he (;!'oral aliaricttian. 11.1 R: I 1 Inn Ti ME TABLE:—From BEd" art,: 17th the several Passenger , v ,ii !card " Upper-station," Marietta, Msri..-tta Accommodation Train EaDI at 7:50 tile morning. The Mail Train West nt 12:09—noon. The Harrisburg Ac ,..mime,lation Train East at 2:16 in the after noon ; the same train West at 6:66 in the eve ning. The Mail Train East at 6:26 in the evening. RITURDAY, APRIL 4, 1861. ar Rev. Mr. Gregg, of Harrisburg, the new pastor of the M. E. church at this plats, will preach on Sunday morn ing and evening next. Rev. Mr. Wheel er, formerly stationed here, Rill go to Middletown. Air JOSEPH C. KAUFFMAN, at one time engaged on "The Mariettian," bat now Went. Emlen Franklin's 122 d Pennsyl vania Volunteers r writes tons a -very in tetestlbg letter from whi4.ere make the following extracts : "I am pleased to be able to tell you, with truth, that Ma rietta has in our regiment number of good and energetic:soldiers—men who are ever ready and willing to defend our star-and -striped flag ; of late our pick ets have had considerable trouble, and every day increasing the number of re bel prisoners taken along the line, and we daily look for a sharp engagement on the Rappahannock ; indeed we have had many reports that we aro to move on the enemy soon, and as some indication of the truth of them, our officers have had orders to send limo all extra bag gage—not now being allowed over sixty pounds—this order is throughout the army— and it is a good one, too, for heretofore any commissioned officer could have 200 or 300 pounds if he de, sired it. "Since "fighting Toe" has taken com mand of this army we have been much better fed—atl the bays like him,•and venture to say this army is in better lighting trim than at any previous-peri od of its existence, and should General Hooker make a strike, you may bo as sured of the result—like the handle of a jug—all on one side. L like the negro move—arming, the negroes—so do alt the soldiers ; I have heard but a few in the army who do not freely endorse that moveuient, anything to put down this infernal rebellion.— With regard to the copperheads, which I blush to own infest, to cousidorable numbers, "the Egood old garden" of Lancaster county, ara Moreaetaated the army than oven those in armktreintet• the river (Rappahannock). Why don't they cross the line and give us a chance at their carcasses. Our boys declare had they been in Lancaster at the time our distinguished Congressman was egged, they would have rid the city of every copperhead, from the vilest pick pocket deem to the mayor. The health of the tr .ops is excellent —hospitals are becoming empty and the ranks are filling up. Our Colonel is and has been Acting Brigadier General for some time past, and were we out for three years, he would, we are satisfied, very soon have command of this brigade; he is a good soldier and liked by the offi cers and man." fir The Columbia Spy office is offer ed for sale, Mr. Samuel Wright, the edi tor and proprietor, having accepted a position on Brigadier General Thomas Welsh's stuff is the only reason for its being in the market. The Spy is one of the oldest papers in this section, and is certainly a paying establishment.— Hera is presented a fine opening for a practical printer. G ar The > administrators of the estate of the late Judge Grosh, propose to sell the real estate of the deceased on Sat urday, conning the 20t.5 instant, at the Linden Hotel. , This property is cer tainly one the most o desirable in the borough. ...... . . . Cr Tobias H. - Miller, former Record er of this county. has been appointed a clerk in the Pay Department at Wash ington. Mr. M. is a good clerk, a geni al pleasant gentleman and will no doubt make a rsost popular and efficient offi cor. ifir The Susquehanna is now in fine running order and timber and board rafts aro dropping in as fast se they can find lauding room ; the red shirts are here and the spring business may be said to have. fairly set in. sir A. large eagle was shot on the 25 tilt, by Benjamin Good, near Fairville, East Earl township. It measured 6 feet 11 inches from tip to tip of wings. The color black, with white head and tail. tar William Appold has taboo the "Eagle Hotel"—the old Htackhotuie stand—Davld Fulmer •of Columbia ta king the "Perry House.' ar Charles Kelly still continues_ at the "Donegal," which is one of the larg est and most conveniently arranged ho , Lets in the county. ft' The Marietta post office received during the last quarter, 8773 letters.— This looks like a big correspondence. • Qtr- The Patriotic Circle will meet on Friday evening at the residence of. Mrs. George Radish!, Sr. • *Er Read pifeenbuch's . .eard ig 'moth or column Orr At an adjourned meeting held in the Town pall on Wednesday evening last, for the permanent organization of the Union League of Marietta, the fol. lowing named officers were reported by the committee on Atarmanent organize tion, previously appointed, and unani mously elected to serve one term : President, jQns J. LIBBART. Vice Presidents', JouN W. CLARK, . H. D. BENJAMIN. Recording Secretary,. Geo. H. ETTLA, Corresponding Secretary, JAB. M. .PIDeRION. Treasurer, GEO. MEITAPPRY. Executive Committee, Barr Spangler, Benjamin Grove, _ john John G. Hoerner, ,Theinaa§tente,- Simon Groh, ,` John le. Abram 'H. B. I.o4tirt,'i,:, 'Levi &AO:4i., The League will meat'apia on Tbnit• day evening next, w,hen•the,Oonsiit t ation. and By-Laws, which were submitted ahll" adopted, will be transcribed : and in: readiness to , be signed by 'the menibelikt ••1 • • ~J+.=i:.=::-Irv.:.. Goverdiii Ourtin bail left` Hattie- burg for Fulm.outh, Virginia, via Phila delphia, nevli t il visit t'he Pennsyiva - : ` nia regiments in the Geld, ;and inquire, l into their condition and:'Wpi‘ti,"ia order - 1 that necessary measures may:4:oe. ta-, ken to iosuriTlicopey payment andtretity ment-of the.men. On•the return he will visit-the*CoOalesdent Camp i ,:,ffear , 'Al• - exandria, to-look after the, PAMAsylva: nians at that placei. and whilelriyilinh ington, will make effort to. secure to the State of PeensylVinia all, the advan bliss in the ahtiCipattufeonseription to which She is'etititied over other 'States that have not rutaished,the full quota of troops or We learn from a,gentlematt arri ved from the army of the Potomac that an example has just been 'made 'of it ,n umber of soldiers convicted of desertion. 'lwo members of the Sedoro New York' volunteers were ridden on what the sol diere term a :'lkigh't horse" ten hours day for ten consecutive flays, and then publicly drummed out of camp. A member olthe Tenth New Jersey, con victed of the same offense, was bended on his back with the letter "ll;"_ his heao . ol9lieved,:and he WaS drumtned , out:: o f , cam p. • Our informant further says that when .General Booker assumed command of -the army, the ateMbittraeettidelii NO* were truly alarming, but now, under the arbitrary but necessary and just pun,ish i meat of the crime, there are very'reat desertions. . . " - cur The President has d e d make the first draft from the States de ficient under the last call, and will not commence io the States which have furnished their full quota until the defi cient States have made up their num bers. It is also reported in official cir• des that the first draft in the North will be from the free negro population. All the able-bodied colored men between twenty and thiity-five years.lof age are to be taken to fill up the ranks of the various negro brigades now under way. If this shall be carried out it will add' some 40,000 men to the black army, who would bo employed principa,ly in the coast defence. It is stated at Wash ington that this conscription meets' the approval of all parties. eir A. Washington correspondent, speaking of the enrollment act, says "It is said that a force of 100,000 men or. more will be brought into an instruction camp by the let of Juno. The demand of the army now in the field for reinforce ments will be pressing by that time, not only on account of absentees and deser tion, but of the expiration of tho.term for which a large number of the troops were enlisted. • sir General Burnside's position is at last ascertained. It appears that he was originally intended to supersede both Gen. Hanter and Gen. Foster ; but the disagreement between the two latter having been compromised, he has been. to the command of the Depart ment of the Ohio, superseding General Wright, and enlarging somewhat the boundaries of his command. The rebel demonstration again upon Kentucky, has led to this appointment. Last year this time the rebels held possession of the Mississippi river from Cairo to its month—a distance of over 1000 miles. Now they dispute with us only that part of it between Vicksburg and Port Hudson—some 200 miles. Mr. Samuel Wagner, of York, PennsylvanEa, has entered upon his du ties asgie financial clerk of the United States Senate, holding his position un •der Mr. John W. Forney, the Secretary of the Senate. • Oa Thursday the 27th ultimo a raft run by Andrew Furl, orCambria counti, was stored at Chest falls, in Clearfield county, and. Furl caught in some' way between the loose timbers and was killed or drowned. ear Road the financial '3tatemept of tho Borough irramother culamu. E MARIE TIN;r FINANCIAL STATEMENT OP THE BOROUGH OF MARIETTA, For the Year Oloairig April 2, A. D, 1863 I=l Balance in Treasury, April 2, 1862. $ 15 46 Cash received for Hall Rent, 33 .00 " " " Taxes of F. L. Baker, 1106 15 Total Amount Receipts, Amt. Debts previous to 1862, • 41 made in 1862, 691 39 Balance in Treasury; April 2, 1363, 73 31154.61 1 Payment of IJebts . 61:mtraeted in Ifte - year 1.862 •'. _ H. S. Libbart, Street"LaMps, •41 1500 Geo. Rudisill, Oil Cats, - 16 13 Samuel Hippie, Interest; - 22 32 Ht 'Mbriey, •L'abot, r, • - /DO John 'Kline, Coal Oil; • • 21 '7O A. Summy,-Coal, • •-• "I 60, Jcihn Neylor-Labbt, - A.14 , •1 ' t 50 • , 0 ,1 66 , Pio. Fire Corepany,Elnt: , 6n Bend, ' -28 84° F; Li Bakerf : Prititifig; - - '1•1 1 A. 11.. Suminy, Interest,- 48'27 b6ieglif4l6sol R 'Of Int., • •••i% l 4$ Geo. Rudisill, Int., N 6 00 1 RultisracTOTsl - .1, repairing 'Engine, • 31:10 Ddrriber,• • '' ' ""a1,•55 ' Samuel Hippie; Shriervisor, " ' 9 DO'• /814 JosliDeib'Pavffig, - • .92 60 I* Gee - 1 4 W: 3 i9obbley,-let., • 9 60 F. L. Baker, Printing, &c., • 'l9 00 F,• - krifple,, . 626 John•Deppell'er, -Paving, - 9 OD, Weitti Roth, Globes, are., ' I 01 Jaeols - Forst, - Labnr, "2, , - 300 Gee. H. Ettla •Lumber, f•••• • ' 5 40 Samuel Hippie, Houlilig 26 75 ' J. R. BitFenbacb,.liiter,elit; ` 7 87 'Hai. 'IS: Sedietyi Int' iiilki'lent; 39 00 James Arrnstrong,Smithing,,," . 9 3 39,„ J.'sl. Anderapn, •ILl'e, 00. , 100! Wm. Odell; Serinesa, °'-, 6 00 Dubthel '4 67. J. Mattis, nTak tog Walks, ' 8 12 I. Reisingerc' , c• " ' ' 475 J. J. Libhart, Oil, &c., 6.83 J..Cuahnian,..4lauling,m , .• - . •s ""5 381 John Maxfield, i3urying Donson " • 20 00r 1 Emswiler, stneting ( Wdka, ,6,•. 75 'R. Greeb,`Haujing t , J J. rt:,Elisman',, Serviess ? 5 501 F. L;Daker, PrigtiQg s ; , 2. John 'Sergent, Painting, . 6 Samiiel Hippie, Int. and Hauling, . 56 67, Ele`etiOn'Offieer&' , 5 Do G. W. 9lehaffeh Salaries, . - ,I*o Total, Payment of Debts' Contracted previous to 1862 3 orderg, J. Fuills, Fire Apparatus, _., s: 43 20 Officern', 2 Orders, H. S. I.ibbart, repairing Engine 17 70 A. H. Surnmy, Woe, 200 00 Stirrer. &to:, Hardware, . 26 14 Samuel Seaatling, Cinder, 35 06 Geo. Sultzbite4 Oil for Hose, 12 00_ 'Mossohost) & lyait, Hauling Cinder 27 00 Patterson it Co" :"Lamps, &e., 44-1 05 Dayid Roth, G A i rni, 'Peeking,. 6 87 Geo. - Hippie,: soling 'Cinder, 33 57 Samuel RliPple l Greasing rinse, • '7 60 J. Dowthat'Repairing Hose 1. 2 00 . J. Ihfiwhitwer, Fir Hooks, A 00, Metiattetibo.," TA m 4r, IS' 33 J. Mellinger 2 Labor," ' Rusing & Cn., Fire .Crabb; • • 48'45 Edw. McElroy, Labor, , 5 (10 Joha Goodman v Regtilatine, - zi 25 -Frederick 21 , aller, Hauling Hose, - ' -..• 1.40 Totabo.. ; I 0562.13 ' l:tadjitegtlo, Arriettar; April 2, 1883.' - ' - * = A !fit: of unpaid' orders pufrotanding,. $, ,429,52 Load. due llor..Beneficial ~ Speie!.y, 400 00 ~ " Siiscjublyinna 'Lodge of I. O. 'of . 0. F., ••• 353:00 c s C—c Fire• Company; • , 139 12 Balance Note- due :Le; H. Stinizny, ' ^dated - Dee. I, 4862, - 116 68 Note due 'Samuel Ripple, dated Mar. ' • - - - - 375' or " 151tRecrietadifall, . 29, 1861, . , • ' 4O ;00 " ( 6 Cassel,. dated• Sept 16,4861,, : 75.05 Soha,Fulks, dated Sept: - 24, 'MI,. - • •75 00 " John Fulks, dated March 6, 1862, ' 54 80 .- " " J.! R. Diffenbach,- Sept. 24,1861.. • - 181133 . " Patterson'- & Co., -dated' . • ;rdarchl6, 1863, • • . , 57 37 K - 2.248 87: Less -Cash in TreasUry, - 73 *Total indebtedness this day, •April 2, 1863, 4, 4 • ;' ; t!.. 0248 44 •The above amount of indebtedness includes: Two Hundred and Seven Dollarstand , Eighty,• - Three Cents, to be collected of thosemropedy holders whose walksAfere Made'. by.the Cor po atio n. ..The Daily Evening Journat.'no. 1),R6 the. 5)61)1)04i - 1e, ‘EeR6O. THESE Dethilinitic papers, lately piiblished by Albert D. BOileau, (whose connection therewith has entirel3s, rease.M . arp now pub lished and edited by CHARLES N..PINE. and 'ALFRED LEWIS, and„ will, hereafter, be conductid Tearleasly. as ORGANS OF THE GREAT DEMOCRATIC PARTY.. They will ,defend the , rrinciples 9f- the ,C o nstitution, rights of "the, States, : and the liberties of the people. The Ev,Erin'to JOURNAL i$ published every afternoon, (Sundays excepted), at $6, per an num, or $3 for --six„ months,. payahle in . ad vance. It contains spirited articles on the. political questions of the day, with all tli cur rent news, Market and Stock report; and all: such ,matter as is usually Pound in a Daily Newspaßtr.. r , . . , The Weekly, DEMoq2Sr{c . : LEADER,,, is a large double-sheet. paper,„containing r efolelpa,- ges, forty-eight columns of Wading mailer, and is furnished at the following rates: Single Copies, one year,. • .$2 Two :" • • " 3 50 nice`S"- • ~5.00.: ,, " Five . 8 00 Twenty " " - .`3o`oo. Thirty -•" " ""', ' • - 42 00' , Fifty o • . .-• • `_ 15.00 The-Deniefertiti of Penheylvania,'Maly - land; Delaware; and pie.* Tersey, it is hoped', exert th'etnselves to give the LrkDeren - large circulation. Address.' - , PINE- Az 'LEWIS: • No. 103 South Third St.. Philadelphia. IC2r.Write for sample numbers, s . which will be promptly printed, grade. rRIME G 8.0 C E R I E Ss—Rio, Java and Laguira Collee • Crlshed Pulverized and Brown Sugar; Superior Green and Black Tea, . Rice ' ,Cheese and Spices; Syrußand prime ba; king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Barley at , J. R. DI.FFENBACR'S. EW CROP . New Orleans Molasses.. mis is the only kind of .MolaMea that, is good for Cake Baking. ; Justreceived.,at SPANGLER Ei PATTERSON., ... , F.AMILY C 0 G H `SYRUP':L-A..` Cotter' Syrup, for phildiew and: adults lids just been put up at -my store, which shoirld be in` 'evrylamily this cold weather. DR: LA minis. . - A SUPERIOR COOK STOVE, Very plain style, each one warranted - to perform to-the entire satisfaction of the purchaser,purchaser,. PATTERSON & CO, &- Oak Wood, hO'Cordi 1 - liekery and , Oak Wood. Orders-MOO , c occomp amiod with•the cash,when theywilt e prompt ly - fale.N.' SpOngier & Patterson. niRDERS for maKaßy ciAR: WOOD ty wilt' be receirerat the cheap attire 'l6l` "(1 R. 4 .I:4IrFENRA CH. 0-c)&3_ I "J:11...• DIFFEiT3AO.I-1' • HAS liow„.9krx HIB VW AL AHD WELL ASSORT. ..; S'PRI.NO GOODS . — 1 Consisting of New Chakiesi.., • - .• . . -'. .., .". - - ...v.:. oinglo , 2llls, . ..-. . ri• : , :-. ; DO L(1111449 gad, :..- '• i , lOgetbe r, : ; x with Other •Jkoe ;etyles - 0f1 . r./ i r nt es s ti• Goods : of various names. : His. stock .ernbriteett beeille6 44611,assortment of - ~..f-• ~ .- - •• E -, Millo3l/ 43 ; -.: .- -. . , CheAko,. ,:., , , ~. ~, f:„. .I,' Drillings, Tickingeof;, , ~,,, .. .. f •1 ,Ylannels, -; .; firillianta„‘ t; f . LilllMils •' • ._:.', f, '.itSllaw..l B ; •' • ti ~.,,, . ,-, Llosfery, - ~ Efttptoraffiatit;- - i Ethirt,...Fronte,; t ; • : ~• • .3 ..SPling3,./141419ralEy• „10p . p ... ,,Skirigg • :,.1;, „White F;inbcoldere,ll„;4..irt...ift* . ;;.i. i.,... f •:' • A. large, portion pf tnnoi,gpoilk, having been • 1 ;.,Itl'atchalled before the recent adyencetisprirefi *II bk:41010 ; ot rates j 4l.4w.g tha t ') .3nT .f) .+:Y. st i • '•• ransnr , ass ,• iiineratardia.; , .',...;- 4 1 iio r,orAs.; . ,!. •. a+. .44.! .: ..7..; . .P 44 .4.41 ..' • any , f a, ! :VIEStRIMS; :1 , ' p d en — pertinent ofiSplitfi lli iirtifAinir 4 , 1 ,. 'ir fo Cetits,''Panta and - `Vesta :`' Al,BO, A' of ,neia. A ade,..clptlting,.. , .04 1 • Which" were f • • ,re - the - 9aditantigsend-' 4ithich w* •;t!' .;;en at less than present whole= ; - ;f.,: • - - - , - :.;,, 4,11 Pr t iiite. ... ' . gki, • /ais Oa I.7!.i.eeliiw,crreil ..., 1 ,. Pi d r4,..Glaseesi, .=, -tl l, 'Carpetitt, "; l''''.L '''' nd. Shoes; 1 , -, ; Window: - Sbenesi4 . ristotv anal ' Wait 'Papers`" ' 1 $1154 61 $ 361 49 . • :.....Q.ROCERLE.S..i ,opioice White •suidt :3"tiva and ' Rio Coffee, Greer' and Mack Tea, extra `Etugttr- cured Hanle, I ttetfitr' • .BalttiMackerel in. ir. : l and • • • barrels, 10 barrels - ' ./,.TOtTORg. Ile also contilues to keep on hand a large , spppllyof superior Rardies, qins,- Srphnidann Schnappe, Drake's Pfantation.Bil terat aid a superior article of Old }lye{ 4114 wlttch'will be sold at the lowest market. rates. Marietta,. April . 4 , DAS. ' • tIitARIETT.A. h t tAll3l:k MARBLt MASON' AND STurit= CUTTER . . • . Op - Po - site the' Town Hall Park,' * ' Marlelta r ]3 Marble s , business; V ist , ,alLits branches' will_confiriug4., at :the, pi& n. phice,.atl, Lille:Mr/II Will and opposite, Funis'aXoss Keys P7 ° .ern,, where re very desprintjaa.„pf t .lnati?le wQrle %yip be kepton hag& prApitile .tololdgrltt '6llls3t notice and at Neryreaigglablepriees. gaiietta, jpnp 29,.1 091 39 6.9 62 T: C. FiIIINEtTOCI , ! I f, a sbAaE.o'ili'sl(giTlTsl7, ESPEOPPULLYA.ofrers:processional services to the citizens of IVlariettti , and Virifity,:assuting: them lhattall. operation's iti truited to his care; either' in Operative ,or-M-e -4anical Dentistr4: ? will be executed in a tho faughly. ).F , edientifi6 manner; 0 `Chx . A2llalli- street, , a few doors we of (he •Bost-,Office. JeW-35-Iy. . - - 9140BACCO , A NIJ "SEG A.RS ' • • . .THE' 0 L',D'••PRICES. - f Sixes, Half Spanish,- "' ' • Hagana at'3; . 4 and ¢s',. , =', '• - BnaoleintTobacc, of tliayliest brandsl• .•• *4,-* 4.1: , " r 4 "te.''' 46 %, , inelitharg;' ' • • ' •IY +‘ - May 4'lovi'er, • • Rose Bud, &e.; &e. Welinvite the ;Mer Of a' good Segar to. call"' at &examine our•stock,•for it iirmiquestionabiy jiie beat ever offered ire Marietta. ' . • • ' • ""•We have , the best • • • - ; HAVANA A.1) 1 ,0 TARA; S.EO ARS theitaltiincire 6r mari4t . affords, andiVecireo4l, termined to giveibis branch. of our3business partietriar. attention., CALL AT WOLFE'S AS AND . .; • ; 1 1 Matiettai - Mareli 1863-6rnoo M ISkILERIS BITTERS. An agency for the'sale of. ees Celebraled Herb Bitters 3 , 1 ; hittobbeileslablithed at • •, • — IfrOpFE , S' VARIETY STORE; ,jvhere one bottle, or one hundred bottles can be bath Ih s medicine has cured when all ~otheiSlie.ve failed. Look at the cards in the `Lancaster Express, of ; ; -) ; r -John Gilman, .A.:Faitees. A vtife, John W. Colvin Jack, Levi'li. Rife ileory Cramer,: Beneact.L.:: ohn N.Veidnaan, ; Aohn..ldineth ' • Thomas , Ailtillis, , l J. T MeCtully, - ,Jebn Lemon, Ahsolem and , a host .of. others: Marietta, .March 280863- S ELECT scnoot. , A compe a tent'Laiii'Teactier - Will open a r` ` SELECT SCHOOL- for ,young ,Children, lo#er room of tlie' Rifie eompapy Armory, , • Qn Monday, April 13tii, 1863. Application for p dmiesion can, be in!kde to either of the.tindersigued,: . . . • . A C. A. Sit A errir.ii, THOMAS' ZEI.L, CLAYTON M: FOnt.K, HAnny Scnobiz, ' • 'W. "'''DR:''Wlil:'B. FAD NOSTPCK, ‘-' ,' -''' OtkICEiHMAizrST XtARLY oiiosrii-. Sparigle.r..Bc Pg.ttersoTk's Store. . .. ~ . _ ~ ~ -, • 11- ,-- -- r ts " -- --- . OFFICE kICUA. ", 12 TO 2. ~ . . .t - .. e . e . W 1 3 . - RF - D 6 . 11 **E3 COmmilsi6n Luinber: f 4 West RIM Avenue, Baltimore, IV: , si . . 'ESPECT.FTILLYntfers kis services tar. the' sale of • Oflif s •r. a of every 'description. roan'liii knowlOgg orthe:. businedd he feels eonfident"ofb i eing able to obtain tlialliggeSt market rates for,. everything-entrusted to him. 1 I • :`,. .4 f . : TgWEI.II.YA large slid stock of ty fine jewelry of the,.lateatpatterna. from. the best factories in the country pan he four at' 11.,L. Sr. E. J. ZAHM'S. ,; Cor. North Queen at. and . Centre Sqsare, Lan caster,Ta.l Our'prices are moderate and all }goods vrarrantedAo be as represented. 7 , PLATED WARE: 'A Large and line stock of Prated *are at 1i..L..&" E. J. Znigm's, .. 'ner of North Queen street & Cehter Square Lancasfer,:Pii,.. - Tea Setts, in 'variety,. Coffee, _Urns. Pitcheis, :, Goblets; -, 'Satt Stands; Cake ~Baskets, • Card - Baskets,' Spoons, Forks, Knives, rasters, &c., &c:, at manufactUrets prices. REm:sirrio attended to at moderate rates. HOTOGAA PH_ ' ' , ALBUMS r! _P ry`:: , . , ` A fineriaabitmentzofrßhotograph r 'Tanging in wipe from !db . -cents to give Dollars. For sale ht 71EVLIWV.E1PS Photograph ;ery, Market atreet, , , U FFALWILKIBES, Herse Blankets, r_D Harness, Saddles, Whips, &c., _ fine :assortment now on- hand at . , S. L. D ELLIN GER' S, ;Ma et 'street, 'Marietta. Call-and see before purchasing'elsewhere.. 17-3 m . , TAIO.• L'NDLORIBI L.lust received, Scotch and Irish -IV-..j[FßlClESp.warran pure, at H. 43 - . ( 4arrojaniaintk. •7• fr.oitorz A zin,AEW rAcrLAND. RUM: 110 for culin s wau .nt e anti the 4.7 rrA PPPh.. .I),litlutsuft 1863.. ED STOCK OF FIENRY - FLANDIS, M. D., ..piablit;9;•l4; Frarakliish44ali,' Defier in ,2kug":%, Perfungiry, Soaps, DR. LANDIS ,hafing purchased the entire interest and gcrod will of - Dr. F. Hinkle's Drug "Store, ,Would take this opportunity: to in . - form the citizens of Marietta and the public' generalty, , that, having just received from Phil adelphia a 'large addition .to the old stock, ha will sparemo. pains. to. keep constantly $34, hand the bestoand most complete assortment of eve rythilig in the,drug • , - gotof,E All ey . 4 0 Doan N 11.43 1 6copsistiliiitt part ois erman.,,French and .Eng , • p erfumerV. Shay. ing • &tape and` Creams ; Toottiand.Nail.Brushearldulfaloand Other • iltkirL•Ccitite; Hair° OiW:iroirikiile.Oglitti. Pert - 21fbniee,-,Poeketi.: Boaks i , Ruff i. and'Pouxfrr'Bei*s; c', c. lee l celebyated, Tiatcttelox's , ,DeCosta's and otheillooth.Washeacindiakhla , -. , :toot; Bert es,,Trieoperensain tthe;.hair,lasy 4umotbi-TlMltlis,T,U4,larrgeißittrialisised - tot- 1 tieop..44lPiof ttoTitgeeeleis4loWeidzipilcutroi , , -111 e4toOlte sggratigtowict,Razinaisaii*inag, lig pure Ground Spices, Compound iSyrupmi, .R,bittsikketegotacendietil , ftood an. ex ce llent at= Iciedz erupittdopepata;andia tonic inciptieeltased Retina lforicoagulatingarMile„, - - • aitexceljent prepe.ratioNfor. titeiatile4 Tabt • 1 0i14-tery finer,bottlesiattepaizes. •• ; ,tPiirvCod. Liv.e.r Oil. AlieliaePeperfumempansadee,.: soaps, kathairmoriliair Restorative , nouciverywhere lit:knowledge& the !biht; - ti OldiPoiti:Sherry Mid:Madeira Idlineartand ,- ~B randies for rnedical4mtptisest , Dr. L. will himself see that every prectOttion ,, -die taken in . MbibititidldliihitßiifjPiii'sicitun's prescriptionsi-yo , c ,,, •UL The iDnetorman be professiointWvionsultad. at the-stare-when-not-engaged-elsewiteie,-- • -- , - Marietta, Aukul4.l2o-18611:4E-4 , . 54 I"3 - 11 , ,- , •^ . VlO.l 'T 'MISUPPEErIinEIIiA n tr ., r ,;,... itioir,:iStriiilasi, • .,.. , Arid Gneriil: Mat hirfi.0 4 .61012/ *141;1' , - ..", 1 Ie g ~..,'3, • 1.1411. , ... .., . 4 l' • • a , 8 1010 . Uoion,-, Columbia?: Pa., ' r=^, TkeLare,preparect-to malreatUlinda of Iron, Onitings for RoltiorMillsnnobßlast Furnaces3t foP,-Steonie Watcr•and ;• Columnsg. .Frontsatil444ltoortstAVoights,;&c.,:for diem pnd cnidipgeof,everyi description ;. STEAM ENGINES, - AND ROILERS, • an,nis" ; isesecs? Shafting, and I' 4 Ppliem,,4 - Apee,ipg,Zacto,,Pieg,,,Machinery, for ,t4irlig._anci 4: 102 awg, ; Brass erßeaorlnga; ;SteanitAlliag, 4,altgeot, rxbricators,,Oil Cooks,:iMarves for Steam, Gas, 1 ,1 .4.Water3 arasskiiti; iii)gs in all their yarietyi boilea,Tariks, Flues, igeatere, Stacks,BolySi7sTrits, . ` atilt DOOXEI. Wasers, a Steii sir. BL A CKSIIHTBTIVO: frik EAT RA L. Framlong.e.cliefieddeOt buildinglnitteltrilerl let" flatter oursekt:eVhitt nteittegi ye.g,,e;aeriettiatis filetion to` Most fi k urys with their orders. Ir..Rt:Fairtitg p . i•DnvitlV attended o. tryt Orders. ulail.aadteised s.ti'o'vEr*illUee't ,withproinp.krtre ation:', Prices tenstrit'UtetPeree -at a Z. .8 nala AIRE . 11 a A ("J - 4?. 'SUPPL'EE:'.. m Columbia; 06.1obek 202186,0.- 1 -14-taf4l r's. • • la T rivo N !,- , r. . - ereha4t, dailitr, etadNekothiery. v Mr.rt TcktY 7 .I.o,' 3 ,; ( 3 , VigitA4:.atilli‘f , :rum rofk.Arapti .Queeri nitd , .Di•angi7 % , St!'e s tihratt6; Gft, Jr, A; to ..m.,,.4meAtkofKar;ettp,„ a vioin4y o .for 41 1 e, JperaWpalro . nale heretmf -e-eiteedee,*.thil7dridditigned`ri.sfee.l -•- , tiring them, that underlTrEM equivalentfAr eveback,4entdmice`fepoSed, , ,CLorasTtissziti tf - RE - 8' AND VES TINOS, and such other seasonable-materizrl - as fashion and ;the market fiiraifihf43'PonAtailAYll l :caPtlatlihad7 m and annzactured to order, promptly, mid rea =sonahly, as taste or style 'may - snrgest 4 A Lsb;Utriaiiir-31s 'Oto+ll tsit, f.r. ~ . 6. 0 41 . 6 1 14.0.1.?.4 Furnishing Boocida l 9 t l 4 and such agithlaiaa -mina llytbelangt.toartc, Glottliag.establishment.,-- e t,• ..;,w.,IWQRA 4144: td; 1 1,3 r. . S.U4W-RoON t DENTISPLo..I a.tAlK‘Tietmq.P.f . 911 P, ArmedY .occuifika• !hi Dr. Sitionfzel,. aeoining 1 P te.r#PTl &4 0 1.? gar,icetitVre.et Wilqrn p cepa re4,tnwail pn all winni may leil„ . I, l4 l Zit ~.44P95 4 48 . .44ficlrlizxhirck, • • ' DP ll 4strYi: 1k1i . :ita ,1 0 43 4 1 . 6 a9.5.e41; - •pe . g.iiii.: Tigil;,ipijerteiVon fite , n,Aoallurgyeg,, p peß;al. ecid, Roe . ancTagons , on the niouth,%mifoirned. jc a.Skitlful,and. w°4 l 4i l 1 1 ,14494,r-704..fair*.peneiplea and ) ( 1 4 1 4AggiltP,•..1 —Having determined upon a perinanentl this ply.v„ 9 ; 144 ab - tr4-c oirt4 of t.t) . .„liheral.patronake..l.teretofore. extend, to ° I . i" "" r w Ile 1 te,wri render ever,y,posai ble sausfatliop., e - i to *- P ' 4B. ' P .9 'l ;P '. ere WIIMA , p WINES & LIQUORS, Picot Building. Narjett 1, Pa., BEGSleaye to inform Atte. public that he contime the. WIN. & LIQUOR. INlSi ness, in all its bgallches.. I.le will• constantly keep ontand all kinds,c4 rt,f Brandies, Wine's, Ginsylrish'eind Segtch r; la s Ly,•.L.,pra2ars, baters;:4•e.,!. • .13 P.N.TA MINIS 2, last.ty Celebi•ated' 114 . 9ifh .trietaA-71' ALWETS' , ON , ATAND. A very weriar 411.10 . .11YE''' WEIISWIE nst-re,ceived)Whiah,is warranted pare. rit?.All.ll:. Dr-B: mow asiwof the , public- is a careful examination of his stock Mid prime ces, he is confident; result tel keepers.and others finding it to their ad— vantage to make, their,purchasee , from . MILLINERY AND-.STRAY GO,• • _ YE have the, pleasure of `iiiformink the public that we are now prepared to otter at our old stand, 'Nos. 103, 105 and 107 North 'SECOND-5T.,.pgr.L0EL2 2 144, A WELL SELECTED STOCKAS' , .t , ' , MILLINERY & STRAW"GOODS(' in every variety, of the latest ",importations, and of the newest and most fashionable.iti - les . OUR STRAW DEPARTMENT, will. comprise 'every variety of Bonnets, Hata and Trimmings to be found in that line, of the latest and most approved slie.pes and styles. March 14-4tl EDITOR OF "TH E ~IfIBIETTIAN. Dear Sir:—With' your pettnitiSian I. wisli to say to the leaders of your paper that ..I will send py,retuen mail to all who wish it, (free). Recipe; with full.direetions for making and using a simple Vegetable palm that will ef-- fectually u redlove, 10 days, , palm, Blotch es, ,Tan, . FTeckles;' and all .lirrliptions of the Skin; leaving thetiatne sUft; clear, smooth, and beautiful. I will also.mail,ftei to.'lliosethaNnig Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information Ault will enable them to start a full growth' of Liniuriant Haft', Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than 30 days., All appli cationi answeked by return. mail ,Nrithout charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, _ Chemist, No. 831 Broadway, New York. .... seamina.....„.. .. -.,-- SPECTACLEScanb aided tto ita g 1 1 who ith • lassos.. .=.r.j. 44.101:1S, Cor r , can t r , 3?. 0 6 4! .hr oughto .r tia,.. a ta t „ yle. 4.7 I' s t: V e tl , e .4C e a . 1 1 1. 4 i i 4 l ll l- 4 1 a ki n a t e r e s, i l, Lincister- t r i'W4 a"e ' [lll-11 - al short notice. 13EANE & BOTH, wif DNALEits IN Attu?, Cliei - piNis, i'aftooll, To. Soaps, Hair and .Tooth Brushes, Coinhs, Tooth . Washes and Powdei-s, Hair Dyes,Paten.t Medicines, Paints, Oils,-.lll4iteleati,-Varnishes, • Dye-Stmgs, ::Glass, • : and evft , y9.l ing. natially.,lioapt 33- well regula ted apothecary: r A - new and' fancy lot '6l' eioaT' the finest in the .IrOrough—tat prices to suit the times. . Lamp Tops Attached.to old Lamps at short notice. Globes, Wie.4s, always A very convenient "HAltn - Liar" for car rying about t... .house. 4 just received, p , A. nicer I , .iiteted lot ilf•gt.tir.n ary,sfr.aVeit.geS, Pe tic' klElsfilkik '&c., of Al grades ancl nt sill . 16 . 14 C • • • , 3 • 3 . 'An encliiis varietybr F ancy 401 - I:bilet '; tics rfrod hen.l. ' : D.:in': W.- H.' BitI'ANPA4, - virjebli?eiriVrir 7 . _UP West's interest iii theWehVglerliiDi V brksindis t iiir t loWing ToOiridliii.Aim":l36fhtiff 4 cjf Marisqt^ for the pruoticero4 1f s prOfessiositi'l would - , Tspg9lr:ully,s4fer. professignsh servi des to .ue public. ,_ r ., , I ' 71, `4l , r , ri.• . .• To T ,44,11,14.T . 1 A, A take grot r _pleALein recomfilendir,g Dr. Wm - . FL 1 8.f.A"-a's'as4PV.4s4 , 3 l iiht 7 WetaLAiate.every Collfiliellet, believing thiat he wilLgiNe gads tfaaticiittli;dll,who maw etPPl> 11. WEST, M. D. Mar-4'4lmb November 8, 18G2. A LExkstimtiimystvo i .- Boot Maiiiifac;ttriirt .MARKET STREETV lkiA4Ail ETTA, PENN. Mould mos respfctipAy inform t .ei lens, . of this 13orotikfrandtbigbborliood Wien. hts thaJargestrmakirtrivenf'of.Cit t riiiitsrliik Lie line 4fabl#piA4 s &lPrt3l7 3 i3o,rotlghZauffiite-, - , ,ing a ,practica r k,LlQQT..ii,N D Ai-4 KER. , • hi msel f:iffikabfb fhb' Street with irg tent 4 tban those who arernot - .' sfleefintinues to man gfrotfure4a,tale .very .best manner-everything in the BOOT AND , SHOE .1.41.1.V.4 which-he •-•• ogiii,utarratit fobiteataesa.atai spziod fit, Ansl examine.his - stock before. pur- - I chatimg. elsewhere: . • ` . - Thgekomistie , kcwhopon B,,,4ffelect*Acitoof in 1 High' CI? liE TELatiE -41ie e plarges will be-Os follOykri 4. '' tiigtj'Scl it ft.4loint's frelo,2,fteto $8... Those desireals.rof fc.el at upon. .0 -- !craT ' ii• • 2 -. P 4 1 ,. T. ElotsTaYn ta4lkopen his loi;artment id [Tie' Town sites 'Spring' buiinef 5, Ana notrO'orwhich'itill bp givaatefore Um time „ [Match 14; 0..02. Plailadelphia 1863, . paper Hangings, 'H . et, P r E r T,T . VB . OUR . or R KAT-STS., Ht.E, - D•E' P4l" PA. .7 IV:VP:11w Atoai, 1 Cne variArif Tr' r 1 L,L I r A I' E /Z UP _l2 PRE 04 TELE . et WO- ,Ti t - ' I‘ Wiptz; .' . ~.1:0 Ar, o, f, , tko . svhia they invite the attention oi.• t - • 30.11 A Jt nv •ATRAI-JEEERBIIs., ~ • ...", 4 In thgir e 441 0 ..e . pgrtatent, will be found. the ; hoicesi oilitev , qf, the .wasort. . • Feb nary 15, ISC3 3m. ~. , TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS Collection s of-lierisitnse .libunties. Back ay and Officers''.: Poy. diolis,4,4lucter ,Rolle, and I?eertiiiin'y 4ccouit 4 s made out,. THE'.undersinexl ? 'baring herb in' the em ploysienCoi the United. States dit ring thc last v eglirken months; as. Clerk in the Allister .ineandgßiihursing Olive and Office of -Supec intendent, of iteeruiting Bervice.of Perinsylva - II in, respectfully informs the public that he has opened an office dn tl.e Daily -Telegraph .ing ; for, the,purpose of cullecting,„Bensions, 'Bounties, Bark,. Pay rind' War Claims,; also, :making out Nicer& Pay Rolls, Muster R. 4,11:, and Recruiting Aeegunts. All orders by nail attended to promptly. SU . - S. CHILD 1-I.arri§buFg„ Nov. A, 1862.. 18 ly , A DiVIINABI:BA.TORS' NOTICE. Letters „AL_o .A - drniaharktion. ou .the 'state of F. ed -eric4-411kilizg, late of the Botyugli of Itratiet ti, been granted to the un derainted all persona indebteil thereto H.VC reyuested to make immediate settlement, ::0.1 those Iksving tle , nantls ;against the same, prpsent...thotp delay fur oe.Blynent tp.the underaigue . d,, residing in said ßorough. " _ _ ("EQRGE A. . SAM AIAY.LIp7G, SAitA.H Adlntnistruturs. Marie44, , pkri - :11 9. 1563.-e DAVID- 0001:1RAN, Painter, Glazier and Paper Hang . ei ANLOTILD moat respectfully inform the,eit y Vizena of Marietta and. the ;public genet- ally that he is prepared to do house Painting, China Glossing, " • " Payer Hanging, 'At very short notice and at pricei,to suit the times. He cadbe found at his mother's resi dence on the corner of Chesnut and Secoo3 streets, a few'doors belo* Hie M. E. Church, and immeastely oppoSite the Old Oberlin Coed' Worke. ' [Au , : 3-ly • • • . poroll RNETT'S .Cocdainp.. ; , .',A ' compound c f Cocoa-nut Oil, :&..e., fOr Vreasing the Hair. ' efficacy and, ageeableness,' it is without an equal:' It preventsthe hair from falling off. It promotek its healthy and vigeroina growth. It is not greasy or 'sticky.. It leaVes no dis'agreeable odor. . It softens the hair when hard and dry. It sobthei the irritated scalp skin. . rf affords the Jichest lustre. It remains limgeet in effect. For sale by BRAN if & RQTII, , ,•Successors to Dr. Grove. H. L. Fe R. J. Z All M ESP.F.CTFULLY inform their friends and"the public that they still continue the WATCH, CLOCK A ND Jx.wiELRY business at the alai stand; 14orth:west Corner of No.:ttL Queeki.street and Center Square, Lancaster, A fulrassortmhnt - Of goods . 41 oar F;ne of basi licas always ea hand and for salelt the 100 esl cash rata. Iteimaring attended to sonally by the , proprietors. riCHE American Watcnes are among the belt I timekeepers now in use, and for durability . simplicity strength and - far surpass any oliii , r watoh Made in the world. E. J. 2 AIiBI Corner of North Queen-st.„ and Centro Squaro Lancaster, Pa.,-have them for sMe at the eery lowest rates—every watch act ompanied %vita the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure :ts gefi uinenesst Ford. , QUAL pp REGULAR TibiIEKEEPE.!tS can be had of 11. L. & E. J. ZAI(3I, CO/ North Queen-st., and Center - Sqpare, ,Lancas ter,. Pa., in the shape of , Equilibrium Lever s - - the best article of Swiss levers now in the ma: het. . They aro lower in price than any teat( it of equal quality and r.ust as'true for tintekeepthe; .13 011 LICA" 11 - ng . celebrated (11 N„ " 4 "' FENJA 31/N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers