DR. lIRTINON 7 S CELEBRATED REMEDIES! FOR DELICATE DISEASES. NO. 1. Tile GREAT REVlVER.—Speedily eradicates all the evil edects of self abuse, as loss of memory, shortness of breath, giddi ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of vie ion, or any constitutional derangement of the system brought on by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price one dollar. No. 2. THE BALM.-Will cure in from two to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoea,(clap)is without taste or smell and requires no restric tion of action or diet; for either sex; price ill. NO. 3. Tan TEREB will cure Gleet in the shortest possible time, and I con show certifi cater of cures elfeclfid by this remedy, when all others have failed. No taste or smell.— Price one dollar. NO. 4. Tos PvtritEa is the only known remedy that will pusitively cure strictures of the urethra, no matter of how longstanding or neglected the case may be. Price one dollar. NO. 5. THE SoLuroa will cure any case of Gravel permanently and speedily remov all diseases from the bladder and kidneys.— Price one dollar. No. 6. Tun PREVENTOR IS a sure proven tion against the contraction of any disease, is lassexpensive and far preferable to anything in use. Adapted to either sex. Price ill. NO 7. THE Asientr will cure the whites radically and in less time than they can be ef fectually removed by any other treatment ; in fact this is the only remedy that wilt really cure this disease ; pleasant to take. Price $l. NO. 8. THE ORIENTAL FASTILS are cer Min, safe and speedy in producing menstrua tion or correcting any irregularities of the monthly periods. Price two dollars. No. 9. THE FEMALE SAFEGUARD, or Off spring Regulator will last a lifetime. Price $6. Either of the Remedies will be sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Circu lars containing valuable information with full description of each ,Remedy, may be obtained by enclosing one poet stamp. dares* DR. FELIX SRUNON, Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. These Remedies are Sold in Marietta only by JOHN, JAY. LIBRART, where circulars con twining a MI description of each case can be slititined gratis, on application. Geiteral Depot, North East Corner of York Avenust and Callowhill street,Philadelphia,Pa. 111-An complicated cases I can be consulted by letter, er peisonally at my office • entrance, No. 401 York Avenue. Ds. F. Bausrorr. August 27, 1869.-Iv. W 1 ANTED. LOCUST?!! LOCUST II Locust Pkas,„from 14 inches to 36 inches long, and ... Ural:fit Timber, all dimension s will be bought or received on commission. If forwarded promptly and largely perma nent arrangements for continued supplies will be made z , Address W. A. LEVERING, Callowhill-BCtWharf, Philadelphia, Pa. CRAPPED Hands, Face Lips, Sunburn &c. Cerfairediul Lamas:4 Cure. liege man & Co. , a Camphor Ice with Glycerine, if used according to the directions, will keep the bands soft is the coldest weather. Price 25 cents. Sold by Druggists. Sent by snail on eceipt of 30 cents. HEGEMAN & CO., Ctkenaiste & Druggists, New York T 0 CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung af fection, and that dread disease, Consumption anzious to make known to his fellow-suf ferers the means of cure. ;To All whe desire it, will send a copy of the . prescripuen used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a SURE cuaz for CON : SUM PT/CellS, ASTHMA, Ilsoweicinsz, &c. The only oject-af the advertiser in sending the , Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread infoiroation which he conceives to be , invaluable, and be hopes every sufferer will A try Ins remedy .asit will cost them nothing, and may prove :a .blessing. ,Parties ar.ishisg , tbe prescription will please •address. EurrAmp A. Wzr.oos, Williamburg, Maga co., N. Y. am] TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES - . SECRETS FBI3ITLLICNI A most valuable and wonderful publication. A work of 400 pages, and 30 colored engravings. DR. HUNTER'S FADE MECUM, An original and proper treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never- Failing Remedies Lor their speedy cure. The practice of Da. HUNTER has long been, Aud still is. unbounded, but at the earnest so licitation of numerous persons, he has been Induced to extend his medical usefulness through the mediutn of his "FADE Mecum." It is a volume that should be in the hands of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for the alleviation of one of the moat awful and destructive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, seetirely enveloped, will be for warded free of postage to any part of the Uni ted States for BO cents in P. 0. stamps, or 3 C3pies for sl. Address, postpaid, Dr. Hunter, No. 3, Division Street, New York. DR. HENRY LANDIS OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity. Can be found at his ()tug Store, formerly Dr. Hinkle's, at all times when not elsewhere professionally engaged. To DIY Farartns : Having been called to a position in the U. S. Navy, I hereby resign my profession tolle care and attention of Dr. Henry Landis, in whom I have every coo- Eidence, having had ample opportunity of as .certaluing his ability to 1111 my place. F. HINKLE, M. D. THE OLATZ FERRY, Formerly Keesey,e. The undersigned having leased the oboes named old established Ferry and Hotel, in Llano Township, York county, opposite the borough of Marietta, where he is prepared to entertain the public at his bar and table. with the best the market affords. He would very respectfully inform the traveling public that having obtained First Class Ferry Boats, and efficient ferrymen, and is 130 W fully prepa red to accommodate persons wishing to cross the Susquehanna with vehicles or otherwise without delay or detention. JOHN NOEL. MEYER'S WORLD'S FAIR PRIZE MEDAL PIANOS Attention is called to the reeen t improvements by which the greatest possible volume of tante has been obtained, without sacrificing any of the well known sweetness of these Instruments. This, with an improved touch and action, ren der these Pianos uneaqualed. The dull and muffled, or metalic and wiry tone is entirely avoided. All Instruments warranted to stand all climates. WABEROOMS, 722 ARCH STREET • FUILADELPIIIA. EDITOR OF "THE MAIETTIAN." Dear Sir:—With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe, with,full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef fectually remove, in 10 days, Pimples, Blotch es, Tan, Freckles, and all Irruptions of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simplo directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than 30 days. All appli cations answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, Taos. J•. CHAPMAN, Chemist, No. 831 Broadway, New York. Mkt. B. REDGRIVE, Commkssion Lumber Merchant, West Palls Avenue, Baltimore, Md. F.SP.teTFULL o &re his services for the flipsale of Lopr9 21 a of every description. From'his knowledge of the business he feels confident of being able to obtain the highest market rates for everything enflusted to biro. it BEANE & ROTH, i t DEALABB IN DNA C i l )teq l St i'atittioel, lead Soaps, Hair , and noth Brushes, Combs, :Tooth Washes and Powders, Hair Dyes, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Whitelead, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, Glass, and everything usually kept in a well regula ted apothecary. A new and fancy lot of COAL OIL Lamps— the finest in the Borough—at prices to suit the times. Lamp Tops attached to old Lamps at short notice. Globes, Wicks, Chimneys, &c., always on hand. A very convenient "HAND LAMP" for Car rying about Me house, just received. A nicely selected lot of all kinds of Station ary, Enveiapes, Pens, Pen-holders, Ink &c., of all grades acd at all prices. An endless variety of Fancy and Toilet ar ticles on hand. Marietta, November 9, 1862. ly R. W. H. BEANE having purchased Dr. West's interest in the West & Roth Drug usiness, an.l having located in the Borough of Meet , for thepractice of his profession, would ri spectfully offer hie professional servi ces to toe public, - - To TEE CITIZENS OF MARIETTA i I take great pleasure in recommending Dr. Wm. H. BEANE as a Physician in whom I have every confidence believing that he will give satis faction to all who may employ him. H. WEST, M. D. Marietta, November 8, 1862. HENRY LANDIS, M. D., Successor to Dr. Franklin Hinkle, Deales in Drugs, Perfumery, Soaps, g-c PR. LANDIS having purchased the entire interest and good will of Dr. F. Hinkle's PA. Store, would take this opportunity to in form The citizens •of Marietta and the public generally, that having just received from Phil adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he will spare no pains to keep constantly on hand the best and most complete assortment of eve rything in the drug line. Kof of Fqt)eij ana lolief consisting in part of German, French and Eng lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other Hair Combs, Hair Oils,Pomades,etc. Port Monies, Pocket Books, Puff and Powder Boxes, 6-e„ 6-e The celebrated Batchelor's HAIR DYE, De Costa's and other Tooth Waahes,lndia Cola gogue, Barry's Tricoperous, for the hair, Bay Rum, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour or Rice, Corn Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent ar ms] for crania dyspepsia and a tonic in Con _umptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk, an excellent preperation for the table ; Table Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of Hael's perfumery,pomades, soaps, &c. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative is now everywhere acknowledged the best. Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. Dr. L. will himself see that every precaution be taken in the compounding of Physician's prescriptions. The Doctor can be professionally consulted at the store when not engaged elsewstere. Marietta, August 24, 1861.-1 Y JOHN ORIILL, PRACTICAL HATTER, N0..92 MARKET STREET,MARIETTA. /FAKES this method of informing his old j_ friends and the public generally, that he has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied by George L. Mackley,) an is now perma nently fixed to prosecute the Ratting business 111 ALL ITS MAAITCIIES. Having just returned from the city where he selected a - large, varied and fashionable assort ment of everything in the HAT AND CAP LINE, and now only asks an examination of his stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. Having also laid in a stock of Ratting materi al, he will be enabled, at short notice, to man ufacture all qualities—from the common Soft, to the most Fashionable Silk Hat. Employing none but the best of workmen, and manufacturing good goods at low prices, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. LP The highest prico paid for Furs,—in trade or cash. CHEAP BEADY-MADE CLOTHING!! Having just teturned from the city with a nicely selected lot of Beady-made Clothing, which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at reduced prices; havinglaid in a general assort ment of men and boys' clothing, which he is deter= Med to sell LOW, Fop CASH. His stock consists of OVER-COATS, DRESS, FROCX AND SACK COATS, PANTS, VT.STS, PEAJACKETS, ROUNDBOUTS, OVERHAULS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, HOISERY, UNDERSHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, 4ke. Everything in the Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at prices to suit the times. JOHN BELL. Corner of Elbow Lane and Market Si next door to Cassel's Store Marietta, October 29.1856. JOHN BELL. Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-st, and Elbow Lane, Marietta ItATEPUL for past favors I would retitle 1 1,3" my thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and inform them that I still continue the old business at the old stand, where I will be pleased to see thern.at all times, and having a lull sod splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIIIIER.ES & VESTIVGS, which will be made up to order at the shortest notice by the best of workmen, and on reasona ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wait upon my old customers and all who see proper to patronize me hereafter. rOct.29-'.56. The Perfection of Mechanism. BSING a hunting and open face, or Lady's or Gentleman's Watch combined. One of the prettiest, most convenient and decided ly the best and cheapest timepiece for general and reliable use, ever offered. It has within it and connected with its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely unnecessary. The cases of this watch are composed of two metals, the outer one being fine l 6 carat gold. It has the improved ruby action lever movement, and is warranted an accurate timepiece. Price, superbly engraved, per case of s half dozen, $264:00. Sample Watches, in neat morocco boxes, for those proposing to buy at wholesale, $36, sent by express, with bill payable on delivery. Soldiers must remit payment in advance, all we cannot collect from those in the army. Address HUBBARD BROS. If. CO., SOLP. /lIPORTERS, Corner Nassau & John streets, Jan'y 2 6t.] New-York. Howard Association, PHILADELPHIA. For the Relief of the Sick and Distressed afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for Me Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL Anvxcr. given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhina, or ceminal Weakness, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies em ployed in the Dispensary ; sent to the afflicted in Sealed letter envelopes, free of charge.— Two er three Stamps for postage will be ac eeplable. _ Address, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 south Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. JAMES N. KING, ATTOTtNEY-AT-LAW. .RE4IO •ED. TO No. 139 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, above, fralttut2.phfla&Wa. • c* - 1;-ra , T11_FA MA.RIETTIA.N.ec-*- THE COLUMBIA INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Columbia, Lancaster County, Pesn'a CHARTER PERPETUAL! Tuts Company continues to insure Buildings, Merchandise, and OMEN property, agains t loss and damage by fire, on the mutual plan. either for a cash premium of premium note. The large and increasing capital of the Com pany, consisting of premium notes given by its members, and based upon 81:A75,789 35 ! INSURED ON THE MUTUAL PLAN, Affords a reliable guarrantee equal to ten times the average loss on the amount insured ; and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as liberally with those who may sustain loss or damage as the case will admit of, consistent with justice to all parties concerned. AnrourrT of PREMIUM NOTES, 0156,620 49, Balance of Cash premiums un expended, January Ist, 1862, $.1,668 57 Cash receipts during the year 7 62,1e5s Agents' commissions, 6,781 47 Cash receipts in January, 1963, 895 80 9,345 84 Losses and expenses paid during the, year 1862, 06,329 73 Balance unexpended, Feb'y 2, 1863, 3,016 11 109;445 84 A. S. GREEN, PRESIDENT, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Secretary. MICHAEL S. SHUMAN, Treasurer. D/BECTORB : Robert T. Ryon, Abraham Bruner, Sr., .Tohn Fendrich, H. G. Minich, Samuel F. Ebeflein, Michael S. Shuman, Ephraim Hershey, Michael H. Moore, George Young, Jr., Nicholas Me Dona ld. Amos S. Green. REFERENCES :—The following persons are all members of this Company: Bainbridge—R.. H Jones, John 11. Smith, Joseph Kurtz. Columbia—Geo. Bog e, Hiram Wilson, F. S, Bletz, Casper Yeager, H. C. Fondersmith, John Shenberger, J. G. Pollock, Frank Shillot, John Gnus, J. J. & P. S. Mc- Tague, Michael S. Shuman, It. Williams, John Cooper, Geo. W. Heise, Washington Righter, Samuel Shoch, Robert Hamilton, Eckert & Myers, Thomas Welsh, Win. A. Martin, Casper Seibert, J. W. Cottrell, Philip Huebner, Ephraim Hershey, Philip Schalek, David Hanauer, John Kramer, Jacob Stacks, Jacob Sturm, Benj. F. Appold, Wm. Whipper, John Q. Denney, John Felix, Silvester, Vogle, Samuel Arms, A. Gray & Co. Bast Hempfield —Simon Minich. .Falmouth—Abraham Col lins, Samuel Horst, Michael Hess, Lancas ter—John Rankin, B. A. Shaeffer, Henry E. Leman, Wm. T. Cooper, John Shaeffer, Geo. Reese. Marietta—Geo. W. Mehaffey, John H. Summy, Frederick Mahling, E. D. Roatb, Calvin A. Schaffner, John Naylor, Samuel Hopkins, Martin Hildebrandt, H. & F. Fletch er. Mount Joy—Jacob Myers, Israel Barn hart, Michael Brandt, John Breneman.— Macherni—John Hosteler J. E. Cross, Stn'L Long, Geo. Weaver, John. M. Dunlap, Jihn Butt, Philip Arnt, Jacob H. Kline, David Fisher. Maytown—Hiram Beatty, George B. Murray, Samuel Pence, Simon F. Albright.— .Pdountville—A. S. Bowers. Manor Township —Jacob B. Shuman, Christian Miller, Julius L. Shuman. Penn Township—Daniel Frey, Henry B. Becker, Henry Neff ' John E. Bren ner. Bapho Township—Christian Greider, Edward Givens, Michael Witman. West Hernpfield Township—H. E. Wolf, B. A. Price, M. A. Reid, J. H. Strickler, Amos S. Bowers, Jacob Hoffman. Warwick Township—Daniel B: Erb. IQ- The Company wish to appoint an Agent for each Township in Lancaster County.— Persons wishing to take the Agency can apply in person or by letter. [rob-3o MARRIAGE. Its Loves and hates, sor rows and angers, hopes and fears, regrets VAIL oys ; Manhood, how lost bow restored; the nature, treatment and radical cure of spermi torthcea or seminal weakness; involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage generally ; nervousness, consump tion, fits, mental and physical incapacity, re sulting rom self abuse—are fully explained in the Marriage Guide, by War. YOUNG, M. D. This most extraordinary book should be in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man or woman who desires to limit the number of their offspring to their circum stances. Every pain, disease and ache inci dental to youth, un.ierity and old age, is fully explained; every pa,..icle- of knowledge that should be known is here given. It is full of engravings. In fact, it discloses secrets that every one should know; still it is a book that must be locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents in specie or postage stamps. Address Dr. War. Youno, No. 416 Spruce Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. Afflicted and Unfortunate, no matter what may he your disease, before you place yourself under the care of any or the notorious Quacks—native or foreign—who advertise in this or apy other .paper, get a copy of Dr. Young's book, and read it carefully. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publication, at his office, No. 416 Seaver. Street, above Fourth . Philadelphia. Office hours from 9 to 3, daily. PRINCE'S Celebrated Protean Fountain Pen. The "Ne Plus Ultra" for writers. Ready at all times and in all places. Pen, Pen-Holder, and Inkstand Combined. NITRITES from six to ten hours with once yy filling. Regulated at pleasure. Very compact, for the desk or pocket. No climate affects the ink contained in the fountain. MT corrodible. All inks used. Just the Pen for all purposes. Testimonials received here in favor of this Pea sufficient to warrant all writers having one. The Pen for Merchants, Bankers, Clerks, Mintst..m. Travelers, Re porters, Schools, and Students. Every church should present QM to their pastor. The flow is perfect. Each Fountain warranted. Pens sent by mai; on receipt.of money. The best Pen, No. 1. $5; N 0.2, $4; No 3, $3.50. T. G. STEARNS, General Agent. May 10-3 ml 335 Broadway, New York ERISMAN'S Saw ldill and Lumber Yard, MARIETTA, PA. CONSTANTLY on hand a full assortment of all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which he re at reasonable p rices . Boards, Plank, Joist, Scantling, Rafters; Laths, Shingles, Pails, ic., 6 , c., 45. c. OAK, PINE 6. HEMLOCK TIMBER All ordersattendedto with dispatch. T. M. ERISMAN. IeITTER'S Celebrated Truss, Surgical Ban (lmes, Shoulder Braces, Instruments for ormitj , &c. These articles are very highly recopimended by Profess sore Pancoast and Gross of the Jefferson Med ical College of Philadelphia, and the under signed knows them to be the best articles, 01 the kind in use. F. Hinkle, M. D. A fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts for Cooking—something very nice. Liquid Rennet for making delicious desserts. Poncine, Honey and oche fine Soaps. Frangipannie ane other Extracts. For sate by Da. H. LANDIS. CHAMPAGNE and other Table Wines, guarranteed to be pure, and sold as low as can be bought in Philadelphia or New-York. H. D. BENJAMIN Picot Building. BANDIES—aII brands—,pirranted genuine. Benfayain PJX/ib of.3 ll°g4‘ d=lnwsii•-.1 • LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA: SOUTH-EAST CORNER Or SEVENTH AND CIIR.STNUT STREETS. New-York City, Brooklyn, Albany, Buffalo, Troy, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago and Saint Louis. Book-Keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Ar rith metic, Commercial Law, Perms, Coue pondence, &c., practically taught. These Colleges being under the same general and local management, and uniting in each the advantages of all, offer greater facilities for imparting instruction than any other similar institutions in the country. A. Scholarship issued by any one is good in all for an unlimited time. The Philadelphia College has been recently-, enlarged and is now the largetit most prosper ous Commercial Institution in the State. Bryant & Strattan's series of Text Books, erabracing Book-Keeping, Commercial Arith metic, and Commercial Law, for sale, and sent by mail. 11 - For full particulars, send far a circular. ADDRESS, STRATTAN, BRYANT 4. CO., Dec. 27.'62-Iyl PHILADELPHIA I\TC> 'T I CUM.. AITHEREAS Bernard O'Bryan, to whom VV was granted, September 18, 1860, a pat ent for the Improved Black hawk Cast Iron Ore Washer, assigned and transferred, for a valuable con sideration, under his hand and seal, the undi vided one half of all his right, title and inter est in the said invention to the undersigned ; and subsequently the said O'Bryan and the undersigned entered into co-partnership for the purpose of manufacturing and selling said Ore Washers. This is to give notice that, the recent acts and conduct of the said O'Bryan being incon sistent with the longer continuance of the said partnership, the same is hereby dissolved ; and that the undersigned will not, from this date, be liable for any debts which the said O'Bryan may contract in the manufacture of said Ore Washers or otherwise. Also, that the said O'Bryan has no authori ty from me, the half owner, to sell any of said Ore Washers for less than $200.00, and all persons purchasing any of said Ore Washers for less than $200.00 are hereby warned that I will look to them for my half of the profit on each machine at the rate of $200.00 each. SAMUEL HOPKINS. Marietta, January 21, 1563.-6 t JACOB A. FfrISNER'S TOBACCO, CIGAR & STAFF STORE, Opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, MARIETTA, PA. fp HE undersigned would rospectfully inform the public that he still continues, at the old stand, corner of Second and Wilnutstreets, directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from Half Spanish up, in prices from $6, $7 $2O to $BO per thousand. TOBACCO.—Natural Leaf, Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci gars manufactured of imported stock. SrXES Ham , SPANISH. Rappee Snuff and all kinds Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs, Fnie:cutipes, Cigar Tubes, 4c. fjan. 30,'5$ A MERICAN HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. Located on Chestnut street, opposite the OLD STATE .EIOT JSE. and in close proximity to the principal Jobbing and importing Houses, flanks, Custom House, and places of amusements. The City Cars can be taken at the door (or within a square) for any depot in the City. The House has been renovated and refitted., and PRICES REDIICED TO $1.50 PER DAY. WYATT & HEIILINGS, Paorairamas. CONSUMPTION, Scrofula, Rheumatism &c. Hegeman's & Co.'s Genuine Cod Liv er Oil has been proved by nearly twenty years, experience the best remedy for Consumption, &c., and while it cures the disease it give' flesh and strength to the patient. See that you get the GENII/NE. Sold by Druggist. gener ally. REG A N CO., Chemists & Druggists, New Yark 0 AVE your Silks, Ribbons, &c. ' &c. Rege man & Co.'s Concentrated Benzine, re moves Paint, Grease Spots, &c., instantly, and cleans mores, Silks, Ribbons. &c., equal to new, without injury to the most delicate color or fabric. Only 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists. . _ _ BEGEMA.N Sr. CO, Chemists & Druggists, New York S HIPPING FURS ! SHIPFIN FURS ! ! FEBRUARY 17, 1563. WE are now paying tho following n Ia n PRICES for Shipp:rig Furs : For Mink, according to size and color, from \ $2.00 to $4.00 For Muskrat, .25M .28 For Red Fox, 1.25 to 1.75 For Grey For, .30 to .50 For Raccoon, .25 to .50 For Opossum, .20 to .40 For Rabbit, :04 For Skunk, (dark,) .2.5 to .50 The above „ prices are subject to the fluctua tions of the Market, but as long as the above figures are advertised, that is what we will give for all good spring skins. SHULTZ & PRO., Hatters, No. 20. N. Queen st., Lancaster. ( Philadelphia 1863 , . - 11863, Philadelphia angukgs. ROWELL 6- BOURKE, CORNER or FOURTH & MARKET-STS., PHILADELPHIA. TT AVE now in stock, Et fine variety of 1 - 11 WALL PAPERS, GOT UP EXPP.ESSLEY FOR TELMA. SPRING TRADE. Window Paper of every grade To which they invite the uneaten of STOREKEEPERS. . In their Retail Department, will be found the choicest styles of the season. • February 15, 1863-3 m. partNETT , S Coeoaine. - A compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, & c., for dressing the Hair. or efficacy and agreeableness, it is without an equal. It prevents the hair from falling off. It promotes its healthy and vigcrousgrowth. It is not greasy or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It softens the hair when hard and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin. It affords the richest lustre. It remains longest in effect. For sale by BEANE & ROTH, Successors to Dr. Grove. WHITE. SWAN HOTEL. FRONT STREET, MAILIETTA. The undersigned having again leased this old and popular hotel, takes this method of in forming his old friends and the publicgfer ally, that nothing shall be spared to keep up the reputation of the house, and make it worthy of the support of the traveling pub lic.. GEO: W. HECYROTHE. ACHOICE Lot of Books for children called indistructable Pleasure Books ; School and other. Books, Stationary, Pens, 'Pen, holders, &c. 3 Ike. • For sale by Dr. Lamy:. pROFES9OR DEGRATFPS ELECTRIC OIL. Wonderful Curea on Man a n d Beast A VALUABLE MEDICINE! IPROPOSE to cure, almost instantaneously, individuals afflicted with Deafness, Head ache, Neuralgia, Chill Fever, Ague, Itheuma• tism, and all Sores and Pains, I propose to check and effectually dissipate more ache and pain, and to accomplish nearer and more perfect equilibrium of all the circula ting fluids in the human system, than cau be effected by any other or all other methods of medical aid in the same space of time, the masses themselves being judges. I do not propose to cure every disease, but all such as are curable by any combination of medical appliances. My Electric Oil operates on chemical and electric principles, and is, therefore, applicable to the cure or natural restoration of any organic derangement, aris ing from an improper circulation of Nervous vital fluid. I want the masses to join in this matter— the well as the sick, because if these things are so, all are alike interested. N. B. Please inform me of any case of fail ure to cure, in from half hour to three weeks, as I wish to cure or charge nothing. The Columbus Sun remark!! : On Saturday, an old gentleman named Win. C. Osborne, well known in our city, who, from rheumatic affections, has not been able to walk or use his hands sufficient to feed himself, for mor then ten years, was brought to Prof. De Grath on the street, where in the presence of &large assemblage of people, he applied De Grath's Electric Oil to one arm and shoulder. He was immediately enabled to raise his hand to his head and scratch it, a thing be said he Ilse not done before in twelve years. The New Hatopshire Patriot says: Durind the present week, no less than six of our friends, who have been induced to try Prof. De Grath's Electric Oil for Rheumatism and Deafness, in consequence of having seen this prearation advertised in our columns, have called upon us to state the result of experi ments. These persons assure us that their Rueumatic pains have been entirely cured by a few applications of De Grath's Electric Oil, and they recommend its use to all who are afflicted with any of the diseases which it is designed to cure. It seems that Rheumatism, Deafness Neu ralhia, Swollen and Stiff' Joints, and other Complaints to which we are all subject, have lost their terrors. Prof. De Grath's Electric Oil is warranted to relieve any case in a short space of time, and with a trilling expense. It always cures Scratches, Sprains, Galls and Splints on horses. PROF. DUMMER DE GRATII, Philadelphia, Pa. s3' None genuine without signature of Prof. C. DE GRATH. Labels signed in writing. Principal Depot No. 217 South Eighth St. Philadelphia. Country dealers and - druggists can be supplied wholesale and retail. Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. Try everything else; give this one 'Ample trial CAI/TIM—Be careful to ask for and get DE Gitsrn's Electric Oil, as worthless imitations abound. There are numerous imitations sprung up on the reputation toy article bas acquired. 1 koe public must beware. They ale worthless. For sale by all dealers and druggists. Prin cipal office 217 South Sth street s Ybila. DR. ENGLISH'S INDIAN YEGET.-I.IILE EIHMENAGOGUE I This Celebrated Female Medicine possesses Virtue unknown of anything else of the kind, and prooving effectual after all others have failed ; it is prepared f.em an -' Indian Herb" peculiar to Northern Mexico, and Texas, and is usedby the Natives in producing the MONTH LY sicxrrEss. It is designed for both wanted and single ladies, and is the very best thing known for the purpose, as it will remove all obstructions after other remedies have been tried in vain. It is a pleasant tea, containing nothing injurious to health, and a cure can be relied upon in all cases. Prolapsus Uteri, or failing el Ina Womb Flouesalbus, or Whites ; Chronic Inflamation, or Ulceration of the Womb; Incidental Hem rage or Flooding ; and disease of the Spine. ICI' Ladies in the early stage of pregnancy are cautioned against the use of this tea, as it will produce miscarriage. Prepared and Sold by DR. G. W. ENGLISH, N 0.728. Rack-sr., PHILADELPHIA. Price $l.OO per package, (with full directions for use) sent by Express or Nail to any address Dr. E. can be consulted in all obstinate Female Complaints, in person or by letter, and will furnish the Gutta-percha Female Syringe—highly recommended by.the Faculty to married ladies for special purposes. Also Radical Cure and other Trusses—lm proved Rotary and Spine Abdominal Support ers—Shoulder Braces—Elastic And Lace Stock ings—Spinal Apparatus, for Weak and Curved- Spine—and Instruments for all Deformities.— A large Stock of the above articles constantly en hand, and will be furnished at lowest rates by sending order with measurement and full particulars. lizr All communications strictly confulen thil. For further particulars please address, DE. G. W. Esousti, 729 RACE -ST. PIIILADELPHIA, PA. Irr• I have no Agents. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, N. E. corner of ith 6. Chestnut Sts. PHILADELPHIA. This Institution, which was established en 1844, and is now consequently in the eight eenth year of its existence, numbers among its graduates, hundreds of the most successful Merchants and Business Men in our Country. The Object of the Institution is solely. to afford ysung men facilities for thorough prepa rations for business. The Branches taught are, Book-keeping, as applicable to the various departments of trade ; Pennmanship, both plain and ornamental ; Commercial Law, Mathematics, Navigation, Mai Engineering, Drawing, Phonography, and Modern Languages. The System of Instruction is peculiar; no classes or set lessons are made a of, but each student is taught individually, so that he may commence at any time, and attend at what ever hours are most convenient. _ . Catalogues are issued annually after the 15th of April, containing names of the students for the year, and full particulars of terms,&c., and may be obtained at any time by adress ing the Principal. In extensive accommodations, wide-spread reputation, and the lengthy experience of the Principal, this Institution offers facilities su perior to any other in the country, for young men wishing to prepare for business, and to obtain a DIPLOKA, which will prove Et recom mendation for them to any Mercantile House. 3r3— Crittenden's Series of Treatises on Book- Keeping, new more widely circulated than any other work on the subject, are for sale at the College. S. 'HODGES CRITTENDEN, Attorney -at-Law, Jan. 18, '62-Iyl PRINCIPAL. ZELL'S COAL YARD. TliE undesrig ned would respectfully inform the' " ', W citizens of Marietta and " - „t: - "' vicinity that he is prepared to deliver Call IM:111-d AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES, VIZ: Baltimore Company, Stove and Egg at $4:50 Do Do Nut, 3:25. Shamokin White Ash, Stove size, 4:50 Do Red Ash-, 4:50 Do No. Four, 3:50 De White Ash Nut, 3:25 Treverton, Egg and Stove size, 4:50 THINS. ZELL, Agt. Marietta, September 6, 1862. J. A. CONG DON, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, Opposite the residence of Col. John W., Ciark Market-st., Marietta, Pa. D RIED FRUIT now selling cheap at DIFFENBACWS. 4-1 *** D R. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE L N hf EN T THE GREAT REMEDY, For Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lwn bago, Stiff Neck and Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Wounds, Filet,. Headache, and all Rheumatic and Nervous disorders. FOR all of which it is a speedy and certain remedy, and never tails. . This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Doctor Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone setter, and has been used in his practice tor more than twenty years with the most astonishing success. As an AReviator of rain, it is unrivaled by any pre ration before the public, of which the moil' 'skeptical may he convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radical ly, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of cases where it has been used it has never ,known to fail. For Neuralgia, it will afford immediate re lief in evert vise, however distreuing. It will relieve the worst cases of Headache in three minutes and is warranted to do it Toothache also will it cure instantly. For Nervous _Debility and General Lastritside arising from imprudence or excess, this Lini ment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revirlifies the system, and re stores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles.—As an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we chal lenge the world to produce stts equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail to afford immedi ate relief, and in a majority of cases will ef fect a radical cure. Quisny and Sore Throat are sometimes ex— tremely malignant and dangerous, but a time. ly application of this Liniment will neve fait to cure. Sprains are sometimes very obstinate, and enlargement of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst case may be conquered by this Liniment in two or Once days. Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Ulcers, Burns and Scalds, yield readily to the wonderful healing proprrties. of Da. SWEETS /:.7 EA LIABLE Lt cress when used according to directions. Also, Chilblains Frosted Fed, and Insect Bites and stings. DE. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut the Great Natural Bone Setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, Is known all over the United States. DE. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, Is the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liui- ment." DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINI— MENT Cures Rheumatism and never fails. DR. SIVEET'SINFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR SWEEPSINFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. DR. SWI.ET•S SANTA LLIBLE LINIM.E Is tho beat known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. DR. SWEET'S - INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Curse Headache•immediately and wag never known to fail. • DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom fails to E 023 DR. SWEET'S . fivlregible Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves LW , /Can SWEETPSWhig Liniment is aft beet remedy for Sores iu the known world. DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment has been. used by more thau.a million people, And ail praise it. DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment taken internally cures Colic, Cholera, Morbun Ran Cholera. DR. SWEETS Infallible Liniment 13 truly a "friend in need," and every family ahould• have it at head. . DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment' is roc sale by all Druggists. Price• 25 and 50 cents. A - FRIEIV - I) IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT as an external remedy, is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any oth er preperation. For all Rheumatic and Ner vous Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, &c., its seething, healing and powerful strengli eningpropertles, excite the just wonder and astonishment of all who have ever given it ie trial. Over one thousand certificates of re markable cures, perforated by it within the last two years, attest the fact. T 0 HORSE OWNERS , DR. SWEET'! INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HOR SES is unrivaled by any, and in all cases of Lameness, arising from Sprains, Bruises or. Wrentching, its effect is magical and certain.. Harness or Saddle Gala, Scratches, Mange, &c., it will also cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may be easily prevented and cured In their incipient stages, but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, however is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful application will al ways remove the Lameness, and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. FEVERY HORSE OWNER should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectu ally prevent those formidable diseases, to which all horses are liable, and which render so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless. DR. SWEET'S 1D1F11„LL1131.33 Is TIIR. SO.LDLER'S FRIEND, AND THOUSANDS HAVE. FOUND IT TRULY A FRIEND IN NEED! CAUTION. To avoid imposition, ohserve the signatures and likenesses of DR. STEPHEN SWEET ON EV EBY LABEL, AND 'ALSO " Stephen Sweets Infallible T.iniment," blown in the glass of each bottle, without which none are genuine. RICHARDSON 4 , CO., SOLE PROP.I4:ETCOBS, Norwich, Connecticut. MORGAN 4r ALLEN, Gaucaat AGENTS, No; 44•C1iff Street, .1414:W- YORK. Sold. by all Dr gifts everywicer . .