The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 04, 1863, Image 2

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„Acueletta., Ola
IL* Messrs. MATHER 4..A.11130TT, No. 335
Broadway, New-York, are duly authorized to
act for us in soliciting advertisments, &c., and
receipt for the same.
THE LATE GENERAL Cooinza.--Briga
dier General James Cooper, Comman
dant at 'Camp Chase, died at Columbus
on Saturday, after a short illness, of con
gestion of the lungs. He was born in
Frederick county, Maryland, May 8, 18-
10, and after his graduation at Washing.
ton College, Pa., in 1831, commenced
the study of law with Thaddeus Stevens.
He was admitted to the Pennsylvanta
bar in 1834, was a representative of this
State in Congress in 1838-1840; was a
member of the Legislature from 1844 to
1846, introducing and carrying through,
in the face of a desperate opposition,
measures to relieve the credit of the
State, then on the very verge of repu
diation. On hie return from a visit to
Europe, in 1848, he was made Attorney
General of the State, and in 1849 was
chosen U. S. Senator, and served till
the close of his term in 1855. In poli:
tics he was always a Whig. After leav
ing the Senate he resumed the practice
of law in Philadelphia, but his health
being infirm, he removed to Maryland in
1860. On the breaking out of the re
bellion, he raised a brigade of loyal
Marylanders, consisting of one regiment
of cavalry and three regiments of infan.
try, and was appointed a Brigadier
General of Volunteers May 11, 1661.
At the battle of Antietam, in the Shen
andoah campaign and on other occa
sions, these troops raised under the
most adverse circumstances, displayed
great valor. Geeeral Cooper served
under Fremont in Virginia, and about
the close of last year was appointed to
the position at Columbus which he held
at the time of his death.
Springfield Republican, gives the follow
ing amusing account of the turning point
in Gen. Sumner's early life : "General
Sumner, when a young man, was a stage
driver among the. Berkshire Hills, and
this is how be came to get into the army.
At a time in winter., when the roads
were dangerous. going down a steep
hill, the stage slowed and turned over,
but the horses kept on. One of the
passengers pushed out of the door on
the upper side of the coach, and climbed
upon the box, and attempted to take the
reins from Sumner's hands. 'You let
the reins alone, or I'll throw you off I'
said the driver with determination. The
passenger wisely abandoned his attempt
at interference, and Sumner guided the
team firmly until it was safe to stop
thorn, dragging the over-turned coach
along, and so saved passengers and
team. The passenger who attempted
to take the reins was General Worth.
lie was so impressed with young Sum
ner's sterling qualities that he cultivated
his acquaintance, and induced him to
join the army, and the cool and deter
mined driver made an intrepid com
Major General McDowell and
wife, , with a portion of his staff, arrived
at St. Louis clothe rith ult. Captain
C. M. Levis, A. Q. M., a native of
South Carolina, - has been assigned for
duty as Quartermaster of the defences
of Washington, north of the Potomac.
Brigadier General Stahl has reported
for duty, in command of the cavalry for
ces for the southern defence of Wash.
ington. General Sigel, who has with
drawn his 'resignation, has been solici
ted by his friends to apply for a com
mand in Texas.
Or Designs have been prepared for
the fractional currency authorized , by
the recent finance law. The notes are
to be about the same size of those of
postal currency, but of a totally differ
ent character, and prepared in such a
way as to avoid as far as art can devise
any counterfeiting.
shir During the past year there was
received at San Francisco forty nine
million of dollars in gold, This amount
of the precious metal would weigh a
hundred tons, and would make the
freight of a train of fourteen cars on a
'Those "coffee. fain" guns—ono
hundred or more in number, ordered by
the President—we are told, hive proved
to be of no practical value to the army
of the , Potomoe, and are now laid up in
a store-house in Washington.
or A. party of rebels crossed from
Vicksburg about a week since to cut
the levet at the mouth of tbe canal, but
they were captured, and sent up . the riv
ifir Both branches of the State Leg,
islature have passed a resolution to ad.
loath on 13th of April. „,
TIME UP.—The 31st of March was the
last day in which the clemency of the
President was extended to deserters.-
11e gave twenty-one days' notice that
all who should return to the designated
places of rendezvous before the Ist of
April should be subjected to no other
punishment for their criminal delinquen
cy than loss of pay for the time they
were absent without authority. After
this, we have reason to believe, there
will be iikamples furnished of the neces
sary rigors of military law. The days
of grace will not be-extended, and the
penalty will not be relaxed. There wilt
be no sympathy, as there can be no re.
spect, anywhere, for those who. fall by
the bullet as a punishment for this high
est of military crimes. Our army and
the country have suffered enough already
by desertion. There will be general
gratification, both among their corn
rades and among their_ fellow-citizens at
home, to see these skulkers brought to
justice ; and to see that those who would
fly frolu the bullets of the enemy only
do so to be met by a charge a thousand
times more sure to kill. As soon as it
is found more dangerous to ran away
from the army than it would be to re
main in it, though there were a pitched
battle every week, there will be no more
desertion. This is the policy the rebels
have carried out for the last year, and
it 'is the only just and proper policy in
time of war.
man and Miss Buddington were mar
ried at Fernandina, Florida, on the 25th
ttlt., after an acquaintance of only three
weeks. The bride is the daughter of
Captain Buddiogton, of Groton, Conn',
who brought the. ship Resolute from
the Artio regions some years ago, while
the groom is the major of the 7th Con
necticut volunteers. Miss Buddington
was in the South when the rebellion
broke out, and remained with the rebels
until four or five weeks ago, when she
was forwarded under a flag of truce from
their lines to Fernandina, for the pur
pose of returning to her friends at home.
Major Rodman at once became enam
ored of her; he .proposed; the lady
was not slow in manifesting her Union
proclivities, and the result was a speedy
A TRUE Avator.—Arehbishop Hughes
is consistent as a patriot in allikhis rela
tions of life. We have already made
our readers acquainted with most of his
patriotic services, publicly rendered, in
behalf of the government. Here is an
incident of conduct as a private citizen
which is not lees commendable. When
called on by the Assessor for hie return
of silver plate, liable to tax under the
U. S. Revenue law, he rendered twelve
thousand and forty ounces, with the. re
mark : "You need not exempt me for
ty ounces, the country requires all the
tax." This example is worthy of imita
tion by a goodly number we bear of,
who are not so conscientious in count
ing either their silver-ware or their man
ufactures I
Poop. Low.—the rebel Gen. Gid
eon J. Pillow has suffered considerable
loss of property during the progress of
the present rebellion. In a speeelf
which he recently delivered in Madison
county, Alabama, he stated that the Un
ion foece had stripped hiin of all his
uegroes, barned his four cotton gin
houses which he valued at ten thousand
dollars each, taken one hundred thou,
and pounds of bacon, run off five hun
dred bead of fine cattle and two thous
and hogs, destroyed his houses in Ar
kansas, and laid waste his plantations.
All this was 'done while Gideon
. was in
the army, 'fighting for his rights. He
dug his ditch on the wrong side this
time, sure.
—The Philadelphia I nquirer says that
the sudden and heavy decline in the
price of gold, has had great effect in re
ducing the prices of merchandise gener-
ally. Cotton, it says, has declined 20
cents from the highest point; flour 25
cents ; rye flour 25 cents ; whet 20
cents ; corn 3 cents ; candles 1 cent ;
coal 50 cents; coffee 2 cents ; foreign
chemicals generally 10 to 20 per cent;
lead I cent ; common rosin $3 ; spirits of
turpentine, 20 cents-;, fish oils 2 to 5
cents; pork $I; lard f cent; clover
seed 75 cents ; timothy seed 50 cents ;
flax seed .60 cents; tallow cent; and
wool 5 cents.
men rushing into the exposures and
dangers of a Soldier's life, should pre
pare themselves for the fatal Fevers, the
Dysentery, the Sores and Scurvy, which
are almost certain to follow. ilolloway+s
Pills, used occasionally during the cam
paign, will insure sound health to every
man. Only 25 cents per, box. 14
ear One of the daughters- ofthe rebel
Slidell was thrown from her horse re
cently, in the Baia de Boulogne,'near
Paris. Her bead struck against the
wheel of a carriage, and off being taken
up her skull was found to be fractured.
At late dates she was said to be out of
lar Mr, Bloss, a4.eleased Union pris
oner from Richmond, says the prisoners
are kept on tainted mule and horse
meat, and that, he has'pnignen
in coffins who died from -actual starva
,tion, • ,
A. "'
Martindale, Military Governor of the
District, has adopted energetic measures 1
to rid Washington of the horde of pick
pockets, thieves and scoundrels who in
fest the city, to the terror of govern
ment contractors and citizens. The
other day a small squad of
thieves were paraded on Pennsylvania
avenue, guarded by soldiers; and accom
panied by a drummer and fifer playing
"The Rogue's Match." Placards upon
the persons of the culprits in front and
rear, indicated their rank as pickpockets
and thieves, revealed to the crowds of
spectators the object of this novel dress
paiade. If this-warning should not pro
duce the' - desired effect, - General Mar
tindale will order a batallion drill of-the
light-fingered fraternity at an early der.
e - The Episcopal Recorder, in is ar
ticle referring to the refusal of Congress
to exempt ministers of the tipspel from,
liability to draft, says : "Nor will tliere
be any serious consequences from the
refusal to grant thiti exemption. Wher
ever a 'minister' of the 'dos - pel is nada
to his people, and preaches faithfully to
them of Christ, they will contribute for
his relief the three hundred dblirbs' the'
law prescribes for commutation: 'Should
they not be ready to do this, or should
the drafted idinister be without a church
connection which Will pay this amount
for his discharge, we canot sew• that he
has any public claims to be excused
from the performance of that service
which, distasteful as it may , he, every
loyal citizen is now called upon to rep
far At the steeple chase of the Irish
Brigade, of Gen. Hooker's army, on St.
Patrick's-day, a serious accident occur
red. Dr. Pairon, surgeon of the 9th
Mass., and the Quartermaster of the
same regiment, while riding at the top
of their speed toward each other, in at
tempting to pass, turned in the same
direction, and a collision ensued, by
which both horses were instantly killed
and b — oth the officers were thrown thir
ty feet in the air, and seriously and
probably fatally injured.
eir Gov. Wright, of Indiana, in a
speech recently made by him, suggested
that the clergyman throughout the loy
al States take hold and assist every
where- in the - organization of. Upon,
may. Leagues . The suggestion is a good one.
There is no class of men that can do
more than clergymen in behalf of this
patriotic movement, and certainly there
is no grandek work In which they een
engage than in that of saving the Tu
of these States.
or We have not the least idea that
the result of the arrest and trial Of Brig
ham Young, en the charge of polygamy
will amount to anything. Ile is entirely
too sharp to be caught. In the first
place no. jury in Utah 'can be found to
convict him. Beside the Mormons do
not own to polygamy, and they really
have but on4legally married wife: Prhe
other women in the harems, though
known as "spiritual wives," are. nriere
'ennuis, and amenable only to such mun
icipal laws as bear against local immor
1 Gen. Sumner was in hie sixty
seventh year. His family conaieted of
wife who survives him ; four daughters,
Mrs. Jenkins, „ Mrs. Col. Te,O,Mrs.Col,
Long and Mrs. Col. McLean ; and two,
sons, E. V. Stimner, Jr., Major , Gee.
Stoneman's staff, and Samuel Sumner
Captain on hie- father's Staff, b;th of
whom are in the regular army."
ar The following resolutivn was re
cently adopted by, the Legislature of
Obio : "Resolved, That we will have no
dissolution. of the Union ; that we will
have no armistice ; that we canfight as
long as , rebela and traitors can.; that
the war shall go on until law is restored ,
and, we will never despair of the repUb
iiir,By order of the Secretary' of War
the Court Martial in the 'case' - of cor.
D'Utassy has been dissolved. He will
be dismissed, without the usual forms or
the expense of a trial.' The 'charges
against him have been published, and
would show, if proved, that he his been
guilty of a great many serious crimes.
Cr A manufacturer of thread, having
accidentally cut his nose, took one of
his gummed spool labels to close the
cut. On going home, he wondered why
every one laughed at him. Looking in
the glass, he read•on the label that his
nose was "warranted three hundred and
fifty. yards long!" • -
Or' Fred. A: Mitchell, on of the late
gallant General Mitchell, enlisted ,
Washington a few days since as la pri
vate, which fact coming =to the know' ,
edge of the President and Secretary of
War, he was promoted to Seccond%ieu
tenartoy in the 16th IL 8. Infantry.
Gir A hogshead of tobacco was sold
in Newport, Sy, on Saturday, at the
extraordinary price of one hundred and
twenty-five dollars per- one hundred
eir Tbere is a good reason why a lit
tie titan should never marry a boon' ing
widow. .He might be called "the wid
ow's mite." .
ar It is better to be laughed 'at foe,
not - being`bitfried; than to be Unetile'to ,
teea . '
fttle MO yen are.
Short Scraps of News from our Exeium les.
A. house for newsboys is about to be
established in 'tVasbington.
Edmund Rhett, a once noted fire oat.
er, died in South Carolina last month.
The Quakers in Indiana will, it is es
timated, pay $25,000 for commutation.
The New York Express states that
Secretary Chase was offered one hun
dred millions in gold at par by Euro
pean parties.
At the great German fair, at Frank
fort-on-tbs-Maine, to ba opened in May
and to close in July, twenty of our
States will be 'represented, and persua
sions are now addressed to 'the govern
ment to send out the cornm.iasioners in
a national, vessel. • , . , :
-Mr. A. G. Boyd, publisher of the Free
Press newspaper in Hagerstown,' Mary
land, has been arrested by order of Gen
eral Schenck, and sent South, where he
Will no doubt be gobbled - up for the re-
bel army.
Water has been let into the Morris
cannel, New Jersey, preparatory to a
resumption of navigation.
Potatoes are selling iu Atlanta, Geor
gia, for fifteen dollars a bushel. In.
Bangor, Maine, they sell for thirty.five
cents a bushel.
Hon. Henry M. Rice, 'of Minnesota,
whose term of service in the United
States Senate expired with the last Con
gress, has written a letter declining to
be a candidate for Governor of.the State.
Gen. Sigel has withdrawn , b
tion, and his friends apply for a com
mand in texas for him.
A letter from port Royal says the
number of freed slaves in, that depart
ment is nearly seventeen thousand.
The geverument, on Monday, re.
clothed a number of half-clad prisoners,
just arrived in Washington from Rich
mond. 'Before leaving they were strip.
ped of almost all their clothing.
The Wilmington (Ohio) ii;uraal says:
"We are informed that a larger quanti
ty of maple sugar and molasaes has been
masufactared in our county, this season,
than ever before."
So perfect were the Egyptians In the
manufacture of perfumes, that some of
their ancient ointment, preserved in an
alabaster vase in the Museum at Aln_
wick (England), still r etains, a very
powerful odor, though it, .must be be
tween 2,000 and 3,000 years old.
Delaware has repudiated-lotteries. A
bill to legalize a swindle untl4'r that
name was ricently defeated by "a deci
sive majority. It is probable that a
further reform will be made by making
lottery drawing a penal offence.
Both Houses of the Pennsylvania
, -
Legishiture have adopted - a resolUtion
to adjourn edam 15th of April.
sooner the . better. ..It is said - by those
who know, that the present Copper
House is the most corrupt body
that has ever convened at Harrisburg.
Daniel - Dougherty, esq., of Philadel
phiaj.s:ho, a few,years eg o made power
ful and eloquent speeches in Lancaster,
on behalf of, the old Democratic party,
is now in Connecticut ;advocating-the
cause of the Union. Like all true Dem
ocrats be prefers country to party.
Mr. Mason•is still nrgingthe reeogni
tion of the Soutb s and clainiing of the
blockade. The Emancipation Society
of Manchester has sent a protest to
Earl Russel against the course of the
Governdent allowing vessels for the
rebels tolbe fitted out in England.
The deserters report great suffering is
the rebel army, and much disaffection
among the troops. Half a pint of .Hour
an a: quarter of a . pound of meat. con
stitute their daily rations.
It hag: been - ascertained that the chief
mate,of the pirate -Alabama is a native
of Stonington, Connecticut, who was
for seme'yeais connected with a Boston
newspaper office.
The bloc:trade of Giantism wai still
rigidly iinforced. 'Tho Harriet Lane
was still in the harbor, and the report
of her having, been iron cased is.a mere
A. carpet-bag was.seized by a-provost
marshal's officer 'while on' its -way to
Richmond. It was found to, contain
packages addressed to various distin
gakhed individuals in the South• from
Ratimorp Secessionists. Amongst oth
erthings, it contained a splendid pair
of boots for jeff Davie, and two fine lin
en aiglktlowns, elaborately_embroidered
present for Mrs. Jeff Davis, from
861116 61 our feminine. ribels.
- of the military celebrities of Eng
land has died, viz i Sit' James Outran`,
who made his debut as a soldier at Wa
terloo, and will be rerhembared as one
of those able generals who stipprossed
the Sepoy =tiny. He also commanded
the expedition sent agaiust Persia in
1857, bringing it to a successful issue
by two decisive battles; ' •
It is stated that a law will take effect
in the rebel 'States, on the 'lst of. July,
by which their paper currency will be no
fongei receivable .tor public dues, and
must be funded or exchanged for public
bonds: This will open new channels for
Tnrther Ammes; to be absotbed-in Nis&
• .101.
New Goods I •
AV s " o„ h m a e v n of N
l o r o e l c e e n i s and all ved n a aootler
thoroughl es-
Embracing the best styles of
Coating Cloths, Ccvsitneres ,:f Vestings
Youth's Cassimeres
Superior Fancy and other Dress Silks; every
shade of French Merino; plain and wool
DeLaines in colors; beautiful designs of
Mixed Pe Laines, Coburgs, Alpaccus and
Lavellas ; Cloak and Sack Cloths ; Rich and
Grave Colored Balmoral Skirls,
Latest Improved Spring Skirts; Fine, Medium
and Common Shawls, Nubia Scarfs, Son
, tags-and Hoods; Gauntlet% Gloves,
and Hosiery; Muslins, Counter
panes and Tickings; . Checks,
Flannels aud Linens.
Floor amd TAle Oil Cloiks,
Ingrain, Venetian and Rag. Carpet, Wall Pa
per, Linea, Cotton, and Woolen
_Cippet chain.
New Mack eye I in small and
large packages. Al! of 'which
we.are now selling at prices below,the. present
City rates.
sore and Stiff, joints, blistered and inflamed
feet, all these the Soldiers must endure,
Morn as, REMEMBER 'furs, when yotir sons
are grasping their muskets to meet danger,
think what relief a single pot of this A L L
lit/Liwo & Cootario Salve will give 4o the
one you love when far away from home and
friends. It hardens and makes tough the feet
so that they can endure great fatigue. It
soothes and relieves the inflamed and stiffened
joints, leaving them supple, strong sad vigor
oua, while for SABRE CUTS d GUNSHOT
WOURDS it stands unequalled ? removing and
preventing every vestige of inflatnadon and
gently drawing the edges' together, iiquickly
and completely heals the most frightful wound.
You cannot put into the Knapsacks of
yidir husbands and brother", a ;nor°
valuable ormore . necessary :gift
than a supply of this
Extraordinary Military Sak e.
The lonely sentr3r'walking his rounds at
night, exposed to drenching mini and chilled
night air,
is often seized with most VrotErvt
Psins, Cough and suffocating Hoarseness,.
Grst.syrriptoms of quick consumption, but if
supplied with Holloway's Pills and Hello
way's-Ointinerit, all danger is averted, a few
Pills taken night and morning, and the Oint
ment well rubbed twice a day over the throat
and chest will remove the severest pains and
stop the most distressing or dangerous cough.
Therefore we say to the whole Army
gee to your own health, do not trust to the
Army supplies, although most valuable.—
These Pills Ointment have been thorough,
ly tested, they are the only remedies used in
the European Camps and , Barracks, for over
forty :years Doctor Holloway has-supplied all
the Armies in EuroPe, and during the Crimean
Campaign he established a depot at Balaclava,
for the exclusive sale of these Oocat I:emedies.
many a time his Special Agent there has sold
over a ton in weight of 'the Ointment in a sin
gle day. These terrible and fatal enemies of
Dierhea, Dysentery, Scurvy, Sores and Scrofu
ipus-BruptionsOill disappear like a.charrit
fere these Puts and Ointment, and now while
the cry rings throughout the land,
Do not let these brave men perish by diseatie,
place in their hands these Precious• Remedies.
that will enable them to resist the dangerous
exposhre.s, - the' Fevers, the Chills, and the
wounds which they cannot avoid, and what is
more, cannot frequently get succour in the
moment of need,' whereas if our brave men
have, only to putltheir hands into their Knap
sacks and find there a sure, remedy, for all.the
casualties of the battle field. Ho* `many
thousands of livesmould thus be saved who
would otherwise perish before relief could be
IMPORT A SIT CA urrox !--None are genuine
unless the words "Holloway, New York and
London," are disernible as a IVater-mark in
every leaf of the book of directions around
each pot and box • the same may be plainly
seen by holding the leaf to the light. A hand
some reward will be given to any one render
ing such information as may leau to the de
.tecticin of any party-or parties counterfeiting
the medicines or vending the 'same, knowing
them to he spurious.
',„*Sold at the Manufactory of Professor
Hoccow i ty, SO Maiden Lane; New York, and
by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in
Medicine, throughout 'the civiliteeworld, in
boxes at. 25 cents, 62 cents, and Steach.
N.8.-Directions for the guidance of patients
th every disorder are affixed' to - each box.
' There is a considerable saving by taking
the larger sizes. r Dee. 20- ly
Coal -Oil Lamps and Lanterns
eveij patern, suitable for the Parlor, the
oitchen and the Chamber _ ; Ilangingrand Side
Lamps 'for Halls, Churches, Stores and Offices.
Having pUrchased them from the Manufactu
rers in large quantities at the lowest cash rates,
we can sell them much under the usual retail
prices;"altliough every: other " description of
goods are advancing. . .
. =:)(Dclb_tit
f aiala7; - OF 'DENTAL : SURGERY,
F F I CE:—Frontstreet, fourth door from
kyLocuet, over Saylor &. McDonaltl's Book
•Store, Columbia. Entrance between the Drug
and-Book` Store&
Columbia, May 1,-1862.-Iv.
Ready-Made Clothing
J - . DIFFENS'ACH having laid in a very
serviceable stock of strong and well-ntade.
such as Coats, Pants and Vests, which will be
sold at a lower figurethan can -be bought any
where else. Came and bear the prices.
apposite: the Court •Nouse, where he will at
tend' to the practice of his profession in r allite
various branches. [Nov. L,
bnishing: For Boots, Shoes, 'Harness,
Carriages „and Military Leather Work. It
giveatheleathor a polish like patent leather
makes it wafeftproof, does not stain the whit
est article of dress and need mot-be applied of
tener than two or three times a month.
For sale at Dr. Landis' Drug Store.
VY Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey,
Holland Gin, Old Madoria, Lisbon, Sherry and
Port Wines.
Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at the
lowest market prices. Very Fine Brandy at
a very low figure•
J, R. DIFFENBACIL Market-at.
IL C S Celebrated Imperial Ex
- V y tension Steel Spring Skeleton Skirt; with
_.self-adjustible Bustle. The latest and best in
use, just received at
F lif B . A e
and 114/ toldratloasideilifififbeloth- Mc
*7 7 'tbellial'pnieelk t
For Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lum
bago, Stiff Neck and Joints, Sprains,_
Bruises, Cuts and Wounds, Piles,
Headache, and all Rheumatic
and Nervous disorders..
FOR ill id'
_which it IS a speedy and certain
remedy, and never fails. This - Liniment
niptitntred - frbni ttre'recipeof
Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous Ilene setter,
and•has been used infiispractice fortnore thaw
twenty years with the moat astonishing success.
As an Alleviator of Pain, it is unrivaled by
any PreParatimi befoie the public, of'which
the Most slepticat may be convinced by a
single trial. •
This Liniment will cure vapidly and radical
ly, Rheumatic pisorders of every kind ? and in
thousands of Cases where it has been used It
bas never known to fail.
For Neuralgia, it will afford immediate re
lief in every case, however distressing.
It will relieve the worst cases of Headache in
three minutes and is warranted to do it. •
Toothadte Also will it cure instantly
For Nervous Debility and General Lassitude
arisingTrom imprudence or excess, this Lini
ment is a most happy and unfailing reznedy.
Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it
strengthens and revivifies the system, and re
stores it to elasticity and vigor.
For Piles.—As an external remedy, we
claim that it is the best known, and we chal
lenge the world to produce an equal. Every
victim of this distressing complaint should give
it A" trialTftrelt - Wil 1 lint' fill lifib Id nitiedi
ate relief, and - in 'a majority of cases will ef
fect a radical cure.
Quisny and Sore Throat ale sometimes ex
tremely- malignant and dangerous, but a time
ly application of this Linilent will neve fail
to cure:
Sprains are sometimes very obstinate, and
enlargement of the joints is liable to occur if
neglected. The worst case may be conquered
by this Liniment in two or three-days.
Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Soren, Ulcers, Mummy
and Scalds, yield readily to the wonderTul
healing properties of Pa. SWEETS IN FA Witt. £
1-inrst ENT, when used according to directions.
Also, Chilblains Frosted Feet, and fnsed Bites
and stings.
DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut
the Great Natural Bone Setter.
DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut,
is known all o'er the United States.
DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut,
Is the autkor_of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Lini
MENT Cnree Illmoruntidm and never fail.,
le a certain remedy,for
Cures Burns ard - Senlits itrunedistely.
Is the best known remedy for Sprains and
Cures Headache immediately and was iicrcr
known to fail. •
DR. SWEET'S Liniment affords
'immediate relief for Piles, and 'seldom fails to
DR. SWEET'S Inftillible Liniment Cures
Toothache in one minute.
DR. SWEET'S Infallible Linimen: Cures
Cuts anu Waunds imnicthately and 'leaves uu
DP. SWEET'S Infallible Linifiant 13 t!i - .!
beet remedy far'Scires in the mnown world.
DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment has been
used by more than a people, and all
praise it.
DR. SWEET'S Infalligs Liniment taken
internally cures Colic, Cholera; .11orbus and
DR. SWEET'S Infra:We Liniment is truly
""friend in need," and every family should
have it at hand-
DP: SWEET'S I nfall ible" Lininteza is fwr
sale by all Druggists. Price 2.5 and 50 cents.
an.external remedy, ds, without a rival, and
will'alleviate pain more speedily than any oth
er preparation. For all Rheumatic and Nat-
vows Distailers it is truly infallible„ and as a
curative for Sores, WOunds, Sprains, Bruises,
&c., its soothing, healing and powerful stretigh
ening properties, excite. the, just wonder and
tisthhishinciit 'Wi:ilia - vs ever given it a
trial.' Over one thousand certificates of re
markable cures, performed by, it within the
last tvio'Yeirs attest the fact. , '
SES is unrivaled 'by any,:andoin-all Cases of
Lameness, arising from Sprains, Bruises or
Wrentching, its effect is magical and certain.
Harness or Saddle Galls,' .Scratches, Mange,
&c., it will also cure speedily. Spavin and
Ringbone may' be easily prevented and cured
in their incipient stages, but confirmed cases
are beyond the possibility- of a radical , cure.
No case of the kind, however, iv so desperate
or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this
Liniment, and its faithfui application will al
ways remove the Lameness, and enable the
horses to travel with comparative ease:
4 EVERY HORSE OWNER should' !racell -, this remedy' at. hand, for its timely uile at
the first appearance of Lameness will effectu
ally prevent those' formidable • disea"ges, to
which all horses are liable, and which' render
so many otherwise valuable horses needy
SOLDIn fr-Ri=EN.D,
To avoid. impopition, observe the striatures
and likenesses of
" Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment,"
blown in the glass of each bottle, without
which none are genuine.
Norwich, Ccmnoctictzt.
No. 44 Cli ff Street,
-4. " NEW B YORK'.
Sold by all Druggists everywhere:.