. ,11.1nicittan. MkE ti Tr TIOVIIS% The several pas sem:, r Laios leate the "Upper-'tation t,,n,-,vs: Morning train, East, at ten ni:awei b , fore S; MlTail (rain West,..l ; Accoinninialion train, East, at 9 minutia after 5 ; the sam train West, at five minute, before 7 in the evening. MARIETTA, SATURDAY, JULY Cr The next issue will complete the ninth year of "The Mariettian," and many are yet several years in arrears for subscription and advertising. Wu must make every•effort to obtain every dollar due us or we cannot continue ; the price of paper and everything pertain ing to a printing office being alarmingly high, and unless wo can get nearly all due us, we must swamp. The trifle from each subscriber is nothilg to each, but all to us, We hope, therefore, that all who know themselves indebted to us for subscription, advertising or job work will make it convenient to settle with us immediately, for upon our suc- cess in making collections, will depend the continuation of the paper. cr The Ladies Patriotic Circle of this borough received the following trr from Dr. Hinkle, acknowledging the box of "hospital needs" sent him some time since : CAMPBELL HOSPITAL, w a shington, D. C., June 16, 1563. 'a Miss Elibna Secretary Lades Patriotic Crete, Marietia, Pa. T received by express, a few days since the box containing the articles named in your letter, and I now avail myself of the first leisure moment allowed me from my professional duties, to thank you and the ladies you represent, for your very timely present. These tokens of re membrance from the good ladies of your town are most gratefully acknowledged by the soldier, and while he thus finds himself the constant object of sympathy and interest. with those who are at home he cannot but bear his sufferings with patient courage and resignation. lie assured, ladies, year good work in behalf these noble defenders of the Union will meet a rich reward. If you cannot fight nor battles, you can, and do perform ser vices second to none others, for you in spire with new life the fainting hearts of husbands, mother's sons amd lovers, and thus help on the cause of freedom and justice. Your benefactions will be dis tributed as you desire—to relieve the wants of the sick and wounded, in whose name I once more thank you most sin cerely. With much respect. F, litNet,e, U. S. COL. W ICK'n.gil,lll'S 131 , 16' :3IENT.—T Isis fine regiment, in Which nre four compa nies from • Lancaster county has been organized as follows: Colonel, Prof. J. I'. Wickersham. Lieut. Colonel, Charles McDougal, of Bradford county. : Major, Benj. F. Cox, of Lancaster. Adjutant, Lieut. D. 1 . 1, Herr, of Lan caSte'r county. Quartermaster, Lieut. Abraham rfart ranft, of I:scorning, county. Assistant Surgeon, Dr. Brainard Le• mon of Lancaster county. Chaplain, Rev. John C. Thom, of Chester county. The ilarrisburg Telograph, tieing, the organization of the regiment Bap 'Mils regiment, composed of men from seven counties, and under the eoM mand of Col. James P. Wickersham, is made up of soma of tbe.bcstrrnaterial is Service. The regiment numbers about .850 officers and men, from the following counties: one:company from Bradford, one from Cumberland, four from Lan caster, one from Lo:orne,one from Del aware, ono from Chester and ono from Clinton. It is expected that the regi ment will soom.he with'the Army of the Potomac. COL. FRANKLIN'S RIGTSIENT.—TbiIi Sue regiment of citizen soldiers left Camp Curtin, Parrisbu'rg, on Sunday morning for Chamhersburg. The Regiment is now fully organized with the following Regimental officers: Colonel, 14.1mlen Franklin. ~Lient..Col., Thaddeus Stevens, jr. J. Eielsiiecker. Adjutant, Davit; K. Bprenger. Quartermaster, Lewis ;slay. Surgeon; Dr. J. F. /Tabor. Assistant Burgeon, Dr.-Sam'i.:Kensag.Y. Hospital Steward, Lewis Calder. Sergeant Major, w. H. IL Buckles. Quartermaster Sergeant, W. G. Binkloy ar . Quite un excitement prevailed in this place on Monday and Tuesday last, in consequence of efforts made to enlist a colored company of volunteers. A squad of some twenty was shipped for Philadelphia on Wednesday morning, there to join one of the regiments being raised. Fred, Douglass _Broke -to, the colored men in the Town Hall on Thursday a. ternoon. His speech was ono of the finest we have ever listened to. The hall audience was four-fifths white. Lie made a stirring appeal to the colored men to fly to arms. go" David H, Mellinger having re- turned to Marietta, will resaine his old business. He can be found at Appold's Eagle, Hotel. His card will appear iu our next. eir Mr. Eckert having leased the old Keesey-Glatz Ferry, opposite this bo rough, is Dow prepared with new boats to attend to all calls without delay.— See his card in another column. 45 0- The "First,National Bank of Ma rietta,'" ' ' will` eommence operations on Monday" nest. tfir Immediately upon the return of some of our citizens from the battle- field of Gettysburg and the condition of the sick and wounded being made known to our "Circle," that patriotic association, went to work with a will, and in a couple of days sent several boxes containing the following dona- ECM From Mr. li. Musselmen, 1 barrel of flour, and the biking of the flour. Mrs. James Whitehill, 2 shirts, 1 towel, 2 pounds rice, 2 cakes soap, 1 paper corn starch. Mrs. McQueen, 2 shirts, roll of linen, muslin and lint, 1 crock of ap plebutter, 1 crock cherry preserves.— Mrs. W. nipple, 2 rolls of muslin, lot or bandages. Mrs. Ramsey, 1 pliCher of currant, jelly. Mrs. J. W. Clark, 1 can of apple.butter, 1 bottle wine, 5 lbs. white sugar, 8 pounds rice, 2 papers cornstarch, one ounce nutmegs, 2 pa pers farina, bandages.. Miss Lily Paha estock, 1 ham, 1 cup raspberry jelly, I cup currant jelly, 2 bottles currant wine, 1 roll linen, 4 linen shirts, 2 rolls mus lin. Mrs. S. F. Eagle, 2 bottles wine, 5 crocks jelly, '6 shirts, 4 pairs socks, 2 vests, 3 fans, 2 collars, roll of muslin.— Mrs. Aaron Gable, 2 sbicts, 1 vest, 1 cravat, 2 pairs socks, 1 roll muslin, 1 towel, 4 pocket, handkerchiefs, 1 pillow case. Mrs. J. P. Walter, 4 loaves of bread, 1 bowl and 4 tumblers jelly.— Mrs. Ferree, 3 towels, package of news papers, 1 jar jelly. A Fliend, 1 towel, 1 shirt. Miss Boggs, 1 jar jelly, 17 rolls bandages, 2 handkerchiefs. Mrs. .J Kline, 1 jar currant jam, 2 papers fa rina, 2 papers cornstarch, 3 bars soap, 2 hop bags, 2 towels, 1 shirt, 2 handker chiefs, 1 loaf bread, 1 bottle currant shrub, roll of muslin. Mrs. Emily Cas sel, 1 sheet., roll linen, 2 handkerchiefs, 2 pieces soap, 2 papers farina, 8 pounds dried apples. Mrs. M. Wilson, bread, lot of rusk, 8 yards bandages. Mrs. Barbara Johnson, L pair pillows, 1 shirt, 1 pair drawers, 24 yards bandages, I bottle grape, wine, 1 can quince pre serves. Mrs. James 'Thompson, 2 hop pillows, 1. loaf bread, 2 rolls, muslin, 3 handkerchiefs. Mr. Myers, 1 latiShel of bran: Mrs. F. L. Baker, 1 paper corn. starch, 1. paper tea, 1 paper pins. Mrs. 11. D. Benjamin, 1 bottle elderberry vinegar, 1 bottle old rye, 1 Package dried cherries, 2 rolls bandages. Ella and Ida Benjamin, lint. Miss Carter, lint. Mrs. Win. Child, 1 leaf bread, 2 shirts, 2 papers cornstarch, 2 bottles ketchup, 2 tumblers currant jelly. - Mrs. Geo. Ettla, 1 bottle currant wine, 1 loaf bread, 1 101 l muslin. Miss Mary Inhoff, 1 bottle shrub. Miss Hopkins, 4 rolls Lalpandages, lint, 1 jar strawberry pre serv. s, 4 hop pillows. Mrs. A. N: Cas sel, wino, jelly roll of muslin. Mrs. M. A. Spangler, package lint, 1. shirt, 3 'bran bags, brig dried apples, 2 rolls rims lim 'Miss Roland, .roll' muslin. Mrs. C. A, Shaffner, 1. bottle wine,',l paper farina, 3. cups jelly., 1 roll muslin. Miss. M aggie Trainer,-.sl. Mrs. Samuel Hip pie, 2 loaves bread, 1 crock currantjarn, 5 pieces soap, lint. Mrs. W. Krater, 1 bottle wine, 1 jar jelly. Mrs. Buchan an, package of chersies, 1 paper corn starch, 2 shirts., Mrs. Harry Schock, 1 paper cornstarch, roll muslin, paper of sugar, 1 tumbler jelly. Mrs: T. Ander son, 1 sheet, 1 roll muslin, t paper fa rina. Tate Anderson, 1 cake scnip.— Annie 11. Spangler, lint. Mrs. T. Zell, 4 shirts, 3 vests, 3 cravats, 1 pillow, 2 pillow cases, 17 yards bandages, 1 roll old muslin, 1 bottle raspberry vinegar, 1 bottle currant wine. Mrs. R. J, Spangler, 3 pounds rice, 2 papers farina, 4 pounds sugar, 1 can cherries, 2 pounds crackers, 1 pound es:stile - soap, 2 tam• Mets preset ves, 2 ounces nutmegs, 2 towels. Mrs. Tredenick,'l jar currant jam, 2 bottles ketchup, 1 bottle Wine,. 2 papers cornstarch. Miss Elizabeth 'l'. Cosset, 1 pair sheets, 1 pair pillow cases. lint, boodle rags; bag dried, apples.— Miss 'Sallie Curren, 1 paper - refit:l'l, - 11bl, Ic. Mrs. Henry Sultzbach, .7 banda ges, 3 shirts, apple butter, dried apples. Mrs. Dr. 'Beane, 1 pound castile soap, 2 papers cornstarch, 2 papers ground rice, 2 papers cocoa, 1 paper farina, 2 tum blers jelly. Miss Bailie, black tea, .castile soap,' dried apples, 1 bottle to n-MU:O ketchup. Mss: Di.. Haldeman; ham, 1 piece died beef, 1 Pound tea, 1 poUnd chocolate,s2 pailfuls sugar. Mrs. ai;,:hael Shank, 2 loaves bread, 2 loaves sweet bre..: (l , 3 pans rusk. Mrs. S. 0. Baker, 1 loaf bra;:ad, 1 crock currant jel ly,. Mrs. Henry Musse:ma.n, 2 bottles honey, 6 pounds peaches, 4 poands cof fee, 4 pieces soap, -4- pound imp, tea, paper cornstarch, 6 pounds sugar, linen for towels. Mrs. Sarah Park, 1. roll muslin, 1 roll lineu,6 pairs sons, 1 box dried fruit, 2 cups jelly, 2 bottles twine. Mrs. Jacob Stahl, 1 bottle grape wine, 1 bottle elderberry wine, 1 bottle black berry jam, dried apples. Mrs. S. Beck, $l, 4 loaves bread, 2 towels, 1 sheet, 1 pillow, 3 pillow slips, roll muslin, piece soap. Mrs. Marks, 1 loaf bread, 1 pa per cornstarch, muslin, I cup jelly.— Mrs. Jacob Reath, 1 crock currant jelly, 1 loaf bread, 1 jar, raspberries, roll mus lin. Mrs. Beatty, lot of rusk, 2 loaves bread, 2 rolls bandages, 2: papers corn starchal„bottle currant wine, 2ltuurblers jelly. Mrs. James Anderson, 2 tumblers jelly, one cialte_soaP. 'Mrs. H. Longen• ecker, package of lint, 1 cup jelly, 2 rolls bandages, 1. roll muslin, 2 pti.pers cornstarch. Mr. H. Wolfe, 2 bottles M.ishiler's bitters, Isjar-pickled plums, 2 `coats, Miss Margaret Frank, $l. kliss Sarah Anderson, 2 sheets, large roll In no- --'yc~Tl-iE MIARiETTTAN. -~ muslin. Mrs. D. Miller, roll of linen, 1 pair drawers. Mrs. Stibgon, 1 roll muslin. Mrs. 'l'. Hiestand, 1 towel, 1 pair drawers, roll muslin. Mrs. E. B. Emswiler, 1 pair drawers, 1 towel, roll bandages, 1 tumbler preserves. Mrs. G. Goodman, 2 tumblers currant jelly, 2 tumblers strawberry jelly, 1 tumbler raspberry jelly, 1 bottle wine, 3 cakes soap, bandages. Miss Lamison, 1 paper cornstarch, 2 cakes soap, Mrs. Jose phine Timlow, 2 sheets, 3 shirts, 2 tow els, 1 roll linen, 1 roll bandages, pack age black tea, 3 pieces sponge. Mr. J. R. Clickner,•one piece sponge, 1 bottle bay Turn. Mrs. Judy, 1 roll muslin.— Mrs. A. Lindsay, muslin, 1 crock black berry jelly, 1 tumbler currant jelly.— Mrs. More, 1 crock currant jelly. Mrs. Garman, 1 cup currant jelly 1 jar black berry jelly. Mrs. A. Libbart, 2 sheets, 2 pillow slips; 1 pair drawers, 1 shirt., rags, lint, bandages, 2 towels, 4 hand.._ kerchiefs. Mrs. Dr.. Grove, 1 bottle grape wine, 2 bottles cherries. .14rs..S. P. Sterrit, 2 jars jelly, 2 bottles wine, 4 bran pillows, 2 hop. pillows, 1 roll mus lin. Mr. S. Patterson, 2 bottles wine, 2 pairs, drawers.. A friend, 1 loaf bread, 1 dozen rusk. Mrs. John Nailor, 1 loaf bread, lint. Mrs. B. F. Eliestand; 1 jar jelly, rusk, 1 coat. Mr. S. C. Hieitand, 8 Shirts, 2 neck ties, roll muslin. Mrs. John Sammy, '1 crock jelly, bread, 2 shirts. 1 pair drawers. Mrs. A. ies • tend, 3 shirts. Mrs, C. M. Foulk, 1 bottle currant wine, 2 bottles shrub, 2 tumblers jelly, 2 cakes soap, muslin.— Mrs. Elizabeth Muses], 1 jar currant jelly, 1 paper cornstarch, roll liuei , 3 shirts, 5 bandages, 3 bags. Mrs. S. S. Haldeman - , 1 ham, 2 pounds sugar, 1 pound tea, 2 bottles wine, rags. Mrs. E. Doyle, 1 bottle wine. Mrs. Bartel, cherries, 2 handkerchiefs, band ages.— M rs. Cramer, 2 shirts, 2 neck-ties, bread, linen. M rs. G. W. Stahl, 1 paper corn starch, 1 piece soap, 1 bag dried apples, 1 hop bag. Miss -Margaret Child, 1 can cherries, 1 bag dried apples, pack age of tea, 1 loaf bread, roll Muslin, 1 pair pants; 1 vest, 2 pairs socks, 2 neck ' ties, 1 tumbler preserved cherries, 1 jar raspberries, rusk. Clara Child, lint,— M rs. Welchans,. 1 loaf bread, roll mus liu, 1 paper cornstarch, 1 can currant jelly, 9 handkerchiefs. Mrs,- Rinehart, 4 bottles currant wine, 4 packages fa rice. Mrs. S. Ramier, 1 crock quince butter, 3 jars preserves, 1 bottle cur rant wine; 1 towel, 1 handkerchief, 42 yards - bandages, linen. Mrs. John B. Taylor, 1 shirt, 1 flannel shirt, 2 hand kerchiefs, 2 pairs socks. Mrs. James Wilson, 1 crock apple butter, 1 bag dried fruit, 4 loaves bread, piece dried beef, 3 shirts. MisS Clara Comegys, glasses jelly, Howard Cassel, 27 news papers. Mrs. Michael . Gable, 1 shirt, 1 sheet, 1 pillow case, .1 bolster case, roll of muslin and linen, 1 piece soap, 1 bottle currant wine.. Mrs. Foultz, 1 jar currant jam, 1 crock currant jelly, 1 jug currant wine, 1 crock apple but ter. Mrs. Wm. Crrcesh, 1 jar cherries, -1 - bottle- currant wine. Miss Lizzie Sands, 2 cups jelly. Mrs. Jacob Ull man, 1 crock jelly, 1 shirt, 1 roll banda ges, roll muslin. Miss Harkins, 1 creek preserves, roll linen, 1 crock jelly:— The MisseS Funk ; 1 jar jelly. Mrs. S. Mann; I:crock quinces, 1 crock cherries, 3 rolla bandages, • bread. M rs.. Phoebe Grove, 1 bottle currant shrub, 2 hand kerchiefs, 1 pot currant jelly.. M s. henry Musser, sr., 8 loaves bread, 2 crocks apple butter,. . 6 cakes soap, 2 linen sheets, 5 shirts, lyair pants.— Mrs : '2 bottles wine; 1 jar jelly. Miss •Mayling, 1 bag dried cher ries',-1.3 rolls bandages, roll Muslin:lint, 9 handkerchiefs. Mrs. Sougmaster, 2 loaves bread, 1 jar blackberry jelly, 8 rolls of bandages. Mrs. McConnel, 2. leaves bread, 1 jar raspberry. jelly. The sumof 38:10 previously collected to supply with pioviSions: the soldiers encamped in Marietta; will also be ap propriated for the relief Of the sick and wounded. . _ The ladieS of the "Circle" return their thanks to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity for their liberality in• contribu ting many and useful at:tides: . , • Camp illuilenber:g; Near Reading, July, 13,,1563. 21./i. - .Baker:—lnclOsed you will find the muster roll-of Co.'.lC, - 34th Col. Charbis Albright commandin . g..L. All names with a star (*): are from. the Tuscarora A.cadomy—the ballance frofn Thompsontown, Juniata county. Captain, J. I'. Carpender, Jst Lieut., R. A. Clark,* 24 " W. Itoush, Ist Sergt., Rumbaugh, 2d " G. G. Walls,* 3d " James L. Trutton,* 4th " Theodore H. Wigton,* sth " Columbus Taylor, Ist Corporal, Thos. Zell Clark,* . 3d W: W. Woods, 3d " A. A. Bloomberg,. 4th " H. A. Bart,* sth " A. W. Baldwin, 6th " M. t:arber, 7th "' W. W. Tomey, Sat " A. S. Thompson,* Jonathan Allen, J. Allison; ' - IL A. .Annan,*, • . - David Boyer, • r L. L. Bassler, . . - . J. M , lfrubaker,- ,, S. R. Bari,*: Bartiatd,*;• I J. K. Baearti; * ' 7 "" B. J. Carpender, G. W. Carpender, James L. Clark,* John Pill, W. H. Ebersoll, Oliver Evy, W. S. Gearheart,* W. J. Hoar,* C. Ileinbaugh, W. J. Harner, John H. Hustin,* James Hill,* W. D. Jones,* Al. Kenkade,* J. Kepler, J. Keller, James Kelly,* A. P. Heiser, Peter Longacre, H. S. Lee, S: F. Lukens, H. Laud er.slager, F. L. Leech, W. A. (11.cNight, Thomas McNear, John T. McCune,* W. McClellan,* Thomas-V. McCurdy,* G. W. Moore,* James E. Martin,* J. Mickel, John B, Quick, N. B. Remick,* Henry H. Ream, John Read,* - Henry Robinson,* Smith, James Smith, W, G. Smith, Henry Swab, George Speakman, Charles A. Shermer, Samuel Shoop, John.. F. Sorg, S. M. Shelly, R. E. Sharp, Columbus Weltzer, Daniel S. Wert, N. 11. Wickersham, C. W. Webster;' G. C. Whiting,* T.. H. White.* • Very Respectfully, T. Z. C From the above list it will be ob served that Tuscarora Academy• has furnished a large proportion of the Co. Our young friend T. Z. Clark, son ,of Col. John• W. - Clark, of this borough, who- was attending this school, it will be seen, is one of the corporals.—En, SUBSTITUTES.—AS a large class of our citizens are just now interested in' this topic, we submit some information de rived from offichil circulars. The Board of Enrollment, after the draft, will give notice that they will, between certain liCnirs every day, up to the time when drafted men are ordered to report at a rendezvous, hear - propositions -for sub stitutes and examine persons so offering. Drafted persons who desire to present substitutes, will give written notice to the Beard that on such it day they will present a substitute, 'giving his name, residence, age, and stating whether be • is an alien or a citizen. The substitute may be presented at any - time before the day for being at the rendezvous. As the substitute is to be on precisely the same footing as-other soldiers his quali &cations must be the same. A question has arisen whether there is not one -advantage in - getting a sub stitute over payieg the $3OO. The pay ment of thelatter sum discharges a:p_er son from this draft, but if another draft should be made next year,- he'would again be liable. But where _a person supplies an accepted substitute, the Enrollia B card gives him a certificate setting forth that he is "not properly subject to do military duty during the time for which he was drafted," that is, for three - years or &tiring the war.: - Those interested will `doubtless-settle , in their own nu inds'hOW mush consequenceie - to be given to this consideration: 7 -Lan'r. ~. • . Exami» , enr, In our, next we. will give a com plete list of all drafted iu this borough, East Donegat township and Columbia borbugh, which will be-of interest to our distant subscribers.. The draft for Ma rietta is being drawn 'tc-dap. An at teinpt, at ,rigt was made on' Thersday morning", -which ende . d, however, in 'a fizzle, add' the. draft was, proceeded with. tar' jogllua Leader, formerly post master at-M.ountjoy; who. met with an accidept i afekrweeks-since, in thatylace, in attempting to stop a pair of run-away mules, died .a few ' days since from the effects of the injuries he received. Mr. L. was a nakive of this borough, and about 38 years of age. Auditor's -Notice STATV. of W ILLIAM KIRKPATRICK, rj late of the City of Lancaster, deceased. The undersigned, Auditor appointed to ,dis tribute the balance in the hands of - Hobert"U. 'McClure, Adeainistrator cum testamento an nex° of said deceased, to and among • those legally en',itled thereto; will Meet for that pur pose on 'Thursday the I3th of August next, at 2 o'clock P, the Cour! House in the City of Lancaster. A. HERB, SMITH, July 18, - 18ti3 7 1 AUDITOR OA General Assortment of all kinds of BUfLAING H.A.BOWAR, LOCKS, Hinges,. Strews, Bolts, Cellar; Grates, 'Oils; Glass and Putty, -very. cheap.; 1 - , ' . PATTERSON & CO.. A SUPERIOR COOK STOVE, Very plain. Lyle, each one warranted to perform to the entire sAtiafaction ofT j - -- - 2 4 :4 1, the purchaser. . • PATTERSON 8: CO. A CHOICE Lot of Books for children called A 5 # 4 4-0-ViralkhleAHeasgre,Boalts%aScliool and Vaper Bo?lpiyiAtationctyr, iPqns,ll_l6 holders. Ow Cale toy Dr; -Landis. T72a Glatt Ferry`_ Formerly Keesey's, OPPOSITE MAI ZIETTA. THIS old Ferry—one of the oldest and most safe crossings on the Susquehanna River— Ls now in charge of the undersigned, who thus refitted the old and built new boats, which will enable him to do ferryinc , with safety and dis. patch. No unnecessary delay need be endured. Sober and experienced Ferrymen always en gaged. No imposition in charges as the fol lowing list will show: Farm Wagons, each $1:00 Horses, per head :20 Single horse and rider, :25 Two horse Carriage and two persons, 1:00 Buggy, horse and two persons, :50 root Passengers, each. :12 Stock of all kinds at the old charges. All Luggage over fifty pounds, 2.5 cents per 100 pounds extra. JOHN ECKERT July 15, 18G3 73.= _AN LE; cc C 0.., Druggists 67 Pharmacutists, i t MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA., Opposite Diffenbach's Store. H AVE just received a new and fresh stock Dmigs, ebaniclis, Dye Stuffs and Perfumery, c. Also, a large and fancy lot of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades, Globes, Burners, &c., Inks, Pens, Paper and Envelopes, Fresh Seidlitz Powders, Citrate of Maenesia, Cologne, Hair Oils and Per- - unno,), Pomades, Sago, Tapioca, Bermuda Arrow-Root, PURE Ground ' Spices, All Spice, Cuinathon, Nutmegs, Cloves; id a c e, Pocket Books, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Gum' Rattles, Balls and Rings, Bazin's Shaving Cream, Burnett's Cocomne, and Kal— listen; Flavoring Extracts of Lemon. Va nilla, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Rose and Almond, Infant Powder, Puff and Powder Boxes, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Gar den Seeds of the best quality and va rieties. Flower Seeds, consisting of some of the finest varieties. Cattle Powders and Liniments. All the celebrated Family Medicines con stantly on hand. Prescriptions and Family Receipts carefully corn pounded. [Apl 18, 1863. SUPPLEE & BE 0,, IRON AND BRASS OUN E S And General Machinists, Second street Below Union, Columbia, Pa. They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Bolling Mills and Blast. Furnaces, Pipes; for Stearn, Water and Gas ; Columns, Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, - &c., for Buil dings, and castings of every description ; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS' • Ti/E IIiDST MODERN AND. I.DPROVED Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting-and Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tanning ; Br•ass Bearings, Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks, Valves for Steam Gas,, and Water; Brass Fit tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors, Washers, &c. BEACKSIIII77IING in GENERAL. From longexperiencein building machinery wt flatter ourselves that we can give ge - teral satis faction to those who may favor us with their orders. .I?.errairing prompay attended to. Orders by mail addressed asaboVe, will meet with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times. Z. SUPPE EE, 7'. R. SUPPLER. Columbia, October 20, 1860. 14-tf frODACCO AND SEGARS AT THE OLD PRICES. • Sixes, Half Spanish, ' Havana at 3, 4 an 5 cents, Smoking Tobacco of the best brands, ' • • Lynchburg, • • Killicknick, - May Flower, Pose' Bud,• &c., , &c. --• • •• • We-invite the lover of-A , g - Ood:Segar to call ar d examine our stock, fur iris unquestionably the best ever offered in Marietta.- ,We have-the best- HAVAiV.4. AND Yelßyl: SEGARS the Baltimore market affords, and we are de termined to give this , branch of our business particular attLintiou. CAL' E AT WOEFE"S AND SEE. Marietta,'March 2S, 1853,611105* M ISHBER'S BITTERS. .An agency for the sale of Mishler's. Celebrated Fier& Bitters, has been established-at - WOLFE'S VARIETY 'STORE, where one bottle, or one htutdred bottles can be had. This medicine has . cured . whin' all otheN have failed. Look at the curds in the Lancaster Express, of John Gilman, A. Fairer's wife ; John W. Golvin Jack,Levi E. Rife,, Henry 'Cramer; E. F. Benedict, John WeidMan, Jcihn nines, Thomas-Willis, Jay Cadwell, J. T McCully John Lemon, 3 .bsolero'Fairer; and a host of others. Marietta, March .9.8, 186.3,* - .. • . EG W. t:iORRALL, VT • BURGEON DENTIST, • Hotsingro:soved t 2 the Rooms formerly oceupis, • by Dr.',.‘tventzel, adjoining Spangler 4. Pa terson's Stare,Market direct, where he is now prepared` to wait on all who may feel dl4osed to patronize him. Dentistry in all its branches car vied on. TEETH inserted on the - most approved principles of; Dental science: •Ailoperations on the tndifh--ferfOrifitA Er - skillful and Workmanlike manner—on fair principles and ON _VERY IYEASON,ADLE TERM. Having determined upon a permanent loca .tion at this mlarp, Would ask a - Continuation of tke lit ronage heretofore extended to him, for arch he will render every possi ble satisfaction. Etter administered to proper persobs. _,--- ---,.., T. U .FAINESTOCE ...,..,..t . ...- 1 ..! t, . - II sifilekiiMl . DE-ralv -- /I ESPECTFULLY oilers. his professional , : services to the citizens of .111atietta and vicinib , assuring them that all ;operations in trusted to his care, either in Operative or Me chanical Dentistry, kill be executed ma tho roughly scientif.c manner. Orrice : On Main street, o few doors west of the Post Office. ~ ,[ v9-35-Iy. IBS Cr e•a-m WOLFE'S ICE CREAM SALOON Market Street, Marietta. Open every day, and evening—Sundays "VV:arit _ 5 0 CORDS OF HEMLOCK BARK, 00 C.I4RDS OF, CHESTNUT-OAK BARK, 10 Cords of White-Oak Bark. H. C. LOCHER, Lancaster, Pa DR. WM.: 8.• t'AiI4ESTOCK, OFFfCk -I,Z EA filY- OP POSIT E Spangler .E,rattfrson's,Store. : *-- '' ' 'FliCoi. 7TO 8 - A:it : : CFFICE - HOURS. - ." `."- ' 'P' T.O 21',. • • • 6T07 P. AT. HENRY LANDIS, M. D., Successor to Dr. 1 ranklin Dealer in Drugs, Peri uniery, Soaps, 6.6. DR. LANDIS having purchased the entire interest and good wiII cf Dr. P. Hinkle's Drug Store, would take [ids opportunitY to in form the citizens of Marietta and the public generally, that having just received from Phil adelphia a large addition to the old stock, ho will spare no pains to keep constantly on hand the best and most completa assortment of eye rything in the drug line. li.of of Ftprij AO Toilet consisting in part of German, French and Eng. fish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes FIT Maio and other Hair Combs, Hair Oils, Poniades,etc. Port Monies, Pocket Books, Puff' ll7 and Powder Bo:. es, 6.e., 6-c The celebrated Ilatchulorss HAIR DYE, DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes,lnilia Cola gogue, Barrr's Trtcoperoes, iii the hair, Bay Rum ' Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot tles, Balm of a Thousan Flowers, Flour of Rice, Corn Starch, Heckel's Farina, all kinds of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent ur mai for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con _umptive cases, Rennet, far coagulating milk, an excellent preparation for the table ; Table Oil—very fine--bottlesin two sizes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of HaePs perfurnery,pomades, soaps, &c. His Katha iron or Hair Restorative is now everywhere acknowledged the best. Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. Dr. L. will himself see that every precaution be taken in the compounding of Physician's prescriptions. The Doctor can be professionally - consulted at the store when not engaged elsewnere. Marietta, Augpst 24, 1861.-1 y iIJjMbI).43IQ. J. R. DIFFEZ , IBACH • HAS NOW OPEN HIS USUAL AND WELL ASSORT- ED STOCK OF RIPIIIE3 GOOD Consisting of New'ehallies, Ginghams, De Lames and Prints, Together with other new styles of Dress Goods of various names. His stock embraces besides a full assortment of udlins, Checks, Drillings, Tickmgs, , Flannels, Brilliants, Linens, Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Harlkeichiefs. Shirt Fronts, Spring Balmorals, Hoop Skirts, White Embroidered Skirting, A large portion of these goods having been purchased before the recent advance in price, will be sold at rates below the PRESENT MARKET VALUE. CLOTHS, CA SSIMERES, V EST NG S, A general assortment of Spring and Summer goods for Coats, Pants and Vests. ALSO, A Lot of Ready-made Clothing, which were bought before the "advance" and which will be sold at less than present whole sale prices. China, Glass and Queensware, Looking Glasses, Carpeting, Boots and Shoes, Window Shades, Window and Trail Papers. GROCERIES. • Choice White and Brown Sugars, Sava and Rio Coffee, Green and Black Tea, extra Sugar-cured Hams, Ground Alum Salt, Mackerel in ' I and eighth barrels,_lo barrels New Herring. LIQUORS. He also continues to keep on hand a large 'supply of superior Wines, Brandies, Gins, Schnidann Schnapps, Drake's Plantation Bit ters, and. a superior article of Old Rye, all of which will be sold at the lowest market rates. Marietta, April 4, ISO. S. S. RATUVON, Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, 4I F. J. Eraniph's Old Stand, on the Car ner of North, Queen ant Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. GRATEF U L to the Citizens of Marietta and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same; as suring them, that under all circumstances, no etrurfs will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES A a D VESTINGS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest, A L . SO,—READ V-31 ADE CLOT.E.ma, Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods and such articles as usually belong to a Mer chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment. JOHN CRULL, P HAMM HATTER, NO. 92 MARKET STREET,MARIETTA ,FAKES _this method of informing his old fridnds and the public generally, that he has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied by George L. Mackley,) and is now perma nently fixed to prosecute the Hatiing businesi ir• ALL ITS BRANCHES, • Having just returned from the city where los selected a large, rain d and fashionable assort ment of everything in the HAT AND OAP LINE, and-now only asks an examination of Lis stock'and priceS, before purchasing elsewhere. Having also laid in a Ltoclr of flatting matori al, he will be enabled, at short notice, to man ufacture all qualities—from the common Sop, to the most Fashionable Silk Hat. Employing none but the best of Iroilcmen, and manufacturing good goods at low price, he hopes to merit and receive a Itheral share ~ 1 public patronage. la -- • The highest price paid or Er.rs,—ln trade or cash. WINES SE LIQUORS. H. 15. 13lTNJI-11\ I I DEA' E IN WINES & Ll QUORS, Picot Building. Marietta. Pa. 0-- - DE. GS . leave to inform the public that !le A t) will continue the WIN E & LIQUOR b 11.1 - ftess,'ln all its branches. He will constantly keep on hand ull.kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and &eta: IVhiskey, Cordials, Bitters, 6.c., BENJAMIN'S . Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, I= A very suTerior OLD B YE WHISICE ust received, which is warranted pure. All H. D. B. now asks of the publh: is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces' which will, he is confident, result in iln tel keepers and others finding it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from I MARIETTA MARBLE YARD Michael Gable, Agt., MARBLE MASON- AND STONE CUTTER, Opposite the Town. Hall Park, Marietta, Pa. FTIHE Marble business in all its branches, will be continued at the old place, near the ToWn Hall and opposite Funk's Cross Keys Tavaim, Where every description of marble work will.be kept on hand or made to order at short,notieewd at very reasonable prices. Marietta June 29 1861. 49-ly B"' one: of ttioSp beautiful S O F T /1-44 A A at,couLL's ' Market-st.