The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 15, 1863, Image 3
El2t fatal MUltfft U. MAMMA CAR Novas. The several pas senger trains will leave the "Upper-station Depot" as follows: Morning train, East, at ten minutes before 8; Mail train West, 11:38 ; Harrisburg Accommodation train, East, at 9 minutes after 5 ; the slam train West, at five minutes before 7 in the evening. MARIETTA : SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1563, ar Captain 'Robison of a Michigan regiment, who was wounded at Gettys burg, and found lying in a barn amongst some rebel prisoners, by some Marietti• ans, visiting the battle-field a few days after the battle, and brought by Col. W. D. Eagle, one of the party, to his residence, has sufficiently recovered from his wound—a minnie ball through the fleshy part of the leg between the hip and the knee—to return to his home in Michigan. It will be some time, however, before he will again be able to take the field. Mr. H. D. Benjamin, wine merchant, bad a brother wounded at the same battle, whom he found a couple of weeks since in one of the Phil adelphia hospitals, his wound-3 rifl wound in the shoulder—much neglected end very aggravated, and after a vast deal of red tape routine, succeeded in getting him away and bringing him to his residence in this borough. where his wound and the "inner man" are being well cared for. From accounts by these gentlemen, many wounds, at first trifling, result fatally in consequence of a want of proper attention from surgeons and nurses. lir William Aliwin who was draft from the borough or Marietta, has placed himself in a peculiar predicament by obtaining exemption on fraudulent pretense. Be was exempted by the majority of the Board of Enrolment on the ground of being the only support of a widowed mother. Provost Marshal l3olenius, however, dissented from this decision, al d had the affair fully inves tigated, when it was proven that All wine had three broth , -re fully competent to provide for the support of their mother, and that the mother was pos sessed of considerable property. Upon learning this, the order of exemption was revoked by the Board and Allwine placed under arrest.—Loner Inquirer. Since the above was put in type Mr. A. has returned to his home in this place. We do not know positively bow he did get off, but 'tis said he paid $3OO commutation money and the $7.5 paid the sharpen, and the fee paid his law yer in Lancaster, sums up close on to $4OO. Truly, the way of the transgres sor is hard. We understand the Pro vost Marshal will review all the ex ml ts to see if similar frauds have not been perpetrated. opf The largest head of cabbugo we have seen thi • season was thrown into our arms a few days since, from the Udder Vegetable that, which passes through town, regularly, every Tuesday and Friday afternoons, Mr. G.'s flat brings some of the finest vegetables. that are brought to our place.. This head of cabbage was truly a monster. 617 'rho Borough Dog Law went into force on Wednesday last, Shut up or muzzle or have them shot by the "Bo rough Dog l'elter." 'Tie a good law— no greater nuisance is tolerated in our borough, than the multitu le or pestifer• one canines. We say cut every cur's tail off, close up to his—ears. We On Saturday evening, August 29th, between the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock, in the Town Hall School Room an election for 3 or 5 delegates will be held to represent this borough in the County Convention to be held in Ful ton Hall, Lancaster, on the Wednesday following. . air On to-morrow a-week, Sunday, August 23d, the Sabbath School at tached to the NI. E. Church, will have their quarterly exhibition and sermon and address to the children. The ex ercises are instructive and interesting both to the old and the young. oar Admiral Ferragut has arrived at New York. Among the Admiral's stag' at New York, we notice the name of Surgeon J. M. Foultz, who occupied the position of fleet surgeon. Dr. F. is a native of Lancaster, but has been many years connected with the navy. Gir Mr. Stibgen's new residence, ad joining the Banking House, is now to be pushed forward to completion, and when finished will be an ornament to that portion of the borough. Imo' We neglected to mention in our last, the death of one of the oldest and most substantial farmers in East Done gal township, Mr. Andrew Hiestand. The President's Thanksgiving day was very generally observed in this place; the stores were closed and ser vice held in the churches. ar We are under continued obliga. tions to Mr. W. W. Reitzel, the oblig ing mail agent on this route, for late city and southern papers. tir Col. Emien Franklin's Regiment has arrived in Lancaster, where it will be paid off and rauetered out this day. Our thanks are due Rev. A. B. Grosh and Mr. William Ohild, of Wash. iegtea city for public favors, cir The Ladies of the Patriotic Cir cle forwarded to Gettysburg July 28th, three barrels and four boxes, containing the following articles : From Miss 11attie Clark, dried cher ries, dried apples, crock of apple butter, raspberry jelly, 5 pounds white sugar,/ package of cornstarch. Mrs. Shultz, 2 dozen eggs, 2 pounds butter, 1 bologna sausage. Mrs. Harry Garber, 1 crock plum butter, 1 bag flour, 1 bag dried apples. Jacob W. Miller, 1 bag cher ries, 1 bag apples. Mr. Jonas Mumma, Sr., 1 crock apple butter, 1 bag dried app'es, 1 piece dried beef. Mrs. J. G. Hoerner, 1 jar butter, 2 crocks currant jelly, 1 bag dried apples, 1 bottle cur rant wine, 2 pieces soap, 1 peck pota toes. Mrs. Elizabeth Greybill, 16 hand kerchiefs, 1 bottle blackberry wine, 1 I bottle currant wine. Miss Tillie Ro land, 8 rolls bandages. Mr. John P. Kreybill, 1 crock apple butter, 2 pounds butter, basket of potatoes, bag dried apples, hag dried cherries, bag dried peaches. Mrs. J. E. Greybill, 1 jar currant jelly, 7 towels, 3 bran bags, dried apples, 2 shirts, 8 pounds butter, lint, roll of linen. Mr. Peter P. Kreybill, 1 crock apple butter. Mr. B. Gerber, 1 bushel potatoes, 1 piece dried beef, 1 crock apple butter. Mr. John Roland, 120 pounds flour. Miss Mary Roland, 2 cakes soap. Mr. Jacob Greybill, 1 basket of potatoes, 1 bag cherries, 1 bag dried apples. Miss Eliza and Acna Roland, 1 crock butter,i- bushel dried apples. Mr. C. M. Foulk, 3 pounds sugar, 3 pound tea. The Circle, through Miss Emma Ru. disill, their attentive and obliging secre tary, received the following acknowl edgement. and receipt for the boxes and barrels Received, Gettysburg, July `CO, 1863, from Ihe " Ladies of the Patriotic Cir cle of Marietta," three barrels and four boxes, containing various stores and supplies for the pressing wants of the wounded and needy in Gettysburg. CIIARLES F. SCIINEFFER Miss Emma Rudisill : Receive in my name, and in the name of many suf fering persons, our cordial thanks for the very liberal supplies acknowledged above. They arrived in excellent order and condition and will be faithfully ap plied and distributed according to the intentions of the benevolent doners.— Even after all the efforts made by the Sanitary and Christian . Commissions, we find daily opportunities for adding to the comfort of the suffering from such stores as you havt sent ; the sup plies have been large, but the wants are still severely felt. May God bless the generous givers abundantly for their active aid at a time when it is so sorely needed. Please to express to the Ladies of the Circle our sincere acknowledgements for their promptness and liberality, and with many thanks to you fort' our kind letter, I am, very respectfully, CHARLES F. SCHAEFFER Cr The Union Republican County Committee of this county has fixed upon Wednesday, September 2d, for holding of the County Convention, for the pur pose of nominating State and County officers to be supported at the ensuing October election. A call for the Con vention has been issued, inviting the loyal citizens of the county, without dis tinction of party. who desire cordially to unite in sustaining the National and State Administrations in the present crisis, to meat in their respective dis tricts on the Saturday previous (August 29th), and elect delegates to the said Convention. igt• Lieut. Col. George Nauman, of the regular army, and a resident of Lancas ter, died very suddenly in Philadelphia on Tuesday last. Col. Nauman was stationed in Boston, and was on his way to his home in Lancaster. While at the depot in Philadelphia be was over come by the heat, fell to the ground and expired in a few minutes. His remains were brought to Lancaster for burial. ilar The Criminal, or Quarter Ses sions Court will commence on Monday nest. As usual, Marietta will be well represented on the criminal calender.— The Charles Brady minder, the All- Spangler counterfeiting case and the Jason-Johnson slander suit being on the trial list. 'sr We have just received a new as sortment of job type, cuts, borders, &c., from JOhnson's Type Foundry, Phila delphia, which will enable us to do plain and fancy printing, handsomely and at short notice and at the same rates as done in Lancaster. CB - Johne.than Diffenderfer, an inn keeper at Youtzestown, near Elizabeth town, was arrested and taken to Phila delphia and placed under bill for having purchased a cavalry horse from a de serter. tlar Monday next being the day on which the conscripts from this borough are to report at the rendezvous, Lan caster, a "gay old time" may be looked for in that city. car The Hauler' property, on Horn street, was purchased on Saturday eve ning last, by Charles Shillow, butcher, for $BOO. ow The Patriotic Circle will meet on Friday evening next at Mrs. F. L. Ba ker's. ~~ ~ ~ 11/0" Captain John F. Trout, of Com pany A, Forty-Fifth Regiment, Penn sylvania Volunteers, is on a visit to his home, in this borough. Capt. T. has been absent two years and one month and now returns to take charge of the the drafted men designed for his regi ment. He looks fine and hearty and says soldiering agrees with him. He entered the three months service as a private and gradually rose to his present position upon the ground of merit. He reports our boys in. the 45th as in fine condition, General Welsh, in whose corps the 45th is, is expected home in a few days. Charles R. Grosh, son of Mr. C. C. Pinckney Grosh and grand son of the late Judge Grosh, also made a flying visit home during last week.— Charley also looks well ; he is in the First Reserves and has been absent for over two years. also deputed to escort the drafted men to the reserves. fiIARRIM On the 16th of June, by Rev. G. M. Clawges, Mr. LEWIS MARTIN, IO Miss CATHARINE MCCALLA, all of this borough. In Marietta, on the 13th instant, by Rev. Geo. M. C]awges, the Rev. W. 11. SUMMT.RS, of York county, to Miss MNRY ANN SMITH, of Adams county. Ciofl)6s No. I.—Large Family Wringer, $10:00 No. 2.—Medium, 7:00 No. 2, 1 1. " cc 6:00 No. 3.—Small c. 5:50 No. S.—Large Hotel Wringer, 14:00 No. lg.—Medium Laundry, to run by 13:00 steam or No. 22.—Large Laundry, hand, 30:00 Nos 2 1 . i. and 3 have no Cogs—all others are warranted. *No. 2 is the size generally used in private families. Orange Judd, of the American Agriculturist, says of - "gbe Mitibersal Giotbts Uaringcr "A child can readily wring out a tubfull of clothes in a few minutes. It is really a clothes saver! A Time Saver! The saving of gar ments will alone pay a large per ventage on its cost. We think the machine much more than pays for itself every year in the saving of garments! There are several kinds, nearly alike in general construction, but we consider it important that the Wringer be fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog the rollers, 'and the rollers upon the crank shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft. Our own is one of the first make, and it is as good as new after nearly four years constant use." Every IVringer with Cog Wheels is war ranted in every particular. No Wringer can be durable without Cog-wheels A good Canvasser wanted in every town. 1E...,0n receipt of the price from places whei e no one is selling, we will send the Wringer free of expense. Fur particulars and circulars, address B. C. BROWNING, 347 Broadway, I.ew-York. August 15, 1863.-6m.3 First National Bank of Marietta. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of Compt? otter of the Currency, Washington, July 15th, 1863. WHEREAS, by satisfactory- evidence pre sented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that - The First National Bank of Marietta, in the County of Lancaster, and State of Penn sylvania, has been duly organized under, and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide a 40,- Hon& currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof, approved February 25th, 1863, and has complied with all the pro visions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of banking. Now, THEREFORE, I, Hugh McCulloch, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the said First National Bank of Marietta, County of Lancaster and State of Pennsylva nta, is authorized to commence the business of Banking, under the act aforsaid. In Testimony Whereof witness my hand and Seat of office, this FIFTEENTH DAY OF JULY, 1563. HUGH McCULLOCH, Comptroller of the Currency Marietta, July 2.5, 1863.-60dys. First National Bank of Marietta THIS BANKING ASSOCIATION HAVING COMPLETED ITS ORGANIZATION is now prepared to transact all kinds of _BANKING BUSINESS. The Board of Directors meet weekly, -on Wednesday, for discount and other business. .ti.l3ank Hours : From 9A.Nto 3 P. JOHN HOLLINGER, PRESIDENT. AMOS BOWMAN, Cashier. Marietta, July 25, 1563. AN K NOTlCE.—Thitty per cent., being JO the 3rd instalment, of the Captal Stock subscribed to The First National Bank ,of Marietta, is required to be paid on or before the 20th day of August. • By order of the Board of Directors, ADIOS BOWMAN, Cashier. Marietta, July 25, 1863. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. H. L. & E. J. ZAHIVI RESPECTFULLY inform their _s*M.e. friends and the public that they \ - ,l l i' still continue the WATCH; CLOCK 6 - n JEWELRY business at the old stand, North-west Corner of North Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa. A full assortment of goods in our line of busi ness always en hand and for sale at the lowest cash rates. JCS Repairing attended to per sonally by , the proprietors. Lancaster, January 1, 1559. The American Watches, .... r IIE American Watches are among the best J timekeepers now in use, and for durability strength and simplicity far surpass any other watch made in the world. H. L. 4- E. J. Z A HDI Corner of North Queeu-st., and Centre Square. Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the very lowest rates—every watch accompanied with the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its gen uinenpss. PLATED WARE: A Large and line stock of Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. ZA Corner of North Queen street & Center Square Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee Urns, Packets, Goblets, San Stands, Cake Baskets, Card Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Knives, Casters, &c., &c., at manufacturers prices. REPLA TIN G attended to at moderate rates, TQUAL or REGULAR TIMEKEEPERS can be had of H. L. & E. J. ZAHN, Cor North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lancas ter, Pa., in the shape of Equilibrium Levers— the best article of Swiss levers now in the mar ket. They are lower in price than any watch of equal quality andj ust as true for timekeeping O LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch T and Irish W.IIISKIES, warrau pure, at 11. D.`Benjamain's. B"LEN IN 'long ceffle.brDat.edilEGNlNJ.Am FARMERS, FARIERS AND HORSE DEALERS, L OOK TO YOUR INTEREST! FRONEFIELLPS Celebrated Preparations 1 unparralled in the history of medicine, and the medicines which deserve attention. HiS Powder stands unri valled for the cure of Yellow Water in horses and cows ; its tendency to increase the for mation of Milk; Butter and Fat has arrested the attention of Farmers, causing it to be uni versally used. His highly recommended and justly celebrated Cattle Liniment is a speedy cure for all diseases to which an extol nal ap plication is useful. Those who are afflicted with Rheumatism should secure a bottle im mediately, having been used by many of our most prominent citizens who steak of it in the highest terms of praise. Come, one and all, try a bottle and be convinced of its mer its. Constantly on hand and for sale by Marietta Aug. 15.1 BEANE & CO. D R. WHITTIER, 65 ST. CHARLES -ST., [BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH STREETS,] ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI.- E=l CHRONIC DISEASES, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Diarrhea, Piles, C.c., and all Female Complaints. DR. W. will send his Theory of Chronic Dis eases, for 6 cents, to pre-pay postage. Symptom lists for any disease, forwarded. il=3 Medicines forwarded to any post office in the United States. Post Office Box, 3092. St. Louis, Atli ust 1,1863,1 y„ The Glatz Formerly Keesey's, OPPOSITE MARIETTA: THIS old Ferry—one of the oldest and most safe crossings on the Susquehanna River— is now In charge of the undersigned, whu has refitted the old and built new boats, which will enable him to do ferrying with slimly and dis. patch. No unnecessary delay need be endured. Sober and experienced Ferrymen always en gaged. No imposition in charges as the fol lowing list will 'show : Farm Wagons, each $1:00 Horses ' per head :2.5 Single horse and rider, :25 Two-horse Carriage and two persons, 1:00 Buggy, horse and two persons, :50 Foot Passengers, each, :12 Stock of all kinds at the old charges. All Luggage over fifty pounds, 25 cents per 100 pounds extra. JOHN ECICERT. July 15, 1863. E 0 : W. WORILALL, 1 .31 - SURGEON DENTIST, Having removed to the Rooms formerly occupies by Dr. aventzel, adjoining . Spangler tf Pat terson's Store . , Market Street, where he is now prepared to wait on all who may feel disposed to patronize him. Dentistry in all its branches car ried on. TB:ETH inserted on the most approved principles of Dental scien , ...e. All operations on the mouth performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and ON VERY REASONABLE TERMS. Having determined upon a permanentloca tion at this nlsrp, would ask a continuation of the lit ronage heretofore extended to him, for which he will render every possi ble satisfaction. . y' Ether administered to proper persons A LEXANDER LYNDSAY, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of City made work in his line of business in this Borough, and be ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER himself,is enablea to select with more judgment than those who are not. He continues to man ufacture in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he will warrant for neatness and good fit. 'Clcll and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. DAVID COO EI RAN, Pointer, Glazier and Paper Hanger. Tx7 OULD most respectfully inform the cit- V V izens of Marietta and the public gener ally that he is prepared to do House Painting, China Glossing, Paper Hanging, At very short notice and at prices to suit the times. He can be found at his mother's resi dence on the corner of= Chesnut and Second streets, a few doors beloW the M. E. Church, and immediately opposite the old Oberlin Coach Works. [Aug. 3-ly. T. C. FAIINESTOCII, "ems DEITT3I, ESPECTFULLY offers his prolessional IV services to the citizens of Marietta and vicinitj, assuring them that all operations in trusted to his care, either in Operative or Me chanical Dentistry, will be executed in a tho roughly scientif.c manner. OrTicE * OA Main street, a few doors west of the Post Office. [v9-35- ly. Black Hawk Iron Ore Washer r HE undersigned having just completed new paterns for the manufacture of the eels brated Black Hawk Iron Ore . Washer. He has removed several objections to the old pat en', and now feels certain of being able to wash one-third more iron oro per day, and much clearer. Machines manufactured and put up anywhere desired at the shortest no tice, and the working of the machine gliarran teed. He can refer, by permission, to Col. James Myers, of Donegal Furnace, Marietta, and to James L. SI ultz, Esq., adjoining Mari etta. Address SAMUEL HOPKINS, Marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa. Marietta, May 21, 1853. A MERICAN HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. Located on Chestnut street, opposite the OLD STATE HOTTSE, and in close proximity to the principal Jobbing and Importing Houses, Banks, Custom House, and places of amusements. The City Cars can be taken at the door (or within a square) for any depot in the City. The House has been renovated and refitted. 3:iI=•TERMS SI:7S•PER DAY. WYATT Sr. HEULINGS, PROPRIETORS. DAVID H. ME LLINGER, House & Sign Painter 6. Paper Hange? TT AVING returned to Marietta anti resum lri e d his old business, is prepared to do All kinds of Plain and Fancy Fainting, Such as China glossing, imitation of woods and marble, house and sign painting, paper hang ing, &c. For the present he can be found at Appold's Eagle Hotel. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS ! ! A fine assortment of Photograph. tr. ALBUMS, ranging in price from '75 cents to Five Dollars. For sale at DELLINGER'S Photograph Gal ery, Market street, Marietta. PRIME GROCERIES:—Rio, Java and Laguira Coffee ; Cr ished, Pulverized and Brown Sugar ; Superior Green and Black Tea , Rice, Cheese and Spices; Sknip and prime ba; king Molasses ; Excellent Pearl- Ifarley'tit - J. R. DIFFENBACR'S.- OA General Assortment of all kinds of BUILDING HARDWARE, LOCKS, eiiiiikes, -Screws, 'Bolts, Cellar '..Grates, Oils, Glass and Putty, very cheap. ,- , - :-PATT : ERSON'& CO. RIED FRUIT' now selling cheap at DIFFENBACIPS. T HE COLUMBIA INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Columbia, Lancaster County, Penn'a CHARTER PERPETUAL! This Company continues to insure Buildings Merchandise, and ornate property, agains loss and damage by fire, on the mutual plan either far a cash premium of premium note The large and increasing capital of the Com pany, consisting of premium notes given by its members, and based upon 81, 475,789 35! INSURED co. THE MUTUAL PLAN, Affords a reliable guarrantee equal to ten times the average loss on the amount insured ; and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as liberally with those who may sustain loss or damage as the case will admit of, consistent with justice to all parties concerned. AMOUNT of PREMIUM NOTES, $155 0 490, Balance of Casts premiums un expended, January Ist, 1562, $1,668 57 Cash receipts durieg the year '62, less Agents' commissions, 6,751 47 Cash receipts in Jamiary,lB63, 59550 —59,345 84 Losses and expenses paid during the year 1862, $6,329 73 Balance unexpended, Feb'y 2, 1563, 3,016 11 $9,;145 84 A. S. GREEN, PRESITANT, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., .S.'ecretury. MICHAEL S. SH UMAN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS : Robert T. Ryon, Abraham, Bruner, Sr., John Fendrich, H. G. Minich, Samuel F. Eon kin, Michael S. .Shuman, Ephraim Hershey, Michael H. Moore, George Young, Jr., :Nicholas Mc Donald. Amos S. Green REFERENCES:—The following persons are all members of this Company: Bainbridge—B.. H Jones. John 11. Smith, Joseph Kuitz. Columbia—Geo. Hoge, Hiram Wilson, F. S. Diets, Casper Yeager, H. C. Fondersmrth, John Shenberger, J. G. Pollock., Frank Shillot, John 'Gams, J. J. & P. S. Mc- Tague, Michael S. sliuman, R. Williams, John Cooper, Geo. W. Heise, Washington Righter, Samuel Sboch, Robert. Hamilton, Eckert & Myers, Thomas Welsh, Win. A. Martin, Casper Seibert, J. W. Cottrell, Philip Huebner, Eplifaim Hershey, Philip Schalek, David Hanauer, John Kramer, Jacob Stacks, Jacob Strine, Benj. F. Appold, Wm. Whipper, John Q. Denney, Julin Felix, Stivester, Vogle, Samuel Arms, A. Gray & Co. East Her:Wield —Simon Minich. Falmouth---Abraham Col lins, Samuel Horst, Michael Hess. Lancas ter—John Rankin, B. A. Shaeffer, Henry E. Leman, Win. T. Cooper, John Sheaffer, Geo. Reese. Marietta—Geo. W. Mehalley, John H. Sammy, Frederick Mahling, E. D. Roath, Calvin A. Schaffner, John Naylor, Samuel Hopkins, Martin Hilebrandt, H. & F. Fletch er. Mount foy—Jacub Myers, Israel Barn hart, Michael Brandt, John Breueman.— Alanhenn—John 1-losteter, J. E. Cross, Sam'l. Long, Geo. Weaver, John M. Dunlap, J - Ibn Butt, Philip Arnt, Jacob H. Kline, David Fisher. Maytown—Hiram Beatty, George B. Murray, Samuel Pence, Simon P. Albright.— Mountnille—A. S. Bowers. Manor Township —Jacob B. Shuman, Christian Miller, Julius L. Shuman. Penn Township—Daniel Frey, Henry B. 'Becker, Henry Nell, John E. Bren ner. Rapho Toteaship—Christiam Greider, Edward Givens, Michael Wittnan. West Hempfield Township-1h E. Wolf, 13. A. Price, M. A. Reid, J. H. Strickler, Amos S. Bowers, Jacob Hoffman. Warwick Township—Daniel B. Erb. t The Company wish to appoint. an Agent for each Township in Lancaster County, Persons wishing to take the Agency can apply peMon or by letter. [uS-35 OBACCO AND SEGARS AT THE 0 L,D PRICES. Sixes, Half Spanish, Havana at 3, 4 and 5 cents, Smoking Tobacc.o of the best brands, Lynchburg, Killicknick, May Flower, Bose Bud , &c., &c. We invite the lover of a good Segar to call ar d examine our stock, far it is unquestionably the best ever offered in Marietta. We have the best HAVANA Al'D FARA SEGARR the Baltimore market affords, arid we are de termined to give this branch of our business particular attention. CALL AT WOLFF_I'S AND SEE. Marietta, March 28, 1363-limos" M ISHLER'S BITTERS. An agency for the sale of Mishler's Celebrated Herb Bitters, has been established at WOLFE'S VARIETY STORE, where one bottle, or one hundied bottles can be had. This medicine has cured when all others have failed. Look at the cards in the ancaster Express, of John Gilman, A. Fairer's wife,- John W. Colvin Jack, Levi E. Rife, Henry Cramer, E. F. Benedict, John Weidman, John Hines, Thomas Wallis, Jay Cadwell, J. T McCully, John Lemon, kbsolem Fairer, and a host -of others Marietta, March 28, 1883-*. -*go, SUPPLEE & BRO„ IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS And General Machinists, Second street Below Union, Colunthia, Pa. They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces, Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns, Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil dings; and castings of every description ; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, IN TUE MOST MODERN AND IMPROVED Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tanning ; Brass- Bearings, Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks, Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, - Vault Doors, Washers, &c. BLACKSMITHING in GENERAL. From long experience in building machinery wt Ratter ourselves that we can give ge-ieral satis faction to those who may favor us with their orders. it'llepairing promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times. Z. SUPPLEE, T. It. SUPPLER. Columbia, October 20, IS6O. 14-tf JOHN CRULL, PRACTEAL HAMM, NO. 92 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA MAKES this method of informing his old I . friends and the public generally, that he has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied by George L. Mackley,) and is now perma nently fixed to prosecute the Ratting business IN ALT ITS BIIANCRES. Having just returned from the city where he selected a large, varied and fashionable assort ment of everything in the _HAT AND CAP LINE, and now only asks an examination of his stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. Having also laid in a stock of Hutting materi al, he will be enabled, at short notice, to man ufacture all qualities--from the common Soft, to the most Fashionable Silk Hat. Employing none but the best of workmen, and manufacturing good goods at low prices, be hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. 1 The highest price paid or Furs,—in trade or cash. -A SUPERIOR COOK STOVE, Very plain style, each one Warranted to perform to the entire satisfaction of . the purchader.• - ,---- • PATTERSOIC ' & CO. , --••=11, B RA NDIES•aII bra nds—warranted genuine; H. D..,Benjamin T HE SOLDIER'S TRUE FRIEND ALWAYS READY. HOLLOWAY'S 01::T.MENT.—Long marches, sore and still joints, blistered and inflamed feet, all these the Soldiers must endure, MOTHERS, REMEMBER Tuts, when your sons are grasping their muskets to meet danger, think what relief a- single pot of this AL L lIEALr.cLtxCOOLING,SaIve will give to the One vau love whet far away from home and friends. It hardens and makes tough the feet so that they can endure great fatigue. It soothes aid relieves the inflamed and stiffened joints, leaving them supple, strong and vigor ous, while for SABRE CUTS and GUNSHOT WOUNDS it stands unequalled, removing and preventing e•:ery vestige of intimation and gently drawing the edges together, it quickly and completely heals the most frightful wound. WITES AND SISTERS Or OUR VOLUNTEERS You cannot put into the Knapsacks of your husbands and brothers, a mere valuable °mere necessary gift than a supply of this Extraordinary Military Salve The lonely sentry walking his rounds at night, exposed to drenching rains and chilled night air, is often seized with most vrotsivr PAINs, Cough and suffocating Hoarseness, first symptoms of quick consumption, but if supplied with Holloway's Pi!ls and Hollo way's Ointinent, all danger is averted, a few Pills taken night and morning, and the Oint ment well rubbed twice a day over the throat and chest will remove the severest pains and stop the most distressing or dangerous cough. Therefore we say to the whole Army SOLDIERS ATTENTION ! See to your own health, do not trust to the Army supplies, although most valuable.— These Pills and Ointment have been thorough ly tested, they are the only remedies used in the European Camps and Barracks, for over forty years Doctor Holloway has supplied all the Artnies•in Europe, and during the Crimean Campaign he established a depot at Balaclava, for the exclusive sale of these GTeat RemeGies. many a time his special Agent there has sold over a ton in weight of the Oirtment in asin gle day. These terrible and fatal enemies of SOLDIER IN CAMP. Dierhea, Dysentery, Scurry, Sores. and &Tilly lone Eruptions, all disappear like a charm be fore these Pills and Ointment, and now while the cry rings throughout the land, TO ARMS !--TO ARMS!! Do not let these brave men perish by diseases place in their hands these Precious Remediess that will enable them to resist the dangerous exposures, the Fevers, the Chills, and the wounds which they cannot avoid, and what is more, cannot frequently get succour in the moment of need, whereas ii our brave men have only to put their hands into their Knap sacks and find there a sure remedy for all the casualties of the battle field. How -many thousands of lives would thus be saved who would otherwise perish before relief could be obtained. lineoivraxr CAuTtoxl—None are genuine unless the words "Holloway, New York and London," arc disernible as a Water-mark in every loaf of the book of directions around each pot and box; the same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A hand some reward will be given to any one render ing such information as may lead to the de tection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knotting them to he spurious. ...Sold at the Manufactory of Professor HOLLOWAY, SO Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at. 25 cents, G 2 cents, and $1 each. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients th every disorder are affixed to each box. ir3= There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. [Dec. 20-ly Dealers in my well known medicines can have SHOW CARDS, CIRCULARS. &c., sent them, FREE or EXPENSE, by addressing THOMAS HOLLOWA Y, _BO Maiden Lane, New-York NEW GOODS. W E have just opened a full assortment of GOODS, adapted to the present and approaching sea son, which we are selling at a small advance. OUR LINE OF FABRICS FOR LADIES WEAR, CANNOT BE SURPASSED, it embraces everything NEW, BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE. ALso, a well selected assortment of !wavy, medium and light Cloths, eqs,sifiletes Nstincv, for full suits adapted to men and youth's wear. A large stock of Hosiery' and Gloves at OLD PRICES. CHEAP DOMESTICS, Muslin 9, Tickings, Osnaburgs, Checks, Ginghams, &c., &c., at least 20 per cent under the present city rates. CARPETS AND WALL PAPERS Ingrain and Rag Carpets ; 4000 pieces assorted Wall Paper. WINDOW BLINDS. Buff Holland, Preen Oil Cloth, Transparent (of all shades) and Paper Blinds. CARPET CHAIN. Colored and Grey Linen, Cotton and WooHet. Carpet Chaxn. QUEENS WARE Full Dinner and Tea Setts of the best makers of Ironstone. GROCERIES. Sugars,. Syrups, Fish, Salt, &c., at last Decem ber prices. An early call is solicited. SPANGLER & PATTERSON, No. GS MARKET-ST. WINES & LIQUORS. D. BENJAMIN, DEAI ER IN WINES & LIQUORS, Picot Building. Marietta, Pa. EG S leave to inform the public that he jj will continue the WIN E.& LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. He will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Dines, Gins. Irish and &otc Whiskey, Cordials. Bitters, i•c., BENJAM IN'S Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON HAND A very surerior OLD BYE IVIILSKEI. ust received, which is warranted pore. All H. D. B. now asks of the publi is a careful examination of his stock and pri cei, which will, he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad. vantage to make their put chases from 1 im TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS. Collection of Pensions, Bounties _Back Pay, and War Claims. Officers' Pay Rolls, fluster Rolls, and Recruiting Accounts made out. HE undersigned, having been in the em T ployment . of the ITnited States during th, last eighteen months, as Clerk in the Muster ing and' Disbursing Office and Office of Supe intendent of Recruiting Service of Pennsylv. nia, respectfully informs the public that he lv opened an office in the Daily Telegraph Buil, ing for the purpose of collecting Pension Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims; als making out Officers' Pay Bolls, Muster Ro and Recruiting Accounts. All orders by mail attended to promptly SU LLIVAN S. CHILD. Harrisburg, Nov. 29, 1862. 18-ly • CII:IAMPAGgE and other Table Wine guarranteed to be pure, and sold as low t can be bought in Philadelphia or New-York. H. D. BENTAMIN Picot Building.