The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 04, 1863, Image 4

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•1 Slf ftA le.t
Of Columbia, Lancaster County, Penn'a
Tune Company continues to insure Buildings,
Merchandise, lad OTHEZ property ) spins.
loss and damagp it hy fire, on the mutual plan.
either far a cash premium 01 premium note
The large and increasing capital of the Com
pany, consisting of premium notes given
by its members, anda.sed upon
$l, .475,7 4 8V85 I
Affords a reliable guarrantee equal to ten
times the average loss on tbe amount insured ;
and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as
liberally with those who may sustain loss or
damage as the case will admit of, consistent
with Jitellee to all parties concerned.
AMOUNT of PREMIUM NOTES, $166,62049,
Balance of premiums. un
expended, January Ist,-1862, $1,668 57
Cash receipts during the year
'62, lees Agents' commissions, 6781 47
Cash receipts in January, 143, 59580
—0 8 ,34 5 84
Losses andittpenses paid during the
year 4862 i $6,929 73
Balance unespetided,
I Feb'y 2, 1863, 3,016'11
A. S; GREEN, P.,,FiIp.F.NT,,
GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Secretary.
,811 UMAN, Treaattror.
Robed T. Ryon, • ' Abraham 'Bruner, Sr.,
John Fondrich, If. G. Minich,
Samuel F...Eoetleln, Michael S. Shuman,
F.phrafirt Hershey, Michael H. Moore,
George Young, Tr., Nicholas Mc Donald.
Amos S. Green.
REVERENCES:—The following persons are
all members of this' Company:
Bainbridge—E4 H Jones. John 11. Smith,
Joseph Riau. Cottimbia—Geo. Bog'c, Hiram
Wilson, F. S. Bletz, Casper Yeager, H. C.
Fotidersmith, John Shenberger, J. G. Pollock,
Frank Sbillot, John Caus, J. ..14 P. .9._Mc
-I'ague, Michael S. Shuman, R. Williams,
John Coopet, Geoi W. Heiser '.Washington-
Righter, Samuel. Shock, Robert Hamilton,
Eceert Myers,, Thomas Welsh, Wm. A.
Martin, Casper Seibert, J.•W. Cottrell . , Philip
Huebner, Ephraim Hershey, Philip Schack,
David Hanauer, John Ktamer,- Jacob Stacks,
Jarob Strine, Benj. F. Appold, Wrn. Whipper,
John Q. Denney, John Felix, Silvester,Vogle,
Samuel Arms; A. Gray & Co. East Hemplield
—Simon Minich. Falmouth--Abraham Col
lins, Samuel Horst, Michael Hess. Lancas
ter—John Rankin, B. A. Shaeffer, Henry E.
Leman, War. T. Cooper, John Sheaffer, Geo.
Reese. Marietta--Geo. W. Mehaffey, John
H. Suminy, Frederick IVlahling, E. D. Routh,
Calvin' A. Schaffner John Naylor, Samuel
Hopkins, Martin Hildebrandt, H. & F. Fletch
er. Mount Jay:.-liicob Myers, Israel Barn
hart, Michael Brandt, John Breneman.—
Ilianketm—John flosteter,:lA. Cross, Sam'l.
Long, Geo.WeaVer, John M. Dunlap, Jihn
Dutt, Philip Arnt, Jacob H. Kline, David
Fisher. Maytown—Hiram Beatty, George B.
Murray, Samuel Pence, Simon F. Albright.—
lelountoille-7-,ik. S. Bowers. Manor Township
—Jacob B. Shu many --Christian . .Milker, -Julius
L. Shuman. Penn Tuwaghip—lbniel Frey,
Henry B. Becker, Henry Nell, Jotrfft. Bren-•
nor. Rap's° Township—Chnstiam Greider,
Edward -Givens, Michael Witman. UPest
ilempjleld Township-11. E; Wolf, U. A. Price,
M. A...Reid, - 3. H. Strickler, Amos S. flowere r
-Jacob Haltusers. Warsolds Taw
IL Erb.
13 The Company wish to appbint an Agent
for each Township in Lancaster County.
Persons wishing to take the Agency can apply
in person or by letter. (t,B-35
Its Loyertmi hates, sot
roviiiantl angers, hopes and fears, regrets eat
vys ; Manhoed, how lost hew restored ; the
nature, treatment and 'radical 'of iipermi
torelues or seminal. weals" voluntary,l
emissions, sexual debility and idf diments to
marriage generally; nervousness, consump
tion, fits, mental and physical incapacity; re
sulting, from self abuse—are fully
expiainpd in the Marriage Guide,
by Wit. YOUNG . , M. D. This most
extraordinary book should be in the hands of
every young person contemplating marriage,
and every man or weman who desires to limit
the number of their offspring to their circum
stances. Every pail, disease and ache inci
dental to youth ; mi. t •rity and - old age, is fully
explained ; every pa. _tele of knowledge that
should be known is here given. it is full of
engravings. In fact, it discloses secrets that
every one should know ; still it is a 4took that
must be locked up, and not lie about the house.
It will be sent to any one on the receipt of
twenty-five cents in specie oritffitage stamps.
Address Dr. Wm. Youno, No, 416 Spruce,
ittreet, above Fourth, Philadelphia.
10- Afflicted and Unfortunate, no matter
what may be your disease, before you place
yourself under the care of any at the notorious
Quacks—native or foreign—who advertise in
this or any other paper, get a copy of Dr.
Young's book, and rend it carefully. It will
be the means of laving you many a dollar,
your health, and possibly your life.
DB.. YOUNG can lie consulted on any of
the diseases described in his publication, at
his office, No. 416 SPRUCE Street; above Fourth
Office hours from 9 to 3, daily.
Celebrated Protean Fountain Pen.
The "Ne Plus Ultra" for writers. Ready
at all times and in all places.
Pen, Pen-Holder, and Inkstand Combined.
WRITES from six to ten hours with once
filling. Regulated at pleisure. Very
compact, for the desk or pocket. No climate
affects the ink contained in the fountain. In
corrodible. All inks used. Just the Pen for
all purposes. Testimrnials received here in
favor of this Pea sufficient to warrant all
writers having one. The Pen for Merchants,
Bankers, 'Clerks, Minumas. Travelers, Re
porters, Schools, and Students. Every church
should present one to their pa,stor. The flow
is perfect. Each Fountain warranted. Petal
sent by mail on receipt of money. The beat
Pen, No. 1. 25 ; N 0.2, $l4; No 3, 23.50.
T. G. STEARNS, General Agent,
May 10-3 ml 335 Broadway, New York
Baw sill and Lumber Yard,
MARIETTA, 14 . : -
( 1 7NSTANTLY on hand a full assortment
of all, kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which he
o era at reasonable prices.
Boards, Plank, Joist, Scantling,
Rafters, Laths, Shingles,
Pails, 'c., f tc.
All ordersattendedto with dispatch.
RITTER'S Celebrated Trues, Surgical Ban
dages, 4oulder Braces,lnstruments for
cornea), &c. These artices aro
very highly recommended by Profes
sors Pancoast and Gross of the Jefferson Me -
teal College of Philadelphia, and the under
signed boors them to be the best articles, 01
the kind in use, F. Hinkle, M. D.
Cgng-ne Gooprtment of Flavoring Extracts for
-something very nice.
• 'Liquid Rennet for making delicious desserts.
Poncine, Honey and othe fine Soaps.
Frangipaunie Ant' other Extracts.
Tor sale by Da. H. LANDIS.
CHAMPAGNE and other Table Wines, be pure, and eold as low a ,
ran be bought in Philadelphia or New-York.
H. D. BIM:AMIN Picot Building.
438, ANDIEB—aII brands—gnarranted
g b. Detilaware.
, mu l .a.
0 L P. ek r: 4 ‘.
N. E. Conies ofi&k t Chestnut Stit?
This:lnstitution, which was ealablistka sn
1844, twills now consequently in the eight
eenth yearlubtsitaistence, numbers among
its gradiateichunireds of the most successfUl
MerchillUs and Business Men in our Country.
The 'Object of the Institution is solely to
afford young men facilities for thorough preps
rations for business.- -
The branches taught are, Book-keeping, as
applicable to the various departments of trade ;
Pennmanship, both plain and ornamental;
Commercial Law, Moilietnatics, Navigation,
Civil Engineering, Drawing, Phonography,
and Modern Languages.
The System. of Instniction is. peculiar;
classes or set lessons are made use of, but each
student is taught individually, so that he may
commence at any time, and attend at mtst
ever hours are most'convenient. -
Catalogues are issued annually after the 15th
of April, containing names' of the 'students for
the year, and full particulari of termw Bte4
and may'be, obtained: attinylime by , address— ,
ing the Principal.
In extensive accinrimodations, , wi e-sprea
rppatation,,and the lengthy experience of the
Inatitutlotinffera facilities-4w
peritir ro any other in the nattatryi for':younr
men wishing -ttr prepare forliusiness, and-to ,
obtain A: DI FLONA;' , Wbieli 41.11;pi0Ve £l,iecom
mendation for thadoltwany.Merc,autile .llouse.
lanCrittenden's Serie& df Treatises on Book . -
Keeping, now snore.-itidely circulated than
any other work ontthe subjectoire for sale at ,
the College.
Jam. 18, -!62-Iy] ' -1 PAINCIP:111.
This Celebrated 'Female Medidine possesseS
'virtue unknrovn of anything else of the kin
and prooving effectual after ail others tame
failed ;it is prepared f. om an Indian Herb"
peculiar to Northern Mexico, and Texas, and
is used by the Natives in producing the If Olf
SICKNESS. II is designed for both mauled
and single dadies, and. , is theery. b'est thing
known fogthe purpose, • as it /eill remove all
obstructions after other remedies have been
tried in vain. a pleasant tea, containing
nothing ierjueipusad health, and a•cure can be
relied upsinin- VIM'S.
Prolapps Uteri, or failing. el Inv Womb
FlolemPArbis, or Whites; Chronic Inflarnation,
or Ulceration of the'Womb ; Ineidinial Hem-'
rage or Flooding And disease of the-Spine..
E Ladies in•the early stage of pregnancy
are cautioned against the use of this tea, - ati it
wilt produce miscarriage. •
Prepared and Sold by
DR. G. W. ENGLISH . , No. 729 RACE-BT.,
Price $l.OO per packagei (with full directions
for use) sent by Express or Mail
to any address.
Dr. E. can be consulted in all obstinate
Female Complaints, in person or by letter,
and will furnish the Gutta-percha Female
Syringe—highly recommended by the Faculty
to married ladies for special purpooes.
Also Radical Cure' and other Trusses—lm
proved Rotary and Spine Abdominal Support
ers—Shoulder Braces—Elastic and Lace Stock
ings—Spinal Appiratus, for Weak amiCUrved
Spine,-and Instruments for all Deformities..--.
A large Stock of the above articles comitinity
an hand, and will be furnished at lowest rates
by sending order with measurement and full
communications strictly conftden
tial. For fu'rther partioulans please address,
4 .1)i. G. W. ENoLtsti, 729 •RAca-wr.
• • ••• , 1 P,,J*41.444.F.LX*A1
IQ- I hail no Agents,
Wonderful Cures on Man -a n d Bei*
PROPOSE to cure, almost instantaneously,
indiViduals afflicted with Deafness, Head
ache, IVenral ia, Chili Fever, Ague, Meares-
Hun, and all Sores and Pains,
1 propose to check and effectually dissipate o
more ache and pain, and to accomplish nearer'
and more perfect equilibrium of all the circula
ting fluids in the human aystem, than , can be
effected by any other or all other methodr of
medical aid in the same space of time, the
masses themselves being judges.
1 do not propose to cure every disease, but
all such as are curable by any combination of
medical appliances. My Electric Oil operates
on chemical and electric principles, and. is,
Alterefole, applicable to the cure or natural
restoration of any - organic' derangeznent, aria
ing from an improper circulation of 'Nen ous
vital fluid.
1 want the masses to join in this matter—
the well as the sick, because if these things
are so, all are alike interested.
N. B. Please inform me of any caseof fail
ure to cure, in from half hour to three weeks,'
as I wish to cure or charge nothing.
The Columbus Sun remarks: On Saturday,
an old gentleman named Wm. C. Ostnfrne,
well-known in our city,,who, from rheumatic
affections, has not been able to -walk or:tise
his hands sufficient to feed himself, for 17101 ,
then ten-years, was brought -to ProLtDeGratti
on the street, where in the presence_of a large
assemblage of people, he applied De-Grath's
EJectric Oil to one arm and shoulder. lie was
immediately enabled to raise his hand to his
head and scratch it, a thing he said he bee
not done before in twelve years.
The New Hampshire Patriot says: Dunnd
the present week, no less Than six of our
friends, who have been induced- to try Prof.
De Grath's Electric Oil for Rheumatism and
Deafness, in consequence of ,having seen this
prearstion advertised in our colemns, have
called upon us to state the result of experi
ments. These persons assure - us that their
Rueumatic pains have been e.utirelys.ured by
a few applications of De Grath's Electric Oil,
and they -recommend its use' to ell' who'are
afflicted with any of the diseases which- Wis'
designed to cure. ~1 •
It seems that Rheumatism, Deafness, Neu- ,
ralhia, Swollen and Stiff Joints, and other
Complaints to which we are.,all subject, have
lost their terrors. Prof. De Grath's Electric
Oil is warranted to relieve any cane in a short
space of time, and witkatrifling_expense. It
always cures Scratchee, . Spraine,.•Gills and
Splints on horses.
Philadelphia, Pa.
EY None genuine without eignaturcof Prof .
C. DE GRATH.. Labels signed in writing.
Principal Depot No. 217 South Eighth St.
Philadelphia. Country dealers and druggists
can be supplied wholesale and retail. Price
25 cents, .50 cents, and $1 per bottle.
Try everything else; give this one simple
CAUTION-13e careful to ask for and get DE
GatTit's Electric Oil, as worthless imitatibns
There are numerous imitations sprung up on
the reputation my article has acquired.' The
public must beware. They are worthless..
For sale by all dealers and druggists.. Prin
cipal office 217 South 8:h street, Phila.
/VIM undearis ned arbuld - 0 A ok - i .
I respectfully inform the L .
citizens of Marietta and -
vicinity that he is prepared to 'deliver
111C1111311149111_31E 4
Baltimore Company, Stove and Egg at $4.:60
Do . Do Nut, 3:25
Shamokin White Ash, Stove size, 4:50
Do Red Ash, ' 4:50
Do No, Four, 3:50
De White Ash Net, 3:25
Treverton, Egg and Stove size, 4:50
Marietta, September 6, 1862.
THE Largest and best assortment of Banc) Cloth & Caasimeres and vesting ever offered
in this market and will be sold at prices which
frefreompolition by J. R. - DI 11
• ft , - 4 R
NO. I. Ton Darki
eradicates an. the - evil effects of melf cruse,
as loss of memory, shortness of breath, gtddi
new, palpitation of the heart, dihroess of vis
ion, or any constitutional derangement of the
system brought= by the . unrestrained indul
gence of the pastdrins. Acts alike =either sex.
Price one dollar.
No. 2. Tar. BALK.—WiI,I core fn from two
to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoea,(clap)is
without taste Or smell and requires nc restric
tion of action or diet; for either, sex • price *4.
NO. 3. Maga will 'cure dleet in the
shortesipossibletimO, and I can show certifi
cotes of cures effected by this remedy, Wher
all others have failed. No taste or sniell. 7 :.
Price one dollar. -
NO. 4.
.Tll* Penman is the only knoWn
remedy that will positively cure strictures of
the urethra, no matter of. how longstanding' or
neglected the case may be. Price one d'oll'ar:
NO. 6. Mk.' SoLuton anrciise
of Gravel .enhaneritly and 'remov,
all dilietweS *can Ihe'biaddet and hithityli,-=
Price bile= dollar's • • - L. •4:
, .
No. 6. THE PEEvEIf TOR' ill a sure preve
tion against. tile, con traction: of con disease
.less expensive and far preferable to_ anyth ing
in use. Adapted to,either,sex. ` Pike $
NO 7. THE .krelittV*in 'mire the w
ridicallygiind,in.less time than , theybe e
fecittliaerelltpr4isydats etPucit i gg tht i..
ji l
l'ite;t'this ds - th - e! t Attly - retnedy..that.x *ill"-
cure this diiimise • plea • take. Price'sl.
NO. 81: THE batr.' eyA , /t.rti.s Ste cer
taitH safe and speedy in q . wenstrua;
tion or correcting Any irre „'t"., of the
:monthly '
periods. Price tstb . . " . ;); -t- 'l l l4O ,
No. 9. THE FEHAsE SLFEC... . ./. 01 '
spring Regulator Witt last a 'lifetime. ' nee' _..-•
Either of the' Remedtes will he•xent.f
mail on receipt of the price annexed..
lars contatning
,valuaSle information wi ' 1
descriptioti of each Remedy, may be obtained
by enclosing one post stamp. Address
.Dit. 4,p.W.1 0 ,1112.UN0N, Box 9 9 ,
r .• !. , 140 Philadelphia, Ps.
These -11entelliesecetold in . .Mariettkonly by
JOHN JAY LIBH Ara, where-circulars con
taining a fult,deseription of each . catie can be
obtained imam, 3u application.
General Depot, North East ciparier of .Fork
Avenue and Callnwiliit'etreef,Pffila'delphia;,Fa
p - In compalted cases 1 Can be consulted
by letter; or personally at my office ; entrance,
No. 401-York Avenue. Da.
'F. F. Banana
August 2'7, 1859.-1 Y.
rilEartllit. r. p -D f i SCAOSU RES --,SECAUS
70a TH '161.1..r0rr
A most valyabte and wooderful.p i ublication.
A work of 400 pikes, laid:St/Col: red - engavings.
.An original and proper treatise on Man and
Woman, their Physiology, Funetioni; ;rind
Sextuil 'disorders oflevery' kind, with Never-
Failinkliemedies for their speedy cure.
The practice of-Da. HIIT . i.EIt
T has /Ong been',
and'still is, unbounded, but at the earnest so- .
1 icitation of numerous persons, he' has been
induced: to 'extend his medical usefulness'''
through the medium of his "VA DE Mecum."
It is a volume that should be in' the hands.
of every tinnily in the land, as a preventive or
secret vices, or as a guide for the alleviation of
one of the most awful and destructive scourges
ever visited mankind.
One copy, securely - enveloped, will be for
warded free of postage to any part , bf the Uni
ted States for 60. cents in P.. 0. stamps,. or 3
c3pies for $l. Addiess, postpaid, Dr. Hunter,
No. 3, Diviaion Street, New York..
TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser
Laving 'been restored to health in a few
weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having
suffered several years with a severe lung af
fection, and that dread' disease, - Consumption
—is anzious to make known-to his fellow-suf
ferers the means of cure, •
.To all whe desire it, will.send a copy of the
preseriptlon- esed.,Uree cluFge), with [Mg
dircctions :for preparing and using the saipec,
which they will find's SURE cyan for Cdr
only oject of the advertiSer in: sending the
Prescription is to benefit the afflicted,,:arid
spread. infwmation which he conceives , to be
invaluable, and .he hopes every Inifferer.will%
try his remedy as it will,.cost them nothing,
and may, prove a lilbSsing. ~ •
Parties wishing the prescription will ' please
address. •
- A..Wxr.seirr
3m] Williamburg, 'tinge do., r' N. Y.
OFFERS his prolessiontil!services'to - tbe
citizens of Marietta and vicinity
Can be found at. his.-Drug Store, formerly
Dr. Hinkle's, at all times when not elsewhet)
professionally engaged:
To 111 Y ..FUTE#DS,: llnying - been called
a position' in'tlie‘ U.' S: NtiVy, I herebY - resigit
my profession to the care and attention of Dr.
Henry Landis, in whom 1 hajre.evory„coo
fidence, ample' opportunity of as
certaining his ability to fill my ()lace.
F. HINKLE, M. Di '
Formerly Keesey's. •
The undersigned hiiving leased) the above
named old established' Ferry and Hoteri in
Hellam Township, -York: county; oppoeite , the
borough of Marietta, where he is prepared to
entertain the public at , hie bar and , table:with'
the best the market affords. ' He ismuld:NeW
respectfully inform the traveling,publis that
having obtained .
• First Chris Ferry Boats
and efficient ferrymen, and-is nowfully prepa
red to accommodate persons Wiabing to cross
the Susquehanna - With Veliicles or 'thlerWiSe
without delay or detention. ' JOLIN IVOEL.
Attention is called tokhe.reeent improyernents
by which the greatest ,p'essible volunie of tMfe
has been_ obtained, without.sacrificing_any. Of_
the well known sweetness-of these , lnstrospsnts.
This, with an improved touch and,actjon, re 47 I
der these Pianos uneaqualed . ' he 'dull - and l i
muffled, or metalic and' wiry triaelbliedtirely
avoided. All
. . f w
Instrumentsarrginted to stand
all climates. • r.
Waagpii,olni, 722,A e;di STRitT, ,
',117 - 41kITED. ••LOCTST!,, I.9c,usTir.
Locitst Pins, from 14 inehento
.36k inches
long, and Locust Timber, all . dinwriainp wilL
be bought or received on coritrrikasind.
If forwarded promptly' aid_ .largeiyiperma
nent arrangenienti for continued supplies :
be made.
Address NV; A. LEVERING,
St] Callowlfill-St Whtrf, Pttitadelßbia,
CRAP PED Hands , Atte Lijm, tattin
Ito. Certain and I mmediate . Clare. Here
man & Co.'s Camphor Ice inith Glycerine, if
used according to the ,directions, wilt,ketp, the
hands soft in the coldest weather. Price •26
cents. Sold. by Druggists. Sent by mail on
eceipt of 30 cents.
111E6EMAN & 'CO., _
Chemists & Druggists, New York.
AVE your Silks, Ribbons, &c., &c. Hege
l:, man & -Concentrated Benzine, re
moves Paint, Grease Spotsi&c., instantly„ and.
cleans Gloves, Silks, Ribbons. &c., equal to,
new, without injury to the most delicate , color
or, fabric. Only 26 cents-per---bottle.-Sold by
Druggists. '
Chemists & Druggists; New Y0rk,,,,,
'JAMES rf. HI g;
AT . TOItNEY-AT-.1.,AW,.
above IT ainut,'Phitade/Mial
AGENERAL. Assortment of Hammered
;' and ROLLED IRON, li. Si Bars,
Norway, Nail Rostra, American and . Get
man Springand Cast Steel. Wagon Box-..
es, Iron Axles, Springs. &c., for Smi th s.
For sale by PATERSON fic.CO:
OPPeete the' telidintoe ol Col: John IP. , crat:k
iorfe-e., Jai:l7oB4i
ider4 oryi#oneti
New-York Oily, Brooklyn, Albany, Bu f falo
- -Troy,
,Detroit. Ckvelayul, ohicago and
Sault Louis.
Btto_kf,lCeeping, Penmanship,
Atli-merle : Commercial (.4w, Forma, Corre
pondence, &c., practically taught.
These : Colleges being uuder,tke, same general
laixklocal management-,-nlid upitingiin each- the.
advantages of:alg,..aiferAgrsaier: faMlilies for
imp n arting instruction than- any alker,'siunilpr
itistitplions in the c'euntor..e. : :
4cholarshipl issued: by Ur, PaftkisS 4 l oll sAU'
alljor,an unlimited time. ,„',
emltrgpd and is now tics: lagkest most . prosper-.
ous?Mimercial Institution-in 4 tlte
/ryispt & Strattaii's series cq - -Teitt Books,
embramug Book-Keeping, Commercial Arith
metic' and Commercial- haw for pa'le:::and
sentibyi mail.
1113 - For full pgrhoulars; Iteni 1 /ar a cOeulesr,
De s .c 27 .' 62-Iy l
Es this metbOd of i nf orming 'hi o
and the pkblic'Onerally, that lie'
has ri-taken his old atind u Meetitty'occ - upiea"
byGeorge L. Mackley,) and la 'l4
nenfly fixed to prosecute the 'Out business
Having just returned from the city where be
selected a - large. varied audfashi•nable aiWort
ment of everything in !the :t.
and now only asks an caarniiratic o of 'hie
BMA and prices, before Titifailling'ijseivliere.
Having also laid in a .: - ;tociccif flafttng materi
al, lie will be enabled, aehlioli'rltici , ,'bi man
ufacture all qu con - info
to: the 'most Fashionable Ski/ lirae-5: t`
Jk atiloying none Mit the i lieight'Wciiltinen,
afernanufacturing good goods at low price*,
hi hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of
public-fintronage. 313 - The highest priem paid
for Furs,—iu trade or cash. •
Baying just ietUrneil from the city . with
e nicely selected •Icit of Ready-made Clothing,
whibh the undersigned is prepared to furnish at
reduced prices; hayingiaid in a general assort
ment of men and boys' clothing, whash be ix
decent ined to sell Low, Ina cat tx.• His awe* .
consists. of oyea-Coars i DRESS, FROCK ZVI)
GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &C. FreNlloll&llthie
Furnishing . Goods line. Call and examine be
/ore purchasing elite - Where.. Everything sold at
F ore
to suit the times. JORAT , v44...
Coriwr of Elbow Latte - ariergark'et,Sl
Oext door to Cassel'; .Store.
Marietta, October 29, 1856... ,
J 0 LIN BELL. ; Aterchan f, It
Coe.-of Market-at:, and Eibow at - tette)
ip;II3I:ATEFUL for past favors I wotildletutr
lamy thanks to my numerous frientlikand,pa-,
trons'aial inforrlrtliern thatatilbcontirf&thie .4
old business at the old where I will be
pleased to sce theih at till'fintep;and having a
ull'and aplehdid'essottObtil6l-'
which avi;ll be made' up to order atothe shortest
notice byithe best ofworltmen, and on reaeonaL ,
hie terms, I would be pleased, therefore, towait ,
upon my:old customerkand all who'see proper
to patronize rtte", hereafter. fOct:29-,d6.
The Perfection of. Mechanism:
BEiNG a hunting and open fade, Or Lvab's
Jilor Oentterriait's',Watch combined. - One'
of theilsrettiest, most convenient anthdecided
ly the best and cbeapest,timepiece tot general'
and reliable use, ever has within
it and conneetedZivith 'its .snabliineryilts - own'
windidg attachment, rendering's key entirely
• unnecessaryL ~ 1 1 . 1m.'etises watch' are'
composed of two metals 'the. Otter; one being
fine ]6 carat:gold. theArnyiroVed ruby
actfrin:lbrer movementi:.4hCiti.warranted an
Price; superbly engraved, per case of a half
dozen, $204:00. :1
Sample Watches, in neat morocco boxes, for
:those proposing to bur at'wholesale, $3.5, sent
,by !express; with bill payable on delivery.
Soidiers must *rerriit paynient iia advance, as
'we - cannel collect.from th ose in the army:
'26ddress- ,, • • .
• : • ;11.U.13BARD 'BROS
----Corner Nassau-EL John streets,
Jan'A'244.l •n,, ~New;-Yorlr;
." 11.40014- . A WISNER , ,S
Opposite •the bross Keys Hotel,
FlE.undersigned would rospeetfiilly infoira
the public that he - still zontinues, St the
old stand, corner of Second and \Valour streets,
directly oppesife . the Cioss Keys Hotel,to'keep
on hand tyifd for salt, all kinds of cigars from
-Ralf Spanish': up, ikprictiVfrom s7's2o to
peettiodiand. ''reialireco. , —Natural Leaf,
Ekeelsior Oavendislr; 'CfilifiblaW,irginia, Con
gress Fine *tin LadiesTwilt, - 'Coarse , Spun
Twfat, Eldoiiidd;-.Tewel Ojihir tons:cto, A:li
dera:o%44, best' Fine-Cdt. ' A of 'fine
gala man/fractured of.frapoited stock. SIXES
HALF SPA NIS H. Rappee Snuff and-all kinds
Fancy'r'Strioliing"Tobacco: 'Sc'ented snuffs,
Fnie-cutipes, Wirer =Tulles , [ j au. 30,'56-
A blEjt-ICAk -
P HIL A ligL/ 3.
H 1,44
'Located ,on Chestnut Street, opposite the
-< pLo S L'Arl'EL HOLII.-3E.
iDand in,el9iie proximity to the principafJobbing
lsarid Importing Houses, Banks, Custom House,
And nlaci4.9l',lsnosern,nnt se ~The, Lik y :pars
cid,linl64.knfthe,44 (qt a, within squAr square) for , any ilnßot -iii. the..qiw. Tflelinnne has
i been` r enovated and ie4itteald:an ' .
ON SLT MPT101 4 4... 'Scrofula, Rhebinitiiim
&c. Hegeman's&
Od - has been proved by nearly twenty years,
experience the hest remedy fOr Ccinsumption,
&c:, and while it cures the disease it give'
'flesh' and strength to the patient. See that you
get the GENUINE. .SpOid lit - Druggists gener-
-- Chemists it.' Druggists New York
•-.- 7? • 4 , FEB RUAItY 14 5 /MS.
WE are
. now pitying tlfi'Plldwizfe rr i G
s for- •Shipparw. Furs
For Mink, accordiligsize.and
cplor, from • $2.00 to $4.00
For Muskrat,: ; 2.5 . t0
- For Red_Fox; ' ' 1.25 to 1:75
For Grey Fox, .30 to .50
For Ractoon,
i• For Opossum, • .25 to .50
.20 t 0.40
• For Rabbit, • •.04
:Tor Skunk, (dark.) .25 to .50
The above prices are subject to the ductua
tions of the Market but as long as ; the above'
flurei are advertised, that is what we will
give for all good spring
St , WO., •
Hatters, No: 20. N: Queen st., Lancaster.
DRIED FRUIT now se ll ing' chap st
On the Physiological Neale of Marriage
2.50 PAGES All 13j,
Pares only 45 cents. Sent free of postage to
all parts of the 'UniOn. On the infirmities of
youth and timidity, disclosing the- secret fol
lies of both sexes of ages,
causing debility,
nervousness, depression of spirit,. palpitation
of the heart, snicidal imaginings, involuntary
emissions, blushings, defective rnemory, indi
gestion and hissitude, with confessions of
thrilling interest of a Boarding School Miss,
a College Student, and a Youug Married Lady,
;T., 4c. Itisa truthful adviser to the married
and those contemplating mairiiigeoeho enter
tain secret doubts of their physical condition,
and who are conscious of having hazarded the
health, happiness, and privileges to' which
every human being „is entitled.
Y' 111" EN who are troubled with
weakness, generihli - tiiiiiseiV by a bad habit in
youth, the etrectit L cif % which - are dizziness,
pains, forgetfUlness, samatirri es 'si.ringing in
the ears, woke.' eyea, , -weaknesi-Of the back
and lower eztmeWes, confusion of ideas,- , losti
of memory,. with ynelancholy, infLy be cured,
by the antliorl Tie* Faris fend London:Treat=
,1 • I .„ recently deVoted much of oux
thrielihrvisithsethe :European •
i giaggV di f& 16 $
eon- •
in , Eii;ope; 'and. the-Continerit: Ivo Who
p*f themselves—under-, our -, care will tier
hate the full benefit of the many new and el
ficacitiwY !Riine - diet ivbiclioNre- are enabled to
introduce - into,: our -practice, and , the, public
may rest asiured of the same , zeal, assiduity,
SECRECY and •iittentidli being paid -to their
cases,, which basso suefessfully.;cliiidinguished
us hereteifog,as -1. 4 4-0-Ciaii in 4 t
Iy.recu's R
department ofi professional -.lActice, • for the
past' tidenty-five year'it. " •
•PRENCH cr.s.—Ladies who wish '
for blecticince l thc..!fficacy.of.rerhkh . has, been
tested'thOusand's orCases; and never failed
to Jeffectlispeedy .cures without any bad :re
sults,. will•use none:hut Dr: I pLaners , Fe
male Perfodicil - The cuilf . PreCantion
necessao to , :be 'obatirved isOsrdies shauld!mbt
ta,pe them if,they. hare, regsgrhtobelierethe.y
are, in 'certain situations (the l partichlare of
which wilt=beJfound lon the Wrapper ahcohi=
panying.cach thouglpilwaye safe and
healthy, so'Opfle, yet iii„acti've are thei;
Price sl:per box. They 1 camohe , inailed •to
anylpptiof the United„State . mr Cenada.,,
To THE LA need
ivlttit regard' Aot any o'flhoin
in ter.estixcopipla 'vita ,to which iheir ,Aelts.tttL:,
orgitritiatiun, rendersMein' Halite, are, tiCu
TUE G A 11,, , A ti I c ! P4IOTE9T,ITV!'
' fiffil tied drill Vqese . , • lieralfhwilt Of . ,ak
mit? or wilco quiveiiio[deitiferteilinereaSe , theirt
families, may be obtained as above. It is a.,
perfectly safe preventive to conception;
has. been exiensiVelY the last 20
years. Price redneed"to-$11).
THE_ sgewgiq Yount 1-LEVEH.E.D
. _ . .
A Treatise,ortcanse of Pierriatare De
cay—. A solemn. warning:" Juitlitthlfshed; a
hook showing' the insidious progress and pre'-
!valence, among schools, [both trife; and, fe
quile.l of Ulla, Wilt habit', pointing out the
fatality that 'invariably attends its - victims,' and
developing the,w hole, progress:of the..Lliaease,,
from tfie,cotiiritoac6m'er4 ee:d. --
if will , lietsentby Mail omreceipt of two [3 , `
cent Stamps. ,
Altenditiee daily, ftlien B'in the Morning Ur
9 atrniglitpandon Sun d Rya .fiti rtt. 1: till 5 p. m.
Medicines ycith full. directions scut to ,any
part'or the . itfilfed 'or"Ouniiias, by pa:
tietitti cOinninnicatink their syniptortisty.' letter.
Business correspondence strictly confidential.
Orrice is still'roctited as'establislt
ed under the name of plt. L,AI4ItOIX, :at
No, 13,Maiden Lane, 411141/1".,11 . ., Y..
- •
Physician to the Troy .T.O ;hygienic
A .111.F;lAT,f.SE on the causes early-Phys
ical d e cline of Amene a'n people : The
cause, of Nervous. Debility; Consuinntlon:and
Marasmus. Tins' work is one of high moral
tone; written in chaste,` tifrilling-Itinguage,
an&appealsdirect to:the-moral consciousness
ALL PARENTS, and eiliectafey.
tailing* seiirtific sin ad.3"dinfdrhlit
ment• for cure. 4, 0, 1 ;4
It will be,seirt by mail the r eceipt'
three cent postage stamps. • .-
Orr Parente and, Guardians !,;. 1 % 11 i1.n01 , to
send,aneebtain'this book. •
D 3— Young , filen Fair not to , tiend'and get
this book. 'Lathes you,sliculdqnce secure a
copy, of this book.
A of ioleirin corisildntious irilvidel6
A class of maladies prevail to a fearful ex
tent in the community, dooming at limit , WO ;
000 youth of both.sexes, annually, lo an, , WU
:grave. These di seases ' ate very infpettettn
understood. Their ex term& manifeattiiion, or
symptoms are -Nervous Debility Bel RXIIIiOII
and, I,4haustion, • Marasmus or wasting and
consumption et r 4
of thehole -body I
- sacertness.of.breat_bithe or lintried brew hing,on
ascending a hill or flight of stairs ;, great, pal
pitation of the Heart ;ft .- Anthills, Bronchitis'and
.sote. Throat ; shaking of the panda andj.,imbs!;
aversion to society and to business or study _ ;
dim ness eyesight, foss 'of Meitirity; - dizziness •
of the Head, Neuralgia,Paio in. valiousipatts
of the,body ;,Pains in the back, or
bago,'Dyspepsia or I.lldigeStrOn; . fiegithairY
the-bowbla, deranged secretions of the Aid,
.neys_and other glands of the body, as Leuchoi
, rhter of Mut' i tiketivise'EPllepsr,
,Hysteria and NervousdSpasmtro. -
Now in ninety-nine cases out of every one
'..hundred, all the above named disorders, and'a
host of others not named, 'as Consumption of
the Lungs and that • most insidious .and
forth of t_ansurnotion of the ,Spinal Nerves
itnoWn as. Tabes'Doisales, and- 'robes- nnesen
ha,ve their seat .arid. origin:in diseases_
of the Pelvic Viscera. Hence the want of
success on the 'part of old . sehnol Practice in
treating, symptoms only.. ,
Dr. Andrew Stone, Physician to the. Troy
Lung 'and Hygienic InStitution, is now en
gaged in treating this claim of, modern male. ?
dies with the most astonishing. success. The
treatment adopted by the' institution' 'is new
it is baseduponsetentifit,pritteiplrfs,lwith new"'
discovered remedies, Without minerals or
sons. The facilities of . care'are'eueh 'that -pa
tients can be-cured at,their,honies,.l.ll anypart
of the country, frpaiaccurate descriptions of
their case, by lettd; inail . haie'llie 'medicines
sent by mail 'or express: --, ' Printed - interrogato
ries mill be forwarded' orrapplieatipn.
tr z Consompticm, • Catarrh - and diseases of
the throat cured as well at tile 'Home of the
Patients as at the Inititution,::bp.tending -the
Cold Medicated. „Labeling Balsamic , Vapors,
with 'inhaler and aniple dire - MI6 - as for their
use, and direct .coireapondelice.:
1(3- Patients appiying ; for, interrOgatives or
advice; must enclose . 'return AMPS, to' Meet
DIP" The attending Physician will be found
at flit Institution for conaultationi .fropt 9 a.,
m. th nit; each- , '
'• ' '
S undaytin:the•fprenoon.;f.: . •••
Address. DR. AZIDRE.W. ST9NE.
Physiefin Troy' Lung and tirgienfeln - -
stitute, And: , Physieiair for.; DiseaSes of :the
- .Heart ? Throat , and Lungs, 96 Fifth Street,
The undersigned having again leased this old
and popular hotel, tikes this method of
forming his old friends and the public merr
ally, that nothing sparedioleep
the reputation of the house.; and triakeat
worthy of the support of the traFeling,Po7,
he:'`'-••. Gio:' W. HEctutoitz.
ACHOICE Lot of Hooka for children called
.4 1(11 .5tructable Pleasure Beoks; School ant
,othir BOokeiStilkonsiiiy, Tens en * holden*
lac., &c. "Per — arde by .by. Letidi•
titos kill rlfiect,
Friends 4 Relatives of the sohlierit & Won
1 - 1 ME. 1)11',—All who hate Friends and
Relatives in the Army or Navy, should. take
special cam that they be amply siipplied with
these Pins 'and Ointment; and where the
brev't- Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to
provide themselves with them, no better pres
ent can be sent them by their friends. They
have been proved to be the Soldier's never
failing-ftiend in the hour of need.
Will be speedily relieved and effectually
cured by using these admirable medicines, and
by paying proper attention to the Direction,
which are attached to each Pot or Boit.
to Soldiers !
Those feeltigTehieh `so sadden us, usually
arise from, trouble or,ann,oys noes, 9bstructsd
prespiration,' eafing and drinking whatever
is uniehohedorne;thils disturbing. he .healthfsl
action, of the i liyet andstornach.. These organs
mast be Allayed, 'if S•ou desire to do well.—
The P,lll4,..taking.:according to the piste&
in,truFtions ”will9mckly produce a healthy ac.
Oaf tiotteTwei afltl stomach, and as a natu
ral consequence a clear head and good appelits.
Weakness and - ability induced by over Fatigue"
Will stied dlaapPear by the' use of these irr.
valuable. Pillii,•.and the Soldier will quickly
acquire additional strength. Never let the
bowels'be 'either &whited or undtily acted
Pails 8 Opl4B ' p 11.44.,f9TAr
anTTlux; Cita, so Alipposinig that - ,rlev
would 7 increase; the I relaxattotr.: . This is
great mistake; for these Pills will correct the
liver and stomach and" thus -remove all the
acrid butiaours from the 'syktem. This medi
clue will give tone and , vigor to the whole
organic • sOtirin however deranged, while
health :and strength follow as a matter of
course.. Nothi,ng will stop the relaxation' of
the Bdwela so sure as this famous medicine:
Vleeis, blotches and Swellings
can with certainty - be radically cured if the
Pills are taken night and morning, and the
Otrittrient be freely used as.stated in nib printed
'nstructions.' .If treated in any other manner
•they dry up in one part to break out in another.
Where is this 0i n t,ln eet will remove the
•former trim the. system and leave the Patient.
,in vigorous and healthy man. It will require
as little perieVetarici' in bad cases to insure a
lastng cure., ' •
For -Wowzds either, occasioned by the Bayonet
' ,Bahre or the Bullet, Sores or Bruises,
„ . .
o,eiy Soldier hrid Shilor are liable,
ithere‘are'rio medicines so safe,' sure and cup
'venk2nt,esr,ill.7 and Ointment
The prior wounded arid alniust , dying sufferer
"might belie ivoungs ' dressed! ;immediately,
pf he would only provide hi,rself with this
matchless Ointment, which should be -thrinse -
'in to thowound !andtsdn'earerd all.arriund- it, thee ,
cover . nith r a piece, of linen from his Knapsack'
and cOthressed . thilidkerchibf. Taking
night. and, morning 6 -of 8, Pills, to cool the
'system and flamat lop.
Every SOldier's "Knigmack and Seaman's
Chest should be provided with• these valuable
IMPORTANT CA LT'TION !—None are genuine
unless the words ..$ 4 llot.LowAY, NiW! :170MX
andLotino . N . ,'? are discernible as a Witteo•
nark in every leaf.oe the book of directiOns,
around each pat or box; the same may be
plainly seen by, holding.the leaf to the
A handsoe reward will be given tO any one
rendering such information as may lead to the
detection of any party or parties count( rfeitiO;
the medicities or vending the same; knowing
them , to be spurious.
•,'Sols at the Manufactory of Professor
:iHoildirkr, 'B6 Maidde 'Lane, New York
and by ail respectable Druggists and Dealers
in Medicine thiougliont the civilized world,
Ili pots, artic.' 6.2 e. -and Q t each.
forthe guidance. of patients
Atflordisoiriter ere affixed to pot.
-$O , were is bOnsittentble saviiigrby ticking
0 Ailger, Dec 20- ly
List of Letters
ITT OF . IiETTEP.S Remaining - in Me Past
JLA Office at Marieffq, "Pa., March 19, 1863.
Bowera, Hannah Mange Jacob
Bryan, A.' Mr. Miller, George FL
Brenner, Elizabeth; Mills, Elizabeth
Brenner, Henry , AlcNlultrir John
Clepper,'Lizeph Nl.c.Mullin, John U.
Cuyki William' - Miller, Rosena
.Cu.dr, David - Myer; Mrs. Gen. G.
Douv..herty, henry • 11.1 C Mullin, John C.
Duffy; Chsistiana Miller, Jacob 11.
Dougherty,josegh„Mayer ; Kate
.EisenhCrger, Elizabi`th Mii2Farlia; Elizabeth
Fansti, Franktlial 0. 1 Nye 34 EPuntingtm
Fab-Eliza .
Fuhner, David Otto, J,ihn
Folnien , John • ' Pearce; ;Itachell.
Fitts, Geo. P. Rost, Char/es.
Frane'Anria Renine
'Garaer,s.rohn • iteinc John-
Haffner Solomon Shank, Mary
Hays John Snyder, Mena
Huber, Mary Shimp, Mary Ann
ilarnelton, Abraham Schilot, Carl
Heank,:..Mrs. T. - .2 . Shickly, George. '
Heneks, Ferdinand:' Saylor, Edward
IsenhoWer, Jonas Stein, Geo.
Johnkon J. Jenkina.. - .; Strtrsoaugh, Jerome F.
• Kolb,. Caristoph , Setheimer, Mrs. Jas.
Keich'er 'David ' ' Shappener, E•
Kalb , Tcvis ' Norman”
.E; John, ; Van,. Name Wm.
Lerrhart, — Cjrrue ' ' Waters, Sarah .r.
Longeheckerllt. E. Wiley, John
Leed, ,Peter. Walker, Sarah E.
-LaWrente, Alitalorn' Wrally, Elizabeth
Miller,' Levi
Persons calling for letters on, the above list
will please say "advertised."
3;IEVLSOOs! wm.sQoßSii
AVING . just.racelved another. lot of win
ier. 400 s, which he its,now selling at as
low figure SS can tie boUght outside of Phil
adelphia. Just call and see the cheap.
For Men's Ladies and Ckildren's
SuOk as Cloaking ClotAs,
&Ilia, Poplins, DeLanea, Prints,
.Bleached end Unbleaelicd liaslipe .ot nearly
Crapes, Veils, Collars, and Notions of all kinds:
Fancy. and : Plain Cassimeres i
4'lack and Fall:y Cloths,
• • '
Cashinerette, Tweeds
Keatucky Jeans, Tweeds,
Oil Cloths, Window BlindS,
Buff olland, for Curtains,
Curtain Fixtures, fke.,
All of the above goods having been bought
FOE' q;kply Will .be sold cheap as the ckeapest.
GI-10,0E12j ES
Tea 'a: Extra Syrup at 50 cents per gallon;
Fresh. SodaLictid Wine Cup Biscuit; Sugars.
Coffees; Teas, &c., at the lowest !narks - prices,
Ftie, 11,11ds. Sugar, - House' ;violas*: I at 31
gents perJgalloni • ' • •
Brandies, Gins, §uperiOrNye Part,
Sherry can& IVIa - diarii.; Wines; ail oi which will,
be JsoAdiac;,ilie:,logepit p‘s,ll.:
China, Glass , arid ; , 1 .
The highestprice-paid-for produce
. .
qf tltc Sick: etitd ;Distressed
afflicted millrirulent and r,,hrenic Diseases,
and especial*" far the Car.a,'.aje Diseases a
the Same/. Organs. =
MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the
Acting Surgeon. •
Valuable _Reports op ..Speematorrhrea, or
eerniiiiil Weakness, and other Diseases of the
Sexual. Organs, and on the - New Remedies em
ployed in the Dispensliy, sent to the aillieted
in Staled.letter envelopes,- free. of charge.-- ,
,Two or three Stamps ter postage will be ac—
Acting Surgison, Howpfd AsHOLlatil7/1 4 No.
South Niuth Street, IThilthdelphitt,
ti estings,