream;
She'd hoe potatoes, beans and corn ?
She'd milk her cowiand ewe";
And oiler all her work was done
She'd spin her pound of to'y."
There aro some few person's in the
world who have it reca'appreciation of
the' dignity 'An fteTa
just pricle in labor, independent of , its
emolument's—as much pride, no doubt,
as the youthful hero feels at the head 'of
a "forlorn hope ;" or as a young physi
cian feels at the success of his first
efforts in medical treatment ;
,or the
-young' attorney, in obtaining the first
favorable verdict" from a jury of his
countrymen ; but; by far the larger por
tion of mankind, only labor from neces
sity—La necessity,se/f-imposed, SOMEl
times, but, as atoll Coming from With
out. Indeed, if thosewlio are now la
boring in' this world would 'but "stop
for a period long enough toireflect upon
their motives` of action, it would' be
found that by far the larger portion 'of
them' are. laboring with.a reserved intent
of one' day retiring entirely from labor,
and passing the balance of tl`eir days
in "rural-indolence and healthful ease."
This is as largely the case among thOse
of humble condition, as among the-more
favoied of • the human -family—as ire
tiuefit among the intelligent as among
the illiterate 4, as 610.11 among the lus
tic as among the romantic or the- ra
tional. . more nielanchay still,
this secret
_intenV often looks to the
consummation of that eventfurperiod of
life in which .a twain ostensibly become
one, for a realizatlon of its cireamings,
and concentrates all its efforts and its
energies, and puts its "begt foot fore
most" in ultimating its thoughts and
affections there. Possibly the 'greatest
source of unhappiness in this world con
sists in the false, the mistaken, or the
merely selfish motives, which too often
characterize those who have united
themselves in a marriage union, or who
conteMplate such a union 'at a remoter
period_of life. And, although the canto
of the rustic song which cpostitutenge
introductory of this.chapter on - married
life, contemplates a Ivernany yet,the
lines are as? applicable -to.rc man;• for
the deceptions Practiced :before mar
riage, in order to accomplish unholy
ends, and advance the most . mercenary
interests, are as chargeable to
_the one
sex as to the,other—to man as ,to wo-
Ephraim Scraps and Sally,Screpings,
were just as self-sacrificing, a= couple of
industrious and economical individuals
as could be found in the entire length
and breadth of "Possum-Hollow" and
"Coffee-Goss." Indeed - they were re
garded, respectiiely; es the very divint
ties of those favored localiies ; end-un
sophisticated and frugal fathers' abri
thets pointed with pride to Ephraim
and Sally, as bright exatitplere'fortheir
children to follow. No one ever dream
ed that their economy was ofthat quali
ty that would "skin a flint stone fora
six-pence_ and spoil a knife_ worth a shil
ling," and therefore every body, accorded
to them riches, a reasonaye old age,
and retired ease in the evening of their
lives. They had no time, to, fritter
away at school, or in reading newspa
pers, or attending lectures, or in writing
to friends und relations, or in studying
music; or-in anything else belonging to
thelong , catalogne of accompliihments
acid aCqulremeats, that are deemed such
essential promoters of social life by many
in 'this' world. With theta, it was
"work —work —wOrk ; frold-weary, chime
to chime," and "work—work—work—as
prisoners work for :crime . ;" and to all
.external appearance they loved to work
for its sake alone. But netwlltikanding
all • these
,favorable appearatices, , theY
both had a little motive stored ap in a
corner of their minds, which had foi
object the deception of the unsuspecting
outer world.. EphioirdiSdraps and Sal
ly Beraplogsp from= an ill-timed:parsimo
ny.,) and • ill-directed energies i .:warked
twice as hard to , ,aecomplish•the same
amount:of laborase•others did ; andlrom
illiteracy and' corsh'quatit . - suspicion of
other people, were aliogetheliicadye
tent to tuid - th2lrdsaltil`:af their Tabor to
a good an pfatitiaei fie:actual and, iii
togetherigrorsa4,ol4l3 lei (Ail
each other,, thep looked;upenwich
:other rup.pipper entOedte tojoinisittirseis
in a:matiimotiet . alliance lot life., msl
, all Possum-Hollow .and Coffee-Goes,
rung approbation: of such a con.
summation. But they 'were deceiving
each other ; ; for, the long and short of
it was, that. Ephraim -saw that - ,all his
hard work did not get him forward any
farther than those who worked less and
cultivated tbeir intellects the more, and
this was precisely the case, also .with
Sally ; and so each, resolved to "put the
best foot foremost" iw continuing the
deception, until it ended in marriage_;
when the industry and frugality which
each suppoeed - the other posSesse4d—
from mere affection for leber-L*ctuld
compeniate for any lack 'of thole quali
ties, which might be resppetfvel3 , in
themselves: Ephraim and Sally had
-perhaps as`nencli real love forlabor and
fingality es falls to the common 'lot of
huManity, but their great' error lay in
the fact that they did not labor from the
right motives or ends ;'th'eir chief aim
being to create an impi-ession'that their
affections we're iirlabor; and' that' they
did it from alove of use, and in.order
that they might acconiodate others at
the , same time that they were earning a
livelihood for themselves ; whereas,
their main otlject was to deceive..the
c.ommuloity and thomselves—or rather
each other—until the one should be
united to an industrious and seltsacrifi-
ring wife, and the other to a husband
possessing the same qualities ; when
each, respectively, counted upon taking
their ease' for the rest of their, lives ;
for, Ephraim thought that surely such
industry asSally's, must bring a "pile"
with it, and also increase that pile ; and
this was precisely the same thought of
Sally in reference to "Ephe." "That's
a hard-Working boy,,,and deserves a good,
bard-working wife, and some day he'll
get such a one, depend upon it ; and
then it won.'t be leng before they'll own
one of the best farms in Possum-Hollow
or-Coffee-Goss," was in the months of
every body; except those most intimate
ly acquainted with Ephraim, - who imag-'
Aped that he was a little "slinking" in
his work ; or at least that in fussing: to
get forward, he was all the time slip
ping, a little backward. Still, "Ephe"
Scraps was always •!at it," lute and
_early; although for the matter of that,
he need not have been so late or so ear
ly either, had he had sufficient fore
thought or prudence to "have a place
for everything and everything in its
place ;" or have gone to night school, if
he could not find time to attend day
school, and have learned to "read, write
and - cypher," if nothing else. But'no
-Ephraim had Ito time oi , incliiiation for
those things, which, 'according to his
notion; were 'only for the rich, and ndt
-for the poor, and so' be thought he'would
first get rich himself and also get a rich
1- wile, and then it Would be time'enough
to attend to these things. Filled - with
thesd ides of life and its Uses, rphraith
plodded-onward;alternately "ploughing
and sowing, reaping and mowing" inter
-spersed with raging, and threshing, and
,winnowing, and digging, and planting,
and hoeing, and-gdlng to mill, and feed
ing, and a thousand other lahors er
taining to a farmer'S life ; too endless in'
their enumeration to, be inserted here.'
put any eye that should. have followed
,Ephraim thrOugh all his devious wind
ings about a farm, could plainly .have
- Been that he was too rlodding to bus
"band his energies, or •concentraie his
:Strength, or tO lighten his labor by enc.-
'nominal means but in - all yespects,, he
must lift - the heaviest, stoop . the lowest,
'reach the highest,_ strain', ,the hardest,
and walk the farthest, in everything be
attempted to do. 4nd when,, out of his
hard-earned dimes, ho made a purchase,
he always paid more...thau. anybody else„
got rougher and coarser materialfTand
,was cheated mbre;la the change,- owing'
,to hialvant of .judgearent,-from utifig
his intellect, by ..eschewing- boOlaettiin
-ing. Nor was his condition 'any better
-wheq.on Sunday he attended- the- ser
vices of the villagechurch, when. the
•plainest, and. most ,commonplace, .dis
course was:towabstruse for rhitn:•to tin
.derstand ; and therefore looking-as:wise
As an o,wlias long ache possibly could,
would invariably fall'into , a'profound
slumber, from which he,wouldonly wake
' through:the sonorttursoun - d itits,of" , ),he
doxology. In - all IlieSS "`tliinga 'Sally
Scrapings Wei' the'colinterpa4 "df
ran Scraps, only in the fetiiintne gen-
der. Sally was always sorubbluii — and
rubbing, and washicid, and' baking,
sad bo [ hng, and
'and tp"ging,' etrid s- s?iiiniffg; and
list' of 'Mllido
hold labors, it r a l if life -s-al,ltiiiiir.(3eigra
, .
4'0.91 OP? U9 III,I O I LIVNut
4at Iljg ty houki zi nusmaykli j
whiCh maw almitti,g,teatigd ii lesi
than ought to hare been donerconsider
ing all the "fuss" she made aboutli.t..-;..
She took no time for recreation or even
to read her Bible, or anything else; and
there was a grave doubt whether she
could read at all "Never mind," she
would say, "one of i these days I'll get a
rich, industrious husband, and then I'll
take .my ease, and attendztotthese things
to my heart's content." Poor Sally
Scrapings—she, as well as Ephraim
Scraps, never reflected that "Man,can
not live by bread alone, but by every
word that proceedeth`cut of the mouth
of God." But time wore on, and the
mutual deception of these two rustic in
habitants of Possum-Hollow and Coffee.
Goss worked upon each. other, and, as
sisted by Madam - es Rumor and Gossip,
as well, as the generll feelings of these
localities; a‘"match" was not loni, in be
ing made,—a match too, in which 'the
hearts, the feelings, and the judgements
of the parties had
.no part—but the sold
idea of ahusbqnd and a wife, who would
relieve the other, party,
.from the labors
'and responsibilities of life, backed by
the aforesaid busy gossip and rumor of
the "Hollow" and "Goss," were thus , in
stiumental in iconsummating consuating matters;
and se,
Ephe and Sally - were ma rried.
In commo'n with many others in this
world, these rustic worthies must have
a "time of it ;" and as each thought that
the means of the-other were sufficiently
ample, therefore 'a grand wedding—in
the eyes of Possum-Hollow and Coffee-
Goss—was determined' upon, by the
worthy,. swains and dames who composed
the long list of their quandum friends.
Ephraim procured -for the occasion a
blue-"swallow-tail" dress-coat, with im
mense brass buttons upon it, with the
waist disproportionately short, and the i
sleeves so tight, that his big fists pro
jected beyond the cuffs, as ,if envelpPed
in boxing gloves. The balance of the
wedding garments of "Ephe" ,tvero se
lected and made up with the same want
of judgement and taste,—for a similar
fashion had not been in use any where
else in this world within ten years of
the time they were adopted by him—
and much trouble and vexation it• gave
the storekeeper and tailor in ransacking
old nooks and corners in their stores
and shops,—as well as in their, mjnds—
to exhume and regalvaniza these obso
lete ideas, now for the
- first time recog
nizable by the slow mental and physical
vision of Mister Ephraim _Scraps. But
Sally Scrapings was infinitely more fas
tidious (perhaps fast-hideous would be
better) in her peculiar tastes,'her
intended; for, she Soinetiow lacked' en
tirely that shrewd perception, that Usu
ally belongs to women:in regard to*the
.world of` fashion. It was hugely sus
pected that the one showed a preference
fur the styles they adopted, to please
the-other, and in. seeming contemp't for
the opinions of all other people, just to
make, it appear the more,.that they were
entirely devoted to each other. _But-the
greatest, blender which they made
. in
_addition to the extravagant manner in
which the wedding was gotten up—ex
travagant only for people of their hum-,
ble ConditiOn and ntedas—was the want.
of discrimination," or rather the faige:
distrimination, exercised in "the 'choice
' of their' guests. None of those were
invited with whom they might be - ei
, .
pectecl to associate on terms of perfect
equality, - in the future, but "On" the Con
trary, only those who were supposecrte
.be - the ""—or rather. the iris
.tocracy of the "Hollow",and the "Goss"
t—were deemedtworthy of being honored
with invitations'.; for, be it. understood,
that-these retired districts of our Cont.
mon country, had their "upper ten ; " as
well as those more fortunately and more
poetically endowed.. Ephraim .and:Sal
iy on this - oncasion est/Med a dignity
16E4 did not fit them at all, and only
hung upon them like the regimentals of
a revolutionary grandsire upon au ur
chla of six or seven summers. ,But they
were "bound , to Shine': for one. _day, at
least, and therefore without a single.iti
, vocation, t,e,„ the alter of wisdom far
guidance in-the-most-important wordiy
event in human life, they "went it blind,"
- Priying.their devolionito the Shrine of
merely harnan instinct, - and 'mutual' self
aggrandizement—land so they married.
Arairied; like many' tither fhoughtlesi
-nail tient of *this .rrether
'rfifitiiiid/ek&Oidi6gl/40 theivb*n litnited
ideas of the 'institution" of the'inaiii - age
Pe r haps ,iieywcircta m
stances—even the most favorable—this
js o a.ll .any pne_eleq_cciulkdojn thane
1-lEa4nisf47s4hat,i4 , ,c9P- 8 / 1 0 1 1 1 3 .40 St mar
iiiag „pg iae clign cordifig
ici~asof,.lhat, ; is il l 4Ylkv,fijile§l l .4.
gtiony /11 1 .t....Q. 3 ‘f.Tii 4 .0.4 2 .02 8 9J 3-1194 1
ift the. -dilicoidal4e zgal,PAPtia.ttBiWl4 - 03
it is in the condition which[ the parties
VOL. 10.-NO. 5.
make of it by their own ill advised and
perverse conduct afterwards. Still
there are very. few people of reflection
and practical moral penetration, who
cannot immediately sel, that certain
marriages—as well as other connections
—are among those which 'never onght
•to have been made, I net, however, Be
cause of the impropriety of such connec
tions, abstractly considered; but be
cause-of the inability Of the parties to
them to entertain the most remote ap
preciation of the duties add the respon
sibilities involved in such connections.
Ephraiin Scraps and. Sally 'Scrapings
were not sui generii in -their marriage
connection altogether,' for while there
,may have been few casecthat
nrated to theiris in external_ circumstan
ces, yet in all of- the interior prinei
plea which governed - their actions, they
belonged to an .army whose name is -le
gion. We may theoretically ignore all
those sentiments, affections and opin
ions that tend toivards the crawling and
fostering of false grades of distinction in
society, at the same tune that we ale
compelled to practielly acknowledge
that there are true gradelor degrees
which cawing do exist. Not that
these grades are always bled upon prin
ciples of equity,lent that it is the eheerest
folly to Cultivate social .relations with
those with whom we have no mental or
Pecuniary affinities. A menSible pot of
earthen-ware in floating down the sueial
stream, will not invoke the assistance of
an officious pot of brass, for well it
knows it would rather be worsted than
benefited will such a contact: Mr. and
Mrs. Scraps before their marriage, how
ever; did - not see . this-siaorne of their
gossiping neighbors said that they could
not or Wiad not see it. _Be that as it
may, they became sensible of it after
wards ; for never was a dove-cot evacu
ated- with greater-precipitancy, after a
pair of hawks had been domieilated in
it, than was - the society,of Mr. and Mrs.
Scraps deserted after their wedding day,
by those who had been.their wedding
guests. Before that period they had
acted in freedom, the married parties
having ,been considered as "parts and
_parcels" of other households ; but now,
when they were supposed to be in : a way
to set up an estOlishment of their own,
their wedding had revealed to their
guests more- than Itiey-felt -they could
tolerate or endure, on terms 'of social
equality ; 'and without manifest inconve
nience and einbarrassment to the newly
'wedded pair theinielves.
Of course the wedding of "Ephe"
Berens tied '" Sal" SciaPingb wag cote
sbrated by a &and "Oalithuiripian" sere
•tiade,•bY:tht proscribed and somewhat
indignant outsiders; who of ibere 'ohs
lid,taxed their' powers illYBo
- to ttie'littriost, ttrniake tlight more
hideous than-it TM& ever-bison made 'be
fore or oat cif spite of 114 aliglit :they
had met with •in not having been invited
to the :weddiiig. 117,the wedded pair
had assumed a eew position for the time
being, of course r a' serenade , of this char
' acter.wis an ji;sult, to the new dignity
tha,t attached to the position"; and
therefore In order to ,exhibit to their
eplieniereal friends; 'tha
- t they had a
proper appreciation of who ,and what
they now were, they became indignar,t
at these 'outside _proceedings, and
, m
stead, of ,
meeting . a 'disagreeable contin
leney in a sensible we;, celd'attstuipting
to mollify it, 'they on. the other hand
pursued_such: a coarse as _to aggravate
it, and had it adt.been for the interfer
ence of.sonie:ort'hose who, although not
theiraisociates, were nevertheless their
friends, Mr.,Ephraimßersps would have
.had broad-cloth entirely de
etroyed,; as it was, his hat, which• was
_nearly the. height end shape'lof a section
„otstove-pipe, ...was. so far driven down
aver his...eyes;-eare -and' nose, as to- in
-I:dye:the extrication of it in elniast as
m,uch, , difficulty. as..the skiniiing of
„teugh,old 'possum ; to= the great mortifi
cation of the now Mrs. Sally Sorel:lB ; 4nd
the disgust or - tteir a i lectlyjuvited
- guestseceeici, one by one; as epport4ity
offered, vacated - the premises - : with the
least ppssihle 'Ceremony.
There are rustic courtships and mar
riagesi,'ancl "prosperous
ones too, that lire' a as
Vidr . a eiree , .as any
that' are - mil dub riga d fit te lather and
moreintellecttiaralid - atrue'nt walks of
life; but Do matter lbw - Bliteiate and
humble the_ptietiel : l6 them ire,they
Fe. still no,ofittete4 011 principles aNb.
viten order_ ant common .senee. The
Lietterkp i o_fa k pliraim Spain and. Sally
,Serapipgi was capableof-becoming anch
iritatt4;43 3 .9.1 58 9 feask all th 0 . vomit:lM.
ties a , b,ecoming z ettch—hut-it. - did. not.