The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 11, 1863, Image 2

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    the 411itriettian.
_.Arx,ilAtta, OFa
Id- Mews. MATtTpl l 6 k ABBOTT, No. 335
Brohditay, New-YorkOtre duly authorized to
act for us in soliciting advertiements, &c., and
reeeiptiat the same.
thaniel Fillmore, Esq., father of ex-
President Fillmore, died at East Auro
ra, Erie county, on Saturday morning,
at the advanced ago of ninety-two years.
Mr. ViHmore was born in Bennington,
Vermont, on the 19th of April, 1771,
where his father, a native of Norwich
(now Franklin,) Conn., was or.e of the
earliest settlers upon what was then
called "New Hampshire Grants." The
old homestead is still owned and occu
pied by his descendants, but the subject
of this notice married Phebe Millard
and moved to Lacke, (now Summer
Bill,) Cayuga county, New York, in
1792, where ho resided till 1802, when
be removed to Sempronius, (now - Niles)
in the same county, where he resided
till his death. He served as a magis
trate for many years. He was a man of
the most temperate habits—making it
a rule through life—long before temper
ance societies were known—never to use
intoxicating liquors as a beverage, or
offer them to others. He enjoyed al
most uninterrupted good health, and was
so well when upwards of eighty years of
age, as to be able to visit his son at
Washington, that being the only in
stance when a President of the United
States over received a visit from his
'ther at the Executive Mansion.
ar Information has been received
from Richmond, by the government,
that rich and prominent rebels, includ
ing Jeff. Davis' secretary, Benjamin, for
one, are converting the bulk of their
property into foreign exchange—a sig
nificant circumstance. They are also
making remittances to New York thro'
the medium of their State stocks, which
enjoy a fictitious value in the market
gir The New York Times is Import
ing 13,000 reams of news printing paper
from Belgium. It will cost, with duty
an o d,lexchange, about 15 cents a pound,
which it is believed will soon be the
ruling price of our paper manufacturers.
Extensive preparations are making by
some of the latter, in different parts of
the country, for the useAof the cheapest
stocks, such as straw, wood, &c., and
this will inevitably affect the market.
ttir A contraband arrived at St. Touis
some daq sicee, having between $6OO
and $7OO in go*ie his pOssession. Lie
was asked bow. he obtained it. "Tbe
grillers," be saidr4t ome to de planta
tion an set fire' to - de cotton ; afore it
got burnt up, dey luf anir wont off, and
I Went up to de pile and - scratched out
a whole heap' an put him out, and den
sell him for shiner," and be proudly re
peated his exploit to every new ques
er Soloman Renshaw, a citizen of
Newton, Fountain county, Indiana,
finding the Knights of the Golden Cir
cle, which he has joined, to be a treason
able organization, exposed the whole
concern. Re was threatened so much
that he disposed of al' his property and
started to quit the country, hut, over
come by fear, put an end to his lifo near
11 Hot coffee in Richmond is selling
at the fashionable restaurants, where the
,g9nuine is served out, for a dollar per
inv. The Whig estimates the cosi of
thecoffee and sweetening at 25 cents,
showing a clear profit of 75 cents on
such a trifle as a cap of coffee.
itir Notwithstanding the vigilance of
the Potomac flotilla, much smuggling is
carried on from Lower Maryland into
the rebel lines. Two of the most prom
inent offenders, who were recently cap
tured, together with their goods, were
taken to Washington.
fir Major General McDowell is un
derstood to have been appointed to the
flepartment of the Mississippi, now un
der Major General Curtis, who was to
have been relieved by Major General
gar The government has been within
a few days taken evidence from returned
prisoners, with a view of making official
publication of the savage mender in
which our captured men have been
tor According to the Naval Register
(just issued) there are now 450 naval
vessels connected with the service of the
United States.
or The question as to what shall be
done with the convicted Minnesota In
dians remains undecided. The Presi
dent has the matter under consideration.
mystery hangs over the sudden termin
ation of the D'Utassy court martial and
and the dismissal of the accused from
the service, It appears that much time
and labor had been expended in prepar
ing the case For trial, procuring witness
and 'aiming the specifications. About
one week since, when the court was
re'eA to proceed, the specifications
wArnot to be found. It wos subse
quently so strongly suspected that D'Ut
assy had stolen them that a seperate
specification, charging him with the theft
was added, making the whole number
sixty-nine. In these D'Utassy is charg
ed with the most serious offences known
to civil or military law, such as inducing
soldiers to desert whose evidence might
be important against him—a capital
crime ; selling the commission of a cap
tian, forging records of court menials,
extorting money from antlers. The
court having ass*mb'ed, and the witness
es being in attendance, an order was un•
expectedly received disolving the court
and directing the officers to proceed to
their posts in the field. Simultaneously
Colonel D'Utassy was dismissed from
the service, the smallest punishment
that could possibly have been afflicted,
had the least of the charges been sus
tained by the evidence, while, had the
more serious ones been proven, he
might have been sentenced to the peni
tentiary or to be shot.
A WOMAN FIEND.—The Boston Her
ald, of the 26th ult., says ; Lohan,
the wife of John Lohan, of South Bos
ton, who was complained of this fore
noon by officer Osborne, for a brutal
assault on her little step-daughter, Kate
Lollar', about ten years of age, was ex
amined this afternoon, but the cause
was not concluded and she was held in
$2OO for farther examination. It was
proved that the child's feet were badly
ulcerated in consequence of being fro
eel; that she had been locked up in a
privy four hours on a cold day, and that
she had been most outrageously whip
ped, till her skin was covered with
black-and-blue spots, knocked out of her
chair upon the floor and down a flight of
stairs, many times. Her head showed
numerous scars. The physician who
was summoned to examine the little
girl did not appear. It seems that the
case was first brought to the notice of
the police through the. interposition of
the neighbors."
Saturday was the 15th anniversa
ry of the signing of the bill known as
the "Ten Hour Law," by Governor
Shunk. Since its original passage it
has been so modified abd improved that
its workings are beneficial alike to the
employees and employed, and its provi
sions have been adopted in many other
States. Those engaged in the various
trades who now are in the enjoyment of
its blessings, will, no doubt, recall the
earnest struggle between the manufae
ture;s and the workingmen, which cul
minated in its passage.
air The correspondence of Mr. Ad
ams with the British government re
specting the fitting out of the Alaba
ma has been published. The London
Times ridicules his arguments, and
says he might as well complain that the
vast quantities of arms and ammunition
purchased in England by the north had
failed to gain a single Federal vitory.
Earl Russell also publishes his dispatch
to Lord Lyons condemnatory of the
President's emancipation proclamation.
is l y A dispatch from Indianapolis, da
ted March 27, says :—"Robert Gay, a
deserter of the 71st Indiana Volunteers
was shot here to-day by order of court
martial. He was taken prisoner at
Richmond, Ky., paroled and voluntarily
went over to the enemy, and afterward
returned to our lines as a spy. He ac
knowledged the justice of his sentence.
He exhorted his fellow-soldiers to take
warning by his example."
Iga - During the year 1862, there were
passed over the Pennsylvania Railroad
and its branches 108,524 troops. The
whole number of passengers passing
westward was 490,009, and those com
ing eastward numbered 436,306. In ad
dition to the above, 11,880 emigrant
passengers passed over the road west
ward of which 0n1y,828 were passengers.
Cr A specific offer of a loan of one
hundred millions in gold was made to
the Secretary of the Treasury by a load
ing house at Amsterdam, the gold to
be exchanged for United States six per
cent. bonds at the current premium at
the time of the draft of any portion of
the amount.
Cr The Supreme Court for the dis
trict of New York decided that United
States legal-tender notes were constitu
tional as to debts contracted before the
passage of the law making such notes a
legal tender. All of the four judges
concurred in this decision.
air In one County in Maryland there
are seven hundred acres of strawberries,
and two persons in that State have
each one hundred and twenty acres, and
three others one hundred acres each in
strawberry fields.
eir Hon. James T. Brady is speaking
for the Union in the Connecticut cam
paign. Rev. Dr. Junkin, father-in-law
of Stonewall Jackson, is announced to
speak at a loyal meeting in New Jersey.
elk-- u ii , LA 4. r r LA-N.&a-1-1-s
Short Serapsof News from our Exehanges.
About a hundred rebel prisoners, who,.
have been confined at camp Chase, Ohio,
for some time past, have expressed their
willingness to take the oath of allegi
A rebel colonel named Talcott, was
arrested in New York, last week, where
he had made arrangements to go to
Earope. He is now in Fort Lafayette.
Most of the churches used for hospi
tils in Washington, D. C., are to be va
cated immediately. The decrease in
sick and wounded is daily quite large,
there being now over six thousand emp f
ty hospital beds.
In Portland, bin week, a boy was
sentenced to six months' imprisonment
in the House of Correction for throWing
snowballs at persons passing
_along the
Langiewitz has been proclaimed Dic
tator of Poland, and has issued a stir.
ring address to the people.
Among the refugees who applied to
come into our lines near "Union Mills,"
within a day or two, was the wife of
Jackson, the murderer of Ellsworth.—
She says she is destitutue, and now
comes to us for charity to sustain life.
The Navy Department has contrac
ted for eight additional iron-clad gun
boats, or rather Monitors. They will
be of very light draft, with one turret
and two guns. The price of each will
be . prepared by eapt.Eriesson. One
will be built at Philadelphia, one at
()baster, one at Cincinnati, and five at
A jury in:Brooklyn, N. Y., have just
awarded $3OOO to Miss:Maria Bernhardt
as:damages in anlaetion brought against
one John G. Reither for breach of mar•
riage promise. John was a widower,
and Maiiaa servant in his family.
Board at tholhotels: in R:chmond is
eight . dollars a day,°,and;the:bill o f fare
consists of corn bread, cheese, homce%
pathic soup and hot waterAThe pro
vost marshal of the city allows each ho
tel ten pounds:;of,meat:per week.
Montgomery county, Pa., now has the
honor of the nativity of three Generals
—Major General Hancock, Brigadier
General Stemmer, ard,Brigadier Gen
eral Zook, son of Major David Zook, of
Lower Morion.
Seven persons were crushed to death
on the occasion of the wedding illumin
ating in London, and upwards of one
hundred persons had their limbs brok*.
Several riots had occured, and on more
than ono occasion the streets had to be
cleared by the military (at the point of
the bayonet.
There are now nearly 5,000 mon em
ployed at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
The Mint at Philadelphia, is now run
ning the entire force upon nickel cents.
The War Department iis_busily en
gaged in arranging the necessary ma
chinery for conscription.
There being a sufficiency of 25 and
50 cent postage currency in circulation
the Government has stopped printing.- ,
The United States mint was estab
lished in 1793. The first cents were
coined in 1793; the firstrdilver pieces
in 179/ ; and the: first gold pieces
in 1795. From that time to June 30.
1861, the whole amount of the coinage
of all kinds, was $799,923,363, including
$660,116,406 in gold, $128,159,482 in
silver, and $2,674,743 in cents.
It is said that a bank of the United
States is contemplated in the city of
New York, under the recent national
banking act, with a capital or $20,000-
Dr. R. P. Stevens, a paper read be
fore the Geographical Socity in New
York, predicts that new land will arise
out of the sea, which will result in such
a change of climate that Maine and
Canada will be as warm as Southern
Prance, while Labrador itself will be
come fertile. Wo suppose .the doctor
wouldn't fix the precise date of this hap
The English papers state that the roy
al plate on the Prince of Wale's mar
riage breakfast table was of the value of
ten millions of dollars !
Donna Isabella Cubas, the Spanish
dansense, is now in Cincinnati, at Pike's
Opera House. '
The Nashville Union says that rag
pickers are now following the army in
great numbers, picking up every stray
rag that is seen, which they bring in
baskets to Nashville and send North to
make into paper.
The Treasury Department is paying
the soldiers belonging to the armies of
the west. The Army of the Potomac,
which has heretofore been the fiat to
see the face of the paymaster, properly
waits this time.
A bank, under
.the new act of Con
gress, has.been organized in Norwich,
Conn. It will be either named the
First National Bank of Connecticut, or
the Eagle Bank of Norwich. The sub
scription to the capital stock is $lOO,-
Gen. Ratler has declined a public din
ner whiell was,tendered him by a largo
number of citliens of New York,
Lake letter to the Wisconsin State Journ
al in, anything but flattering'terms of
the personal appearance of the Saints,
male and female. The writers says :
"I went to the theater last night, and
had a good opportunity to study the
character of the mormons. There were
about two thousand assembled, and I
must say they were the worst looking
crowd in every way I ever saw. It was
a fair sample of the population, and it
comfirms my previous opinion that they
are 'the scum of the earth.' Brigham
Young was there and occupied five
seats with his wives and children. . Brig
ham is a very common looking man, yet
has great natural sagacity and good
sense, but with little education. In
deed, he must be naturally a smart man
to have such power over the peopole.
There is not a handsome woman in the
country ; they are the worst looking, as
a class, I ever saw."
BOSTON.-A report of the Registrar
gives the statistics of the births, mar
riages and deaths in Boston for the year
1862. From this report it appears that
the number of births in Boston iu the
year 1862 was 5268, a decrease from 1861
of 351. In 1345 cases only, both pa
rents were born in the United States.—
In 2295 cases both parents were na
tives of Ireland, and in 3193 cases one
parent was foreign born, showing that
only one-fourth of the children have an
unmixed native parentage. There were
2094 marriages in 1862, a decrease of
72 from the previous year. Whole num•
ber of deaths 4120, an: increase of 157
over the previous year.
alir General Burgovina, the successor
of General Ward in China, seems to be
destitute of his predecessor's - tact, and
has been dismissed from the service
for striking a Mandarin and plundering
a local treasury. It seems that Burge
vine's men had been in a state of mutiny
for want of pay, and the Chinese official
had broken his promise so often, that
he (Burgovina) got mad, beat:the Man
darin, and led his men to the treasury,
where he divided $40,000 amongst thorn.
sir Consul General Murphy, at Frank
fort-on• the-Maine, in sending intelli
gence of the shipment of contributions
of sympathetic Germans of five thous
and pounds of lint and three thousand
pairs of soldiers' socks, declares that he
could send to the army fighting in Ame
rica for freedom thirty-five thousand men
in tin days,'„if he was authorized to do
so. He represents the German States
to be pervaded with enthusiasm for the
Union cause.
Wr The report of the Committee ou
the Conduct of the War has been is
sued. It embraces the disasters at
Ball's Bluff and Bull Run, as also the
campaigns of the Potomac army and
that of General Fremont. The report
covers a vast deal of ground and will be
read with an absorbing interest.
tEra The London Mechanics' Magazine
states: that a remedy for the poison of
strychnine and mushrooms has been
discovered, and consists in making a
poisoned person eat large quantities of
refined sugar, and in desperate cases
opening a vein and injecting water in
which sugar has been desolved.
The last bit of Parisian news is
that Slidell has offered the person who
controls the French press five hundred
thousand bales of cotton to favor the
Southern cause, or to publish, or allow
them (the Southerners) to publish all
they wish in the papers Of France.
The corner stone of a monument to
the late Senator Broderick was laid in
San Francisco, Feb 23, by Gov Stan
ford. The members of tho Legislature
and an immense concourse of people
were in attendance. An oration was
delivernd by Hon, Nathan Porter.
air It is understood that Gen. Butler
will be shortly assigned to a post of
great responsibility. The President has
never for a moment lost sight of his val
uable services and the obligations which
he is under to this distinguished officer.
eir The loyal Indian brigade in Kan
sas is rapidly filling up. When organ
ized it will consist of five regiments.—
Colonel Ewing, formerly of Ohio, and
lately Chief Justice of the State of
Kansas, will probably command it.
er The Provost Marshal General is
organizing his office as rapidly as possi
ble. The appointment of D eputies—
at least one for each Congressional dis
trict, will shortly take place, the annual
salary of whom will be $l6OO.
Gold has gone up to four hundred
per cent. in Richmond, and what is
deemed good authority reports private
transactions to a , considerable amount
at as high as six hundred per cent.
The ladies of the Grand Duchy of
Oldenburg, in Germany, have formed
committees for the collection of lint
and linen for the wounded of the ar
mies of the Union.
fir Kansas has a dozen regiments of
white men, five regiments of Indians,
nd two regiments of negroes.
Of Columbia, Lancaster County, Penn'a
Tints Company continues to insure Buildings,
Merchandise, and OTHER property, against
loss and damage by fire, on the mutual plan,
either for a cash premium on premium note•
The large and increasing capital of the Com
pany, consisting of premium notes given
by its members, and based upon
81, 475,789 35 !
Affords a reliable guarrantee equal to ten
times the average loss on the amount insured ;
and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as
liberally with those who may sustain loss or
damage as the case will admit of, consistent
with justice to all parties concerned.
AMOUNT of PREMIUM NOTES, $155,62049,
Balance of Cash premiums un
expended, January Ist, 1863, $1,66857
Cash receipts during the year
'62, less Agents' commissions, 6,781 47
Cash receipts in January, 1563, 895 80
—59,345 84
Losses and expenses paid during the
year 1862, $6,329 73
Balance unexpended, Feb'y 2, 1863, 3,016 11
A. S. GREEN, PRl:min:qv,
GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Secretary.
Robert T. Ryon, Abraham Bruner, Sr..
John Fendrich, H. G. Minich,
Samuel F. EDellein, Michael S. Shuman,
.Ephraim Hershey, Michael.H. Moore,
George Young, Jr., Nich9las Mc Honed.
Amos S. Green
REFERENCES:—The following persons are
all members of this Company:
Bainbridge—R. 11 Jones. John IL Smith,
Joseph Kurtz. Columbia—Geo. Bog' e, Hiram
Wilson, F. S. Bletz, Casper Yeager, H. C.
Foudersmith, John Shenberger ' J. G. Pollock,
Frank Shitlot, John Gaus, J. & P. S. Mc-
Tague, Michael S. Shuman, IL Williams,
John Cooper, Geo. W. Heise, Washington
Righter, Samuel Shoch, Robert Hamilton,
Eckert & Myers, Thomas Welsh, Win. A.
Martin, Casper Seibert, J. W. Cottrell, Philip
Huebner, Ephraim Hershey, Philip Schalck,
David Hanauer, John Kramer, Jacob Stacks,
Jacob &rine, Benj. F. Appold, Wm. Whipper,
John Q. Denney, John Felix, Silvester, V ogle,
Samuel Arms, A. Gray & Co. East Hempfield
—Simon Minich. Fa/mouth- --A braham Col
lins, Samuel Horst, Michael [less. Lancas
ter—John Rankin, 13. A. Shaeffer, Henry E.
Leman, Win. T. Cooper, John Shaeffer, Geo.
Reese. Marietta—Geo. W. Mehalley, John
H. Sammy, Frederick Mahling, E. D. Routh,
Calvin A. Schaffner, John Naylor, Samuel
Hopkins, Martin Bildelvandt, H. & F. Fletch
er. Mount Joy—Jacob Myers, Israel Barn
hart, Michael Brandt, John Breuernau.—
Manheim—John flosteter, J. E. Cross, Sorel.
Long, Geo. Weaver, John M. Dunlap, Jrhu
Dutt, Philip Arnt, Jacob 11. Kline, David
Fisher. filnytown—Hiram Beatty, George 13.
Murray, Samuel Pence, Simon F. Albright.—
Mountville—A. S. Bowers. Manor Township
—Jacob IL Shuman, Christian Miller, Julius
L. Shuman. Penn Township—Daniel Frey,
Henry 13. Becker, Henry Neff, John E. Bren
ner. Bapho Township—Christiam Greider,
Edward Givens, Michael Witman. West
Bempfield Township—H. E. Wolf, B. A. Price,
M. A. Reid, J. 11. Strickler, Amos S. Bowers,
Jacob Hoffman. Warwick Township—Daniel
B. Erb.
t The Company wish to appoint en Agent
for each TONTIIShip in Lancaster County.—
Persons wishing to take the Agency can apply
in person or by letter.
Collection of Pensions, Bounties. Buck
"Pay, and War Claims.
Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster Rolls, and
Recruiting Accounts made out.
/TIDE undersigned, having been in the cm
ployment of the United States during the
last eighteen months,. as Clerk in the Muster
ing and Disbursing Office and Office of Super
intendent of Recruiting Service of Pennsylva
nia, respectfully informs the public that he has
opened an office in the Daily Telegraph Build
ing for the purpose of collecting Pensions,
Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims; also,
making out Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster Rolls
and Recruiting Accounts.
All orders by mail attended to promptly
Harrisburg, Nov. 29, 1862. 18 ly
Celebrated Protean Fountain Pen
The "Ne Plus Ultra" for writers. Ready
at all times and in all places.
Pen, Pen-Holder, and Inkstand Combined.
WRITES from six to ten hours with once
filling. Regulated at pleasure. Very
compact, for the desk or pocket. No climate
affects the ink contained in the fountain. In
corrodible. All inks used. Just the Pen for
all purposes. Testimonials received here in
favor of this Pen sufficient to warrant all
writers having one. The Pen fot Merchants,
Bankers, Clerks, Minim.Lls, Travelers, Re
porters, Schools, and Students. Every church
should present one to their pastor. The flow
is perfect. Each Fountain warranted. Pens
sent by mai: on receipt of money. The best
Pen, No. 1. $5 ; N 0.2,54 ; No 3, $3.50.
T. G. STEARS, General Agent,
May 10-3 m ( 335 Broadway, New York
1863. { Philadelphia 1 .1863,
Paper Hangings.
ITAVE now in stock, a fine variety of
Window Paper of every grade.
To which they invite the attention of
In their Retail Department, will be found
the choicest styles of the season.
February 15, 1563-3 m.
Saw Mill and Lninber Yard,
CONSTANTLY on hand a full assortment
a all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which he
offers at reasonable prices.
Boards, Plank, Joist, Scantling,
Rafters, Laths, Shingles,
Pails, &c., 6 - c.,6-c.
All orders attended to with dispatch
J. M. El CrYAN.
Michael Gable, Agt.,
Opposite the Town Hall Parlf,
.0 1
Marietta, Pa.
MIHE Marble business in all its bi . ar..ches,
will be continued at the old place, near
the Town Hall and opposite Funk's Cross Keys
Tavern, where every description of marble
work will be kept on hand or made to order at
short notice and at very reasonable prices.
Marietta June 29, 1861. • 49-1 y
A fine assortment of Photograph
ranging in price from 75 cents to Five Dollars.
For sale at DELL/NCB/2'B Photos , mph Gal.-
ery, Market street, Marietta.
Cqnsiating of
New Challies,
De Lames and
Together with other' newt styles of Dress
Goods of various names. His stock embraces
besides a full assortment of
3ivalins, Checks,
Drillings Tickings,
Flannels, Brilliants,
Linens, Shawls,
Hosiery, Gloves,
Hankerchiefs, Shirt Fronts,
Spring Bslmorals, Hoop Skirts,
White Embroidered Skirting,
A large portion of these goods having been
purchased before the recent advance in price,
will be sold at rates below the
A general assortment of Spring and Summer
goods for Coats, Pants and Vests. ALSO, A
Lot of Ready-made Clothing,
which were bought before the "advance" and
winch will be sold at less than present wi-do—
e:11e prices.
$9.345 8
China, Gloss and gve.envraie,
1.n31: ing Classes, Carpeting,
Roots and Shocs , Window Shades
Winflear anfl Pnpers.
GROCER ii:. .
Choice White and_ Brown Sugar, Java and
Hio Coffee, Green and Black Tea, extra
Sugar-cured Liam, Ground Alum
Mackerel in and eighth
lbarrebb.lo barrelPlNew_llerring.
lie also - continues to beep on hand a largo
supply of superior Wines, Brandies, (ins,
Schntdann schuapps, Drake's Viantation Bit
tern, and a superior article of Old llge, all of
which will be sold at the lowest market rates.
Marietta, April, 4, ISt:3.
31ENRY LANDIS, M. ii.,
Successor to Dr. Franklin Hinkle,
Dealer in Drugs, Perfumery, Soaps, ,S• 0
R. LANDIS having purchased the entire
interest and good will of UN F.
Drug Store, would take this opportunity- to in
form the citizens of Marietta and tho public
generally, that having just received from Phil
adelphia a large addition to the old stock, lie
will spare no pains to keep constantly on hand
the best and most complete assortment of eve
rything in the drug live.
a Lot of 1-31),4; 40 :Toilet ilrfeles,
consisting in - part of German, French and Eng
lish perfumery ; Shaving SUUII3 anti Creatne,
f ooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and ether
flair Combs, Iluir Vits,Poinottcs,elc.
Port Monies, Pocket - Books, Puff Li
and l'otrder Boxes, 6.c., 6-17,
The celebrated Batchelor's Ii A 111 DYF,
DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes, India Cola
gogne, Bartv's Tricoperous, for the hair, Bay
Bum, Arnold's 'lnk, large and small sized bot
tles, Balm of a Thousand flowers, Flour of
Rice, Corn Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds
of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup ut
Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent ar
'cal for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con
.inn olive cases, Kennet, for coagulating milk,
an excellent preperatiun for the table ; Table
Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cud
Liver Oil. All of Dael's perfumery,poinatlei-,
soaps, &c. liis Kuthairon or flair llestorati% e
is now everywhere acknowledged the best.
Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wincs rtiol
Brandies for medical purposes.
Dr. L. will himself see that every precaution
be taken to the composnding of Physician's
The Doctor can be proiessionally consott4 4
at the store when not euetsze4 eleewne.o.
Na7ietts, Attgest 24, IStil.- ly
Aln General Illachinists, Second slrßtl
Below tini9n, Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make fill kinds of Iron
Castings for Rolling slills and Blast Furnsce6,
Pipes, for Steam, Water awl Gas ; Catania.,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &e,., for Boil
dings, and castings of every deseridioaN
Manner; Pumps, - Brick Presses, Shari ing and
Pulleys. Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, .Machinely
for Mining and Tanning; Brassßearings,
Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks,
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Fluef,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
Pram longemperienee in building machinery we
flatter ourselves that we can give general satis
faction to those who may favor us with their
orders. la- Repairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
with prompt utteution. Prices to suit the times.
Columbia, October 4Q, 1860. 14-If
Merchant Tailor, and Clothier,
At F. J. Kramph's Old Stand. on the Cor
ner of Alitrth Queen and Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a.
(11 R ATEF U L to the Citizens of Marietta
kjr and vicinity-, for the liberal patronage
heretofore extended, the undersigned respect
fully solicits a continuance of the same; as
suring them, that under all circumstances, no
efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory
equivalent for every act of confidence reposed.
such other seasonable material as fashion and
the market furnishes, constantly kept on band
and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea
sonably, as taste or style natty suggest.
Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods
and such articles as usually belong to a Mer
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment.
Hering removed to the &ems formerly occupied
by Dr., adjoining Spangler 4.. Pat
terson's Ee..,re Arcenet STreet, where he is now to wait on all who may feel
t a = divosed to patronize
Dentistry in ail E !winches CV'
7: SA on. TEETII inserted on the 1: 1--. 4 ZPrroved
p.:nciples of Dental science.
on the mouth perfcrmed ir. :fi and
workmanlike noci.aner—en fair princTies and
Having determined upon a permanent leFs
tion at this place, would ask a continuation
of the liberal patronage heretofore extended
to him, for which he will render every possi
ble satisfaction.
fa' Ether administered to proper persons.
Commission Lumber Merchant,
TVest Falls Avenue, Baltimore, Md,
RSP ECT FULLY offers bis services for the
ale of Luar n t a of every description.
his knowledge of the- business he feels
confident of being able to obtain the highest
market rates for everything entrusted to iiiM.
NJ , whl be 100E4 ved at the,eheap store of