The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 22, 1863, Image 1

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Not Ftiroboift
•Se, ~,,,,,
A Highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract,
WILL effectually cure Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, chronic or nervous
Debility, diseases of the Kidneys, and bad dis
eases arising from a disordered Liver or Stom
ach. Such as Constipation, inward Piles, ful
ness or blood to the head, acidity of the Stom
ach, Nausea, Heartburn, disgust for food, ful
ness or weight in the stomach, sour Eructations,
sinking or fluttering at the pit of the Stomach,
swimming of the Head, hurried and difficult
Breathing, fluttering at the Heart, choking or
suffocating sensations when in a lying posture,
dimness of Vision, dots or webs before the
Sight, fever and dull pain in the Head, defi
ciency of Perspiration, yellowness of the Skin
and Eyes pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs,
&c., sudden flushes of Heat, burning in the
Flesh, constant imaginings of Evil, and grief,
depression of Spirits. And will positively
prevent Yellow Fever, Billions Fever &c.—
They contain no Alcliohol or bad Whisky.—
They WILL cif RE the above diseases in ninety
nine cases Out of a hunilretL''-
The proprietors have thousands of letters
from the most eminent Clergymen, Lawyers,
Physicians, and. Citizens, testifying of their
own persmal knowledge, to the beneficial ef
fects and medical virtues of these Bitters.
Do you want something to strengthen you.?
Do you want a good appetite? Do you want
to build up your constitution? Do you want
to feel well? Do you want to get rid of Ner
vousness? Do you want energy? Do you
want to sleep well ? Do you want a brisk and
vigorous feeling? If you do, use HOOFLAND'S
German Billets.
Preparations sold under the name of Bitters,
put up in quart bottles, compounded of the
cheapest whisky or common ruin, costing from
20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguisedby
Anise or Coriander Seed.
This class of Bitters has caused and will con
tinue to cause,-as long as they can 'be sold,
hundreds to die the death of the drunkard.—
By their use the system is kept eoutinually
under the influence of alchoholic stimulants of
the worst kind, the desire for liquor is created
and kept up, and the result is all the horrors
attendant upon a drunkard's life and death.
Fox those who desire and will have a Liquor
Bitters, v..epublish the following receipt Get
one bottle of Monona's Bitters and mix with
three quarts of good brandy or whisky, and
the result will be a preparation that will far
excel in medicinal virtues and true excellence
any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the
market, and will cost much less. You will
have all the virtues of kloofland's Bitters in
connection with a good article of liquor, at a
much less price than these inferior prepara
tions will cost you.
tion of all having relations or friends in the
army to the fact that "Hoolland's German
Bitters" will cure nine-tenths of the diseases
induced by exposures and privations incident
to camp life. In the lists, published almost
daily in the newspapers, on the arrival. of the
hick, it Will be noticed that a very large pro
portion are suffering from debility. Every
case of that kind can be readily cured by.
Midland's German Bitters. Diseases result
ing from disorders of the digestive organs are
speedily removed. We have no hesitation in
slating that, if these Bitters were freely used
among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might
be saved that otherwise will be lost.
We call the particular attention to the fol
lowing i cnya r ki i i,le and well authenticate,
cure of one of the nation's heroes, whose life
to use his language, rhas been saved by the
Bitters :"
PHILADELPHIA, August 231, 1852
Mesere. Jones .f gentleman,
your lloothind's German Bitters have saved my
life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouch
ed for by numbers of my comrades, some of
whose names are appended, and who are fully
cognizant of all the circumstances ofmy case.
I ens, and have been for the last four years,
a member of Sherman's celebrated battery,
and under the immediate comroand,of Cap
tain It. B. Ayres. Through the exposure at
tecdant upon my arduous duties, I was attack
ed in November last with inflarnation of the
lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the
hospital. This was &Bowed by great debility,
heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was
then removed from the White House, and
sent to this city on board the Steamer "State
of Maine," from which I landed. on the 2Sth,
of.lune. Since that time I have been about
as low as any one could and still retain a
spark of vitality. For a week or more I was
scarcely able to swallow anything, and if I did
Mice a morsel down, it was immediately
thrown up 'again.
1 ceuld. not even keep a glass of water on
my stomach. Life could not last under these
circumstances: and, accordingly, the physi
cians who had been working faithfully, though
unsuccessfully to rescue me from the grasp
of the dread Archer, frankly told me they
could do no more for me, and advised me to
see a clergyman, and to make such disposi
tion of my Balitei funds as best suited me.—
An acipaintance who visited me at the hospi
tal, Mr. Frederick Steinbron, of Sixth below
Arch street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to
try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle.
From the time I commenced taking Mena the
gloomy shado VI of death receded, and I ern
now, thank God for rt, getting better- The'
I have taken but two betties, I have gained
ten pounds, and 1 feel sanguine ofbeing per
mitted to rejoin my wife and daughter, from
whom I have heard nothing for eighteen
months: for, gentlemen, I am a loyal Virgin
ian, from the vicinity of Front Royal. To
your invaluable Bitters I owe the certainty of
life which has taken the place of vague fears
—to your Bitters will I owe the glourious pri
vilege of' again clasping to my bosom those
who are dearest to me inlife.
Very truly yours, ISAAC MA LONE.
We fully concur in the truth of the above
statement, as we had despaired, of seeing our.
Comrade, Mr. Malone, restored to health.
Cuddleback, Ist New York. Battery.
George A. Ackley, Co. C., 11th Maine.
.Lewis Chevalier, 92d New York. • ,
I. E. Spencer, let Artillery, Battery F.
J. B. Fasewell, Co. 11, 3d Vermont. ,
Henry B. Serome, Co. B. . do.
Henry T. Macdonald, Co. C. 6th Maine.
John F. Ward, Co. E. sth Maine.
Nathaniel B. Thomas, Co. F., 95th Penn.
John Jenkins, Co. B. 106th Penn.
.Ifeware of counterfeits 1 See that the sig
nature of "C. M. Jackson," is on the wrapper
of each bottle. Price per bottle 76 cents, or
half dozen for S 4 00.
Should your nearest druggist not have the
article, io not be put oil by any of the intoxi
cating preparations that may be offered iu its
place, but send to us, and we will forward,
securely packed, by'express.
Principal Office and Manufadory,
(Succersors to C. M. Jacksou ,)
r:3* For sale 'bi . Druggiste ard ra te r lte74, B• 4
every town in the United States...
Tti'it .. i.*t...+:..'--.-....aji
tic 3ukpithtitt Vtuustflllauia aigurual geboteb . literature,agriculture, Ittius of the gi v , Yotal.(Afittellignet,
itijt Riarititian
nt noTtar a—var; ipagatlt iit a - name.
OFFICE: CRULL'S Row, Front Street, five
doors below Flury's Hotel.
TERMS, One Dollar a year, payable in ad
vance, and if subscriptions be not paid within
eix-monthe $1.26 will be charged, but if de
layed until the expinition of the year, $1.50
will be charged.
ADVERTISING RATES : One square (12
lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and
25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Pro
fessional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading col
umns, five cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, FREE ; but for any
additional lines, five cents a line.
A liberal deduction made to yearly and half
yearly advertisers.
Haying recentled added a large lot of new
Job and Card type, Cuts, Borders, &c., to the
Job Office of The Manettian," which will
insure the fine execution of all kinds of Jos &
CARD PRINTING, from the smallest
Card to the largest Poster, att - prices to suit the
War times.
From thecontre of creation,
To where 3 tis lost in space,
There's-a law of cornpensation •:
That pervadeth evvri•place;
That,reaches every human heart,
In accents sweet and light,
Or thunders, as the guilty start,
" The future makes all rtght
Though wrong may rear its horrid form,
Though innocence may, weep,
While mei cy . flies, amidst the storm,
And justice seems to.sleep;
Though darkness spreads its sombre fold
And earth be veiled in night,
The sun will east with gold
-." The future makes alfright 1"'
All nature with emphatic speech,
Since chaos ceased to reign, '
Has sought mankind this truth to teach,
But sought, alas in vain;
While History turns its teeming page
.To man's acid nation's sight., .
And still cries out, from age to age,,
" The future makes all right !"
There ne'er has been an evil deed,
Or governmental crime,
That did not retribution speed, •
And was avenged by time ; •
And low and high, and small and great,
In . pos;erty, or might,'
Have lived to learn, tho' oft too late-L—
-,“'The future makes all right '
Call empires from the misty past, .
Assyrian and Greek;
Bid Rome resume its limits vast,
And let their voices speak !
They'll own that,-spite of present' power, ,
Of seeming triumph spite, .
The reign of wrong is but an hour—
" The future makes all right I"
And think not even the guiltiest thing
Is dead to human weal,
Or last to conscience, or its sting—
It may be forced to feel !
The crimson hand may grasp the bowl,
The murderer's eye be bright, •
E'en when the.whisper frights his soul,—
"The future makes all right !"
As from the couch whereon he.lies,
The miscreant will start,
The vengeful worm that never dies,
Keeps gnawing at his heart !
) Tisthen, while spectral shadows rise,
He cowers near the blight,
And seems to hrar, from earth and skies,
"The future makesall•rig,ht !"
Then who shall dare avow the creed,
Eternal goodness scorns—
That innocence must ever bleed
While virtue treads on thorns;
That hope, to dry affection's tears,
Neer checks its onward flight,
Or murmurs in its listless ears,
" The future makes all right !"
There is a joy, which, midst all joy,
Sits crowned upon a throne ; •
The only one without alloy—'
It springs from duty done ;
And he, whose throbbing bosom glows
With this supreme delight,
Does more than dream—be sees and knows
"The future makes all right l"
er "We once had a very awkward
horse to shoe," said a smith, "and 'I was
punishing it severely to make it stand
still. My shop was just before the
kitchen window, and my wife, who is 'a
kind hearted woman, came out and re
proved me for my Conduct to the ani
mal. 'She 'went up to it, patted it,tild
it stood as quiet as. a lamb, and we
could have done any, thing with it:" 0,
that people would but try - kilidness It
is a mighty cure.
`This is said to • be the first year
since 1846 that the potato blight has
not appeared in Ireland. The harvest
generally is reported better than it has
been for &everal years past. This fent,
however, is not retarding emigration,
and the peasantry are crowding the
ships that sail for America.
gar A woman quarrelling with her•
husband, told him that she believed if
she were dead he would marry the dev
il's eldest daughter.L ""loa -! thistake,"
he "replied; - "the taw does net allow a
man to marry two sisters."
Illustrasive of the necisesity of some
information being furnished of the State
Insane Asylum, regarding the history of
patients placed under their care, we re
late an incident which is truly wonder
ful : - -
Nearly two years ago a German was
sent to the Asylum from one of the in
terior counties, who was afflicted with
melancholy to such an extent as to be
deemed incurable. He did not speak
for many months, and had to be taken
out occasionally by the keepers of the
institution to breathe the fresh out-door
breeze. He appeared to be almost dead
to all sense of observation, and it seem
ed that every spark of mental life had
fled forever. Lost to. the world, his
friends, and himself, he presented the
heart-rending spectacle of a living - hu
man form without a ray of mental light
the mind a dungeon, dark and solitary,
lost. Eventually some one who had
been acquainted, with the poor fellow in
the mines wrote a letter to -Dr. 'Tilden,
making inquiries concerning him, which
letter the doctor answered at once, and
nothing further transpired until the doc
tor receive& a, letter from the -man's
wife in the East, accompanying which
was her daguerreotype and also the da-'
guerreotype of her children. She.wrote
to her husband in the-German language,
and the letter which the doctor received
was a transcript of what she had written
to her husband. The doctor took the
daguerreotypes ,and presented them to
the man, or rather held_ them •steadily
before him. He- appeared to gaze calm
ly at, the pictures, and in a short time
the organs of • vision appeared to be
more fixed and his look, morelntensified,
until at length -he burst into tears and.
," My wife, my children.'‘
The letter was given to.him, and -be
wept like a child. Alatent spring, long
dormant, had been. touched, and .the
mind awakened from a long sleep.
Disenthralled and.e.mancipated from the
darklakode of unconsciousness, the soul
strove to regain the light it had lost and
succeeded. The man is curedis well ;
and the life-giving pulsation that rein
stated reason on her throne was the
vision, of his wife and children. This
incident only illustrates bow absolutely
necessary it is to furnish the physician
with all the information possible of the
history of those placed under their care
at the time they aro sent to the ioetitu-
Lion, so that all :the assistance possible
may be rendered to the doctors in. their
efforts to restore reason. ' •
a table d'hote, recently in Hamburg, an
Irishman was seated next to a German,
lady who did tot speak English. Hand
bag her a plate of peaches, he said—
" Have a peach, ma'am.?"
"Nein," (no) replied the lady.
" Nine 1" said he, staring with aston
ishment, first at her, and then at the
guests at the table. "Why, ma'am,
there is only six on the dish, but there
they are for you," at the same time
rolling the whole upon her plate. •
THE TRUE L4DY.-A celebrated wri
ter says : No woman can be a lady who
would wound or mortify another. No
matter how beautiful, how refined, how
culttvated she may be, she is in reality
coarse, and the innate vulgarity of hor
nature manifests itself here., Uniformly
kind, courteous, and polite treatment of
all persons is one mark of a true woman.
WHAT LITERATURE IS.—Poetry is said
to be the flower of literature; prose is
the corn, potatoes and meat; satire, is,
squa-fortis ; wit is the spice and
pepper; love-letters are the honey : and
sugar ; letters containing, remittances
are the apple-dumplings.
sr What three wiirds did Aden!' use
when he introduced himself to Eve, and
which reads the same' back and
A'dam I" •
And Eve's polite reply is said to.have
I trust the time will never be,
When 1 , 11 not care *-dam for thee,!
wir A gentleman rode up to a public'
house in the country, and`asked , "Whu,
is the master of this house?" "I atn,
sir," replied the landlsrd ; "my wife has
beendead about three' weeks."
or For, the past. yearit is•.,said Mr. •
Lincoln has refused to receive any sala-.
ry, thus devoting ,it .to thelige of the:
country anci setting an ;example worthy :
oc,enauletion. ; w•-•/. • f
eir:Oveiwainiv-frientishipq like •116 t
potatoes, are 4nieillidtbObt
Doubtless many , of our friends, after
reading the advertisement of Mr. Dur
yea, in another column, will exclaim, as
we have heard hundreds do before,
hat is .112aizena ? We might reply,.as
is often done—it is a first-rate article
for making puddings, custards, blanc
mange, and dishes of like nature; but
that only tells what it: is for.,
.Maizena is a preparation made from
white Indian corn, at Glen bove, N. Y.
We are not able .h.ete to 'give the pro
cess by which it is prepared, as it would
take an elaborate article to' do so ; and
besides, there are some .peculiarities
about it which the Messrs. Duiryea pre
fer to keep to themselves. After having
spent inu'cli time and money in'perfect
ing their machinery; they have secured
the exclusive right to manufacture it ;
they intend, and deserve to make some
money out of it, - and so long as they fur
nish the, article at their present reasona
ble prices, we presume the public will
consent to their doing, so.
We havetested the Afaizena in our
families, and believe the qualities. that
recommend it to public ,favor to be
these : It is exceedingly, nutritious, we
. • •,
know of nothing more so ; it is
digested;Making it an excellent dish.for.
dyspeptiei; with wjiom it soon becomes
a - favorite ; it 'is' extretrie`ly Palatal:he,
and adds-another to the:iong list of ex
cellent dishes - equally well adaPted' to
the table of the - advocated' a mixed
diet, •or• the radical vegetarian. "'For
children -there is -nothing better, and
they are usually exceedingly ; fond of dt.
And forthe sick room, from:its palata
ble and digestable and strengthening
qualities it is invaluable; and we should
net forget to
: mention, what in these
dais of taxes will be an important item,
it is . a very economical article.of diet.
'.l' / I2e, ease and' dispatch with which it
can be prepared will, in the opinion of .
every 'good housewife, add much to its
value. No further complaints of no-.
thing for sapper, when a friend happens
in, can be made, if a pound of :Malzetia
is in the' house. Ten minutes will suffice'
to prepare a dish fit for anybody. Eat
en plain, it is excellent, with a little
sugar and cream first-rate, and with the
addition of a little jelly made from cur
rants pr other fruits, it is a dish' "fit for
the gods."
THE - TRUE PHYSICIAN. —To the- tree
physician there is an inexpressible sanc
tity in the sick chamber. At its thresh
old the mere human passions quit their
heldon his heart. Love there would
be profanation. Even ,the grief per
mitted to others must be put aside. 7---
He must enter that room a calm intelli
gence. He is disabled - for his miesion
if he suffer aught to "obscure the
. keen,
quiet glance' of his . science: Age or
youth, beauty or . deformity, innocence
or guilt, merge their distinction in one
common attribute—humen suffering ap
pealing to human skill. Woe to the
household in which the trusted healer
feels not on his conscience the solemn
o'oligations . of his glorious art, •
PATRIOTIC.-A street conversation
overheard by, our reporter :
D--, "Good morning, G Ready
for the draft?"
D--, " Ready' If my distracted
country needs me—ii she requires the
sacrifice of my life—if the tottering edi
fice of our glorioud lJnion' needs to be
cemented with my heart's blood—ifit is
necessary for-her preservation that she
strides onward to victory over my dead
body then, sir, the victim is ready I_
With a heart prepared for , any fafe, and
with a firm trust in Divine Providence,
I s,hall, with a lively feeling of• doing
my duty, and nothing but my' duty,
march boldly: on- 7 —to,,the Collector's
office, and pay my three:hundred dollars.
e'-Walpole:relates that after an ex
ecution of eighteen malefactors, a yr&
man was hawking on account - of thetn,
but called them. nineteen: A. gentle
man said to ber, "Why do yob say nine
teen? there were but eighteen hanged."
She replied, "Sir, I did not, know that
you had been repirie;red."
gas What strange creatures girls-are;
Offer ; ne. of them . good Ara47es to), w.ot.k
foriou and,.ten ohancew to one, if OA
,woman cum spare any,of Apr
—but just propose matrio3pny,,,a , it . see
if they ' jump, .eliatice!, - for
worliffik`a - lifetiele:foi:theit vib'tnais and
ar Tongues I,l;e„spk,to.,t?fransyly i for,
.4 • 4 . . '
as we can't see them, it ts,,t?nntilible t I to
.„. —ray- -
keep a Watch on them:
Louisville karlialisms
John Morgan is now in-the'Ohio pen
itentiary. He is not put to work how
ever like regular convicts. Of coarse it
may be Thought necessary, in pursuaiatc
of the established rule, to have halfhie
head in order to render his escape diffi
cult. So if any of the female sympathi
zers here would like to have locks of his
hair, they can apply through us. We
shall not accept any regular agency
The commencement of the late attack
on Charleston took the rebels entire*
by surprise. A godd many of them,
bathing in the harbor at the time, .did
n't stop to put on their clothes but fled
naked through the streets. It is said
that the ladies havn't dared to look out
of their doors or peep out of their Win
An Eastern editor finds fault with our
issuing a piper on Sunday. 'Twould
be well. for. him to - remember that it
isn't sobad to publish truth and patriot
ism on Sundays as to publish falsehood
and treason on week, days.
A general law ought to be passed,
forbidding the thousands of young men
ailio obtain exemptions from the draft
on the ground.ofbodilyinfirmity, to get
married. If Alley are as-infirm as' they
pretend to be, their children might be
a race of physical imbeciles, and, if they
feign disability because they don't want
to fight, their children -might be a race
of cowards. •
Old Mr. Wickliffe' thinks it very hard
that the people, not satisfied to beat
him; teak it upon themselves to disgrace
hini. -He contends -that they 'should
have had some' respect fOr his white
hairs. But why ha r d- he ti : o'ne - for them
himielf 2 -
Morgan is said to have remarked that
he would have surrendered several days
sooner, only he was hunting some re
spectable officer to whom he might de
liver his sword. He did not like the
idea of being run down by_ a lot of mili
.Some people amongst us argue, that;
because Jeff. Davis has ordered a new
and all-sweeping conscription, the Fed=
eral Government should abandon all
thought of a draft. In other words, we
must let our armies dwindle away be
cause the rebels augment theirs. That's
very good no-more-nen-and-no-more
money logic. . •
A British officer has invented a new
rifle ball, charged with solid phosphoius.
When lodged :itv any object, it hums
with great fierceness for some time, If
it were fired. into a rebel's belly, he
would probably feel as if he had swal
lowed a gill of Confederate whisky;
Some of the rebel papers of the South
insist with much earnestness that Pem
berton and his troops ,surrendered on
the 3d of July and not on the 4th. Oh
well, we have generously given them
credit then - for - holding out a day longer
than -they did: •
Shall complaint be made beCanse one
man in four or jive is .drafted in the
United. States to save the noblest go
verninent in -the world when in the
South the, whole,population is conscript
ed to destroy the noblest,government in
the, world ? _
The Democrat calls last Monday's
election "a farce."' Well, we never be
fore saw "a•farce" that made so many
people cry and groan and shriek and .
howl. •
Bennett of the New York Herald has
been. talking for years
. about "Poor
Pierce. and'our neighbor of the Demo
crat,'finding it easier to borrow epithets
than to- invent them, talks about "Poor
Prentice," If Bennett can stand the
borrowing, we can stand the applica
tion. •
Before the' election, the Democrat
wrote logrubrious political articles ;
since its defeat, the..rtoor thing tries to
be funny, - j3ut, whenit attempts to smile,
the snarl will • appear in spite - of its
The Wickliffe-Harney men ratted the
Union party but a very little "vermin
exterminator " dexterously applied trip
ped, up their heels before they got to
their holes.
'They say that a beggar on horseback
the--Devil. John Morgan
hastperformad the same feat..
The e ' are'some hold sympathizers
het : eibofiti; who will dO W 11e-- f;
heed`'to 'thew movements fF
thisrfirell n the
tare never" spotted°'s
VOL. 10.--NO. 3.
grave of Bunyan is thus described by a
correspondent of the Watchman and
Reflector :
"Bunyan lies in Bunhill Fields, a
cemetery crowded with graves and thick
with monuments and slabs. Asking a
lad whom I met if he could point me to
Bunyan's grave :
"'Yes,' said he, 'there he lies, covered
with a sheet.'
"Taking the direction pointed out, I
soon stood by the grave and the monu
ment of the inimitable allegorist. And
there indeed he did lie, wrapped in a
cloak, with a book under his arm, sleep
ing and dreaming—hewn out of white.
marble on the slab which covers his
grave. On the monument is the simple
but sufficient inscription :
The author of Pilgrim's Progress.'
"On one side, chiselled in the stone;
is Pilgrim, with his burden, leaning on
his staff, with a countenance of deepest
anguish, On the opposite side is Pil
grim grasping the cross, his eyes gazing
on it, his burden rolled off at his feet,
and his countenance radiant with joy
and peace."
At the battle of Stone River, while the
men were lying behind a crest waiting,
a brace of frantic wild turkeys, so para
lyzed with fright that they were incapa
ble of flying, ran between the lines and
endeavored to bide among the men.
But the frenzy among the turkeys
was not so touching as the exquisite
fright of the birds and rabbits. When
the roar of battle rushed through the
cedar thickets, flocks of little birds flut
tered and circled above the field in a
state of utter bewilderment, and scores
of rabbits fled for protection to our men
lying down in line tin our left, nestling
under their coats and creeping under
their legs in a state of utter distraction;
They hopped over the fields like toads,
and as perfectly tamed by fright as
household pets. Many officers witnessed
it, remarking it as one of the most cu
rious spectacles eve_ r seen upon the bat
BOILING POTATOES.—This 18 a formu
la ; Let the - water boil before patting
the potatoes in. When done, pour off
the water and scatter -three or four ta
blespoonfuls.ef salt, ; cover the pot with
a coarse cloth, and return it to the fire'
for a short time. Watery potatoes are
made mealy by this process. How sim.
ple is this process, yet how few under
stand it!,'
lowing is said to be excellent paste, and
adheres well on walls that have been
white-washed for years : Take the
whites of four eggs, well beaten, one
quart of cold water; thicken with rye
flour to, the consistency of common
Cr As little Annie was running at
full epeed on the sidewalk, sbe had a
fall and was badly bruised. As she was
being - undressed for bed she looked piti
fully at her numerous wounds and sor
rowfully exclaimed to her mother :
"Oh, dear ! what dreadful times these
war times ar ‘."
fir Well, hew do you like the looks
of the varmint, said a swath wester to a
down caster, who was gazing with round
eyed wonder, and evidently, for the first
time, at a huge aligator, with wide
opened jaws, on the muddy banks of
the Mississippi. Wal, replied the Yan
kee, he ain't what you may call a han
sum critter, but he's got a great deal of,
openness when he smiles.
Car The FrenCh preserve grapes the
year round by coating the clusters with
lime. The bunches are picked just be
fore they are thoroughly ripe, and dip
ped in lime-water of the consistency or
thin Cream. They are then hung on
wires, and when dry are dipped the sec
ond time, and then hung up to remain.
The lime coating keeps out air and
checks any tendency to decay. When
wanted for the table dip the clusters
into warm water to remove the lime.
Or The shad has a peculiar instinct.
as soon as the snow.water has ceased
running, they press'
.rip the river as far
as they can reaCh,'in . order to deposit
their spawn. The trout do the same
thing'; but the - shad do not take a bait,
and its stomach never shows what it
feeds on.
ire' A debating club in Worcester,
Mass.; lately discussed the important
qUestion, "Whether a rooster's knowl
edge- ob,daybreek is the result - of obser
vation or instinct."