DEEIAICHIFL, EditOr &lad Proprietor_ VOL-. NINE. rmizsicED WEEKLY AT ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. PARABLE LN ADVANCE dAPPICE on Front Street, a few doors east VP of Mrs. Plury's Hotel, Marietta, Lancas ter County, Pennsylvania. TERSER, One Dollar a year, payable in ad vance, and if subscriptions he, not paid within six months $1.25 will be charod, but if de layed unth the expiration of the year, $1.50 Will be charged. No subscription received for a less period than six months, and no paper will be Macon tinned until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. A failure to noti fy a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for, will be considered a new engagement. ADVERTISING AATES : One square (12 lines, or km) 150 cents for the first insertion and 2.5 cents for each subsequent insertion. - Pro desaional and Business cards, of six lines or less at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading col emus, five Cads a-line. Marriagesand Deaths, the simple armouncemeut, FREE ; but for any additional lines, five centsa line. A liberal deduCtion made to yearly and half yearly advertisers. JOB PAINTING of every description neatly and expeditiously executed, and at prices to suit the times. A WISE RESOLUTION, She trembles when I meet her, And drops her lids of snow- 7 And in her cheeit the roses Of crimson come and go ; I see her ripe lips quiver, Her eye grow softly dim— I wonder if she loves me 2 Or—if she cafes for hint 2 rve pressed her nand at parting.— Indignant then she seemed; I told her that I loved her— She laughed, and said 4reamed ; She smiled contempt upotismo From her red, haughty lips, And yet the Love-tiglit in tier eye Put hauteur in eeliPien. Ahe chats, coquets, and trifler. 'With him,' and he with her ; And I—meth round a candle— Dare_utter no demur! 1 wonderhow I wonder ! - It We true that worned'aptarta Ate full of all deceptidn, And skllled'in crafty anal What can I do to gain her I Would honor and-renown Ateve her proad heart, if, at he: feet, 1 east the bauble down I I'd dare a thousand-deaths for her,. All blessings sacrifice- . -- If I Mull liesitherieweat voize est What Pee read in her eyes ! Alsisil 'l'm in a triand'ry 1 MaObeli I go and del Flatll I commit fell suicide To prove to her ,I'm true I guess I'll go and ask her, Does she love me 1 And if "No l" hills:NG her lips in answer— Why, let her go! Al io]] Can Love. In one compartment, of the cage in which the animals perform at Van Am burg's beautiful menagerie, is a huge, tawny Asiatic lion. His room-mate is a black female tiger. This tigress is emelt compared to the regal lion, but is highly valued as a zoological curiosity, and the only specimen of the black ti ger in this, country. She was purchased by Mr. Van Amborg two years ago, and has lived with the lion ever since. The attachment• between the two is remark able. When other animals are in the same cage, acd any offered to the little tigress, she runs under the lion, and woe,be to the animal that dares Jo approach her. No matter how hungry be may be, the' liOn'never touches his share of their daily, meal until his little chum has selected her share, and, even this he never entirely consumes until certain that she has had enough. All the animals are as fat as moles ;`. but this black tigress is aldermanic in her pro portions, and no remedy exists for the matter. She has been twice removed from the. lion ; but, until she has return ed, the generous beast would take neith er fuod nor rest, white the frantic man ner in which he 'dashed at the bars was, a sufficient warning that the father de_ tention of the tigress would be a danger ous matter. Should his mate die, the lion would probably pine to death.— Once, when she was taken ativay, a lioness was substituted. The lion instantly fell upon her, and at a single bite, broke her spine and crushed some. of her ribs.— Careful nursing saved her life, and she Is but with her hinder parts immovably paralysed. IN A Frx.—"Did you see a dog pass this way, about an hour, or an hour and a half, or two hours ago?" said a would be wit, to a simple-looking sawney whom he bad met on the road. "Had ho a tail about an inch, or an inch and a half, or two inches long ?" said the other, "becattse i • f be had, I saw him about a mile or a mile and a half, or two miles pp•the road." - ' "Friend," said the qVst; leaving him, I guess yoe're about a foot, or a foot arid a half, or two feet into me." 316tptulteut taus Ib tuzu *urn! ptbao to Volitics, Xiterature, I.gricititure, Reba of the gar, - o:ral ainttiligtatt, FOR GROWN-liF CRILDRIS., Such an snail:Aft, imistling, biisi little 1 woman is 'Mrs: Caller i always b'binl'i9- ing to "Inake'two endd rneet," C:it:never quite able to make them lap, atilte.l4l i 4 sired.' There svere`five - little Carkers ; and always dangled before ' , her . Vision 'a pair of impossible little, shrteX,,or a set of aprons, or a schod-bill. . There were ' , three girls ; and her dresses . and cloaks made over wouldn't do for , all three, even supposing . that' eleihadn,l acquired an excellent habit of making all her clothes do linty foil year or two. .. It wasn't to be thought of that the' neighbor's girls should turn np noses'cif superiority at her three ; , and the con stant occupation of her life was to dove tail new frocks and pieces of waste meat ;''and scrape stockings,. liandker=' chiefs, and such small -fry, out of =the butter. As for the-two boys, they afire too dreadful tar think of. they would wear out their clothes, kick eat their shoes, and, in common with their sis ters, had , voracious appetites, sad , were constantly in.want of , new school hooks, and grew in the most aufeelinE manner; "so that when I think," sighed 'po . or Mrs. Curker, "hen much cloth it will soon take to clothe them ; and how much more expeesive schooling will be come come, and•haw Mr. Curlier must have : a `new,suit, of clothes ; and his salary doesn't increase, of course ; and rents are getting so'hig. l / 2 ,; iiild. living BO * deaT ; nod the girls will soon bo young ladies, and can't hold up Weir heads with other girls, and can't .go out be.eause they won't have clothes, I declare; I'd regularly discouraged." - The consequence of this fretting was to throw Mrs. Carker into a fever, against which she struggled as long as she could, and flier' went' to bed, in a sort of desperate resignation §hei,wai racked with' pain, ' and sick enoui, be unable to move; but net too sick to think; so, lyingt here on her back, she did all the sewing for the coming au.: tumn, in imaginatipn, till .. she wig thor: oughly exhausted; and she reckoned up present (104 and Wants, and tried to subtract them from Mr. Carker's sal ary, and fouad that, instead; the ,salary must- be subtracted ;from them ; and worried herself into an adeitionalWeek of sickness over the' balance ; and then she went on . "to the future that , stared at ; her with immovable, stony countenance, and 'Would answer nothing;.and every day the doctor shook his head, and said, "You must keep your miud per fectly, easy, madam ;" and she groaned in spirit, and begat] figuying up his bill the moment that be 'left- the room. But one day, as she laid there,. she, `heard a great bumming and buzzing up 'in the corner, and, listening, she heard a spider lamenting : "Was there ever such an unfortunate being as I? About three times'a we.ek is my net brushed down, by some intol erable housemaid, or wanton child ;,and each time I have'an ante-room end an inner-room to weave anew. Who knows how long my supply of silk will last.— Perhaps, it will suddenly give out, and 1 shall - wander homeless and helpless about the world—a prey for every bond bird ; a laughing-skopk_, for every fly. A-talking of 'flititi; I have: ba l c * atch at least one. or two to-day. 1 aLt , hungry now, but 'suppaSe that I ahocird fail—suppose I was obliged , to igo all 'day, for instance. How, dreadful ik .would ber Or; worse iet,-suppose` all the flies take warning, p.last, and give spiders' nets a wide berth ;- or sup-• pose that some one,fly beOomei sudden ly inspired,•and gees about Warning, his', brother flies ; holding caucuses on ‘the ceiling, and•deliv'ering stump speeches from the match-bo; or suppose that. the chambermaid sweeps away my tlay of eggs; or suppose that she stionid sweep me away, or 'crush me altogether! Spider nature iaa'eadequate- to the: pa tient contemplation of such'evils. 'Why • , was I ever born ?" The spider ha,d hardly, done, when Mrs. Cakm:heard, a wonderful rustling and sighing . ontAide of her window, and found fhat'it was.ifie old ii/M-tree Ma king a mighty to-do. "Here have I all these branches to cover," said the elm, "and only a month or tw-o in which' to do it; all out of no thing, apparently, it coioei; for who knows what is really the sap or the vi tal force. There isn't' - any particular' reason that I should, leave spring, just because I have always done Suppose' I sheittdn't have 'anjr. sap ; this year. or shouldn't feel any' vivifyihg principle ;or suppose -thitt i. ati:Onldn't' have leaves enough, and ,two or , tbree bratielm -should stick tforlornly out, ex. an, MARIETTA;. PA.,. ,sATTTR-p4AV:I4:I: citing the ridicule of every one that passed by ; or suppoue , a different soft of leaves,should come out r i me,l dm= agiue,my app,earance,transformed:th an ugly poplar ; or suppose some 'one, should.:Put dPwo,l,and- split,•me:up for firewood ; or that the lightning should strike me, and I shOuldstund for years e s . scarred and scathed monument ; oFtbit i'great 'wind should Come, and lay me low Really, life is full of ter rors ;•environed by perils:"`how is it . poisige to maintain composure; in the face of such appalling possibilities 7" Hardly bad the elm finished, when a bird took I,lla:strain : "Well shall.L.ever do I There-is my nest, only baltfinished, and lam afraid to leave it lest some one should destroy it in my abdence. To be sure, it has al ways remained unimpaired, but then no one knowswhat might ,happen Sup pose, beside's, that I caret dad any more sticks,and bits of hair; there-always has bean iiTenty for- alt: but' there are so many - birds, and the "supply "might` short ;Sfor suppose that after- . T have My eggs nicely, laid, coat, some ,one should steal them ? How could, 'Fever slirvive-, such grief I Qr suppose - ,that when they, are just feathered,out,A.should be trap ped—such• things happened—mY, poor young oues would gape,and cry in vain for food ; 'they;svon,id-freeze,to death, or be shaken out of their nests.; or, worse yet, Suppose that in learning to fly one should be dashed to_pleces, and .to. fall a prey to the cat-; _after all -my tronbl.e end one of my poor offspring, for will probably be'foui: Ah, rife, le is a very.' iser - o>ln thing to Then M rs: Carker heard a break talk: ing in this Wise : "What are ymir-tronbles to mine 7-- Noboflyknowsf- what , -I..ripay: be , callua upod.-toieraiarei• noomui kno4iii. how' fa:ii I have to go. ()Net- all!kindscofvroughs and lonesome roads ; through,:a:giorny thicket, perhaps, or 'sullen ravine. , may have to - turn a:mill : wheel ;.a - ad sup pose my power should not be great enough;'or suppOse that I should be , dried up by the slurp:Oarheat ; i or„sup pose that I should lose - .my, way,and' wander intosomelon i thielne,iimi:ass,..and r be heard 'of no more.. Really,' the. most miserable- thing on earth 'ls a brook, that gbes on from day to day, never knoiling-Aere its next - sleptwill eid." - Then a hee came buzzict in', in ter rible pet. "Dear me, dear me ? I am in a such a hurry, and the day is only twelie hours long," said the bee. "Why in the world didnit they make it 'twenty-four ? I have such, work Not lone third, of the honey is made yet, and it is so far from flower to flower, aud•then some flowers give so, little ; and once in in that city. He shortly af,terfell. into a while one of Re is killed; and suppose the hands 'of his, preeeptbFuers, whO , that all this trouble is for nothing,- have retained him eter, since, and who The honey, may be spoiled,; it never has would - not isell'him -at, any' 'price. Fib been but all things are possible ; or the was supposed, to be = about twenty;fiVe hive might tumble, or we May be yob- years °Page when imp'orted"wliich Weald bed. It really is disheartening.: I 'make him sixty.thrie :years bld at• Alie work and hurry with all my niight, present time. don't waste • a moment. tint Hannibal first distinguished liitnsolf• have a moment's peace." at hhe Zoologictillbstitate in , the B&W- There was a great crackling arid rode- eiyl New Yorlt;ibil.B26, when he sai , bd ing, as the, fire commenced. its compli- 'the life of his keeper, Mr. Joseph Mai. aint i ne,N,smiAciat:Girard,. in -Erie "I always try to keep on,a-bright,face connt,y.• , ,A tiger a . ud tigress had but I can't help getting down - some- , escapedfsom- their cage and fastened times. This world is so full of . uricF- upon a lama ; wtich was ,allowed ; ma. tainties, you never know when ce j ld-wii- , wild about ,the -.M • r. Martin 'ter may be thrown 'Tlieb hparipg the poise, entered, the :dpert always afraid to go out, for .fear people ment, syitpout.suspecting R ipe extent. of Mightn't . be able to kindle me again the danger, when . thetiger;,inmediattly and I live in a state of perpetual panic; crouched to-,spring ; -upon him: Martin never knewing;where I may be required wneentiretruntirmed; and illtresistance to burn next,. bused tolbleze on the p'af.: the,! attack: of the =inferiated‘beilst lordiearth, an Considered Myself quite would haie been;usel'ese. :an ..important :member' Of fiecieti , c' but tore Hannibal rushed`fo'rwaid,'seii`Jd his now I am put Rarity in 'the cell'ar—rby• - keeper, and raisingliiin o'f;dinger, 'light hidden under a -bushel; I-never held hiin in safety 'Oritil::aisistatice do try te Asa; bute reri one runs to•pnt tired-and the animals were-secured:- me out;.all ardent aspirations - are - sure ' The admirable disposition exhibited' to be. quenched in the outset. I'am by ~Llannibal in the incidenkjiket,narra::,l sure the-03 , :never.was -anything quite: he - ted,geine n tl ,credjk,with,:the,;publie;. badly used, and.litileappetiteas .1." , - Of koodfetlingepndgenorpus impulse's; Here it, was interrupted bye, piipting-, bat:his subsequent_eonditel„WeAre'llor, press, that began to l roer . ont; ; say, : has !entirely,ldestrpye'cl ''What„ . a slave, am, favoraklefiAncbgqien,,,ani isbowsagardl, drudge, drudge, from; l ed, and nqt:lgithent reason; ace :morose Hew shall i gf4 ;Omagh mitb..the and incorrigible old raseal,-who cerronly mighty mass cf aforlf,llaidi,aß„f2r ; ra l e,.t r -,l , be keptbath' of deeent i bd think or the thousands tthousandepf,;'haviiii by tliWConsfanl'inlSof efiains and copies of paper . o9ly that ). P#°,,.l4o l .Tr.i.fre.6ette' aiplie l atioti Of 665(1 : 1id r puplAhl: and think of all t1,m,c9 1 , 11 % 1 0 9f 1 9 !=ment: ll :;;Hilstiieactisalof copy, and words-- in each 'ol,pr'etu l aqd so numerous that it vroAldbe imposake'' the nrirribSib'firia l fnals isr - 1 to detail them;, within the lim its of .• • •" •. ti • sue in =t'e'ar, itid • maltiply them .631: peTapaper ArtfitifriAilt we will briefly togetheF,••anctthiiii' me 'hew ' er fett-Oft his most violent out., ever to 'Oral stV may .What breaks. nress could: stand'ap ander such unp k i,. In 18,47 New "Kork Was ,the,4'cene .ol . /' railed exertions r - one or his most, violent, burst : l44r fug. " , "Ay, but yon 'Casio Nothing to The menagerie was tip - tarigi in th o. feline, "tolled a bell. "limo 'Ps Is al - t waroholot of toeoll en the banks waTidYing or •getting mariiect• or ther:e is,iV Prei - maethig,llChU . ich, --- o a r fire. , 43 aldrm, ,or. festiva 4 l. ;Ding: 4eing.l it• makes my very, side ache tdthink of, all the, eirlikes'tha't must receive.", - . . "Think of me," said a Sre-enoine jugt the l n, going along, "who, have no rest eithdr night or di • draggedout t a a plafes—half the_ , timeoe iplse.plarrp, I really helie , ve , people give 'their,' chil dren matches, and set tkeir Chimneys on, fire, on puryese to . torment is, really ,astonishing .that some one must be.always upsetting, camphene or kin dling•coals, or blowing sparks into, the gunpowder. My constitution is excel leilt, bat,really it would take .one ofiren to stand what I do ; and th en reflect_ on the nnmher of times that ; I - am called out in a,W'eelf, and. think, of whatthat, will amount to in three or four years,. and of the_haste and,w,ant of considera tidutifitt !which - I rim gulled•ab - ght,•oi , er thesi rstones,e. 7cenfese, . that cannot' helptvembling_ for the. consegnenies.!% ' ..kdoud cis interrupted interestf ing.leenversation, and Mrs: Oarker'e est daughter ca,nie intbAhe, • • "Wtltat- shall do'?" (she said weep: Jng, , ,lll..haveopromised .to , -crotchet this little ,sack for Nellie, and, tont•calcn -•thcre is• ttl'rnile' of worstedin, lyric ounce,' and,•as:thitp Will: ,t , tke4two ounces, it will , require• two' milei of crotchetidg. - What shall I dol. How.can I ever accomplish , two miles ,of crStchethig.' ' .".14 one stitch *at - a time," snid "aridltaie fourrCalaultitioni alone, fool ish - trees, brooks; . and bees; and itTiiplainthe,Wo'rks of man have a day if Which to do'each day's works, - aiid are; plitCed itjtist,ibitieiiiiere` that you 'are' atie tO' fill ; ?dr therels - a God that apportions strengthl and place, . ...*citisstry to All:7, tra bhti r ,' ,„ that liad spoken : "o,o,9fAiee,,o3ivn mouth , slialt,- - thau be judged,l,o . roolioly--earewtekitits; •and cob:10 . 111pin seryant 1" ..) "*. And Mrs. 4.)arlimat , olte i an& found it was itkut , , 4 -- 44 BIOGRATIIrOF Amofig mostAttraptign features of Van Ambung ik,Coa's Menagerie is the celobrafed ,elephant.Baanibal, the Ear= gest animal ever,exhibitOd iu this coati try:or_in: Europe" and as the old fellow has so frequently - furnished newspaper itemizers with material for" spicy para graphs that his name has become fetnil ; iar with alinoit every one, a brief sltetch of his historymay bo , fouud of interest. Hannibal was,brougfit .to this country in 1824 from the East Indies, and, was . rehaseo by a butcher tn New York, whp - exhibited him for a time in a stable ~1~11ShEd,:.P?"l 1114: 3$ .4, 1861 of the cabal, *here the" Cleeeland and Pittsburg freight depot' now "Queen Ann,";airelepli6tine . maid, ffir whom liannibil—haa''fniinell'Ei'iintail attachment, panionship, and i'Enielfdiatify to a Tearftil` State of ltii t d r rage; For tweiVitt ihfdie'd folfd, , aid during that tirrte 'lost 'no three thoiteand patinas in Weight, - 4,israti definitely esiertaibelat by; file scales.- ;He endeauoied -to - drowit sorrows "in 'thellciinibir. 13'61/-"46fuliiiik to drink'Uti legs- the •Wilifir - given irds' stifly infused with d c by which is Wes' iought mor him, only rendered bim tic-in• the. and. ,Hii`,li - separ arde , a ta vorite dog Nvith,whom.he hadibeen,upon ,the, best terms, became the Spocialob, JPCts aniu?° 4 o•-, 4t:44e ym p i t A m -s f his in si!b ordipetlorr ben loaded withchain ; s § and. 60 gtUrkly," _ • .>: • ,,•• +, • S secured thatjt.was thought. imzossilile., for,hitu to, break loose. ,„pay after day, passed awaYwit - 0143 any diminution, or,: ill-temper- upon the beast, until at last „his: unintarpit,ting. suyging,s resulted ko,taarifig away his Cbtst.„, 'enings, and the infuriatedAniipaloyes; •large„in the. buildio,v h .. 'l'.lte lions, tigers, /leopards, and other animals coma:lanced Aashihg against. the sides, of -the ,cages, - while the air resoanded with their cries- :of fright ; .the people by thousunds gat.ll 7 , or6d around the warelipus(t. erroled.witt,t, rides and every description of 6ria4frpis. Illtinnitial roamed through the building', I:tearing down timbera r , saising. his- enor mous bulk upon his: hind' legii:-and bTats .ing the roor•witb' find threat' ening every.niOtrielftlio make a CdfriPlete' Werckiorlhewlioli) striieturel • But the Triatitiget brtheriliiciagetielitid` :Provided .foi Emig'poles 'with strong' fittieVlibolcs the' ds, ` A hrronghi forWird.and inserted in liirllesh on' every-side these' wiere.' attitoikt&to' ropes: and tackle,nianage'cl• b'y Uuldreds ,. :of' men, and finally the. angry monster; ~the - blood- flowing from' his' lacerated -.body in• Adrlients; but 'still 6desPeraelrimitl lirodght aiidzsti • T • ,ap An ren.derg hitn;-Per ec y : Spears d , pi telififtHie Were - then brchight in to , requisitiOnr'andl he. Wis-pbmshed. .until completely exhausted, he then - ari= .mounting in;his usuarlbanner liic com r ,plete intimission and . proMise of better behavior, when he was released, a wiser, and, for'&tithe, a better elephipt, I.lis appetite' retureed, and, a ; very short' sPeee of time he ha'd"'inece:' than Supplied - his oxtilioidinary lost .of, ' r " In 1854, while going`froni,kawtnolret to Fall' Wee. Massachnseits he had a misunderstanding with his ke,ep.en, wliem he corripelled:tp fly for his, life'.,,-. 7 • Finding himself at liberty he stai : ted`cii at a furious pace, attacking every ani mate object that he found in ~his He tbrgs a horse and wagon into the air, air; 's,Maelii 1129 'to egs,, i and' theiEi carried the man glad remains of el . the horse a, thirty feet to a pond; into which _he threwthe lifelegg body, He next, eric.ounterbd anothef horse and ,wagon, ,and! made ,kindling. wood of •the platter, the' horse i3scriping by flight. Coming to a third , wagon- he, smashed up the:Awl:tole .establishinentrq; threw the lorse thirtyleet into':anbad-- joiniug.field, and • then tearing, dow,n ; the: . fence, brought' the, body •ot' the -henget. back • p.m laid it :flown in ithe another!horse and:wag-1 on he demolished the. vehicle , : and- the.. 'horse escaping. with ; the ; fore wheels., purstied . hirn- for aigl4 ing able to . .o.vertake H the, .frightetted, steed. ..1)1 the r*c,e, trgypiud L a.portion. Of the distance at the rate. of a- mile, in three minutes. Fortunately the oc. 'cupants-of :the vehiClei sustained- no very eeriotts injuiries,.and'the p - roprietori of the menagerie effected satisfactory settleinent; -fOr "ilieud'ainagbil Witt? ihe: ,?arties • interested. After kriling . an of a' less 'seliotteelfatactii.,- he - .lhydown exbunstedint the.-bnehi , e; where ?he' was ; •, , fcion after foulitls ant. properly S: en. • 'A few years since; Ilige -the Menag erie was,...p.t. : ,llliWarnsburg„ N. tY,. : 11 . 4n, ,, broke, 99P in s forigua 'St,, duriAg - t4 1 9 FisT4pafsgdhiftkeep,qp. from, the tent, and Aftsr clepaljsji. ba t ik mArago il k , I o nd , sawciust, t . .urue,d 4ttie94oß to 9e L eages of.onimals yhicb he upset right and left, fortunately, how ever, without setting _loose any of the dangerous inhabitants, with the excep ,tiorr , of a hyena 'or two,' which-witrisoOn captured. ikite tthelt eailled s forth ''into the ,strotr i driigginglithi:Chain , aftethini, and trumpetint defiance. The' . bitiza: istt of tbe menagerie followed bim and MEM driffertarMfilrettitiV ' woßlcept_orktil the long , pikes Andlooka of . ttio • y 9, n g 4,niterigaa, 'and dar Company, were ,htotight , upton, tho grctutir. 09, 1 ; 1 :`,M eattomilted and het) ty r ikti btAji urttilrftp,ea' aretel thro urn ar°, l lnd his-' l ,e'VoßDAlNcitilkdo g.tiliiit 110 could nott,nqye..l t Ile then • Oro wrt, which e Tosisnextreilloe d-Atab tre dr PiPPhfor4ft rap' dnced t 0 §Rkrriission,as he: 4ighified by "beggine,piteptisly, i , when.r ,he' iirftS 114 back:to his.. qpart'eni 0 docile es, lamb. ,fig is. last t l pf , ,insabordinatieb , °cow: red Vebttlary;•_l6l3l. cop,tl9aedAvvtitres .weekS. owPfmliJkllPAlktinittliP WaP:tittwu:that.tditay e,ftu - i tifktcl..t r ki*J 1 1 P PPike Cate - o•C these frtiiixips„,aDd magErcl r agaiasS.,its f r anpldts, rt_qt.•°9 o §.Pfluellc. , Yl. titlq oecasioi , boy,as solst i quvely chained.,:epoo dhow Vag, tha,itzroktugs f 'lit at he Was of4ille t t p - ,,tko l any.laisubleh, except tearing., ,tha t tyn stßo4..wititiAlhis'reaoh l and •-•tiirowintr it with grcatyiqlsiecft spross, the 'building, Siace ~then r,114.t„ ; has, cioa,ducteil: It C wt, greatproprietyi,aqd VanAalborg. S fi rOortned. and, 'will hereafter .coadoct ,hiutsoll. 40 2 peaceabfg, I:espectthle, elephant ahould. Btill tl;ey watch, him with the utmost vigilartco; 'and ,keeper always ready : for ltiaiiihsay.93;.lke ~ should mani fest aty.disppsitjoq,tg return to his old diONPuttb.. l 9 tirietst - 494 5 97 1 ? 11 9.tr1YR1in.t.i.1 3 Mil 3 Piesippi, ? 0 1.91 3 ; 1 4 1 41 1 .#,I'PrOSTP4 .0 .awjin the 13141e,4,Y1'fitmr,AiYtWiRtliP4 waS•gteatit swo i llni l ly o u i ,-Eragiet, ILlatea,d, ). ho way. » .er t ,oa n cusvnglita r girected, he atartad on Ja voyage of discoyery,d,own the stream, litnerging suddenly one plantation some 7tweli&inites:beinw wheitl lie entered.— AB - .came astute , ant the .edge of a cotton !field, whernra'laife-riuniber cif ilarkiel were at.Work,:iti'd 'the effect' prOduced :among , theavhitt,hi3 linexpec ted and ter -I.itic:li.ppatiii,iiittitriviray , be , imagined but 'cantratzbe; ii ascii bed; ! The- news spread Aviith,all the exaggernticini W'hidti would - naiurallyu Ile , given': ttt eilditl 411 1 01,0ne, 'with• inciedible inliidltraildbeniniltiW in !a genetalistitimpetie of ttie entitiv!cdlt r ired population of ttho 'county. '- It -iiirleven said by: ifordelhatria - - gOod Miticy 7 of the .darkies,tuirned.wkiite:ivitih4rlght; and as La prOof cif thisbutribeis atilofibibteti out in that re RI: on qv hb lave' not , , Yet' fully regained. tliiiir' nattlialL! h ne'i ..ti• would hardly ,bei fair, low ever; , t.o ! hci I'd Han ni ,bal, reiponsible for': iilll , the doubtful 'shades ,f.d . ,Gmplexioti to :be 'found in rAttat,viciiiity:,..L.: „ , i . s.! (::'a '' , 3.B6o,acrkeeper ivhbvihad taken care "of illannibul.fonmazyyea - raVfeti frOm his '.6t, mear 2 Zitnecttv-ille, , Ohio.-- :Thatimge-sbeasti - iitliteralcitdtitserting ' hitt), Istocidswitteliing , Over his senseless lorm until the itridri of cages'•Utrine up, lindythdo nufferingultirriself-toloWcheined anti:led aria.p-by Idr.-ThemeS, his present *keeper, without making the slight:antis , sistance,, althougl3, (keit keep r, green' well such an atteMpt:. ' „atautlioriti ` onflie r pert o '11;1 r. amps woo bare $ been'resented wto fury. Hannib`al is'tetiaprate; and regalar _in his habit's, sating about,four,hundred • . pounds of hey, and a , couple bushels of oats OPilyktiviti,suCh- of glik• F rAP !) .el4, as the geuerosity ..of visitors may bestow urea, and An acre (mare Or less) of sloven ; by way of idled, when, he ,can get only beverage iSAtter, of Whinilheconsumes ,a couple Of - baerels everyday. His ,weight is probably from 15,000 to 18,- 000 pounds,, T.he last attempt at ; weigh, ing,llim has : made some fty,e years sines, whfilp a hrphst i Aoin Ahe -.scales At. 14,- 000 ppon!ip. i ,Irksonsldgration of the re cent -goOd -conduct of , Hannibal his owners hails had, a= roaffnificent golden fringiid anlemproidered coyering man ufactured for him, at as expense-ofnear ,ty one thousand dollars: As c rel : es in thelluttl of'cagen all'itiepride bf his geir'giieils) at'f rtrel;.ti e ePeCtapor' e'en: not but Idert-fra ttie:tild' fellow is 'fully tsehsible•inrhilii;own triiniPthit he , is the ciaißeete,d with the 'd fa BIM t. l -4-Nette YM*iict. per. • l• • YALuAimitlliftEokirrsf— • Tis 980 if a man le your` Hien ti/—intik's MA) to: his wife. To get -tlie . liost out of"yOur fingers— Tut them inlot *stet.. • • : To see if a girl` is atiiiatiletear her ,dress fa n ball-room. " • - i ro keep -yourself bed—set it on Aie. To see how hard strikea—tell him h&fies ' To have tart for tea —let your wife see you kids the •: - waitii2g , ' , maid - . A sum MI To'peeieritli ties - 1401m Mulct gotta; siober..kes? dnutt.. NO. 36.