The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 15, 1863, Image 1

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Not Zlrobalit
A Highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract.
L L effectually cure Liver Complaint,
D lipepsia, Jaundice, chronic or net twos
diseases of the Kidneys. and bad dis
eases arising from a disordered Liver Of . &M
-ach. Such as Constipation, in o ward Piles, tut
ness or blood to the bead, acidity of the Stow.
ach, Nausea, litartbuin, disgust for food, ful
ness or weight in the stomach, sour Eructations,
sinking or buttering at the pit of Lie Stomach,
isWinuning of the Head, hurried and difficult
Breathing, fluttering at the Heart. choking or
suffocating sensations when is a lying posture,
ilanness ot V/$1.013. dots or webs before the
Sight, lever tt..d dull pain in the Bead,
cieocy of Perspiration, yellowness of the Skin
and Ly es pain in the Sine, Buck, Chest, Limbs,
&c., sudden Bushes ot Heat, burning in the
!Flesh. coi.stant imaginings of Evil, and grief,
depression of Spirits. And wilt positively
prevent Yellow Fever. Bilious Fever Lim.—
hey conniii. no Me1t...1101 or bad Whisky.—
They yr LL CURE the above diseases in ninety
nine cases out of a hundred.
The proprietors have thousands of letters
front the must eminent Clergymen. Lawyers,
Poynieiens, end Cltizens, testifying of their
own pus Lai knowledge, to the beneficial of
fonts aind medical virtues of these Bitters.
Do you want something to strengthen you
Do 3 u want a gone appi Ito 1 Lo ou want
to build up your const,tut,on 1 Do you want
to feel tell I Do you want to get rid of Ner
vousness? Do you wait energy I Do you
wut t to sleep Do you warn a brisk sad
Vigorous feeling? If 3ou uo, use DUOVLAN
German Dille's.
nrel uist.ous sold under the name 01 Bitters,
put up in gnarl bottles, compounded of the
e, elipet tc lucky or eumutou tutu, costing front
to lU cents per piton, the taste disguised by
Ili ir:e or C. , ruaider Seed.
his chits of fiftieth lies caused and will con
tinue to cause, as lung as they can be sold,
Luhdieds to Lae the ueuth of the drunkard.—
tht fr use the avert-ill is kept euhunually
under the niduet,ce 01 alchohotic stimulants of
hue worst kitAl, the ucsi re fur liquor is creatcd
and h aid the itsult is all the horrors
attei.oant upon it el'Ulli.iL/11 . 8 tile and death.
kor Illene who desire and will lions a Liquor
Nth:is, tie publith the following receipt Get
one bottle vl Dori:hind's bitters and 11.11 X with
thae quarto el pad [Handy or whisky, and
the result will be a preparation that will far
excel in medicinal vn•tues and true excellence
any or the numerous Liquor Bitters in the
and will cull =tale leas. You will
have all the virtues of lloullantes Bitters in
connection with a good article of liquor, at a
touch less price than these inferior prepare
ttvr•s ail; coat you.
AST) IS T. 161% :01.171 We call the atten
tien Cl ail Li—laicals or bends in tile
army to the tact that "lloolland's German
bitters ' will cute nlite-teutha of the diseases
}minced by exposures and privations tuenieLt
is rump lire. lh the lists, published almost
daily lu the newstapeis, on the arrival tif the
bias. it wall be mitived that a very large pro-
Fult.vit ale sulk:ling limn debility. Every
tuft of that L4/11.1 Call to readily cured by
Doi Gummi Itirters. Inseases result
ing Ir, ui disorilirs of the digestive organs are
gpeet,uy removed. We have no hesitation in
intitibg that, al thine Betters were freely used
shin :g our sualims, hundreds of lives might
he bttVca u,at otherwise will be lust.
Mc call the paitiewur attention to the fol
lowing reininkabie and well authenticate,
Cum ill oat or toe nation's heroes, whose lie
to use, his language, riled been saved by the
Bitters :"
rEttLADELPHIA, August 23d, 1862.
Alessrg. Junes ey Lteuns.—Weil, gentleman,
ycttl Itouilsild s German Bitters have saved my
lite. There is no Mistake in this. It is vouch-
Id for by numbers of toy CuairtideS, Seine of
wbooe usnies are appended, and who ate fully
cri r;lxunt ul ati tut, cireniusial.ces Witty case.
I are, and hare ()ten fur Me last four years,
a member of shear - lan's celebrated battery,
and under the immediate command of Cap
tain le. B. Ares. 'lnrou h li the exposure at
lei dem upon ni) arduous ilutica, 1 wasattack
ad iu .NuVentber last wt.b thllamation of the
lungs, and was fur seventy-two days in the
hospital. This it as lotion ed by great debility,
heilMtencd by an attack of dysentery. I was
then removed stern the White house, and
sent to tots city on truant the Steamer "State
or Atomic," troll whicn Handel `•tin the 25th,
of June. :since that time 1 have been about
as low as any one cowl arid retain a
Spark of k hinny. For a week or more 1 was
ac,„“ ly unlit to swatluw anything, and if I did
loice h 11101551 down, it was immediately
thrown up again-.
1 cuuto no, even keep a glass of water on
M 3 stowed'. Lite could not last under these
cummistatices: and, accordingly, the physt
Cons who had been working manfully, though
unsuccessfully to rescue me from the grasp
of 'Le email Archer, frankly told me they
could do no more for me, and advised me to
bee a cieigymen, and to make such disposi
tion tat rii) Willie'. funds as best suited me.—
At. acquaintance woo visited tne at the hospi
tal, Aar. Fictlerick Steirihron, of sixth beiow
Arch glee, auviscd we, as a forlorn hope, to
t.) ) our Bitters, and kintily'procuted a bottle.
From the time I commenced taking [nem the
go. ray alitido S t,l ocath r.ceeed, and I am
now, thank trod for rt, gctting better. Thu'
1 hove taken but two butties, I have gained
ten pounds, and 1 tool sanguine of being per-
Milted to 11 jOili my wile unit dat;gh(or, stein
whom I hate heard nothing fur eighteen
mutates: fur, gentlemen, 1 am a loyal Viigiu
lan, irutn we vi y of Front Itoyal. 'ln
your invaluable Bitters I owe the certainty of
lite w [itch has taken the placo or vague tears
—to your Inners aril I owe the gloutious pri
vilt•ge of again clasping to my bosom timse
Who are neatest to we in life.
Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE.
We fully concur In the trunk of the above
stuteweist, as we had deapaired of noting uur
con.rewle, Mr. iNlutune, reendeti to health.
.I,lulLuddiebuch., Ist New York battery.
4eor 6 e A. Ac.iey, Co. C., 11th Maine.
Ltwni Chevalier, yxd New y,,rk.
I. E. :ponder, let Artiiiery, battery F
J. li. fasewell, Co. 13, 3d Veiniont.
Henry B. Sertnno, Co. B. do.
Jinni). T. Macdonald, Co. C. tits Maine.
John F. Vlara, Cu. F. bin Maine.
Nathuniel Thomas, Co. 1%. 3 95th Penn.
Jutin Jenkins, Cp. 11 7 10(ich i•euu
beweie ut counieirtits ! See that the sig-
Nature al ••C. it. Jackson," is on toe wrapper
of each bottle. Puce per bottle 73 ci.nts or
halt tor-S4
bliouto your erecter druggist not have the
atliCie, do nut be put oil uy ary of the intoxi
eatinE; prepttratioua that may be offered iu its
piece, but bend to u., dud, we will forward,
lieuttreiy o: , ciitd, by exeress.
etincipat Office and Manufactory,
fro. ti3l AILC/3 .STREET.
(Succersors to C. M. Jackson & Co ,)
12 - For sale by Druggists and' /freshtrs in
*rimy terwn in the iltiitect State,.
.'ll - 4...ri2ttian
u4tycacitt venttsgilmuia gonna!: ptintar f olitzts, yiteraturt, Agriculture, Dellis of te Yotal
One Dollar a-var ; tOnable in abbantt
OFFITT : CRULL'S Row. Front Street, five
doors below Flury's Hotel.
TERMS, 0.. e Dollar a ear, payable in ad
vance, a , d if subscriptiors he not paid' within
six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de
layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50
will be charged.
lines, or less) 50 cents fur the first insertion and
25 cents far each subsequent insertion. Pro
fessional and Business cai ds, of six lines or less
at $3 per a.inum. Notic.-s in the reading col
umns, fire cents a-tine. 1% C arriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, FREE; but for any
additional lines, tive eenis a line.
A liberal deduction made to yearly and half
yearly advertisers.
Haying recentled added a large lot of new
Job and Lard type, Cuti, Borders, &c., to the
Job Office of " The Mariettian," which will
insure the fine execution of all kinds of Jon &
CARD PRINTING., from the smallest
Cord to the largest Poster, at prices to suit the
Another stroke on the bell of time,
Another cycle of human life,
Another step from the summer prime,
Another lease of care and strife.
My glass reveals the self-same face—
The eyes with their accustomed ray;
Yet in them I the hint can trace—
My boy, you're forty.nine to-day.
The self-same face, but still I see
The havoc thereon time has made ;
Mine own have no immunity
From change that other cheeks invade.
The same deep wrinkles on the brow,
The same commingling of the gray,
Speak that I cannot disavow—
nly boy, you're forty-nine to-day.
I read the record time has traced,
Whether of folly or of wit,
Too deep to ever be erased,
For what i.thereon writ is writ.
It needs no cunning tongue to tell
The story that its lines portray ;
I knoW the tale it bears too well--
kly boy, you'ie forty-nine to-day
And few but I may read the lines—
The inner meaning they impart :
Each word in burning tracery shines,
I've learned it long ago by heart.
A creed of mingled good and ill,
A Jog book kept on life's rough way,
That other years and acts roust fill—
My boy, you're forty-nine to-day.
early years, where have ye flown
Where fled the buoyancy of youth?
Alas! though we times touch disown,
Our mirror tells us all the truth.
, Twete well to own the serious fact,
Admit the steps of mild decay,
And with a riper wisdom act—
My boy, yoU're forty-nine to-day.
But notin grief I bid farewell
To years that in the past are lain ;
No moment does my heart rebel
That joys may not return again.
Witt cheerful trust I'll bide my fate,
And culture calm content alway ;
* Exempt from draft, I'll patient wait—
My boy, you're forty-nine to-day.
ARTIFICIAL. Ica.—A •great degree of
cold is produced by a mixture of saltpe
tre and Glauber salts, and there are now
manufactured in England and exported
to India, &c., in large quantities, chemi
cal mixtures known as freezing powder,
by means of which rough ice can be pro
duced in fifteen minutes, at a cost of is
9d, or about 4d per pound. This pow
der, introduced into a little machine,
invented by the same person, may be
used upon the table to ice wine or water
with the greatest celerity. A. bottle of
champagne may be iced in ten minutes
for 3d. So great is the intensity of the
cold produced that the sparkling con
tents of the bottle may be actually
transformed into a spongy mass.
and Leather Reporter says that the
draft is very heavy among the journey.
men in the shoe• manufacturing district!
of Massachusetts, and that labor, in
consequence, is very scarce and high.
There still continues to be a fair de
mand for the boots and shoes for the
Western market; and, now that the
contending armies have retired from
Pennsylvania, goods are in considerable
request in that quarter, and according
ly, we note increased shipments to the
larger towns in that State.
ONE. OF THE CHIVALRY-- It iB said that
alter Vicksburg surrendered, one of the
rebel officers—Gen. Lee, of South Caro
lina—in order to display his spirit,
opened a vein in his arm and wrote hie
parole with blood. We should think it
hardly necessary that a gentleman, hav
ing proper faith in his simple word of
honor should endorse it in ink taken
from his own veins. There is a Quix
otism about such an act that makes it
Gir New Lisbon, 0., where John Mor
gan was caught, is Vallandigharn's birth.
place. So John stopped where Val
was set a going.
Falling in love is an old fashion, and
one that will yet endure. Cobbett, a
good, sound Englishman, twitted Mal
thus, the anti population writer, with
the fact that, do all he could, and all
that government conld—ay, all that
twenty thousand governments could—
he could not prevent courting and fall
ing in love. " Between fifteen and
twenty-two," said he, •"all people will
fall in love." Shakespeare pushes out
this season to the age of forty-five. Old
Burton, writing on love-melancholy;
gives us a still further extension of the
lease ; and certainly "there be old fools
as well as young fools." But no one
is absolutely free from the universal
passion. The Greek epigram on ' a stat
ue of Cupid, w hich Voltaire, amongst a
hundred of others, has happily produced,
is perfectly true :
" Whoe'er thou art. thy master see
Who was, or is, or is to be."
Probably no one escapes from the
passion. We find in trials and in crim
inal history, that the quaintest, quietest
of men, the most outwardly saintly,
cold, stone-like beings, have had their
moments of intense love madness.—
.Luckily, love is as lawful as eating,
when properly indulged in.
Cobbett tells us how an English yeo
man loved and courted, and how be was
loved in return ; and a prettier episode
does not exist in the English language.
Talk of private memoirs of courts—the
gossip of the cottage is worth them all.
Cohbett,'who was a sergeant-major in a
regiment of foot, fell in love with the
daughter of a sergeant of artillery, then
in the same province of New Bruns
wick. He had not passed more than
an hour in, when, noticing
her modesty, her quietude, and her so
briety, he said, "That is the girl for
me." The next morning he was up
early, and almost before it was light
passed the sergeant's house. There she
was on the snow scrubbing out a wash
ing tub. "That's the girl for me,"
again cried Cobbett, although she was
not more than fourteen, and he was
nearly twenty-one,
" From the day I first spoke to her,"
he writes, "I had no more thought of
her being the wife of any other man
than I had the thought of her becoming
a chest of drawers." lie paid every at
tention to her, and, young as she was,
treated her with all confidence. He
spoke to her as his friend. his second
self. But in six months the artillery
were ordered to England, and her father
with them. Here was indeed a blow.
Cobbett knew what Woolwich was, and
what temptation a young and pretty
girl would be sure to undergo. lie
therefore took to her his whole fortune,
one hundred and fifty guineas, the sa
vings of his pay and overwork, and
wrote to tell her that if she did not find
her place comfortable to take lodgings,
and put herself to school, and hot to
work too hard, for he would be home
in two years. "But," as he says, "as
the malignity of the devil would have
it, we were kept abroad two years long
er than our time, Mr, Pitt having
knocked up a dust with Spain about
Nootkit Sound. 0, how I cursed Noot
ka Sound, and poor, bawling Pitt." But
at the end of four years Cobbett got hie
He found his little girl a servant of
all work, at five pounds a year, -in the
house of a Captain Brisac, and, without
saying a word about the matter, she put
into his hands the whole of the hundred
and fifty guineas unbroken I
What a pretty, tender picture is that I
—the young sergeant, and the little girl
of eighteen, who had kept for four years
the treasure untouched, waiting with pa
tience her lover's return ! What kind
ly, pure trust on both sides I The his
torical painters of our Royal Academy
give us scenes from English history of
intrigue and bloodshed. Why can they
not give us a scene of true English
courtship like that? Cobbett, who
knew how to write sterling Eaglish bet
ter than any man of his own day, and
most of ours,,does not forget to enlarge
upon the scene, and dearly he loved his
wife for her share of it ; but he does not
forget to add that with this love was
mixed "self-gratulation on this indubi
table proof of the soundness of his own
air The lap-stone used by the mis
sionary pioneer, Dr. Wm, Carey, when•
he was a shoemaker, is now among the
highly valued relics at Stepney College,
England. <Winn Carey was insulted by
the Edinbarg Review, as a"bobbler," it
little reflected that his very lap-atone
would become famous all over the earth.
Louisville Journalisms
Lieut. Cul. Alston, of Alorgan's staff,
captured near Lebanon, says that the
rebels would sooner be swallowed by
an earthquake than acknowledge the
Federal authority. If an earthquake
were to swallow them, we doubt wheth
er- they would stay upon its stomach
half as long as Jonah did on the Whale's.
For nearly two years the Journal and
the Democrat went together for the
Union. They would have gone together
for it4to this day but for the Democrat's
discovery of the philosophical fact, that,
"if two ride the same horse, one mast
ride behind."
The Democrat says that "the rebellion
hangs suspended, as it were, on a single
thread." There's many a rebel leader
that ought to "hang suspended" in the
same way, only the " single thread"
should be a very strong one.
Mr. Wickliffe says he is 75 years old.
We don't know why he stays here so
long, unless because neither heaven nor
bell is willing to take him. And yet
the Devil is said to be not very particu
Mr. Wickliffe said at the courthouse
that he wished his voice could "reach
every hamlet.aud corner in the- State."
We guess that a good many hamlets
and corners would rather be excused.—
.would prefer pleasanter noises.
Now that Vicksburg is a Federal
city, the rebels, if they choose, can go
and try to finish onr canals.and turn the
Mississippi off from• her. They'll proba
bly find some of our old broken spades
upon the grown!. Dig away, rebs.
The Richmond NI big complains bit
-terirthat: trenttral - Lee bus disappointed
the expectations of the rebel Govern
ment. Then we advise the rebel Go
vernment either to appoint better Gen
erals or to form lower expectations.
France still talks about recognizing
the Southern Confederacy. Let her
recognize it if she will, but if she at
tempts any armed intervention, we guess
we shall whip her till she will hardly
be able to recognize herself.
We understand that Geo. W. Bich
ley, the father of the "Knights," will be
tried as a spy. Facts seem to leave no
room for a doubt of his guilt. Let him
be ready to eat brimstone-puddings with
the Devil.
The Lord rained upon the earth forty
days and forty nights. General Grant
rained upon Vicksburg forty-nine. And
then he consented to send ont a dove
with the olive-branch in its mouth.
Gen. Lee has fought two great bat
ties upon loyal. soil and has been whip
ped ie both. When nest he shall set
his feet upon loyal dust, he will be like
ly to bite it..
No one can have seen how free Mor
gan ana, his men made themselves with
the boots in the•lndiana and Ohio boot
stores without recognizing them as free
Mr. Wickliffe, says that he is "crip
pled." True, but he shouldn't try to
cripple Kentucky merely because mis
ery loves company.
There is no truth in the report that
General Wheeler was drowned in Duck
River. Be can swim as well as the bird
from which the stream takes its name.
The Democrat says that Mr. Wick.
lifro has “kept his word." No doubt
he will have to keep it. He can't find
anybody silly enough to take it.
North Carolina is anxious to furnish
a good many thousand architects for the
reconstruction of the Union. They
have got their tools ready.
Buckner hasn't. yet eaten his dinner
in Louisville, but Morgan has eaten
several meals in Cincinnati, We hope
they agreed with him.
France talks about her eagles, but
we have an eagle to which hers are but
jay.birds and yellow-hammers.
A. sharpshooter named. Bully is said
to have killed ten rebels at 'Vicksburg
in one day. Bully for Bally .l
-Humphrey Marshall hag no populari
ty in this world, but he will be a great
toast in the next.
We hope that nobody will hit Basil
Duke, on the head , and knock John Mor
gan's .
Our army atGettysburg was not raw,
but it tduchod.the rebellion "upon the
The loss of'a• leg apt to make a
man "as mad as a hopper."
regimenti will soon form a tolerably
large addition to the army. A corres
pondent of the Cincinnati Gazette gives
a list of those already in active service,
and those wiliCh are being recruited.—
The list is as follows :
Two Massachusetts regiments, in the
To South Carolina regiments, in the
One North Carolina regithent, in the
One Philadelphia regiment, ready for
One Washington, D. C., regiment,
ready for service.
One Kansas regiment, in the field.
Two New Orleans regiments, in the
Four Mississippi and Tennessee regi
ments in the field.
One Rhode Island artillery company,
in the field.
In all fourteen regiments and one
battery full, and either in or ready for
active service.
The following are being formed :
Oue Philadelphia regiment, nearly
half full,
One Washington, (D. C.) regiment,
nearly half full.
One Baltimore regiment. -
One Virginia (Fortress Monroe) re
One 'Noah Carolina (Newbern) regi-
ment. •
Two South Ce.rolina regiments.
One Ohio ((lamp Delaware) regiment
One New Orleans regiment.
Siteen Mississippi and Tennessee
In all organizing, and many of them
well advanced, twenty-five regiments.
--" Mother I they may kill the body, but
they cannot touch, the soul!" was the
language used by poor Abraham Frank
lin, as he was borne from the presence
of his mother by the barbarous mob on
the morning of the 14th ultimo. This
young man, aged twenty-three, had been
an iovalid for about two years, and was
a confirmed consumptive. When the
mob broke into the house they found
him in bed. They bore him into the
street, and there, although he had not
raised a finger against them, indeed was
not able tfi do so, they beat him to dean,
hanged him to a lamp post. cut his panta
loons off at the knees, cut bits of flesh out
of his legs, l 'and afterwards set fire to
him All this was done beneath the
eyes of his widowed mother. Such an
exhibition of bloodthirstiness is without
a parallel in the history of crime. Pat
rick Butler and George Glass, both
Irishmen, the latter fifty-three years of
age, have been arrested for the murder
of Mr. Franklin.--Angto African.
EXEMPTS.—One of the most notable
features of the draft is the large pro
portion of exemptions. to the whole
number of persons drawn.' Assuming
that this part of the work is fairly con
ducted, and that none, or but few, are
released from military duty except for
physical disability, and we are forced to
the conclusicin that the American peo
ple, of this day at least, are remarkably
sickly and infirm. The Newburyport
Herald, in referring to the circumstance,
says: "If it be true that the young men
from 20 to - 45 are so diseased and de-
bilitated as is reported, what is to be
the physical condition of the next gen
eration, of which these are to be fathers ?
This is a more fearful thought than even
the rebellion itself." -
GLUE. FOR READY UBE.—To any gnarl•
tity of glue add common whiskey instead
of water. Put both together in a bot
tle, cork it tight, and set it• away for
three or four days, when it will be fit for
use without the application of heat-
Glue thus prepared will keep for years,
and is at all times fit for use, except in
very cold weather, when it should be
set in warm water before using. To ob
viate the difficulty of the stopper get
ting tight by the glue drying in the•
month of the vessel, use a tin vessel
with the cover fitting tight on the out
side, to prevent the escape of the spirits
by evaporation. A strong solution of
isinglass, made in the same manner, is a
very excellent cement for leather.
tur "Are you the mate'?" said a man
to the Irish cook , of a vessel lying in
"No," said he, "but I'm the man as,
boils the mate." rr.
Ear "Bast: _thou hope 4they asked
of-Jehir Knox,- when he lay ,dying. 1 Ile
spake nothing, but-raised: hie- Hager agar =and
pointed upward, and so died.
VOL. 10.-NO. 2.
WICKLIFFE : Prentice, of the Louis
ville Journal, thus icitthingly.rebukes
Charles A. Wickliffe, the noisy border
state member of the last Congress from
Kentucky. The Journal at- one time
was quite a defender of Wickliffe's
course in Congress, but afterward took
grounds against him. We have never
read anything more severe. The Jour
nal says : We did not think it worth
While either to listen to Mr. C. A.
W'ickliffe's speech on Monday night or
to get a report of it. We hear that he
was excessively vindictive in his denun
ciation of us. We can readily believe
it. 11 is all bitterness. Take away
his bitterness, nod there wouldn't be
enough of him left to make a small lap
dog. He was Et bitter young man, and
he is a bitterer old one. He first bro't
himself into notice half a century ago
by eating off a gentleman's ear, and it
would seem as if the ear, saturated with
the venom of his fangs, had been fester.
ing and rotting upon his stomach ever
since, making his breath and his words
a public nuisance. All the secretions
of his body are in his biliary ducts and
his gall-bladder. He is incapable either
of cherishing attachment or being the
object of it. Ile has no more genial
feeling than a hyena or a ghoul. His
soul is a spider that sucks poison from
all things alike. It would seem as if,
like Spencer's impersonation of Envy,
he were always chewing a toad, from the
manner in which venom is forever drip
ping from his jaws, whilst inwardly he
'chews his own maw," The hate that
coils in his soul has its eche in his
vcice, and its photogr . aph in his face.—
a thousand disappointed hopes :and
blasted expectations revel and rage and
madden in the hell of his bosom like 80
many fiends in their own scarce fiercer
Mr. Wickliffe, during some brief pa.
nods of his life, has been thrown by his
hopes of aggrandizement into co-opera
tion with true and enlightened states
men, but he has always felt himself ill
at ease in their company and made haste
to escape from it. He has felt at home
only among malignants and destructive*.
How mefancholy it is to contemplate
such a being in comparison with a man
like John J. Crittenden, the eve over.
flowing with all the best and noblest
thoughts and affections of our nature,
enjoying happiness and diffusing it
around him, and giving up his great and
enthusiastic soul to the promotion of
the greatest good of his country and of
mankind and the other brooding ever
upon evil thoughts, vile antipathies, and
fell conspiracies, trusting nobody and
trusted by nobody, env3ing the good and
fearing the rivalry of the bad, holding
himself aloof from all the sweet and
gentle sympathies of his race like a
beast of prey, laying steadily up through
every year a store of bitterness for other
years, and finally, at his three score and
ten or three score and fifteen, preparing
for the close of his most unhappy life
by an attempt to betray his country into
the power of an accursed rebellion. The
thought of what he has been and must
be a coal of fire in his brain, and an en
raged adder in .his heart. One would
think that he might well rejoice at grow
ing bald, for he must feel as if every
hair of his head were a serpent, like the
hair of the Eumenides.
We pity this old man almost as much
as we loathe and abhor him. There
cannot live, as Sir Wm. Temple says, a
more wretched being than an ill na
tured and malignant old man, who is
neither capable of receiving pleasures,
nor sensible of doing them to others.—
We advise him, old as he is, and peevish,
ulcerated, and querulous as his mind
may be, to try to reform, and at least
make a sacrifice to God of the Devil's
scanty leavings, lest in his last hone
black dispair shall sit like a screech-owl
over his head.
"Will you please to permit a lady
to occupy this seat ?" said one gentle.
man to another, in a railroad car. "Is
she an advocate of woman's rights V'
asked the gentleman who was invited to
vacate. "She is," was the reply. "Well.
then, let her take the benefit of her doc
trine and stand up."
gar A young lady once married a man
by the name of Dust, against the wish
of her parents. After a short time, they
lived unhappily together, and she re
turned to her father's ; but he refused
to receive her, saying, "Dust thou art,
and unto Dust thou shalt return."
Or A-young woman iu New Orleans
shot a fellow for asking-bar if she would
marry - -Be popped the COMM
and she the questioner: .